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Name of Work: Construction of new office building for

Income Tax Department (B+S+5)at Plot number 47,Arera Hills
Bhopal. SH-Comprehensive integrated Consultancy work
comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation
of detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil
and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision during
execution period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the

Executive Engineer
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division
CPWD, Bhopal MP

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


Name of Work: Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive
integrated Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural
design, preparation of detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for
(Civil and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision during execution
period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.
S.N. Details Page No.
A. Section –I (Press Notice, General Information & scope of work)
1 Index 2
2. Press Notice/ Notice Inviting E-tender 3
3. Information and Instructions for Bidders 4-11
4. CPWD – 6 12-17
5. Condition of Contract 18-21
6. CPWD – 8 22-23
7. Schedule "A to F" 24-30
8. Brief Particular of the Project & Scope of Consultancy Job 31-45
9. Additional Conditions 46-58
Section –II
10 Technical Bid 59-66
Section –III (Financial Bid and its Evaluation)
11 General 67-69
12 Data Sheet 70-71
13 General Rules & Directions 72-73
14 Clauses of Contract 74-82
15 Form of Performance Security – Bank Guarantee Bond 83-84
16 Form of Earnest Money Deposit – Bank Guarantee Bond 85
17 Additional conditions 86-91
18 Terms of Payment to Consultant and payment stages 92-93
19 Forms 94-116
20 Layout Plan and Drawing 117
21 Annexure "B" (10 Nos. of Drawings) 118-127

Certified that this Notice Inviting Bid contains page 1 to 127 (One to One Twenty Seven) only.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


Notice Inviting e-Tenders

The Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal on

behalf of President of India invites ONLINE Item Rate bids from the eligible
Consultants / Architectural Firms in Two Bid system for the following work:
Sl. NIT Name of Work & Earnest Period of Time & Date Last date and time Time & Date of
No. Location Money Completion of Pre Bid of online Online opening
of work Conference submission of of
Technical Bid & Technical Bid
Financial Bid,
Original EMD,
Scan copy of
receipt for
deposition of
original EMD and
other documents as
specified in bid
Construction of new
office building for
Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 24 months
47, Arera Hills Bhopal. a) Planning,
SH- Comprehensive design,
03 /PM/BPC/2019-20

integrated Consultancy preparation of

work comprising NIT including
architectural design, local body
structural design, approval- 28.08.2019 04.09.2019 04.09.2019
1 Rs. 2,74,000/-
preparation of detailed 4 Months at 11:00 AM at 3:00 PM at 3:30 PM
estimate and draft NIT, b) Supervision
services design for (Civil during
and E&M Services), execution and
Interior design, obtain
supervision during approval-
execution period and 20 Months
obtaining 5 star GRIHA
Rating for the work.

The date and time of online opening of financial bid, after the finalization of
Technical bids, shall be informed to the bidders by Executive Engineer, AIIMS,
Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal.

The Bid forms and other details can be obtained from the website and
Not to be published below this line.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

(Applicable for inviting open bids)
Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal on behalf of
President of India invites ONLINE Item Rate bids from the eligible
Consultants/Architectural Firms in Two Bid system for the following work:

Sl. NIT Name of Work & Earnest Period of Last date and time Date and Time & date of
No. Location Money Completion of Online time for Online opening of
of work submission of Bid Online Financial bids
opening of
Construction of new
office building for
Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 24 months
47, Arera Hills Bhopal. a) Planning,
SH- Comprehensive design, Technical bid
integrated Consultancy & Financial bid,
03 /PM/BPC/2019-20

preparation of Shall be
work comprising NIT including Original EMD, Scan informed to the
architectural design, local body Copy of Receipt for
bidders through
structural design, approval- Deposition of Original 04.09.2019
1 Rs. 2,74,000/- email/fax by EE,
preparation of detailed 4 Months EMD and other at 3:30 PM
estimate and draft NIT, b) Supervision after finalization
documents as specified
services design for (Civil during of Technical
in bid document
and E&M Services), execution and 04.09.2019 Bids
Interior design, obtain at 3:00 PM
supervision during approval-
execution period and 20 Months
obtaining 5 star GRIHA
Rating for the work.

1.0 General:
1.1 Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in Section II.
1.2 All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the relevant
columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet, this
fact should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to be
provided in a column, a “nil” or “no such case” entry should be made in that column. If
any particulars/query is not applicable in case of the bidder, it should be stated as “not
applicable”. The bidders are cautioned that not giving complete information called for in
the application forms or not giving it in clear terms or making any change in the
prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the information may result in the bid being
summarily disqualified. Bids made by telegram or telex and those received late will not be
1.3 References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability,
technical knowledge or capability of the bidder should be signed by an officer not below
the rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

1.4 The bidder may furnish any additional information which he thinks is necessary to
establish his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is, however,
advised not to furnish superfluous information. No information shall be entertained after
submission of eligibility criteria document unless it is called for by the Employer.
1.5 Deleted
2.0 Definitions:
2.1 In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned
to them.
2.2 Employer: Means the President of India, acting through the Executive Engineer AIIMS
Bhopal Project Division
2.3 Bidder: Means the individual, proprietary firm, firm in partnership, limited company
private or public or corporation.
2.4 “Year” means “Financial Year” unless stated otherwise.
3.0 Method of application:
3.1 If the bidder is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full type
written name and current address.
3.2 If the bidder is a proprietary firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor above
his full type written name and the full name of his firm with its current address.
3.3 If the bidder is a firm in partnership, the application shall be signed by all the partners
of the firm above their full typewritten names and current addresses, or, alternatively,
by a partner holding power of attorney for the firm. In the later case a certified copy of
the power of attorney should accompany the application. In both cases a certified copy
of the partnership deed and current address of all the partners of the firm should
accompany the application.
3.4 If the bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed by a
duly authorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application
accompanied by a copy of the power of attorney. The bidder should also furnish a copy
of the Memorandum of Articles of Association duly attested by a Public Notary.
4.0 Final decision making authority.
The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process and
reject all bids at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability to the
5.0 Particulars provisional
The particulars of the work given in Section I are provisional. They are liable to change
and must be considered only as advance information to assist the bidder.
6.0 Site visit
The bidder is advised to visit the site of work, at his own cost, and examine it and its
surroundings to himself collect all information that he considers necessary for proper
assessment of the prospective assignment.
7. Technical Bid: Initial Criteria for Eligibility: Consultant(s) who fulfill the following
requirements shall be eligible to apply: Joint ventures are not accepted.
A) The Consultant(s) should have Experience of having successfully completed works
during the last 7 years ending previous day of last date of submission of tenders

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

(i) Three consultancy works of similar nature each involving built up plinth area
of minimum 4891 sqm
(ii) Two consultancy works of similar nature each involving built up plinth area of
minimum 7336 sqm

(iii) One consultancy work of similar nature involving built up plinth area of
minimum 9782 sqm

Similar work means "Comprehensive Planning & Designing of Multistoried RCC

Office/Commercial building having Minimum five stories.”

Consultants who have completed architectural & structural design work of

appropriate magnitude as above shall also be eligible. However they have to
associate sub consultants of remaining components i.e. Civil & E&M (service
design) and Green consultants having appropriate experience as indicated at
Para (M) P-8 of information and instructions for bidders.

“Satisfactorily Completed Consultancy work” of construction of project for

which consultancy assignment has been executed. However, if consultant has
been debarred/blacklisted by the client w.r.t such work, such work shall not be
considered for bidder's eligibility.
C) The time schedule for carrying out the work will be 24 months [ a) Planning,
design, preparation of NIT including local body approval- 4 Months, b) Supervision
during execution and obtain approval-20 Months]
However, consultant shall be associated with the project till the completion of entire
project and approval from local body and obtaining all statutory clearances
mandated/required whichever is later. Consultant shall also be required to document,
apply and ensure obtaining 5 star GRIHA rating for the building. Consultant shall be
required to revise all design and drawings as per requirement in consultation with
PM/BPC and SA/Bhopal & client during execution of work for which no extra
payment shall be made.
D) Bidder should not be debarred/ blacklisted by any Government
department/organization/PSU on the last date of submission of bids.
E) The bidder should have an average annual Financial Turnover (Gross) on
consultancy works of minimum Rs. 70 Lacs during three consecutive years ending
March 2018. At the time of submission of bid consultant/ firm must upload affidavit/
certificate from CA mentioning financial turnover of last 3 years. Further details
including copies of balance sheets can be demanded later on after opening of
technical bids, so the bidders should keep them ready.
F) The bidder should not have incurred loss (profit after tax should be positive) in
more than two years during last five consecutive financial years ending March 2018
duly audited and certified by the Chartered Accountant.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

G) Bidder should have a solvency of Rs. 55.00 Lakhs.(Scanned Copy of Original
Solvency to be uploaded)
H) The Consultant(s) should be an Indian consultancy firm and he should be
registered with the council of Architecture or the consultant should have employed
Architects registered with council of Architecture. The consultant(s) should have in-
house architectural capabilities with minimum experience of 10 years or the
consultant should have employed Architects with minimum experience of 10 years.
I) Any other document as per requirement of this bid documents.
J) Should be eligible as per rules of the Council of Architects of India.
K) Should be based in Bhopal/ have an established office in Bhopal with adequate
supporting staff & infrastructure facilities, otherwise the consultant shall establish the
office within one month of Award of work, otherwise penalty of Rs 25000/- per
month will be levied till the office is Established in Bhopal.
L) Should have employees for below mentioned specilized fields of adequate
experience as mentioned in NIT at P-113 (FORM"O") or associate sub-
consultants having eligibility as mentioned at Para (9) P-8 of information and
instructions for bidders as under :-
(a) Structural design.
(b) Green Building design.
(c) Plumbing services.
(d) Waste management/STP.
(e) External services for the building, Internal Roads, Footpath, Drains, Parking
(f) E&M services.
(g) Substation.
(h) D.G. Set.
(i) HVAC design.
(j) IBMS design (integrated building system for digital/electronical display and
monitoring of all E & M services.
(k) Solar lighting.
(l) Energy simulation for optimising energy efficiency.
(m) Facade Work, Structural Glazing, Façade lighting.
(n) Interior design including Mural tribal art work and furnishing.
(o) Landscaping & Xeriscape.
(p) USE of BIM (Building information modelling) Tool for mutiple services in
office building.
(q) Preparation of detailed estimate, BOQ, specification, NIT for call of tender.
(r) Acoustic work, fire alarm withand fire fighting system as per NBC norms.
(s) Networking system, EPABX, use of BMS integrated with HVAC and fire
control system.
(t) Pressurised mechanical ventilation.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

(u) Local body approval including all statutory approval as applicable from
time to time.
(v) Disabled friendly building services, accessibility and audit thereof.
(w) Water proofing, borewell, rain water harvesting.
(x) Passenger lift design, solar power generation, CCTV system, occupancy and
lux sensor, access control system confirming to latest BMS system.
(The list is indicative and not exhaustive. Any other field may also be
M) GRIHA certified Professional hired by the consultant shall be well qualified
having experience of three years in GRIHA consultancy and shall be on the
approved list of the GRIHA.
8. A pre-bid conference shall be held in the office of PM (BPC) CPWD, Bhopal on
28.08.2019 at 11.00 AM for clarifications relating to the work or bid document, if any.

9 Due to non-availability of in-house consultancy for any other component except

architectural and structural, the consultant can hire/engage sub consultant/firm with
the prior approval of the Project Manager (BPC), CPWD, Bhopal. The sub-
consultants /firms for the each component except GRIHA consultant/ professional
should have completed one work of 80% cost of the particular component or two
works of costing 60% of the particular component or three works of 40% of the
particular component during the last 7 years. The cost of sub-component as assessed
by Project Manager (BPC) CPWD shall be final. However the consultant shall submit
detailed calculations to Engineer-in-Charge for working out the cost. The department
reserves the right to reject any sub consultant /firm proposed to be engaged by the
consultant without assigning any reason. GRIHA consultant / professional should be
having adequate experience as per details as on SI No. 7 (M) of NIT.
10 The intending Bidder must read the terms and conditions of the bid document
carefully. He should only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in
possession of all the documents required.
11 This notice inviting Bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful
Bidder/Bidder, on acceptance of his Bid by the Accepting Authority shall sign the
contract within 7 days from the stipulated date of start of the work.

12 Information and instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of bid
13 The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of
various types of items to be executed, scope of work and the set of terms and
conditions of the contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be
seen and downloaded from website or free of cost.

14 Bids can only be submitted uploaded after registering with ITI limited for

15 Those Bidders not registered on the website mentioned above, are required to get
registered beforehand. If needed they can be imparted training on online tendering
process as per details available on the website.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

16 The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the bid.

17 The bidder can deposit original EMD either in the office of Executive Engineer
inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD within the
period of bid submission. The bidder shall obtain the receipt of EMD from the
concerned Executive Engineer in the prescribed format uploaded by NIT issuing
Executive Engineer.

The Bid Document as uploaded can be viewed and downloaded free of cost by
anyone including intending bidder. But the bid can only be submitted after
uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as Demand draft/ Pay order or
Banker’s Cheque/ Bank guarantee of any Scheduled Bank towards EMD in favour
of Executive Engineer, Bhopal Central Division – II, CPWD, Bhopal. Copy of
receipt of original EMD and other documents specified in the NIT.

18 On opening date, the Bidder can login and see the bid opening process. After opening
of bids he will receive the competitor bid sheets.

19 Bidder can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.

20 Certificate of Financial Turnover: At the time of submission of bid, bidder should

upload affidavit/ certificate from CA mentioning his Financial Turnover of last 3
years or for the period as specified in the bid document and in the format specified in
this bid document. Further details if required shall be asked from the bidder after
opening of technical bids. There is no need to upload entire voluminous balance

21 Bidder must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for quoting rate in
figures appears in pink colour and the moment rate is entered, it turns sky blue.

22 In addition to this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is
left blank the same shall be treated as “0”.

Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidder, rate of such
item shall be treated as “0” (ZERO).

However, if a tendered quotes Nil / Zero rates against each item in item rate tender,
the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as lowest tendered.

23 The Technical Bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above.
The time and date for opening of financial bid of the bidders qualifying the Technical
bid shall be communicated to them at a later date through notice on and email/fax. Department hold no responsibility for failure
of bidders to note the date and time for opening of financial bid.

24 The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without
assigning any reason and to restrict the list of qualifying bidder to any number
deemed suitable by it, if too many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

25 List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of tender

I. Treasury Challan/Demand Draft/Pay order or Banker`s Cheque /Deposit at Call

Receipt/FDR/Bank Guarantee of any Scheduled Bank against EMD.

II. Copy of Receipt for Deposition of original EMD issued from division office of any
Executive Engineer, CPWD. (Form R).

III. PAN CARD issued by income tax department number of the Company or Owner of
Company in case of Sole Proprietor Company.

IV. Certificate of Registration for G.S.T. and acknowledgement of latest filed return.
(If the bidder has not obtained GST registration in the state in which the work is to
be taken up, then in such a case the bidder shall upload following undertaking with
the bid document. "If work is awarded to me, I/we shall obtain GST registration
certificate within one month from date of receipt of award letter or before payment of
1st R.A. bill.")
V. Details on Company letter head of current contact address phone no., mobile no. and
e-mail ID of the bidder.
VI. Details of financial turnover for last three financial year ending 31.03.18 duly certified
by CA. (Form A)

VII. Profit and loss statements for the preceding five years ending 31st March 2018 duly
certified by CA.( Form A)
VIII. Certificates of Work Experience (TDS Certificate, if required) (Form B, C).
IX. A copy of registration of firms/associated firms (as partner or employee) with council
of architecture and STRUCTURE & ORGANISATION (From D)
X. An AFFIDAVIT on Non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- as per (From H) certifying
that experience of similar work(s) has/ have not been got executed through another
consultant on back to back basis.
XI. An AFFIDAVIT on Non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- (Form J)
XII. Letter of transmittal as per Annexure. (Form N).
XIII. Bank solvency certificate (Form Q).
XIV. Undertaking for site inspection [Intending bidders must upload undertaking
that they have inspected and examined the site and it's surrounding before
submitting their bids. (As per CPWD 6 Sl. No. 12 Page No. 16)].
XV. An affidavit on Non Judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 100/- declaring that the respondent
has not been debarred/ restrained/black listed by any central govt./state govt.
agency/autonomous body of the central or state govt. or PSU etc.

XVI. Details of technical personnel to be deployed for this project (list the personnel
available in organization of respondent) (Form E).
XVII. Details of disciplines for which experts / specialists are proposed to be appointed by
the respondent (Form F).

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


26 Financial Bid shall be uploaded as given separately in Excel Sheet.

27 The Initial Eligibility bid shall be evaluated only of that bidder who’s above
listed documents from S.No. (i) to (xv)are found uploaded in desired form and
format. Bidders who fail to upload above document, fulfilling the conditions of
NIT, their bid shall not be considered and shall stand rejected.

