Punjab & Sind Bank: For Official Use Only

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Form No.
/ (A Government of India Undertaking)

No. I
Self Help Group -Savings Bank Account Opening Form
To: For Official Use Only
SB A/c No
The Branch Manager Customer ID
_____________________ Bank SHG Scheme Code
_____________________ Branch (NRLM/Others)
SHG Gender Code
Sub:-Application for SHG-SB A/C opening (Male/Female)

Dear Madam/Sir,

1. We request you to open a Savings Bank Account in name of our Self Help Group. We agree to abide
by the rules and regulation of the bank related to Savings Account.

Name of SHG
Date of Number of Name of Facilitating
Formation Members Agency (if any)
Address Street ……………………….Village/ City…………………….Gram Panchayat……………….
Block ………………………..District…………………………..Pin………………………..
2. The Savings Account will be operated by joint signature of any two among the following representatives
of our Self Help Group. A copy of resolution taken by our Self Help Group in this regard is attached.
3. Request for Cheque Book : Yes / No

Affix passport
Affix passport Affix passport Affix passport
Size Photo
Size photograph Size photograph Size photograph

Name : Name: Name:

Date of Birth: Age: Date of Birth: Age: Date of Birth: Age:
Designation: Designation: Designation:
Address: Address: Address:
Bank Verification

Mobile: Mobile: Mobile:

KYC Documents Provided KYC Documents Provided KYC Documents Provided

Enclosed Copy of address &ID proof Enclosed Copy of address &ID proof Enclosed Copy of address&ID proof
Voter ID Driving license Voter ID Driving license Voter ID Driving license
Aadhar Card Job Card Aadhar Card Job Card Aadhar Card Job Card
PAN Card Passport PAN Card Passport PAN Card Passport

Any other document accepted by Any other document accepted by Any other document accepted by
Bank (specify)………………………. Bank (specify)…………………….. Bank (specify)……………………..

Specimen Signature/Thumb Specimen Signature/Thumb Specimen Signature/Thumb

Impression Impression Impression

4.We hereby declare that the above information is true and correct. We have agreed to the terms
and conditions and also agree toabide by any amendments to the terms and conditions as may
be stipulated by the Bank from time to time.

Yours faithfully,

1.______________ 2. __________________ 3. ________________

(Signature/Thumb Impression of SHG Representatives with Seal of SHG)

Date: Place:

i. Copy of Resolution by Self Help Group to open Savings Account
ii. Photographs of authorized representatives
iii. Copy of ID and address proof of authorized representatives.

For Bank Use Only

1. The applicant has affixed his signature or thumb print, as the case may be, in my presence
2. I have explained the rules / regulations to the applicant __________________
3. Account has been opened on _______________________________
4. Cheque Book has been issued.

Date:__________________ Officer____________________
No. II

Specimen copy of Resolutionby Self Help Group for Opening Savings Account
Name of SHG:
Date of Formation:
Total No. of Members: Name of Facilitating Agency:
Resolution for Opening Savings Bank Account
Today on …………(Date), at the meeting of ………………………………………..(name of SHG) at
……………………..(meeting place of SHG/ address) in presence of all its members, it is resolved that our
………………………………………..(name of SHG) will open a savings bank a/c in …….Bank ……..Branch. It has also been
further resolved that Shri/Smt…………………………….(Designation ……………………);Shri/
Smt………………………………(Designation ……………………) and Shri/Smt ………………………………..(Designation
……………………) will sign all the necessary document related to the opening of Savings Accountas representatives on behalf
of ………………………………………..(name of SHG). Transaction in the Savings a/c of the group will be done by joint
signature of any two among the above mentioned representatives.

We, all members hereby agree to the above decision.

Sl Name of SHG Name of Gender Occup Date of Birth Address Aadhar Card Signature/Thumb
members Father/Husband (Male/ ation No Impression

Signature/Thumb Impression Signature/Thumb Impression Signature/Thumb Impression

(Designation ……………….) (Designation ……………….) (Designation ……………….)

