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The passage discusses different techniques for brainstorming such as structured, unstructured, and group methods. It also talks about implementing the brainstorming strategy and using ideas generated. Problem solving method and cognitive organizers are also discussed as techniques for teaching science.

The different brainstorming techniques discussed are structured, unstructured, and group methods. Structured involves calling on each student in turn. Unstructured allows ideas to flow freely. Group method allows students to feel more comfortable expressing ideas and promotes communication.

The steps involved in problem solving method are: observing, understanding, analyzing, interpreting to find solutions, performing applications to develop a holistic understanding of concepts. It develops scientific skills and a brainstorming approach to learning concepts by thinking on problems based on common sense rather than textbooks.


The brainstorming technique is widely used in school to encourage learners to generate ideas in an
unhindered manner. Brainstorming encourages students to participate actively in idea-generation
exercises and experience benefits of a multidimensional approach to analyzing problems or
The brainstorming technique can be implemented in a number of different ways as follows:
1. Structured: The whole class is given a topic to discuss and each student is called upon to
contribute an idea. The advantage of this method is that all students participate and the more
vocal students tend not to dominate the discussions.
2. Unstructured: Students are allowed to contribute ideas as and when they think of them.
This approach allows for a freer flow of ideas and a more relaxed environment. The drawbacks
to this approach are that it can lead to the students not responding at all or to a few students
dominating the discussions.
3. Group: The advantage of this method is that the students are likely to be more at ease and
willing to express their ideas. This also promotes synergy and communication among the
Procedure in implementing the brainstorming strategy:
1. Select a topic, question, statement or issue and write this on the board.
2. Set up the rules for the brainstorm: share whatever comes to mind the more ideas the better
every idea counts – no answer is wrong no ‘put downs’ or criticisms build on others’ ideas write
ideas as said – no paraphrasing record each answer unless it is a repeat set a time limit and stop
when that time is up.
3. Students consider the topic and respond. Ideas can be written randomly on the board or you
may choose to write the responses on post-it notes and have students cluster the responses after
the brainstorm.
4. Read and discuss the recorded ideas and clarify any questions where necessary. Group ideas
that are similar and eliminate those that do not relate to the topic. Discuss the remaining ideas as a
group and decide how the information can be further used.

Science subject is one of the important subjects in school education. However, really the traditional
teaching methods are challenged for their inability to foster critical thinking, holistic learning
environment among children. The science subject must develop science process skills where
children, observe, measure, classify, process information, interpret think on solving problems,
analyze, synthesize, formulate conclusions, etc. but, it should be kept in mind that, creativity in an
essential element of Problem Solving.

In a problem solving method, children learn by working on problems. This enables the students to
learn new knowledge by facing the problems to be solved. The students are expected to observe,
understand, analyze, interpret find solutions, perform applications that lead to a holistic
understanding of the concept. This method develops scientific process skills and helps in
developing brainstorming approach to learning concepts.

The students thinking on problem and their understanding of the science behind it is based on
common sense. It does not start from textual knowledge. Rather it proceeds from experiencing to
gradually forming concepts through books at later stage. It is a process from practice to theory not
vice versa. Knowledge here is not a goal but a natural out came of working on tasks. Students live
in the real world and like to deal with concrete things where they can touch, feel manipulate things
then the method is useful in igniting the process of science learning.