28 Consultants / Bidders should upload only the documents as per above list of
documents. Bidders should not upload unnecessary details and documents which
are not requested in this bid document like company brochures, documents and
photos of non-eligible works, unrelated registration and appreciation letters to
the firms. Such unnecessary document leads to confusion and difficulty in
evaluation of bid of the bidder. Competent authority for accepting this bid
reserves the right to reject bids which contains undesirable and uncalled

Executive Engineer
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division
CPWD, Bhopal

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


1) Executive Engineer, AIIMS Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal on behalf of

President of India, invites ONLINE Item Rate “Bids” from eligible
Consultants/Architectural Firms in Two Bid system for the Construction of new office
building for Income Tax Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal.
SH- Comprehensive integrated Consultancy work comprising architectural design,
structural design, preparation of detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for
(Civil and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision during execution period and
obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.
(1.1) Project Brief:
The new building for Income Tax Department, Bhopal is proposed to be constructed near
existing Income Tax Building, Bhopal.

Proposed building shall be having plinth area 12227 sqm. (Approx.) and is to be built on a
plot. The building is having basement floor and stilt floor at ground level, which will be used
for parking of vehicles and five floors above stilt floor will be used for offices. The basement
and stilt floor are connected with necessary ramps for entry & exit of vehicles. The first floor,
which is the main entrance of office complex, is also connected with ramps in the front of

The building shall be designed to confirm to green building specification so as to obtain 5 star
GRIHA rating for the building. The green building consultant may suggest some revisions in
already approved drawings & specifications, which shall be incorporated in the drawings
keeping the plinth area same and if required necessary approval of client will also be taken at
that time.

The total plinth area of building portion including basement and stilt portion is 12227.00 Sqm
Ramp/Road is to provide for access to basement and 1st floor as per enclosed drawing
(Basement and floor plan), are included in scope of work and necessary structural/ Arch.
Drawings and details are to be done by consultant accordingly.

1.2) The consultancy work under this bid shall involve Planning & Design of following

A) Comprehensive Design & Drawings for New Income Tax Building.

Preliminary Architectural drawing for the work approved by client is available. Consultant
may improve preliminary architectural in terms of aesthetics, functionality, orientation, space
utilization etc in consultant with Chief Architect/Senior architect /CPWD and client. Based on
the approved Preliminary drawings/Architectural drawing, consultant shall prepare detailed
Tender drawings and tender specifications for all components of works as per Green building
concept so as to obtain 5 star GRIHA rating. The structural drawings and service drawing
(Civil & E & M) shall be vetted by institute like MANIT Bhopal, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee or
any NIT/IIT as approved by NIT approving authority.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

The new building is aimed to be a signature building setting new standards in functionality,
efficiency, energy and environmental responsive design innovation and creativity. The
mandate is for a building with ‘5 STAR’ GRIHA rating.

For detailed scope of work, please refer chapter “Scope of Work” of this Bid
document and eligibility for submission of bid documents information and instructions
for bidders.

1.3) The rough cost estimate for construction work of the project is approximately Rs. 68
Crore. This is however, merely given as a rough guidance.
1.4) The bid document consisting of terms and conditions of the contract to be complied
with and other necessary documents can be seen on website The Press Notice is also available on

1.5) Intending bidder is eligible to submit the bid provided he has definite proof from the
appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority, of having
satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude specified Para (7) P-5 to 8 of
information and instructions for bidders. In case of works of private owners other than
central/state Govt., Central/State autonomous undertakings, they shall submit T.D.S.
certificates issued by respective clients and proof of other statuary payments made by
consultant like Service Tax, EPF, INCOME TAX etc.
1.6) To become eligible for issue of bid, the bidders shall have to furnish an affidavit as
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future
forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start of
work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee. (Scanned copy to be uploaded at the time of submission of
Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No. CPWD 8 (or
other Standard Form as mentioned) which is available as a Govt. of India Publication and
also available on website Bidders shall quote his rates as per various
terms and conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.
The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 24 months [a) Planning, design,
preparation of NIT including local body approval- 4 Months, b) Supervision during
execution and obtain approval-20 Months] from the date of start as defined in schedule ‘F’
or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with the
phasing, if any, indicated in the bid documents.
However, consultant shall be associated with the project till the completion of entire project
and approval from local body and obtaining all statutory clearances mandated/required
whichever is later. Consultant shall also be required to document in various stages, register
project apply and ensure obtaining 5 star GRIHA rating for the building. Consultant shall be
required to revise all design and drawings as per requirement in consultation with
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

PM/BPC/CPWD, Chief Architect/Senior Architect/CPWD and Client during execution of
work for which no extra payment shall be made.
3) (i) The site for the work is available. (ii) The preliminary Architectural drawings
approved from client is available.
4) The bid document consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of
various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the
contract to be complied with and other necessary documents except Standard General
Conditions of Contract Form can be seen on website
or free of cost.
5) After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of
times but before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
6) While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more item(s)
any number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before last time
and date of submission of bid as notified.
7) Earnest Money in the form of Treasury Challan or Demand Draft or Pay order or
Banker`s Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Fixed Deposit Receipt drawn in
favour of [Executive Engineer, Bhopal Central Division-II, CPWD, Bhopal], shall
be scanned and uploaded to the e-Tendering website within the period of bid
The original EMD should be deposited either in the office of Executive Engineer
inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD within the
period of bid submission. The EMD Receiving Executive Engineer, CPWD shall
issue a receipt of deposition of EMD to the bidder in a prescribed format (Form
–R) uploaded with this NIT. This receipt shall also be scanned and uploaded to
the e-tendering website by the intending bidders upto the specified online bid
submission date and time.
A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such
case, minimum 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lakh, whichever is less, shall have to
be deposited in shape prescribed above, and balance may be deposited in shape of
Bank Guarantee of any scheduled bank having validity for six months or more after
the last date of receipt of online bids which is to be scanned and uploaded by the
intending bidders.
Certificate of work experience and other documents as specified in the press notice
shall be scanned and uploaded to the e-Tendering website within the period of bid
submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and uploaded documents
as specified in press notice shall have to be submitted by the lowest bidder only
along with physical EMD of the scanned copy of EMD uploaded within a week
physically in the office of tender opening authority. Online bid documents
submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those bidders, whose original
EMD deposited with any division of CPWD and other documents scanned and
uploaded are found in order.
8) The Technical bid submitted shall be opened at 3:30 PM on 04.09.2019 Date and time of
opening of financial bid shall be informed later on brand by

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

email to bidders qualified in Technical bid.
9) The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-Tender processing fee shall not be
refunded if:
(i) The bidder is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not upload scanned copies of all the documents stipulated in the
bid document.
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of
submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the
office of bid opening authority.
(iv) If a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not
quote any percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section /
sub head in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be
considered as lowest tenderer.
10) The Technical Bid i.e. initial eligibility criteria shall be evaluated first. Financial bid
of Only those bidders who are qualified short listed after evaluation of the
documents/details submitted by them as above as per evaluation criteria and with
“Initial Eligibility Bid”. Financial bids will be opened in next step for those short
listed bidder only.
11) The Bidder whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish Performance
Guarantee of 5% (Five Percent) of the bid amount within 7 days of issue of letter of
acceptance by the Engineer-in-Charge. This period can be further extended with
late fee @ 0.1% per day of PG amount by the Engineer-in-Charge up to a
maximum period of 5 days on written request of the Bidder stating the reason for
delays in procuring the Performance Guarantee, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. This guarantee shall be in the form of or Deposit at Call receipt
of any scheduled bank/ Banker’s cheque of any scheduled bank/ Demand Draft of any
scheduled bank/ Pay order of any Scheduled Bank (in case guarantee amount is less
than Rs. 1,00,000/) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee
Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in accordance with the
prescribed form.
In case the Bidder fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period,
the Earnest Money deposited by the Bidder shall be forfeited automatically without
any notice to the Bidder. The performance guarantee shall beremain valid for a
minimum period of Sixty days beyond the date of completion of all contractual
obligations as per GCC.
The earnest money deposited along with bid shall be returned after receiving the
aforesaid performance guarantee. The contractor whose bid is accepted will also be
required to furnish either copy of applicable licenses/ registrations or proof of
applying for obtaining labour licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW
Welfare Board including Provident Fund Code No. If applicable and also ensure the
compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub-contractors, if any engaged by the
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

contractor for the said work within the period specified in Schedule F.
12) Intending Bidder’s are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings
and satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and
sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access
to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain
all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which
may influence or affect their bid.
A Bidder shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or
not and no extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be
allowed. The Bidder shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining, at his own
cost, all materials, tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and
all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically
provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a Bidder implies that
he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware
of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at
which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the Government and local
conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work.
13) The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to
accept the lowest or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or
all the bids received without the assignment of any reason. All bids in which any of
the prescribed condition is not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional
rebate is put forth by the Bidder shall be summarily rejected.
14) Canvassing, whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bid is strictly prohibited
and the bids submitted by the Bidders who resort to canvassing will be liable to
15) The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right
of accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the Bidder shall be bound to perform
the same at the rate quoted.
16) The Bidder shall not be permitted to Bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in
case of Bidder of Horticulture/ Nursery category) responsible for award and execution
of contracts, in which his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as an
officer in any capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior
Engineer, (both inclusive) Senior Architect to Architect (both inclusive). He shall also
intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are
subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazette officer in the
Central Public Works Department or in the Ministry of Urban Development. Any
breach of this condition by the Bidder would render him liable to be removed from the
approved list of Bidder of this Department.
17) No Architect/ Engineer of Gazette rank or other Gazette Officer employed in
Engineering/Architecture or Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of
the Government of India is allowed to work as a Bidder for a period of one year after
his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the
Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the
Bidder or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before submission of
the Bid or engagement in the Bidder’s service.

18) The Bids (Technical as well as Financial Bid) for the works shall remain open for
acceptance for a period of 75 Days from the date of opening of Technical Bids. If any
Bidder withdraws his Bid before the said period or issue of letter of acceptance,
whichever is earlier, or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the
Bid which are not acceptable to the department, then the Government shall, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest
money as aforesaid. Further the Bidder shall not be allowed to participate in the re-
bidding process of the work.

19) This notice inviting bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful
bidder /consultant, on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within
15 days from the stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of:-
(a)The Notice Inviting bid, all the documents of Technical Bid and Financial bid
including additional terms and conditions, specifications and drawings, if any,
forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time of invitation of bid, documents of
Technical bid uploaded by bidder and the rates quoted online at the time of
submission of bid and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading
(b) Standard C.P.W.D. Form 7/8 or other Standard C.P.W.D. Form as applicable.

21) If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect/false at a later stage,
he shall be liable to be debarred from the Bidding/taking up consultancy works in

Executive Engineer
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division
CPWD, Bhopal

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

Definitions 1. The Contract means the documents forming the Bid and acceptance
thereof and the formal the Consulting firm, together with the
documents referred to therein including these conditions, the
specifications, designs, drawings and instructions issued from time
to time by the Engineer-in- Charge and all these documents taken
together, shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be
complementary to one another.

2. In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the context

otherwise requires, have the meanings, hereby respectively assigned
to them:-

(i) The expression works or work shall, unless there be something

either in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, be
construed and taken to mean the works by or by virtue of the
contract contracted to be executed whether temporary or permanent,
and whether original, altered, substituted or additional.

(ii) The Site shall mean the land/or other places on, into or through
which work is to be executed under the contract or any adjacent
land, path or street through which work is to be executed under the
contract or any adjacent land, path or street which may be allotted or
used for the purpose of carrying out the contract.

(iii) The Bidder / Consulting firm shall mean the individual, firm or
company, whether incorporated or not, undertaking the works and
shall include the legal personal representative of such individual or
the persons composing such firm or company, or the successors of
such firm or company and the permitted assignees of such
individual, firm or company.

(iv) The President means the President of India and his successors.

(v) The Engineer-in-charge means the Engineer Officer from CPWD

who shall supervise and be in charge of the work and who shall
sign the contract on behalf of the President of India.
(vi) Government or Government of India shall mean the President of
(vii) The terms Director General includes Special / Additional Director
General/Chief Engineer/Superintending Engineer
(viii) Accepting Authority shall mean the PM, BPC, CPWD

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

(ix) Excepted Risk are risks due to riots (other than those on account
of / Consulting firm’s employees), war (whether declared or not)
invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion
revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, any acts of
Government, damages from aircraft, acts of God, such as
earthquake, lightening and unprecedented floods, and other causes
over which the consulting firms has no control and accepted as
such by the Accepting Authority or causes solely due to use or
occupation by Government of the part of the works in respect of
which a certificate of completion has been issued.
(x) Department/Employer means CPWD which invites Bids on
behalf of President of India.
(xi) Bid value means the Amount of Contract agreement as stipulated
in the letter of award.
(xii) Date of commencement of work: The date of commencement of
work shall be 10th day from the date of issue of letter of
(xiii) Client – Client means, INCOME TAX, Bhopal or their
(xiv) Contractor/s- The agency appointed by CPWD for execution of
construction works.
Note All Designations / Positions as defined above and elsewhere in
this bid document may be changed, in future, by orders of
Govt. of India which shall be applicable to this contract also.
Scope and 3. Where the context so requires, words imparting the singular only
Performance also include the plural and vice versa. Any reference to masculine
gender shall whenever required include feminine gender and vice

4. The consulting firms shall be furnished, free of cost one certified

copy of the contract documents, except CPWD standard
specifications, design codes (BIS, IRC, ASTM etc.) and such other
printed and published documents, together with all drawings as
may be forming part of the Bid papers. None of these documents
shall be used for any purpose other than that of this contract.
Works to be 5. The work to be carried out under the Contract shall, except as
carried out otherwise provided in these conditions, include all technical
expertise manpower, materials, tools, plants, equipment and
transport which may be required in preparation of and for and in
the full and entire execution and completion of the assigned works.
The descriptions given in the professional fees shall, unless
otherwise stated, be held to include wastage on materials, carriage
and cartage, carrying and return of design calculation, discussions,
visits and all other man powers necessary in and for the full and

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

entire execution and completion of the work as aforesaid in
accordance with good engineering practice and recognized
principles as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Sufficiency 6. The Consulting firms shall be deemed to have satisfied himself

of Bid before Biding as to the correctness and sufficiency of his Bid for
the works and of the rate quoted in the Schedule of Professional
fees, which rates and prices shall, except as otherwise provided,
cover all his obligations under the Contract and all matters and
things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the

Discrepancies 7. The several documents forming the Contact are to be taken as

Adjustment mutually explanatory of one another, detailed drawings being
of Errors followed in preference to small scale drawing and figured
dimensions in preference to scale and special conditions in
preference to General Conditions.

7.1 In the case of discrepancy between Specifications, Design Codes,

Drawings, Manufacture Specifications, the following order of
preference shall be observed:-
(i) Description of Scope of Work in contract document.
(ii) Particular Specification and Special Condition, if any, in contract
(iii) CPWD Specifications and CDO Guidelines
(iv) Design Codes (Order of preference - BIS, IRC, ASTM, EV Codes,
DIN Codes etc.)
(v) Manufacturers Specifications
(vi) As per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
7.2 If there are varying or conflicting provisions made in any one
document forming part of the contract, the Accepting Authority
shall be the deciding authority with regard to the intention of the
document and his decision shall be final and binding on the
consulting firms.

7.3 Any error in description or any omission there from shall not
vitiate the Contract or release the Consulting firms from the
execution of the whole or any part of the works comprised therein
according to codes, specifications, and drawings or from any of his
obligations under the contract.
Signing of 8. The successful Bidder, on acceptance of his Bid by the Accepting
Contract Authority, shall, within 15 days from the stipulated date of start of
the work, sign the contract consisting of:-
(i) The notice inviting Bid, all the documents including drawings, if
any, forming the Bid, issued at the time of invitation of Bid and

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading
(ii) Contract Form.

(iii) No payment for the work done will be made unless contract is
signed by the consulting firms.
9 Deleted.

10 The Bidder shall give a list of both gazetted and non-gazetted

C.P.W.D. employees related to him.

GCC 2019 with updated amendments shall form part of the agreement.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

CPWD - 8

Bid for the work of- Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive integrated
Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of
detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M Services), Interior
design, supervision during execution period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the
To be submitted by 3.00 PM upto 04.09.2019 to Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal
Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal.

To be opened in presence of Bidders who may be present at 3.30 PM on 04.09.2019 in the

office of Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal.
Issued to …………………………………………………………………..

Signature of officer issuing tender….. ……………………………………

Designation - Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal.

I/We have read and examined the notice inviting Bid, schedule, General Rules and
Directions, Conditions of Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate
& other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in
the Bid document for the work.

I/We hereby Bid for the execution of the work specified for the President of India
within the time specified in NIT and in accordance in all respect with the specifications,
design codes and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of General Rules and Directions
and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respect of accordance with, such
conditions so far as applicable.

We agree to keep the Bid open for 75 days from the date of opening of technical bids
part-1 and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.

A sum of Rs. 2,74,000/-is hereby forwarded in cash/receipt treasury challan/deposit at

call receipt of a scheduled bank/fixed deposit receipt of scheduled bank/demand draft of a
scheduled bank/bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank as earnest money. If I/We, fail to
furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the
said President of India or his successors, in office shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely. Further, I/We fail to
commence work as specified, I/We agree that President of India or the successors in office
shall without prejudice to any other right of remedy available in law, be a liberty to forfeit the
said performance guarantee absolutely. The said performance guarantee shall be a guarantee
to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed
through another consultant on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to the
notice of Department, then I/We shall be debarred for Biding in CPWD in future forever and
may also terminate the existing contract. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Department before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the
entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit.
I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the Bid documents, drawings and other
records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate
information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the State.

Dated: Authorized Signatory of Consultancy Firm

Witness: Postal Address




The above Bid (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is
accepted by me for an on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.……………..……..


