AC Circuits
AC Circuits
AC Circuits
2. When the frequency is decreased, the impedance of a 12. A 3.3 kΩ resistor and a 120 mH coil are in parallel. Both
parallel RL circuit components are across a 2 kHz, 12 V ac source. The total
A. Increases C. Decreases* current in the circuit is
B. Remains constant D. Is not a factor A. 8.74 mA* C. 874 mA
B. 874 µA D. 8.74 µA
3. A 1.5 kΩ resistor and a coil with a 2.2 kΩ inductive
reactance are in series across an 18 V ac source. The 13. A 470 Ω resistor and a coil with 125 Ω inductive reactance
power factor is are in parallel. Both components are across a 15 V ac
A. 564 C. 0.564* voltage source. Current through the inductor is
B. 6.76 D. 55.7 A. 152 mA C. 32 mA
B. 12 mA D. 120 mA*
4. When the resistor voltage in a series RL circuit becomes
less than the inductor voltage, the phase angle 14. To increase the current in a series RL circuit, the frequency
A. Increases* C. Decreases A. Should be increased
B. Is not affected D. Cannot be determined B. Should be decreased*
C. Should be constant
5. A 140 Ω resistor is in parallel with an inductor having 60 Ω D. Cannot be determined without values
inductive reactance. Both components are across a 12 V ac
source. The magnitude of the total impedance is 15. When the frequency of the voltage applied to a series RL
A. 5.51 Ω C. 55.15 Ω* circuit is increased, the phase angle
B. 90 Ω D. 200 Ω A. Decreases
B. Increases*
6. A 1.2 kΩ resistor is in series with a 15 mH coil across a 10 C. Does not change
kHz ac source. The magnitude of the total impedance is D. Cannot be determined without values
A. 152.6 Ω C. 1,526 Ω*
B. 1,200 Ω D. 942 Ω 16. Which of the following power factors results in less energy
loss in an RL circuit?
7. When the frequency of the voltage applied to a series RL A. 1 C. 0.8
circuit is decreased, the impedance B. 0.4 D. 0.2*
A. Decreases*
B. Increases 17. A 470 Ω resistor and a 200 mH coil are in parallel. Both
C. Does not change components are across a 1.5 kHz ac source. The total
D. Cannot be determined without values admittance of the circuit, in polar form, is
A. 12.60 ∠-76° mS C. 12.18 ∠76° mS
8. A 12 kΩ resistor is in series with a 90 mH coil across an 8 B. 218 ∠-76° mS D. 12.18 ∠-76° mS*
kHz ac source. Current flow in the circuit, expressed in
polar form, is I = 0.3 ∠0° mA. The source voltage, 18. In a parallel RL circuit, there are 3 A rms in the resistive
expressed in polar form, is branch and 3 A rms in the inductive branch. The total rms
A. 3.84 ∠20.6° V* C. 12.8 ∠20.6° V current is
B. 0.3 ∠20.6° V D. 13.84 ∠69.4° V A. 6 A C. 424 mA
B. 4.24 A* D. 42.4 A
9. A 47 Ω resistor is in series with an inductive reactance of
120 Ω across an ac source. The impedance, expressed in 19. A certain series resonant circuit has a bandwidth of 2 kHz.
