MAPIC 2016 Retailers Directory

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16-18 Nov 2016
Palais des Festivals
Cannes, France

Discover a selection of new retailers

attending MAPIC 2016

Ready-to-Wear.............. 3 Retailtainment, Leisure.......... 26

Australia............................... 3 Belgium............................................26
Belgium................................ 3 Canada.............................................26
Canada................................. 3 France..............................................26
France.................................. 3 Italy.................................................27
Germany............................... 8 Russia..............................................27
Greece.................................. 9 Spain...............................................28
Hong Kong............................ 9 Turkey..............................................28
Italy..................................... 9 United Kingdom................................29
Poland.................................. 11 USA.................................................29
Russia.................................. 11
Spain................................... 12 Services................................ 30
Sweden................................ 14 Belgium............................................30
Switzerland........................... 14 Denmark...........................................30
Turkey.................................. 14 France..............................................30
United Kingdom.................... 15 Germany...........................................33
United Arab Emirates............. 15 Greece..............................................33
USA..................................... 16 Italy.................................................33
Food & Beverage.......... 18 Poland..............................................34
Czech Republic..................... 18 Russia..............................................35
France.................................. 18 Switzerland.......................................35
Germany............................... 21 United Kingdom................................35
Italy..................................... 22 United Arab Emirates.........................36
Netherlands.......................... 23 USA.................................................36
Poland.................................. 23
Romania............................... 23
Health, Beauty...................... 37
Switzerland........................... 23
France............................................. 37
Turkey.................................. 24
Sweden........................................... 38
United Kingdom.................... 24
USA..................................... 25
United Kingdom................................38

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Australia Belgium
Lovisa Odette Lunettes

Lovisa is the first stop shop Odette Lunettes, the Belgian

for the fashion forward to get eyewear brand of Eline De
their on-trend accessories Munck, creates collections of
fix. Lovisa can be found in 10 optical glasses and sun-
Presence: 10 countries Presence: Belgium
countries throughout the world glasses for both men and
with over 230 stores. Lovisa women. Odette Lunettes
was created out of a need stands for timeless elegance
for on trend fashion jewellery topped with a contemporary
at an accessible prices. The spicy sauce.
collections are inspired from
couture runway collections
and current street style.

Canada France
Ardène International Alexandre de Paris

Ardène is one of the largest Alexandre de Paris produces

fashion brands in North designs that pay tribute to America with over 400 stores alexandredeparis-acces- French elegance. The brand’s
across Canada and the United modern accessories magnifie
Presence: Canada, USA, Middle States. It sells shoes, jewel- women’s hair with a little
East lery, clothing, underwear and Presence: International touch of sophistication to
also cosmetics. enhance their accompanying

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Beaurivage Cabaïa

Beaurivage offers a complete Created in 2013, Cabaïa offers

collection of ready-to-wear an innovative pop-up bar
with a chic, Parisian spirit. concept of trendy and colour-
The products are manufac- ful woolly hats. The concept is
Presence: France Presence: France
tured in France, with French simple and fun : the customer
or European fabrics and are chooses a woolly hat model
available in a range of acces- and 3 pompons. Thanks to a
sible prices. magnetic clip system based
on the bottom of the cap, the
pompom can be replaced.

Carador CCV

Carador is a family chain of

jewellery and watches, created CCV is a fashion store chain 100 years ago, that combines that offers men, women and
traditional craftsmanship and children’s ready-to-wear from
Presence: France modern innovation. Presence: France the biggest brands: Le Coq
The brand proposes collections Sportif, Nike, Adidas and many
for every budget. more.
CCV own 16 stores in France.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Delta Lingerie / Darjeeling Elisabeth Nicolas

Since its creation in Elisabeth Nicolas is a leather

1995, Darjeeling lingerie goods brand specializing in
collection has attracted creating high-end leather
clients by offering the right bags. The bags are made in
Presence: France Presence: France
alchemy between quality, leathers of the best French
comfort, style and price. tanners and tanned according
Darjeeling has more than 155 to specific secret formulas.
stores in France and is onwed The leather is soft and supple:
by Delta Lingerie (Chantelle the hallmark of the brand.
Group). Elisabeth Nicolas resellers are
located in the south of France.

Fabio Lucci Flowers For Zoé

Fabio Lucci stores offer quality Flowers For Zoe is a brand

fashion collections at discount of timeless jewellery whose prices. designs are inspired by both
The shops also offer a choice the serenity of Scandinavian
Presence: France of lingerie, linens, shoes and Presence: Online nature and Japanese ikebana.
accessories for the whole Jewellery for men, women
family. and children are created in
precious materials: leather
and porcelain. The pieces are
the fruit of expertise from the
best French craftsmen.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Groupe Chantelle Kollabs

The Groupe Chantelle offers Kollabs is a concept-store

lingerie brands which develop of designers specializing in
close ties with their cus- ready-to-wear and acces-
tomers, on an international sories for women. Kollabs
Presence: France Presence: Online
scale with an expertise in offers trendsy, sharp pieces
highlighting the beauty of the and attaches particular
female body, and a know-how importance to creation,
in all facets of the trade, ran- originality and authenticity.
ging from design to distribu-
tion, the Chantelle Group owns
the following brands : Chantal
Thomas, Chantelle, Passiona-
ta, Darjeeling, Femilet, Livera
and Orcanta.

