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Sample Paper-1: Vibrant Academy

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Time : 1½ Hr. Negative Marking - 0.25 Maximum Marks : 60


1. Each question carry 1 marks.

2. Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculators, mobile or any other
electronic gadgets in any form is not allowed.

3. Write your Name and Roll No. in the space provided in the bottom of this booklet.

4. Before answering the paper, fill up the required details in the blank space
provided in the answer sheet.

5. Do not forget to mention your roll number neatly and clearly in the blank space
provided in the answer sheet.

6. No rough sheets will be provided by the invigilators. All the rough work is to be
done in the blank space provided in the question paper.

7. In case of any dispute, the answer filled in the OMR sheet available with the
institute shall be final.

8. Post exam Answer Key will be declared. Correction in Answer Key will be
accepted till next 36 hours after which no correction will be entairtained.

VIBRANT ACADEMY (India) Private Limited

Road No.2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota-324005 (Raj.)
Tel.:(0744) 2425408, 9116147808
Email: edge@vibrantacademy.com Website : edge.vibrantacademy.com
1. If the mean of the numbers 7, 3, 8, 4, x, 7, 9, 7 7. In the adjoining figure, the point D divides the
and 12 is 7, then the difference between the side BC of ABC in the ratio m : n, then the
median and the mode of the numbers 12, 10, ar (ABD) : ar(ADC) are in the ratio :
8, 10, x, 7, 6, 8 and 6 is :
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (C) 3

2. The radius of sphere is 3r, then its volume will

be : B C
16 3 32 (A) n : m (B) m : n
(A) r (B) r3
3 3 (C) n2 : m2 (D) m2 : n2
108 3 8. Find the value of 56.08 148  14.
(C) r (D) 36r3
407 407
(A) 4 (B) 4
4 5863 69930
3. If x = 2  2 , then x + is :
(C) 4 (D) None of these
(A) 8 (B) 6 2 – 2 6993

(C) 6 – 2 (D) 12
p q
 1  1
a    a –  x
4. The average age of group of eight members is the  b  b a
same as it was 3 years ago, when a young 9. If p q =   t h en what
 1  1 b
member is substituted for an old member. The b    b – 
 a   a 
incoming member is younger to the outgoing
member by :
is x ?
(A) 11 years (B) 24 years
(C) 28 years (D) 16 years
(A) p + q (B) p – q

(C) pq (D)
5. One of the factors of the expression (2a + 5b)3
+ (2a – 5b)3 would be –
(A) 4a (B) 10b 10. D is a real number with non terminating digits
(C) 2a + 5b (D) 2a – 5b a 1 and a 2 af ter the decimal point. Let
D = 0.a1a2a1a2........ with a1 & a2 both not zero
6. In a PQR, PS is bisector of P meet QR at S which of the following when multiplied by D will
and Q = 70º, R = 30º, then : necessarily give an integer ?
(A) QS > PQ > PR (B) QS < PQ < PR (A) 198 (B) 18
(C) PQ > QS > SR (D) PQ < QS < SR (C) 125 (D) 75

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11. If initially the distance between two bodies is r 16. A transformer is used to light a 120 W, 24
and their masses be M1 and M2 then the force V lamp from 240 V Ac mains. The current
in the main cable is 0.6 A. The efficiency
of gravitation be F. If this distance is increased
of the transformer is :
to two times then the force would become :
(A) 48% (B) 63.8%
F F (C) 83.3% (D) 90%
(A) (B)
2 4
17. The speed of sound in a certain medium is 960
(C) 2 F (D) 4 F
m/s. If 3600 waves pass over a certain point in
12. A cylinder of mass 10 g weighs 7 g in water. If 1 minute, the wavelength is :
its area of cross-section is 0.75 cm2, its length (A) 2 m (B) 4 m
will be : (C) 8 m (D) 16 m
(A) 4 cm
18. If a force F is applied on a body and it moves
40 with a velocity V, the power will be :
(B) cm
(A) F × V (B) F/V
(C) F/V2 (D) F × V2
19. The distance between two stations is 200 km.
(D) known only in terms of its density A train travels for the first 100 km at a speed of
40 kmh1. How fast should the train travel the
13. A distance is always : next 100 km so as to average speed becomes
50 kmh–1 for the whole journey ?
(A) shortest length between two points
(A) 200/3 kmh–1 (B) 100 kmh–1
(B) length of actual path covered by an object (C) 100/3 kmh –1
(D) 50/3 kmh–1
between two points
(C) product of length and time 20. Which of the following graphs best represents
(D) none of the above the total energy (T) of a freely falling body and
its height (h) above the ground ?
14. A piece of iron has dimensions 3cm × 1.5 cm ×
6cm. If its mass is 205.2 gms, its density is :
(A) 5.6 gm cm–3 (B) 8.4 gm cm–3 T T
(A) (B)
(C) 7.6 gm cm–3 (D) 76 gm cm–3
h h
15. A coconut is hanging on a tree at a height of
15 m from the ground. A boy launches a projectile
vertically upwards with velocity 20 m/s. At what T T
time the projectile will pass the coconut ? (C) (D)
(g =10m/s2) h h
(A) 1s (B) 3s
(C) 1s and 3s (D) 4s

