Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry

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Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic,

and Nano-Metal Chemistry
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Empirical Formulae to Molecular Structures of Metal

Complexes by Molar Conductance
a a a
Imran Ali , Waseem A. Wani & Kishwar Saleem
Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University) , New Delhi , India
Accepted author version posted online: 22 Apr 2013.Published online: 14 May 2013.

To cite this article: Imran Ali , Waseem A. Wani & Kishwar Saleem (2013) Empirical Formulae to Molecular Structures of Metal
Complexes by Molar Conductance, Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 43:9,
1162-1170, DOI: 10.1080/15533174.2012.756898

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Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 43:1162–1170, 2013
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1553-3174 print / 1553-3182 online

DOI: 10.1080/15533174.2012.756898

Empirical Formulae to Molecular Structures of Metal

Complexes by Molar Conductance
Imran Ali, Waseem A. Wani, and Kishwar Saleem
Department of Chemistry, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi, India

the following equation.

Molar conductance studies of electrolytic solutions have always
been exciting for chemists. The studies of electrolytic behavior of m = k/C [1]
metal complex solutions provide brief insights into their nature
Downloaded by [Universita degli Studi di Torino] at 17:09 18 July 2013

and composition. These studies provide a clue of the number of

ions present in a particular solution responsible for the conduction
where k and C are specific conductivity and concentration
of electric current and, thereby, quite significant structural infor- in mol cm−3, respectively. The unit of molar conductivity is
mation can be obtained. Molar conductance data are exploited −1cm2mol−1.
to ascertain electrolytic and non-electrolytic nature of metal com- Similar to other physicochemical methods, molar conduc-
plexes. Attempts have been made to summarize molar conductance tance has been used for structure elucidation of newly synthe-
ranges of metal complexes in various solvents, which might prove
useful to researchers and academia. Besides, molar conductance
sized metal complexes.[5–15] The tentative structures of metal
data have been applied to predict geometries of metal complexes. complexes can be established easily with the help of molar con-
Moreover, efforts have been made to discuss the applications of ductance data. The structure elucidation of metal complexes
conductance data for the estimation of the size of structurally rel- can be fully predicted if the elemental composition (CHNS)
evant complexes. In addition, molar conductance has been applied and spectroscopic data is available. First, such types of attempts
to determine metal-ligand stoichiometry. Finally, the structural
variance of metal complexes in different solvents is discussed in
were made by Geary in 1971.[16] This review has been a source
terms of molar conductance measurements. of reference for many academicians and researchers for several
years. The time of 42 years has passed and various advance-
Keywords electrolytic and non-electrolytic metal complexes, ge- ments have been made during this period. The article of Geary
ometries, molar conductance, stoichiometry, structural does not fulfill all the requirements of structural chemists in
variance the present scenario, which needs the advanced version of the
article. Therefore, attempts have been made to write an article
extending the work of Geary. Besides, some new fundamen-
INTRODUCTION tal concepts have been included in this article for discussing the
Conductivity is a physical property having a wide range of applications of molar conductance data for the structure elucida-
applications in various chemical and biochemical processes.[1,2] tion of newly synthesized metal complexes. The new addition
The concept of conductance has diverse applications in assess- into this article includes the possibility of estimating the size
ing solvent purity, ionic strengths of solutions (including func- of ligands in series of structurally relevant complexes and the
tioning as a detector for ion chromatography), dissolution ki- stoichiometry of the complexes in terms of metal-ligand ratio
netics, critical micellar concentrations, enzymatic reactions and from their available molar conductance data. Moreover, efforts
thermodynamic data.[1] The measured values of conductivity have been made to discuss the solution structures of coordina-
for different solutions are not easy to compare because of their tion complexes in solvents of varying polarities and dielectric
concentration dependent nature. However, molar conductivity constants. This article is useful for researchers, academia, and
is a characteristic property of chemical substances independent students of undergraduate and graduate levels.
of concentration.[3,4] The molar conductivity (m) is given by
Structure Determination of Metal Complexes
Received 14 June 2012; accepted 4 December 2012. A thorough search of literature was carried out and we col-
The authors are thankful to University Grants Commissions for lected molar conductance data for about one thousand metal
providing BSR fellowship to Waseem A. Wani.
Address correspondence to Imran Ali, Department of Chemistry, complexes. The review article by Geary was also considered.
Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), New Delhi-110025, India. Based on these data, we developed two tables (Tables 1 and 2),
E-mail: drimran [email protected]; [email protected] predicting the electrolytic and non-electrolytic nature of metal


