The Glitch Script 1

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The glitch


Sat in classroom everyone is chatting away then JEMIMA walks in and
it gets slightly more silent. We get a view of the whole room and
the atmosphere.
MILLIE: (Staring at JEMIMA and getting up her Instagram this is
shown in a BIRDEYEVIEW. She starts looking at her comments and
starts becoming upset about how Jemima has an amazing life. While
shes looking through gets a text message from her mum saying “Im out
for a couple of Days” This makes her even more upset and we see
MILLIES face as she looks very depressed.
DANIELLA: (Very excited about a potential new friend)
She’s so cool I really hope we end up being friends
MILLIE :(Gives evil look at DANIELLA and is very sarcastic)
Yeh same !
(Rolls her eyes then turns away to look inside her bag to grab A
sandwich and realises there’s none there so sits in silent as her
friend eats. MILLIE feels very excluded and left out which is shown
on her face.)
DANIELLA : (Keeps staring at JEMIMA and really wants to be friends
with her, ends up going over to JEMIMA.)
MILLIE : (Upset and looks down on her phone there is a photo of her
JEMIMA : (Starts showing the glitching)
MILLIE : (Keeps looking up at JEMIMA as she sees her start to glitch
which she finds very weird and no one else realises so she feels she
has something against her)
DANIELLA : (Smiling to MILLIE not realising she is upset that her
best friend wants to be friends with the cool new girl)
Bye see you tomorrow !!
MILLIE : ( Angry and sarcastic to DANIELLA)
Bye I can’t wait
DANIELLA: ( Puts her backpack on and walks out)
JEMIMA : (Walks down the stairs and out of the school smiling as
she’s has a good day at school)
MILLIE : (Watches from the top of the stairs ands starts to follow,
her face is very bitter.)
JEMIMA: (Walks down the hill on her own)
The glitch

MILLIE: (Closley follows JEMIMA to the station not moving an eye off
of her)
JEMIMA: (Gets on the train and sits down)
MILLIE: (Sits down 2 rows behind and keeps staring at JEMIMA)
JEMIMA: (She looks at her time and its now a lot later she starts to
walk home but she can hear something which she is a bit worried
about so keeps looking around)
MILLIE: (Following and keeps on looking at her phone with the screen
saver of her and DANIELLA as she keeps getting annoyed about their
relationship. She then decides to text JEMIMA from an unknown number
JEMIMA: (Starts to breath heavily and walks faster)
Arrive at the house JEMIMA goes and starts getting on with her day
top day life as the camera follows her. MILLIE continues to follow
as we see her start to put on gloves and lay down newspaper.
JEMIMA: (Looks very vulnerable sat on the sofa not realising someone
is watching her. She then goes to the mirror and starts to brush her
MILLIE: ( Takes the knife from the table and hides she then creeps
up behind JEMIMA and she tries to stab her.)
JEMIMA: (Glitches and ends up behind MILLIE and stabs her.)
The glitch

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