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Division and Multiplication

Third Grade, Fourth Grade Math

by Jennifer Sobalvarro June 28, 2018

Let's better understand multiplication and division concepts! Use this lesson to help students understand
inverse operations between multiplication and division.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to show understanding of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.

Materials and preparation Key terms

Class set of The Inverse Relationship of Division inverse operations

Class set of Multiplication and Division Review product
Division Facts to 100 with One-Digit Divisors
Division with One-Digit Divisors and Missing
Factors exercise (optional)
Two whiteboards and markers
Class set of index cards
Class set of Math Crossword Puzzle (optional)
Class set of Division Facts: 9s (optional)


Inverse Equations: Division (PDF)

Multiplication and Division Review (PDF)
Division Crossword (PDF)
Division Facts (PDF)

Introduction (5 minutes)

Draw a picture of 7 groups of 12 on the board and ask students to turn and share in pairs what they see
and notice about the drawing. Listen for key terms such as "groups of," "multiplied," "divide," "repeated
addition," etc.
Ask students to share their ideas and write them on the board. If they haven't given an equation, ask
them to write on the board as many equations they can think of that relate to the picture (e.g., 7 x 12 =
____, 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 = ____). Ask students to solve for the blanks in partners if they
hadn't done so in the sharing portion.
Circle the multiplication and division equations and rewrite them on the board stacked on top of each
other. Explain that today they'll review the inverse relationship of multiplication and division to help solve
future word problems.


Place students with a partner who speaks the same home language (L1) for the sharing portion of the

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Allow students to solve for the blanks with a supportive partner.


Provide student-friendly definitions for the key words mentioned in the introduction such as, "inverse,"
"multiplied," "groups," "division," "repeated addition," etc. Include an image and example as needed.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (8 minutes)

Define inverse operation as an operation that reverses the effect of another operation. With
multiplication and division, if you multiply to get a product, you can use division to reverse the operation
by dividing the product, and vice versa. The product is the answer when two or more numbers are
multiplied together.
Provide a simple multiplication and division problem using the same numbers. Model how you can change
a division problem into a multiplication problem to make the division problem easier to solve.
Highlight that converting multiplication equations to division equations is a strategy to divide by focusing
on memorized or familiar multiplication facts. Check your answer using the picture representation of your
choice (e.g., arrays, equal groups, tape diagrams, etc.).


Have students restate the definition of "inverse operation."

Write out the steps needed to convert a division problem into a multiplication problem. Have students
read the steps to a partner.


Create a word/phrase bank of pertinent terms, along with examples and definitions. Leave the bank
displayed for the remainder of the lesson and refer to it throughout.

Guided Practice (20 minutes)

Distribute the worksheet The Inverse Relationship of Division and read the directions. Tell students they'll
work in pairs to answer the questions and find the inverse of each of the equations.
Conduct a multiplication fluency game in which there are two teams placed in two lines perpendicular to
the board. Project the Division Facts to 100 with One-Digit Divisors exercise and have one student from
each team compete to quickly convert the division equation to a multiplication problem and provide the
answer. The students who get the correct answer first win a point for their team. Allow them to use
whiteboards as necessary.


Tell students to use the sentence frame to discuss the worksheet as they complete it with their partner:
"The equation ____ is the inverse operation of ____."


Allow students to work with a teammate to discuss the answer of the inverse operation during the
multiplication fluency game before sharing it with the class.
Let students use bilingual resources such as online dictionaries to help them look up any unfamiliar terms
related to the content.

Independent working time (10 minutes)

Distribute the Multiplication and Division Review worksheet and ask students to complete the top section
on their own.

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Allow students to meet in partners to share their answers and correct misconceptions.
Choose students to share any corrections they made and their process to get the right answer with the


Pull aside a small group of students and guide them through the Independent Work by asking prompting
questions such as, "What is the inverse operation of this equation? What makes you say that? How do
you know the answer is correct?"


Allow students to work on the top portion of the worksheet with a partner.
Give students access to the Vocabulary Cards as reference for this part of the lesson.

Related books and/or media

Find interactive books for each child's level.