This can be a challenging task given to students as part of science education. Models are the
building blocks of science which are used to explain the diverse aspects of real world.
Ask your students to build their own model using the scientific knowledge they have acquired and
you can provide supportive guidance.
Students will be creative in making models and designing their own imaginative means of testing
them. This is the right approach to find the scientist in them.
The new era teachers and science enthusiasts have come up with many innovative teaching
methods in science and the listed ones are just a few among them. We live in a scientific world
and the advanced teaching strategies are helping students to discover and explore science every
The teacher provides a structure to guide students by:
• Describing the skill or strategy
• Clearly describing features of the strategy or steps in performing the skill
• Breaking the skill into learnable parts
• Describing/modeling using a variety of techniques
• Engaging students in learning through showing enthusiasm, keeping a steady pace, asking good
questions, and checking for student understanding.
The teacher makes sure to clearly describe the concept, then models the desired outcome by using
visual, auditory, tactile, and/or kinesthetic instructional techniques while thinking aloud. The
teacher can provide examples and non examples to show students the expectations and stop
frequently to get student input or ask questions. This technique of modeling provides high levels
of student-teacher interaction.
This method comprises decomposition i.e. breaking large problems into small units and pattern
recognition-related problems to the ones which were already solved successfully in the past.
Simply, computational thinking is a method of reasoning that teaches students how to solve real-
world, complex problems with strategies that computers use. Computational thinking and the
design thinking process are frameworks for problem-solving to help address the need for 21st-
century skills across our nation’s K-12 school system. While computation governs the world
around us, computational thinking as a teaching and learning framework is a new concept for
Seven computational thinking strategies
1. Collect data (Look, listen, learn)
The first step to solving any problem is to determine what you know. With computational thinking,
this means figuring out from which sources you’ll collect data and deciding which data are the
most relevant.
2. Analyze data (Ask questions)
Students will need to analyze the data they’ve collected to determine what is relevant in proving
their hypothesis or key ideas.
3. Find patterns (Understand the problem)
Be able to identify patterns that occur within it and when you discover patterns, it becomes easier
to make predictions and create rules to solve other problems
4. Decompose problems (Need to know)
Break problems down into manageable pieces and it’s easier to find solutions. Deconstructing
problems into smaller parts is an easier way to digest information—and to classify it accordingly.
5. Abstract
When faced with a problem, have students think bigger picture. By identifying similarities and
removing details, they’ll be left with a solution that’ll work for a variety of different problems.
6. Build models (Create a prototype)
When brainstorming how to create an effective model, encourage students to test, tweak, and refine
ideas using design software to predict outcomes.
7. Develop algorithms (Highlight and fix)
Look at problem solving as a road map for performing a task. When students are able to develop
solutions with step-b Bringing computational thinking into the classroom is an equitable,
resourceful way to ensure that all students have access to fundamental 21st-century skills.
Cooperative Learning is when students interact with one another to aid in learning. Working
together allows students to brainstorm and discuss concepts and come up with ideas that they
would not normally come up with on their own. This is beneficial towards English Language
Learners. The use of Cooperative Learning will prepare students for the future jobs which require
those skills.
Cooperative Learning entails students to have discussion first, individual accountability, and roles
and responsibility. Students must take turns responding to each other verbally and then gather
thoughts on a team map. Students are more likely to share knowledge in smaller groups. Everyone
in the group is held responsible and accountable for participating. This can be conducted through
giving every student a different color marker for the Thinking Map or Thinking Chips.
Encourage students of mixed abilities to work together by promoting small group or whole class
Through verbally expressing their ideas and responding to others your students will develop their
self-confidence, as well as enhance their communication and critical thinking skills which are vital
throughout life.
Solving mathematical puzzles, conducting scientific experiments and acting out short drama
sketches are just a few examples of how cooperative learning can be incorporated into classroom
There are 7 Cooperative Learning Strategies:
Map, Move, Map - Students create maps independently and then move around to share maps with
Sneak-A-Peak - Students work on maps independently and then "sneak-a-peak" on their
classmate's map. Students do this without talking.
Multiple Map Makers - Students work in a group of four. Each student works independently on
their own type of map (Circle Map, Bubble Map, etc.). The teacher calls "pass" and the students
switch maps and work on their classmate's map. Each student passes the map until they work on
all the maps in the group.
Build A Map - Students take turns creating a map on chart paper. Each student receives a different
role for the assignment.
Mapping and Moving - Students work together on their map and then are given time to view
other groups' maps. Students are able to use post it notes to offer suggestions or take notes.
All 8 Maps - Students are given a Cooperative Desk Map to complete. A Cooperative Desk Map
includes all of the 8 Thinking Maps.
