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VOL. XLIV NO. 24 PAGES 56 NEW DELHI 14 - 20 SEPTEMBER 2019 `12.00


Dr. S.P. Sharma & Ms. Kritika tax, right from manufacturer to
Bhasin consumer. Implementation of GST was

O n 1st July 2019, the GST (Goods a historic move and it complemented
and Services Tax) completed its India's move towards the fastest
successful two years. During these two growing economy in the world.
years, 36 GST Council meetings took Implementation of GST rusted in
place aimed at recommending Union increase in the government revenue vis-
and State government on various a-vis better tax compliance and reduced
necessary amendments to GST tax evasion, enabling greater control
framework to make it simpler and and facilitating efficient monitoring than
efficient and it is still a "work in the traditional taxation system. From the
progress". consumer point of view, the biggest
Amid the global economic slowdown, advantages are in the terms of reduction
India has established an attractive in the overall tax burden on goods, free
position in the world ecosystem. India movement of goods from one state to
has been among the fastest growing another without stopping at state
economies in the recent years and Bharat, 12 Mantra Package for MSMEs, Implementation GST has made India borders for hours for payment of state
according to IMF, India has lucrative among others. GST (Goods and attractive across the world and has tax or entry tax and reduction in
growth path ahead. This has been Services Tax) is another such reform created a common market for more than paperwork to a large extent.
supported by India's progressive growth and could be called the biggest tax 133 crore people. GST was At the time of implementation of GST,
targets and the plethora of strategic reform in the history of India, implemented on 1st July 2017, with tax significant percentage of goods and
reforms undertaken by the government, implemented with the unique ambition slabs of 0%, 0.25%, 3%, 5%, 12%, 18% services came under the ambit of
such as Make in India, Digital India, Jan to bring the entire nation under the and 28%. Many indirect taxes on goods highest tax slab of 28%. However,
Dhan Yojana, Start-up India, Ayushman ambit of 'One Nation, One Tax' regime. and services were merged into a single
Continued on page 3

Delhi District Courts requires
771 Sr. Personal Assistant, ON ETHICS AND ESSAY PAPERS
Personal Assistant, Jr.
Judicial Assistant & Data S.B. Singh the essay paper, for example can
fetch 150-160 marks, which is not

Entry Operators or an exam with such a vast,
possible in other GS papers. The
Last Date: 6.10.2019 unfathomable GS syllabus,
same can be said about the
Page : 24 the mains preparation must be
ethics paper also. Therefore, a
built on a sound strategy. Equal
REC command over all the papers i.e.
wise choice is to focus on these
Railway Recruitment Cell, the optional paper and all the two papers while ensuring good
New Delhi requires 118 four GS papers is extremely preparations in other papers as
Multi Tasking Staff well.
difficult. Therefore, it is prudent to
Last Date: 15.10.2019 be selective in choosing the
The ethics paper, introduced
Page : 44-45 papers where one can secure
just a few years ago in the mains
some lead in scoring marks. This
TMC is to say that, one must excel in the syllabus set out in these This poses problems of a
exam is intended to test the
Tata Memorial Centre invites some of the papers while moral, rational dimensions of
papers, its not so difficult to structured, well defined your knowledge which remain
applications for various posts managing at least average prepare on the areas that preparation of these two papers. untested in other GS papers
Last Date: 20.9.2019 performance in other papers. comprise these papers. In other But at the same time, this which are information based. The
Page : 38-40 This is a well acknowledged, words, in GS I, II and III, the difficulty offers a big opportunity entire paper, however, doesn't
time tested strategy which has
MAITREYI COLLEGE been attested to even by the IAS
syllabus is well known to all in its also. If everybody is struggling to consist of ethical issues only,
static as well as dynamic aspects, manage essay and ethics due to there are governance issues as
Maitreyi College, New Delhi toppers, One has to focus on
making the task relatively easier. its fluid nature, you can gain well. As already stated, the
requires 71 Assistant those papers where there is a
But this is not so in case of the advantages in scoring higher ethics syllabus is just indicative.
Professors bigger comparative advantage Ethics and Essay papers. These marks in these papers if you One has to create a syllabus and
Last Date: 27.9.2019 vis-a vis other competitors. In GS two papers don't have a definite have chosen the right path to boundary for this paper by
Page : 43 paper I , II and III, the difference
syllabus. While essay has no prepare these two subjects. The reflecting on the kind of questions
Follow us @Employ_News of marks among the aspirants syllabus at all, the ethics syllabus, variation of marks in these two that are being asked. Ethics
who are in race, is not very wide. at best is indicative and subjects is more than other GS
facebook page Given the well known nature of
illustrative and not substantial. subjects. A sound preparation of Continued on page 54
2 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 14 - 20 September 2019


