Assignment: Application of Calculus and Analytical Geometry

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Application of calculus and analytical geometry

Nauman Tariq

Roll Number:

Calculus and Analytical geometry

Submitted To:
Ms.Munazza Malik

BS Computer Science
Topic Page number
Introduction to Pg(3)
Calculus and
Application of Pg(4-5)
Calculus in
Application of Pg(6)
Geometry in
Reference Pg(7)
Introduction to Calculus
Calculus is a major part of modern mathematics education. A course in
calculus is a gateway to other, more advanced courses in mathematics
devoted to the study of functions and limits, broadly called mathematical
Calculus has historically been called "the calculus of infinitesimals", or
"infinitesimal calculus". The word "calculus" comes from Latin
(calculus) and refers to a small stone used for counting. More generally,
calculus (plural calculi) refers to any method or system of calculation
guided by the symbolic manipulation of expressions. Some examples of
other well-known calculi are propositional calculus, calculus of
variations, lambda calculus, and process calculus.
Calculus is the mathematical study of change, in the same way that
geometry is the study of shape and algebra is the study of operations and
their application to solving equations.
It has two major branches, differential calculus (concerning rates of
change and slopes of curves), and integral calculus (concerning
accumulation of quantities and the areas under curves); these two
branches are related to each other by the fundamental theorem of
Both branches make use of the fundamental notions of convergence of
infinite sequences and infinite series to a well defined limit.
Application of Calculus in CS
I. Data Mining and related subjects which also use lots of

II. Robotics where a programmer will need to model physical

movements of a robot, so he will need to know partial
derivatives and gradients.

III. Analysis of Algorithms where an analyzer uses the notion of

limit right from the start.

IV. Discrete Math and Combinatory if anyone get serious

enough about generating functions, he'll need to know how to
integrate and derivate certain formulas. And that is useful for
Analysis of Algorithms Similarly, Taylor Series and calculus
can be useful in solving certain kinds of recurrence relations,
which are used in algorithm analysis.

V. Scientific computing Computer algebra systems that

compute integrals and derivatives directly, either
symbolically or numerically, are the most blatant examples
here, but in addition, any software that simulates a physical
system that is based on continuous differential equations
(e.g., computational fluid dynamics) necessarily involves
computing derivatives and integrals.

VI. Asymptotic enumeration Sometimes the only way to get a

handle on an enumeration problem is to form a generating
function and use analytic methods to estimate its asymptotic

VII. In stochastic simulation we are often interested in

estimating the expected value of a random variable. The
expected value of a continuous random variable is an integral
over the real numbers.

To estimate this quantity, we use the Monte Carlo method

which consists of generating instances of this random
variable from pseudorandom uniform variables.

From these uniform variables, we can generate random

variables from a given distribution by inverting the
cumulative distribution function which is defined itself as an
Application of Analytical
Geometry in CS
I. Graph: A graph is a visual display of data consisting of points,
lines and curves. Illustrating scales budget and financial
information .Illustrating data gathered in experiment for easier
understanding and comparison.

II. Communication Network Analysis Social network analysis,

bioinformatics and many more.

III. Game Design and animation.

IV. A graph cannot exist without Cartesian coordinate system. The

very foundation of geometry.

V. Cartography: Require a high level accuracy and attention to

detail, the use of graphs is the only way to go through.

VI. Points lines curves in the xy plane, the only needed elements for
2D modeling and animation and also for graphing of lines using
algebraic equation.
 Book of calculus and analytical by John B Fraleigh.
 Wikipedia.
 Introduction to calculus and Analytical Geometry(Library)

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