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21. Chemical substances, grease, nylon, naphtha 28. The magnitude of intermolecular forces of
and polyester can be obtained from - attraction is maximum in-
(A) Coal (A) chalk powder (B) water
(B) Petroleum (C) carbon dioxide (D) hydrogen
(C) Both of the above
29. Which of the following provides an example of
(D) None of the above
a true solution ?
22. The increasing order of the value of e/m (charge/ (A) Blood (B) Milk
mass) of an electron (e), proton (p), neutron (n) (C) Starch solution (D) Sugar solution

and alpha () particle is - 30. Which process is used for separation of two
(A) e,p,n, (B) n,p,e, miscible liquids on the basis of difference in their
(C) n,p, , e (D) n,, p, e boiling points ?
(A) Crystallization
23. Electrons revolve in some definite circular orbits
(B) Filtration
around the nucleus without emission of energy.
(C) Fractional distillation
This statement was given by -
(D) Sublimation
(A) Rutherford (B) Bohr
(C) Thomson (D) Somerfield 31. Female sex hormone is
(A) oestrogen (B) ADH
24. Which one of the following is a penta-atomic (C) insulin (D) adrenalin
molecule ?
(A) CO2 (B) PCl5 32. Both pulmonary and renal arteries.
(C) POCl3 (D) C2H6 (A) contain oxygenated blood
(B) have internal valves
(C) deliver CO2 to the organs they supply
25. The number of molecules in 16.0 g of oxygen is - (D) have thick wall and narrow lumen
(A) 6.02 x 1023 (B) 6.02 x 10–23
33. Non membranous cell organelle is :
(C) 3.01 x 10–23 (D) 3.01 x 1023
(A) Mitochondria (B) Nucleus
(C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes
26. Which of the following sets of ions is present in
potassium sulphate (K2SO4) ? 34. Which one has vascular tissue, produces
(A) K , SO 4
2– +4
(B) K , SO 2–
spores but lack seeds ?
(C) K+2, SO 4

(D) K+,SO4– (A) Bryophyta (B) Pteridophyta
(C) Gymnosperm (D) Angiosperms
27. The change of state of substance from gas to
35. Which of the following has incompletely four
liquid is called -
(A) melting (B) boiling chambered heart ?
(A) Mammals (B) Amphibians
(C) condensation (D) vaporization
(C) Birds (D) Reptiles
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36. Animals giving birth to young ones are : 43. Out of four main factors of production one is
(A) viviparous (B) oviparous (A) raw material. (B) stock.
(C) ovoviviparous (D) coelomate (C) labour. (D) building.

37. Congenital diseases are those which : 44. Food security depends on the :
(A) are deficiency diseases (A) Public Distribution system
(B) are present from time of birth (B) Government vigilance and action at times
(C) are spread from man to man when this security in threatened
(D) occur during life time (C) Public Awareness
(D) Both (A) and (B)
38. Fluid part of blood after removal of corpuscles
45. The standard meridian of India passes
(A) Plasma (B) Lymph
(C) Proteins (D) Vaccine
(A) Bhagalpur (B) Lucknow
39. The permanent tissue having localized thickening (C) Mirzapur (D) Dehradun
of pectin is :
(A) Parenchyma (B) Collenchyma 46. Poverty in China has declined due to
(C) Sclerenchyma (D) Xylem (A) massive investments in human resource.
40. Ozone hole refers to : (B) population control.
(A) hole in ozone layer (C) communist government.
(B) reduction in thickness of ozone layer in (D) industrialization.
(C) reduction in thickness of ozone layer in 47. Plant community that has grown naturally with-
troposphere out human aid and has been left undisturbed
(D) increase in concentration of ozone by humans for a long time is called
(A) mediterranean vegetation.
41. Which one of the following taxes in colonial India
(B) tundra vegetation.
had the most severe effect on pastoralists?
(C) virgin vegetation.
(A) Grazing tax (B) Pass or permit tax
(D) taiga vegetation.
(C) Tax per cattle (D) Land revenue

