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MasterRoc® FLC 100

(Formerly MEYCO Flowcable / Rheomac GF 320)

A chloride free, powder form admixture for use in the production of grouts to protect post-
tensioned cables in prestressed concrete


MasterRoc FLC 100 is a product in powder form. Owing to its high flowability, a grout made with
It is added at the rate of about 6% by weight of cement and MasterRoc FLC 100 assures the
cement to produce a flowable, pumpable, non- complete filling of sheaths, especially among the
shrink, non-segregating, impermeable grout strands of cables. This ensures maximum
providing high strength and high bond to steel. The protection of steel against corrosion caused by
most important property MasterRoc FLC 100 aggressive agents. As this high flowability is
imparts to filling grout is the protection of cables obtained with low water/cement ratio, the
against corrosion from aggressive agents and hardened cement paste is dense, compact,
against stress corrosion. The inadequate impermeable and, therefore, highly durable. On
protection against corrosion offered by normal the other hand, the high cohesion of the fresh mix,
grouts is due to: together with the freedom from shrinkage,
a. High capillary microporosity due to high prevents the formation of large cavities, which are
water/cement ratio. Using MasterRoc FLC100 often responsible for the penetration of aggressive
the water/cement ratio is about 0.3; agents.
b. High macroporosity caused by bleed water
collecting under strands and in the upper part
of the sheath. When bleed water evaporates or
is reabsorbed by the cement paste, big
cavities form thus providing easy access for Approximately 68 litres of highly flowable grout are
corroding substances. With MasterRoc obtained by mixing 100kg of cement, 6kg of
FLC100 the volume of bleed water is MasterRoc FLC 100 and 34 litres of water.
considerably lower: it ranges from 0 to a
maximum of 0.2% depending upon the type of
cement used;
c. Shrinkage of cement paste and consequent Introduce approx. 25 litres of water per 100kg of
cracking. With normal cement grouts final cement into the mixer. Start the mixer and first add
shrinkage varies from 2000 to 3000 MasterRoc FLC 100 (6% by the weight of cement)
microstrain. MasterRoc FLC 100 allows not and then cement. Mix for 3 minutes until a plastic
only shrinkage to be eliminated completely, but and homogeneous mixture is obtained. Add
also slight expansion to occur during setting approx. 7 litres of water and mix further for 2
and hardening. minutes until the grout is flowable, without lumps
and the flow cone empties in approx. 20 seconds.
RECOMMENDED USES If a high speed mixer is used (about 1500 rpm) the
total mixing time can be reduced from 5 to 3
» Very high flowability (as measured by the Flow minutes. The necessary mixing water by weight of
Cone Test) without bleed water or with a very cement and MasterRoc FLC 100 is approx. 34%
low amount but can range from a minimum of 30% to a
» High mix water retention maximum of 38% depending upon the cement
» Shrinkage compensated used: finely ground cement usually requires a
» Initial setting time of more than 3 hours at higher amount of water. The grout thus obtained
30°C can generally be pumped for at least 2 hours,
» High early and ultimate strengths unless the cement used shows rapid or false set.
» High bond to steel
MasterRoc® FLC 100
(Formerly MEYCO Flowcable / Rheomac GF 320)

Field testing is recommended with the appropriate SAFETY PRECAUTIONS

cement type.
The temperature of walls and spaces where the
PACKAGING grout is to be pumped should be between 5°C and
40°C for optimum results. If temperature is outside
this range, consult your local BASF Construction
MasterRoc FLC 100 is supplied in 7.5kg bags. Chemicals representative. MasterRoc FLC 100 is
a chloride-free product, which is specially
important in the case of cables. However,
SHELF LIFE chlorides can be introduced into a mix if brackish
water or special types of cement are used.
MasterRoc FLC 100 can be stored in a sheltered Therefore the use of drinkable water (generally
and dry place for 12 months. Do not use product if containing less than 40 mg/l of chloride) and
bag is damaged or has been opened for more than chloride-free cements (C1- lower than 0.06% by
1 month. weight of cement) is recommended. Though all
Portland, pozzolanic or slag cements may be
employed, the use of G.P. Cement is
recommended in cold weather

ID MasterRoc FLC/ver1/180313
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based
STATEMENT OF on the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general
RESPONSIBILITY nature, no assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty
as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law.
The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.

Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF either
NOTE orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not
BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

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