L’Exception Olymp

L’Exception is the leading shop Olymp is a high-end

of creative and luxury fashion, menswear fashion brand. For for men and women, with 65 years, Olymp helps men to
more than 400 brands. The give the best of themselves
Presence: Online store offers the best of French Presence: 40 countries in every situation of life with
creativity. At L’Exception, you shirts, polo shirts and ties.
also get the best customer Olymp’s success as a leading
service in France, awarded manufacturer of shirts based
every year by FIA-NET, with ul- on uncompromising quality
tra-fast delivery by Colissimo, standards. Olymp is repre-
DHL or even by courier within sented in over 40 countries
2h30min the same business worldwide with an export
day. share of 34%.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Original Marines Philippe Périssé

Original Marines creates and Philippe Périssé loves women.

produces clothing and acces- He likes them strong, sassy, sories thinking of those child-
audacious, and naturally
ren and families who want charismatic. The kind of
Presence: Africa, China, Presence: Online
to feel comfortable. Original women one never forgets, with
Europe, Middle East, Russia,
Marines’ fashion is casual, that typically Parisian allure,
sporty and refined, at the masculine chic, and feminine
vanguard of cuts and fabrics. charm. Silk and wool crepe,
Original Marines considers satin, cotton voile and poplin,
that quality and style should subtly mix and complement
not be a luxury for the few, but each other on perfectly cut
a reality for many. and designed pieces.

Studiomazé Synalia

Studiomazé offers an inno- Born from the merger of

vative concept where the La Guilde des Orfèvres and customer becomes the master Bijoutiers de France, Synalia is
of creation. The customer can the first cooperative of entre-
Presence: Online & BHV Marais participate in the development Presence: France preneurs’ jewellers in France,
Paris of his/her garment thanks to thanks to a diversified range
three clothing lines created by of services and a portfolio of
Studiomazé. Each line corres- complementary brands.
ponds to a Julien D’ Orcel, the Guilde des
degree of creativity, from the Orfèvres, Heures & Montres
change of the color of a pocket and Le Cercle Vendôme, all are
to the possibility of completely brands of Synalia cooperative.
customazing the garment. Synalia has 400 stores in

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Tati Timefy

Tati is a pioneer in the textile Timefy is the place for design

and discount bazaar market, and urban watch lovers.
and has remained true to its the brand makes a subjec-
DNA since its inception in tive selection of worldwide
Presence: France Presence: Online
1948. Known for the diversity designs. Timefy wants to bring
of its offer, with collections of customers a nice and qualita-
clothing and accessories for tive experience with designs
men, women, children, bridal, that have a story to tell.
as well as leisure, beauty and-
homewares. Tati continues its
revolution by offering quality
products and services at low

Kaiser Marc O’Polo

Kaiser for over thirty years has Marc O’Polo values the
been producing high quality natural materials and clothes baby products, specializing for confident people who don’t
in natural fur products for chase after every trend. The
Presence: France, Germany babies, with exclusive design Presence: France, USA, UK, founders were convinced that
in fine lambskin and selected Taiwan, UAE, Poland natural materials such as cot-
materials of excellent quality. ton, linen and silk created bet-
For the welfare of our children, ter products than synthetics.
the products undergo strict Their attitude remains an
quality controls. The products integral part of the company
are regularly awarded by trade culture and values today.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Migato Tsakiris Mallas

Migato has been in the Tsakiris Mallas is a brand of

footwear and accessories women’s shoes targeting a industry since 1983. Today,
contemporary audience. The
the brand is in a leading po- brand applies creativity and
Presence: Australia, Bulga- Presence: Greece, Saudi
sition with an extensive retail innovation to develop original,
ria, Cyprus, Greece, Kuwait, Arabia, USA
network of 120 shops and inspired product lines that
Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, South
hundreds of wholesale clients reflect current and future
Africa,Saudi Arabia, UAE
throughout Greece and the trends.
rest of the world. The strategy
focuses on the strengthening
of the brand and worldwide
development, while staying
loyal to the brand’s beliefs and

Hong Kong Italy

6ixty8ight DressYouCan

6ixty8ight is renowned for fun DressYouCan is a start- up

and inspiring fashion and specialized in the online rental lingerie targeted at females of luxury clothing and fashion
aged between 15-30 years accessories throughout Italy .
Presence: China, Hong Kong old. Young, fresh and full Presence: Online and a DressYouCan offers women a
of attitude, 6ixty8ight girls showroom in Milan new way of consuming luxury
love mixing-and-matching and provides an unlimited
their wardrobes, interpreting access to a potentially infinite
contemporary trends, and sty- wardrobe at an affordable
ling their self-expressive looks price.
with a casual-cool attitude.
Today, there are more than
100 6ixty8ight stores across
Hong Kong and China.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Marina Galanti Miniconf

Marina Galanti was founded Miniconf is a children’s

in 1999. The brand specializes fashion company that main-
in leather accessories: bags, tains a leading position with
belts, etc. Creations are made its Sarabanda, Dodipetto and
Presence: Italy Presence: Italy
with quality materials. The Ido brands.
collection offers more than
150 different ranges, approxi-
mately 500 different items,
per season. Marina Galanti
belongs to Elle Group.