48. Which German expert was invited in India by

42. This programme provides for 100 days assured
the British for advice and was made the first
employment every year to every rural household
Inspector General of Forests in India ?
in 200 districts.
(A) Tuscany (B) E.P. Stebbing
(C) Dietrich Brandis (D) George Yule
(C) NREGA (D) All the above

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49. Over the late eighteenth and nineteenth 54 Which letter will be the eighth to the right of the
centuries in the English countryside at the seventh letter from the left end of the English
beginning of each year, at a public meeting each alphabets ?
villager was allocated a number of -
(A) R (B) O
(A) Animals to rear
(C) K (D) Q
(B) Strips to cultivate
(C) Machines to start his own industries
55. Pointing to a man Usha said “He is the brother
(D) Slaves
of the daughter of the wife of my husband”. How
is the man related usha ?
50. The Munich pact has been called the last act
(A) Son (B) Husband
of appeasement because :
(C) Cousin (D) Nephew
(A) It was signed in 1938
(B) Hitler attacked Poland on 1st Sept. 1939 Direction : (56) Arrange the following group such
(C) Mussolini attacked Greece that when arranged in a specific order,
(D) Mussolini attacked Ethiopia meaningful word is formed.
56. R T A O U H
Directions : (51 to 52) Find the missing numbers : 1 2 3 4 5 6
51. 2, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 22, ? (A) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2 (B) 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1
(A) 25 (B) 26 (C) 6, 3, 2, 4, 5, 1 (D) 3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1
(C) 27 (D) 28
57. ‘Match’ is related to ‘Win’ in the same way as
1 5 9 ‘Examination’ is related to ?
52. 4 8 12 (A) Write (B) Appear
7 (?) 15 (C) Success (D) Attempt

(A) 11 (B) 12 58. How many triangle does the following figure
(C) 13 (D) 16 have?

53. If HEMANT is coded as 854152, how would we

code MONIKA \
(A) 465911 (B) 464921
(C) 465912 (D) 465921
(A) 14 or more (B) 12 to 13
(C) 10 to 11 (D) 7 to 9

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Direction : (59) In each of the following questions, there
are figures of which three are similar in a certain
way, and one is different. Find the one that is
different from the rest.

59. (A) (B)

(C) (D)

Direction: (60) In each of the following questions,

choose the correct mirror image from
alternatives A, B, C, and D of the figure (X).


(X) (A) (B) (C) (D)

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Time : 1½ Hr. Negative Marking 0.25 Maximum Marks : 60


1. Each question carry 1 marks.

2. Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculators, mobile or any other
electronic gadgets in any form is not allowed.

3. Write your Name and Roll No. in the space provided in the bottom of this booklet.

4. Before answering the paper, fill up the required details in the blank space
provided in the answer sheet.

5. Do not forget to mention your roll number neatly and clearly in the blank space
provided in the answer sheet.

6. No rough sheets will be provided by the invigilators. All the rough work is to be
done in the blank space provided in the question paper.

7. In case of any dispute, the answer filled in the OMR sheet available with the
institute shall be final.

8. Post exam Answer Key will be declared. Correction in Answer Key will be
accepted till next 36 hours after which no correction will be entairtained.