Molar conductance ranges for nonelectrolytes and electrolytes
in different solvents
Non-electrolyte Electrolyte OH
molar molar Cu
conductance conductance H2O
range range H2O
S. No. Solvent (−1cm2mol−1) (−1cm2mol−1)
1 Nitromethane <70 >75 FIG. 1. Octahedral Cu(II) complex.
2 Nitrobenzene <20 >20
3 Acetonitrile <120 >120
4 Acetone <95 >100
5 DMF <60 >65 of a metal complex can be predicted easily. By using these mo-
6 Methanol <80 >80 lar conductance data and the pre-established structure of ligand,
7 Ethanol <30 >35 one can easily predict the geometry (square planar, octahedral,
Downloaded by [Universita degli Studi di Torino] at 17:09 18 July 2013

8 DMSO <50 >50 tetragonal) of any metal complex.

9 Water <80 >118 Metal complexes have different values of molar conduc-
tance; characteristic features of their structures. These values
often vary for same complexes when investigated in differ-
ent solvents. These variations may be due to different polar-
complexes and the ratios of their positive (coordination sphere ities and densities of the solvents. These solvent properties
cations) and negative counterpart charges, respectively. are responsible for causing differential ionization and move-
Definitely, the compilation of molar conductance data in tab- ment of counter ions of a complex. Moreover, solvent interac-
ular form is a remarkable and innovative achievement for struc- tions with the ions of the complexes also play a crucial role
tural chemists. It is important to note that the empirical formula, in determining the conductance of complexes. For example, a
the structure and the nature of coordinating groups should be complex, [Cu(HL)(H2 O)3 ]Cl (Figure 1) in DMF has molar
known prior to the application of molar conductance data. The conductance of 80 −1cm2mol−1,[17] while the same com-
application of molar conductance data starts with the determi- plex in acetonitrile has a molar conductance value of 132
nation of molar conductivity, which determines electrolytic or −1cm2mol−1. Both these values indicate 1:1 electrolytic nature
non-electrolytic nature of the metal complexes. It is clear from of the complex. The higher molar conductance of this complex in
Table 1 that one can determine electrolytic or non-electrolytic acetonitrile as compared to DMF may be due to higher polarity
nature of metal complexes just by measuring its molar conduc- and lower density of acetonitrile as compared to DMF; affect-
tance and comparing with the data of Table 1. Besides, Table 2 ing the ionization of [Cu(HL)(H2 O)3 ]Cl to a greater extent than
shows molar conductance ranges of different solvents for 1:1, DMSO. The lower density of acetonitrile might be helping in the
1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 cationic and anionic counterparts of metal com- quicker movement of ions and, thus, contributing to higher molar
plexes. From this table, the number of anions (primary valency) conductance.

The ranges of molar conductances of metal complexes with 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4 ratios of cationic and anionic species
Molar conductance (−1cm2mol−1) ranges
S. No. Solvents 1:1 Electrolyte 1:2 Electrolyte 1:3 Electrolyte 1:4 Electrolyte References
1 Nitromethane 75–95 150–180 220–260 290–330
2 Nitrobenzene 20–30 50–60 70–82 90–100
3 Acetonitrile 120–160 220–300 340–420 >500 [16]