Nucleo O bag

Nucleo is a brand of clothing Launched in 2009, O bag is

and accessories for babies a brand for bags and acces- and children making life sories offering an innovative
easier for mothers. Creativity, customisation concept of
Presence: Italy freedom, elegance, colours Presence: 50 countries enabling customers to par-
and fun are the watchwords ticipate in the final design.
of Nucleo which offers quality The brand uses materials that
collections a whole range of are unusual in the fashion
prices. industry such as foam, rubber
and plastic.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Italy Poland
Quattrocento Eyewear Marketing Investment Group (MIG)

Quattrocento is funded with MIG has been successful-

the goal of reviving the Italian ly operating on the Polish
artisans community. The footwear and clothing market
impeccable designs of for more than 25 years. The
Presence: Poland
eyewear which are 100% group’s developing retail
Presence: Resellers in Bosnia,
handcrafted in Italy. Quat- chains include Sizeer, 50 style,
France, Greece, Israel, Italy,
trocento is a refenrence to Timberland, Symbiosis and
14th century; the glorious up8. MIG is the sole distribu-
period of the Italian renais- tor of New Era, O’Neill, Lotto,
sance when the Guilds were Umbro, Confront, Feewear and
celebrities and painters were the Lacoste footwear line.

Charuel Thomas Münz

Charuel is a brand of clo- For over 20 years, Thomas

thing and accessories for Münz has been manufacturing women. The collections are the modern, comfortable shoes.
essence of Russian woman- The brand’s philosophy is
Presence: Russia hood. Charuel has a modern Presence: Russia that truly comfortable shoes
and functional fashion that take into account people’s
combines tradition and new particularities and natural
technology. Charuel favours movements. The Thomas
natural fabrics and pairs high Münz brand helps customers
quality with affordable prices. achieve greater freedom of

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Boboli Camper

Boboli is a fashion brand for Camper is a shoe brand

children and babies from 0 to from the island of Majorca in
16 years and is a 100% family Spain.
business with over 30 years Founded in 1975, Camper is a
Presence: 50 countries Presence: Brazil, Europe, South
of history. Boboli controls the family business with a rich
Korea, Turkey, USA
entire chain of its products shoemaking legacy enabling
and the brand is present to create unique and iconic
in 50 countries through its models.
own stores, corners, or multi

El Ganso Luna Beach

El Ganso is a family fashion Luna Beach designs swimwear

brand founded in 2005 for women that are hand-dyed, that offers fashion from handcrafted and inspired by
casual and sporty-chic, to ins- nature. The brand is for wo-
Presence: Europe, South pired 1950s England. El Ganso Presence: Spain men wishing to express their
America offers stylish, colourful clothes personal freedom and style.
for original people looking a
different style.
Each collection is designed
and manufactured 100%
in Europe from local, raw

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Mellerbrand Misako

Mellerbrand was created with Misako is the main operator

the aim to fabricate exotic sun- in the world of leather goods glasses. The company name
and luggage in Spain and has
originates from the biggest also developed a collection
Presence: France, Spain Presence: Spain
chameleon in Africa : Meller. of jewellery and accessories.
The colours of the sunglasses Misako stores are always
are designed to remind people located in the main streets
of both the colours of the and shopping centres of major
chameleon and the African capitals.
landscapes. Mellerbrand aims Misako is owned by Frag
to break away from traditional Comercio International.
forms with a new line of circu-
lar frames and polarized lens
of highest quality.

Ölend Sfera Joven

Handmade and customisable Sfera Joven is a fashion

backpacks brands. Ölend is brand that focuses on quality, primarily a story about three and constantly offers new
friends who love travelling. collections based on the latest
Presence: Resellers in Europe, The brand is inspired by Presence: Europe, Philippines, trends. It offers comfortable
USA mountaineers from the 1940s Saudi Arabia, South America clothing and accessories for
and 50’s. All the items are men, women and children at
unique, with no two identical very reasonable prices.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Sweden Switzerland
Optik Smart Eyes Bata

Smarteyes is an eyewear- Bata shoes the world! Bata

brand, whose mission is to serves a million customers
offer trendy glasses to the each day with a business
greatest number of people. model based on quality and
Presence: Germany, Sweden, Presence: 70+ countries
Smarteyes is present in Ger- accessibility for all.
many, Sweden and Denmark. From environmentally
conscious shoes to high-tech
heels, Bata’s strategic innova-
tion and production is led by a
diverse group of real people.

