TCW Summary

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1. According to culture expert Globalization means multinational and transnational
corporations. (Answer: FALSE)
2. Globalization signifies Political condition characterized by the thick economic, social and
cultural interconnections and global flows that make existing Political borders and
economic barriers IRRELEVANT. (Answer: FALSE)
3. Globalization is a phenomenon and one’s experience might not be exactly the same as
the others. (Answer: TRUE)
4. According to Szentes (2003), globalization denotes processes nestling under one rather
unwieldy epithet. (Answer: FALSE)
5. Globalization have different definitions or descriptions from economist, political scientist
and culture experts. (Answer: TRUE)
6. According to Waters (2001), globalization is a social process that create, multiply, and
intensify worldwide interdependence. (Answer: TRUE)
7. In the six claims of globalization, it states that globalization benefits everyone in the short
time. (Answer: FALSE)
8. Different scholars have similar conceptions of globalization with the experts. (Answer:
9. Free trade, privatization and less tariffs are the meaning of globalization from economic
experts. (Answer: TRUE)
10. “Planarity” is a new social conation brought about by the successful colonization of our
solar system. (Answer: TRUE)

1. Globalization under various forms of connectivity are diverse. (Answer: TRUE)
2. The process of globalization is even. (Answer: FALSE)
3. Different scholars have their own conceptions of Globalization. (Answer: TRUE)
4. Globalization under various forms of connectivity are not enabled by various factors,
pressures, media etc. (Answer: FALSE)
5. One of the intensification & acceleration of social exchanges and activities is Live TV
Telecast. (Answer: TRUE)
6. Globalization means the onset of the borderless world. (Answer: TRUE)
7. Globalization is a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of
transnational and transcultural integration of human activities alone. (Answer: FALSE)
8. In globalization, the world is becoming a global shopping mall, which ideas and products
are available everywhere at the same time. (Answer: TRUE)
9. Globalization is a single concept that can be defined and encompassed within a set time
frame (Answer: FALSE)
10. Globalization is evitable therefore humans can control it (Answer: FALSE)

1. World Economy is a small geographic zone within which there is a division of labor and
hence significant internal exchange of goods as well as flows of capital and labor.
(Answer: FALSE)
2. International trade can trigger tensions not just between nations, but also within a particular
country. (Answer: TRUE)
3. In European Monetary Integration as one of the International Monetary Systems, Euro is
what they used as a reserved currency. (Answer: TRUE)
4. The participation of developing countries in the globalization process can enable them to
better utilize their comparative advantages, induced advanced technologies, foreign capital
and management experience. (Answer: TRUE)
5. Economic globalization emphasizes its ability to foster universal economic growth and
development. (Answer: TRUE)
6. What makes economic globalization distinct from internalization is that the latter is about
the functional integration between internationally dispute activities. (Answer: FALSE)
7. Globalization, the product of the long process of capitalist development, is, therefore,
nothing new for world-system analysts; it is simply the relabeling of old ideas and concepts.
(Answer: TRUE)
8. There are original five founding members (Italy, Germany, France, Netherlands and
Belgium) in European Monetary Integration. (Answer: FALSE)
9. Economic Globalization has reduced rather than expanded the gap of the North and South.
(Answer: FALSE)
10. Gains from trade within a country will not affect the relative well-being of its citizens,
especially producers and consumers, differently, who will, therefore, either support or
oppose trade. (Answer: FALSE)

1. Global corporations are inseparable from the phenomenon of Globalization.
(Answer: TRUE)
2. After World War II, Americans led economic recovery and expansion until the re-entry of
Japanese and European corporations onto the global scene. (Answer: TRUE)
3. One of the characteristics of an International Company is that it has no investment outside
the home country. (Answer: TRUE)
4. Global companies have invested in and are present in many countries. They typically
market their products and services to each individual local market. (Answer: TRUE)
5. Multinational companies, an example of a global corporation, have investments in other
countries but do not have coordinated product offerings in each country. (Answer: TRUE)
6. The International Monetary Fund, an intergovernmental organization, lends money and
provides financial grants to nation-states and global corporations. (Answer: FALSE)
7. One of the attributes of global corporation is that they are not agents or actors of economic
development. (Answer: FALSE)
8. One of the results of global corporations is that it has brought global equality.
(Answer: FALSE)
9. An example of a global corporation is the brand Cherry Mobile. (Answer: FALSE)
10. Global financial institutions under intergovernmental organizations are Meryl Lynch and
CitiGroup. (Answer: FALSE)

