Dating and Courtship Grade 8

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Supervisory Form


Name of Teacher Janel Ann Katherine Briñosa Grade Level: 8 Date: September 9, 2019
Learning Area: Dating and Courtship (Health) Quarter: 2nd quarter Duration: 2 hour
Learning Competency:
 defines basic terms (dating, courtship, marriage)
 explains the importance of courtship and dating in choosing a lifelong partner

Essential Dating is important because it is a preliminary step to a relationship which is

Understanding a preliminary step to cohabitation or marriage.
Question What is the importance of dating before entering marriage?
Learning Knowledge Recognize the different factors that contribute to a successful marriage
through date and courtship
Skills Discuss the differences of Love and Infatuation through a group
reporting (MOTIVATION)
Analyze the importance and the practices of courtship (ACTIVITY)
Attitudes Make a plan on how to have a successful marriage and through role
21st Century Information literacy – Skills:
Literacy Communication, Collaboration and Creativity, Information Literacy, Initiative and self-direction
Elements of the Methodology
Learning Plan
Preparations Motivation/ The teacher will show a video presentation and the students will observe and
- How will I make the
learners ready?
Introductory reflect.
- How do I prepare Activity - What can you say about the video?
the learners for the - Have you ever fall in love?
new lesson? - What are the things you do when you love a person? Specifically,
- How will I connect
my new lesson with your parents and siblings?
the past lesson? - How are you going to differentiate love from crush or infatuation?
- How are you going to deal with the person you’re infatuated with?
The class will be group into two they will report the difference of LOVE and
INFATUATION. (Time duration:15minutes)

Presentation Activity - Instruct the learners to do picture-connectivity

- (How will I (Collaborative)
present the new - Analyze and identify the pictures of showing affection and
lesson? the practices of courtship. Here is list of possible answers for
- What materials
will I use? correction:
- What  Giving a smile or a kind laugh to someone
/concept  Telling someone how much he / she means to you
/conclusion  Remembering important events in one’s life especially a
should the
learners arrive at?  Writing a card, a note, or a letter
 Giving a small gift, such as flowers and chocolate
 Texting, chatting in social networking sites, communicating
via internet  Spending quality time together
 Cheering for someone at a game or performance
 Holding hands
 Patting shoulders
Analysis Instruct the learners to get a separate sheet of paper, draw and color
their ideal man / woman and below their drawing, they should write
the characteristics they expect from him / her.
Define dating, and write its advantages and disadvantages. Give
them time limit to be ready to present and defend their ideas
Abstraction - Define Dating and courtship
(Focused) - Identify the difference between Love AND infatuation
- Practices of Courtship in the Philippines

Practice Application The class will be divided into 4 groups they will make a scenario based on
- What practice
(Independent/ the following terms.:
activities will I give Collaborative) Make sure that learners will not use the meanings found in the
to the learners?
glossary but only the words they remembered while running through
the module. Here is a guide to correction:
a. Fidelity -loyalty in a relationship of man and woman
b. Commitment -man and woman’s dedication to each other
c. Maturity
e. Marriage -a lifetime partnership of man and woman
They will make a plan to have a successful marriage the following terms should be
applied during courtship. What are the factors and the advantages of courtship
before entering Marriage.
Assessment Assessment Matrix
Based on DepEd
Memo No. 8, S.O What will I How will I How will I score?
2015 assess? assess?
Written Work Knowledge Teacher made
Performance Task Skill Role Play Rubrics
Agreement Reinforcing the Practice with your group the terms and plan for the scenarios to have a
day’s lesson successful marriage.
Preparing for the
new lesson
Instructional Re-teach Modify some aspects/processes Proceed to
Decision the next

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