Pre Intend of Course Test A

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End of course test A

Name:              Date:      

Grammar 4 Rewrite the sentences using the word or words in

1 Write a, b, or c to complete the sentences.
1 We live in a French village. (pretty)
1 Have you been to the gym    ? 2 They were listening to music in the lesson. They
a yet  b still  c just weren’t interested. (clearly)
2 Pablo     play the piano when he was four. 3 You have to use cheese in that recipe. (grated)
a can  b can’t  c could 4 I’ve broken my arm. (never)
3 Can I have     cheese, please? 5 I’m sorry – my coat looked exactly the same as
yours. (really)
a some  b any  c an
6 What are you doing at the weekend? Nothing.
4 I can’t find my passport. I’ve looked    . (much)
a everywhere  b nowhere  c somewhere
5 That’s the office     my brother works.
a who  b where  c that
6 My iPod is good, but     is better. Vocabulary
a they  b their  c theirs 1 Match 1–6 with a–g. There is one you don’t need to
7 He bought     cherries. use.
a  a little  b  a lot of  c  few 1   Do you mind if I open the window?
2   I’ve lost my keys.
8 We had a brilliant holiday     the River Plate.
3   Do you mind if I sit here?
a at  b on  c in
4   Hi Nick. Have you checked in yet?
9 You     check your emails regularly. 5   How long have you lived here?
a must  b should  c shouldn’t 6   Let’s go to Rome for our holidays
10 I     work in that restaurant when I was at a For about five years.
university. b I’ve already been there.
a use  b use to  c used to c I’d rather you didn’t. I feel a bit cold.
10 d Yes. I’ve just come through passport control.
e They’re on the table.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the f I’ve just arrived.
verb. g Not at all.
1     you     this painting? (like) 6
2 If I give you some money     you     me a
ticket? (buy) 2 Underline the best word.
3 Would you mind     me your tennis racket 1 It takes about three hours to arrive / reach / across
next weekend? (lend) the mountains.
4 I forgot     my brother last night. (phone) 2 I hope / pretend / imagine to go to Ethiopia next
5 I don’t want     and see that film. (go)
3 If you want to go to Arica, you can take the train
6 Coffee     all over the world. (drink) north along / past / follow the coast.
7 I     what to do yet. (not decide) 4 The doctor’s in his surgery / studio / laboratory.
8 We     by the noises from the building site. 5 I always do / make / have some exercise before I go
(wake up) to work.
9 If we moved to another country, we     to 6 It’s best to cut / chop / slice the cake first.
Brazil. (go) 6
10 I spoke to John before, and we     by the metro
3 Complete the conversation. Write one word in each
entrance at 5 o’clock. (meet)
10 A What are you 1    on Friday?
3 Complete the sentences. Choose from these words. B I’m 2    to the cinema with Marc, would you
because so next when like to 3    with us?
1 I was waiting for the bus     it started to rain. A I’d 4    to, but I’ve already planned to go out
2 I was late for the show     I missed the bus. with Luis.
3 First, we had some soup.     we had the fish. B How 5    Saturday?
4 I got up late     I missed the train. A Mmm. I’m afraid I’m a bit 6    on Saturday.
B Sunday?
A Great, let’s meet then.

English Result Pre-intermediate End of course test A Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011
Name:              Date:      

4 Underline the correct words in the conversations. Reading and Writing

Jenny Oh, you look 1terrible / hot / sore. What’s the 1 Read the job advertisements and write T (true),
matter? F (false), or DS (doesn’t say).
Bill I don’t feel very well. I think I’ve got flu. I’ve
got a 2ache / sore / pain throat. Job Ads
Jenny Why don’t you take something for it?
Brad Could you show me how to send an
1 Looking for stress-free work,
3attachment / icon / invitation with this email? outdoors in the fresh air?
Lucy Yes it’s easy. You just 4open / click / press on the We are looking for gardeners to take care of
symbol here. the town parks.
Ben Have you seen his latest film? The make-up’s Duties:
* Taking care of trees
amazing. His head was completely 5cut /
* Cutting grass
shaved / removed and veins and spots were * Planting flowers
6painted / drawn / added on his face to make
* Keeping footpaths clear
him look older. We offer a full-year contract with bonuses in December
Kath Yes, it’s amazing isn’t it? I didn’t recognize him and July.
at first. For more information, go to
5 Complete the table with these phrases
2 Earn good money working from home.
the shopping a break a shower an effort Clothes company is looking for telephone sales staff.
your bed your homework * work when you want, where you want. All you need
is access to a telephone,
make do have * your income increases the more you sell.
Call now for a telephone interview on 8209 7638
Then complete our free online training course and you’re
ready to start!
3 Conference Stewards Needed
An event management company is looking for
young people to help at conferences.
We offer attractive pay for part-time work.
You must:
* Have good communication skills
* Have a smart appearance
* Be efficient and helpful
Please prepare a short video of yourself and send it online
to [email protected]. Then we’ll call you
about the interview.