(1-5 Effects of globalization on governments)

1. The rise of multinational activism. (Answer: FALSE)

2. Establishment of economic and political integrations. (Answer: TRUE)
3. Creation of new communication network. (Answer: TRUE)
4. The growth of universal law and international principles. (Answer: FALSE)
5. Seen as an imposing a forced choice upon states either they confirm to the neo-liberal
ideas free-market principles of deregulation, privatization and free trade. (Answer:
6. Scholars like Apporudai and Ohmae claimed that Globalization has not supplanted
states. (Answer: FALSE)
7. The states are accountable to a host of international norms and standards find
themselves in subordinate positions to protect their economy and face a new kind of
pressures. (Answer: TRUE)

(8-10 Basic tenets of Concert of Europe)

8. Return of Monarchy. (Answer: TRUE)

9. Acceptance of the Napoleonic code. (Answer: FALSE)
10. Return of Islamic values in Europe. (Answer: FALSE)

1. At the international level, one of most likely arenas for normative dissonance in global
governance is human rights because alternative moral frameworks define and locate the
rights and responsibilities of individuals, communities and states vis-à-vis one another.
(Answer: TRUE)
2. In the United Nations, once a problem has been identified and diagnosed, the UN helps
to solidify a new norm of behavior, often through the summit conferences and
international panels and commissions. (Answer: TRUE)
3. In global governance where the sum of laws, norms, policies and institutions, all of its
actors depend upon multinationalism and the underwriting of regularity and public goods
in the international system. (Answer: FALSE)
4. In institutionalizing ideas, intergovernmental organizations can help to facilitate joint
action by sharing information, reducing transaction costs, providing incentives for
concessions and establishing mechanisms for dispute resolution and agreed decision-
making processes. (Answer: TRUE)
5. Government is the sum of laws, norms, policies and institutions that define, constitute,
mediate trans-border relations between states, cultures, citizens, intergovernmental and
non-governmental organization and the market.
(Answer: FALSE)
6. The idea of the global governance in domestic context, governance is as equal as the
government, implying shared social purpose and goal orientation as well as formal
authority or police powers. (Answer: FALSE)
7. In the United Nations policy stage refers to the statement of principles and actions that
an organization is likely to take in the event of particular contingencies, in able for the
UN to promote awareness as new problem emerges and new norms arises.
(Answer: TRUE)
8. The most effective form of behavior regulation in the United Nation is for complete
convergence between traditions and norms. (Answer: FALSE)
9. Veto power of the Nine permanent members of the security council is one of the
challenges of United Nations. (Answer: FALSE)

10. The United Nations must become an outward looking or network organization, catalyzing
the relationships needed to get strong results and not letting the traditions of its formal
processes be barriers to strengthen the global governance. (Answer: TRUE)

Directions: Write “PS” if from a Political Science expert, “E” if from an Economics expert, “C” if
from a Cultural expert and write “I” if the given statement is under Ideology.
1. Nobody is in charge of it. (Answer: I)
2. Borderless world. (Answer: C)
3. Fast speed of trade. (Answer: E)
4. Privatization. (Answer: E)
5. World Governance (Answer: PS)
6. It benefits everyone in the long run. (Answer: I)
7. “Shrinking World”. (Answer: C)
8. Emergence of Corporations. (Answer: PS)
9. It is inevitable. (Answer: I)
10. Multilateral and Bilateral relations among Nation-states. (Answer: PS)

1. Who gave the academic definition of globalization which states that “The expansion and
intensification of social relations and consciousness across world time and world space”?
(Answer: STEGER)
2. It is a type of global corporation that invest in other countries, but do not have coordinated
product offerings in each country. (Answer: MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS)
3. It is a type of global corporation that invest in foreign operations, have central corporate
facility but give the decision making, research and development, and marketing powers,
to each individual foreign market. (Answer: TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS)
4. According to IMF, it refers to the growing economic interdependence of countries
worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods
and services and of international capital flows, and also through the more rapid and
widespread diffusion of technology. (Answer: GLOBALIZATION)
5. Refers to one of globalization’s description /definition which means, a fluid process that is
constantly changing with the development of human society. (Answer: EVOLUTIONARY)
6. Who gave the academic definition of globalization which states that, “globalization
represents the triumph of a capitalist world economy tied together by a global division of
7. According to Martin Knor’s statement, what is the term he used for globalization that the
Third World have or have been experiencing for several centuries?
8. As stated in the article in Pearson Education, Prentice Hall, this is a more advanced form
of Globalization that implies a degree of functional integration between internationally
dispersed economic activities. (Answer: INTERNATIONALIZATION)
9. Understood as this term by which markets and production in different countries are
becoming increasingly interdependent due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services
and the flows of capital and technology. (Answer: PHENOMENON)
10. According to Herman E. Daly, this refers to many formerly national economies into one
global economy, mainly by free trade and free capital mobility, but also by easy or
uncontrolled migration. It is the effective erasure of national boundaries for economic
purposes. International trade governed by comparative advantage) becomes interregional
trade (governed by absolute advantage). What was many become one.

