Starting Strength Logbook Calculator
Starting Strength Logbook Calculator
Starting Strength Logbook Calculator
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Session #7 Session #9 Session #11 Session #13 Session #15 Session #17 Session #19
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 55 60 60 65 70 75
75 80 90 95 100 105 110
100 110 120 125 135 140 150
130 140 150 160 170 180 190
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
55 60 60 65 65 70 70
80 80 85 90 90 95 100
100 105 110 115 120 125 130
115 120 125 130 135 140 145
50 55 60 60 65 70 75
75 80 90 95 100 105 110
110 115 125 135 140 150 160
130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Session #8 Session #10 Session #12 Session #14 Session #16 Session #18 Session #20
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 55 60 65 70 70 75
80 85 90 95 105 110 115
105 115 120 130 140 145 155
135 145 155 165 175 185 195
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
60 65 65 70 70 75 75
80 80 85 90 90 95 100
95 100 105 110 110 115 120
115 120 125 130 135 140 145
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
60 65 65 70 70 75 75
80 80 85 90 90 95 100
95 100 105 110 110 115 120
115 120 125 130 135 140 145
Session #21 Session #23
45 45
80 80
120 125
160 165
200 210
45 45
75 75
105 105
135 135
150 155
80 80
120 125
170 175
200 210
45 45
80 85
105 105
125 130
150 155
Mark Rippetoe's Starting St
This is Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Logbook Calculator. This Onus
wasWunsler Program
designed as a supplement to the S
book Starting Strength nor Mark Rippetoe. Only edit the cells in yellow. The first column, “Test Weight,” is wh
rep maxes). The “Reps,” column can usually be kept at “5” Reps for each exercise. The “lb Increase,” colum
each lift per workout. Click here for recommended increases. If you are unsure, leave this field alone. The “
before hitting your former maxes and need only be used if you are beginning with a former rep max or are res
The “Smallest Weight,” field is the smallest weight increment that can be added to the barbell (usually 5, or le
the rotation is A/B/A/B. Good luck and GET STRONG DAMMIT! ~
Session #5 Session #7 Session #9 Session #11 Session #13 Session #15 Session #17
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
45 50 55 60 60 65 70
70 75 80 90 95 100 105
95 100 110 120 125 135 140
120 130 140 150 160 170 180
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
60 60 65 65 70 70 75
75 80 80 85 90 90 95
90 95 100 105 110 110 115
110 115 120 125 130 135 140
45 50 55 60
65 75 85 95
95 110 120 135
115 130 145 160
45 45 45
55 60 60
70 75 80
85 90 95
105 110 115
Session #6 Session #8 Session #10 Session #12 Session #14 Session #16 Session #18
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 50 55 60 65 70 70
75 80 85 90 95 105 110
100 105 115 120 130 140 145
125 135 145 155 165 175 185
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
55 55 60 60 65 65 70
75 80 80 85 90 90 95
95 100 105 110 115 120 125
110 115 120 125 130 135 140
Session #19 Session #21 Session #23
45 45 45
75 80 80
110 120 125
150 160 165
190 200 210
45 45 45
75 80 85
100 105 105
120 125 130
145 150 155
45 45
65 65
80 85
100 105
120 125
45 45 45
70 75 75
100 105 105
130 135 135
145 150 155
Mark Rippetoe's Starting St
This is Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Logbook Calculator. ThisProgramming
was designed asNovice Program
a supplement to the St
book Starting Strength nor Mark Rippetoe. Only edit the cells in yellow. The first column, “Test Weight,” is
previous rep maxes). The “Reps,” column can usually be kept at “5” Reps for each exercise. The “lb Increas
to increase each lift per workout. Click here for recommended increases. If you are unsure, leave this field a
like to begin before hitting your former maxes and need only be used if you are beginning with a former rep m
in that case. The “Smallest Weight,” field is the smallest weight increment that can be added to the barbell (u
by column and the rotation is Mon/Wed/Fri. Good luck and GET STRONG DAM
Session #7 Session #10 Session #13 Session #16 Session #19 Session #22 Session #25
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 55 60 70 75 80 85
75 85 95 105 110 120 130
100 115 125 140 150 160 175
130 145 160 175 190 205 220
45 45 45 45
55 65 70 80
80 90 100 110
100 115 130 140
115 130 145 160
45 45 45
65 70 80
80 90 105
100 110 125
120 135 150
Session #8 Session #11 Session #14 Session #17 Session #20 Session #23 Session #26
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 60 65 70 75 80 90
80 90 95 105 115 125 135
105 120 130 140 155 165 180
135 150 165 180 195 210 225
45 45 45
60 70 75
85 95 105
110 125 135
125 140 155
45 45 45 45
60 70 75 85
80 90 100 110
95 110 120 135
115 130 145 160