4 Acetone 100–140 160–200 270–330 >360 [16]

5 DMF 65–90 130–170 200–240 >300 [16,24]

6 Methanol 80–122 160–220 290–350 >450 [16,25]

7 Ethanol 35–45 70–90 120–140 >160 [16]

8 DMSO 50–90 110–195 200–240 —
9 Water 118–131 145–273 408–435 540–560
1164 I. ALI ET AL.

Molar conductance values and geometry of complexes
S. No. Complex m Solvent Nature of the organic ligand Geometry References
1 [Ni(C12 H9 SNOBr)2 ] 3.41 DMSO Mono-negative and bidentate Square-planar
2 [CuC20 H42 N6 O2 ]Cl2 152.5 Water Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Square-planar
3 [NiC20 H42 N6 O2 ]Cl2 148.7 Water Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Square-planar
4 [CoC20 H42 N6 O2 ]Cl2 192.0 Water Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Square-planar
5 [Cu(C6 H7 N3 OS)2 ]Cl2 136 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Square-planar
6 [Cu(C7 H9 N3 O2 )2 ]Cl2 154 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Square-planar
7 [Cu(C7 H9 N3 OS)2 ]Cl2 152 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Square-planar
8 [Pt(C15 H10 N3 S)2 ]C3 H6 O·2H2 O 23.5 DMF Di-negative and bidentate Square-planar
9 [CoC22 H18 N6 O8 ](NO3 )2 120 DMSO Neutral tetradentate Schiff base Square-planar
10 [NiC22 H18 N6 O8 ](NO3 )2 113 DMSO Neutral tetradentate Schiff base Square-planar
11 [CuC22 H18 N6 O8 ](NO3 )2 117 DMSO Neutral tetradentate Schiff base Square-planar
12 [ZnC22 H18 N6 O8 ](NO3 )2 114 DMSO Neutral tetradentate Schiff base Square-planar
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13 [CoC30 H26 N2 O4 ]Cl2 185 DMSO Neutral hexadentate macrocycle Octahedral
14 [Mn(C30 H26 N2 O4 ](NO3 )2 175 DMSO Neutral hexadentate macrocycle Octahedral
15 [Mn(C15 H15 NO)2 Cl2] 18 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
16 [Ni(C15 H15 NO)2 Cl2] 18 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
17 [Co(C15 H15 NO)2 Cl2] 18 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
18 [Co(C12 H10 N3 O3 S)2 ] 23.8 DMSO Uni-negative and tridentate Octahedral
19 [Co(C13 H12 N3 O3 S)2 ] 17.25 DMSO Uni-negative and tridentate Octahedral
20 [Ni(C12 H10 N3 O3 S)2 ] 22.88 DMSO Uni-negative and tridentate Octahedral
21 [Cr(C16 H12 N4 )Cl2 ]Cl 88.5 DMF Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
22 [Cr(C16 H12 N4 )Cl2 ]Cl 95.0 DMF Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
23 [Cr(C22 H24 N4 )Cl2 ]Cl 81.0 DMF Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
24 [Ni(C16 H12 N4 )Cl2 ] 8.5 DMF Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
25 [Ni(C16 H12 N4 )Cl2 ] 8.2 DMF Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
26 [Ni(C22 H24 N4 )] Cl2 7.4 DMF Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
27 [Co(C28 H23 N4 OF)2 Cl2 ] 19.22 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
28 [Ni(C28 H23 N4 OF)2 Cl2 ] 22.25 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
29 [Cu(C28 H23 N4 OF)2 Cl2 ] 23.67 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
30 [Mn(C28 H23 N4 OF)2 Cl2 ] 23.4 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Octahedral
31 [Co(C12 H20 N8 S2 )Cl2 ] 17 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
32 [Co(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(NO3 )2 ] 12 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
33 [Co(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(OCOCH3 )2 ] 11 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
34 [Ni(C12 H20 N8 S2)Cl2 ] 16 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
35 [Ni(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(NO3 )2 ] 15 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
36 [Ni(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(OCOCH3 )2 ] 12 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
37 [Zn(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(OCOCH3 )2 ] 12 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Octahedral
38 [MnC22 H20 N12 O2 S2 ]Cl2 82.70 DMSO Neutral tridentate ligand Octahedral
39 [FeC22 H20 N12 O2 S2 ]Cl3 225.8 DMSO Neutral tridentate ligand Octahedral
40 [CoC22 H20 N12 O2 S2] ]Cl2 91.90 DMSO Neutral tridentate ligand Octahedral
41 [NiC22 H20 N12 O2 S2 ]Cl2 108.6 DMSO Neutral tridentate ligand Octahedral
42 [ZnC22 H20 N12 O2 S2 ]Cl2 107.6 DMSO Neutral tridentate ligand Octahedral
43 [Cu(C10 H12 N4 S4 O4 ) Cl2 ] 12 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Tetragonal
44 [Cu(C15 H15 NO)2 Cl2] 17 DMF Neutral bidentate Schiff base Tetragonal
45 [Cu(C13 H12 N3 O3 S)2 ] 21.11 DMSO Uni-negative and tridentate Tetragonal
46 [Cu(C12 H20 N8 S2 )Cl2 ] 17 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Tetragonal
47 [Cu(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(NO3 )2 ] 12 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Tetragonal
48 [Cu(C12 H20 N8 S2 )(OCOCH3 )2 ] 12 DMSO Neutral tetradentate macrocycle Tetragonal
49 [CuC22 H20 N12 O2 S2 ]Cl2 79.20 DMSO Neutral tridentate ligand Tetragonal
50 [CuC22 H24 N4 O6 ] 17.9 DMSO Di-negative hexadentate ligand Tetragonal

N Cu N
O O Cl2

FIG. 2. Square-planar copper(II) macrocyclic complex.