Seal of Self Help Group


(To be handed over to SHG after submission of the Application Form)

Received the following Application form for loan

Name of SHG

Application No
Savings Account No
Date of Receipt of
Application by branch


No. IV
(A Government of India Undertaking)

Form No For Official Use Only

Branch Customer ID
Loan A/c No
Loan Type (CC/TL) Cash Credit

Term Loan
Product code
Date of Sanction
Sanctioned Amount in Rs.
Loan Term

Self Help Group Loan Application Form

Name of the SHG

Date of Formation No of SHG
Address Village/ City:…………… Block
GP: District:
Loan A/c No (if any)
Supporting Agency
(if any)
Application for Loan
Self Help Group Loan Application Form

The Branch Manager

____________________________________ Bank
____________________________________ Branch

Dear Madam/Sir,
Sub:-Application for credit linkage

Affix passport
Affix passport Affix passport Affix passport
Size Photo
Size photograph Size photograph Size photograph

Name : Name: Name:

Designation: Designation: Designation:
Address: Address: Address:

Mobile: Mobile: Mobile:

1. We,the duly authorized representatives of

________________________________________________________________(name of SHG)
_______________village/city________________________Block____________________District hereby apply
for a loan aggregating Rs. __________________/- (Rupees __________________only) by way of Cash
Credit(CC) / Term Loan(TL) for on-lending to our members. A copy of resolution taken by our Self Help Group in
this regard is attached.
2. A copy of the member-wise requirement of loan is enclosed (Compulsory from 3 linkage onwards)
3. We agree to repay the loan amount as per the repayment schedule which may be fixed by the Bank.
4. A copy of the Inter-se Agreement executed by all the members of the group authorizing us inter alia to borrow on
behalf of the SHG is enclosed.
5. We hereby declare that the particulars given above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
6. We hereby authorize the Bank to disclose all or any particulars or details or information relating to our loan
accounts with the Bank, to any other financial institution including NABARD, Government or any agency as may
be considered necessary or desirable by the Bank. It will be in order for the Bank to disqualify the SHG from
receiving any credit facilities from the Bank and or recall the entire loan amount or any part thereof granted on
this application, if any of the information pertaining to the group, furnished herewith is found incorrect and/or
containing misrepresentation of facts.
7. A copy of the financial status of our SHG as on ……………….. (date) is attached.

Yours faithfully,


[Signature of Authorized Representatives of SHG with Seal]

Specimen copy of Resolution for taking loan from Bank

Name of SHG:
Date of Formation:
Total No. of Members: Name of Facilitating Agency:
Resolution for taking loan from Bank
Today on …………(Date), at the meeting of ………………………………………..(name of SHG) at
……………………..(meeting place of SHG/ address) in presence of all its members, it is resolved that our
………………………………………..(name of SHG) will seek loan of Rs…...…….(in words)….……..from (Name of Bank). It
has also been further resolved that Shri/Smt…………………………….(Designation ……………………);Shri/
Smt………………………………(Designation ……………………) and Shri/Smt ………………………………..(Designation
……………………) will sign all the necessary document related to the loan application to bank on behalf of the
………………………………………..(name of SHG).

We, all members hereby agree to the above decision.

Sl Name of SHG Name of Gender Occup Date of Birth Address Aadhar Card Signature/Thumb
members Father/Husband (Male/ ation No Impression

Signature/Thumb Impression Signature/Thumb Impression Signature/Thumb Impression

(Designation ……………….) (Designation ……………….) (Designation ……………….)

Seal of Self Help Group


Details of Member wise Loan Requirement (As per Micro Credit Plan)
(Compulsory from 3rdcredit linkage onwards)

Name of the SHG:-

Date of formation: No. of Members:

Member-wise details of proposed investment, sources of fund & resultant Net Surplus of the family

Income Annual Annual
from net repayment
Amount of Total
various income for the
loan Annual Annual
S.N. Name of member* Purpose of sources:- before proposed
Required Expenditure Surplus
investment IGAs, repaymen loan &
from SHG (Rs.) (Rs.)
Wages, t of loan existing
Grants installme loan, if any
from Govt. nt (Rs.) (Rs.)
(*) To be written in order of priority& rotation plan as decided in SHG meeting

Financial Statement of ………………………………....(name of SHG) as on ………(date)

Particulars Amount (Rs)

Total Savings of members:
Total interest and other incomes:
Revolving Fund/ Grant Assistance received from project/
department/ other agencies
Other Receipts (Specify …………………………………..)