The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement:-




For & on behalf of President of India

Signature ……………………………

Dated: Designation ……..…………………….

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

vuqlwph ^d SCHEDULE ‘A’
ek=kvksa dh vuqlwph ¼layXu½

Schedule of quantities (As per PWD-3) (Enclosed) (P-94)

vuqlwph ^[k SCHEDULE ‘B’

Bsdsnkj dh fuxZr dh tkus okyh lkefxz;ksa dh vuqlwph
Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor.

Øe- la- en fooj.k ek=k ftl nj ij lkefxz;ka Bsdsnkj dks fuxZr LFkku
S.No. Description of item Quantity izHkkfjr gksxh og nj vadksa ,oa ’kCnksa esa Place of
Rates in figures & words at which the
material will be charged to the contractor
1 2 3 4 5


vuqlwph ^x SCHEDULE ‘C’

Bsdsnkj dks HkkM+s ij fn, tkus okys vkStkj ,oa la;=

Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor

Øe la- fooj.k HkkM+k izHkkj izfrfnu fuxZr LFkku
Sl. No. Description Hire charges per day Place of
1 2 3 4


Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

vuqlwph ‘^?k SCHEDULE ‘D’
dk;Z ds fy, fo’ks"k vis{kk,a@nLrkost] ;fn dksbZ gksa] dh vfrfjDr vuqlwph
Extra schedule for specific requirements/documents for the work, if any. -----Nil-----

vuqlwph ¼M½ SCHEDULE ‘E’

Bsds dh lkekU; ’krksZ dk lanHkZ General Conditions of Contract for
1. Reference to General Conditions of contract GCC 2019 amended upto date.

dk;Z dk uke Name of work: Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive integrated
Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of
detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M Services), Interior
design, supervision during execution period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the

(i)/kjksgj jkf’k Earnest money: 2,74,000/- (To be returned after

receiving Performance Guarantee)

(ii)fu"iknu xkjaVhPerformance guarantee : 5% of tendered value. fufofnr ewY; dk 5 izfr’kr

(iii)izfrHkwfr fu{ksi% Security Deposit: 2.5% of tendered Value

vuqlwph ^p SCHEDULE ‘F’

lkekU; fu;e ,oa fn’kkfunsZ’k%
General Rules & Directions:
fufonk vkea=.k djus okyk izkf/kdkjh
Officer inviting tender - EE/ AIIMS Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal

dk;Z dh enksZ dh ek=k ds fy, vf/kdre izfr’kr ftlls vf/kd

fu"ikfnr enksa ds fy, njksa dk fu/kkZj.k [k.M 12-2 vkSj 12-3 ds
fuEukuqlkj vuqlkj gksxk
Maximum percentage for quantity of items of
work to be executed beyond which rates are to
be determined in accordance with Clauses
12.2 & 12.3. see below

2(v) Hkkjlk/kd bathfu;j
Executive Engineer, AIIMS Bhopal
Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal or
his successor.
2(viii) Lohdkj drkZ izkf/kdkjh
Accepting Authority Project Manager / Bhopal Project Circle /
CPWD / Bhopal or his successor
2(x) vfrfjDr vkSj ykHkksa dks iwjk djus ds
fy, Je ,oa lkefxz;ksa dh ykxr ij izfr’krrk
Percentage on cost of materials and
labour to cover all overheads and profits. 15% (Fifteen per cent)
2(xi) njksa dh ekud vuqlwph
Standard schedule of Rates
2(xii) foHkkx
Department Central Public Works Department
9(ii) ekud ds-yks-fu-fo- Bsdk QkeZ CPWD Form 8 (Print edition -2019) amended
upto last date of submission of Bid

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

[k.M Clause 1
(i) Lohd`fr i= tkjh gksus dh rkjh[k ls fu"iknu
xkjaVh ds izLrqrhdj.k ds fy, vuqer le;
Time allowed for submission of
performance guarantee, programme chart
(Time & Progress) and applicable labour
licenses, registration with EPFO, ESIC and
BOCW welfare board or proof of applying
thereof : from the date of issue of letter of
acceptance : 7 days
(ii) ¼mi;qZDr i½ esa nh xbZ vof/k ds Ik’pkr~ vf/kdre
vuqes; ,DlVsa’ku
Maximum allowable extension with late
fee @ 0.10% per day of performance
guarantee amount beyond
the period as provided in (i) above : 03 days
[k.M Clause 2
[k.M 2 ds rgr izfrdkj fuf’pr djus okyk izkf/kdkjh

Authority for fixing Project Manager, Bhopal Project

compensation under clause 2 Circle, CPWD, Bhopal or his
successor thereof with the
recommendations of EE, AIIMS BPD &
EE(E), BCEC or his successor thereof
and DDH, BHD, Bhopal or his
successor thereof.
[k.M Clause 2A
D;k [k.M 2 d ykxw gksxk
Whether clause 2A shall be applicable No
[k.M Clause 5
dk;Z vkjaHk dh rkjh[k dh x.kuk ds fy, Lohd`fr i= ds tkjh gksus dh
rkjh[k ls fnuksa dh la[;k
No. of days from the date of issue of letter of
acceptance for reckoning date of start 10 days.

Schedule of issue of Designs

Part Portion of Design Description Time period for issue of
design reckoned from
date of receipt of
Part A ------------------------------------------NA------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------

[k.M Clause 5.2

Nature of Hindrance Register
(either Physical or Electronic) N.A.
[k.M Clause 5.4
Schedule of rate of recovery for delay in
submission of the modified programme
in terms of delay days. (Recovery to be
made on per day of delay at the rate
specified as under:
Sl. Contract Value Recovery Rs.
I. More than Rs. 1 Crore but less than or equal to Rs. 5 Crore 1000
II. More than Rs. 5 Crore but less than or equal to Rs. 20 Crore 2500
III More than Rs. 20 Crore 5000

y{; uhps nh xbZ ds vuqlkj

Milestone(s) : - As per Table given below

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

y{; ¼ehy&iRFkj½
Table of milestone(s)
S.N Activities Time Schedule Amount to be withheld in
o. Period Progressive case of Non-achievement
(week) period from of each mile stone
of consultancy
1 Preparation of general 3 week 3week 0.5% of tendered amount
arrangement structural drawing
including beam framing plan and
preliminary structural sizes of
members, reconfirmation soil
investigation report proposal of
type of foundation and obtaining
approval of competent authority.
2 Preparation and Submission of 5 week 8 week
detailed architectural drawings
including structural Design,
confirming to GRIHA, NBC
norms and accessibility norms,
finishing schedules, details of all
services including MEP, IT,
HVAC, Fire Fighting,
Landscaping, Security etc.
indicating complete scope, 1.0% of tendered amount
Obtaining its approval from
CPWD/client. Submission of
take-offsheets, and submission
of drawing in desired format to
local body authority and online
registration of project on
GRIHA i/c documentation.
3 Provisional approval of local 4 week 12 week
bodies & statutory bodies and
submission of notice inviting
tender. Proof checking of
structural design as per NIT 0.75% of tendered
provisions and approval by
competent authority of CPWD,

4 Preparation of tender drawing i/c 2 week 14 week

architectural, structural details,
services HVAC, Electrical, Fire/ 0.75% of tendered
Plumbing data service & any amount
other as may be required.

5 Preparation of detailed estimate, 2 week 16 week

BOQ, Analysis of Rates, tender
document, tender drawings of all (4 month) 0.50% of tendered
types. Technical Specifications, amount
List of recommended makes.

6 During construction period, As per 22 month

0.50% of tendered
consultant/Architect has to constructi amount
visit site at least once in a on
fortnight and issue working
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

drawings & any revised schedule
drawing as per direction of
Engineer-in-Charge. 18 month

7 Getting Green certification of 1 month. 23 month 0.50% of tendered

the building from concerned amount
rating authority.

8 On completion of entire 1 month. 24 month 0.50% of tendered

construction Consultancy amount
works and receipt of
Completion certificate’ from
the local bodies, No
Objection Certificates from
statutory local bodies before
occupation for the buildings
and submission of completion
drawing of in required no.

dk;Z fu"ikfnr djus ds fy, vuqeR; le;

Time allowed for execution of work 24 (Twenty-Four) Months
[a) Planning, design, preparation
of NIT including local body
approval- 4 Months
b) Supervision during execution
and obtain approval-20 Months]
Authority to decide
(i) Extension of Time Executive Engineer, AIIMS BPD
CPWD, Bhopal or his successor
(ii) Rescheduling of mile stones Project Manager, Bhopal Project
Circle, CPWD, Bhopal or his

CPWD, Bhopal or his successor.

(iii) Shifting of date of start in case of Project Manager, Bhopal Project
delay in handing over of site Circle, CPWD, Bhopal or his
[k.M Clause 6, 6A
[kaM ykxw&¼6 ;k 6 d½ Clause applicable 6A
[k.M Clause 7
varfje Hkqxrku ds fy, ik= gksus ds fy, vafre ,sls
Hkqxrku ds ckn dqy Hkqxrku ,df=r lkefxz;ksa ds
vfxzeksa ds lek;kstu lfgr fd;k tkus okyk dqy dk;Z
Gross work to be done together with net
payment/adjustment of advances for As per Stage Payment. At P-92-93 of NIT
material collected, if any since the last
such payment for being eligible to interim
[k.M 7 dClause7A
Weather clause 7 A shall be applicable Yes
(No running Account Bill shall be paid for
the work till the applicable GST
registration, labour licenses, registration
with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare
Board, whatever applicable are submitted
by the contractor to the Engineer-in-

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

[k.M Clause 8B
(i) This shall not apply for maintenance or
upgradation contracts not involving any

(ii) For other works, the limit shall be 0.1% of the tendered value or amount shown
whichever is more
Sl. Contract Value Limit Rs.
i. More than Rs. 1 Crore but less than or equal to 5000
Rs. 5 Crore
i. More than Rs. 5 Crore but less than or equal to 25000
Rs. 20 Crore
ii. More than Rs. 20 Crore 50000
[k.M 10 dClause10A
dk;ZLFky iz;ksx’kkyk esa Bsdsnkj }kjk miyC/k djk;s tkus
ijh{k.k midj.k dh lwph
List of testing equipment to be provided by the N.A.
contractor at site lab.
[k.M Clause10B(ii)
D;k [k.M 10 [k (ii) ykxw gksxk
Whether clause 10B (ii) shall be applicable No
Component of labour expressed as N.A.
component Percent of value of work

[k.MClause10CA N.A
[k.MClause10CC N.A

[k.M Clause 11
dk;Z fu"iknu ds fy, vuqikyu For Civil :CPWD Specification 2009, Volume-I & II
Specifications to be followed for execution of work with correction slips upto date of receipt of

[k.M Clause 12 Type of Work Original Work

12.2 & 12.3
fopyu lhek ftlds ijs [k.M 12-2 rFkk 12-3 Hkou fuekZ.k
dk;Z ds fy, ykxw gksaxs
Deviation limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3 30%
shall apply for building work (Other than foundation)

12.5 (i) Deviation limit beyond which clauses 12.2 & 12.3
shall apply for foundation work (except items mentioned
in earth work subhead of DSR and related items) 30%
(ii) Deviation limit for items mentioned in earth work
subhead of DSR and related items 100%
[k.M Clause 16
?kVh gqbZ njs fu/kkZfjr djus dh fy, l{ke izkf/kdkjh
Competent Authority for deciding (i) Project Manager, BPC, CPWD,
reduced rates Bhopal (for Civil work) or his

[k.M Clause 25
Place of arbitration To be decided by competent authority at the
time of appointment of Arbitrator.

For Total Claim upto Rs. 25 Lakhs

Designation Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC)

Chairman Director (W cum TLQA), O/o ADG-WR-II, CPWD, Bhopal.
Member Secretary Executive Engineer(P), Indore Central Circle, CPWD, Indore.
Member Executive Engineer, Bhopal Central Division-I, CPWD, Bhopal

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

Presenting Officer Project Manager, Bhopal Project Circle, CPWD, Bhopal
For Total Claim above Rs. 25 Lakhs

Designation Constitution of Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC)

Chairman Chief Engineer, WZ-II, CPWD, Nagpur
Member Director (W cum TLQA), O/o ADG-WR-II, CPWD, Bhopal.
Member Superintending Engineer, Raipur Central Circle, CPWD, Raipur (C.G.)
Presenting Project Manager, Bhopal Project Circle, CPWD, Bhopal
[k.M Clause 31
Whether clause 31 shall be applicable Yes
[k.M Clause 36(i)
“Requirement of Technical Representative(s) and Recovery Rate
SNo Minimum Rate at which recovery shall be made from

n (Principal

Technical /
Qualification Designatio the contractor in the event of not fulfilling


of Technical provision of Clause 36(i)
Representative Figures Words

1 As per FORM "O" As per FORM "O" Rs.30,000/-Per Month per Rupees Thirty
For Sr.No. 01 to person Thousand Per Month
Sr. No. 17 per person

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)



Name of Work: Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department (B+S+5) at
Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive integrated
Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design,
preparation of detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil
and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision during execution period
and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.

1.1 Details of the Project :-

Project Brief:

The new building for "Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal.

The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 24 Months[a) Planning, design,
preparation of NIT including local body approval- 4 Months, b) Supervision during
execution and obtain approval-20 Months] from the date of start as defined in schedule
‘F’ or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with
the phasing, if any, indicated in the bid documents.
However, consultant shall be associated with the project till the completion of entire project
and approval from local body and obtaining all statutory clearances mandated/required
whichever is later. Consultant shall also be required to document, apply and ensure obtaining
5 star GRIHA rating for the building. Consultant shall be required to revise all design and
drawings as per requirement in consultation with PM/BPC/CPWD, Senior Architect/CPWD
and Client during execution of work for which no extra payment shall be made.
The building is having basement floor and stilt floor at ground level, which will be used for
parking of vehicles and five floors above stilt floor will be used for offices. The basement
and stilt floor are connected with necessary ramps for entry & exit of vehicles. The first floor,
which is the main entrance of office complex, is also connected with ramps in the front of

The building shall be designed to conform to GRIHA rating with five star of green building
parameters and for this a green building consultant is to be employed by consultant. The
green building consultant may suggest some revisions in already approved drawings &
specifications, which shall be incorporated in the drawings keeping the plinth area same and
if required necessary approval of client will also be taken at that time.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

The total plinth area of building portion including basement and stilt portion is 12227.00 Sqm
Ramp/Road is to provide for access to basement and 1st floor as per enclosed drawing
(Basement and floor plan), are included in scope of work and necessary structural/ Arch.
Drawings and details are to be done by consultant accordingly.

Floor wise details and layout plan may be referred at (Annexure-B, P-118 to 127) of NIT.

1.3 The consultancy work under this bid shall involve Planning & Design of following

A) Comprehensive Design & Drawings for Income Tax Office with all essential
amenities & services.

As indicated at Para 7(L) of Information and Instructions for biddersP-7&8 of NIT

Services shall be designed using BIMS:

Brief Details: -

Preliminary Architectural drawing for the work approved by client is available. Consultant
may improve preliminary architectural in terms of aesthetics, functionality, orientation,
space utilization etc. Based on the approved Preliminary drawings/Architectural drawing,
consultant shall prepare detailed Tender drawings and tender specifications for all
components of works. The structural drawings and service drawing (Civil and E&M) shall
be vetted by MANIT Bhopal, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee or any NIT/IIT as approved by NIT
approving authority.

The new building is aimed to be a signature building setting new standards in

functionality, efficiency, energy and environmental responsive design innovation and
creativity. The mandate is for a building with ‘5 STAR’ GRIHA rating.

The components/provisions and corresponding plinth area shown above is tentative

consultant may improve & develop detail architectural drawing keeping into consideration
functional requirement, mandatory by-laws & norms, green building norms for obtaining 5
star rating etc. in consultation with Chief Architect/SA/Bhopal, PM/BPC and client.
Increase in plinth area upto + 10% (plus 10%) will not affect the total consultancy fee&
will remain same for the entire work of New Income Tax Building.
Consultant proposal shall be examined by client and CPWD. The consultant shall
incorporate modification in his proposal as per their advice for final approval of the design
The building(s) should have barrier free provisions and comply standards equivalent to
Five (5) star GRIHA rated building.

1.4 The building so designed should be adaptable to modifications and utilizable according to
the needs of the long term plan.

1.5 The development control rules are to be addressed and then taken into consideration while
designing the building in the initial stage. The required internal & external services with

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

minimum cost, minimum maintenance and lowest consumption of energy, water

& electricity should be envisaged for the building.

1.6 Deleted.
The location of the proposed Income Tax Office Building is Arera Hill, Bhopal (MP).
The site is well connected to all major roads of city. The city of Bhopal is well connected
by the rail and road & Air Networks in the country and to major cities both Nationally and
Internationally through the Airport.


