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Pakistan Journal of Engineering.

& Applied Sciences

Instructions to Authors for the Preparation of Manuscript

(Arial, Centered, 17 pt.)
Author A.N1, C.D. Co-author1 and E.F. Co-author2 (Times New Romans, 11 pt)
1. Affiliation. (Times New Roman, Italicized-10 pt)
2. Affiliation. (Times New Roman, Italicized -10 pt)
* Corresponding Author: Email: (Times New Romans-10 pt)

Abstract (Arial, Bold -12 pt)

Author should submit the papers electronically in MS-Word format, to the Journal’s email address,
[email protected] (Times New Romans, Italisized-10 pt)

Key Words: text; text; text; text; text (Times New Romans, 12 and 10.5 pt)

4. Page Limit
1. General Instruction
Number of pages for a complete manuscript
All papers should be written in English. The paper should be from 6 to 15. Author will be charged Rs.
must be written in double-column format. 1000/- per page beyond 15 pages.

2. Headings 5. Figures and Tables

This sheet has been typeset in accordance with the Figure captions should be below the figures; table
style to be followed for the headings (Arial, Bold, captions should be above the tables. Figures and
pt. 12). tables should be placed either within single
column width or on the full page width preferably
2.1 Subheadings at the top or bottom of the column or page. Leave
single line space above and double line space
Same as headings (Arial, Bold, pt. 12).
below the figures. For tables, leave double line
space above and single line space below.
3. Page Layout
Paper format: standard A4 double columned 6. Equations
(spacing is 0.3" which will automatically adjust
Equations are to be numbered consecutively
width to 2.98") and fully justified. Margins should
be Normal. throughout the paper. Each equation number must
be unique. Equations should be centered, with the
Header from top and bottom should be 0.5". equation number in parentheses, flush with the
Use Times New Roman Font for the main text, right-hand margin of the column. Leave a single
ARIAL for headings. line space before and after equations.
Paper title: 17 pt bold (Title), Author(s): 10 pt P  I 2R (1)
(Author), Affiliation (d): 10 pt italic (Affiliation),
Abstract: 10 pt. & italicized, Key Words: 10.5 pt.
table and figures captions: 10.5 pt.
Number citations consecutively in the text in
For headings, spacing should be as follows:
square brackets [1]. Within text, cross reference as
Before: 12 pt; After: 6 pt with single line spacing.
Spacing for each paragraph should be as follows:
APA format should be followed strictly.
Before: 0 pt; After: 6pt with single line spacing.
For detailed instructions for authors visit:

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