1 For job 1, you don’t need any experience.   

2 You get paid 14 times a year for the gardening job.
3 You earn £1,000 a month for the gardening job.   
4 You have to sell telephones for job 2.   
5 You have to go to the office for an interview for job
6 The company will train people for job 2.   
7 You have to be young to apply for job 3.   
8 Job 3 is well paid.   
9 For job 3, the company will send a video showing a
10 You have to have an interview for job 3.   

English Result Pre-intermediate End of course test A Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011
Name:              Date:      

2 Read the description of Tom’s job and answer

questions 1–10. See the highlights of Kenya and go on Safari
8 days, 7 nights
Where I work 3,250 all included
I own and work in a small café. I serve hot drinks and snacks
all day, from 8am to 6pm. My busiest time of day is first
First, we’ll fly via Amsterdam to Nairobi. Your local tour guides
thing in the morning. A lot of workers come in for a cooked
will meet you at the airport and take you to the hotel. On the
breakfast. I also do a lot of business at lunchtime, mainly
first evening, we will treat to a special welcome meal at a
selling sandwiches. My son helps me for breakfast period, but
traditional restaurant.
the rest of the time I’m on my own.
There are many things I like about my job. The best thing is 2         
meeting the same customers every day. You can build up a After a good night’s sleep, we will spend a day in Nairobi’s
relationship and it’s good fun. I also like working for myself safari park for a first sighting of elephants, lions, giraffes and
and not having a boss watching me all the time. However, so on. The park is close to the city so the day doesn’t include a
there are problems with the work. You always have to buy lot of travel.
more food than you need as it’s difficult to guess how busy 3         
you’re going to be. I can’t stand having to throw food away at We will then spend two nights at a luxury camp in the
the end of the day. Also, my income is not regular. Business is Maasai Mara National Park, in the south west of the country.
very slow some months and it’s hard to pay the bills. The park is famous for the big cats, zebra and wildebeest. As
Tom well as the animals, you’ll also have a chance to see the local
dancing and music.
Where does Tom work?  a small café
Example  4         
After that, we return to Nairobi before flying down to
1 What time does Tom finish work?   
Mombasa. You’ll see Mt Kilimanjaro, and maybe huge herds
2 When is Tom most busy?    of zebra as they move north looking for water!
3 What do workers order in the café?   
4 What do people mainly order at lunchtime?    On the coast, we will spend three nights by the beach at a
5 Who helps Tom?    five star hotel. There will be optional boat trips and visits to
6 What does Tom like best about his job?    local historic sites, or you can just relax on the beach. From
7 Why does Tom like working for himself?    Mombasa, we’ll return to Nairobi to catch a flight home.
8 Why does Tom sometimes buy too much food?   
Read the holiday brochure again and complete the
9 What does Tom hate doing?   
10 Why does Tom sometimes have problems paying
Route: Amsterdam, Nairobi, Maasai Mara National
Park, 6       , Mombasa, 7       
10 Animals: elephants, big cats, giraffes, 8       ,
3 Read the holiday brochure.
Match the paragraphs 1–5 with the headings A–E Attractions by the sea: boat trips, the beach,
A An easy introduction
B Time by the water 10
C Arriving in Nairobi
D Views from the plane 4 Imagine you have one of these jobs. Write a
description, including the good and bad points. (50–60
E Time on Safari
lorry driver
office worker
Total 100

English Result Pre-intermediate End of course test A Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2011

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