(Amount in Words ……………………………………………………………………………….)

We certify that the above statement is true and can be verified from the books of accounts maintained by our Self
Help Group.

Signature Signature Signature

(Designation ……………….) (Designation ……………….) (Designation ……………….)

Seal of Self Help Group


Format 1: SHG Grading format for Fresh Linkage

A. Basic Information:-

Name of the SHG:

Village: ………………Gram Panchayat:……………Block:………………District:…………………

Date of formation of the SHG:…….……………..Date of opening of Bank S/B A/C:………………..

Period considered for Grading: From…………………to…………………….

(Usually last 6 months)

B. Details of Grading /Evaluation Exercise:

S.N. Indicator Allotte Formula for determining Marks Marks
d obtained
1 Regularity of Meeting:
(a) Regularity of holding No. of meetings held X10
meetings by SHG No. of meetings required to be held as per rule of SHG
(b) Regularity of Attendance of Average no. of members attended the meetings X10
members in the meetings Total no. of members of the SHG
2 Regularity of Savings by Amount of savings deposited by the members X 10
members Amount of savings required to be deposited as per rule of SHG
3 *Velocity of Lending to More than 1.5 :- 20
members from Group Corpus More than 1.0 up to 1.5:- 15
20 More than 0.5 up to 1.0:- 10
More than 0.2 up to 0.5:- 5
Up to 0.2:- 0
4 Regularity in Repayment of Amount of recovery against Demand X 20
loan by members Amount of Demand (required to be paid as per repayment schedule)
5 Updated Record keeping:
a) Resolution Book 4
b) Cash Book 8 Maintained up to date :- Full marks
c) Savings Ledger 4 Maintained , but not up to date:- Half Marks
d) Loan Ledger 4 Not maintained:- 0 (no Mark)
e) General Ledger 6
f) Individual Pass Book 4
Total 100
*Velocity of lending from Group Corpus= Amount lent to the members from Group Corpus
Average amount of Group Corpus

• A Grade: 80 or more marks

• B Grade: 70-79 marks
• C Grade: 60-69 marks
• D Grade: less than 60 marks

Only A & B graded SHGs are to be considered for credit linkage


Format 2: SHG Grading format for Repeat Linkage

A. Basic Information:-

Name of the SHG:

Village: ………………Gram Panchayat:……………Block:………………District:…………………

Date of formation of the SHG:…….……………..Date of opening of Bank S/B A/C:………………..

Period considered for Grading: From…………………to…………………….

(Usually last 6 months)
B. Details of Grading /Evaluation Exercise:
S.N. Indicator Allotted Formula for determining Marks Marks
Marks obtained
1 Regularity of Meeting:
(a) Regularity of holding meetings No. of meetings held X 5
by SHG No. of meetings required to be held as per rule of SHG
(b) Regularity of Attendance of Average no. of members attended the meetings X 5
members in the meetings 5 Total no. of members of the SHG
2 Regularity of Savings by Amount of savings deposited by the members X 10
members Amount of savings required to be deposited as per rule of SHG
3 *Velocity of Lending to More than 1.5 : 10
members from Group Corpus More than 1.0 up to 1.5 - 7
10 More than 0.5 up to 1.0: 5
More than 0.2 up to 0.5: 2
Up to 02: 0
4 Regularity in Repayment of Amount of recovery against Demand X 15
loan by members 15 Amount of Demand (required to be paid as per repayment
5 Updated Record keeping:
a) Meeting Resolution Book 4
b) Cash Book 8
c) Savings Ledger 4 Maintained up to date :- Full marks
d) Loan Ledger 4 Maintained , but not up to date:- Half Marks
e) General Ledger 6 Not maintained:- 0 (no Mark)
f) Individual Pass Book 4
Operations in Cash Credit/ Term loan A/c and Credit history:
i) 12 or more:- 10
a) Number of transactions in last
10 ii) 6 to less than 12 :- 6
12 months( Dr. & Cr.)
ii) Less than 6 :- 0
i) Within 1 month :- 10
6 b) Servicing of interest charged
10 ii) Within 2 month:- 6
in CC A/c
iii) After 2 months:- 0
c) Occasions of overdrawing in
i) Never :- 5
CC A/c due to charging of
5 ii) On 2 occasions :- 3
interest etc. during last 12
months iii) On more than 2 occasions :- 0
Total 100
*Velocity of lending from Group Corpus= Amount lent to the members from Group Corpus
Average amount of Group Corpus
• A Grade: 80 or more marks
• B Grade: 70-79 marks
• C Grade: 60-69 marks
• D Grade: less than 60 marks