This is the best teaching method invented so far that involves the active participation of students
to experience scientific concepts than to just have an audience view.
Schools are promoting the use of low cost apparatus in classrooms to helps students to have hands
on learning experience. It can be a string telephone to teach about sound and communication,
matchstick mecanno to teach 3D structures, notched pencil to teach rotation motion or anything
Hands-on learning is an educational method that directly involves the learner, by actively
encouraging them to do something in order to learn about it. In short, it is 'learning by doing'.
First and foremost, it is clear that there are certain situations in which hands-on learning is the only
way to teach something. For example, there is no use trying to teach a child to ride a bicycle in a
traditional classroom - they need to get outside to try out a bike. Many people argue that doing
something is the best way to learn about it, rather than attempting to learn about it from a book.
No matter how many books you read about cycling, you are still sure to fall off the first time you
Furthermore, hands-on learning allows students to directly observe and understand what is
happening. This is a particularly successful way to teach kinesthetic learners, who learn best by
example. It is often hard to properly understand something you have never directly seen or
experienced. This is why lately hands-on learning has become more popular in education - there
are more vocational courses that provide work experience than ever before. This is a perfect
example on hands-on learning in practice.
It also encourages young pupils to do things for themselves, which will help them with learning
independently later on in life. Important life skills such as these are often neglected in a situation
where students are simply told facts and made to learn them by heart.
However, there are downsides to the technique. Often demonstrations will give students the main
idea of how something works, but place less emphasis on detail. For students hoping to attain the
highest grades, they may need to read up on their subject to develop a deeper understanding of it.
Students may feel after learning the basics they don't need to do any more study, which could
impact negatively on their grades.
Some things simply can't be taught using hands-on learning. For example, complex algebra - the
best way to teach this is in lecture based classes, as there are few practical demonstrations that can
be done to help students understand it. Other topics may be hard to cover because of high costs -
like space rockets; very few schools are able to go and visit a space centre. This could increase the
apartheid between state and private schools, as private schools are more likely to be able to afford
expensive visits and equipment, which disadvantages students who are less well off.
There is no doubt that actively involving students will enhance their education. However, hands-
on learning would be more effective if it was combined with traditional learning from books.
Students take the role of teaching each other that promotes excitement learning science. In Peer-
to-Peer Teaching approach, they are really engaged in the content by discussing scientific topics,
generating questions and working in teams to explore new information.
Some of the activities involved in this approach include buzz groups, solution groups, and critic
Bring up peer teaching in a room filled with your colleagues. You’ll almost certainly get mixed
reviews, which raise lingering questions.
Advantages and Importance of Peer Teaching
A middle school student exemplifies peer tutoring, helps her friend complete math equations on a
Peer tutoring activities — whether occasional or frequent — can deliver research-backed benefits
to both the student-tutee and student-tutor, not to mention teachers.
Here are five benefits that exemplify the importance of peer teaching:
Increased Literacy Scores — Students who read and discuss story passages with their peers recall
more content and score higher on assessments, according to an Ohio University pilot study. The
researcher divided four average-reading 6th grade students into pairs. The first pair participated in
peer reading activities twice a week, whereas students in the second pair read the same passages
individually at the same frequency. The first pair scored higher on each reading assessment.
Developed Reasoning and Critical Thinking Skills — Students who work in pairs and groups
typically perform better on tests that involve reasoning and critical thinking, according an oft-cited
study about science education. This is largely because students must become active learners,
discussing and rationalizing lesson concepts in their own words.
Improved Confidence and Interpersonal Skills — Many studies about peer teaching point to
students building confidence and communication abilities. Pioneering research from 1988 states
tutors improve self-esteem and interpersonal skills by giving feedback. Tutees realize these
benefits by asking questions and receiving immediate clarification. A later study of at-risk students
echoed these advantages.
Increased Comfort and Openness — The same 1988 study indicates that “students generally
identify more easily with peer helpers than with adult authority figures.” This helps create an
environment in which students are more comfortable to ask questions and work through
challenging problems in an environment free from class ridicule.
Versatility — You can run a range of peer teaching exercises based on different subjects and
objectives, possibly involving other grades and classes. Lots of ideas can lead to lots of fun for
your students.
This method in commonly thought of as a hands on and minds on approach to teach science where
in students have the opportunity to gain some experience with phenomena associated with their
course of study. In this method either student participate alone or in small groups. They produce
or manipulate various variables that are under exploration. The degree to which student has control
over exploration can vary over a wide range.

