AHP Supply Chain Management

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1. For a difficult decision, a qualitative approach is recommended.

Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: False

Incorrect. See section M1.1.

2. An equivalent name for the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is the multifactor
evaluation process (MFEP).

Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: False

Incorrect. See section M1.1.

3. In any pairwise comparison matrix, we place 1s down the diagonal from the
upper left corner to the lower right corner.

Your Answer: True


4. Decision situations where we easily and accurately determine various weighting

factors are excellent candidates for the analytic hierarchy process analysis.

Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: False

Incorrect. See section M1.3.

5. The consistency ratio (CR) is an indicator of the consistency of our judgment.

Your Answer: True


6. is the average value of the consistency vector entries.

Your Answer: True

7. The minimum number of alternatives in any decision process is two.

Your Answer: True


8. In the multifactor evaluation process we always select the alternative that has
the highest weight.

Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: False

Incorrect. Select the alternative with the highest overall rating.

9. A CR < 0.10 would be an indication that there is great inconsistency in our

answer and that we may need to reevaluate our responses

Your Answer: True

Correct Answer: False

Incorrect. See section M1.3.

1. Given the following key factors and their importance weights, determine a
total weighted evaluation for A1.

Key Factor Importance Weights A1 A2 A3

K1 0.1 0.2 0.9 0.7
K2 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4
K3 0.2 0.9 0.6 0.8

Your Answer: 0.69

Correct Answer: 0.76

Incorrect. See section M1.2.

2. Given three alternatives and their total weighted evaluation, which action
should be selected?

Alternative Weighted Average

A 0.4
B 0.4
C 0.9

Your Answer: Alternative A

Correct Answer: Alternative C

Incorrect. See section M1.2.

3. A multifactor evaluation process is preferred to the analytic hierarchy process


Your Answer: there is high confidence in determining factor weights without

pairwise comparisons.


4. Shown below is a pairwise comparison matrix with each number in the matrix
already divided by its respective column total. Determine the evaluation
factors for Component B.

Component B B1 B2 B3
B1 0.69 0.720 0.563
B2 0.23 0.240 0.375
B3 0.07 0.040 0.063

Your Answer:
B1 B2 B3
0.092 0.200 0.706
Correct Answer:
B1 B2 B3
0.658 0.281 0.060

Incorrect. See section M1.3.

5. Three factors are considered for a decision process. It is desired to have
Factor 1 (F1) weighted as 6 times the Factor 2 (F2) weight. F2 should be 3
times the Factor 3 (F3) weight. What importance of weights should be used
for a multifactor evaluation process?

Your Answer: W(F1) = 0.6, W(F2) = 0.3, W(F3) = 0.1

Correct Answer: W(F1) = 18/22, W(F2) = 3/22. W(F3) = 1/22

Incorrect. See section M1.2.

6. Shown below is a consistency vector from an analytic hierarchy process


Compute .


Your Answer:
Not enough information is given to compute .
Correct Answer: approximately 3

Incorrect. There is sufficient information.

7. From an analytic hierarchy process analysis, is computed to be 7.6, n = 4,

RI = 0.58. Compute the consistency index.

Your Answer: 5.2

Correct Answer: 1.2

Incorrect. See section M1.3.

8. From an analytic hierarchy process analysis, is computed to be 3.4, n = 3,

RI = 1.60. Compute the consistency ratio.

Your Answer: 0.036

Correct Answer: 0.125

Incorrect. See section M1.3.

9. The value for λ is _______________ .

Your Answer: the average value of the consistency vector


10. The consistency ratio is ___________________ .

Your Answer: the average value of the consistency vector

Correct Answer: CI/CR

Incorrect. See section M1.3.

1. Match the following:

Option Your Answer: Correct Answer:

1.1 CI A. Indicates consistency

of responses

1.2 Factor A. Indicates consistency E. Indicate preference for a

evaluations of responses particular factor

1.3 A. Indicates consistency C. Average value of the

of responses consistency vector

1.4 AHP A. Indicates consistency D. Pairwise comparisons

of responses

1.5 CR A. Indicates consistency A. Indicates consistency of

of responses responses

2. Match the following:

Option Your Answer: Correct Answer:

2.1 CR A. Relative importance of


2.2 Factor A. Relative importance of A. Relative importance of

weights factors factors

2.3 n A. Relative importance of E. Number of alternatives

2.4 MFEP A. Relative importance of C. Multifactor evaluation
factors process

2.5 Alternative A. Relative importance of D. Lowest level of the decision

factors hierarchy

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