Only A & B graded SHGs are to be considered for enhancement of CC limit / repeat dose of T/L

Specimen of Appraisal Note cum Sanction Order of Bank Branch for

financing Self-Help-Group:
* Credit Linkage (CC / TL) / *Renewal of CC limit /*Enhancement of CC limit / *Repeat TL
(*Strike out which is not applicable)

Basic Details of SHG

1. Name of the Bank:……………………………………………………………………….
2. Name of the Branch:……………………………………………………………………..
3. Name of the Processing / Inspecting Loan Officer:……………………………………
4. Date of Processing/Inspection:…………………………………………………………..
5. Name of the SHG:…………………………………………………………………………
6. Address of the SHG:………………………………………………………………………
7. Date of formation of the SHG:……………………………………………………………
8. No. of members in SHG:…………………………………………………………………
9. Facilitating Agency (if any):………………………………………………………………
10. S/B A/C No………………………………………………………………………………..
11. CC A/C No. (in case of already CC-linked SHG):……………………………………..

Assessment of SHG
1. Whether the SHG has completed 6 months from the date of formation / 12 months from the date of last
sanction: Yes / No (*Strike out which is not applicable)

2. Whether the SHG has been Graded /Evaluated: Yes / No (*Strike out which is not applicable)

3. Whether the SHG has passed the Grading / Evaluation Exercise: Yes / No (*Strike out which is not applicable

4. % of Marks obtained in the Grading / Evaluation Exercise:…….

5. Financial position of the SHG( as on ………………..):

Liabilities Assets
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Outstanding C/C of Bank Cash in hand
Outstanding T/L of Bank Deposit with Bank
Outstanding loan of
Deposit with Federation
Loan outstanding from
Savings of members
Other Liabilities Other Assets
(Specify……………………………) (Specify …………..……….)
Total Total

Existing Corpus of SHG =Rs …………………………………………[ Total Assets – Outstanding loans (if any)]
Assessment of eligibility CC Limit / TL to be sanctioned to the SHG:

No. of dose Eligibility Eligible Amount Amount Proposed

of credit * (As per RBI guidelines) to be Sanctioned
Fresh a) Existing Corpus = Rs ……….. 4-8 time of total Corpus or Rs …………………
Linkage (1st b) Proposed savings for remaining minimum Rs 50,000 whichever is
dose) part of the year = Rs………… higher
Total Corpus = Rs …………[(a) + (b)]
2 Dose a) Existing Corpus = Rs ……….. 5-10 time of total Corpus or Rs …………………
b) Proposed savings for next 12 minimum Rs 100,000 whichever
months = Rs………… is higher
Total Corpus = Rs …………[(a) + (b)]
3 Dose Minimum Rs 200,000 as per Rs …………………
Micro Credit Plan
4 Dose Rs 500,000- Rs 10,00,000 as per Rs …………………
Micro Credit Plan
(*Strike out which is not applicable)

Terms of Sanction:

Sanctioned a new Cash Credit limit / Renewed / Enhanced the existing Cash Credit limit / Repeat Term Loan for
Rs…………………Rupees……………………………………….only ) under the following terms & conditions:-

(a) Amount of CC limit / TL (New /Renewed/ Enhanced / Repeat) for ……(period in months):
Rs………………(Rupees ……………………………………………………………………… only)

(b) Documents to be obtained:

i. Inter-se agreement
ii. Articles of loan agreement
iii. Demand Promissory Note

(c) Purpose of the credit facility: On-lending to the members of the SHG

(d) Rate of interest: ……..% p.a.to be calculated on reducing balance method with monthly rest. The SHG will be
eligible to get the benefit of interest subsidy if it fulfil the norms as specified by Government in this regard.

