Future of Construction Burj Khalifa Case Study

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Burj Khalifa

Constructing the world’s tallest building and an iconic landmark

leveraging innovation in building materials and techniques

Case Study prepared by the Boston Consulting Group as part of the Future
of Construction Project at the World Economic Forum

Shaping the Future of Construction 43

The challenge The idea
A record-breaking skyscraper, in keeping with Bring together an experienced team, work closely with
the concept of a vertical city – the vision is one suppliers, and engage government early on to build at top
thing, but realizing that vision is another and quality and dizzying heights.
requires both persistence and ingenuity.
When planning of the Burj Dubai tower (later renamed
When Emaar Properties acquired a site of abandoned Burj Khalifa) began in 2002, it was already clear that many
military barracks to develop the 500-acre mega- innovations would be needed in the design, construction
project that is now Downtown Dubai, the vision was to and building technologies. The initial design brief was
“create one of the world’s leading urban destinations”, for a building of 550 metres. When the planned height
according to Robert Booth, Chief Executive Officer of subsequently increased to 750 metres, the innovation
Emaar Dubai Real Estate, at the time. The development imperative became even clearer. And more so still
as envisaged would take about 20 years of work, when the main contract was awarded in 2004: the
concluding in 2025, at an estimated cost of $20 billion. target height at that stage had surged again – with the
It was to have iconic architecture that would attract encouragement of the visionary Sheikh Mohammed Bin
great admiration and boost real-estate value. And Rashid al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister
its centrepiece was to be a breathtaking super-high- of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai – and
rise building, the tallest skyscraper in the world. necessitated static recalculations of the foundations.

The new building, as imagined by Mohamed Alabbar, Three major themes characterized this flagship
the Founder and Chairman of Emaar Properties, would project: first, a highly experienced international
overtake the 449-metre record that was held by Taipei team, allowing effective knowledge transfer, diligent
101 in Taiwan. Alabbar’s masterplan was for a mixed- front-loaded planning and optimized logistics;
use super-high-rise, incorporating hotel accommodation, second, close and proactive collaboration with
private residential apartments and varied commercial innovative suppliers; and third, early engagement
premises – in short, an integrated vertical city, which with government and other major stakeholders.
would mark a new approach to the worldwide challenge
of mass urbanization and megacities. And what a The team
challenge that is: the outlook is that, by 2030, the Regarding the first theme, the developer Emaar Properties
world will have 41 megacities, each with more than put great effort into assembling a project team from across
10 million inhabitants; and, by 2050, two thirds of the the world, with both experience and expertise in super-
global population will live in cities. Urban centres are high-rise construction. The design was led by the Chicago-
going to have to build high – even higher than today based design firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. The
construction-management team from Turner International
– to accommodate their workforce and residents.
was brought onboard in 2003, very early in the planning
According to its advocates, the concept of vertical cities process. Turner’s main construction manager, David
will become a widespread reality: vertical cities reduce Bradford, had already been involved in the construction of
traffic and urban sprawl, by combining different usages Taipei 101, so was ideally positioned to plan and oversee
– living, working and leisure – within a single location. the highly complex construction logistics of Burj Khalifa.

At the time, in the early 2000s, Building Information

Modelling (BIM) was not in wide use and the Turner team
leaders focused on an analysis of the project to avert
the bottlenecks and obstacles they had encountered
when working on Taipei 101 and similar projects. Their
high-rise experience also helped them to split up the
Burj Khalifa project into work packages that could be
executed in parallel, to speed things up. Construction
of the first levels, for example, began as early as 2004,
while the design of the upper levels was still in progress.

Another key ingredient of the project’s success was the

detailed attention paid to the selection of consultants,
contractors and suppliers. Turner managed all contracts
centrally and included very detailed specifications and
performance incentives, including penalties for delays.
In total, more than 40 speciality consultants – experts
in fire and safety, concrete-mix design, or lighting, for
example – were hired early on to liaise with the relevant
external stakeholders, in particular the suppliers and
government authorities. Samsung, with its rich experience
in superstructures, was selected as the main contractor
and headed a group of contractors that included
BeSix from Belgium and Arabtec from the UAE.

