Regina Ongsiako Reyes vs. Comelec and Joseph Socorro Tan Facts Relevant Laws Issues and Ruling

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On October 31. 2012, Joseph Socorro Tan filed with the Comelec an Article 6 (1987 Consti) WoN petitioner could be proclaimed on May 18, 2013 [NO]
Amended Petition to Deny Due Course or to Cancel the Certificate of Section 6. - No basis
Candidacy of Regina Ongsiako Reyes, the petitioner, on the ground that it No person shall be a Member of WoN there was a basis for the petitioner’s proclamation on May 18,
contained material representations. On March 27, 2013, the COMELEC
the House of Representatives 2013 [NO]
cancelled the certificate of candidacy of the petitioner. She filed a Motion for
Reconsideration on April 8, 2013. On May 14, 2013, COMELEC en banc unless he is a natural-born citizen
denied her MR. of the Philippines and, on the day The proclamation w/c the petitioner secured May 18, 2013 was WITHOUT BASIS
of the election, is at least twenty- 1. 4 days before the May 18 proclamation, or on May 14, the COMELEC
five years of age, able to read and En Banc has already denied the petitioner’s motion to reconsider the
COMELEC En Banc, on May 14, 2013, finally disposed of the issue of the decision of the COMELEC that CANCELLED her certificate of
petitioner, Regina Ongsiako Reyes’ lack of Filipino citizenship and residency write, and, except the party-list
candidacy for lack of merit.
representatives, a registered 2. On May 18, there was already a standing and unquestioned
voter in the district in which he cancellation of petitioner’s certificate of candidacy, which cancellation
The petitioner Regina Ongsiako Reyes then filed a Motion for
shall be elected, and a resident is a definite bar to her proclamation.
Reconsideration of the En Banc Resolution that dismissed her instant petition
due to the fact that no grave abuse of discretion was found on the part of the thereof for a period of not less 3. Under the COMELEC Rules, Rule 18, Section 13 (b) provides: in
COMELEC. than one year immediately Special Actions/cases a decision or resolution of the COMELEC En
preceding the day of the election. Banc shall become final and executory after 5 days from its
promulgation unless restrained by the SC
In her Motion, she stated that she is not asking the SC to make a 4.
determination as regards to her qualifications. But she is merely asking the Within the 5 days petitioner had the opportunity to go to the SC for a restraining
SC to affirm the jurisdiction of the House of Representative Electoral Tribunal order that will remove the immediate effect of the En Banc cancellation of her
(HRET) to solely and exclusively pass upon such qualifications and to set certificate of candidacy. Which petitioner did not move to happen.
aside the COMELEC Resolutions for having denied her right to due process
and for unconstitutionally adding a qualification not otherwise required by the *petitioner took the law into her own hands by securing a proclamation in
Consti. complete disregard of the COMELEC’s decision

Petitioner holds that she is a duly proclaimed winner and having taken her WoN COMELEC has jurisdiction over the petitioner who is
oath of office as a member of the HR, all questions now regarding her proclaimed as winner and who has already taken her oath of office
qualifications are outside the jurisdiction of the COMELEC and are within the for the position of member of the House of Representative of
exclusive jurisdiction of the HRET. Marinduque. [YES]

However, on May 18, 2013, she was proclaimed winner of the May 13, 2013 Yes, COMELEC retains jurisdiction because the jurisdiction of the House of
Elections. On June 5, 2013, COMELEC declared the May 14, 2013 Representative Electoral Tribunal (HRET) begins only after the candidate is
Resolution final and Executory. On the same day, petitioner took her oath of considered a Member of the House of Representatives, as stated in Section 17,
office before Feliciano Belmonte, the Speaker of the House of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution. For one to be considered a Member of the
Representatives. She has yet to assume office at that time, as her term House of Representatives, there must be a concurrence of these requisites: (1)
officially starts at noon of June 30, 2013. According to petitioner, the valid proclamation; (2) proper oath, and (3) assumption of office.
COMELEC was ousted of its jurisdiction when she was duly
proclaimed because pursuant to Section 17, Article VI of the 1987 Thus the petitioner cannot be considered a member of the HR yet as she has not
Constitution, the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) has assumed office yet. Also, the 2nd requirement was not validly complied with as a
the exclusive jurisdiction to be the “sole judge of all contests relating to the valid oath must be made (1) before the Speaker of the House of Representatives,
election, returns and qualifications” of the Members of the House of and (2) in open session. Here, although she made the oath before Speaker
Representatives. Belmonte, there is no indication that it was made during plenary or in open
session and, thus, it remains unclear whether the required oath of office was
indeed complied.

Furthermore, petition for certiorari will prosper only if grave abuse of discretion is
alleged and proved to exist. For an act to be struck down as having been done
with grave abuse of discretion, the abuse of discretion must be patent and gross.
Here, this Court finds that petitioner failed to adequately and substantially show
that grave abuse of discretion exists.

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