(e) Service charge: Nil (Loan to SHG is treated as advance to weaker section).

(f) Repayment:
i. For CC: Each withdrawal of principal loan from the C.C. A/C is to be repaid
within………………….(12-24) months of such withdrawal. Interest debited to the A/C is
to be repaid / deposited promptly so that outstanding balance of the CC A/C does not
exceed the sanctioned limit under no circumstances.

ii. For TL: Principal loan is to be repaid in …………….equal monthly / quarterly / half-yearly
instalments. Interest debited to the A/C is to be repaid / deposited promptly.
(g) Review / Evaluation of the C/C A/C will be done after 12 months.

……………………………. ……………………………..

Signature of the Processing / Appraising Officer Signature of the Branch Manager

Date:- (With Office Seal)


We, on behalf of ……………………………………………SHG hereby accept the aforesaid terms & conditions
of the above-noted CC facility / Term loam sanctioned to our SHG by the above-mentioned Bank Branch.


[Signature of Authorized representatives of the SHG with office seal]

Arrangement letter acknowledge by SHG
We the (Bank Name),…………………Branch has Sanctioned a new Cash Credit limt / Renewed /
Enhanced the existing Cash Credit limit / Repeat Term Loan for Rs……….(
Rupees………………………….only ) to……………………. ( Name of SHG) under the following
terms & conditions:-

(a) Amount of CC limt / TL (New/ Renewed/Enhanced/Repeat) for……..(period in months):

Rs…………….( Rupees……………………………………………………..only)
(b) Documents to be obtained:
i. Inter-se agreement
ii. Articles of loan agreement
iii. Demand Promissory Note /D P Note delivery letter
(c) Purpose of the credit facility: On-lending to the members of the SHG
(d) Rate of interest:……….% above/below base rate minimum…..% p.a. subject to change in
base rate from time to time to be calculated on reducing balance method with monthly/qtly/hlf
yearly rest. The SHG will be eligible to get the benefit of interest subsidy if it fulfill the norms
as specified by Government in this regard.
(e) Service charge : Nil (Loan to SHG is treated as advance to weaker section).
(f) Repayment:
i. For CC: Each withdrawal of principal laon from C.C. A/C is to be repaid
within………(12-24) months of such withdrawal. Interest debited to the A/C is to be
repaid/ deposited promptly so that outstanding of the CC A/C does not exceed the
sanctioned limit under no circumstances.
ii. For TL: Principal loan is to be repaid in………equal monthly / quarterly / half –yearly
instalments. Interest debited to the A/C is to be repaid / deposited promptly.
(g) Review / Evaluation of the C/C A/C wil be done after 12 months.

Signature of the Branch Manager ( With Office Seal)


We, on behalf of…………………….SHG hereby accept the aforesaid termsw & conditions of
Conditions of the above-noted CC facility / Term loan sanctioned to our SHG by the above-
Mentioned Bank Branch.

(Signature of Authorized representatives of the SHG with office seal)





THIS AGREEMENT made on this ____________day of ___________20____BETWEEN

Sl Members Name Name of Father/ Gender Age

no Husband (Male /Female)

who are members of the ___________________________________ group, hereinafter referred to

collectively as "The Self Help Group (SHG) Members" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context or meaning, include every members of the said SHG and their respective legal heirs, executors
and administrators.

WHEREAS all SHG members are residents of ______________________________ Village/

City……………………..in________________________ Block of …………….. District of
…………………State and are known to each other.
WHEREAS the SHG members above named have joined voluntarily together and formed the SHG with
intent to carry on savings and credit and other economic activities for mutual benefit subject to the terms
and conditions hereinafter appearing:


1. Each member of the SHG shall save a sum of Rs. _________________________________
(Rupees_______________________ only) or such sum as may be decided by the Group, on
(weekly fortnightly/monthly) basis during the scheduled SHG meetingwhich shall be deposited
with the authorised member(s)/representative of the group. The accumulated corpus of the SHG
shall be given on loan to members based on their need and recovered along with interest as
decided by the SHG members.