Switzerland Turkey
Viu Ventures Soo Be

Eyeglasses tend to be exces- Soo Be is the ultimate

sively expensive, which is why playground for children from Viu Ventures was founded. 0 to 12 years, where they can
Viu combines quality ma- express themselves through
Presence: Austria, Germany, terials with trendy designs, Presence: Azerbaijan, Saudi fun and fashion. A unique
Switzerland handmade in the Dolomites Arabia, Iraq, Serbia, Turkey shopping concept for children,
(Italy). The models are sold with theatre, music, plays and
directly in fashion stores. The live performances, art creative
brand offers a «try at home» activities happening daily in
service and «virtual testing» the stores. Soo Be is posi-
on their website. tioned as the pioneer brand for
children’s fashion.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

United Kingdom
Aspinal of London Blue Inc.

Aspinal of London is the Blue Inc. is a UK based retailer

quintessential English currently operating over 100
luxury lifestyle brand offering stores throughout the UK
women’s designer handbags under two retail fascias, Blue
Presence: Kuwait, UAE, UK Presence: UK
and purses, men’s wallets Inc and Officers Club. Blue
and luxury leather gifts. Each Inc. offers affordable fashion
piece is created by talented in menswear, womenswear
a team of designers, in the and boyswear. Their customers
West Sussex Headquarters and are aged 11 – 25 so the brand
handmade by genuine leather is very active on social media.
craftsmen and women. Blue Inc. has developed a
number of brands including
Twisted Soul, Twisted Soul
Heritage and Industrializer.

United Kingdom United Arab Emirates

The Dune Group Gocco

The Dune Group is one of the

most influential international Gocco is a brand for children retailers for footwear and that focuses on making clo-
accessories. thes from high quality fabrics.
Presence: Ireland, UK The Dune Group has over 20 Presence: Europe, Middle-East, With its style « classic - re-
years of experience in the Morocco, Singapore, South newed» and its wide range of
footwear industry and has ma- America clothing for any occasion, it is
naged to grow through quality today a reference for children’s
products and designers at the ready- to-wear in Spain.
forefront of trends.

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

Coach Copious Row

Coach is a leather goods and From globally recognized

high-end accessories brand. established designers to fresh
Alternative to traditional new talent, Copious Row is
luxury and always faithful to the ultimate destination for
Presence: International Presence: USA
the product, Coach offers au- a unique and dazzling edit of
thentic and innovative models. women’s accessories, fine and
Coach is the original American fashion jewellery, and ready-
house of leather. to-wear. With each designer
and piece hand-selected,
Copious Row always keeps in
mind its core values: top qua-
lity craftsmanship, a powerful
origin story, and supreme
aesthetic appeal.

Destination XL Group Florswheim

Destination XL Group is Florsheim is an Ameri-

the largest omni-channel can brand of shoes and specialty retailer of big and accessories for men.
tall men’s apparel. With more Florsheim offers a wide range
Presence: USA than 2,000 private label and Presence: France, Poland, of quality shoes, both classic
name-brand styles to choose Taiwan, UAE, UK and trendy. Elegance, comfort
from, big and tall customers and originality makes the
are provided with a unique brand very popular with stars
blend of wardrobe solutions on the red carpet.
not available at traditional

Ready-to-wear, Shoes & Accessories

HanesBrands O’Neill

HanesBrands is a manufac- O’Neill is originally a surfwear

turer and marketer of leading and surfboard brand. O’Neill,
everyday basic apparel under the founder, is credited to
some of the world’s strongest have invented the wetsuit,
Presence: International Presence: International
apparel brands. Their iconic his son Pat the leash on the
innerwear and activewear surfboard. The brand produces
apparel brands found in the sports apparel for young
United States and elsewhere adults and lifestyle apparel.
include Hanes, Champion, O’Neill operates from its head-
Playtex, Bali, Maidenform, quarters in Grand Duchy of
Wonderbra and Gear for Luxembourg, The Netherlands
Sports. and the USA.

Food & Beverage

Czech Republic
Fruitisimo Home Office Bistro

Created by two students, Chris Home Office Bistro is a

and Thomas on their return restaurant chain that focuses
from an internship in the USA on homemade meals, fresh,
who decided to bring some healthy ingredients and has
Presence: Czech Republic Presence: Czech Republic
freshness to the landscape banned the use of glutamate
of Czech food. Fruitisimo is and preservatives in its meals.
a chain that focuses on the Home Office Bistro is in the
well-being of its customers Czech Republic.
and offers fresh fruit juices,
ice creams and sorbets.

231 East Street BChef

A chain of restaurants spe- BChef offers a wide choice of

cializing in premium quality hot bagels, burgers, salads burger. Created in 2011 by and fries.
the Chef Cedric Moulot, 231 The products are made to
Presence: France East Street uses only quality Presence: France order from fresh ingredients.
ingredients and offers simple
and genuine US recipes.
231 East Street is present in

Food & Beverage

Canadian Steak House Cavavin

Canadian Steak House is a Cavavin has 30 years‘ exper-

restaurant which offers the tise in selecting wines and
warmth of Canadian cuisine spirits. The wines come from
in a friendly atmosphere. In all regions and varieties, es-
Presence: France Presence: France
winter around an open fire in a pecially Bordeaux, Burgundy,
wooden hut as in Canada and and the Loire Valley. Cavavin
on the terrace in summer. The also retails many types of
restaurant has meals for all champagne, whiskey and
budgets. other spirits.
Canadian Steak House also
has a shop with authentic
Canadian goods.