2.1.1 Brief Scope of Job
The consultant(s) shall provide comprehensive consultancy services covering
comprehensive design of whole building.

a. Comprehensive design and drawings of New Income Tax Office Building for
architectural, Interior, Structural, MEP, all E&M services Design of all Civil and E&M
services on BIM Tool (internal & external) HVAC / centralized cooling system designs,
passenger lifts & service lifts, Firefighting, Fire Alarm systems, LAN, IT (Server, PC
etc.), Call Bell System, Telephone, TV & Dish Antenna CCTV, Access Control
System, EPABX, IBMS, UPS, Audio Visual Requirement, Acoustic designs, Façade
design, Interior & Furnishing design etc. confirming to GRIHA guidelines so as to
obtain 5 star GRIHA rating for the building (complete details mentioned at P 7-8 of

b. External electrical services i.e Power supply and distribution including Substation, HT/
LT Electrical panels, use of BMS integrated with HVAC and fire control system, DG
set, HVAC, Firefighting, confirming to GRIHA 5 star and any other design inputs for
finalization of project.

c. External Development work(Civil), Landscaping & Horticulture, Furniture, Drainage

network, Water supply (Dual) and solid waste management with waste water recycling,
water conservation and rain water harvesting and integration and/or augmentation
with/of the existing water supply, sewerage, drainage, Rain water harvesting scheme,
confirming to GRIHA 5 star rating etc.

d. Solar power generation as per requirement for green building.

e. Scope of work shall also include that building shall be barrier free, disable friendly
services and shall undergo audit for the same and compliance shall be done by

f. Scope of work shall also include preparation & finalization of detailed estimate,
detailed architectural, structural & service drawings (Civil and E&M) duly proof

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

checked including specifications of all items and tender document for call of tender for
execution of building, bill of quantities (BOQ) submission drawings for local body
&necessary modifications as per the observation of local body authorities & handing
over final set of approve drawings in desired format.

g. All drawings structural as well as services shall be vetted by engineering

college/institution like MANIT Bhopal, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee or any other IIT/NIT as
approved by PM/BPC, CPWD, Bhopal. Nothing Extra shall be paid for this, the cost
included in consultancy fee.

h. The time schedule for carrying out the work will be 24 Months[a) Planning, design,
preparation of NIT including local body approval- 4 Months, b) Supervision
during execution and obtain approval-20 Months]. However, consultant shall be
associated with the project till the completion of entire project and approval from local
body and obtaining all statutory clearances mandated/required whichever is later.
Consultant shall also be required to document, apply and ensure obtaining 5 star
GRIHA rating for the building. Consultant shall be required to revise all design and
drawings as per requirement in consultation with PM/BPC and SA/Bhopal & client
during execution of work for which no extra payment shall be made.

i. The work shall also include the facade work, structural glazing and facade lighting.

j. The work shall also include drawings and design for the internal and external services,
multilevel underground parking, retaining wall/diaphragm wall etc.

k. Submission of design and drawing to local bodies for their approval after obtaining
approval of client department that is the nodal authority of the Income Tax Bhopal,
obtaining all statutory and mandatory approvals and clearances from local bodies.

l. The consultant shall submit detailed estimate, specifications, draft tender document etc.
as required. The building is to be design with green feature so as to obtain rating of 5
star of GRIHA rating system.

2.1.2) Design Philosophy:

Design philosophy should cover at least the followings:-
a. To cater for different functional requirements of user, with creative indoor spaces,
surroundings, better circulation and flexibility in space planning.

b. Consultant will submit write up on new construction technology to reduce time/cost of

project if proposed to be adopted in the project. This will be first step after site visit of

c. Integrated designs of Electrical, Mechanical and other services with structural system
and construction methodology with low maintenance.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

d. Climate responsive Architecture with integration of daylight and electric light, thermal
comfort, ventilation and highest performance standards for work space efficiency.

e. Use of low embodied energy materials and local/reused materials and consideration of
green building principles.

f. Development of surrounding, Roads, footpaths, streetlights, Boundary wall, traffic

circulation with site terrain consideration and Horticulture with indigenous vegetation
plantation, etc.

g. In addition to above, salient features of the buildings shall also include the Green
Building provisions and any other item required to make the building functional as per
NBC and to achieve minimum five star GRIHA Rating

h. The building(s) proposed to be developed should be amenable to latest systems of

construction technologies for enabling repeatability and fast track and ease in
construction, keeping in mind a lower embodied energy of material and lower energy
consumption in the proposed complex.

i. The detailed design of buildings should meet requirement of 5 star GRIHA rating and
provisions for conservation of energy and water through energy efficient & water
conservation design features and specifications.

2.2 Design of Building

2.2.1 Interact with Department / Client and assess the exact requirement of Department /
Client in consultation with PM/BPC & SA Bhopal for preparation of Comprehensive
detailed design and drawings shall incorporate following minimum provisions for the
entire building.

2.2.2 A detailed document for the concept planning for preparation of detailed architectural
drawings shall be prepared with best practices available in the global market.

2.2.3 The Consultant shall prepare the plan as per the local Bye Laws & NBC Norms and
submit in the desired format. The planning shall be carried in the terms of specifications
of latest additions of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes, National Building Code
and CPWD Barrier free Act Guidelines, rain water harvesting and GRIHA requirements
and in compliance to various other statutory approvals so as to obtain 5 Star rating for
the building.

2.2.4 The detailed architectural drawing & structural drawings should possess features and
forms of proposed buildings and to express ethos of INCOME TAX and should present a
unique identity to the building in the form. It should also incorporate local architectural
features, materials, art and culture in the proposed design.

2.2.5 The design, drawing and services should be cost effective in construction cost.

2.2.6 The design, drawing and services should be gel with local topographical features and
climatic conditions of the site.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

2.2.7 The design, drawing and services should incorporate features for conservation of water
and energy in the campus and recycling of available resources.

2.2.8 The design, drawing and services should be such that it facilitates smooth and easy
interaction between different functional zones/units of the campus.

2.3 Architectural Planning and design

2.3.1 Interact with Department / Client and assess the exact requirement of Department /
Client for different building blocks for complete Architectural Design of Office
2.3.2 The Architectural & Interior plans/designs shall incorporate/meet following minimum

(i) Meet the functional needs including requisite capacity of occupation.

(ii) Planning of all civil and electrical services including firefighting and air
conditioning, acoustics, interiors, furniture etc.
(iii) Should be energy efficient and comply GRIHA norms for 5 star rating.
(iv) Should possess features and forms of proposed buildings and other feature of the
campus to express ethos of INCOME TAX and should present a unique identity to
the institute campus.
(v) Should also incorporate local architectural features, materials, art and culture in
the proposed design.
(vi) Should be cost effective in construction cost.
(vii) Should be gel with local topographical features and climatic conditions of the site
(viii) Should have provision for recycling of water, wastes and available resources.
2.3.3 The Consultant shall prepare the drawings as per the local Bye Laws and NBC norms.

2.3.4 The architectural design shall be carried in the terms of specifications of latest additions
of AICTE norms, CPWD norms, National Building Code norms, BIS Codes and CPWD
Disability Act Guidelines etc.

2.3.5 Preparation of Building wise Floor plans in AUTOCAD format as per prior approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge.

2.3.6 Preparation of Elevations and Sections.

2.3.7 Preparation of Typical details in 1: 50 or any other scale as per prior approval of the

2.4 Structural design

2.4.1 Interact with Department / Client and assess the exact requirement of Department /
Client for Preliminary Structural Design of Office Structures.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

2.4.2 The Structural designs shall incorporate/meet following minimum provisions:

(i) Preparation of framing plan and design basis report.

(ii) Incorporate latest technologies such as precast structures / prestressed structure/

monolithic structure in design as per requirement.

(iii) Conventional RCC special moment resisting framed structure and/or steel frame
structure shall be adopted where latest technology is not cost effective and not
feasible for this project.

(iv) The design should be cost effective while being structurally safe and sound in
compliance of latest BIS codal provisions i.e. IS 456, IS 875,IS 1893,IS 4326,IS
13290, IS 800 etc.

2.4.3 The structural design shall be carried out in terms of latest editions (and up-to-date
correction/amendment/errata of BIS Codes (Bureau of Indian Standards), CPWD norms
and in consultation with PM/BPC Bhopal.

2.4.4 Submission of all design Basis calculations and drawings in hard/ soft copies to the
engineer-in-charge by the consultant. The design and drawing shall be processed and
submitted in latest structural design and software like Stadd Pro. E tab etc.

2.4.5 All drawings structural as well as services shall be vetted by engineering

college/institution like MANIT Bhopal, IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee or any other IIT/NIT as
approved by PM/BPC, CPWD, Bhopal, Designer has to interact with concerned Professor
of Engineering College and PM/BPC Bhopal with details for vetting and PM/BPC,
Bhopal and incorporate directions including redesigning structures if required at no extra

2.5 Energy Efficiency Requirements and GREEN BUILDING DESIGN

2.5.1 The Consultant shall adhere to highest standards of environment and energy sustainability
as stipulated in Building Sustainable as approved by CPWD / Income Tax Department,
Bhopal. Holistic integration of the environmental sustainability brief in design, materials,
construction, services, processes and maintenance concerns should be strictly addressed
in building planning and design to achieve a Green building with 5 star rating.

2.5.2 The required internal & external services with minimum cost, minimum maintenance and
lowest consumption of energy, water & electricity should be envisaged for the building.
Usage of Sustainable Planning criteria to develop a green building so as to comply
standards and obtain Five (5) star GRIHA rated building.

2.5.3 The buildings will set new standards in energy efficiency adapted to the composite
climate. They shall integrate energy conservation, enable water and waste recycling, and
reduce embodied energy to achieve life cycle advantages.

2.5.4 The building proposed to be developed should be amenable to latest systems of

construction technologies for enabling repeatability and fast track Construction whilst

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

keeping in mind a green material usage and lower energy consumption in the building.

2.6 Services and Miscellaneous works

2.6.1 Design and drawings of all the services (as per requirement of the building) like water
supply/plumbing sanitary design, sewerage system, rain water drainage & conservation,
disabled friendly corridors, Signage, Landscaping, Fire Alarm & fire fighting, LAN
wiring, HVAC, Projector & Multimedia, Stage lighting, public address & sound system,
Lifts, Exterior and interior lighting Internal Electrical Installation, Electric substation,
Power supply & Distribution system, DG Set for essential load, acoustics, furniture &
furnishing, stage work, energy efficient building design, disable friendly building design,
CCTV system etc. and all essential services required for Offices for its Operation and
satisfactorily completion of project and getting necessary approvals from
Department/Clients/local bodies/Proof consultants, wherever required.
2.6.2 The required internal and external services shall have to be planned with economical
cost, minimum maintenance and lowest consumption of energy, water & electricity and
are to be designed on BIMS Tool.
2.7 Models and 3D Views, Walk through

2.7.1 Preparation of Model(s) to scale 1:200 for proposed building of New Income Tax
building, Bhopal.

2.7.2 Preparation of colored 3D external views as per requirement of client/department.

2.7.3 Preparation of colored 3D interior views as per requirement of client/department.

2.7.4 Preparation of walk through as per requirement of client/department.

2.8 Approval From local Authorities

2.8.1 The consultant shall design the building and its ancillary work as per NBC, Prevalent IS
codes etc. so as to Comply all necessary requirement for preparation of all submission
drawings (any numbers) / materials and models according to size/scale for statutory
approval to the local authorities in desired format online.

2.8.2 The consultant shall note that the drawings shall be required to obtain, if necessary, all
statutory approval as per rules hence they should not violate any of the prevailing
Building Bye Laws, NBC Norms and have all information required for Preparation of all
submission drawings (any numbers)/ materials and models for these approvals.

2.9 Specifications
2.9.1 Submission of detail architectural drawing but not limited to components i.e. doors,
windows, civil and electrical fittings & fixtures toilet details, flooring types & patterns,
external facade detail, interior and furnishing detail, barrier free building components,
internal and external finishing details, internal E/I, lift, HVAC, fire fighting, internal and
external service details etc. and as detailed at P-7-8 of NIT.
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

2.9.2 Submission of Technical Specification for civil works, electrical works / services/
equipments, furniture, furnishing etc. for all items as detailed at P-7-8 of NIT.

2.10 Estimate and Costing

2.10.1 Preparation of detailed Project cost estimate(s) for the entire scope, Civil
Services/Electrical Services/ IT Services/Office Services/ Furniture/ Landscaping etc.,
based on Latest CPWD Delhi Schedule of Rates (DSR) on the prescribed format of the
project and analysis of rates, quotations for Market Rates of various items, specifications
etc for non-schedule items as per the prescribed format of CPWD for approval of
PM/BPC, Bhopal.
2.10.2Consultant shall modify detailed estimates/DPR submitted by him, as per direction, till it
is approved by competent authority i.e.PM/BPC, Bhopal.

2.11 Soil Investigation

Soil Investigation Report shall be provided by the CPWD. However the Consultant
should visit the site and satisfy himself about the soil conditions for the proposed systems
if required for their feasibility.
2.12 Biding / Justification
2.12.1 The consultant shall prepare the draft bid documents along with schedule of quantities,
specifications, and special conditions etc. for call of Bids for execution of work in suitable
packages to be decided by the Department in percentage tender mode. The document shall
be prepared by consultant to ensure transparent and competitive bidding as per latest
CPWD guidelines. Consultant shall provide any input required for PERCENTAGE
TENDER BID, as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge for approval by the competent
2.12.2 The consultant shall assist the Department in preparation of Specifications including
supplying of current market rate quotations, where ever necessary and also analysis of
rates for all items for Non Scheduled items Proposed in the Detailed Project
Report/Detailed Estimate.

2.13 Right to use of drawings & design

2.13.1 The consultant will hand over all the final drawings duly vetted by competent authority,
approved by client and local body in hard and soft copy in desired format. The consultant
shall submit at least one set of all drawings on tracing film and 15 sets of all drawings &
designs duly bounded in desired/A0 sizes. The soft copy of all drawings and designs in
DVD in AutoCAAD& excel format as well as in PDF format and in any other format in
which it can be edited & reused. The department will have full right to use these drawings
for its intended purpose, modifications and alterations and developing further through
agency by Architect/ Consultant of his choice or any other Architect/ Consultant if
required and to reuse at any other location by the department.

2.14 The proposed office building shall consist of comprehensive office requirements. The
building so designed should be adoptable to modifications and utilizable according to the
needs of the long-term plan.
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

a. The required internal and external services have to be planned with minimum cost,
running maintenance and lowest consumption of energy, water & electricity and are to be
designed on BIMS tool.

b. The building(s) proposed to be developed should be amenable to latest systems of

construction technologies for enabling repeatability and fast track and ease in
construction, whilst keeping in mind a lower embodied energy of material and lower
energy consumption in the proposed complex.

c. The consultant shall have in house expertise in green building design or associate with a
sub consultant of repute having necessary expertise as per Para 7(M) P-8 of NIT.

d. The consultant shall take all necessary statutory approval from all local/ state/ central
authorities including BMC, BDA, Fire control office, Civil Aviation, Electrical Utilities
(MP&EB) Pollution Control Board, Environmental clearances & any other such
approvals, etc. Further liaison works with above agencies/ departments is the
responsibility of consultant. Preparation of all submission drawing/ Materials in desired
format online for these approvals will be responsibility of the consultant.

e. In case of project requirement or as per the requirement of MOEF/State Govt. authorities,

the consultants shall Conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & furnish
preliminary report on environmental impact of the project and finalize it after discussion
with the client/employer clearly outlining the measures required for mitigating the
adverse impact and got approved by him from statutory bodies.

f. The consultant/ Architect firm shall:

Preliminary drawing and site survey plan is available, consultant shall examine there with
basic approach to circulation, activity, distribution and interaction and external linkage.

a) Conduct all field investigation, collection of required data from the town, from local
bodies/ Govt. agencies, Sample collection and their testing and Record of levels/
Level chart etc. The Topographical survey should include the existing structures
including service line and facilities available like water supply, electricity and
approach road etc.

b) Employer may also conduct the soil investigation at their own cost. Employer shall
provide the test report of the soil investigation conducted by them to the consultant.
The consultant shall re-test (as required) & verify these results at the final structural
designs stage at their own cost. Employer / client shall not be liable for any claim
for the inadequacy & in accuracy of the test results.

g. Deleted.

h. The consultant shall also prepare the bid documents for call of tenders for execution of
work in suitable packages to be decided in consultation with the Department. The
Detailed Estimate showing details of measurement, BOQ. Draft tender document,
analysis of rates, specifications etc. shall have to be prepared and submitted by the
consultant to the Engineer-in-charge, CPWD for formal approval. Six copies of approved

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

tender documents shall be submitted along with soft copies. The BOQ & Analysis of
rates shall be in Excel Format only.

i. The consultant shall maintain constant and regular interaction with the department, nodal
authority of the INCOME TAX and structural / services proof consultant for formulating
the design philosophy and parameters, preparation of preliminary designs /working
drawings/specifications etc and may revise the structural/architectural/service drawings as
per requirement without any extra cost.

j. The services of the consultant shall be available during execution phase also. All
necessary modification /corrections shall have to be carried out by consultant as and
when the need arise without extra cost.

k. To provide local representative (Architect/Engineer) for day to day liasoning. The

Consultant and the Sub Consultant may also be required to visit the ongoing works during
execution stage to ensure that the works are being executed as per approved scheme;
rendering advice to the Department during this phase also shall be responsibility of the
Consultant without extra cost.
l. To assist the department regarding the sequence and methodology of Construction.

m. The Consultant shall co-ordinate with the department and attends meetings with the
department as and when required including meeting with the client and contractors
without extra cost.

n. When meetings are called by the department for the Senior Officers Meetings of the
Employer/ Client at the site or Office, the Consultant or his authorized signatory should
attend meetings failing which Rs 10000/- per each visit will be recovered.

o. The consultant shall also assist the department in making presentation of the project in
comprehensive manner or in parts as decided by the Department and all necessary
presentation materials including power point presentation shall be provided by the
consultant without any extra cost and any other such approvals.

p. The consultant shall take all necessary statutory approval of ‘Completion Plan’ from all
local authorities including Bhopal Municipal Corporation (BMC), Bhopal Development
Authority (BDA), Fire control office, Aviation, Electrical Utilities (Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd/ MPEB) Pollution Control Board,
Environmental clearances & any other such approvals, etc. for occupation of the building
after completion of construction works including occupation certificate. Preparation of all
submission drawings, materials and models for these approvals will be responsibility of
the consultant. Further liaison work with above authorities shall be the responsibility of

2.15 Sustainable Analysis and Design

Architecture design shall be analyzed for various sustainable considerations, including,

day-light utilization and solar heat-gain reduction using appropriate IT tools to
demonstrate the level of compliance. It shall refer to “NBC-2015: Approach to
Sustainability” for specific guidance. It shall meet the requirements of GRIHA 5-Star and
ECBC/ BEE norms.