2. The SHG will take the responsibility for maintaining appropriate books of accounts to ensure
transparency in transaction among SHG members

3. Each member shall strive for the success of the SHG and shall not act in any manner detrimental
to the business interests of the SHG.
4. The SHG members shall be jointly and severally liable for all the debts contracted by the SHG.

5. All assets and goods acquired by the SHG shall be in the joint ownership of all the members of
the SHG and shall ordinarily be in the constructive custody of such member as may be authorized
by the Group and shall be kept at the place of business at________________ which shall not be
changed without consent of the SHG members.

6. The SHG members hereby duly elect and appoint

Shri/Smt/Kum.____________________________________ as _____________________,
Shri/Smt/Kum ____________________________________ as___________________
Shri/Smt/Kum _____________________________________as___________________
to look after and manage the day to day affairs of the SHG's activities and also act in their name
and on their behalf in all matters relating thereto. The authorized representatives, may however,
be removed at any time by majority vote of the members and new representatives elected.

7. Each of the SHG members hereby agrees to abide by and ratify all such act, deeds and things as
the authorized representatives may do in the interest of the said activities.

8. The authorized representatives shall take decisions in the day to day working of the SHG and
each representative shall actively involve herself/himself and co-operate in looking after the day-
to-day affairs of the SHG activities in particular to attend to the following activities.
- Every member of the SHG hereby authorizes the representatives to apply for the loan on behalf
of the SHG and execute necessary agreements/documents on behalf of the SHG for the purpose.
The authorized representative may collect loan amounts from the bank on behalf of SHG, deposit
the same in the savings account of the SHG for on-lending to members in accordance with the
decision of the SHG and also deposit recovery of loan installment from members in the loan
account/s of SHG with the bank.

9. The SHG members hereby specifically authorize the representatives:-

i. To open Savings, Fixed Deposits and other accounts in .........................................Branch
of…………………………………. Bank approved by the SHG and operate the same under
the joint signature of any two of the following authorized representatives:
ii. To keep or cause to be kept proper books of accounts of the savings, made by the SHG
Members, loans granted to them and the recoveries made from them and render every
year thefull accounts to the SHG members for their approval and adoption;
iii. To receive all payments due to the SHG and issue requisite receipts or acknowledgments
for and on behalf of the SHG;
iv. To institute and defend on behalf of the SHG members any legal proceedings and
safeguard the interests of each member of the said SHG and for this purpose engage or
disengage any lawyer or advocate or agent and incur the necessary legal expenses in
connection therewith.
v. To apply for credit facility/loan, to accept the terms and conditions prescribed by Bank and
to secure the credit facility/loan by pledge/hypothecation/mortgage/charge as the case may
be of the assets/goods in the joint ownership of SHG.
vi. To open and operate the account relating to the said credit facility/loan, to give instructions
for disbursement or withdraw the amount of loan by cheque or otherwise, to make
payments into accounts from time to time and confirm balance and acknowledge liability on
behalf of all or each of us as agent of us or each of us from time to time.
10. In the event of death of any of the members of the SHG, his/her legal heirs shall be entitledto or
the benefits and be liable for the obligations of the deceased member under this agreement.

11. It is agreed that no new person shall be inducted as a member of the SHG without consent of all
the existing members.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the aforesaid members of the SHG have set their respective hands hereunto at
the place __________________ and on _______________ day of _____________ month ___________
year first herein appearing.

S.N. Name of member of the SHG Signature/s/Thumb of the impression


(Note: The SHG shall not consist more than 20 persons).