Mohit Mishra to appear after the age of 45

A recent National Family years, but it can affect children

Health Survey has and teens also. The condition
revealed that 1 in 10 women arises when individuals have
and 1 in 7 men of age 15-49 excess weight, do not do much
are hypertensive. According to physical activity, have high
World Health Organization, blood pressure or have a
India has the highest number family history of type 2
of diabetics at 5.08 crores. 2.5 diabetes. The major symptoms
crore Indians suffer from of the disease are weight loss,
cardiovascular diseases which despite increased appetite and
amount to 60% of the global hunger, extreme thirst and dry
figure. A latest research 'Body mouth, frequent urination and
Burden: Lifestyle Diseases' on urinary tract infections, fatigue,
the state of India's health has blurred vision, slow healing of
claimed thatover 61 per cent of cuts or wounds, numbness or
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressing the gathering at the launch of ‘Fit India tingling in hands and feet, itchy
all deaths in India are due to
Movement’ on the occasion of the National Sports Day at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, New
lifestyle or non-communicable skin. Diabetes is a growing
Delhi on August 29, 2019.
diseases (NCDs). Though challenge in India with
India has improved its ranking the age of 18 suffers from diseases that can have near and weight. A BMI between 25 estimated 8.7% diabetic
on a global healthcare access various kinds of mental life-threatening consequences. and 29.9 indicates that a population in the age group of
and quality (HAQ) index from illnesses. Unhealthy diet, high These diseases include person is carrying excess 20 and 70 years is driven by a
153 in 1990 to 145 in 2016, blood pressure, high blood atherosclerosis, heart disease, weight. A BMI of 30 or over combination of factors - rapid
however, it still ranks behind sugar, high cholesterol, and stroke, obesity, type 2 suggests that a person may urbanization, sedentary
Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Brazil, overweight together contribute diabetes, and diseases have obesity. Usually, obesity lifestyles, unhealthy diets,
Russia and South Africa and about a quarter of the total associated with smoking and results from a combination of tobacco use, and increasing
well below the global average. disease burden in India alcohol and drug abuse. The inherited factors, combined life expectancy. Much of the
At a time when the global HAQ presently, as compared with a young generation is getting with the environment and diabetes burden can be
index average is 54.4, India's little over a tenth of the total more and more trapped with personal diet and exercise prevented or delayed by
scored 41.2 (2016). This was disease burden in 1990; these these non-communicable choices.A diet that's high in behavioural changes favouring
24.7 in 1990. The HAQ index are linked to lifestyle choices diseases because of unhealthy calories, lacking in fruits and a healthy diet and regular
was created on a study titled and hence are termed as and inappropriate life style. vegetables, full of fast food, physical activity.
Global Burden of Disease. The lifestyle diseases. Increasing job requirements, and laden with high-calorie Cardiovascular diseases:
number of overweight and Lifestyle Diseases sedentary lifestyle and beverages and oversized Cardiovascular diseases are a
obese people in India has Lifestyle diseases are competitive living are making portions contributes to weight collective of various kinds of
doubled between 2005 and ailments that are primarily people prey to non- gain. There are foods that tend heart ailments, stroke and
2015. Among individuals aged based on the day to day habits communicable diseases. to increase the risk of weight diseases of blood vessels
between 15-49 years, 20.7 per of people. Habits that detract People who eat a high calorie gain like fast foods, fried foods, nourishing the limbs. Of them,
cent of women and 18.6 per people from activity and push diet without adequate exercise such as french fries, fatty and coronary artery disease, also
cent of men have been found them towards a sedentary are in greater danger of processed meats, many dairy called ischemic heart disease-
to be overweight or routine can cause a number of lifestyle disorders. There is a products, foods with added symptomised by the hardening
obese.More than 10 per cent of health issues that can lead to drastic increase in the sugar, such as baked goods, of arteries-and strokes account
the country's population over chronic non-communic-able incidence of long term and ready-made breakfast cereals, for most deaths. Coronary
chronic diseases. Though the and cookies foods containing artery disease (CAD), is a
CENTRAL ELECTRONICS improvement in medical hidden sugars, such as condition in which cholestrol,
facilities, healthcare system, ketchup and many other calcium, and other fats
LIMITED and sanitation have reduced canned and packaged food accumulate in the arteries that
(A Govt. of India Enterprise, under the incidence of communicable items, sweetened juices, supply blood to the heart.
Ministry of Science & Technology) and vector borne diseases like sodas, and alcoholic drinks. Certain risk factors increase
malaria and cholera, but The sedentary lifestyle, stress, the chances of developing
Job and Business oriented lifestyle diseases are on the lack of sleep, microbiome and heart disease. More common
course on rise both in urban and rural lack of awareness are other heart disease risk factors
SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC areas. These non- factors that contribute to include High cholesterol,
One month Professional course on SPV communicable diseases, Obesity. It is estimated that Diabetes, Heart disease in a
chiefly cardiovascular diseases India will have over 1.7 crore close blood relative, Obesity,
(including heart disease and obese children by 2025 and High blood pressure and