Emilie’s Cookies & Coffee Fun Sushi

Emilie’s Cookies & Coffee Sushi Fun is a specialty Asian

offers 100% homemade restaurant in Japanese cuisine pastries. In contrast to the especially sushi and sashimi.
standardized world of big Fun Sushi restaurant is
Presence: France fast-food chains, the universe Presence: France located in the 7th arrondisse-
of Emilie’s Cookies & Coffee ment of Paris.
is somewhere between 1950s
America, tattoo conventions,
a rock concert and the kitchen
of our grandmothers.

Food & Beverage

Gagao iceRoll

Gagao is a “craft chocolate iceRoll is a new concept of ice

store” where chocolate is the cream. iceRoll has developed
undisputed star. Besides the and design a frozen plate
chocolate drinks, Gagao also cooled to -30°c that makes ice
Presence: France Presence: France
offers coffees, teas and smoo- cream rolls, topped with fresh
thies, pastries and a range products (fruit, chocolate,
of savory products. Gagao etc). These ice cream rolls
choses to use raw materials of are prepared in front of the
organic and fairtrade quality. customers - every ice cream is
Gagao has two shops in Stras- unique!
bourg and wants to expand in
France and abroad.

Kenstal La Mie Câline

Kenstal offers turnkey fast- La Mie Câline is an industrial

food solutions for sports, bakery and pastry, with a cultural and civil society network of over 200 outlets in
events. France. The Mie Câline stores
Presence: France Presence: France, Spain operate on the system of the
cooking device using frozen
industrial products some-
times precooked and prepared
in factories owned by the

Food & Beverage

Maison Larnicol Orientis

Maison Larnicol sells tradi- Orientis is a holding company

tional pastries and choco- specialized in sweet delicacies
lates. Since winning his Top that manages a portfolio of
French Craftsman Award in recognized brands.
Presence: France Presence: France
1993, Georges Larnicol has
continued to demonstrate The constant search for cus-
his creativity and mastery of tomer satisfaction and quality
ingredients. He is committed craftsmanship of the products
to craftsmanship while en- are the common point between
suring that his production is brands of the Orientis group:
available to as many people Kusmi Tea, Løv Organic and
as possible. For him, quality Marlette.
must be shared by everyone!

France Germany
Réauté Chocolat Asiahung

Réauté Chocolat is a family Asiahung is a chain of restau-

business specializing in rants specialising in produ- chocolates. Besides the two cing and selling traditional
emblematic specialties of Asian cuisine.
Presence: France the house, Mayottes (praline, Presence: Germany, Poland
almond, hazelnut) and Carats
(caramel cream), the shops
have a choice of 600 refe-
rences throughout the year.
Réauté Chocolat shops grow
through franchises, the stores
are always located on the
outskirts of cities.

Food & Beverage

American Graffiti Old Wild West

American Graffiti is a chain Old Wild West is a restaurant

of restaurants that combines chain based on the legendary
traditional American diners theme of the American West.
of the 1950s with fast-food Old Wild West offers an im-
Presence: Italy Presence: Belgium, Croatia,
cooking. mersive experience to spend a
Georgia, Italy, France
fun time with family or friends
around meals of the west. The
meats are carefully selected:
Black Angus , exclusively fed
on Irish grass, Argentine beef

Rossopomodoro Vaniglia Gelaterie

Vaniglia Gelaterie is a
Rossopomodoro is an Italian company of homemade ice restaurant chain that started cream and takes special care
in Naples 30 years ago. It in choosing the raw materials
Presence: Italy, USA offers traditional cuisine and Presence: Italy to give its products a unique
features family recipes to flavor : fresh fruits, hazelnuts
enable customers to expe- from Piedmont, cocoa from
rience real Neapolitan cuisine Central America. Vaniglia
throughout Italy and abroad. Gelaterie shops also offers
pastries and yoghurt with
fresh fruits.

Food & Beverage

Netherlands Poland
Jacketz Krakowskie Wypieki

Since 2009, Jacketz proposes Krakowskie is a quality bakery

healthy baked potatoes with using traditional recipes. The
delicious fillings. products meet the highest
Jacketz prepares dishes standards and are manufac-
Presence: Netherlands Presence: Poland
freshly within a few minutes, tured with natural ingredients
and every dish is a stunningly with no artificial enhancers.
crafted piece of art: food is

Romania Switzerland
Salad Box Mövenpick

Salad Box means healthy Mövenpick is a Swiss brand

food. It’s not a diet; it’s just an of premium ice cream, which alternative to fast-food. “Yes, carefully selects the finest
we can”, was the motto of Sa- natural ingredients from
Presence: Romania lad Box story! “We can” stop Presence: 30 countries across the globe to provide its
eating frozen and just good customers with an exclusive
looking meals. “We can” find gustatory pleasure. Mövenpick
healthy food at the best price. ice creams contain absolu-
“We can” choose our own tely no artificial additives,
ingredients and enjoy them, in artificial flavours or coloring.
less than 2 minutes. “We can” All the Mövenpick ice creams
have spring on our plate every have the taste of the original
single day. This is what Salad ingredients.
Box is all about!