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Building shall comply with the requirements for “Barrier Free”, preferably, meeting the
objectives of “Universal Design” best practices.

2.16 Landscape Design

Landscape design must demonstrate climate-centric mix of soft and hard scape and
should be maintainable and water efficient. It should have adequate shading for
pedestrians, cyclists, and areas for relaxation of officers and staff, and must analyse the
self-shading of aspect all buildings to create an atmosphere conducive to over well-being
of all users. The primary objective is to ensure native vegetation, shaded trees, and
minimum water requirement for up-keep of landscaping. The Building should be inviting,
replete with greenery, and contribute to reducing carbon footprint through the measures
of landscaping. The consultant should keep in mind the climatic zone of the campus, local
flora and fauna before landscape designing.

2.17 Specifications for Building, Services and Equipment

Consultant shall prepare Data sheet showing Room wise and Building wise finishing
items, flooring and door, window, and other high end Inventory schedule. Specifications
prepared shall be broadly based on stipulated conditions of agreement /BIS specifications
wherever not specify. However, wherever, there is need to refer to better specifications in
the interest of the Building, international codes of practice and standards may be referred


a) The broad scope of designing of internal and external services shall include but not be
limited to Complete Planning & Design of Electrical systems, HVAC, Fire Detection &
Fighting, PHE, Roads & Paths, Sewage, Drainage & Water supply system etc.
b) This shall entail preparation of conceptualization plans based on conceptual design and
specifications in compliance with State electricity board/ other statutory authorities/
Norms (Internal & External Electrical Services)/ Indian & International standards, that
may be applicable and obtaining all Statutory approvals.
c) All designs shall be efficient, economical, flexible and future ready and complying best
international practices/ standards.
d) Preparation of detailed drawings, site layout, Modification to the drawings during
execution if required and also assist department during the execution.
e) Preparation of Detailed bill of quantities, tender documents, specifications.
f) Advising on Sourcing of materials.


a) Electrical services design shall include assessing the power requirement of individual
components and aggregate them for the entire campus and prepare and submit a DBR for
obtaining approval. Suggest phased requirement of power agreement with local power
b) Assessing the electrical requirements and finalizing the rating of all the apparatus/
equipment that will be installed in the buildings ensuring highest safety standards are

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inbuilt in the designs in accordance with the relevant Indian/ international regulations and
c) Design the distribution systems and prepare single line diagrams with details of
accessories and equipment’s.
d) Carry out detailed designs prepare complete technical specifications and Bill of
quantities for a comprehensive electrical power distribution scheme from receipt of
power to distribution all across the campus and within each building.
e) Indoor and outdoor lighting including making recommendations for the type of
luminare that should be used and helping Client/department make right selection.
f) Lightning protection and earthing systems of all the buildings and sensitive equipment
g) Specify the details and capacities of HT panels, Transformers, LT panels, standby
diesel generating sets, UPS and design of fuel storage facilities.
h) Specify type of arrangement for incoming power supply, interlocking arrangement
between HT panel, transformer, LT panel & DG sets to ensure uninterrupted power
supply to all essential services, computers and life-saving equipment.
i) Specify necessary switchgear and control/ changeover panels, capacitor banks, bus
duct, essential and nonessential, power panels as necessary with appropriate load
management system in case of power failure.
j) Designing of complete communication system including but not limited to telephones,
Intercom & PA system, audio visual display, Queue management System etc. System
has to be robust and capable of being future ready. It should also include FTTH based
on fiber optic network.
k) Fire detection & Alarm System
l) Designing of complete fire detection and suppression system including its integration
with IBMS, HVAC and smoke extraction arrangements.
m) Elevators &dumb waiters etc.
n) Specify capacity and type of elevators/escalators to be provided and prepare layout for
necessary machine areas.
o) Carry out an analysis for the travel time of users to determine the capacity of lifts.
p) Ensure segregation of lifts for Users &Services.
q) Cable TV/Dish Antenna System
r) Prepare working drawings indicating the locations of TV points, Central panel/racks of
dish antenna.
s) External & façade Lighting
t) Assess and design external lighting requirement for roads, parking areas, facades of
buildings etc.
u) UPS Backup
v) Plan a detailed power back-up program through centralized and/or localized system.
System must distinguish between essential and no essential loads.
w) Access control systems Security system including IP based CCTV system
x) Requirement of GRIHA compliance like–
i) Grid interactive solar photovoltaic power generation system
ii) Electrical light controls etc.
iii) ECBC requirements
iv) Occupancy/Lux based sensors

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v) Mechanical ventilation
y) Video conferencing system.
z) Parking management system.

2.20 IBMS

i) Integrated Building Management system shall be designed to achieve maximum benefits

from efficient operation of all plants and machinery without compromising on the
operational requirements.
ii) IBMS shall include but not be limited to Parking Management System, CCTV, Audio
System in class rooms, Specialized Electrical Services like Stage Lighting, Access
Control System, Boom Barriers, Video Conferencing, Video Projection System, Smart
fence on boundary wall and other zones etc. the complete system shall be finalized after
discussion with Department/Client authorities.
iii) Consultant shall prepare and obtain approval of the input output summary and assist
Department/Client in ensuring that all essential issues are taken care. Recommendation
on the best systems available in the market and their relative advantages/disadvantages
shall be explained and assistance rendered in selection of right system.

2.21 Renewable Energy Sources

i) Design of alternative renewable energy sources along with solar power generation to
minimize the energy requirement from conventional sources
ii) Solar power system at desired voltage level shall be incorporated with an import/export
power scheme. Automatic transfer scheme from raw power to renewable power shall be
provided with a suitable provision in electrical panels.
iii) Solar Potential Study and recommendations for the whole complex along with Grid
iv) Government may decide to assign the installation/ running of solar energy tapping
equipment to an outsourced agency. Therefore consultant is required to suggest/ earmark
required area/ suitable place for installation of solar panels as per load requirement/ area


i) The Consultant shall be responsible, amongst others, for Designing of complete Public
Health Engineering services taking into account various existing topographical,
meteorological, Hydrological features etc. and using the set the best advantage.
ii) The building shall be designed as a zero discharge Building.
iii) Preparation of reports, identify the source and quality of water, conduct survey of existing
water supply system, Sewerage system, Drainage system, Fire-fighting system etc.
iv) All The designs shall be as per latest Indian Standards, Local bye-laws and statutory
v) The services shall include but not be limited to following major components:
(1) Water Supply System including separate system for recycled water
(2) Sewerage System
(3) Storm water drainage System including rain water harvesting system(s).
Building should be designed as a zero discharge Building.
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(4) Other site development works such as garden irrigation system etc.
(5) Specialized water supply, drainage of various labs.
(6) Effluent Treatment Plant/Sewage Treatment Plant/Water Treatment Plant
(7) Soft water supply system
(a) Designs& drawings for Effluent Treatment Plant, Water Treatment Plant,
Sewage Treatment Plant shall be based on latest accepted technology
(b) Service shall include Designing and preparing SLD/ working drawings of
internal and external water supply system including suitable location for
Underground tanks, Overhead tank, Water treatment plants, water softening
plant, Pumping stations, rising mains, distribution system and internal
plumbing, recycling of treated wastewater, Design of RO/ Soft water supply
(c) Designing and preparing working drawings for internal and external
Sewer/waste disposal systems including revision if any as per requirement
of local authority, resubmission and approval.
(d) Designing and preparing working drawings for storm water drainage
disposal and storage of rainwater, roof drainage system, service area
drainage and surface drainage including revision if any as per requirement
of local authority, resubmission and approval.
(e) Design and prepare working drawings for rain water harvesting system.


i) Design and prepare working drawings (longitudinal sections/cross section) for roads/
footpaths/ parking areas etc. including making any revision, if any is required as per
requirement of local authority, resubmission for approval as may be required.
ii) Designing of parking lots for different categories of vehicles.
iii) Designing traffic flow in such a manner that there is little or no conflict and other
areas have segregated yet integrated access and egress facility.
iv) Design and prepare working drawings for water bodies and other similar facilities.
v) Design and prepare working drawings for recreational sports facilities for officers,
vi) Prepare specifications and bill of quantities, tender documents for the above services.

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Additional Conditions

The consultant shall provide comprehensive consultancy services broadly described

above. However, it should be clearly understood that the description of services is only
indicative and the Consultant shall be required to perform any other services which may
be required whether or not expressly mentioned hereinafter for “Comprehensive
Consultancy Services for Planning and Designing of New Income Tax Office
Building at Bhopal of the entire project to the satisfaction of Income Tax
1. The Consultant will be required to establish a permanent office in Bhopal/site at Bhopal
during the implementation of the Project. This office will have a team of Consultant and
other Technical Staff earmarked for their involvement in the consultancy services for the
project. The office and the team could be established immediately after the award of work
and before the commencement of work of consultancy services for the project.
2. The Consultant will be required to deploy requisite manpower on full-time basis one
Civil Engineer, One Electrical Engineer and one Lead Architect and one lead structural
Engineer at the Project Site Office manpower for, having adequate qualifications and
experience of at least 8 years of work, during the entire period of construction from the
date of start of construction Consultancy work, for day to day resolution of
conflicts/coordination and to ensure that work is being carried out as per approved
drawings. The expenses for providing these technical personnel at site is to be included in
the fee of the consultancy services of the Consultant and nothing extra shall be payable
on this account. All office equipment such as computers, printers and plotters etc. for the
above four personnels at site office shall be provided by the Consultant at site during the
period of construction work, and shall always be maintained in good working condition at
his own cost.
A penalty of Rs. 30,000 per month per person would be levied on the Consultant for
non- deployment of the Electrical Engineer/Lead Architect/Lead Structural
Engineer/GRIHA Certified personnel during the entire contract period.
3. Within 7 days of award of work, the consultant shall submit a list of all experts /
designers sub consultants/employees having experience of executing at least 1 number
similar project in the last 7 years (A minimum 3 nos. of experts / specialists for each
discipline) as per Annexure FORM"O" along with a letter of confirmation from these
experts / designers that they will associate with the respondent consultant for designing
and planning the project including experts / specialists for the following disciplines:
a. Architectural work.
b. Structural Design.
c. E&M services design.
The consultant will get the entire experts / designers sub consultant approved from the
CPWD before assigning any job to them. A penalty of Rs. 5,000/- per day shall be
levied on the Consultant for each day’s delay in submitting the list of experts /
specialists for each discipline as per above.

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Within 7 days of award of work, the consultant shall submit a detailed plan of execution
of the consultancy work along with the PERT chart as per MS Project, listing out the
complete items of work as per scope of contract, all target dates such as appointment of
experts / specialists sub consultants, target dates of submission of concept
drawings/detailed drawings for each item of work in scope, submission of BOQs/ tender
documents for various items of work and other items of work etc. A penalty of Rs.
1000/- per days delay will be levied for non-submission of such a plan of work within
7 days of award of work.


The consultant’s Role & Responsibility will include:
(i) The consultant shall provide comprehensive consultancy services in project
conceptualization covering space utilization, Functional requirements, project cost
estimation, Detailed architectural drawings and detailed structural drawings and shop
drawings and various services design, detailed Project Report, Preparation of all contract
Documents, and BOQ etc. The Preliminary project report shall cover all project
components. The Consultant shall provide design philosophy and the design
methodology, listing out relevant codes, related references, sound-engineering practices
etc. for the entire design scheme of the campus including freezing the building layout
points on ground.
(ii) The Consultant shall get the approval of the conceptual scheme from CPWD/Income
Tax Department or both through presentations, physical models, computer walk-through
etc. Comments and suggestions or alternate proposal of the CPWD/Income Tax
Department shall be evaluated and suitably incorporated till the concept design is
accepted and frozen.
(iii) The Consultant shall develop the concept drawings for each of the building for
submission to all the statutory authorities/bodies, incorporate changes, if suggested by the
statutory authorities/bodies.
(iv) The Consultant shall have constant and regular interaction with the CPWD/Income
Tax Department for formulating the design philosophy and parameters, preparation of
cost estimate, designs/ drawings and specifications.
(v) The Consultant shall ensure that the various building/engineering services are suitably
and economically designed without any discrepancies between the structure and finishes,
and the requirements of services installation.
(vi) The Consultant shall prepare the documents for call of tenders by the CPWD for
execution of work in suitable packages as required/approved by CPWD. The estimates
showing details of measurement, BOQ, technical and special conditions, analysis of rates
with market rate etc. shall be prepared and submitted by the Consultant to the Engineer-
in- Charge. If any corrections / observations are made by the CPWD, the same shall be
complied by the Consultant till final approval by the competent authority. The approved
tender documents shall also be submitted in hard copy as well as soft copy by the
(vii) The Consultant shall have to perform in an efficient, orderly and professional
manner and shall deploy necessary qualified and skilled persons according to the
requirement of the services.

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(viii) The Consultant and his staff will regularly inspect the works during execution stage
to ensure that the works are being executed as per approved scheme and render
appropriate advice and carry out all site related modifications in the designs and
drawings. Such inspections shall be carried out on a fortnightly basis by the site
Architect/Lead Architect and submit report. Also detailing out action required to be taken
by the executing agency and compliance thereof. This fortnightly report shall be
submitted each following Monday for the previous fortnight. A sum of Rs. 2500/- per
day would be deducted for any delay in submission of the fortnightly report.
(ix) The Consultant shall assist Engineer-in-charge in preparing presentations and
presentation materials during execution of work.
(x) The Consultant shall get the structural analysis, design and drawings checked by a
third party/proof consultant as provided above vetted by third party/proof consultant as
provided in Last para at P-12 of NIT. Similarly, the detailed scheme and designs of all
electrical, mechanical and HVAC Services (internal and external) will be got checked by
Consultant if required by CPWD from any third party appointed by CPWD. Nothing
extra will be paid to Consultant for getting such checking done. The detailed design notes
shall be submitted along with design philosophy to CPWD after it is checked/ approved
by proof consultant/ third party. The proof checking, if any, got done by a third party
appointed by the CPWD shall not absolve the lead Consultant of any of his
responsibilities. All reports including designs/drawings submitted by them shall bear the
signature of the Team Leader/authorized representative of the Consultant and the
Consultant shall be fully responsible for the soundness, correctness and feasibility of the
design prepared by them.
(xi) All basic/detailed drawings shall be prepared by Consultant wherever special services
or equipment are required. All the shop drawings for the structure will be checked &
approved by consultant before submitting to CPWD. The decision of CPWD for the shop
drawings to be submitted for special equipment or services or structure will be final to
this effect.
(xii) The Consultant shall comply with all applicable laws, bye-laws, and statutory
provisions etc. in the performance of the consultancy assignment and in the execution of
the project.
(xiii)The Consultant shall comply with all the applicable
norms/codes/guidelines/regulations /bye-laws/statutes of local as well as Central Govt.
(xiv) The consultancy services shall be provided through a Team Leader supported by
experienced professionals. The consultancy firm will deploy adequate number of
professionals and other staff to deliver the requisite services as per time schedule. The
Consultant shall have to submit details of proposed team detailing the roles/work to be
performed by each personnel, their tentative duration, inter-relationships of each
personnel etc.
(xv) The Consultant shall ensure that the nature, position, and appearance of all controls
of piped services and electrical installation satisfy user and aesthetic requirements, and
ensure that adequate coordination drawings are included. He shall also ensure that the
various building/engineering services are suitable and economically designed without any
discrepancies between the structure and finishes, and the requirements of services

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(xvi) The Consultant shall have to co-ordinate with the CPWD/Income Tax Department
and attend meetings as and when required by CPWD/Income Tax Department including
meetings with the contractors.
(xvii) After the completion of construction of buildings and all external services the
consultant shall prepare the completion drawing and obtain completion certificate from
local bodies.
(xviii) To ensure proper performance of all activities regarding construction of the
projects, the Consultant shall have his office at or near the Projects site at its own cost.
The Consultant shall have the required dedicated personnel stationed at the site so that
they are available for interaction at all times. No site personnel shall be transferred /
withdrawn without the consent of CPWD. Similarly, prior to induction of new personnel
on the Project site, the approval of CPWD shall be obtained.
(xix) The consultant shall prepare a complete documentary film of 1 hour and a Coffee
table book (20 copies) detailing the complete progress of the project from concept to
completion, highlighting the salient features of the project, the challenges faced, the
innovations implemented etc. The documentary film would be complete with professional
voice over, animations, photographs and videos. For this purpose, the consultant shall
arrange on then own all required documents/photographs/videos right from the date of
start of consultancy work. This film and the 20 copies of the Coffee table book along with
their electronic softcopy versions shall be prepared and submitted on the date of physical
completion of the construction work at site as determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. A
penalty of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rs 5 Lakhs only) will be levied for non-submission of the
same on the due date.
(xx)Consultant shall also check and verify design and drawing of temporary structure to
be used in building construction.