stroke), diabetes, cancer and stand second among 184 Smoking. The factors and
Eligibility : Diploma in Engineering/BE/ B.Tech in chronic respiratory diseases countries where the number of choices that increase the risk
any stream OR B.Sc./M.Sc (With Maths) are diseases of long duration obese children are concerned. of heart disease include:
and generally slow in Type II diabetes: Type 2 Eating a diet high in fat, Being
For More details please visit CEL website
progression. They are the diabetes is the most common impatient, aggressive, and/or
www.celindia.co.in. For any query please contact
major cause of adult mortality form of diabetes. It happens competitive, Being physically
the course coordinator on e-mail ID and illness worldwide. when blood sugar levels rise inactive or Experiencing
[email protected]; or Mobile No. Some of the most common due to problems with the use or emotional distress. Some of
7982815554,9582913131. type of lifestyle diseases are production of insulin. The the symptoms of heart disease
Note : After successful completion of course the the following: condition arises when the may include: Jaw pain, Chest
best performer(s) may also be considered for Obesity: It is a disease that insulin pancreas makes can't pain, Back pain (typically left-
involves an excess amount of work properly, or the pancreas sided), Abdominal pain,
engagement as Trainee for a period of one year on
body fat. Body mass index can't make enough insulin. Lightheadedness and
stipend basis in CEL.
(BMI) is a tool that doctors use Insulin is a hormone that Shortness of breath. A recent
Important Dates : to assess if a person is at an regulates the movement of study has revealed that
Last date of online application is 20.09.2019; appropriate weight for their blood glucose, or sugar, into Cardiac ailments killed more
Course will start on 03.10.2019. age, sex, and height. The cells, which use it as energy. Indians in 2016 (28%) than any
EN 24/8 measurement combines height Type 2 diabetes is more likely Continued on page 4
54 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 14 - 20 September 2019
Every year, questions are being a rational manner and based on certain goes forward in a systematic manner. It
Continued from page 1 asked on one or more of these applied moral, ethical principles. A case study should not be randomly arranged.
aspects. While preparing on these must be written keeping the following Besides, each paragraph should deal
requires reflection on affairs which we applied aspects, one must acquire a elements in mind. www.Jobriya.com with just one part of the theme. It should
witness on day to day basis. Observing working definition of the terms , and 1. The issues that need to be resolved focus on one aspect of the topic instead
those affairs with an ethical perspective quote current examples in the answer. in the given case study of too many. Quotations, anecdotes
can provide vital inputs to the syllabus. To cite an example, in business ethics, 2. Whether the issue has only a legal should be written if the context justifies
To cite an example, if we observe why one must cite Gandhi's views and then angle, or it has moral, ethical them. An essay is a continuous flow of
many laws have lower compliance rate give examples like the Nirav Modi, Vijay dimensions also ones' thought process. Therefore, no
in India, we must dwell on the issue of Mallya, Satyam computer episodes, 3. Whether consultation with other sub headings should be given. Just
compliance beyond the provisions of which are all ethical failures in business colleagues, seniors, agencies are change of paragraphs will do. Secondly,
the law. It is the internalisation of the models. Similarly, in medical ethics, one required to solve the issue use of charts, diagrams should be
value behind the law that brings greater must quote the unethical practices like 4. The solution provided should be avoided as it does not fit in well with the
compliance, not the law itself. Since we unrequired investigations, diagnosis, practical, workable and not scheme of essay writing. Thirdly,
have not internalised the values behind, treatment etc. Also, examples like the theoretical and complex underlining of sentences, words should
say, dowry law, it is not complied with Johnson & Johnson Hip transplant 5. One should only solve the given also be minimised, or still better,
by society. Similarly, one has to find a controversy must be given. This makes case and not offer comments on avoided, because this may distract the
nexus between policy and attitude. your answer look close to reality. In future solutions and policies unless examiner and possibly, irritate him too.
Govt policies on prohibition can not corporate ethics, CSR, TBL (triple they are specifically asked in the Finally, there is no necessity to defend
be successful unless, there is an bottom line) concepts must be case study the stand taken in the essay topic, one
attitudinal change in society on this emphasized and they must be linked 6. The solution must be in larger public can take an opposite view also,
social and health issue. Another with Gandhi's concept of trusteeship. interest provided one can defend ones'
example is corruption in India. Despite Like this, in every applied aspect, one The use of charts, diagrams should arguments coherently. Alternatively,
having a slew of laws, corruption should co-relate issues as given in be, as far as possible, avoided. Though one can also take the middle path,
remains embedded in our country these examples. the word limit for each case study is 250 taking both view points on a given
because of a tolerant social attitude On human values and the role of words, It would be better to confine it to topic.
towards it. Therefore, there is a need family, society and educational 200 words. Or else, it will be difficult to Suggested readings on Ethics
to transform peoples' attitude on institutions in imparting these values, complete the entire paper in just three 1. Websites: BBC Ethics, Markula
