Biochemistry (2 - Isolation & Characterization of Proteins)

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University of Santo Tomas

Faculty of Pharmacy – Department of Pharmacy

Espana, Manila

Isolation and Characterization of Proteins

Revita, J.A., Singh, S.P., Soriano, J.C., Timtiman, D.R., Valeros IV, R., & Yutuc, P.N.
2H - Pharmacy

Abstract​: Proteins are biologically important molecules made up of amino acids

bonded by peptide bonds. Milk, wheat flour, and meat are examples of sources of
different types of proteins. The experiment aims to isolate selected proteins from
skimmed milk, wheat flour, and minced beef from their commercially available sources
using different isolation techniques for each; perform qualitative tests on the amino
acids in intact and hydrolyzed proteins; execute acid, alkaline, and enzymatic hydrolysis
on the isolated proteins; determine the amino acid components of proteins using
thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and to analyze chemical groups responsible for color
reactions and explain the principle involved in each test.

I. Introduction development of blood and tissue,

namely, (1) casein, (2) lactalbumins,
Proteins are biochemical and (3) lactoglobulins. Its principal
molecules consisting of polypeptides protein component is the protein group
linked by peptide bonds between the casein, which is the common term for a
amino and carboxyl groups of amino family of associated phosphoproteins
acid residues, which are organic (Augustin & Margetts , 2003). It
compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, involves a certain amino acid
nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. They are the arrangement vital for one’s growth and
main structural constituent of living development making milk as one of the
beings and are responsible for most of most essential components of a healthy
the complex functions involved in human diet. One of the significant
biological processes (U.S. National properties of casein is that it precipitates
Library of Medicine, 2019). or coagulates at pH 4.6 which is its
isoelectric point. Hence, a solution less
One example of a substance than pH 4.6 renders casein insoluble in
containing different types of proteins in that solution (Fox, 2003).
milk. Milk is composed of three kinds of
“complete proteins” essential for the
solely in cardiac myocytes and oxidative
Albumin, specifically lactalbumin, skeletal muscle fibers, that reversibly
is said to be the second most abundant binds oxygen by its heme residue, a
protein in milk, casein being the first. porphyrin ring: iron ion complex. Its
This protein is categorized as a globular primary function, as a result, is to
protein and is generally soluble in water supply oxygen to myocytes. Myoglobin
as well as in diluted salt solutions. They also functions in the hemostasis of nitric
are easily denatured and coagulated by oxide, plays a role in the detoxification
heat, and weigh about 40,000 daltons. of reactive oxygen species, and is the
After the casein is separated from the reason for the red color of the muscle of
milk and the solution has a lower ph most vertebrates. ​Myoglobin has the
(acidic), the lactalbumin can be obtained capability to release oxygen supply
through the continuous heating of when needed, specifically when the
mixture until precipitation has occurred. body experiences hypoxia or anoxia.
Myoglobin is also thought to buffer
Gluten is a protein compound of
intracellular oxygen concentration when
glutenin and gliadin present in foods
muscle activity increases and to
processed from wheat and related grain
facilitate intracellular oxygen diffusion
species (Flambeau , Redl, & Respondek,
by providing a parallel path that
2017). It is characterized by a
augments simple diffusion of dissolved
yellowish-white, tough, elastic, and
sticky protein that provides elasticity to
the dough which makes it useful in The objectives of this experiment
bread-making. This is because it can are to isolate casein and albumin from
confine the carbon dioxide (CO​2​) from skimmed milk by isoelectric
the reaction caused by the mixture of precipitation, gluten from wheat flour by
flour and yeast that causes it to rise and difference solubility, and myoglobin
keep its shape thus, giving the final from beef by salt-induced precipitation;
product a distinctive chewy texture (Hill, perform qualitative tests on the amino
2012). Aside from that, gluten can also acids in intact and hydrolyzed proteins;
be found in cosmetics products and execute acid, alkaline, and enzymatic
dermatological preparations. hydrolysis on the isolated proteins;
determine the amino acid components
Myoglobin is considered as one of
of proteins using thin-layer
the members of the globin superfamily
chromatography (TLC), and to analyze
protein, it is located primarily within
chemical groups responsible for color
vertebrates’ striated muscles, and low
reactions and explain the principle
concentrations in smooth muscle,
involved in each test.
endothelial, and even tumor cells​. It is a
cytoplasmic hemoprotein, expressed
big evaporating dish and enough water
II. Methodology was added to make a thick dough. The
dough was then wrapped with
A. Isolation of Proteins cheesecloth and was placed under
running water until all the starch was
1. Isolation of