The Consultant shall provide Comprehensive Consultancy Services in the following
a. All Architectural Services including building plans, Landscaping, Roads, Boundary
Walls, Gates, etc.
b. All Structural Design and Drawing as per requirement including all proof checking.
c. All Quantity Surveying Services
d. All Civil & Structural Engineering Services including all proof checking work.
e. All Civil & Electrical Engineering Services on BIMS Tool.
f. All Mechanical Engineering Services
g. All Public Health Engineering Services
h. All Waste Water treatment and Management System
i. Green Building Concept (Norms to be followed as per 5Star-GRIHA)
j. All interiors furnishing and all acoustical treatments.
k. All art work and signage.

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l. All water supply & drainage system
m. All audio/video facility and acoustics work for conference hall.
n. All I.T. Services/ICT Services for conference hall/Offices etc.
o. Inspection of works during construction and ensure that the execution is being
done as per approved drawing and specifications.
p. IBMS design
q. Any other services which are required but not specifically indicated.

7. I. Preliminary Stage
A. Architecture:
The Consultant shall:
a) Furnish a site evaluation and analysis report with basic approach to Circulation,
activity, distribution and interaction and external linkage.
b) The Consultant is also responsible for collection of any data/information which he may
need for his design from any relevant source including (but not limited to) statutory
bodies, Power Distribution companies etc.
c) Finalize the requirements from client along with area required for activities.
d) Prepare design basis report containing site plan showing contours, features and
services and facilities available, general layout of buildings and services, preliminary
sketch and design with drawing, giving details of useful areas, services areas, circulation
area and total plinth area identifying soil condition, climatic condition and preliminary
estimation provide information in respect of magnitude of work and its component and
service and cost of all such items involved. Site inspections for finalization of above
details shall be conducted by the Architect firm/Consultant.
e) Deleted.
g) Deleted.
h) Preparation & submission of models (in the desired scale) and 3D views of the
complete scheme as per requirement of Client.
i) Detailed Technical specifications for all the non-scheduled items proposed in the
j) The consultant shall prepare and give presentations on the schemes as and when
required by Client and shall incorporate the changes desired by Clients without any extra

a) Preliminary planning of all internal and external utility services like water supply,
sewerage, storm water drainage, electrical, HVAC(Heating, Ventilation and Air-
conditioning) Fire Alarm & Fire-fighting appliances acoustics, telephone conduit,
street/compound lighting landscaping, Rain water harvesting, development plans showing
roads, paths, parks, paved areas, drains, culverts, compound walls, external lighting,
Electrical sub-station, DG sets, Lifts, interior design and graphic signage, security system,
telecommunication system etc. indicating scope, specifications and costs separately of
such sub-head.
b) Collection of all data regarding existing services in the area like Sewer, Power, Water
supply, Metro, Rail/ Roads.

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c) The Consultant shall prepare a Design Basis Report for all components including
services that are part of this agreement. The Consultant shall identify necessary existing
conditions, soil condition, climatic condition and usage requirement in considerations
while formulation the design basis report.
C. Structure:
a) The consultant shall provide the design basis report mentioning the details like
standards to be followed in the design.
b) The consultant shall prepare the general arrangement drawings and preliminary sizes
of all the structures.
c) The consultant shall get the vetting done for the general arrangement drawings from
any PM/BPC, CPWD, Bhopal.
d) Consequent upon detailed structural design with design software like STAAD PRO V-
8i, RCDC etc.
II Detail Design Stage:
The consultant shall:
a) Prepare Detail project report which will act as a reference for the Contractor(s) to carry
out detailed design activities. Consultant shall provide Detailed Technical Specification
of each work.
b) Deleted.
c) May include provision for physical and price contingencies, interest during construction
and other financing costs, pre-construction expenses etc. The Consultant shall prepare the
Cost estimates and BOQ for the purpose of assistance in tendering process for
contractor(s). The Consultant shall be responsible for accuracy of the estimate
d) Submit market rate analysis for Non Schedule Items supported with Quotations.
e) Obtain the approval of layout plan & drawing from the competent authority, statutory
body, if necessary, according to the local Acts, laws, Regulations etc. and make any
changes desired by such authorities. The approved/modified layout plan and drawings are
to be submitted to client
f) The consultant will incorporate eco-friendly building materials like fly ash bricks, low
VOC paints energy efficient equipment & fixtures etc. as per prevailing government
g) To prepare & submit required set of Tender Documents to call tender on EPC/ Design &
build basis for appointment of Contractor, Scope of work, Tender Drawings, BOQ,
Estimates, justification of rates, Specifications, Design Basis Report, Stage Payment
schedule, Schedule of Finishes, List of makes etc.
h) Preliminary Electrical/Mechanical Drawings/ Design Calculations for all the components
of the schemes including getting approvals from the concerned authorities.
i) Detailed Technical specifications for all the non-scheduled items proposed in the
j) Preparation & submission of detailed specifications & list of makes for all the equipment
to be installed at site.
k) Any other drawings/information’s/details required for completion and execution of work
but not mentioned above.
l) The consultant shall discuss all the points/shortcomings/new requirements, if any with the
Local bodies/Govt./ Authorities/client State/Central Govt. and shall take their
concurrence on all the observations.
m) If any new component is to be added to the scheme, the consultant shall collect all the
data, shall get done all the surveys/investigations/tests required for the planning/designing
of additional component and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
n) Undertake site visits or to attend meetings to collect details/data/information required for
planning purposes, holding necessary discussions with client/Clients representatives/local
bodies and obtaining requirements of the Project and attending meetings with officials of
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Local bodies/Govt. Authorities/State/client/Central Govt. or any other agency, as and
when required.
o) Preliminary Design Services are required for reviewing the alignment, locations,
construction methodology, finalise packaging of civil work and other works,
prequalification of contractor for civil works, preparation of tender documents for civil
and other works including preliminary designs and bid process management.
p) Interaction and Coordination with Client team on preliminary designs and tender
documents etc.
q) Preliminary designs for civil work must be consistent with system designs and be good
for tender document. This will cover all scope as defined in tender documents including
Estimation of cost of all packages/works.

III Critical Supervision

a) Structural designs of various components of buildings / structures provided by contractors

shall be proof checked by the Engineering consultant on behalf of client shall be checked
& verified and got proof checked as mentioned previously. He shall also sign over the
Good for construction structural/MEP/Services drawings.
b) The Consultant shall provide all technical assistance in providing any further
clarifications, details, designs and drawings required by the contractor(s) during the
execution period and address any queries raised by the contractor(s) for all components &
services/utilities. The Consultant shall act as an interface or coordination agency between
Client/department and the contractor(s) during the period of execution.
c) Shall made adequate effort for Obtaining approval from statutory body/local Govt. Body
etc as applicable to this project for execution of work or for designs/drawings of the
d) Assist Client/department in approval for any material deviation in design, cost, working
drawings, schedule and specifications from the approved scheme.
e) Carry out all modifications /deletions /additions / alterations /in
design/drawing/documents as required by Local Bodies Authorities /State / client /Central
Govt. or any other authorities as applicable for proper execution of works at site till
completion and handing over of the project to the client and obtaining 5 Star GRIHA
rating for the work.
f) Approve the BOQ, Specifications, detailed analysis for any extra / substituted items and
its justification.
g) Undertaking site visits or to attend meetings during execution of the project to ensure
adherence of execution as per detailed drawings and specifications, including sorting out
problems and issue necessary clarifications at site including preparation & submission of
additional drawings and details for proper execution of work at site shall have to be borne
by the consultant and shall be covered within his quoted/negotiated fees and nothing extra
shall be payable on this account. After each site visit the Architect should confirm that the
work is being executed as per drawings & specifications and deviations if any shall be
brought to the notice of CPWD.

IV. Completion Stage:

a) Assist CPWD/ Client in obtaining completion and occupation certificates, wherever
necessary from the local bodies after completion of work and inspection by
Municipal/Fire/Electrical Inspectors and supply the same to client. For this purpose, any
assistance required from client / its Contractor will be extended to the consultant. Any
statutory fee payable to local bodies for issue of completion certificate shall be borne by

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b) Approve the completion drawings; including 1:100 scale plans elevations and cross
sections etc. indicating the details of the building and all internal and external services as
completed and supply 4 sets of completion drawings to client and also hand over the
original of the completion drawings to client.

c) Assist CPWD/ Client in preparation & submission of completion reports, Operation &
maintenance manual, completion of as built drawings and documents for the project as
required and acceptable to client and Clients/local bodies/or any other authorities
applicable including getting ‘completion certificate’ from concerned authorities, if

d) Assist Client/department in Arbitration/Litigation case(s) that may arise out of the

contract entered into, in respect of above work, regarding clarifications/interpretations,
supply of drawings, designs, specifications as and when required. The consultants’ role
will be limited to these clarifications only and unless specifically required by
Arbitrator/Court, he shall not be required to participate in actual Arbitration/Litigation

e) Consultancy for obtaining 5 star rating GRIHA / Green Building Certification.

8. Payment of Remuneration:
The fee includes planning and design preliminary designing and periodical supervision
during construction of the project, travel expenses towards periodical supervision, for
attending meetings with CPWD/Clients visits to local authorities, etc. by the Consultant
and or by their technical persons. In addition to above, the fees should also include cost of
providing local representative (Architect / engineer) for day to day liaisoning regarding
supervision during entire construction period and all expenses shall be borne by the
consultant. In case of non-deployment, recovery @ Rs. 30,000/- per month/per person
shall be made from the running bills of the Consultants.
i) The payment of fee to the Architect firm/consultant shall be shall be a fixed
amount quoted by the consultant.
ii) The above fee is inclusive of fee payable by the consultant to any other
consultant/Associate(s) and nothing extra shall be payable by CPWD for this

9. Mode of Payment:
Details enumerated at P-92-93 OF FINANCIAL BID.

10. Additions, Alterations and Variation: Additions, Alterations and Variation:

a) CPWD shall have the right to request in writing for additions alterations, modifications
or deletions in the design and drawing of any part of the work and to request in writing
for additional work in connection therewith and the consultants shall comply with such
requests without any extra cost.
b) The consultant shall not make any material deviation, alteration, addition to or
omission from the work except without first obtaining the written consent of CPWD.
c) If the work in full or part is withdrawn from CPWD by the Client, the same shall be
withdrawn from the scope of consultant and proportionate consultancy fee shall be paid
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only upto the stage for which the consultancy work has been completed subject to if it has
been paid to CPWD by Client and the consultant shall have no further claim whatsoever
on this account on CPWD/Client.
d) If any additional works are awarded by the client, and if CPWD desires, the consultant
shall carry out additional work. However, this will be considered subject to the
satisfactory performance of the consultant and the consultancy fee shall be calculated as
per payments decided by CPWD/Client and the consultant shall have no further claim
whatsoever on this account of CPWD/client.

11. Taxes and duties

a) The contract price is inclusive of all taxes, duties, cess and statutory levies payable
under any law by the consultant in connection with execution of the contract.
b) In case any law requires CPWD to pay tax on the contract price on reverse charge
basis, the amount of tax deposited by CPWD would be considered as paid to the
consultant and, accordingly, the price payable to the consultant would stand reduced to
that extent.

12. Escalation/Price Variation

No claim / additional fees on account of any price variation/Escalation on whatsoever
ground shall be entertained at any stage of works. Quoted fees shall be firm and fixed for
entire contract period as well as extended period for completion of the works. The
Consultant will be required to complete the entire job within stipulated time. No extension
of time for completing the same shall be given owing to any variations made in the works
by the orders of the clients, unless the clients in consequences of such variations extends
the time allowed to CPWD for the completion of the works.
In case the Consultant fails to complete the work within the Contract period or extended
period as above owing to reasons attributable to Consultant, liquidated damages @ 1% per
week of the total fees subject to a maximum of 10% of the total fees payable shall be levied
on the Consultant. CPWD shall be entitled to deduct such damages from the dues that may
become payable to the consultant. If the work is held up at site due to non-availability of
Drawings/Specifications/Other Details as per mutually agreed schedule penalty
proportionate to the value of the work which is held up, shall be imposed on the consultant.

13. Abandonment of Work:

i) That if the consultant abandons the work for any reason whatsoever or become
incapacitated from acting as consultant as aforesaid, CPWD may make full use of all
or any of the drawings prepared by the consultant and that the consultant shall be
liable to refund any excess fees paid to them up to that date plus such damages as may
be assessed by CPWD.
ii) If at any time after start of work, the client decides to abandon or reduce the scope of
work for any reason whatsoever and hence not required the whole or any part of the
works to be carried out, CPWD shall give notice in writing to this effect to the
Consultant and the consultant shall have no claim for any payment of compensation,
or otherwise whatsoever, on account of any profit or advance which he might have
derived from the execution of works in full but which he did not derive in
consequence of the foreclosure of the whole or part of the work.

14. Number of Drawing Sets etc. and Copyright:

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The Consultant shall supply free of charge to CPWD, the adequate no. as specified
elsewhere of following documents in soft as well as hard copy.
(1) Detail Project Reports with coloured drawings.
(2) All the Drawings and estimates to be submitted to clients.
(3) All working architectural drawings for all the components (Good for
Construction Drawings).
(4) Detailed estimates and rate analysis of all works.
(5) Completion drawings and detailed documents.
(6) Tender documents/tender drawings as per CPWD requirements.
(7) As built drawings after completion of project.
The Consultant shall supply free of charge to CPWD all the estimates, details of quantities
(BOQ), reports and any other details envisaged under this agreement, including architectural
drawings as indicated above. Any extra sets of drawings, if required by CPWD shall be
supplied at free of cost. All these drawings will become the property of CPWD. The drawing
cannot be issued to any other person, firm or authority or used by the consultant for any other
project. No copies of any drawing or document shall be issued to anyone except CPWD and
authorized representative of CPWD.

15. Determination or Rescission of Agreement:

CPWD without any prejudice to its right against the consultant in respect of any delay by
notice in writing absolutely may determine the contract in accordance with clause 3 of
General condition of contract 2019 which will form part of the agreement as detailed at p-25
of NIT. Brief details in this regard are as below-
i) If the consultants being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an
order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of
the creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which entitle the court
or creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager which entitles the court to make up a
winding order.
ii) If the consultant commit breach of any of the terms of agreement. When the
consultant has made themselves liable for action under any of the clauses aforesaid,
CPWD shall have powers. a) to determine or rescind the agreement b) to engage
another consultant(s) to carry out the balance work at the risk and cost of the
consultant and debiting the consultant(s) the excess amount, if any, so spent.
In case contract of consultant is determined, the performance Guarantee and Security Deposit
of the consultant shall stand forfeited. The decision of CPWD in this regard shall be final and
binding on the consultant.

16. Responsibilities for Accuracy of Project Proposals:

(1) The Consultant shall be responsible for the accuracy of the technical/financial data
collected and the designs, drawings, quantities and estimates prepared by him as a part
of the project. He shall indemnify CPWD & Client against any inaccuracy in the work,
which might surface out at the time of ground implementation of the project. In such
an eventuality, the consultant will be responsible to correct the drawings including re-
investigations etc. as required without any extra cost implication on CPWD.
(2) The Consultant shall fully indemnify CPWD from and against all claims and
proceedings for or on account of any infringement of any patent right, design, trade
mark or name or other protected rights in respect of any construction plant, machinery
work or material used for or in connection with the work or temporary works.
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(3) CPWD reserves the right to award the work of one or more sectors/area to one or more
consultant. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Further the payment of
consultancy fees shall be regulated as mentioned under the Clause “Mode of

17. Force Majeure Clause

Consultant/Consultancy Firm shall be granted extension of the completion date without
any financial repercussion to cover the delay caused by the circumstances viz. incidence
of war, invasion, revolution, sabotage, work shutdown imposed by Govt. agencies or
legislature or other authorities, act of God, epidemics, fires, earth quakes, floods
explosions, accidents, sea navigation blockages or any other acts or events whatsoever
which are beyond the control of CPWD and which shall directly or indirectly prevent
completion of the works within the time specified in the agreement. This Force Majeure
Clause shall be applicable only if extension of the completion date is granted to CPWD
by client.