VIBRANT ACADEMY (India) Private Limited

Road No.2, Indraprastha Industrial Area, Kota-324005 (Raj.)
Tel.:(0744) 2425408, 9116147808
Email: edge@vibrantacademy.com Website : edge.vibrantacademy.com
1. Unit digit of 61 + 62 + 63 +......+ 6100 is : 8. O is the centre of the circle as shown in the
(A) 2 (B) 4 diagram. The distance between P and Q is 4
(C) 6 (D) 0 cm. Then the measure of  ROQ is :
2. A man bought a house for Rs. 5 lakhs and rents
1 R
it. He puts 12 % of each month’s rent aside
2 Q
for repairs, pays Rs. 1660 as annual taxes and y°
realises 10% on his investment thereafter. The cm
O 2
monthly rent of the house is :
(A) Rs. 2460 (B) Rs. 2500 P
(C) Rs. 4920 (D) Rs. 5000

3. If the point D divides the side BC of ABC in

(A) 70º (B) 35º
the ratio m : n, then the ar (ABD) : ar(ADC)
(C) 105º (D) 30º
are in the ratio :
(A) n : m (B) m : n 9. If x = 0.75, then what is the value of the
(C) n2 : m2 (D) m2 : n2 x3
expression (1 + x + x2) + is :
4. The diagonals of a parallelogram ABCD intersect 1 x
each other at the point O. If DAC = 32º and (A) 0.25 (B) 4
(C) 1.75 (D) 11
AOB = 70º, then DBC is :
(A) 24º (B) 32º 10. Some oil is filled in a right circular cylindrical
(C) 38º (D) 86º vessel. The radius of the base of the vessel is
6 cm. Some iron balls, each of diameter 3 cm,
5. Which of the following number is irrational ? are completely dipped into the oil. If level of oil
in the vessel rises by 2 cm, the number of iron
(A) 16 – 4 (B) (3 – 3 ) (3 + 3 )
balls dipped into the oil is :
(C) 5 +3 (D) – 25 (A) 8 (B) 32
(C) 16 (D) 4
6. The decimal expansion of 2 is :
(A) Finite decimal 11. W hich of the following mathematical
formulations are not correct ?
(B) 1.4121 (A) F = k m a (B) p = m v
(C) Non-terminating recurring (C) F t = m v – m u (D) F / t = m (v – u)
(D) Non - terminating non recurring 12. How long will a ball dropped from a height of 20
x– 1 2x – 1 m take to reach the surface of the earth ?
7. If 25 =5 – 100, then the value of x is :
(A) 2 sec (B) 4 sec
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 6 sec (D) 8 sec
(C) 2 (D) None of these

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13. When an object undergoes acceleration : 20. Weight of object weighing 10 kg on earth :
(A) its speed always increases (A) will become 49 N on the moon
(B) its velocity always increases (B) will become 98 N on moon
(C) it always falls towards the Earth (C) will become 16.33 N on the moon
(D) a net non-zero force always acts on it (D) will become 32.66 N on the moon

