The Impact of Brand Image On Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review
The Impact of Brand Image On Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review
The Impact of Brand Image On Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review
The concept “brand image” has drawn significant attention from academics and practitioners sin-
ce it was put forward, because it played an important role in marketing activities. Although brand
image was recognized as the driving force of brand asset and brand performance, few studies have
elaborated on the relationship between brand image and brand equity. Based on the brand image
theories, this study reviewed extant studies about the impact of brand image on consumer from
perspective of customer equity. It also presented the shortcomings of current research and
pointed out the trends for future study.
Brand Image, Customer Equity, Consumer Behavior
1. Introduction
Brand image is the key driver of brand equity, which refers to consumer’s general perception and feeling about a
brand and has an influence on consumer behavior. For marketers, whatever their companies’ marketing strate-
gies are, the main purpose of their marketing activities is to influence consumers’ perception and attitude toward
a brand, establish the brand image in consumers’ mind, and stimulate consumers’ actual purchasing behavior of
the brand, therefore increasing sales, maximizing the market share and developing brand equity.
Brand equity is the focus of both academics and practitioners; however, there is no paradigm among the brand
equity studies by now. Most studies measure brand equity from perspective of consumer or from the company
itself. On one hand, some researchers believe that consumers’ subjective perception (e.g., attitude, assessment,
satisfaction, etc.) of the brand is the key to brand equity. Although the consumption decision will be influenced
by brand features and attributes, it is determined by consumers’ perception about the brand image in a deeper
sense. Despite the change of consumers’ life style and the way of information processing, brand image remains
How to cite this paper: Zhang, Y. (2015) The Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Behavior: A Literature Review. Open
Journal of Business and Management, 3, 58-62.
Y. Zhang
the dominant impact factor of consumption decisions. On the other hand, some researchers believe that brand
equity should be evaluated in terms of market share, market value and cash flow.
Also, extant studies take financial performance and non-financial performance as the manifestation of brand
equity. Financial performance can be described as brand premium and market share; non-financial performance
refers to the brand awareness, brand reputation, brand loyalty and brand association. Following the brand equity
analysis in the perspective of consumer and perspective of non-financial performance, this study analyzes the
relationship between brand image and brand equity by examining consumers’ attitude and purchase intention.
Noth (1988) [6] The symbolic meaning embedded in the product or service
Meanings and
Sommers (1964) [7] Consumers’perception and recognition of a product’s symbolic attribute
Levy (1973) [8] The symbolic meaning of purchasing the product or service
Martineau (1957) [9] Brand image reflects consumers’characteristics, and they purchase the brand to
express themself
Personification Bettinger (1979) [10] The personification of a product, which can be manifested as “adult” and “children”
Gardner & Levy (1955) [12] Brand image is consisted of consumers’opinion, attitude and emotion toward a
brand, which reflects the cognitive or psychological elements of the brand
Levy (1978) [13] Consumers’overall impression about a brand or product, which includes recognition,
Cognitive or feeling and attitude toward it
psychological elements
Bullmore (1984) [14] Consumers’general perception and opinion of a brand’s total attributes
Kapferer (1994) [15] Consumers’general perception about the brand feature’s association
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consumers’ memories about the brand through marketing campaigns [16]. In this regard, the brand knowledge
should be built and understood before the consumers could respond positively to the branding campaign. If
consumers have knowledge of a brand, the company could spend less on brand extension while achieve higher
sales [17].
Following Keller (1993), Lassar et al. (1995) held the opinion that brand equity came from the customers’
confidence in a brand. The greater the confidence they place in the brand, the more likely they are willing to pay
a high price for it [18]. Specifically, this confidence stems from five important considerations: first, the brand
performs its functions as designed; second, the social image is associated with purchasing or owning the brand;
third, consumers’ recognition and sentimental attachment with brand; fourth, the balance between the brand’s
value and its functionalities; fifth, consumers trust in the brand. Netemeyer et al. (2004) also approved the do-
minant impact of brand equity on customer response toward the branding campaign [19].
With the proliferation of brands in the market, consumers make their purchase decisions largely depending on
the brand image rather than the product itself. Moreover, when the brand image is consistent with the consumers’
self-concept, the consumers would give a preference to it [9]. According to the self-concept theory, one’s self-
concept is a collection of perception about himself that includes elements such as capabilities, characteristics,
shortcomings, appearance and personality [20]. For marketers, examining the consistency between the brand
image and consumers’ self-concept is very important, because consumers might display various self-concepts in
different social context. But whatever the context is, consumers would think better of the brand as long as the
brand image is in line with the their self-concept [21].
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ception now has incorporated emotional branding into it. In the unprecedentedly competitive marketplace, brand
emotion is the bond between the brand and the customer, and the key to expanding the market. Future studies
could explore the relationship between brand image and consumer behavior from a brand new perspec- tive—
brand emotion.
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