Except where otherwise provided in the contract, all questions and disputes arising during
the progress of the work or after the cancellation, termination, completion or
abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter:
(i) If the consultant considers any work demanded of him to be outside the requirements
of the contract, or disputes any drawings, record or decision given in writing by the
Engineer-in-Charge or if the Engineer in Charge considers any act or decision of the
contractor on any matter in connection with or arising out of the contract or carrying out
of the work, to be unacceptable and is disputed, such party shall promptly within 15days
of the arising of the disputes request the Chief Engineer or where there is no Chief
Engineer, the Additional Director General (CE/ADG) who shall refer the disputes to
Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC) within 15 days along with a list of disputes with
amounts claimed if any in respect of each such dispute. The Dispute Redressal
Committee (DRC) shall give the opposing party two weeks for a written response, and,
give its decision within a period of 60 days extendable by 30 days by consent of both the
parties from the receipt of reference from CE/ADG. The constitution of Dispute
Redressal Committee (DRC) shall be as indicated in Schedule ‘F’. Provided that no party
shall be represented before the Dispute Redressal Committee by an advocate/legal
counsel etc.
If the Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC) fails to give its decision within the aforesaid
period or any party is dissatisfied with the decision of Dispute Redressal
Committee(DRC) or expiry of time limit given above, then either party may within a
period of 30 days from the receipt of the decision of Dispute Redressal Committee
(DRC), give notice to the Chief Engineer, CPWD, in charge of the work or if there be no
Chief Engineer, the Additional Director General of the concerned region of CPWD or if
there be no Additional Director General, the Director General, CPWD (CE/ADG/DG) for
appointment of arbitrator on prescribed proforma as per Appendix XV under intimation
to the other party.
It is a term of contract that each party invoking arbitration must exhaust the aforesaid
mechanism of settlement of claims/disputes prior to invoking arbitration. The
CE/ADG/DG shall in such case appoint the sole arbitrator or one of the three arbitrators
as the case may be within 30 days of receipt of such a request and refer such disputes to
arbitration. Wherever the Arbitral Tribunal consists of three Arbitrators, the contractor

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shall appoint one arbitrator within 30 days of making request for arbitration or of receipt
of request by Engineer-in-charge to CE/ADG/DG for appointment of arbitrator, as the
case may be, and two appointed arbitrators shall appoint the third arbitrator who shall act
as the Presiding Arbitrator. In the event of a. A party fails to appoint the second
Arbitrator, or b. The two appointed Arbitrators fail to appoint the Presiding Arbitrator,
then The Director General, CPWD shall appoint the second or Presiding Arbitrator as the
case may be. (ii) Disputes or difference shall be referred for adjudication through
arbitration by a Tribunal having sole arbitrator where Tendered amount is Rs. 100 Crore
or less. Where Tendered
Value is more than Rs. 100 Crore, Tribunal shall consist of three Arbitrators as above.
The requirements of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) and any
further statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof and the rules made there under
and for the time being in force shall be applicable.
It is a term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of disputes
with amounts claimed, if any, in respect of each such dispute along with the notice for
appointment of arbitrator and giving reference to the decision of the DRC. It is also a
term of this contract that any member of the Arbitration Tribunal shall be a Graduate
Engineer with experience in handling public works engineering contracts at a level not
lower than Chief Engineer (Joint Secretary level of Government of India). This shall be
treated as a mandatory qualification to be appointed as arbitrator. Parties, before or at the
time of appointment of Arbitral Tribunal may agree in writing for
fast track arbitration as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) as
amended in 2015.Subject to provision in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26
of 1996) as amended in 2015 whereby the counter claims if any can be directly filed
before the arbitrator without any requirement of reference by the appointing authority,
the arbitrator shall adjudicate on only such disputes as are referred to him by the
appointing authority and give separate award against each dispute and claim referred to
him and in all cases where the total amount of the claims by any party exceeds Rs.
1,00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give reasons for the award. It is also a term of the contract
that if any fees are payable to the arbitrator, these shall be paid as per the Act. The place
of arbitration shall be as mentioned in Schedule F. In case there is no mention
of place of arbitration, the arbitral tribunal shall determine the place of arbitration. The
venue of the arbitration shall be such place as may be fixed by the Arbitral Tribunal in
consultation with both the parties. Failing any such agreement, then the Arbitral Tribunal
shall decide the venue.

19. Jurisdiction & Applicable Law

Notwithstanding any other Court or Courts having jurisdiction to decide the question(s)
forming the subject matter of the reference, any/all actions and proceedings arising out of
or relative to the Agreement (including any arbitration in terms thereof) shall lie only in
the Court of Competent Civil Jurisdiction in this behalf at Bhopal and only the said
Court(s) shall have jurisdiction to entertain and try any such action(s) and/or
proceeding(s) to the exclusion of all other Courts.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force.

20. General
i) The scrutiny of the drawing, and designs by CPWD’s own supervisory staff, if any,
does not absolve the Architects of their responsibility under the agreement. The
Architects shall remain solely responsible for structural soundness of the design and

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other services for all provisions of the contract so as to satisfy the particular
requirement of the Architectural specifications.
ii) The Architect firms/Consultant shall supply to CPWD copies of all
documents, instructions issued to Architect firms/Consultants, if any, relating
to the work, drawings, specifications, bill of quantities and also other
documents as may be required.
iii) The Architects hereby agree that the fees to be paid as provided herein (clause
5.41 Payment of Remuneration) will be in full discharge of function to be
performed by him and no claim whatsoever shall be against CPWD in respect
of any proprietary rights or copy rights on the part of any party relating to the
plans, models and drawings.
iv) While providing consultancy services, the consultant shall ensure that there is
no infringement of any patent or design rights and he shall be fully
responsible for consequences/any actions due to any such infringement.
Consultant shall keep CPWD indemnified all the times and shall bear the
losses suffered by CPWD in this regard.
v) Consultant shall appoint and notify a team of two senior officials of his
organization as nodal officers to represent the consultant in all the
meetings/presentations with Local Municipal Corporation Authorities/State/
Client / CPWD/Central Govt. or any other agency.
vi) All designs and drawings shall be the property of CPWD. The name and logo
of CPWD shall be predominantly displayed on all the drawings and
documents. The consultant shall not put his name or firms name on any of the
documents/drawings on the DPR. The name of consultant shall be written as
Associate Consultant on all drawings/documents only after DPR is approved
from all the concerned authorities.
vii) The originals of approved completion drawings shall be on good quality
reproducible tracing paper and soft copy of all the drawings & design shall
have to be given on compact disc (CD)/Pen Drive. The proprietary rights of
all the design shall remain with CPWD.
viii) Recovery/Penalties can be recovered from the consultancy fee/EMD/BG of
the other works that the consultant is doing or would be doing for CPWD at
that time.

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1.0 General :

1.1 Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in this PART.

1.2 All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the
relevant columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a
separate sheet, this fact should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no
information is to be provided in a column, a “nil” or “no such case” entry should be
made in that column. If any particulars/query is not applicable in case of the Bidder, it
should be stated as “not applicable”. The Bidders are cautioned that not giving
complete information called for in the application forms or not giving it in clear terms
or making any change in the prescribed forms or deliberately suppressing the
information may result in the Bid being summarily disqualified. Bids made by
telegram or telex and those received late will not be entertained.

1.3 The applicant shall sign each page of the Bid Document.

1.4 Pages of the Bid documents are numbered. Additional sheets, if any added by the
Applicant should also be numbered by him. They should be submitted as a package
with signed letter of transmittal.

1.5 References, information and certificates from the respective clients, certifying
suitability, technical knowhow or capability of the applicant should be signed by
officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer/ Director or equivalent.

1.6 The applicant may furnish any additional information, which he thinks is necessary to
establish his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged consultancy service.
The Applicant is, however, advised not to furnish superfluous information. No
information shall be entertained after submission of Bid document unless it is called
for by the Employer.

1.7 The department reserves the right to verify the credential submitted in respect of
initial eligibility criteria before opening of Technical Bid.

1.8 Any information furnished by the Bidder found to be incorrect either immediately or
at a later date, then the present bids would be cancelled & amount due to bidder
/PG/SD shall be forfeited & this false information would render him liable to be
debarred from Bidding/taking up of work in CPWD.

2.0 Definitions:
2.1 In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby
assigned to them.
2.2 “Year” means “Financial Year” unless stated otherwise.
2.3Employer means the President of India, acting through the Executive Engineer,
AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal.
2.4 Bidder: Means the individual, proprietary firm, firm in partnership, limited
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

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company private or public or corporation.

3.0 Method of application:

3.1 If the Bidder is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full
type written name and current address.

3.2 If the Bidder is a proprietary firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor
above his full typewritten name and the full name of his firm with its current address.

3.3 If the Bidder is a firm in partnership, the application shall be signed by all the partners
of the firm with their full typewritten names and current addresses, or, alternatively,
by a partner holding power of attorney for the firm. In the later case a certified copy of
the power of attorney should accompany the application. In both cases a certified copy
of the partnership deed and current address of all the partners of the firm should
accompany the application.

3.4 If the Bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed by
a duly authorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application
accompanied by a copy of the power of attorney. The Bidder should also furnish a
copy of the Memorandum of Articles of Association duly attested by a Public Notary.

4.0 Final decision making authority.

The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to annul the process
and reject all Bids at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability
to the Bidder.

5.0 Particulars provisional

The particulars of the work given in Section-I are provisional. They are liable to
change and must be considered only as advance information to assist the

6.0 Site visit

The Bidder is advised to visit the site of work, at his own cost, and examine it and its
surroundings to himself collect all information that he considers necessary for proper
assessment of the prospective assignment including bye- laws and formalities required
for getting various NOCs and approvals at various stages of work.

7.0 Technical Bid: Initial Criteria for Eligibility: Consultant(s) who fulfill the following
requirements shall be eligible to apply: Joint ventures are not accepted.
A) The Consultant(s) should have Experience having successfully completed works
during the last 7 years ending previous day of last date of submission of tenders
(i) Three consultancy works of similar nature each involving built up plinth area
of minimum 4891 sqm
(ii) Two consultancy works of similar nature each involving built up plinth area of
minimum 7336 sqm
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

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(iii) One consultancy work of similar nature involving built up plinth area of
minimum 9782 sqm

Similar work means "Comprehensive Planning & Designing of Multistoried RCC

Office/Commercial building having Minimum five stories.”
Consultants who have completed architectural & structural design work of
appropriate magnitude as above shall also be eligible. However, they have to
associate sub consultants of remaining components i.e. Civil & E&M (service
design) and Green consultants having appropriate experience as indicated at
Para (M) P-8 of information and instructions for bidders.

“Satisfactorily Completed Consultancy work” of construction of project for

which consultancy assignment has been executed. However, if consultant has been
debarred/blacklisted by the client w.r.t such work, such work shall not be
considered for bidder's eligibility.
7.1 The bidder should have an average annual Financial Turnover (Gross) on consultancy
works of minimum Rs. 70 Lacs during three consecutive years ending March 2018. At
the time of submission of bid consultant/ contractor must upload affidavit/ certificate
from CA mentioning financial turnover of last 3 years. Further details including copies
of balance sheets can be demanded later on after opening of technical bids, so the
bidders should keep them ready.
7.2 The bidder should not have incurred loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more
than two years during last five consecutive financial years ending March 2018 duly
certified and audited by CA.
7.3 Bidder should have a solvency of Rs. 55.00 Lakhs certified by his bankers.
7.4 The Consultant(s) should be an Indian consultancy firm and he should be registered
with the council of Architecture or the consultant should have employed Architects
registered with council of Architecture. The consultant(s) should have in-house
architectural capabilities with minimum experience of 10 years or the consultant
should have employed Architects with minimum experience of 10 years and on regular
employment with the consultant for minimum 3 years.
7.5 The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative employees
for the proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these
employees stating clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of
award of work.
A) Any other document as per requirement of this bid documents.
7.6 Bidder should not be debarred/blacklisted by any Government
department/organization/PSU on the last date of submission of bids.

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8.0 Engagement of Associate Sub Consultant
Due to non- availability of in-house consultancy for any other component except
Architects, the consultant can hire/engage sub consultant with the prior approval of
the PM (BPC) Bhopal. The sub-consultants /firms for each component should have
completed one work of 80% cost of the particular component or two works of costing
60% of the particular component or three works of 40% of the particular component
during the last 7 years. The cost of sub-component as assessed by Engineer-in-Charge
shall be final. However, the consultant shall submit detailed calculations to Engineer-
in-Charge for working out the cost. The department reserves the right to reject any sub
consultant /firm proposed to be engaged by the consultant without assigning any
In such cases, Consultant shall submit a new list of sub consultants to Engineer-in-
charge for approval of competent authority. Consultant shall submit details of sub-
consultant also in form A to D of this section to the department for consideration and
approval, after award of work. The consultant shall submit the following willingness
certificate from the proposed associate consultant:
" I/We hereby give my/our willingness to work as sub consultant/associate consultant
with consultant M/s ………….. (Name of Consultant) for ……….. (field of
specialization for which sub consultant is being associated) for ….. (Name of work).
I/We will execute the work as per terms and conditions of the agreement………….
(agreement number of main consultant for this work) between M/s ………....(name of
main consultant) and CPWD and as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.
I/we will also employ full time technically qualified professionals as required for the
9.0 The Architect should have his own office in India for proper and timely execution of
work and set up his local office in Bhopal during execution. However no allowance
for his visits and stay in Bhopal shall be paid to the consultant by the department/
10.0 Financial information
Bidder should furnish the following financial information:
Annual financial statement for the last three consecutive years ending on 31.03.2018
in (Form “A”) & solvency certificate in (Form – 'Q').

11.0 Experience of similar works.

11.1 Bidder should furnish the following:
(a) List of all works of similar nature successfully completed during the last seven
years in (Form “B”).
(b) Performance report of consultancy services rendered by the consultant referred in
Form-B (Form-“C”).
12.0 Particulars of completed works and performance of the Bidder duly
authenticated/certified by an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer /
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

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Engineer-In charge/or equivalent of the clients should be furnished separately for each
similar work completed in Form “C”.
For Authenticity of certificate in Form "C" issued by the private owners, TDS
certificate must be submitted. Performance certificate must be from client only with
whom consultant had contract agreement.
The department reserves the right to inspect & verify the details.
13.0 Organization information
Bidder is required to submit the information in respect of his organization in (Form-
Organization structure and capability of the respondent shall be as per(Form-'O').
14.0 Letter of transmittal
The Bidder should submit the letter of transmittal for submission of Technical Bid part-1
as per the format (Form – 'N’) given in this bid document.


15.1 The details submitted by the bidder will be evaluated in the following manner:
15.1.1 The Initial Criteria for Eligibility prescribed above will first be scrutinized and bidders
initial eligibility for the consultancy work will be determined.

15.1.2 The Bidders to qualify the initial minimum criteria as set out above will be evaluated
for following attributes by scoring method on the basis of details furnished by them.

15.1.3 The initial criteria prescribed in para 7.0 above in respect of experience of eligible
similar works completed, loss, solvency and financial turn over etc. will first be
scrutinized and the bidder’s eligibility for the work be determined.

15.1.4 The bidders qualifying the initial criteria as set out in para 7.0 above will be evaluated
for following criteria by scoring method on the basis of details furnished by them.

(a) Financial strength (Form 'A') Maximum 30 marks

(b) Experience in eligible similar nature of work Maximum 30 marks

during last seven years (Form 'B')

(c) Performance on works (Form 'C') - Time over Maximum 20 marks


(d) Performance on works (Form 'C') - Quality Maximum 20 marks

Total 100 marks

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To become eligible for short listing the bidder must secure at least fifty percent marks
in each (Section a, b, c & d) and sixty percent marks in aggregate.

The department, however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified
contractors to any number deemed suitable by it.

Note: The average value of performance of works for time over run and quality shall be
taken on the basis of performance report and eligible similar works.


Attributes Evaluation

Financial strength (30 marks)


(i) Average annual turnover 24 marks (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility criteria

(ii) Solvency Certificate 6 marks (ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum
eligibility criteria or more

In between (i) & (ii) - on pro-rata basis

(b) Experience in similar class of works (30 marks) (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility criteria

(ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum

eligibility criteria or more

In between (i) & (ii) - on pro-rata basis

(c) Performance on works (time over run) ( 20 marks)

Parameter Calculation For points Score Maximum Marks

If TOR = 1.00 2.00 3.00 >3.50 20
(i) Without levy of compensation 20 15 10 10
(ii) With levy of compensation 20 5 0 -5
(iii) Levy of compensation not decided 20 10 0 0

TOR = AT/ST, where AT=Actual Time; ST=Stipulated Time in the Agreement plus (+) justified period of
Extension of Tim
Note: Marks for value in between the stages indicated above is to be determined by straight line
variation basis.
(d) Performance of works (Quality) (20 marks)
(i) Outstanding 20
(ii) Very Good 15
(iii) Good 10
(iv) Poor 0

15.1.4 Even though any Bidder may satisfy the above requirements, he would be liable to
disqualification if he has:
(a) Made misleading or false representation or deliberately suppressed the information
in the forms, statements and enclosures required in the eligibility criteria
(b) Record of poor performance such as abandoning work, not properly completing
the contract, or financial failures / weaknesses etc.
15.1.5 At any time before the submission of bids, the Department may, for any reason,
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whether at its own initiative or in response to queries raised by prospective bidders
during Pre-bid meeting, modify the Bid Documents by suitable amendment(s). The
amendment shall be uploaded on the website The
Department may send the amendments by E-mail to all the firms invited to submit
proposal. The Amendments to Bid documents shall be binding on them. The
Department may at its discretion extend the deadline for the submission of bids. Such
amendments shall form part of the agreement and the applicants shall sign each page of
such amendments and submit to the Employer along with their bids for the work on the
due date and time of submission for bids.

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AE (P) /EE (P)

Name of Work: Construction of new office building for Income Tax
Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH-
Comprehensive integrated Consultancy work comprising
architectural design, structural design, preparation of detailed
estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M
Services), Interior design, supervision during execution period and
obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.