The Articles of Agreement made on this ____ day of ____________20__ at ____________ By and
Between M/s _______________________________________ [name of the SHG] an unregistered
association of persons/individuals having its office at
represented by its authorized representative
Shri/Smt._______________________________(Name)__________________(Designation) and
Shri/Smt._______________________________(Name)__________________(Designation, who are fully
authorized by all the members of the SHG, ( a copy of such Authorization is
annexed hereto and forms part of this agreement), hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower" which
expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context thereof, mean and include members of the
unregistered association for the time being, their respective successors, legal heirs, administrators and
assigns of the one part and _______________________________ (name of the Bank) a body corporate
constituted under the _______________________________Act, having its Head Office at
_________________ and the Branches, inter-alia, one at________________________________ here in
after called "the Bank" which expression shall unless repugnant to the subject or context thereof mean
and include its successors and assignees of the second part.
Whereas the borrower is an unregistered association of persons who have inter-se agreed to help each
other as self-help group with a view to developing and ameliorating the socio-economic conditions of their
Whereas having formed the association as a Self Help Group, the Borrower as per application
dated ________________ made by the said
Shri/Smt._______________________________(Name)__________________(Designation) and
Shri/Smt._______________________________(Name)__________________(Designation, duly
authorized to borrow in terms of its resolution dated ___________________[copy
enclosed] requested the Bank to *grant aDemand Loan /Term Loan/extend Cash Credit facility* of
Rs.___________________/- up to the limit of Rs. _____________/-
(Rupees_______________________________________ only) for on-lending to its members.
And whereas the Bank has agreed to grant the * Demand Loan / Term Loan /extend Cash Credit facility*
to the borrower on certain terms and conditions.(* deleted whichever is not applicable)
And whereas the Bank and the borrower are desirous of reducing the agreed terms into writing.
Now, therefore, this agreement witnesses as follows:

1. The Bank has agreed to grant and the borrower has agreed to borrow by way of Demand Loan
/Term Loan Cash / Credit (clean) up to the limit of Rs. ____________/- (Rupees
________________-only) and the Bank has opened (SPECIFY THE KIND OF LOAN
ACCOUNT)_________________ A/C No._______________________________ of date
__________________- in the name of the Borrower in its book of accounts.

2. *In case the facility availed is Cash Credit the Borrowers will operate the Cash Credit account
satisfactorily and within the limit and the Borrower shall repay the outstanding liability in the
account inclusive of interest and other charges debited from time to time on demand without

3. *In case loan availed is Demand Loan, without prejudice to the right of the Bank to recall the loan
on demand the Borrower undertakes to repay the loan with interest and other within the period
stipulated in terms of sanction.
4. *In case the credit facility availed of by the borrower is a Term Loan the same shall be repayable in
installments in the manner specified herein-below in the repayment schedule. (to be specified)
Besides the borrower will pay interest at the rates that may be prescribed for such lending by
RBI/NABARD from time to time. (*Delete whichever is not applicable)

5. It is clearly understood by and between the parties hereto that in the event of the borrower's failure
to utilize the proceeds of the credit facility for the purpose for which the same has been made
available by the bank to the borrower, the borrower shall repay immediately on demand without
demur together with interest without prejudice to Bank's right to initiate other legal action.

6. The borrower shall pay interest on the loans to be calculated on the daily balances in the loan
account and be debited thereto at quarterly rests or as the Bank may decide.

7. The borrower should utilize the proceeds of the credit facility for the purpose of lending to is
members to improve the socio-economic conditions of their members and their families. That the
loan will not be used for any Speculative purpose / activities prohibited by law.

8. The borrower shall repay the credit facility availed of together with interest payable as per the
interest rates that may be fixed by RBI/NABARD from time to time for such lending

9. The borrower shall be liable to repay the facility on demand together with the interest and other
charges payable by the borrower to the bank in accordance with the rules of the Bank.

10. That the interest at the rate of BR +(PLUS) _____ per cent per annum (plus ____ per cent term
premia) i.e. ______ per cent per annum at present with monthly/quarterly/half-yearly/Yearly rests
shall be calculated on the daily balance due to the Bank on the said account and shall be charged
on the account on the last working day of the month so long as the debt herein incurred is not paid
by Borrower(s) in its entirety and, will form part of principal and carry interest at the above
mentioned rate.

11. The borrowers shall be liable to pay overdue interest at the rate of _____________ or at
the rate as may be fixed by the bank from time to time in the event of failure to repay the facility
availed in the stipulated manner and/or failure to pay interest as stipulated

12. The Bank will always be at liberty to stop making fresh advances at any time without previous
notice, which notice is hereby expressly waived, and without assigning any reason even though
the said limit has not been fully availed of.