Here the students learn by actual doing rather than my observing the experiments. As young
children do it by themselves, the experience is impressed more firmly in their minds. Thus this
method in psychologically sound as it satisfies the natural urge for activity. This method broadens
interest of the students. They learn many virtues through laboratory activity. The experience in a
laboratory is very rich in personal satisfaction as they gain it firsthand. The sense of excitement
and challenge help them to achieve some tangible him.

This method is one of the important methods of teaching science and it forms an integral part of
effective science teaching. Under this method, teacher encourages the students to derive various
scientific laws and principles on their own by getting personally involved in the experiment work.

For this, provision of a well- equipped laboratory is made by the teacher. Along with such materials
and facilities, proper instructions are being provided by the teacher to the students by which they
can carry out their experiments self-independently. They carry on the experiments and record the
observation properly, on -the basis of which they infer their results or draw conclusions.

Entire work of the students is being supervised and controlled by the teacher, as a result of which,
probability of meeting with any kind of accident reduces to considerable extent. Not only this, with
this, students perform their work without conducting any kind of mistake.

Cognitive organizers (also known as key visuals or graphic organizers) are formats for organizing
information and ideas graphically or visually. Just as cooperative learning groups make student
thinking audible, cognitive organizers make student thinking visible.

Students can use cognitive organizers to generate ideas, record and reorganize information, and
see relationships. They demonstrate not only what students are thinking but also how they are
thinking as they work through learning tasks. Examples of cognitive organizers include Idea
builders, T-charts, Venn diagrams, P–M–I charts, decision-making models, K–W–L charts and
mind maps.

To teach students how to use cognitive organizers:

• use cognitive organizers to plan and introduce your lessons

• show examples of new organizers, and describe their purpose and form

• use easy or familiar material to model how to use organizers

• model organizers on the board, overhead or chart paper, using a “think-aloud” format

• give students opportunities to practice using the format with easy material

• coach them at various points in the process

• share final products; discuss what worked and what didn’t, and give students an opportunity to
revise information

• provide students with many opportunities to practice using cognitive organizers

• use cognitive organizers with a range of topics and issues

• encourage students to evaluate which organizers work best in which learning situations.

Cognitive organizers work well in the classroom because they give students an opportunity to
apply their learning and give teachers information about what students are thinking.

This is an innovative teaching method to convey the science facts in an easy and organized way.
In this activity, statements related to science concepts are written on index cards.

Students can work individually, pairs or in groups to sort the cards based on the given format. The
formats include true/false,agree/disagree, matching pairs, classification, sequencing and more.

Text cards is a good strategy to help students look at the word and understand the meaning of it.
This is a science vocabulary strategy that helps students identify a concept and put a meaning with
it. Students are assessed on decision-making and how well they know the meaning of a concept.


Teachers hand out the text cards.

Students work in small groups and discuss the concepts written on the text cards with their partners.

Text cards can be used in many different formats.

Agree/disagree cards is the format used.

Each card has a statement on it.

The students sort the cards into three categories.

The students put the cards into piles of agree, disagree, and not sure.

The students decide whether they agree or not and put the cards in that pile.
(10 Recent Teaching Strategies)

Suzette C. Miaga
BEED-Gen. Ed. (2nd Year)
Wednesday (5:00-8:00 PM)

Dr. Jaymar T. Umbac


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