Food & Beverage

Switzerland Turkey
SUC+ Juice Bars Gönül Kahvesi

SUC + is a concept of pre- Gönül Kahvesi, has a world-

mium juices and smoothies. wide mission to deliver Turkish
The fruits, which are at the coffee and espresso the value
heart of the offer, are served it deserves. Gönül Kahvesi pro-
Presence: Switzerland Presence: Croatia, Turkey
with vegetables and additions mises to create a unique space
such as oatmeal, powder where people can socialize with
grass, wheat or protein pow- each other in a comfortable
der. Dedicated to freshness, and relaxing environment while
health, quality and pleasure, enjoying the best variety of
SUC+ only uses fresh and coffees.
qualitative ingredients to
promote a balanced diet.

United Kingdom
Chopstix Drake & Morgan

Chopstix Noodle Bar is an Drake & Morgan is a chain of

Oriental quick-service take bars and restaurants across away restaurant brand. London. It offers innovative
Chopstix Noodle Bar fo- cocktails and homemade
Presence: Ireland, UK cuses on fresh, healthy and Presence: UK menus, all in spectacular
tasty Oriental cuisine from settings to provide an escape
the finest ingredients and from everyday life for both
the most innovative fusion Londoners and tourists.

Food & Beverage

Villa Restaurant Group

Villa Restaurant Group is a

company that manages a
portfolio of 10 brands with
400 restaurants. The restau-
Presence: Puerto Rico, USA
rants of the group are mainly
located in - malls, airports
and casinos.

Retailtainment, Leisure

Belgium Canada
Kompan Commercial Systems International Play Company

Kompan manufactures ga- International Play Company

ming equipment for the shop- has been generating fun since
ping industry. They are experts 1999. The Canadian com-
in designing, manufacturing, pany manufactures Indoor &
Presence: International
distributing, installing and Outdoor playground equipment
Presence: Belgium
maintaining playgrounds. that meets the most stringent
safety standards.

CGR Cinemas L’Autre Usine

CGR Cinemas is the third lar- L’Autre Usine brings together

gest French cinema chain with sports, leisure and sensations 20 million spectators welco- all under one roof. In family,
med in 2015, 10 % of national between friends or colleagues,
Presence: France entries. CGR Cinemas is at Presence: France 16,000 m² of this former
the forefront of innovation and factory offers many activities:
the group is the first European karting, bowling, laser games,
chain with 100% digital and billiards and arcade games,
3D projection. but also five-a-side, squash,
CGR Cinémas has 474 cine- badminton, 3×3 basketball,
mas in 41 French towns. all in optimal safety condi-
tions. L’Autre Usine also offers
a food court.

Retailtainment, Leisure

Pro Urba UGC Ciné Cité

Pro Urba is a distributor of UGC is a major player in the

street equipment and furniture French cinema landscape.
for local authorities, Pro Urba The group is present in all
offers deco materials and sectors of the film industry.
Presence: France Presence: France
outdoor games for children. UGC wants cinema to be a
center of life, culture and
entertainment. Always located
in vibrant neighborhoods, UGC
has more than 400 theatres
in France, attracting nearly 34
million viewers per year.

Italy Russia
Garavaglia Kinomax

Garavaglia started out in The Kinomax cinemas are

game design for retailers, present all over the Russian trade shows, theme parks and territory. Kinomax welcomes
entertainment venues more 10 million spectators per year,
Presence: Italy than 40 years ago. It is now Presence: Russia representing 25% of the local
a benchmark in the design market.
and construction of effective The Kinomax cinemas are
imaginary worlds. places of life with entertain-
ment and catering spaces.

Retailtainment, Leisure

Grupo Moliere / Kino Ocine

Grupo Moliere is an events Ocine is a cinema chain

company which organises located in the main cities of
parties. Spain.
Grupo Moliere owns places to
Presence: Spain Presence: Spain
party in Spain Moliere Playa,
Epoca and Sol Beach Club.

Spain Turkey
Theleisureway Mars Sinema Turizm Ve Sportif Tesisler

Theleisureway is dedicated to Mars Sinema Turizm Ve Sportif

creating unique, innovative and Tesisler Isletmeciligi AS owns unusual leisure experiences. and operates a chain of movie
Each experience is custom theatres in Turkey. It also owns
Presence: Spain designed together with the Presence: Turkey a digital 3-dimensional movie
client, with the sole mission of theatre in Istanbul. The com-
delivering satisfaction. pany was founded in 2000 and
is based in Istanbul, Turkey.
The company has operates as
a subsidiary of Mars Enter-
tainment Group A.S.