​ Casein from
removed. The dough washings were
skimmed milk
tested by adding enough amount of
In a 100-mL beaker, 20.0 grams of iodine solution until a clear yellow
powdered Milk Magic nonfat dried milk solution is obtained. The insoluble
was placed and was mixed with 50.0 mL material which is the gluten was
of water. The mixture was heated up to collected for hydrolysis and qualitative
40˚C then 10% of acetic acid was protein analysis
added dropwise and the solution was
4. I​ solation of myoglobin from
stirred every 5 drops. Continuous
addition of acetic acid was done until
the pH reaches 4.6 and when the casein In a small beaker, 6.0 grams of minced
has congealed. The casein was filtered, beef was weighed, and 6 mL of 70%
and the filtrate was set aside for the ammonium sulfate solution was added.
isolation and quantitative analysis of The mixture was gently stirred for about
albumin. The residue on the other hand a minute to release the myoglobin. The
was dried and the weight % was dark-red extract was expressed in a new
calculated. beaker using cheesecloth then the
extract was centrifuged at 4,000 rpm for
2. I​ solation of Albumin from
5 minutes. In another empty centrifuge
skimmed milk
tube, 1.5 mL of the supernatant was
In a small beaker, half of the filtrate transferred, and 3 mL of saturated
from the isolation of casein was placed ammonium sulfate solution was added.
and the remaining half was set aside for The sample was then centrifuged again
the quantitative protein analysis. The for about 5 minutes and after that, the
filtrate was heated up to 75 ˚C for 5 supernatant was decanted and the
minutes and after that, the liquid was appearance of the isolated myoglobin
decanted from the precipitated albumin residue was described.
while the filtrate was discarded.
B.​ ​Hydrolysis of intact protein
3. Isolation of gluten from wheat
1. Acid hydrolysis of intact
In a beaker, 128.0 grams of wheat flour
was weighed and was transferred to a
In a hard glass test tube, 0.5 g of the solution was mixed. The mixture was
isolated protein was placed and 5 mL of added 10 mL of 0.1 M phosphate buffer
6 M HCl was added. The tube was until the pH is 7.5 and after, it was
labeled and was covered with cotton incubated in a water bath with a
then was submitted to the instructor for temperature ranging from 35 ̊C-40 ̊C for
autoclaving at 15 psi for about 5 hours. 60 minutes. The mixture was then
After autoclaving, the appearance of the allowed to cool and it was set aside for
mixture was noted. Ten mL of distilled qualitative color reactions and for the
water was then added to the mixture separation and identification of amino
and was transferred into a 250-mL acids by thin-layer chromatography.
beaker. To neutralize the mixture, 1 M
NaOH was added and this mixture was
used for the characterization tests and
C.​ ​Qualitative color reactions
Two sets of 10 test tubes were
2. ​ lkaline hydrolysis of intact
prepared for the qualitative color
reactions. The first set contains the
In a hard glass test tube, 0.5 g of intact protein solution which is, 0.5g of
isolated protein was placed and 10 mL intact casein in 1 mL distilled water and
of 4 M NaOH was added. The tube was the second set of test tube contains
labeled and was covered with cotton 0.5mL of the acid hydrolyzed sample.
then was submitted to the instructor for The following tests were performed on
autoclaving at 15 psi for about 5 hours. each sample:
After autoclaving, the appearance of the
Biuret test​: twenty drops of 2.5 M
mixture was noted. Ten mL of distilled
NaOH was added to the samples and
water was then added to the mixture
was mixed well. After, 2-3 drops of 0.1
and was transferred into a 250-mL
M CuSO​4 solution
​ was added.
beaker. To neutralize the mixture, 1 M
HCl was added and this mixture was Ninhydrin test​: In the diluted
used for the characterization tests and samples, 6-10 drops of 0.1% ninhydrin
chromatography. solution was placed. Then the test was
heated in a boiling water bath
3. ​ nzymatic hydrolysis of intact
protein Xanthoproteic test​: ten drops of
conc. HNO​3 was added slowly to the
In a 250-mL beaker, 1 g of protein was
diluted samples and was mixed. After,
placed and 100 mL of distilled water
10 drops of conc. NaOH was also added
was added. Ten mL of protein mixture
slowly and was mixed.
and ten mL of saturated proteases
Millon’s test​: 5 drops of Millon’s D.​ ​Thin-Layer Chromatography
reagent was added to the samples.
Using a 12x15 cm TLC plate, a line
Hopkin’s-Cole test​: twenty drops was drawn across the plate with 1.5-cm
of Hopkin’s-Cole reagent was added margin from the bottom of the longer
slowly to the samples then was mixed edge of the plate and was marked with
well. Then each test tube was inclined 13 equidistant points on the line for the
and 20 drops of concentrated H​2​SO​4 was spotting of the amino acid standards
slowly added. and 3 hydrolysate samples. The
standards were applied 5 times while
Sakaguchi test​: ten drops of 10% the samples were applied 10 times using
NaOH and 10 drops of the 0.02% the capillary tubes and was dried in
naphthol solution was added to the between applications. The plate was
samples then was mixed well and stand placed inside the pre-equilibrated
for 3 minutes. chamber and was then covered to allow
the solvent to ascend undistributed. The