14. Inertia is : 21. Generally, nonmetals

(A) A property of matter (A) form cations by gaining electrons
(B) A type of force (B) form cations by losing electrons.
(C) The speed of an object (C) are highly stable.
(D) form anions.
(D) The acceleration of an object
22. Some matter and their group are given in
15. A particle moves in a circle of radius 30 cm
column P and Q respectively.
with a constant speed of 6 cm/s.Its angular
Column-P Column-Q
velocity will be :
(a) Air (i) Element
(A) 0.2 (B) 0.18
(b) O2 (ii) Mixture
(C) 0.4 (D) 0.5 (c) Copper sulphate (iii) Base
16. Out of the following, which frequencies are (d) Sodium hydroxide (iv) Salt
not clearly audible to the human ear ? The correct option is -
(A) 30 Hz (B) 30,000 Hz (A) a (ii) , b (iv) , c (i), d(iii)
(C) 300 Hz (D) 3000 Hz (B) a(iv) b, (iii), c (ii) d (i)
(C) a (i), b (ii), c (iii) d (iv)
17. A satellite of the earth is revolving in a circular (D) a (ii) , b (i), c (iv) d (iii)
orbit with a uniform speed v. If the gravitational
force suddenly disappears, the satellite will 23. The formula of Aluminium Oxide is
(A) continue to move with velocity v along the (A) Al2O (B) AlO
original orbit. (C) Al2O3 (D) AlO3
(B) move with a velocity v, tangentially to the
24. Soda is an example of :
original orbit.
(A) gas in a liquid mixture
(C) fall down with increasing velocity.
(D) ultimately come to rest somewhere on the (B) liquid in a gas mixture
original orbit. (C) solid in a solid mixture
(D) solid in a gas mixture
18. Newton × second is the S.I. unit of :
(A) momentum 25. An atom is made up of negatively charged
(B) work electrons and positively charged protons. Still
(C) power it is electrically neutral because :
(D) gravitational intensity
(A) the electrons and protons are equal in
19. A force of 10 N gives a mass m an acceleration number, so no net charge is present.
of 5 m s–2 and a mass M an acceleration of (B) the neutrons neutralize the charge and
15 ms–2. If the two masses are tied together, make the atom neutral.
then acceleration will become : (C) the charge on the atom is too small to be
(A) 20 m s–2 (B) 10 m s–2 detected.
(C) 3.75 m s–2 (D) 2 m s–2 (D) the charge is always neutral.
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26. If atomic weights of carbon and phosphorus are 31. Osteocytes are the cells of :
12 and 31 respectively, then the ratio of neutrons (A) muscles (B) kidneys
present in them will be : (C) bones (D) blood
(A) 3 : 8 (B) 5 : 2
(C) 8 : 3 (D) 12 : 31 32. The tissue responsible for control and coordination
in our body is :
27. Statement - 1  The atomic mass of an (A) connective tissue. (B) nervous tissue.
element is not only relative but is average relative (C) muscular tissue. (D) epithelial tissue.
mass of an atom.
33. In honeybee colony, drones are :
Statement - 2  The average word is essential
(A) fertile females (B) fertile males
because the element, in general is a mixture of (C) sterile males (D) sterile females
different isotopes and atomic mass is the
average of these relative atomic mass. 34. Glucose and starch can be differentiated
Choose the correct option : using :
(A) iodine solution (B) HCl
(A) Statement 1 and 2 are true and statement 2
(C) NaOH (D) Sudan black
is the correct explanation of statement 1.
(B) Statement 1 and 2 are true but statement 2 35. W hich scientist used the term “Omnis
is not the correct explanation of statement 1. cellula-e-cellula” ?
(C) Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false. (A) Robert Hooke (B) A.V. Leeuwenhock
(D) Statement 1 and 2 are false. (C) Rudolf Virchow (D) M.J. Schleiden
36. The transport of water and soluble mineral
28. Analysis of chlorophyll shows that it contains
nutrients from the roots to all the parts of the
2.68 percent magnesium. How many atoms of plant is done by :
magnesium does 100 g of chlorophyll contain ? (A) xylem (B) phloem
(A) 6.672 × 1023 atoms (C) collenchyma (D) sclerenchyma
(B) 6.7246 × 1021 atoms
37. The folds of plasma membrane in bacterial cells
(C) 6.672 × 1022 atoms are known as
(D) 6.7246 × 1022 atoms (A) mesosomes (B) episomes

29. The number of valence electrons and valency (C) spherosomes (D) acrosomes
in an inert gas is- 38. The power house of the cell is commonly known
(A) 8, 0 respectively as
(B) 0,8 respectively (A) mitochondria (B) plastid
(C) 8,8 respectively (C) golgi complex (D) ribosomes
(D) 0,0 respectively 39.
The function of the tendon is
(A) to join the bone to the muscle
30. All metals -
(B) to provide support and flexibility to the body
(A) form cations by gaining electrons
(B) form anions (C) to conduct heat and maintain body
(C) are highly stable temperature
(D) form cations by losing electrons (D) to help in excretion
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40. The chemical substance with water proof quality 49. World Bank use a uniform standard for the
in plants leaf is - poverty line ; minimum availability of the
(A) cutin (B) pectin equivalent of _____ per person per day.
(C) lignin (D) fat (A) Rs. 10000 (B) 100 Yen
(C) 10 Euro (D) 1.9 U.S. Dollar
41. The highest peak in the Eastern ghats is - 50. Frequent change of leadership in a democracy
(A) Anaimudi (B) Kanchenjunga results in
(C) Mahendragiri (D) Khasi (A) Political competition
(B) Corruption
42. Which one of the following causes rainfall (C) Instability of the government
during winter in northwestern part of India. (D) Nepotism
(A) Cyclonic depression
(B) Retreating Monsoon 51. Which letter comes half way between G and S
in the alphabet
(C) Southwest Monsoon
(A) M (B) N
(D) Western disturbances
(C) O (D) P
43. Montesquieu wrote : Direction :(52) There is some relationship between the
(A) The social control two terms on the left side of the sigh (::). Se-
lect the same relationship between the two
(B) Two treatises of government
terms on the right side.
(C) The spirit of laws
(D) From monarchy to diarchy 52. Lion : Cub ::
(A) Father : Child (B) Aunt : Child
44. Cricket’s most important tools are all made of (C) Mother : Child (D) Father : Mother
____________, pre–industrial materials. 53. MAT is Coded as 32 and BIG is coded as 0,
(A) Synthetic (B) Artificial then FOR will be coded as—
(A) 7 (B) 8
(C) Natural (D) Cotton
(C) 9 (D) 10
45. When is world water day celebrated ? 54. Which of the following dices is identical to the
(A) 5 Jan (B) 22 March unfolded figure as shown here ?
(C) 5 June (D) 11 Sept
46. The name of the dam built on Mahanadi is A B
(A) Bhakra Nangal (B) Gandhi Sagar F
(C) Hirakund (D) Tungbhadra
47. The 1878 Act divided forests into : A E
(A) Four categories (B) Two categories C E D F
(C) Three categories (D) Five categories (a) (b)
48. Konkan is located on the - D A
(A) West coast of our country B A B C
(B) East coast of our country (c) (d)
(C) Southern most point of India
(A) d only (B) b and d only
(D) On Kerala coast
(C) a and c only (D) c only
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Directions : (55 to 56) Find the missing terms : 58. Pointing towards a woman in the photograph,
55. 55, 210, ?, 820, 1275 Raj esh said “the only daughter of her
grandfather(Paternal) is my wife”. How is Rajesh
(A) 465 (B) 420
related to that woman
(C) 410 (D) 515
(A) Uncle (Fufa) (B) Father
(C) Maternal uncle (D) Brother
3 5 2 4 3 5