44 Shaping the Future of Construction

The project team also paid particular attention to In fact, some expert observers consider the concrete
logistics – a crucial emphasis, given that about 12,000 technology to be the most innovative feature of the entire
workers could be active at peak times. Prefabrication project. The concrete supplier, Unimix, contracted the
and lean construction methods were exploited to the German concrete-pumping specialist Putzmeister to
full to keep on-site tasks to a minimum. Consider two develop, test, supply and install high-pressure pumps – able
contrasting examples. First, the approach to windows: to reach a height of about 600 metres and withstand the
in total, 26,000 panels were needed, involving 120 required 200-bar pressure. The composition of the concrete
standard designs. The window panes would vary mix was fine-tuned in extensive tests to guarantee fluidity
according to their destined position in the building, and ultra-high strength, and to cater for different applications
to suit the different wind speeds. The window panels in the building’s floors and concrete core. Construction often
were prefabricated and assembled off-site, then put in took place in extreme temperatures of more than 40°C, so
containers and transported to the site, lifted by cranes the concrete mix would sometimes be cooled with ice rather
and slotted into place. Second, the workers’ canteens: than water, and the quality of each concrete batch would be
during the later phases, they were located temporarily rigorously tested.
on higher floors of the building to avoid the long travel
times that a central ground-level canteen would require. Engagement
The third theme – close and early engagement with the
Collaboration government authorities and other key stakeholders – would
Close collaboration with innovative suppliers, the second prove a great help in converting the vision into a reality.
theme, played a central role in the implementation of the Almost from the start, negotiations with the local authorities
various state-of-the-art innovations. The suppliers of building got under way. Local consultants, specially hired for the
materials and technologies were invited very early on to purpose, liaised with the Dubai municipality for building
provide their expert opinions. Even before the main contract approvals, with Dubai Civil Defence for fire, live and safety
was put out to tender, two leading formwork specialists protection, and with the local utility company for electricity.
– Doka and Peri – were consulted and their feedback
prompted changes both to the architectural design and to The benefits of such prompt engagement can be seen
the construction process. For instance, the project team vividly in two cases: the regulations regarding concrete
decided to use poured concrete for the walls of the lift shaft and the electricity supply. The existing policy on concrete
to speed things along. Fortunately, the project team was meant that each pouring of a concrete slab would have
experienced and flexible enough to accept suggestions to be approved individually after an inspection on-site –
from collaborators and to feel comfortable with ambitious hardly practicable in the context of a skyscraper with 200
innovations. Such a tall building would probably have been levels, 160 of them habitable, and an ambitious timeline.
unrealizable without pioneering some of the very latest The project team negotiated a solution with the municipal
technologies. The GPS-controlled jump formwork is a authorities: a specialist and properly certified consultant,
case in point: to control for verticality as the building rose, jointly agreed on, would supervise the pouring of concrete
conventional optical laser-based methods could no longer and report to the municipality. As for the electricity supply,
be relied on, so a new military-precision GPS system was the conventional approach was again impracticable.
adopted (and has now become standard practice in high- Normally, transformers would be placed in the base of the
rise construction). Other innovative technologies included building, but in the case of Burj Khalifa, the consequent
Favco’s diesel-powered self-climbing cranes, which avoid voltage drops would be too severe, and daily operations
the voltage drops plaguing normal electric cranes at such would be jeopardized. The obvious solution was to locate
heights, and the special concrete pumps, which set new transformers on floors throughout the building though the
records in pumping concrete. local utility company was uneasy about defying standard
practice and feared complications if the transformers broke
down. Both sides were committed to the collaboration,
however, and eventually found a satisfactory compromise:
transformers were placed on different floors and the design
was adjusted to provide for a special lift large enough to
transport a transformer up and down if it needed repairing
or replacing.

Shaping the Future of Construction 45

The impact The barriers to innovation – and the
Burj Khalifa has broken several world records for buildings,
has indeed become an iconic urban landmark, and has Scepticism in the construction industry can be overcome
tested and vindicated many innovations on the way. and unforeseen setbacks can be turned to advantage when
offset by a clear and resolute vision, precise planning, and
Burj Khalifa is a project of superlatives and has broken effective collaboration.
numerous world records. At 828 metres, it is the world’s
tallest building and tallest man-made structure. It took less It comes as no surprise that the proposal to build this
than four years from the first excavation works to reach unprecedented structure was met with scepticism from
level 141 and overtake Taipei 101 as tallest building, and planners, government officials and potential investors.
just three years more to reach completion and be formally Alabbar was undaunted and retained his vision – supported
inaugurated, in January 2010. The building also has the by the far-sighted ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed – not
world’s highest aluminium and glass facade and holds the just of building Burj Khalifa but also of developing the entire
record for vertical pumping of concrete – 605 metres! site, however many years it would take. Strongly convinced
that quality pays off in the long term, Alabbar resolved to
These and all the other records would have remained pipe invest upfront in world-class contractors and technology to
dreams had it not been for a series of innovations in building turn his vision into a reality. He vetted many of the detailed
materials, technology and techniques. The remarkable decisions himself, including the design, the selection of
speed of construction was made possible by careful artworks throughout the building, decor for the lobby,
logistics planning, effective collaboration with specialist and furnishings in the apartments. Pre-selling 80% of the
suppliers and experts, and up-to-the-minute technological apartments helped to fund the project, with several down-
advances. Thanks to the prefabricated and packaged payments linked to construction progress.
window panels, for example, the site engineers managed
to increase the installation rate from an initial 20-30 window For Sheikh Mohammed and Alabbar, the sky was the limit
panels per day to an impressive 175 panels per day. And (almost literally). When construction was already well under
thanks to a combination of innovative technologies and way, they pushed the team of designers and construction
optimized planning, the concrete cycle of an entire floor managers to increase the building’s height. Fortunately,
could be completed in a mere three days. the design team from Skidmore, Owings & Merrill had
incorporated a contingency buffer into their structural
Burj Khalifa has become an architectural icon of the modern calculations, and, for instance, allowed for a giant damper at
world, attracting thousands of visitors every day and making the top to absorb the movements of the building. It turned
Downtown Dubai a favourite urban destination. According out, however, that such extra stabilization was not required,
to an Instagram analysis, Burj Khalifa now ranks third in thanks to the wind-breaking properties of the building’s
the world on the ultimate edifice metric – selfie popularity Y-shaped cross-section, so the height of the building could
– beaten only by the Eiffel Tower in Paris and World Disney be increased without too much trouble – by almost 200
World in Florida, but ahead of New York’s Empire State metres beyond the initial brief. The unutilized space for the
Building and Big Ben in London.1 damper at the top was eventually converted into a private
mosque – breaking another world record.
Tourists flock to the observation decks on levels 124,
125 and 148, travelling in one of the world’s fastest lifts.
Their enthusiasm is shared by the building’s occupants,
commercial and residential alike, and those of surrounding
buildings: “view-premium” owners pay handsomely for
an unobstructed view of the tower. As Emaar Properties
had reckoned, real-estate value has indeed risen and the
company’s decision to invest only in top quality ($1.5 billion
of investment, for Burj Khalifa specifically) has indeed paid