Nitroprusside test​: In the 0.5 mL
plate was removed when the solvent
of sample, 0.5 mL of 3 M NaOH was
front was approximately 0.5 cm from
added then after which, 0.25 mL of 2%
the top edge of the plate and was
nitroprusside solution was also added.
immediately marked with a pencil line.
Fohl’s test​: five drops of 30% The chromatogram was air-dried and
NaOH and 2 drops of 5% Pb (CH​3​COO)​2 after which, it was lightly sprayed with
were added to the samples and was 1% ninhydrin reagent. After, the
placed in a boiling water bath. chromatogram was placed on a hot
plate until all the color of the samples
Test for amides​: one mL of 20% appeared.
NaOH was added to the 10 drops of
sample and was placed in a boiling E.​ ​Quantitative protein analysis
water bath. A red litmus paper was
Thirteen centrifuge tubes were
placed and moistened over the mouth of
prepared, 1 for the stock solution which
the tube to test the evolution of gas.
is bovine serum albumin (BSA), 6 tubes
Pauly’s test​: diazo reagent was for the biuret total protein assay and the
prepared by mixing 3-5 drops of 1% other 6 for Bradford total protein assay.
sulfanilic acid with 3 drops of 5% NaNO​2 For the stock solution, 0.01g/mL of BSA
solution. Then five drops of the sample was prepared. For the biuret test, test
and 3-5 drops of 10% Na​2​CO​3 was tube #1 which has a concentration of
added to the diazo reagent. 1000mcg/mL contains 600mcg/mL of
the stock solution and was diluted with
400mcg/mL distilled water. The other 5
test tubes were contained with Table 1: Biuret assay well
500mcg/mL of distilled water each. assignment
From test tube #1, 500mcg/mL was
pipetted out and was added to the next
test tube. From test tube #2, BSA PROTEIN
500mcg/mL was pipetted out and was SAMPLE
added to test tube #3. This successive
process was repeated until test tube #5. A1-A3 A4-A6 (G1 Sx)
While for the bradford test, 100mcg/mL (1000mch/mL)
of the stock solution was diluted with
900mcg/mL of distilled water and was
placed in the first test tube for Bradford. B1-B3 B4-B6 (G2 Sx)
500mcg/mL of distilled water was added (500mcg/mL)
to the other 5 test tubes. From the test
tube #1, 500mcg/mL was pipetted and C1-C4 C4-C6 (G3 Sx)
was mixed with test tube #2. Like in the (250mcg/mL)
biuret test, this process was repeated
until test tube #5. Then, 500mcg/mL of
D1-D3 D4-D6 (G4 Sx)
biuret and Bradford reagent were added
to their respective test tubes. After
which, 200mcg/mL of each test tube
was placed in a microwell plate E1-E3 E4-E6 (G5 Sx)
following the well assignment which is (62.5mcg/mL)
shown in table 1 and table 2. The
microplate was then brought to the F1-F3 F4-F6 (G6 Sx)
multiskan go microplate (31.25mcg/mL)
spectrophotometer in order to measure
the absorbance of each sample with a
wavelength of 540nm for Biuret and BLANK (D.W.) G4-G6 (G7 Sx)
595nm for Bradford. The result was
read and was graphed using excel.
Table 2: Bradford assay well changes in pH. It has an isoelectric
assignment point of approximately 4.6. It is a
slow-digesting dairy protein which
means it releases amino acids slowly. It
BSA PROTEIN can also help cells synthesize protein,
even during times when the body might
SAMPLE normally be breaking down its own
muscle mass to feed itself (eg.
A7-A9 A10-A12 (G1 starvation). Because of this, it is called
an “anti-catabolic” and helps reduce
(1000mch/mL) Sx)
muscle breakdown. Caseins are defined
as proteins that become coagulated and
B7-B9 B10-B12 (G2 precipitated from skim milk when the pH
of the milk is adjusted to pH 4.6 at
(500mcg/mL) Sx)
20​o​C, resulting in an insoluble,
noncrystalline white curd.
C7-C9 C10-C12 (G3
(250mcg/mL) Sx) Albumin is a water-soluble,
globular protein produced by the liver
and is the body’s predominant
D7-D9 D10-D12 (G4 serum-binding protein, and has several
(125mcg/mL) Sx) important functions: (1) keeps fluid
from leaking out of blood vessels, (2)
nourishes tissues, and (3) transports
E7-E9 E10-E12 (G5 hormones, vitamins, drugs, and
(62.5mcg/mL) Sx) substances like calcium throughout the
body. It takes up around 60% of the
total protein in the blood. It is possible
F7-F9 F10-F12 (G6 to denature and coagulate albumin by
(31.25mcg/mL) Sx) heat. The heating of milk to 75°C for 5
minutes results in the denaturation and
precipitation of albumin
BLANK (D.W.) G10-G12 (G7
Sx) Wheat gluten is a typical
water-insoluble protein, consisting of
more than 60 different polymorphic
polypeptides with a molar mass of
30,000-100,000 g/mol. Gluten is a
III. Results and Discussion mixture of two proteins: (1) glutenin,
and (2) gliadin, it is also a strong and
A. Isolation of Proteins flexible molecule. It is a commodity food
ingredient and its applications are
Casein is a major protein found in predominantly in baked goods and
milk which is very susceptible to processed meat products. It is a natural
protein derived from wheat or wheat
flour. Once dried, it has a creamy color, (NH​4​)​2​SO​4 results in a decrease in the
neutral taste and is free-flowing. Dried solubility of proteins, resulting in the
gluten is also able to recover its formation of a white precipitate which is
viscoelastic structure when rehydrated. the myoglobin isolated from the muscle,
Its typical composition would be: this is due to water preferring to
dissolve added salt ions instead of the
Protein 75-80% proteins in the muscle.