Attempts have been made to discuss the structures of some FIG. 3. Octahedral cobalt(II) complex.
complexes by using molar conductance data, which are given in
Table 3. Let us discuss the most commonly observed geometries [CuC10 H12 N4 S4 O4 Cl2 ] as the molecular formula of this com-
(square planar, octahedral and tetragonal) in metal complexes. plex. Now, applying the knowledge of coordination chemistry,
First example is of copper complex with CuC20 H42 N6 O2 Cl2 as the complex is octahedral but in nature it exists as tetragonal
Downloaded by [Universita degli Studi di Torino] at 17:09 18 July 2013

empirical formula. In this empirical formula, the structure of the (Figure 4) due to the John Teller effect.[20] Efforts have been
main ligand has already been established as neutral tetradentate made to correlate the structures of various metal complexes
macrocyle by elemental analyses and spectroscopic data. Its with their molar conductance values and are summarized in Ta-
molar conductance in water is 152.5 (−1cm2mol−1), which in- ble 3. These data may be used to elucidate the structures of other
dicates that the complex is electrolytic in nature with 1:2 ratio newly synthesized complexes in future.
of coordinating sphere cation and anion (Table 2). This is pos-
sible only if two chloride ions exist outside the coordination Relative Size of Ligands
sphere. Therefore, the molecular formula of this complex can It is a well-known fact that electrolytic conductance is di-
be written as [CuC20 H42 N6 O2 ]Cl2 . It is known that ligand is rectly proportional to the mobility of the constituent ions (ionic
tetradentate and the only possibility is of square-planar geome- mobility) of the electrolyte. Ionic mobility measures the speed
try. This geometry has also been verified by experimental data with which ions in an electrolyte move under the influence of
(Figure 2).[18] an external electric field. A metal complex in a given solvent
Further, let us take one more example of another complex dissociates into two parts viz. a large coordination part and
(i.e., CoC30 H26 N2 O4 Cl2 ) with neutral hexadentate macrocycle the counter ions (primary valency satisfiers). Large sized ions
as ligand. The molar conductance of this complex in DMSO are expected to move slower than the small sized ions. Molar
is 185.0 −1cm2mol−1. According to Tables 1 and 2, it is conductance data gives us an insight into estimating the rela-
electrolytic in nature with 1:2 coordination sphere cation and tive size of ligands in series of structurally relevant complexes.
anion ratio. Therefore, the molecular formula is written as For example, the molar conductance of nickel(II) complexes
[CoC30 H26 N2 O4 ]Cl2 . Applying the knowledge of coordination (Figure 5) of 12-, 14-, and 16-membered macrocycles, is in the
chemistry, the complex is octahedral in nature as shown in order; 12-membered > 14-membered > 16-membered. This or-
Figure 3.[19] Similarly, the ligand of CuC10 H12 N4 S4 O4 Cl2 com- der can be explained on the basis of the fact that an increase in
plex is a neutral tetradentate macrocycle. Its molar conductance ligand size of the complexes tends to decrease their molar con-
in DMSO is 12.0 −1cm2mol−1; indicating the non-electrolytic ductance values. However, little difference exists between the
nature of the complex (Tables 1 and 2). Therefore, two chloride molar conductance of fourteen and 12 membered complexes due
anions should be inside the coordination sphere, giving rise to to their near similar sizes. In this way the molar conductance


John Teller Distortion NH S HN

S Cl Cu Cl S
(Octahedral) S
Theoritical structure
Actual structure

FIG. 4. Tetragonal copper(II) complex.

1166 I. ALI ET AL.

Cl Molar conductance values of complexes 1, 2, and 3 in water,
N N N N methanol, acetonitrile and nitromethane
Ni Ni
Molar Conductance (−1cm2mol−1)
Cl Complex Water Methanol Acetonitrile Nitromethane
Twelve membered nickel complex Fourteen membered nickel complex 1 270 124 74 29
2 254 100 107 55
FIG. 5. Nickel complexes of structural isomeric 12- and 14-membered macro- 3 200 136 130 92

data provides the structural clue for structurally related provides a clue for determining their metal-ligand stoichiome-
complexes.[21] tries. For example, a neutral organic ligand (L) with three po-
tential donor atoms (e.g., S, O, or N) while reacting with a metal
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ion such as copper(II) (M) can be assumed to form two main