Provide a pre-lesson with simple multiplication and division problems with manipulatives and a review of
vocabulary terms and their meanings.
Allow students to practice converting equations with a common factor (e.g., 8 x 3 = 24, 9 x 3 = 27,
etc.), then transition to other factors. Use a worksheet like the optional Division Facts: 9s worksheet for


Allow students additional practice with the inverse operations of multiplication and division with the Math
Crossword Puzzle worksheet. Additionally, allow them to practice division with the Division with One-Digit
Divisors and Missing Factors exercise.
Ask them to complete the word problems in the Multiplication and Division Review worksheet and show
their method and equations, or create their own word problems.

Assessment (7 minutes)

Write the following numbers on the board: 72, 9, 8. Distribute the index cards and ask students to write
a multiplication and division equation using those numbers. Then, ask them to write how they know their
answers are correct.
Allow them to read their explanations to their elbow partners.


Provide sentence frames to help students complete the assessment: "____ times ____ is ____. The inverse
operation is ____ divided by ____ is ____. I know my answers are correct because..."


Have students rephrase the directions of the assessment task to a partner before competing it.
Encourage students to use the displayed word/phrase bank to assist them with their explanation of the
math process they use.

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Review and closing (5 minutes)

Choose a student to answer the following question: “How are multiplication and division inverse
Have students turn to their elbow partner and have them discuss why it is important to understand the
relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., solve unfamiliar division problems with
multiplication and vice versa).
Review some of the ideas students shared in partners with the whole class.


Display sentence frames to aid in students' discussion: "Multiplication and division and inverse operations
because... It is important to understand the relationship between multiplication and division so that..."


Place students in small groups based on language needs for the group discussion.
Have students restate or add to their classmates' comments.

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The Inverse Relationship of Division
Match the division equation on the left with its inverse
multiplication equation on the right.

15 ÷ 3 = 5 8 x 3 = 24
12 ÷ 6 = 2 7 x 2 = 14
24 ÷ 3 = 8 5 x 3 = 15
14 ÷ 2 = 7 5 x 5 = 25
18 ÷ 3 = 6 2 x 6 = 12
25 ÷ 5 = 5 6 x 3 = 18

Complete the division problems and then write out

its inverse equations.

1.) 32 ÷ 4 = _____________

2.) 21 ÷ 7 = _____________

3.) 20 ÷ 5 = _____________

4.) 26 ÷ 2 = _____________

5.) 16 ÷ 4 = _____________

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Multiplication and Division Review

Your multiplication and division facts will
come in handy when you
solve these problems!

Directions: Fill in the missing values. Remember, multiplication and division are inverse operations.

5 x __ = 25 96 12 = __
6 x 7 = __ 88 11 = __
9 x 9 = __ 9 __ = 3
4 x __ = 32 12 3 = __
7 x __ = 49 45 5 = __
2 x 11 = __ 36 __ = 6
12 x 6 = __ 21 3 = __
8 x __ = 40 18 __ = 6
Directions: Write a division equation to solve each problem. Record each answer on the answer line.

1) The county fair is in town for 28 days. How many 2) Larry’s Lemonades makes 81 liters of lemonade
weeks is the county fair in town? per day. He ships the lemonade to nine grocery
Hint: There are 7 days in one week. stores. How many liters of lemonade does each
grocery store receive?

Answer ___________________________ Answer ___________________________

3) Deena and her four friends ate a total of 25 4) 49 community members attended the annual
pieces of candy. If each person ate the same amount beach clean-up. If the organizer created seven equal
of candy, how many pieces of candy did each groups, how many community members were in
person eat? each group?

Answer ___________________________ Answer ___________________________

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Math Crossword
Fill in the blanks of each crossword puzzle
to make the division equations true.

64 ÷ = 8 ÷ 2 = 27
÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
÷ = 2 ÷ 2 =
= = = =
32 ÷ = 9 9

36 ÷ = 2 68
÷ ÷ ÷ ÷
12 81 ÷ =
= = = =
12 ÷ = 4 ÷ 1 =

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Facts: 9s
Complete a partner multiplication fact to solve each division fact. One has been completed for you.

1 1
x9 99 x9 9 18 x9 9 27
9 18 27

x9 9 36 x9 9 45 x9 9 54
36 45 54

x9 9 63 x9 9 72 x9 9 81
63 72 81

x9 9 90 x9 9 99 x9 9 108
90 99 108
Solve the following division problems. One has been completed for you.
9 90 9 54 11 99 7 63 9 27 19 9 36

12 108 4 36 9 81 5 45 3 27 99 2 18

8 72 9 63 9 45 6 54 10 90 9 18 9 108
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