19 20 ?
4 5 6
56. 59 5 6 ?
2 3 2 6 5 4 3 8 7 6 10 8

(A) 15 (B) 13
(A) 47 (B 45
(C) 9 (D) 8
(C) 37 (D) 35
60. Which one of the two interchanges in signs
57. If in the alphabest series are divided in two equal would make the given equation correct ?
halves from A to M and N to Z, which letter in 16 + 4 ÷ 2 – 21 × 7 = 21
the later half would be corresponding to the letter (A) + and – (B) + and ×
J? (C) – and ÷ (D) × and ÷
(A) Q (B) V
(C) X (D) W

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1. Which of the following is a quadratic polynomial 8. In a cricket match, a batswoman hits the
in one variable ? boundary 6 times out of 30 balls she plays.
Find the probability that she did not hit a
(A) 2 x 3  5 (B) 2x2 + 2x–2 boundary.
(C) x2 (D) 2x2 + y2 (A) 0.8 (B) 0.6
(C) 0.5 (D) 0.2
2. The complement of (90º – aº) is :
(A) – aº (B) 90º + a 2 1 3
9. Simplify :   .
5 3 3 2 5 2
(C) 90º – a (D) aº
(A) 1 (B) 0
3. If 25x – 1 = 52x – 1 – 100, then the value of x is : (C) 10 (D) 100
(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) None of these 10. In a  ABC, D, E and F are respectively, the
mid-points of BC, CA and AB. If the lengths of
4. O is the centre of a circle, AB and CD are two side AB, BC and CA are 17 cm, 18 cm and 19
chords of the circle. OM  AB and ON  CD. cm respectively, then the perimeter of  DEF
If OM = ON = 3 cm and AM = BM =4.5 cm, equal to :
then CD = (A) 54 cm (B) 18 cm
(C) 27 cm (D) 13.5 cm

11. Two bodies of same mass have velocities in

ratio 2:3. The ratio of their kinetic energies will
be :
(A) 2 : 3 (B) 4 : 9
(A) 9 cm (B) 10 cm
(C) 2 : 3 (D) 8 : 27
(C) 8 cm (D) 6 cm
12. The relative density of silver is 10.5, if the density
5. In  ABC, if D is a point on BC such that of water is 1000 kgm-3, then density of silver
BD : DC = 3 : 5 then, ar(  ADC) : ar(  ABC) = ? will be :
(A) 3 : 5 (B) 3 : 8 (A) 10.5 kgm-3 (B) 1050 kgm-3
(C) 5 : 8 (D) 8 : 3 -3
(C) 105 kgm (D) 10500 kgm-3

1 1 13. A metal object when fully immersed in water,

6. If a = 2 + 3 and b = 2 – 3 then 2
– is
a b2 displaces 2 litres of water. What is the loss in
equal to :
the weight in water ?
(A) 14 (B) –14
(A) 10 N (B) 24 N
(C) 8 3 (D) –8 3 (C) 17.5 N (D) 19.6 N