The National (2015). “Dubai’s Burj Khalifa one of top selfie hot spots in the
world”. 2 November 2015. Retrieved 14 February 2017, from http://www.

46 Shaping the Future of Construction

The most challenging moment for the project was when Lessons learned
Schmidlin, the Swiss supplier of the window panes,
declared bankruptcy in 2006, just nine months after it signed –– Develop and maintain a vision to motivate
the contract. Schmidlin’s joint-venture partner Arabian everybody and to reject the status quo
Aluminium would have to find a replacement supplier very By being personally involved in the project, proudly
quickly if it was to keep to the schedule. With the help of and prominently, Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed and
the project team and its international network, a high-quality Emaar Properties chairman Mohamed Alabbar provided
supplier was soon identified, the Hong Kong-based Far East the requisite driving force behind the development of
Aluminium. Initial testing confirmed the quality of the panes Downtown Dubai and the construction of Burj Khalifa.
and quality control thereafter continued to validate their high Their unwavering vision inspired the project team to
standard: of the 26,000 panels delivered to the site during go beyond the known limits – increasing the building’s
the construction phase, only 30 were rejected. height and implementing still-unproven processes and
So Burj Khalifa’s exterior cladding is the result of a cross-
–– Assemble an experienced, best-in-class team to
border supply chain and international collaboration. The
drive innovation
glass panes were manufactured by Far East Aluminium
Alabbar had a long-term investment horizon as well
and final assembly took place in the UAE, where the
as a long-term vision, and a determination not to
window panels were put in containers for delivery to the
compromise on excellence – a threefold motivation to
construction site. There the containers were picked up
assemble an expert team that had deep experience
by cranes, dropped at loading areas on to the right floor,
of super-high-rise structures. The formation of this
pushed on wheels by workers to the right location inside the
team had the effect of maximizing knowledge transfer,
building and lifted into place by a chain-hoist system. The
enabling excellent upfront planning, optimizing logistics
actual installation was conducted by a team of international
management, exploiting prefabrication to the full,
professionals, as the correct placement of the panels
reducing risks and facilitating collaboration with the
required considerable experience.
technology providers and innovators.
–– Collaborate closely with suppliers to develop, test
and implement innovations
Most of the project’s innovations – notably, the
concrete-mix design and pumping, the GPS-controlled
jump formwork and the prefabricated window panels –
were developed by suppliers, though it required close
collaboration between contractors and suppliers to test
and implement the innovations in Dubai’s challenging
physical environment. In many cases, the expertise
of the various partners was invoked as early as the
planning phase, to enable pre-emptive modifications
and avert costly reworks. A striking example is Doka’s
recommendation to use poured concrete for the
elevator shaft.
–– Engage regulatory authorities early on to speed up
the approval process
For high-visibility projects, there is pressure to get
things started (and completed) as soon as possible.
All the more so in the case of Burj Khalifa – one of
Dubai’s flagship projects. The project team, being so
experienced, knew the importance of early engagement
with regulators and other enablers, and how best to go
about it. The team promptly approached and negotiated
with the relevant Dubai government agencies and
utilities providers to expedite the official go-ahead and
overcome any subsequent obstacles that might arise.

Shaping the Future of Construction 47

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