Software Patenting - Palak Jangalwa
Software Patenting - Palak Jangalwa
Software Patenting - Palak Jangalwa
Palak Jangalwa
National Law University, Delhi
A patent can be defined as a grant of exclusive rights to an inventor over his invention for a
limited period of time. The exclusive rights conferred include the right to make, use, exercise,
sell or distribute the invention in India. The term of a patent is twenty years, after the expiry
of which, the invention would fall into the public domain. So basically, patents can be
considered a twenty-year monopoly granted by the State on any invention.
Before the grant of a patent, there are certain requirements that have to be fulfilled.
Patentable subject matter: To be patentable, an invention should fall within the scope of
patentable subject matter. There are certain things that are not considered inventions. They
are listed under Section 3 of the Indian Patent Act, 1970.
Utility: The product should be industrially applicable and can be made and used in an
Novelty: The invention claimed must be novel and it should be considered with respect to its
prior art.
Obviousness/Inventive Step: The invention should not be obvious to any person having
ordinary skill in the art to which the patent claim relates.
Specification: It is a description of the patent that indicates the scope of the invention.
Software patents are patents granted to particular computer program software. The
intellectual property protection of computer software has been highly debated at the national
and international level. [1] This particular paper will focus on software patenting in India.
There is a debate about how necessary a software patent really is and it is important weigh its
pros and cons before continuing with patenting software.
The goal of patent law is to create incentives for innovation which has many benefits for
society. But, these benefits are countered by the fact that patents reduce competition and can
thus slow the pace of innovation and increase legal costs.
Since the mid-1990s, the number of software patents has continuously and exponentially
increased. Not only has the total number of software patents constantly grown since the
1980s, but also the scale of patents per annum has increased from dozens of patents in 1980
to over 18000 patents in 2003. [2] We have noticed how the development in the world of
information technology is very rapid. Therefore, it might not be worth the money spent on
patenting a software when significant changes can be made to it almost immediately. Most
software entrepreneurs file patent applications as a defensive strategy, not because they see
any major benefit in patenting their software.
Computer programs or software are considered a series of algorithms. Algorithms are not
patentable subject matter, as they are mere expressions of abstract ideas, and not inventions in
themselves. Computer programs, therefore, are also abstract ideas. They stop being ideas
when they come to life in the form of a machine or are applied to a machine or a process that
is capable of being patented. It is very important for the machine or the process to be the
subject matter and not the software. [3] That way, the patent protection will be granted to the
machine or process and not to the software itself. Therefore, the abstract idea that is a part of
a process or a product is not a patentable subject matter and therefore, it can be used in any
other machine as well. [4]
The Manual of Patent Practice of Indian Patent Office [5] describes the policy for Patent of
Program/Software/Algorithms as follows
Applications related to computer inventions may broadly fall under the following categories:
(a) Method/process:
(b) Apparatus/system:
(c) Computer program product.
The examiners of the Patent office have been instructed to look into following aspects while
dealing with such applications. These are with respect to the requirements of a patent.
The method claim should clearly define the steps involved in carrying out the invention. It
should have a technical character i.e. it should solve a technical problem.
The claims should incorporate the details regarding the mode of the implementation of the
invention via hardware or software, for better clarity.
The claim orienting towards a “process/method” should contain a hardware or machine
limitation. Technical applicability of the software claimed as a process or method claim, is
required to be defined in relation with the particular hardware components. Thus, the
“software per se” is differentiated from the software having its technical application in the
industry. A claim directed to a technical process which process is carried out under the
control of a program whether by means of hardware or software), cannot be regarded as
relating to a computer program as such and hence patentable.
For example, “a method for processing seismic data, comprising the steps of collecting the
time varying seismic detector output signals for a plurality of seismic sensors placed in a
cable.” Here the signals are collected from a definite recited structure and hence allowable.
Further in case of the apparatus claim it should clearly define the inventive constructional
hardware features. The claim for an apparatus should incorporate a “process limitation” for
an apparatus, where “limitation” means defining the specific application and not the general
As a general rule, a novel solution to a problem relating to the internal operations of a
computer, although comprising a program or subroutine, will necessarily involve
technological features of the computer hardware or the manner in which it operates and hence
may be patentable.
Algorithms and Computer Software
Before proceeding further, we must understand what an algorithm or computer programmes
are for the purpose of patent.
The word has not been defined in the Patent Act 1970; however, the Patent Manual [6]
defines as follows:
“any invention the performance of which involves the use of computer, computer network or
other programmable apparatus, or an invention one or more features which are realized
wholly or partially by means of a computer program/ programs”.
Computer programs are a set of instructions for controlling a sequence of operations of a
data processing system. It closely resembles a mathematical method. It may be expressed in
various forms e.g., a series of verbal statements, a flowchart, an algorithm, or other coded
form and maybe presented in a form suitable for direct entry into a particular computer, or
may require transcription into a different format (computer language). [7]
It doesn’t matter what kind of medium is used. It may merely be written on paper or recorded
on some machine readable medium such as magnetic tape or disc or optically scanned record,
or it may be permanently recorded in a control store forming part of a computer.
Computer programs per se are not allowed in India since those fall under the scope of
copyright protection in India. It helps in preventing the confusion with respect to patentable
software. Therefore, any computer program in the form of an algorithm is restricted under
Section 3(k) of the Indian Patent Act.
The researcher agrees with the stance taken by the court as regards patentability of software
since the main purpose of patenting was to promote innovation but even if software are not
patented, innovation is not hindered at all. It helps increase competition which in turn leads
to innovation. Copyright protection is sufficient enough intellectual property protection for
End notes
[2] Elad Harison, Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Software Technologies: The
Economics of Monopoly Rights and Knowledge Disclosure, Edgar Elgar Publishing, 2008, p.
[3] Shilpa Shanbhag, Software Patents Along with Government Support.
[4] Pranesh Prakash, Arguments Against Software Patents in India, The Centre for Internet
and Society.
[5] Manual of Patent Office Practice and Procedure, version 01.11 available at
[6] Manual of Patent Office Practice and Procedure, version 01.11 available at
[7] Sudha Selvaraj, Patenting Software, Algorithms & Mathematical Processes – Some
Thoughts and Approaches, IIT Kharagpur.
[8] 34 L Ed 2D 273: 409 US 63 (1972)
[9] Saharay’s Commentaries on Patents Law and Practice, Kamal Law House, Kolkata, 2007,
p. 43.
[10] 34 L Ed 2D 273: 409 US 63 (1972)
[11] 34 L Ed 2D 273: 409 US 63 (1972)
[12] 67 L Ed 2d 155: 450 US 175 (1981)
[13] Elizabeth Verkey, Law of Patents, Second Edition, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow,
p. 218.
[14] Section 3(k), Indian Patent Act, 1970.
[15] Tanay Nadi, Satabdee Mohanty, Implications of Software Patenting in India.
[16] Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., , No Silver Bullet Essence and Accidents of Software
Engineering, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April 1997.