1. It is a multidimensional phenomenon that promotes connections in all aspects of the
contemporary social life. (Answer: GLOBALIZATION)
2. An actor of economic globalization that consists of multinational and transnational
corporations. (Answer: GLOBAL CORPORATION)
3. It became a world currency, backed by two-thirds of the world’s gold reserve in 1950.
(Answer: DOLLAR)
4. It facilitates cross-border transactions involving trade and investments. (Answer:
5. It is an international monetary system that adopted the gold-dollar exchange standard.
6. It is the increasing integration of economies through movements of goods, services,
and capital across borders. (Answer: ECONOMIC GLOBALIZATION)
7. It is one of the actors of economic globalization that states that there is no national
product and national companies. (Answer: NATION-STATES)
8. It is a worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of the contemporary social life.
9. European nations adopted it as a fixed exchange rate regime until the 1930s.
10. It is the increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing
scale of cross-border trade of commodities and rapid spread of technologies.
1. It is an intergovernmental organization that aims to fight poverty. It also provides loans and
grants to the governments of poorer countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects.
(Answer: WORLD BANK)
2. Aims to stabilize economies and works to foster global monetary cooperation, secure
financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable
economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. (Answer: INTERNATIONAL
3. Its role is to be an actor in the global economy that lends money and provide financial grants
to nation-states and global corporations. (Answer: INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL
4. It allows price signals to be transmitted from one market to another and if it is well integrated,
prices become more stable, and household food security is likely to be improved.
5. It is an enterprise that undertakes foreign direct investment, owns or controls income-
gathering assets in more than one country, produces goods or services outside its country
of origin, or engages in international production. (Answer: TRANSNATIONAL
6. It is a regional development bank found in Asia and is a social development organization that
is dedicated to reducing poverty in Asia and the Pacific through inclusive economic growth,
environmentally sustainable growth, and regional integration. (Answer: ASIAN
7. A company that does business in at least one country outside of its country of origin to
produce and sell products and services to people around the world. (Answer: GLOBAL
8. They have investment in other countries, but do not have coordinated product offerings in
each country. They are more focused on adapting their products and services to each
individual local market. (Answer: MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS)
9. It is viewed as externalization for the corporation, which gains access to benefits within global
value chains without the direct investment of comparable amounts of capital, albeit at the
cost of relinquishing elements of control and at reduced profit levels.
10. It is transforming the classic value chain of manufacturing which focuses on innovation
wherein product design and its process of production is already digital.

1. He stated that nation-state is an independent political community with governments.
2. The three reactionary countries vs Napoleon during the concert of Europe. (Answer:
3. What does IGO stands for? (Answer: INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION)
4. It refers to the increase or decline of the degree of globalism. (Answer:
5. It is an Intergovernmental organization of 52-member state that are mostly former
territories of the British Empire. (Answer: COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS)
6. It seeks to know the basic network. (Answer: GLOBALISM)
7. He stated that nation-state is an imagined political community. (Answer: BENEDICT
8. It is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal that sits in the Hague
in the Netherlands. (Answer: INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT)

1. It refers to an association which has control over a geographic area or territory, considered
as an organized political community under one government. (Answer: STATES)
2. It is the process by which states establish and develop formal, continuing institutional
structures for the conduct of certain aspects of their relationships with each other such as
the ASEAN, United Nations, World Health Organization, etc. (Answer: INTERNATIONAL
3. Any place where two or more parties can meet to engage in an economic transaction. It may
involve goods, services, information, currency, or any combination of these that pass from
one party to another. (Answer: MARKET)
4. A society comprised of groups or organizations working in the interest of the citizens but
operating outside of the governmental and for-profit sectors like Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). (Answer: CIVIL
5. An international organization formed in 1945 to increase political and economic cooperation
among its member countries as well as international peace and security. (Answer: UNITED
6. It implies shared social purpose and goal orientation as well as formal authority or police
powers. (Answer: GOVERNANCE)
7. The practice or principle of nations or parties trading or forming agreements on a multilateral
basis. (Answer: MULTILATERALISM)
8. It implies an international system with some of the capacities that we customarily associate
with functional national governments. (Answer: WORLD GOVERNMENT)
9. These organizations sprouted their roots as sovereign states made new arrangement for
the increased interactions brought about by the Industrial Revolution. (Answer:
10. Most of the world's countries have joined forces to tackle global issues by joining the United
Nations as UN member states, but this country is not a member of the UN. (Answer:

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The different conceptions of globalization based on scholars. (Answer:C)

A. Process, free trade, social process

B.State, ideology and international laws

C. Process, state and ideology

D. Process, state and trade blocs

2. The definition of globalization according to Waters. (Answer:A)

A. It is a social process that create, multiply, intensify worldwide interdependence.

B. It denotes processes nestling under one rather unwieldy epithet.

C. It is about liberalization and global integration of markets.

D. It furthers the spread of democracy.

3. The following are the definitions of globalization from a Political Science experts, EXCEPT

A. International laws

B. World governance

C. Strength of regional blocs

D. “Shrinking World”

4. Which of the following is the definition of globalization based from culture expert? (Answer:B)

A. Emerge of corporation

B. Borderless world

C. Privatization

D. Free trade

5. The following are the definition of globalization from an economic expert EXCEPT(Answer:B)

A. Privatization

B. World governance

C. Multinational and transnational corporation

D. Global economic organization

6. Definition of globalization according to Michael Freeden’s article. (Answer:A)

A. Globalization is a social process that charges our current social condition based on
modern styles.

B. Globalization is a phenomenon that only occurs in a specific country or place.

C. Both a and b
7. Definition of globalization according to Political Science experts. (Answer: C)

A. Globalization is the emergence of global political norms.

B. Globalization is about the multi-lateral and bilateral relations among nation states.

C. Both a and b

8. Claim 5: Globalization furthers the spread of Democracy (Answer: C)

A. Globalization is a process that strengthens the existing affinity between democracy and
the free market.

B. There is a clear correlation between country’s level of economic development and

successful democracy.

C. Both a and b

9. 6 claims of globalization (Answer:A)

A. Nobody is in charge of globalization

B. Globalization inevitable and reversible.

C. Both a and b

10. Claim 3: Nobody is in charge of Globalization(Answer:B)

A. America and other rich countries are in charge of Globalization since they are powerful
and dominates the world’s market.

B. Nobody is in charge of Globalization since everyone experienced and benefits from it.

C. Both a and b

Write the letter A if the given example describes Various forms of Connectivity; B. if it’s Expansion
& Stretching of social relations; C if it’s Intensification & Acceleration of social exchanges and
activities; and D if it’s Occurs objectively
1. Regional and international NGO’s (Answer: B)
2. Travel capacities brought about by low airfares (Answer: C)
3. They are enabled by various factors, pressures, media, etc. (Answer: A)
4. MNC’s and TNC’s (Answer: B)
5. Associate ourselves with global trends (Answer: D)
6. Sense of responsibility (Answer: D)
7. They are diverse (Answer: A)
8. Door to door mail delivery to FB messages, IG, Snapchat, Twitter (Answer: C)
9. Sister cities mechanism (Answer: B)
10. Live TV Telecast (Answer: C)

1. The following countries participated in creating a common market where goods and
services, capital and labor moved freely, except (Answer: C)
a. France b. Germany c. Luxembourg d. South
2. It is a currency wherein an International Monetary System, Bretton Wood Standard, were
fixed to use it until 1971. (Answer: A)
a. U.S Dollar b. Euro c. Peso d. New Zealand
3. A historical system that created the dramatically diverging historical level of wages in the
economic arena of the world system. (Answer: C)
a. Socialism b. Imperialism c. Capitalism d. Structuralism
4. In world economy, a system requires a very special relationship between economic
producers and the holders of political power. (Answer: B
a. Monopolist System b. Capitalist System c. Socialist System d.
Structuralism System
5. It is what sellers always prefer for then they can create a relatively wide margin between
the cost of production and sale price, and thus realize high rates of profit. (Answer: A)
a. Monopoly b. Oligopoly c. Monopolistic Competition d. Perfect Competition