Metal to Ligand Stoichiometry types of complexes viz. [ML2 ]X2 (1:2; metal-ligand complex)
The molar conductance values also provide useful informa- and [MLX]X (1:1; metal-ligand complex); where X is a unineg-
tion for metal to ligand stoichiometry. It has been observed that ative counter ion. The molar conductance of the first and second
metal complexes with 1:2 metal-ligand stoichiometries have complex will correspond to 1:2 and 1:1 electrolytic nature. This
lower molar conductance values as compared to the analo- is due to the fact that the first complex will dissociate into
gous complexes with 1:1 metal-ligand stoichiometry. A keen ML+2 −
2 and 2 Cl ions while second complex will dissociate into
+1 −
observation of the molar conductance data of the complexes ML and Cl ions, respectively. Therefore, which complex is


Co Cl PF6



N Acetonitrile Co Cl Co Cl
Co H2 O
Co Cl PF6 Water PF6 Cl PF
PF6 N 6
Solid sate
b' b"



Co Cl

FIG. 6. (a) Structures of complex 3 in solid state, water, methanol, acetonitrile, and nitromethane. (Continued)

Cl Cl



Acn Cl OH2
Downloaded by [Universita degli Studi di Torino] at 17:09 18 July 2013

N Acetonitrile N N
Co Co Water Co
Cl Cl Cl OH2 Cl2
Solid sate


FIG. 6. (b) Structures of complex 1 in solid state, water, methanol, acetonitrile, and nitromethane. (Continued)

practically formed will be decided by the molar conductance the information about the structures of complexes in solution
data. In this way, molar conductance data may be exploited to phase. Hubin and coworkers studied the solution structures of
establish metal-ligand stoichiometry. cobalt(II) and copper(II) complexes of a series of topologically
constrained and cross-bridged tetraazamacrocycles.[22,23] Hubin
Structural Variations of Complexes in Different Solvents et al. determined the molar conductances of Co(II) complexes
It is well known that the structures of metal complexes vary of topologically constrained tetraazamacrocycles in water, ace-
in different solvents. The structural variance of a complex in tonitrile, methanol and nitromethane (Table 4). The results pre-
different solvents is of prime importance in physical, chemi- sented in this table support the fact that the solution ionization
cal, and biological processes. The molar conductance data also (displacement of chloride by solvent) of these complexes is con-
provides some clue for determining the structures of metal com- sistent with the dielectric constant and coordinating ability of
plexes in different solvents. Solvent molecules themselves act as the solvent.
coordinating ligands and, therefore, coordinate to metal ions in Two of the three complexes (1 and 2; Figure 6) in water
a complex by the displacement of counterions. These displace- have molar conductance values in the range of 1:2 electrolytes
ment reactions quite significantly change the molar conductance natures, indicating the replacement of two chlorido ligands
ranges of complexes. Analysis of all such changes provides by two water molecules. Surprisingly, the conductance of the
1168 I. ALI ET AL.

Cl Cl
2 N


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Acn Cl
Acetonitrile Co Water N
Co Co
Cl Cl Cl Cl2
Solid sate


CH 3
CH 3

FIG. 6. (c) Structures of complex 2 in solid state, water, methanol, acetonitrile, and nitromethane. (Continued)

five-coordinate complex 3 is between 1:1 and 2:1 electrolytes. 3. Finally, in nitromethane, a solvent with low dielectric con-
This suggests that the single chlorido ligand is only partially stant and non-coordinating ability, the six-coordinate complexes
displaced in water. Therefore, complex 3 exists in equilibrium behave as non-electrolytes, revealing that the chlorido ligands
with the structures b and b as shown in Figure 6. How- remain in bound form. The structure of the complex in solution is
ever, in methanol, the first chlorido ligand is fully replaced six-coordinate pseudo-octahedral as in the solid state. However,
by solvent molecules and all the three complexes exceeded typ- five-coordinate complex 3 in nitromethane has a molar conduc-
ical 1:1 electrolyte behavior. Contrarily, there is no effect of tance consistent with a 1:1 electrolyte. This indicates the pres-
methanol on the second chloride. Moreover, in acetonitrile all ence of the unbound PF6 anion, without singly bound chlorido
the three complexes have conductance values slightly less than ligand dissociation. The solution structures of complexes 1 and
1:1 electrolytes. This implies that one molecule of the solvent 2 in nitromethane, acetonitrile, methanol, and water are given in
has partially displaced one chlorido ligand from the coordina- Figure 6. This type of information is very important for deter-
tion spheres of both the six-coordinate complexes. Furthermore, mining the fate of the complexes in biological and environmental
there is no chlorido displacement in the five- coordinate complex matrices.

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