corruption beginning early in life, one must take into account the views of hours. No penalty shall accrue due to centre for applied ethics, internet
through education and socialisation Dalai Lama, Pope Francis, writing them in under 200 words encyclopedia of philosophy,
process, to beat down corruption. Laws Vivekananda, Abdul Kalam etc. because the word limit is only Stanford encyclopedia of
alone can not root out corruption. If There is also a topic on moral indicative, not mandatory. philosophy.
this format is followed , it gets easier to thinkers from India and abroad. I would Needless to say, ethics is a subject 2. Books:
attempt questions on ethics in the suggest to cover the following loaded with specific terms. One must a. Nadkarni: Ethics for our Times: A
expected manner. thinkers. use these terms extensively in the Gandhian perspective
Explaining Ethics Syllabus: In all, Indian thinkers: Buddha, Mahavira, answer. Terms like accountability, b. Peter Singer: Ethics
there are seven chapters in this paper. Kabir, Guru Nanak, Kautilya, Gandhi, responsibility, public trust, c. Peter Singer: Ethics in a real world
It is extremely important to make sense Ambedkar, Vivekananda, Tagore, Sri transparency, probity , integrity etc. d. Routledge companion of ethics
of the syllabus in terms of its scope, Aurobindo. In addition, one must also must be used in the answers E. ARC II: Ethics in Governance: 4th
coverage and question patterns. The know about the makers of modern India appropriately. Report
first chapter is the core of this paper like, Patel, Nehru, Sreedharan, ESSAY (The list is indicative only)
which requires basic knowledge of the Verghese Kurien. The essay paper , unlike the GS (S.B. Singh is an academician, IAS
fundamentals of ethics. A general back Foreign thinkers: Aristotle, Plato, papers, seeks to assess the flow of mentor and trainer. He can be
ground of ethics in its historical Mill, Bentham, Rawls, Kant, ideas on a given topic in an unrestricted reached on his email:
perspective, its interface with human Confucious. manner. In other words, the entire sb_singh2003@ yahoo.com)
lives, i.e. how it has a close relationship There are two chapters relating to thought process, inner feelings, Views expressed are personal.
with our conduct and behaviour based social psychology viz; Emotional (Image Courtesy : Google)
intuitions, must be reflected in the
on certain standard norms, should be
intelligence and attitudes, social essay writing. It should not be just
the starting point in this chapter. Then,
influence and persuasion. Their loaded with information on the topic, but
the essence of ethics, its various
definitional parts can be covered also with views and counterviews. The
dimensions, and its determinants are to
through a close reading of the NCERT language, expressions used in the
be covered in such a way that one
psychology books of 11th, 12th essay answer must be forceful,
acquires the true significance of ethics,
standard. But one has to further build dramatic, in order to make a strong
as also , its social, professional,
upon these topics by relating them to presentation of ones' viewpoint. In an
personal, economic, environmental
their role in administration. One should essay, all dimensions must be laid bare.
dimensions. Determinants of ethics like
probe their role in administration i.e. For example, if one is writing an essay
religion, customs, law, social values,
how attitudes, emotional intelligence on women empowerment, its social,
which are responsible for making
can determine responsiveness in economic, political dimensions must be
ethics what it is, must be studied briefly.
Next, a lot of stress should be given on
administration. There are two separate treated substantially. www.Jobriya.com
chapters in the ethics syllabus which An essay has three parts, viz;
applied ethics which is also known as
broadly deal with ethical issues in public introduction, main body, and
practical ethics. The following aspects
services. While one requires conclusion. The introduction is the most
of applied ethics deserve careful
preparation. acquaintance with terms like, probity, important part of an essay because it
1. Environmental ethics integrity, accountability etc. in gives a clue to what you are going to DISCLAIMER
2. Bioethics- abortion, surrogacy, governance, the other takes up real say in the next paragraphs and what The views expressed by the authors in
euthanasia, reproductive issues like RTI, corruption, utilisation of stand you have taken on the topic. the articles published in the
technology, human cloning, public funds, citizens' charter, delivery An ideal essay should consist of Employment News are their own. They
cryonics of services etc. For these, reference 1000-1200 words. The introductory do not necessarily reflect the views of
3. Medical ethics must be made to ARC II Report no. 4 paragraph should consist of 175-200 the government or the organisations
4. Media ethics on "Ethics in Governance". words. The main body should comprise they work for. The contents of the
5. Business ethics The most troubling part of the ethics 5-6 paragraphs, each of 150- 160 advertisements published in the
Employment News belong to the
6. Corporate ethics syllabus, is the case study section. In words. The conclusion should be
organisation or their representatives.
7. Animal ethics all, six case studies are given in section slightly shorter than the introduction,
The Employment News is in no way
8. Sports ethics B of the ethics question paper. The say, 150 words. In the main body, each responsible for any liability arising out
9. Ethics of artificial intelligence purpose of case study is to test paragraph should be arranged in such a of the contents/text of these
10. Law and ethics problem solving ability of a candidate in manner that the theme of your topic advertisements.
Employment News 14 - 20 September 2019 www.employmentnews.gov.in 55