Carbohydrates 15-17% B. Hydrolysis of Intact Proteins

Fat 5-8%
In hydrolysis, the protein is
Ash 0.6-1.2% subjected to extreme conditions usually
at high temperatures by prolonged
boiling in a strong acid or strong base
In bread-making, gluten traps the or using an enzyme to stimulate the
carbon dioxide produced by the reaction naturally occurring hydrolytic process.
between the yeast and flour which gives This will cause denaturation of the
flour its chewy characteristic. protein meaning that the protein’s
conformation is altered by the breaking
It is possible to isolate gluten of the peptide bonds. This results to a
with the use of the principle of solution containing amino acid
difference in solubility due to the fact fragments which is then called the
that starch is soluble in water but gluten “hydrolysate.” Denaturation alters
is insoluble in water. In order to confirm protein function, demonstrating a
that the starch is completely removed, relationship between structure and
iodine solution is used. It is a function. Hydrolysis of protein and
yellowish-white solid, tough, elastic, and analysis of products are done to obtain
sticky. information about their compositions.

Myoglobin is a monomer made a. Acid Hydrolysis

up of 153 amino acid residues and is a
member of a family of proteins
collectively called as globins, along with Acid hydrolysis implies a chemical
hemoglobin. It is a globular protein that mechanism of hydrolysis catalyzed by a
serves as an oxygen storage protein and Bronsted or Arrhenius acid. This
transport in vertebrates, primarily in the promotes little to no racemization of
heart and the skeletal muscles. amino acids. However, there are
Myoglobin is an iron and oxygen binding disadvantages with it like the
protein found in large concentrations in destruction of tryptophan and its
muscles, and this characteristic is conversion to a black precipitate,
responsible for the color of mammalian partial destruction of serine, threonine,
red muscle tissue. and cysteine, and hydrolysis of
asparagine and glutamine to aspartic
In meat, with the increase in acid and glutamic acid, respectively.
ionic strength by the addition of
b. Alkaline Hydrolysis amino acids that would be subjected in
the experiment. However, this
Alkaline hydrolysis covers types hydrolyzation process requires varying
of reactions under nucleophilic temperature and pH conditions because
substitution that use a hydroxide ion as enzymes function better in these
the attacking nucleophile. In this, conditions.
tryptophan is stable even after being
treated with concentrated sodium Most of the results obtained for
hydroxide (NaOH) solution and casein enzymatic hydrolysate yielded
autoclaved for five hours. However, it positive results as seen in Table _,
causes racemization of most amino except for Ninhydrin, Millon’s, and
acids such as the decomposition of Hopkin-Cole tests. The results for these
arginine to ornithine and urea, partial tests are considered false negative. The
destruction of cysteine, serine, and test for Ninhydrin should yield a positive
threonine, and the hydrolysis of result for all proteins since they contain
asparagine and glutamine to aspartic free amino groups. Casein also contains
acid and glutamic acid, respectively. varying percentages of tyrosine (5.7%)
and tryptophan (1.1%), which are the
A possible source of error for the target amino acids of the Millon’s and
results obtained in the experiment is an Hopkin-Cole tests, respectively
error in pipetting and the mixture not (Rasmussen, Greenwood, Kalman, &
being properly mixed. The reagents Antonio, 2008). A possible reason for
used was drawn only from the surface this is the fact that the intensity of
of the solution instead of the middle reaction in qualitative color is directly
part. proportional to the concentration of the
individual constituents of the sample
c. Enzymatic Hydrolysis and the amount of samples and
reagents used. An increase in the
If protein samples are to be amount of samples and reagents might
subjected into identification, enzymatic give the desired results of the
hydrolysis is the most ideal of all the experiment.
hydrolyzation process. It is the addition
of specific enzymes called “proteolytic C. Qualitative Color Reactions
enzymes” or proteases, which is a group
of enzymes that hydrolyse specific
peptide bonds in proteins. A more
accurate results would be obtained
because these enzymes do not damage
or cause unnecessary reactions to the
Nin No color solution No color
hydrin change with light change
purple ppt

Xantho No color
Yellow Yellow
proteic change

solution No color
Millon’s with white
with white change

purple; No color
Hopkins- No color
turbid change at
Figure 1​. Visualization of Intact Casein Cole change
upper interface

Saka Salmon
Light red solution
guchi Pink
Figure 1​. Visualization of Intact
Myoglobin Yellow
Nitro Yellow-ora
colorless Yellow
prusside nge

Fohl’s Brown Black

Red-blue Red-blue
Figure 1.​ Visualization of Intact Gluten Test for
Negative litmus litmus
paper paper
Table 1. ​Results of Qualitative Color
Reactions of Intact protein of Casein, Light Red
Pauly’s orange
Myoglobin, and Gluten orange

Intact Intact Intact

Color Protein Protein Protein
Reactions (Casein) (Myoglobin) (Gluten)
Initial Color: Initial Color: Initial Color:
Colorless Light Pink Colorless

Biuret Blue Violet Purple
Figure 1.​ Visualization of Gluten Acidic Saka Salmon Colorless Light Red
Hydrolysate guchi Pink Solution