1. It is transforming the classic value chain of manufacturing focused on innovation which
has affected the entire structure of how global corporations operate. (Answer: A)
a. Digitalization
b. Privatization
c. Colonialism
2. The dominant system operates within and between global corporate structures.
(Answer: B)
a. Quality Response Management System
b. Quick Response Management System
c. Quantity Response Management System
3. Calculated as the sum of all values added by each producer, not the sum total of all the
sales of all producers. (Answer: B)
a. GNI
b. GDP
c. Both a and b
4. These economies together with developing companies have become the most dynamic
sector of global corporate growth, represented in part by their significant FDI over the
three decades. (Answer: C)
a. PRICS economies
b. Asian economies
c. BRICS economies
5. It is defined as enterprises comprising parent enterprise and their foreign affiliates in
which the government has a controlling interest. (Answer: A)
a. State-owned corporations
b. Nation-owned corporations
c. Nation-state-owned corporations

1. It is a regional intergovernmental organization compromising ten Southeast Asian states.
(Answer: A)
a. ASEAN b. UN c. North Atlantic Alliance
2. Who defined nation-state as “Coercive authority over specific authority”? (Answer: B)
a. Headley Bull b. Max Weber c. Benedict Anderson
3. A political community that emanates from civic society to execute peace legitimately.
(Answer: C)
a. Nation b. State c. Nation-State
4. Emphasizes the organic ties that hold groups of people together and inspire a sense of
loyalty and belonging. (Answer: A)
a. Nation b. State c. Nation-State
5. A compulsory political organization with continuous operations if and in so far its
administrative staff successfully upholds a claim on monopoly of the legitimate use of
physical force in the enforcement of its orders. (Answer: B)
a. Nation b. State c. Nation-State
6. It is an intergovernmental military alliance between several North American and European
states based on the Atlantic Treaty. (Answer: B)
a. EU b. North Atlantic Alliance c. UN
7. It is an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade. (Answer: A)
a. WTO b. ICC c. UN
8. It is an intergovernmental organization the exports petroleum and it consist of 14 states.
(Answer: C)
a. ASEAN b. UN c. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Company
9. It is a type of multinational union where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by
governments of a member state. (Answer: C)
a. State b. Commonwealth of Nations c. Supranational Union
10. It is an intergovernmental organization tasked to promote international cooperation and to
create and maintain international order. (Answer: C)
a. APEC b. ASEAN c. UN

1. The following are the United Nations as a Global Governance Actor except: (Answer: C)
A. A mechanism for information and actions
B. Prevent and manage trans-boundary conflict
C. No national product and national companies
D. Universal membership

2. It provides international supervision for 11 Trust Territories and ensure that adequate
steps are taken for self-government and independence. (Answer: D)
A. Security Council C. General Assembly
B. Secretariat D. Trusteeship Council

3. What is this United Nation’s organ that is responsibility for the maintenance of peace and
security? It also determines when and where a UN peace operation should be deployed.
(Answer: A)
A. Security Council C. General Assembly
B. Secretariat D. Trusteeship Council

4. What is the United Nations' executive arm? It carries out the daily activities as mandated
by the five other organs. One of its important roles is setting the agenda for the UN's
deliberative and decision-making bodies of the UN, and the implementation of the decision
of these bodies. (Answer: D)
A. International Court of Justice C. Economic and Social Council
B. General Assembly D. Secretariat

5. What is the UN organ that focus on the main deliberative body, policymaking and
representative organ of the states? It discusses and work together on a wide array of
international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations. (Answer: B)
A. International Court of Justice C. Economic and Social Council
B. General Assembly D. Secretariat

6. What is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations? Its primary functions are to settle
international legal disputes submitted by states and give advisory opinions on legal issues
referred to it by the UN. (Answer: A)
A. International Court of Justice C. Economic and Social Council
B. General Assembly D. Secretariat

7. What is the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue, and
recommendations on economic, social and environmental issues in the UN Organ? This
serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues and
formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations
system. (Answer: C)
A. International Court of Justice C. Economic and Social Council
B. General Assembly D. Secretariat

8. One of the United Nation Organs is the General Assembly. How many states are included
in it? (Answer: A)
A. 193 C. 173
B. 183 D. 163

9. These are the following functions of the United Nation. (Answer: B)

l. To protect human rights
ll. To balance payment problems
lll. To deliver humanitarian aid
lV. To uphold international law
A. I, II, III B. I, III, IV C. I, II, IV D. All of the above

10. There is no intergovernmental organization if there is no ______. Complete the statement.

(Answer: C)
A. nation C. state
B. financial institution D. government

Attributes of Economic Globalization
1. The globalization of trade of goods and services.
2. The globalization of financial and capital markets.
3. The globalization of technology and communication
4. The globalization of production
Actors of Economic Globalization


1. Nation-states
2. Global Corporations
3. International Monetary Systems
4. International Financial Institutions

International Financial Institutions

1. World bank
2. International Monetary Funds
3. African/Asian Development Bank
1. Give 5 examples of global corporations.
2. Enumerate the three periods of globalization.
3. What are the two types of global corporation?