50 55 60 70 75 80 85
75 85 95 105 110 120 130
110 120 135 145 160 170 185
130 145 160 175 190 205 220
Session #9 Session #12 Session #15 Session #18 Session #21 Session #24 Session #27
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
55 60 65 70 80 85 90
80 90 100 110 120 125 135
110 120 135 145 160 170 180
140 155 170 185 200 215 230
45 45 45 45
60 65 75 80
80 90 105 115
105 120 135 145
120 135 150 165
45 45 45
65 75 85
85 95 105
105 115 130
125 140 155
Session #28 Session #31 Session #34
45 45 45
90 100 105
140 150 155
185 200 210
235 250 265
45 45
90 95
115 125
140 150
165 180
45 45
85 90
115 125
150 165
170 185
90 100 105
140 150 155
195 210 225
235 250 265
45 45
90 100
115 125
140 155
170 185
Mark Rippetoe's Starting St
This is Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Logbook Calculator.Wichita
This wasFalls Novice
designed as aProgram
supplement to the St
book Starting Strength nor Mark Rippetoe. Only edit the cells in yellow. The first column, “Test Weight,” is
previous rep maxes). The “Reps,” column can usually be kept at “5” Reps for each exercise. The “lb Increas
to increase each lift per workout. Click here for recommended increases. If you are unsure, leave this field a
like to begin before hitting your former maxes and need only be used if you are beginning with a former rep m
in that case. The “Smallest Weight,” field is the smallest weight increment that can be added to the barbell (u
by column and the rotation is Mon/Wed/Fri. Good luck and GET STRONG DAM
Session #7 Session #10 Session #13 Session #16 Session #19 Session #22 Session #25
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 55 60 70 75 80 85
75 85 95 105 110 120 130
100 115 125 140 150 160 175
130 145 160 175 190 205 220
45 45 45 45
55 65 70 80
80 90 100 110
100 115 130 140
115 130 145 160
45 45 45
65 70 80
80 90 105
100 110 125
120 135 150
Session #8 Session #11 Session #14 Session #17 Session #20 Session #23 Session #26
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 60 65 70 75 80 90
80 90 95 105 115 125 135
105 120 130 140 155 165 180
135 150 165 180 195 210 225
45 45 45
60 70 75
85 95 105
110 125 135
125 140 155
45 45 45 45
60 70 75 85
80 90 100 110
95 110 120 135
115 130 145 160
45 50 55 60
65 75 85 95
95 110 120 135
115 130 145 160
45 45 45
55 60 60
70 75 80
85 90 95
105 110 115
Session #9 Session #12 Session #15 Session #18 Session #21 Session #24 Session #27
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
55 60 65 70 80 85 90
80 90 100 110 120 125 135
110 120 135 145 160 170 180
140 155 170 185 200 215 230
45 45 45 45
60 65 75 80
80 90 105 115
105 120 135 145
120 135 150 165
45 45 45
65 75 85
85 95 105
105 115 130
125 140 155
Session #28 Session #31 Session #34
45 45 45
90 100 105
140 150 155
185 200 210
235 250 265
45 45
90 95
115 125
140 150
165 180
45 45
85 90
115 125
150 165
170 185
45 45
65 65
80 85
100 105
120 125
45 45
90 100
115 125
140 155
170 185
Mark Rippetoe's Starting St
This is Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Logbook Calculator. Advanced Novice
This was designed asProgram
a supplement to the St
book Starting Strength nor Mark Rippetoe. Only edit the cells in yellow. The first column, “Test Weight,” is
previous rep maxes). The “Reps,” column can usually be kept at “5” Reps for each exercise. The “lb Increas
to increase each lift per workout. Click here for recommended increases. If you are unsure, leave this field a
like to begin before hitting your former maxes and need only be used if you are beginning with a former rep m
in that case. The “Smallest Weight,” field is the smallest weight increment that can be added to the barbell (u
by column and the rotation is Mon/Wed/Fri. Good luck and GET STRONG DAM
Session #7 Session #10 Session #13 Session #16 Session #19 Session #22 Session #25
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
45 50 55 60 60 65 70
70 75 80 90 95 100 105
95 100 110 120 125 135 140
120 130 140 150 160 170 180
45 45 45 45
55 65 70 80
80 90 100 110
100 115 130 140
115 130 145 160
45 45 45
65 70 80
80 90 105
100 110 125
120 135 150
45 45 45
60 70 75
85 95 105
110 125 135
125 140 155
45 45 45 45
60 70 75 85
80 90 100 110
95 110 120 135
115 130 145 160
45 50 55 60
65 75 85 95
95 110 120 135
115 130 145 160
45 45 45
55 60 60
70 75 80
85 90 95
105 110 115
Session #9 Session #12 Session #15 Session #18 Session #21 Session #24 Session #27
45 45 45 45 45 45 45
50 50 55 60 65 70 70
75 80 85 90 95 105 110
100 105 115 120 130 140 145
125 135 145 155 165 175 185
45 45 45 45
60 65 75 80
80 90 105 115
105 120 135 145
120 135 150 165
45 45 45
65 75 85
85 95 105
105 115 130
125 140 155
45 45
90 95
115 125
140 150
165 180
45 45
85 90
115 125
150 165
170 185
45 45
65 65
80 85
100 105
120 125
45 45
90 100
115 125
140 155
170 185