Nitro Yellow Clear Yellow

prusside Yellow

Fohl’s Brown | No Colorless Brown |

Sediments Solution No
Formed Sediments

Figure 1.​ Visualization of Myoglobin Test for No Color Colorless Yellow |

Basic Hydrolysate Amide Change | Solution Red to Blue
Red to Litmus
Blue Paper

Pauly’s Red Clear Red


Biuret test, or also known as

Figure 1.​ Visualization of Casein Piotrowski’s test, uses the reagent 2.5 M
Enzymatic Hydrolysate NaOH and 0.1 M CuSO​4​. It is used to
detect the presence of peptide bonds in
Table 1​. Results of the Qualitative Color a sample; it relies on a color change in
Reactions Acid Hydrolysate of Gluten, order to confirm the presence of
Basic Hydrolysate of Myoglobin, and proteins, a positive result shows a
Enzymatic Hydrolysate of Casein pink-violet to blue color. The proteins
detected must have at least three amino
Color Gluten Acid Myoglobin Casein acids (two peptide bonds). The Biuret
Reaction Basic Enzymatic
test is based on the ability of Copper
Biuret Blue Colorless Light (II) ions to form a violet-colored chelate
Solution Purple complex with peptide bonds in alkaline
conditions. All test samples used in the
Nin Blue Violet Colorless No Color experiment showed a positive result
hydrin Solution Change with the exception of basic hydrolysate.
Possible sources of error would come
Xantho Orange Colorless Yellow
proteic Solution
from improper pipetting, unthorough
mixing of solution and improper rinsing
Millon’s No Color Colorless No Color of colorimeter tubes.
Change Solution Change
The Ninhydrin test is the test for
Hopkins- No Color Colorless No Color
amino acids and proteins with a
Cole Change at Solution Change at
Interface Interface
⍺-amino (-NH) group with the use of
1,2,3-Indanetrione Monohydrate or
Triketohydrindene Hydrate and Ethanol mercury-amino acid complex converts
as reagents. This test is due to a to mercury phenolate which is red in
reaction between an amino group of color. None of the test samples used in
free amino acid and ninhydrin. the experiment yielded to a positive
Ninhydrin is a strong oxidizing agent result.
and with its presence it is able to cause
the amino acid to undergo oxidative The Hopkins-Cole Test is used to
decarboxylation and deamination which detect the presence of indole group
liberates the ammonia, CO​2​, aldehyde, a containing amino acid, tryptophan, in
reduced form of ninhydrin, hydrindantin. proteins with the use of glyoxylic acid
Only the acidic hydrolysate of gluten (Magnesium powder, Oxalic acid and
showed a positive result of blue to Acetic acid) and sulfuric acid as its
blue-violet solution. reagents. The indole group of
tryptophan reacts with glyoxylic acid in
The Xanthoproteic Test is used to the presence of concentrated sulfuric
detect amino acids containing an acid, resulting in a pink to violet
aromatic nucleus such as tyrosine, interface. None of the test samples
tryptophan and phenylalanine. used in the experiment yielded to a
Phenylalanine gives a weakly positive or positive result.
even a negative reaction even though
this amino acid does contain an The Sakaguchi test is for the
aromatic ring, this is due to the fact that detection of an amino acid guanidinium
it is challenging to nitrate under normal group such as, arginine using
conditions. With the addition of ⍺-Napthol, Sodium hypobromite
concentrated nitric acid (HNO​3​) and (NaOBr), sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a yellow and Urea, to stabilize the color and
solution or precipitate is formed with destroy the excess -OBr ions. There is a
concentrated nitric acid (HNO​3​) and complexation- base-catalyzed
orange with the excess sodium condensation of ⍺-Napthol with the
hydroxide (NaOH). The intact protein of guanido group of arginine. The arginine
casein and gluten and the enzymatic reacts with ⍺-Napthol and an oxidizing
hydrolysate of casein yielded a positive agent such as bromine water or sodium
