Eku Ifa

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Eku Ifa

Eku réé o

Eku kíi dun fin-in ka ti ori ré bonu

Awon ota koni bi nu pá ọmọ náá ni koke re

Aye oni binu ọmọ náá

This is an eku ifá and I have it in my hands to pray

A rat never make noise and that is why we should swallow his head

Enemies will never be able to incite this child

The whole world will love this child


Eja réé o

Eja ni kó bani ja ikú kuro Iorun ọmọ yíi

Eja ni ko bani ja arun kuro Iorun re

Eja ni kó bani ja ofo, egba, oran ato gbogbo ajogun ibi kuro Ioruni ọmọ náá

This is a fish that I have in my hands to pray

The fish usually says that it is far from dying so the child must eat the fish

The fish says that it is disease-free so the disease must get away from the fish

This fish says that it is free of any kind of evil, that's why the evils must get away

from the child


Orogbo ree

Ọmọ yíí yóó gbo

Ọmọ yií yóó to

Orogbo ni yóó je kó gbo laye

This is an Orogbo I have in my hands to pray

May this child have long life on Earth

Let this child grow up to old age on Earth

Because it is the Orogbo that lives many years on Earth

So the Orogbo will make this child live many years

Obi Abata

Obi réé o
Obi níi be iku
Obi yóó be ikú fún ọmọ yií o
Obi níí be arun
Obi yóó be ikú fún ọmọ yíi o
Obi níi be ofo
Obi yóó be ikú fún ọmọ yíí o
Obi níi be ese
Obi yóó be ikú fún ọmọ yíí o
Obi níi be egba
Obi yóó be egba fún ọmọ yií o
Obí níi be ọmọ arayé aboju pete
Obi yóó e ọmọ arayé fún ọmọ yíí o

This obi ábátá that I am holding to use to pray

The obi ábátá will ward off death
The obi ábátá will ward off death from this baby
The obi ábátá will ward off disease
The obi ábátá will ward off the disease from this baby
The obi ábátá will ward off danger
The obi ábátá will ward off danger from this baby
The obi ábátá will ward off paralysis
The obi ábátá will ward off paralysis from this baby
The obi ábátá will drive away the evils of man
The obi ábátá will remove all evil from this child.

Oyin réé o

Akii la oyin ka tuto

Aye o ni tuto si Oro ọmọ yíí o

A kii la oyin ki a pose

Aye konu pose si Óro ọmọ yíí o

Ohun tobá dun ni ọmọ arayé wá ogin si

Ohun tobá dun ni ọmọ arayé o mo wá ọmọ yií si

This is honey I have in my hands to pray with

Honey does not drip and be reused again

The world will not be able to get anything bitter in this child's life

We cannot eat honey and be bitter

The world will never be bitter with this child

Where there is honey there is sweetness

May the world always be sweet with this child

Bean Cake

Áádun réé o

Didun ni áádun n dun

Ohun ọmọ yóó dun kale

Ibi to bá dun ni arayé n wá si

Ibi to bá dun ni ọmọ arayé mo wá ọmọ yíí si

This sweet cake that I have in my hands I use it to pray

Sweetness is always the cause of this cake

May the life of this child always be sweet

People always find sweetness in cake

May the life of this child always find sweetness on the part of people

Iréké réé o

Nigbá ti ọmọ arayé bá gbi iréké won yóó máá toju re

A mọ lasiko ti iréké bá gbó ọmọ arayé o fi ada bee

Áwon ota o ni da emi ọmọ yíí legbodo

This sugar cane that I have in my hands I use it to pray

When people want sugar it is always taken care of until it finishes germinating

Until it pasts maturity it gets cut down with a machete

May enemies never cut down the life of this child like sugarcane

Atááre réé oo

Atááre kíí bimo tó yo

Ọmọ togbon ni atare bi

lye atááre kíí kumo atááre ninu

lye atááre kíí kumo atááre ninu

Kiye o mo kumo ọmọ yíí ninu

This pepper that I have in my hands I use it to pray

Pepper never stops a stupid child

But the pepper gives very skillfull children

The memory of pepper will never end

May the memory of this child never end


Suga réé o

Didun ni suga din

Oro aye ọmọ yóó máá dun ni

Suga kíí koro

Ile aye ọmọ tuntún yíí koro

This sugar that I have in my hands I use it to pray

Sugar is always known to be sweet

May this child always have a sweet life

Sugar never gets bitter

May this child never experience anything bitter in its life

Sweet Seeds

Imunmun réé o

Didun ni imunmun n din

Ohun imunmun kíí kan

Oro ọmọ yíí yóó máá dun ni

This sweet seed that I have in my hands I use it to pray

Sweetness is always in this sweet seed

May sweet people find me on my way

The life of the sweet seed never has anything bitter

That the life of this child has nothing bitter ever


Epa réé o

Epa kíí ragan laye

Okan soso ni epa gorebe

]gbá ọmọ ni epa numbo

Ọmọ yíí yóó di irun yóó do igbá

Bibi wgn bi ọmọ yíí oun náá yóó bi eníiyan

I use this peanut in my hands to pray

Peanuts never become sterile in life

That this child's life is not sterile

The peanut is a plant that germinates and gives 200 seeds

May the life of this child germinate and be great

That this newborn child has a great of life

Palm Oil

Epo püpá réé o

Epo ni iroju obe

Ti kobá si epo püpá lobe

Obe kíí dun

Oro ọmọ yíí yóó máá dun ni

Omo arayé o ni pá ọmọ yíí ni kekere

This palm oil

Palm oil always complements soup

When palm oil is absent from soup

The soup has no taste

May the life of this child be sweet

This child will not die young ever


Iro réé o

Bi kobá si lijo lobe kíí idun

Ate ni obe náá yóó je

Ki Òro aye ọmọ tuntún yíí kodun dale

Ki ọmọ tuntún yíí o mò te laye re

This is salt that is in my hands to pray

When the salt is not in the soup

There is no one who takes it

May the life of this child be sweet for all eternity

That the life of this child is not insipid


Omi tutu rere o

Omi kíí bale kó mor u ipa

Omo yíí yóó ni ipa iré nile aye re

Tutu n bale Oluweri

Ile oluwerin kíí gbora

Be o ni gbona mo ọmọ yíí

This is water that I hold in my hands to pray

When the water falls it makes waves

That this child can collect good things in his life

Very cold is the river of the Oluweri and Oluweri’s domain is never hot

May this child be pleasant as the cold water of the river


Oti réé o

Eni oti kíí te o

Ọmọ tuntún yíí koni te

Ni se ni isi ti nigbá kaye

Isin ọmọ tuntún yíí yóó gbá kaye bi rere

This is alcohol I have in my hands to pray

Whoever drinks local wine never feels embarrassed

Wherever there is happiness there is wine

May this child always find happiness wherever he is


Ogédé réé o

Ogédé kíí je aye Inira

Ọmọ yíí koni jaye inira

Ara kíí ni ogédé nigbá koo kan

Ọmọ tuntún yíí koni mo inira laye re

Didun ni ogédé dun

Oro ilé aye ọmọ tuntún yíí yóó dun kale

I have this banana in my hands to pray with

A banana never has problems

That this child never has problems in life

A banana will never experience difficulties in life

That this child has no difficulties in life

The marriage of Banana will always be sweet

That this child's life is always sweet

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