Retailtainment, Leisure

United Kingdom
All Star Lanes Global Attractions

All Star Lanes brings together Global Attractions is a

in a single place, leisure, partner/advisor in every
catering and parties. It is a aspect of attraction develop-
meeting place where you can ment. The company enables
Presence: UK Presence: International
eat, drink and enjoy bowling clients to access the latest
and karaoke, all in a timeless ideas and technologies in this
American classic style. field at the technical, mana-
gement, immersive marketing,
engineering and pricing

United Kingdom USA

Paragon Creative Surf Loch

Paragon Creative is world Surf Loch offers the only

leading design and build com- pulsed wave swimming pools pany. Since its incorporation in that perfectly recreate the
1987 the company has earned impression of natural waves -
Presence: International the reputation of a world-class Presence: USA thrills guaranteed! Surf Loch
scenic, themed model making targets both beginners and
and fit-out facility specialist. experienced surfers.
Paragon is involved in over
1000 projects for museums,
aquariums, theme parks,
leisure centres, bars, visitor
attractions and retail.

Retailtainment, Leisure

Top Golf

TopGolf is a concept that

allows people to play golf in
their favourite bar. Guests can
compete with their friends,
Presence: USA
keep the score, and everyone
can play all year long.


Belgium Denmark
A.S. Adventure JYSK DBL

A.S.Adventure is «the place to JYSK is an international retail

go» for all globetrotters, na- chain that sells ‘everything
ture lovers and fans of active for the home. The JYSK Group
recreation. Customers can comprises more than 2,300
Presence: Belgium Presence: Europe
find everything under one roof. stores in the following 43
Whether client goes under the countries worldwide.
tropics, to the South Pole, to
Barcelona or to the Belgian Ar-
dennes, ASAdventure has the
product customer needs.

100 escales Akses

Akses is a brand in the field of

100 escales proposes home accessories for smartphones deco and fashion accessories and tablets. Akses was born
from around the world. All from the desire to bring
Presence: Online products are 100% handmade Presence: France freshness to the market but
and combine style, originality above all the desire to offer
and history. Products are a wide choice of accessories,
selected by an independent that are both functional and
journalist and photographer. elegant. The Akses stores offer
nearly 3500 product refe-
rences ranging from protective
accessories for smartphones
and tablets to a wide range of
audio and connected products.


BUT / Decomeubles Partners Centrakor

Decomeubles Partners owns Centrakor is the leading

BUT: the French brand spe- network of independent
cializing in home furnishings. discount shops for home
BUT has nearly 300 stores furnishing, deco and gifts.
Presence: France Presence: France
throughout France: a national It has more than 280 stores
presence that allows everyone throughout France, which set
to get equipped nearby and in the tone for new-generation
better conditions. discount shops – smart,
collaborative, uninhibited,
trendy, playful and very into
home deco!

Lagardère Travel Retail Le Marché de Léopold

Operating across the full Le Marché de Leopold is a

range of Tax and Duty Free chain of organic shops ins- categories from liquor, per- pired by the simple philosophy
fume and cosmetics and to- of making organic food acces-
Presence: International bacco, to specialists concepts Presence: France sible and fun for everyone. It
in fashion and accessories, offers a large range of organic
confectionery and fine food. products at the best prices
Sharing the landlord’s vision with a maximum focus on
for the airport, Lagardère local sourcing.
Travel Retail creates flexible,
effective retail options that
are carefully tailored to each


Pause V.I.PEE Qarson

Pause V.i.pee provides a

management solution “turn- Qarson is an independent
key” for public toilets. Pause multi-brand automobile
V.i.pee focuses on innovation, distributor specializing in the
cleanliness, ecology and sale of new or recent cars at
Presence: France Presence: France
service. Pause V.I.Pee provides competitive prices. The cars
a flexible service depending on proposed by Qarson have
the objectives and constraints discounts of up to -40 %
of each client. from the manufacturer prices.
Qarson is present in France.

SFD Zodio

SFD is the leading distributor Zodio is a chain of stores

of SFR, Numericable. Initially dedicated to the world of access on mobile, SFD also homewares. Zodio offers
distributes ADSL, Fibre and everything to cook, entertain
Presence: France high speed broadband. guests and create.
Presence: France


Germany Greece
Silit Fotodiastasi

Every day, hundreds of

millions of people around the Fotodiastasi is a company that
world use WMF Silit products offers seasonal light instal-
to prepare food, cook, bake, lations. Fotodiastasi offers
Presence: International Presence: Europe
eat and drink in the comfort of quality decorative lighting at
their own home. competitive prices and perso-
nalized service.

Cover Store Kasanova

Cover Store offers solutions Kasanova is a chain of

for «decorating» technolo- deco, furniture, linen and gy devices such as mobile wedding list shops. It has
phones and tablets with a also developed a customer
Presence: Italy touch of glamour. Cover Store Presence: Italy experience-based concept
offers over 300 references store that highlights the price/
ranging from textile textures product paradigm, all in a
to cartoons, to sentimental peaceful atmosphere.
and poetic phrases in mono-


Japan Poland
Ryohin Keikaku / Muji Emma Kwiaty

Ryohin Keikaku owns the Kwiaty Emma has been a

stores, Idée and Muji. Muji of- flower shop in Warsaw since
fers a wide range of products 1999, and is now one of the
ranging from clothing to food. largest flower shops in the
Presence: International Presence: Poland
Products are characterized by capital. Kwiaty Emma sells
clean lines; the brand sells fresh flowers and offers fast
simple products without frills, home deliveries.
essential to everyday life and
that stand the test of time.
MUJI in Japanese, means
«unbranded quality». Muji is
present in Japan, Asia, Europe
and USA.