News Digest
NATIONAL „ India has announced a line of credit worth one Billion US dollars for the development
„ President Ram Nath of the Far East region of Russia. This will be a take off point for India's Act Far East
Kovind has conferred the Policy, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said during his two-day visit to Russia. During
Swachh Bharat Awards his tour to Vladivostok, Far East region of Russia, Prime Minister Modi attended the
in various categories for 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF), India-Russia Annual Summit and held bilater-
outstanding contribution al meetings with several world leaders including his Japanese and Malaysian coun-
to Swachh Bharat terparts and Mangolian President. Mr Modi expressed hope that with the start of
Mission. Vaishno Devi
proposed Vladivostok-Chennai sea route, the relation between India and Russia will
Shrine Board in Jammu
be further strengthened. During his meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
and Kashmir received
Mohammad, Mr Modi raised the issue of extradition of Zakir Naik and asserted that
the Best Swachh Iconic
the Indian officials will continue to hold deliberations with Malaysia in this regard.
Place award. Ministry of
„ The United States has imposed sanctions on a shipping network, it said was run by
Railways was given Swachh Award in the category of Swachhta Action Plan.
Iran's Revolutionary Guards. The US blammed that shipping network sold millions
Swachhta Pakhwada Award was given to the Department of Defence. Power Grid
of barrels of oil to benefit Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The sanctions on 16
Corporation received the award in the category of Public Sector Undertakings.
Gujarat and Sikkim were given award for ODF and Behavior Change. Speaking on entities, 10 people and 11 vessels by US were announced just as Iran was threat-