result of yellow solution while the acidic hypochlorite/sodium hypobromite to
hydrolysate of gluten also produced a give a red to red-orange colored
positive result of an orange solution. product. The intact protein of casein
and enzymatic hydrolysate of casein
The Millon’s test is used to detect yielded a positive result which showed
an amino acid containing phenol group as light red solution, while the intact
(hydroxyl attached to a benzene ring) protein of myoglobin and gluten and
such as Tyrosine. Tyrosine when the acidic hydrolysate of gluten yielded
reacted with acidified mercuric sulfate a positive result which showed a
solution gives yellow precipitate of salmon pink solution.
mercury-amino acid complex. With the
addition of sodium nitrate solution and The Fohl’s test is performed to
heating, the yellow complex of test for the detection of amino acids
containing sulfur, such as cysteine and The test for amide is to detect
methionine, using lead acetate primary, secondary and tertiary amides,
(Pb(CH​3​COO)​2​) and sodium hydroxide and nitriles using sodium hydroxide
(NaOH), with the assistance of heat
(NaOH) as a reagent resulting to a
(boiling). Once performed a positive
result shows a brown to black basic hydrolysis. A red litmus paper is
precipitate which is the lead sulfide, used and a positive result shows a
this is due to the degradation and change in color from red to blue litmus
substitution. All the test samples used paper. All of the test samples used in
with the exception of the basic the experiment with the exception of
hydrolysate and intact gluten produced the intact casein produced a positive
a positive result of a light brown to
brown precipitate with no sediments. result.
The test sample intact glute produced a
black solution. ​The reason for the basic The Pauly’s Test is used to detect
hydrolysate not giving a positive result an aromatic acid Tyrosine or Histidine
or erroneous results in several tests using ehrlich’s diazo reagent consisting
would be an error in pipetting (only of 1% sulfanilic acid with 5% sodium
drawn liquid from the surface of the
nitrite (NaNO​2​) and 10% sodium
solution instead of the middle part) and
not mixing the solution thoroughly. carbonate (Na​2​CO​3​) resulting in a
Another source of error would be that formation of an azo dye, the color being
the students did not make use the red to orange for histidine while it is
mixture of hydrolysed and intact light orange for tyrosine. The sulfanilic
protein but instead only used the acid will be diazotized with the addition
of sodium nitrite and sodium carbonate.
The diazotized sulfanilic acid will then
The nitroprusside test is specific
form a diazonium component which will
for cysteine, the only amino acid
react with the imidazole ring of histidine
containing a sulfhydryl group (-SH)
and the phenol group of tyrosine.
which reacts with nitroprusside in the
Diazotization is the reaction between an
presence of excess ammonia (NH​3​)
aromatic amine, sulfanilic acid, with
using sodium nitroprusside
sodium nitrite and sodium carbonate to
(Na​2​Fe(CN)​5​NO in diluted ammonia
form a diazonium component. A positive
(NH​3​) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
result for the presence of histidine was
resulting to a complexation reaction
produced from intact myoglobin, intact
that shows a red coloration as a
gluten, acidic hydrolysate of gluten and
positive result. None of the test
enzymatic hydrolysate of casein. A light
samples used in the experiment yielded
orange solution was produced from
a positive result, most of the test
intact casein and a clear orange solution
samples showed a yellow solution.
from the basic hydrolysate.
D. Total Protein Assay components’ affinity to the mobile and
stationary phase (Bheem, 2019). The
E. Thin Layer Chromatography affinity of the components, which
include their solubility and adsorption to
the phases, allows them to rise up in
the plate.

