Gas Laws and Kinetic Theory

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Introductory Physics I, phy231, Spring 1995, page 11


 The pressure of the atmosphere at sea level is 1.01  105 N=m2.
 Boyle's Law: For a gas at a constant temperature the product of pressure and volume is constant:
PV = constant, or P1V1 = P2V2.
 Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac: For a gas at a constant pressure the volume is proportional to the
temperature: V=T = constant, or V1 =V2 = T1=T2.
Remember: The temperature MUST be in Kelvin!!
 Ideal gas law: PV = nRT , where R = 8:314J=(mol  K ) is the universal gas constant and n
corresponds to the quantity of gas in moles.
 The number of moles is de ned as the ratio of the total mass M of the gas and the Molecular Mass
(in g=mol) of the gas: n = M=MolecularMass. The Molecular mass of a gas is di erent for each
gas. For example: Molecular oxygen (O2) = 32 g=mol, Helium (He) = 4 g=mol etc.
 1 mole of any gas contains the same number of particles.
This number is NA = 6:02  1023Molecules=mol and is called Avogadro's number.
 The temperature of a gas can be related to the internal motion of the molecules.
 The ideal gas approximation yields: PV = 2=3NKE , where KE is the mean kinetic energy of an
individual molecule and N is the total number of molecules in the gas.
 The internal energy U of a gas is de ned as U = NKE and thus PV = 2=3U .
 The relation between the mean kinetic energy and the temperature is given by KE = 3=2kT , where
k = R=NA is the Boltzmann constant: k = 1:3807  10,23J=K .
p q
 The root mean square velocity is the square root of the mean velocity squared: vrms = v2 = 3P=,
where  is the density of the gas.
 vrms can also be expressed as vrms = 3kT=m, where m is the mass of one individual molecule.
 The mass of one molecule can be calculated from Avogadro's number and the Molecular mass of the
gas: m = MolecularMass=NA .
 Other helpful relations: The total mass M of a gas is the product of the Molecular Mass and the
number of moles n: M = MolecularMass  n
The total number of gas molecules in a gas N is the product of the number of moles n and Avogadro's
number NA : N = nNA.
 Barometric formula: The pressure at height h above height zero is given by P = P0 e,mgh=kT .

Introductory Physics I, phy231, Spring 1995, page 12
 A thermodynamic system is any collection of objects considered together. Everything else is consid-
ered the environment.
 0th Law: (Thermal Equilibrium) If two objects are in thermal equilibrium with a third object they
are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.
 The internal energy is de ned as the total energy within the system. If no phase changes are involved
the internal energy is proportional to the temperature of the system.
 1st Law: (Energy Conservation) The change of internal energy U is equal to the heat Q added to
the system minus the work W done by the system: U = Q , W .
 Adiabatic: In an adiabatic process no heat is exchanged with the environment (fast process):
Q = 0 ! U = ,W .
 Isothermal: In an isothermal process the temperature (internal energy) does not change:
U = 0 ! Q = W .
 Isobaric: In an isobaric process the pressure does not change. The work done by the system is then
equal to the product of the pressure times the change of the volume: W = P V .
 In general, the work is equal to the area under the path in the P-V diagram. If a system changes
from P1 and V1 straight to P2 and V2 the work done is W = 1=2(P2 + P1)(V2 , V1).
 Isochoric: In an isochoric process the volume of a system does not change. If the volume is constant
no work is done: W = 0 ! U = Q.
 In a reversible process there is no wasted energy and the system is very nearly in equilibrium at all
 A carnot cycle is an idealized reversible process of an ideal gas between a cold and hot reservoir and
consists of four reversible processes (two adiabatic and two isothermal). Heat QH is taken out of a
hot reservoir and some of this energy is converted to work and the rest is added as heat QC to the
cold reservoir.
 The thermal eciency of a carnot cycle (Heat engine) is given by the ratio of the resulting work by
the heat input: Thermal eciency = W=QH . The work is equal to the heat ow from the hot to the
cold reservoir: W = QH , QC .
 The ratio QC =QH is proportional to the ratio of the temperatures TC =TH (in Kelvin!!) and thus:
Thermal eciency = 1 , TC =TH .
 The coecient of performance (c:p:) of a refrigerator is given by: c:p: = QC =W = TC =(TH , TC ).
The coecient of performance (c:p:) of a heat pump is given by: c:p: = QH =W = TH =(TH , TC ).
 2nd Law: Heat cannot, by itself, pass from a colder to a warmer body.
 The entropy S is de ned as the ratio of absorbed Heat Q divided by the Temperature T in a
reversible process: S = Q=T .


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