13. The borrowers, give their consent for the loans recovered from the assets hypothecated hereunder
and/or other assets as a public demand or as land revenue in terms of any legislation relating to
recoveries thereof, where such consent is necessary under such legislation
14. (i) The Borrower(s) understand(s) that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of loan/advances/other
non-fund based credit facilities to the Borrower(s), the Bank requires their consent for disclosure by
the Bank of, information and data relating to the Borrower(s), of the credit facilities availed of, to be
availed, by the Borrower(s) obligations assumed/to be assumed, by the Borrower(s), in relation
thereof and default, if any, committed by the Borrower(s), in discharge thereof.
(ii) Accordingly, the Borrower(s), hereby agree(s) and give(s) consent for the disclosure by
the bank of all or any such;

(a) information and data relating to the borrower(s);

(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by the
borrower(s) and

(c) default, if any, committed by the borrower(s), in discharge of his/her/their such obligation,
as the Bank may deem appropriate and necessary, to disclose and furnish to Credit
Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other Agency authorized in this behalf by Reserve
Bank of India (RBI).

(iii) The Borrower(s) declare(s) that the information and data furnished by the Borrower(s) to
the Bank are true and correct.

(iv) The Borrower(s) undertake(s) that:-

(a) The Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other Agency so authorized may use,
process the said information and data disclosed by the Bank in the matter as deem fit by them;

(b) The Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd. and any other Agency so authorized may furnish
for consideration, the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them to
banks/financial institutions and other credit grantors or registered users as may be specified by
RBI in this behalf.

15. The Borrowers hereby agree as a pre-condition of the loan/advances given to them by the Bank
that in case they commit default in the repayment of loan/advance or in the repayment of interest
thereon or any of the agreed instalments of the loan on the due date(s), the Bank and/or the
Reserve Bank of India will have an unqualified right to disclose their name(s) as defaulters in such
manner and through such medium as the Bank or Reserve Bank of India in their absolute
discretion may think fit.


For Cash Credit:

Each withdrawal of principal loan from the C.C. A/C is to be repaid within 12 months of such withdrawal.
Interest debited to a/c is to be repaid / deposited into the A/C promptly so that outstanding balance of the
CC A/C does not exceed the sanctioned limit under no circumstances.

For Term Loan:

Principal loan is to be repaid in ………..equal monthly / quarterly / half-yearly installments. Interest debited
to the A/C is to be repaid / deposited promptly.

In witness where of the parties hereto have affixed their signature on the ______________date and the
______________ month and _____________ year first herein above written.



[Signature of Authorized representatives [Signature of Authorized representative (Office

bearers) with office seal] (Branch Manager) with office seal



On demand we ………………….(name of the SHG) and the members jointly and severally promise to
pay.……………………….. Bank or order at …………………………………………………………………. the
sum of Rupees………………………………………………………………………………………with interest
thereon at the rate of …………….percent per annum (below / above/ at) Base rate / Lending Rate of the
Bank which is at present ……………………% per annum with …………………………………rests for value

[Signature of Authorized representatives of SHG with office seal]

Name of SHG:

Address of the SHG:

Street ……………………….Village/ City…………………….Gram Panchyat……………….

Block ………………………..District…………………………..Pin…………………………………………


The Branch Manager,

State Bank of India,

Place: Date:

Dear Sir,

Please take the delivery of the accompanying Demand Promisory Note dated the ______________201..
for Rs.___________(Rs. ________________only) made by us i.e. office bearer of _________________
________(Name of SHG ) ___________________resident of _________________in favour of (Name of
Bank), Branch____________ We further request you to note that we dispense with a notice of the
dishonor in terms of Section 98 (a) of the Negotiable Instrument Act 1881 and that in the event of payment
not been made on demand, the Banks is at liberty to give time for payment to either of us without
discharging either of us from liability.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of Authorised representatives of SHG with official seal)

Name of SHG:

Address: Street………….Village/ City…………………..Gram Panchyat………………….


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