Polar components tend to travel

slowly in the plate compared to
non-polar components. The main reason
for this is the base component of the
Figure 1​. Visualization of the Thin stationary and mobile phase used. The
Layer Chromatography stationary phase is made up of silicon
dioxide, a very polar compound in
Table 1​. Thin Layer Chromatography nature, which makes polar components
Amino Acids and Proteins’ Rf Values adhere to the plate tightly and attain a
Amino Standard Rf Values of the Spot lower Rf value. On the other hand, the
Acid mobile phase used – a mixture of
Acid Base Enzyme
butanol, acetic acid, and water – is very
non-polar in nature, thus making
Trp. 0.50 0.475 0.325 0.20
non-polar components move with it as it
Arg. 0.20 rose up in the plate and attain a higher
Rf value.
Pro. 0.25

Cys. 0.25 The principle of TLC explained

the results acquired. Tryptophan, which
Ser. 0.25
obtained the highest Rf value is a
Asp. 0.25 non-polar amino acid. Other non-polar
amino acids used in the experiment are
Tyr. 0.40
proline, glycine, and alanine. On the
His. 0.175 other hand, histidine, which obtained
the lowest Rf value, is a polar basic
Gly. 0.225
amino acid. Other polar amino acids
Ala. 0.25 used in the experiment are arginine,
cysteine, serine, aspartic acid, and
Thin Layer Chromatography tyrosine. In the case of hydrolyzed
(TLC) is an analytical technique that proteins, the acid hydrolysate, which is
mainly revolves around the principle of gluten, is more non-polar than
separation under the influence of the myoglobin (base hydrolysate) and
casein (enzyme hydrolysate). This result biurettest - Seton Hall University Pirate
is possible since gluten has prolamin, Server. (n.d.). Retrieved October
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proline is one of the non-polar amino
acids. biurettest/biurettest.htm.

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