1. With all the meanings of globalization are a real life situation where globalization happens.
2.. Among the definition of globalization given by different experts, what is your own definition of

1. In your own words and understanding, provide your own definition of what Globalization is.
2. After learning the different definitions of Globalization, to what extent have the definitions
helped you understand more fully about the concept of globalization?
3. How does the constant defining of globalization affect most scholars?

1. In your opinion, what are the disadvantages of economic globalization in the Philippines?
2. As a student who is taking up a business course at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, what
do you think are the effects of globalization to the economic stability of our country at the
present time.

1. Do you agree that global corporation has brought global inequality? Why or why not?
2. In your opinion, does globalization bring more harm than growth?
1. Differentiate Globalization and Globalism.
2. Differentiate Nation, State and Nation-State

1. Based on your own understanding, what do you think are the effects id no intergovernmental
organizations like the United Nations exist?
2. What is United Nations and its advantages to the world? Give at least 2 advantages that the
United Nations has contributed to the society.


1. What was the reason of Captain Pia Klemp for refusing the award from the city mayor at
Paris? (Answer: The hypocrisy of the mayor of Paris and city government)
2. What is the criminal accusation of the Italian authorities to the group of Captain Pia Klemp?
(Answer: illegal immigration)
3. He is the current president of Brazil. (Answer: President Jair Bolsonaro)
4. By what year does the Nestle wants to achieve or reach zero net greenhouse gas emissions
across their supple chains? (Answer: 2050)
5. What is the southeast asian country that first performed the mosquito trials to defeat dengue?
(Answer: Vietnam)
6. What is the bacteria that infects the dengue-carrying mosquito therefore eradicating the virus?
(Answer: Wolbachia)
7. It is an Indonesian island known for its forested volcanic mountains, iconic rice paddies,
beaches and coral reefs but now, splits tens of thousands tons of plastic garbage. (Answer:
Bali, Indonesia)
8. They used these leaves as an alternative to plastic bags to wrap the fruits and vegetables and
it is common in Indonesia and other parts of Asia. (Answer: Banana leaves)
9. Youth from different countries were insisting the world to stop using of these because it linked
to the climate change. (Answer: Coal, Oil Gas)
10. Last September 20, 2019, youth were gathered all over the world to a worldwide strike where
they demanded something. What is it? (Answer: Action)
11. What is the name of the Palestinian-led boycott movement that the two U.S democratic
congresswomen were supporting? (Answer: BDS Movement)
12. Which country does the two congresswoman plan to visit but was not allowed because of their
support for the BDS movement? (Answer: Israel)
13. It is a bill that allows fugitive offenders of Hong Kong to be surrendered in China for trial or
punishment. It is transferring a certain offender to a specific place or country where he/she
will be persecuted. (Answer: Extradition bill)
14. It is a principle that allows a country to have 2 systems including separate decision-making in
accordance to each of the 2 system's leaders. The scope of this principle covers aspects such
as economic, financial and governmental. (Answer: 1 country, 2 system)
15. The Amazon forest is under what country? (Answer: Brazil)
16. How many percent of oxygen in the world that Amazon forest can produce? (Answer:20%)
17. It is the 5km human chain formed by hundreds of secondary students from over 120 schools
along with their alumni which aimed to show their support of the anti-government protests.
(Answer: Road to Freedom)
18. She is the Hong Kong Leader who withdrew the Extradition Bill. (Answer: Carrie Lan)
19. Who is the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist who condemns world leaders at the UN
climate summit? (Answer: Greta Thunberg)
20. What is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities in the United
States? (Answer: Burning fossil fuels)
21. What type of tree was planted by a researcher named Jason Box to lessen the Carbon
emission in Greenland? (Answer: Siberian Larch)
22. How much amount of ice already melted in Greenland up to modern day? (Answer: 3 and a
half trillion tons of ice)

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