polar form, is If the existing coil is replaced with one having a higher
A. 47 ∠68.6° Ω C. 120 ∠68.6° Ω value of Q, the bandwidth will
B. 129 ∠31.4° Ω D. 129 ∠68.6° Ω* A. Increase C. Remain the same
B. Decrease* D. Be less selective
10. If a load is purely inductive and the reactive power is 12
VAR, the apparent power is 20. A 6.8 kΩ resistor, a 7 mH coil, and a 0.02 µF capacitor are
A. 0 VA C. 12 VA* in parallel across a 17 kHz ac source. The coil's internal
B. 6 VA D. 24 VA
resistance, RW, is 30 Ω. The equivalent parallel resistance,
Rp(eq), is 30. A 12 Ω resistor, a 40 µF capacitor, and an 8 mH coil are in
A. 1,878 Ω C. 18,780 Ω* series across an ac source. The resonant frequency is
B. 18,750 Ω D. 626 Ω A. 28.1 Hz C. 281 Hz*
B. 2,810 Hz D. 10 kHz
21. The impedance at the resonant frequency of a series RLC
circuit with L = 20 mH, C = 0.02 µF, and RW = 90 Ω is 31. A resistor of 3 kΩ, a 0.05 µF capacitor, and a 120 mH coil
A. 0 Ω C. 90 Ω* are in series across a 5 kHz, 20 V ac source. What is the
B. 20 Ω D. 40 Ω impedance, expressed in polar form?
A. 636 Ω C. 3,769 Ω
22. To tune a parallel resonant circuit to a higher frequency, B. 433 Ω D. 4,337 Ω*
the capacitance should be
A. Increased 32. In a certain series resonant circuit, VC = 125 V, VL = 125 V,
B. Decreased* and VR = 40 V. The value of the source voltage is
C. Left alone A. 125 V C. 250 V
D. Replaced with inductance B. 290 V D. 40 V*
23. A 15 Ω resistor, an inductor with 8 Ω inductive reactance, 33. A 15 Ω resistor, a 220 µH coil, and a 60 pF capacitor are in
and a capacitor with 12 Ω capacitive reactance are in series across an ac source. What is the bandwidth of the
parallel across an ac voltage source. The circuit impedance circuit?
is A. 138 MHz C. 10,866 Hz*
A. 12.7 Ω* C. 127 Ω B. 1,907 Hz D. 138 kHz
B. 4,436 Ω D. 6,174 Ω
34. A 10 Ω resistor, a 90 mH coil, and a 0.015 µF capacitor are
24. A 9 mH coil is in parallel with a 0.015 µF capacitor across in series across an ac source. The impedance magnitude at
an 18 kHz ac source. The coil's internal resistance RW, is 60 1,200 Hz below fr is
Ω. The circuit impedance is A. 1,616 Ω* C. 161 Ω
A. 17,340 Ω* C. 1,734 Ω B. 3,387 Ω D. 1,771 Ω
B. 290 Ω D. 1,018 Ω
35. A 90 Ω resistor, a coil with 30 Ω of reactance, and a
25. A 200 Ω resistor, a coil with 30 Ω of reactance, and a capacitor with 50 Ω of reactance are in series across a 12 V
capacitor of unknown reactance are in series across an ac ac source. The current through the resistor is
source. The circuit is at resonance. Circuit impedance is A. 9 mA C. 90 mA
A. 230 Ω C. 170 Ω B. 13 mA D. 130 mA*
B. 200 Ω* D. Cannot be determined
36. A 24 Ω resistor, an inductor with a reactance of 120 Ω, and
26. If the resistance in parallel with a parallel resonant circuit a capacitor with a reactance of 120 Ω are in series across a
is reduced, the bandwidth 60 V source. The circuit is at resonance. The voltage across
A. Disappears C. Becomes sharper the inductor is
B. Increases D. Decreases* A. 60 V C. 660 V
B. 30 V D. 300 V*
27. If the value of C in a series RLC circuit is decreased, the
resonant frequency 37. A resonant circuit has a lower critical frequency of 7 kHz
A. Is not affected C. Increases* and an upper critical frequency of 13 kHz. The bandwidth
B. Is reduced to zero D. Decreases of the circuit is
A. 7 kHz C. 13 kHz
28. A certain series RLC circuit with a 200 Hz, 15 V ac source B. 20 kHz D. 4 kHz*
has the following values: R = 12 Ω, C = 80 µF, and L = 10
mH. The total impedance, expressed in polar form, is
A. 12.28 ∠12.34° Ω* C. 12.57 ∠12.34° Ω
B. 9.95 ∠12.34° Ω D. 12.62 ∠12.34° Ω