7. A sphere of radius 3 cm is dropped into a 14. A particle moves in a circle of radius 2m and
cylindrical vessel of radius 4 cm. If the sphere
completes one round in 10 seconds. Calculate
is submerged completely, then the height
(in cm) to which the water rises, is : the linear velocity :
(A) 2.35 (B) 2.30 (A) 20 m/s (B) 0.4m/s
(C) 2.25 (D) 2.15 (C) 200 m/s (D) 0.2m/s

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15. Inertia of an object is the natural tendency of : 22. An element A forms an oxide A2O3, the valency
(A) Changing its state of motion of A is :
(B) Stopping the motion (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) Offering a resistance to change its state of (C) 5 (D) 1
rest only
(D) Offering a resistance to change its state of 23. The formula of Aluminium Oxide is
rest or motion (A) Al2O (B) AlO
(C) Al2O3 (D) AlO3
16. A body does 20 joules of work in 4 seconds. Its
power is : 24. Soda is an example of :
(A) 4 watt (B) 5 watt (A) gas in a liquid mixture
(C) 20 watt (D) 80 watt (B) liquid in a gas mixture
(C) solid in a solid mixture
17. A device which converts mechanical energy into (D) solid in a gas mixture
electrical energy is known as :
(A) electric motor (B) generator 25. All nonmetals -
(C) lever (D) microphone (A) form cations by gaining electrons
(B) form cations by losing electrons
18. A body of mass 2 kg is thrown upward with (C) are highly stable
initial velocity 20 m/s. After 2s its kinetic energy (D) form anions
will be : (g = 10 m/s2)
(A) 400 J (B) 200 J 26. When calcium metal (Ca) changes to calcium
(C) zero (D) 100 J ion (Ca+2) the number of electron, proton and
neutron -
19. A person is listening to a tone of 500 Hz ((A) Remains same
sitting at a distance of 450 m from the source (B) Number of neutrons remains the same while
of the sound. What is the time interval between the number of both protons and electrons
the successive compression from the source ? changes.
(A) 5 ms (B) 1 ms (C) Number of neutrons and protons remains
(C) 2 ms (D) 2 s same while the number of electrons decreases
by 2.
20. A train travels 40 km at a uniform speed of 30 (D) Number of neutrons and electrons remains
km h–1 . Its average speed after travelling the same while number of protons increases
another 40 km is 45 km h–1 for the whole journey. by 2
Its speed in the second half of the journey is
27. Which of the following statement is not correct
(A) 45 km h–1 (B) 90 km h–1
about true solution ?
(C) 60 km h (D) 30 km h–1
(A) It can pass through filter paper .
(B) It is homogeneous in nature .
21. In which compound sublimation property is not (C) At constant temperature, particles of solute
found ? settle down.
(A) Ammonium chloride (B) Camphor (D) From a true solution, the solute can easily
(C) Copper sulphate (D) Naphthalene be recovered by evaporation or crystallisation.

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28. Which among the following elements is a 36. Two bones are connected to each other by a
metalloid? (A) ligament (B) calcium
(A) Beryllium (B) Barium (C) tendon (D) potassium
(C) Boron (D) Bismith
37. In honeybee colony, drones are :
29. Mass of an electron is -
(A) fertile females (B) fertile males
(A) 1/1650 amu (B) 9.1 × 10-31 kg
(C) 1.6 × 10 kg (D) 10-10 kg (C) sterile males (D) sterile females

30. Cloud is an example of - 38. Match List I with List II and select the correct
(A) soild dispersed in a gas. answer using the codes given below the lists.
(B) liquid dispersed in a gas. List –  List – 
(C) liquid dispersed in a soild. (Plant tissue) (Function)
(D) solid dispersed in a liquid. A. Sclerenchyma1. Conduction of water
B. Xylem 2. Transport of food
C. Phloem 3. Mechanical strength
31. The organelles that contain their own genetic
D. Meristem 4. Cell Division
material are :
(A) mitochondria, vacuoles
(A) 4 2 1 3
(B) plastids, golgi complex
(B) 1 4 3 2
(C) mitochondria, plastids
(C) 3 1 2 4
(D) ribosomes, nucleolus
(D) 2 3 4 1

32. The cell capable of changing its shape is 39. Kingdom monera includes.
(A) chondrocyte (B) osteocyte (A) Algae (B) Bacteria
(C) WBC (D) RBC (C) Mycoplasma (D) All of the above.