Poland Russia
Fonmix Azbuka Vkusa

Fonmix has been operating on Azbuka Vkusa is a chain

the mobile market since 1998. of premium supermarkets. The company was founded to The Russian channel offers
respond to growing market customers the best meats
Presence: Russia
Presence: Poland demand for after-sales and and French and Italian wines
post-warranties. Fonmix sells throughout the year as well as
mobile phones, navigation de- the best local and imported
vices, GPS monitoring, mobile products. Employees also are
phone accessories and pro- trained to deliver a premium
vides top quality after-sales service.


CWS Complete Washroom Concepts Migros

CWS provides dispensers for Migros Group is a conglome-

towel rolls, fragrances, soaps, rate of Swiss companies in the
toilet paper and helps public retail sector. It is Switzerland’s
washroom operators ensure largest distribution com-
Presence: International Presence: Switzerland
the greatest possible hygiene pany (37% of the Swiss food
standards, functional solu- market). Migros is also one of
tions and modern atmosphere. the fourteen largest retailers
in the world.

United Kingdom United Kingdom

John Lewis The Entertainer

John Lewis is a chain of The Entertainer is an expert

upmarket department stores in what kids love: toys! A win- operating throughout Great ning combination of fair prices
Britain. The first John Lewis and excellent customer service
Presence: UK store was opened in 1864 in Presence: UK means the brand is a favourite
Oxford Street, London and with mums and dads too. It
today there are 46 stores has more than 100 stores in
throughout England, Scot- the UK and stocks thousands
land and Wales. In 2008, of products online. With 30
the Oxford Street store was years experience in the retail
awarded a Royal Warrant from industry, there’s not much The
Her Majesty the Queen as: Entertainer don’t know about
«suppliers of haberdashery toys.
and household goods»


United Arab Emirates USA

Liwa Trading Enterprise National Geographic

Liwa has developed a retail National Geographic gets

portfolio across the fashion, customers closer to the
footwear, accessory and home stories that matter. Through
categories for a number of the world’s best scientists,
Presence: International
internationally reputed retail photographers, journalists, and
Presence: Middle East
brands. Operating 20 Inter- filmmakers, National Geogra-
national brands, with 250 phic captivates and entertains
stores throughout the GCC, a global community through
Liwa uses market expertise to television, magazines, consu-
deliver successful franchise mer products, location-based
partnerships. entertainment and experiences,
and some of the most enga-
ging digital and social media
platforms in the world.

Health & Beauty

Bon Parfumeur Boutique Nature

Bon Parfumeur is a new Boutique Nature is a brand of

Parisian perfume house which dietary supplements and na-
speaks to all people who tural cosmetics based on the
like to change and collect very best nature has to offer.
Presence: France Presence: Belgium, France
perfumes. All fragrances are
made by master perfumers
in Grasse and Paris. Bon
parfumeur proposes a refill
system that offers the double
advantage of being econo-
mical for the customer and
reduce packaging.

Colorii Le Bar à Ongles... by V

Colorii Bar à Vernis, offers Located exclusively in the

professional nail services in heart of shopping centres, Le a friendly atmosphere. Colorii Bar à Ongles... by V combines
guarantees professional ser- products of prestigious and
Presence: France vices at affordable rates. Presence: France renowned brands (OPI, Essie,
The partnership with Essie Shellac...) and the expertise
Businesses - worldwide expert of qualified beauticians.
in nail salons - allows Colorii Founded in 2011, the Bar à
to offer the latest technology, Ongles by...V offers services at
products and services and to affordable prices and without
constantly be at the forefront an appointment.
of innovation. Colorii is owned
by Provalliance group.

Health & Beauty

France Sweden
Netquattro SCA Hygiene Products

The company specializes in SCA is one of the world’s

multi-channel distribution of largest companies in personal
fitness equipment, fitness and care products, the world’s
diet products for individuals third-largest supplier of tissue
Presence: Belgium, France, Presence: International
and professionals. Netquattro and one of Europe’s most pro-
is the European leader in this fitable producers of forest-de-
sector. rived products. In France,
Netquattro has 6 brands and SCA holds iconic brands such
manages 4 brands including as Lotus (toilet paper, facial
Fitnessboutique. tissues, and cotton buds), Okay
(towels), Nana (feminine hy-
giene) Demake’Up (cleansers),
Tork (professional hygiene

Switzerland United Kingdom

Intersport Go Get Glitter

Intersport are committed to Got Get Glitter is a specialist

offering customers the best face and body art company. products by the best brands. Go Get Glitter sells original
They are the experts, always sequins for individuals and
Presence: 63 countries ready to help customers select Presence: Online professionals at attractive
the perfect pair of shoes, find prices and also offers the
the right apparel and choose services of its professional
the equipment that best meets team to provide that beauty
individual needs. So whatever «glitter» for any occasion.
the age or ability, everybody
can benefit from the rewards
of regular exercise.


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