the occasion, the President said cleanliness is also an essential condition for the ening to cut further its commitments under a nuclear deal unless the United States
success of 'Jal Jeevan Mission' launched by the government this year. eases its pressure. www.Jobriya.com
„ Union Minister for the Development of „ Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission (BTRC) has directed mobile phone
North East Region (DoNER) Dr. Jiten- operators to halt sale of SIM cards to Rohingyas and ensure that mobile phone use
dra Singh has said that the Centre has by them is stopped. Following the directive, the mobile operators are reported to
no plan to scrap Article 371. Talking to have weakened their networks in the border areas including Cox Bazar and Ban-
newspersons in Guwahati, Dr. Singh darban. Bangladesh government had imposed a ban on the sale of mobile SIM
made it clear that though the issue is cards to Rohingyas in September 2017 citing security reasons. The government had
being raised in North East, Article 371 proposed to set up phone booths in the Rohingya camps to meet their communica-
will not be scrapped. tion requirements. However, the sale of SIM cards to Rohingya refugees continued
„ Former Finance Minister P Chidambaram has been sent to Tihar Jail by a Special illegally.
CBI court in Delhi in connection with the INX Media corruption case. Special Judge
Ajay Kumar Kuhar sent him to 14-day judicial custody till the 19th of September. P
„ Finance Minister
Chidambaram was produced before the Delhi Court on 05 September after the
Nirmala Sitharaman has
expiry of his 15-day CBI custody, ordered by the special court in five spells, which
categorically said the
started after his arrest on 21st of August. The CBI had registered an FIR against him
proposed merger of
in May 2017 for alleged irregularities in the Foreign Investment Promotion Board
banks would not lead to
clearance granted to the INX Media group for receiving overseas funds of 305 crore
any job losses. Talking
rupees in 2007 during his tenure as Finance Minister. After that, the Enforcement
to reporters she said not
Directorate lodged a money laundering case in this regard in 2017.
even a single employee
„ More than six thousand railway stations
would be removed fol-
will be equipped with free Wi-Fi facilities
lowing the amalgama-
by the end of September 2019. People
tion. She dismissed
can use the Wi-Fi service free of cost for
reports of job loss due to
net surfing, for streaming videos and
the merger, saying it is absolutely ill-informed. This comes at the backdrop of the
other on-line activities. RailTel has taken
Finance Ministry unveiling a mega plan to merge ten public sector banks into four.
a lead in providing fast Wi-Fi for the use
It is aimed at creating stronger lenders of global scale. However, some of the bank
of passengers. RailTel CMD Puneet
unions are agitated fearing loss of jobs. Ms Sitharaman sought to reassure the
Chawla said that so far the facility is
unions, saying it is not an anti-staff move.
available at four thousand railways stations and that approximately five lakh people
„ The Reserve Bank of India has made it mandatory for banks to link all of their new
are availing the facility every day. Free Wi-Fi is a pro-passenger initiative of the
loan products, be it personal, housing or auto to an external benchmark like the
Railway Ministry which in line the Prime Minister's 'Digital India' programme.
policy repo rate. Stating that transmission of policy rate benefits under the current
INTERNATIONAL framework has not been satisfactory, RBI issued a circular saying that banks will
„ India and Russia have have to link their products to an external benchmark with effect from 1st October
signed 15 agreements 2019. This move is likely to cheer borrowers ahead of the festive season as banks
taking bilateral cooper- will now be forced to pass the entire rate cut benefit announced by RBI in recent
ation to a new high at months and offer lower interest rates.
the 20th annual
summit in Vladivostok.
„ The schedule of FIH
The agreements were
Pro League season 2
exchanged in the pres-
has been released.
ence of Prime Minister
The Indian hockey
Narendra Modi and
team will play a total of
Russian President
16 home and away
Vladimir Putin after the
games. Eight games
restricted and delega-
will be played on home
tion-level talks. The agreements include four in the area of oil and gas, LNG and
soil. Indian men's
cooking coal, five in trade and investments, two in infrastructure and one each in
hockey team will open
defence and audiovisual production. The MoU on defence is about the production
its campaign against
of spare parts for Russian origin arms under Make-in-India program through joint
ventures. The MoUs in infrastructure relate to the establishment of maritime links the Netherlands at

between Vladivostok and Chennai to improve connectivity. Other MoUs relate to the home on January 18 and 19 next year. India will then host world champions Belgium
exploration of cooking coal in the Arctic region, sourcing LNG from Russia. An on February 8 and 9. This will be followed by two home fixtures against Australia on
agreement has also been exchanged for combating customs violations during 2019- February 22 and 23. India will host New Zealand on May 23 and 24. In away games,
22. An agreement between Invest India and the Russian Direct Investment Fund the Indian team will travel to Germany, Great Britain, Argentina and Spain in April,
has been signed for Investment Collaboration. Mr Modi said, both countries have May and June. India will play the last leg of the Pro League round-robin matches in
decided to roll out a five-year road map in the area of exploration and exploitation of Spain in June.
oil and gas fields in both countries. www.Jobriya.com (Images Courtesy : Google)

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