33. Plant cell wall is composed of : 40. Goitre is a type of

(A) Lignin (B) Cellulose (A) infectious disease.
(C) Suberin (D) Starch (B) contagious disease.
(C) deficiency disease.
34. Most of the monocots lack (D) genetic disorder.
(A) Tap root system
(B) phloem parenchyma 41. Konkan is located on the -
(C) companion cells (A) West coast of our country
(D) sieve tube (B) East coast of our country
(C) Southern most point of India
35. The cells of the cork of the older plants have (D) On Kerala coast
deposits of 42. __________ was the year of Great Agrarian
(A) lignin (B) cutin depression.
(A) 1930 (B) 1935
(C) calcium (D) suberin
(C) 1925 (D) 1920

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43. Montesquieu wrote : 50. Which one of the following is the smallest
(A) The social contract state of India?
(B) Two treatise of government (A) Lakshadweep
(C) The spirit of laws (B) Andaman & Nicobar
(D) From monarchy to diarchy (C) Daman & Diu
(D) Goa
44. 73rd constitutional amendement belongs to :
(A) Judiciary Directions (51 to 54): Find the missing numbers/
(B) Executive letter/terms :
(C) State legislature
(D) Local self Govt. 51. 78, 79, 81, ?, 92, 103, 119
(A) 88 (B) 85
(C) 84 (D) 83
45. What was the duration of 'Reign of Terror' ?
(A) 1791 – 92 AD (B) 1792 – 93 AD
52. CK 6 9 JR
(C) 1793 – 94 AD (D) 1794 – 95 AD OF 9 12 TX
KM ? ? PV
46. Cyrus Mclormick invented the first mechanical (A) 4, 6 (B) 6, 8
reaper in (C) 8, 10 (D) 10, 12
(A) 1828 (B) 1829
(C) 1930 (D) 1831
53. ab – cb – c – c – – b
(A) bcaaa (B) aabbc
47. Cricket’s most important tools are all made of
(C) abcab (D) acbca
____________, pre–industrial materials.
(A) Synthetic (B) Artificial
(C) Natural (D) Cotton ? 4 52
45 11 43
48. In America Universal adult Franchise was 54. 67 23 28
introduced in: 25 16 37
(A) 1789 (B) 1950
(C) 1935 (D) 1965 (A) 3 (B) 2
(C) 5 (D) 6
49. The river Narmada has its source at :
(A) Satpura 55. If in any code language, SAGAR is coded on
(B) Amarkantak GXQVD, How is KUMAR coded in that language
(C) Brahmgir (A) GWQVD (B) ODKVD
(D) Eastern slope of the western ghats (C) GXOVD (D) HXQVD

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56. If the following scrambled letters are rearranged 59. Count the number of squares in the following
to form the name of a city, the city so formed is figure :
famous for its :
(A) Locks (B) Steel Plant
(C) Temples (D) Pottery (A) 15 (B) 21
(C) 24 (D) 26
57. If DRIVER = 67 and TRUCK = 37 , what would
be MOPAD ? 60. In a code language.
(A) 45 (B) 55
PEN = 534
(C) 94 (D) 95
SUN = 412
58. I run along the sides of square field ABCD where SET = 651
C is to the north east of A and D is to the south
Then PUNE = ?
east of B. Starting from A in anticlock wise
direction, in which direction shall I be running (A) 3254 (B) 3245
after crossing B ? (C) 3425 (D) 3542
(A) North (B) South
(C) East (D) West

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Ques 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. C C D B A B B B A A B A B C C
Ques 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. C D A A D B D B C D A C A D C
Ques 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. A D D B D A B A B B A C C D C
Ques 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. A C C B B A A D B A D C A D D


Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. D C B C C D C A B C D A D A A
Ques. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. B B A C C D D C A A A A D A D
Ques. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. C B C A C A A A A A C D C C B
Ques. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. C C A D C A A C A A C D A D D


Ques. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ans. C D C A C D C A B C B D D B D
Ques. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. B B C C B C A C A D C C C B B
Ques. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
Ans. C C B A D A B C B C A A C D C
Ques. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Ans. D C D B D B C A A B A C B C B

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