Section -III

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1.0 Opening of Financial Bid

After evaluation of Technical bid financial Bids of only Top Three the qualified
Bidders as per table in clause 15 of Section II, shall be opened at the notified time,
date and place in the presence of the qualified Bidders or their representatives. The
Bids shall remain valid for normal 75 days from the date of opening of Technical

2.0 Evaluation of Financial Bid:-

2.1 The bidders are required to quote fees for consultancy work in prescribed format
inclusive of GST and all prevailing taxes and levies. The price bid will include inter-
alia, the fee for all components identified including detailed design, drawings and
specifications for all parts covered in the scope of Project including all services &
other allied works ,supervision during construction period and obtaining all statutory
approval including 5 STAR GRIHA Rating for the work

3.0 The quoted fee shall be "ITEM Rate" based for all works defined in scope of work of
this bid. No escalation shall be payable over total quoted fee owing to time or cost

3.1 The conditional bid shall not be accepted and shall be rejected summarily.


4.1 The work will be awarded to the bidder, The Bidders HAVING LOWEST
FINANCIAL bid above shall be considered successful. THAT IS L-1 BIDDER
(LOWEST ONE) amongst the technically qualified bidders. The successful bidder
shall be informed by the Engineer-in-Charge through a letter of acceptance of his

The consultant shall communicate to the Engineer-in-Charge on priority after award

of work, the names of all the sub consultants to be associated with. The sub-
consultants shall be got approved from PM, BPC, CPWD, Bhopal.

The consultant shall enter into a formal agreement with sub consultants bringing out
all the relevant terms of their association vis-à-vis consultant i.e., main

The consultant shall submit to the Engineer-in- Charge for record, all the formal
letters of confirmation from the sub consultants to work with the main
architect/consultant. The selected applicant is expected to commence the Assignment
within 10 (ten) days of issue of letter of award.

Payments for the consultant as per this agreement will be subject to tax deductions at
source at the rate as applicable at the time of payment.

Formal agreement with the successful bidder will be drawn by the Executive
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

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Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD, Bhopal.


5.1 The Engineer-in-charge reserves the right, without being liable for any damages or
obligation to inform the Bidder, to:
i. Amend the scope and value of contract with the Bidder.

ii. Reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason

5.2 Any effort on the part of the Bidder or his agent to exercise influence or to pressurize
the Engineer-in-charge would result in rejection of his bid. Canvassing of any kind is

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

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S.No. Description Detail

1. Name of work: Name of Work: Construction of new office building
for Income Tax Department (B+S+5) at Plot number
47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive
integrated Consultancy work comprising architectural
design, structural design, preparation of detailed
estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and
E&M Services), Interior design and obtaining 5 star
GRIHA Rating for the work.
2. Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer, AIIMS Bhopal Project
Division , CPWD, Bhopal
3. Department Central Public Works Department
4. Estimated Plinth Area As detailed elsewhere in this bid document but
not exceeding 12227 sqm.
5. Plot Area 1.75 Acres campus specific plot to be decided.
6. Earnest money Rs.2,74,000/- which shall be refunded after
submission of Performance Guarantee.
7. Performance Guarantee 5% of accepted Bid amount
8. Security Deposit 2.5% of accepted Bid Amount
9. Schedule of payment Attached in this bid document.
10. Time Allowed 4 Months
11. General Rules & Directions As detailed in this bid document.
12. Accepting Authority PM, BPC, CPWD Bhopal.
13a Performance Guarantee 7 days
i) Time allowed for submission of
Performance Guarantee from the date
of issue of letter of acceptance
13b ii) Maximum allowable extension 3 days
with late fee @ 0.1% per day of
performance guarantee amount
beyond the period as provided in (i)
14. Authority for fixing Compensation PM, BPC, Bhopal.
for Delay in Completion of Work
15. Number of days from the date of 10 days

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issue of letter of acceptance for
reckoning date of start.
16. Authority to give fair and Executive Engineer(AIIMS), Bhopal Project
reasonable Extension of time for Division , CPWD, Bhopal
completion of work

17. Tax liability Consultant has to assess all applicable taxes i/c Goods
& Service Tax (GST)and should include them in his
quoted financial bid.
18. Bid Validity period 75 days from the date of opening of Technical Bid.

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General Rules 1. All work proposed for execution by contract will be notified in a
& Directions form of invitation to Bid pasted in public places and signed by the
officer inviting Bid or by publication in News papers as the case
may be.

This form will state the work to be carried out, as well as the date
for submitting and opening Bids and the time allowed for carrying
out the work, also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with
the Bid, and the amount of the security deposit to be deposited by
the successful Bidder and the percentage, if any, to be deducted
from bills. Copies of the specifications, designs and drawings and
any other documents required in connection with the work signed
for the purpose of identification by the officer inviting Bid shall also
be open for inspection by the consultant at the office of officer
inviting Bid during office hours.

2. In the event of the Bid being submitted by a firm, it must be signed

separately by each partner thereof or in the event of the absence of
partners, it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a
power-of attorney authorizing him to do so, such power of attorney
to be produced with the Bid, and it must disclose that the firm is
duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1952.

3. Receipts for payment made on account of work, when executed by

a firm, must also be signed by all the partners, except where
consulting firms are described in their Bid as a firm, in which case
the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the
partners, or by some other person having due authority to give
effectual receipts for the firm.

4. The officer inviting Bid or his duly authorized assistant will open
Bids in the presence of any intending consulting firms who may be
present at the time.

5. The officer inviting Bids shall have the right of rejecting all or any
of the Bids and will not be bound to accept the lowest or any other

6. The receipt of an accountant or clerk for any money paid by the

consulting firm will not be considered as any acknowledgment or
payment to the officer inviting Bid and the consulting firm shall be

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responsible for seeing that he procures a receipt signed by the officer
inviting Bid or a duly authorized Cashier.

7. The Bidders shall sign a declaration under the officials Secret Act
1923, for maintaining secrecy of the Bid documents drawings or
other records connected with the work given to them.

8. Use of correcting fluid, anywhere in Bid document is not permitted.

Such Bid is liable for rejection.

9. The consulting firm whose Bid is accepted will also be required to

furnish by way of Security Deposit for the fulfillment of his
contract, an amount equal to 2.5% of the Bided value of the work.
The Security deposit will be collected by deductions from the
running bills of the consulting firm at the rates mentioned above.
Security amount will also be accepted in cash or in the shape of
Government Securities. Fixed Deposit Receipt of a Scheduled Bank
or State Bank of India will also be accepted for this purpose.

10. On acceptance of the Bid, the name of the accredited

representative(s) of the consulting firm who would be responsible
for taking instructions from the Engineer-in-Charge shall be
communicated in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge
11. Goods & Service Tax (GST) shall be payable by the Consulting
firm and Government will not entertain any claim whatsoever in
respect of the same. GST shall not be reimbursed to the

12. The consulting firm shall give a list of both gazetted and non-
gazetted C.P.W.D. employees related to him.

13. The Bid for work includes all works detailed in scope of work and
other term and conditions of this bid document.

14. The consulting firm shall comply with the provisions of the
Apprentices Act 1961, and the rules and orders issued there under
from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be a breach of
the contract and the Engineer-In-charge may in his discretion,
without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law,
cancel the contract. The consulting firm shall also be liable for any
pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the
provisions of the said Act

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


Contract/ Agreement shall be governed by General Conditions of contract 2019 (GCC, 2019)
amended upto last date of submission of Bid as mentioned at P-25 of NIT. Brief details of
important clause are as below:-

1. Performance Guarantee:-

1.1 The Bidder shall submit an irrevocable Performance Guarantee of 5% (Five

percent) of the Bided amount in addition to other deposits mentioned elsewhere in the
contract for his proper performance of the contract agreement, (not withstanding
and/or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract) within 7 days from
the date of issue of letter of acceptance. This period can be further extended by the
Engineer-in-Charge up to a maximum period of 03 days on written request of the Bidder
stating the reason for delays in procuring the Performance Guarantee, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. This guarantee shall be in the form of Cash (in
case guarantee amount is less than Rs. 10,000/-) or Deposit at Call receipt of any
scheduled bank/Banker’s Cheque of any scheduled bank/Demand Draft of any
scheduled bank/Pay Order of any scheduled bank (in case guarantee amount is less
than Rs. 1,00,000/-) or Government Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or
Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled Bank or the State Bank of India in accordance
with the form annexed hereto. In case a fixed deposit receipt of any Bank is furnished
by the Bidder to the Government as part of the performance guarantee and the Bank
is unable to make payment against the said fixed deposit receipt, the loss caused
thereby shall fall on the Bidder and the Bidder shall forthwith on demand furnish
additional security to the Government to make good the deficit.

1.2 The Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid for at least two months beyond the
completion date. In case the time for completion of work gets enlarged, the Bidder
shall get the validity of Performance Guarantee extended to cover such enlarged time
for completion of work. After recording of the completion certificate for the work by
the competent authority, the performance guarantee shall be returned to the Bidder,
without any interest.

1.3 The Engineer-in-Charge shall not make a claim under the performance guarantee
except for amounts to which the President of India is entitled under the contract (not
withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract
agreement) in the event of:

(a) Failure by the Bidder to extend the validity of the Performance Guarantee as described
herein above, in which event the Engineer-in-Charge may claim the full amount of the
Performance Guarantee.

(b) Failure by the Bidder to pay President of India any amount due, either as agreed by the
Bidder or determined under any of the Clauses/Conditions of the agreement, within 30
days of the service of notice to this effect by Engineer-in-Charge.

(c) Failure to execute any subcomponent of the contract work.

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1.4 In the event of the contract being determined or rescinded under provision of any of
the Clause/Condition of the agreement, the performance guarantee shall stand forfeited
in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the President of India.


The performance guarantee shall be released after recording of completion certificate
for this contract/closure of contract by Engineer-in-charge.

2. Recovery of Security Deposit:-

2.1 The person/persons whose Bid(s) may be accepted (hereinafter called the Bidder) shall
permit Government at the time of making any payment to him for work done under the
contract to deduct a sum at the rate of 2.50% of the gross amount of each running and
final bill till the sum deducted, will amount to security deposit of 2.50% of the Bided
value of the work. Such deductions will be made and held by Government by way of
Security Deposit unless he/they has/have deposited the amount of Security at the rate
mentioned above in cash or in the form of Government Securities or fixed deposit
receipts. In case a fixed deposit receipt of any Bank is furnished by the Bidder to the
Government as part of the security deposit and the Bank is unable to make payment
against the said fixed deposit receipt, the loss caused thereby shall fall on the Bidder
and the Bidder shall forthwith on demand furnish additional security to the
Government to make good the deficit.
2.2 All compensations or the other sums of money payable by the Bidder under the terms
of this contract may be deducted from, or paid by the sale of a sufficient part of his
security deposit or from the interest arising there from, or from any sums which may
be due to or may become due to the Bidder by Government on any account whatsoever
and in the event of his Security Deposit being reduced by reason of any such
deductions or sale as aforesaid, the Bidder shall within 10 days make good in cash or
fixed deposit receipt Bided by the State Bank of India or by Scheduled Banks or
Government Securities (if deposited for more than 12 months) endorsed in favour of
the Engineer-in-Charge, any sum or sums which may have been deducted from, or
raised by sale of his security deposit or any part thereof.
The security deposit shall be collected from the running bills of the Bidder at the rates
mentioned above. Earnest money deposited at the time of Bids will be refunded after
receipt of Performance Guarantee.

2.3 The security deposit as deducted above can be released against bank guarantee issued
by a scheduled bank, on its accumulations to a minimum of Rs. 1.00 lac subject to
the condition that amount of such bank guarantee, except last one, shall not be less than
Rs. 1.00 lac. Provided further that the validity of bank guarantee including the one
given against the earnest money shall be in conformity with provisions contained in
various classes and which shall be extended from time to time depending upon
extension of contract granted under provisions of clauses of the contract.

Note-1: Government papers Bided as security will be taken at 5% (five per cent) below its
market price or at its face value, whichever is less. The market price of Government

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AE (P) /EE (P)

paper would be ascertained by the Divisional Officer at the time of collection of
interest and the amount of interest to the extent of deficiency in value of the
Government paper will be withheld if necessary.
Note-2: Government Securities will include all forms of Securities mentioned in Rule No. 274
of the G.F. Rules except fidelity bond. This will be subject to the observance of the
condition mentioned under the rule against each form of security.
Note-3: Note 1 & 2 above shall be applicable for both clause 1 and 1A


The security deposit shall be released 6 month (Six months) after recording of
completion certificate for this contract/closure of contract by Engineer-in-charge.


Subject to other provisions contained in this clause, the Engineer-in-Charge may,

without prejudice to his any other rights or remedy against the consultant in respect of
any delay, inferior work, any claims for damages and/or any other provisions of this
contract or otherwise, and whether the date of completion has or has not elapsed, by
notice in writing absolutely determine the contract in any of the following cases:
3.1 If the consultant having been given by the Engineer-in-Charge a notice in writing or
that the work is being performed in an inefficient or otherwise improper or unworkman
like manner shall omit to comply with the requirement of such notice for a period of
seven days thereafter.
3.2 If the consultant has, without reasonable cause, suspended the progress of the work or
has the work with due diligence so that failed to proceed with in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-Charge (which shall be final and binding) he will be unable to secure
completion of the work by the date for completion and continues to do so after a notice
in writing of seven days from the Engineer-in-Charge.
3.3 If the consultant fails to complete the work within the stipulated date or items of work
with individual date of completion, if any stipulated, on or before such date(s) of
completion and does not complete them within the period specified in a notice given in
writing in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge.
3.4 If the consultant persistently neglects to carry out his obligations under the
contract and/ or commits default in complying with any of the terms and
conditions of the contract and does not remedy it or take effective steps to remedy it
within 7 days after a notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by the Engineer-
3.5 If the consultant shall offer or give or agree to give to any person in Government
service or to any other person on his behalf any gift or consideration of any kind as an
inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to
do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of this or any other contract for
3.6 If the consultant shall enter into a contract with Government in connection with which
commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or to his knowledge, unless the
particulars of any such commission and the terms of payment thereof have been
previously disclosed in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge.
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AE (P) /EE (P)

3.7 If the consultant shall obtain a contract with Government as a result of wrong Bidding
or other non-bonafied methods of competitive Bidding or commits breach of integrity
3.8 If the consultant being an individual, or if a firm, any partner thereof shall at any time
be adjudged insolvent or have a receiving order or order for administration of his estate
made against him or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or composition (other
than a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction) under
any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any conveyance or assignment
of his effects or composition or arrangement for the benefit of his creditors or purport
so to do, or if any application be made under any Insolvency Act for the time being in
force for the sequestration of his estate or if a trust deed be executed by him for benefit
of his creditors.
If the consultant being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an
order that the company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of a
creditor shall be appointed or if circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or the
creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or which entitle the court to make a winding
up order.
3.9 If the consultant assigns, transfers, sublets (engagement of labour on a piece-work
basis or of labour with materials not to be incorporated in the work, shall not be
deemed to be subletting) or otherwise parts with or attempts to assign, transfer, sublet
or otherwise parts with the entire works or any portion thereof without the prior written
approval of the Engineer -in-Charge.
When the consultant has made himself liable for action under any of the cases
aforesaid, the Engineer-in-Charge on behalf of the President of India shall have
(a) To determine the contract as aforesaid (of which termination notice in writing to the
consultant under the hand of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be conclusive evidence).
Upon such determination, the Security Deposit already recovered and Performance
Guarantee under the contract shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be absolutely at
the disposal of the Government.

(b) After giving notice to the consultant to measure up the work of the consultant and to
take such whole, or the balance or part thereof, as shall be un-executed out of his hands
and to give it to another consultant to complete the work. The consultant, whose
contract is determined as above, shall not be allowed to participate in the Bidding
process for the balance work.
In the event of above courses being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the consultant
shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reasons of his
having purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made
any advances on account or with a view to the execution of the work or the
performance of the contract. And in case action is taken under any of the provision
aforesaid, the consultant shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for any
work thereof or actually performed under this contract unless and until the Engineer-
in-Charge has certified in writing the performance of such work and the value
payable in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so
In case, the work cannot be started due to reasons not within the control of the
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

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consultant within 1/8th of the stipulated time for completion of work or one month
whichever is higher, either party may close the contract. In case consultant wants to
close the contract, he shall give notice to the department stating the failure on the part
of department. In such eventuality, the Performance Guarantee of the consultant shall
be refunded.
4. Time and Extension for Delay:-

The time allowed for execution of the Works as specified or the extended time in
accordance with these conditions shall be the essence of the Contract. The execution of
the works shall commence from date of start as specified in bid document. If the
consultant commits default in commencing the execution of the work as aforesaid,
Government shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, be at
liberty to forfeit the performance guarantee and security deposit absolutely.
4.1 If the work(s) be delayed by:-
a. force majeure, or
b. Serious loss or damage by fire, or
c. Civil commotion, local commotion of workmen, strike or lockout, affecting any
of the trades employed on the work, or
d. delay on the part of other agencies engaged by Engineer-in-Charge in executing
work not forming part of the Contract, or
e. any other cause which, in the absolute discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge is
beyond the Bidder’s control

Request for extension of time, to be eligible for consideration, shall be made by the
consultant in writing within fourteen days of the happening of the event causing delay
on the prescribed form to the Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division,
CPWD, Bhopal. The consultant may also, if practicable, indicate in such a request the
period for which extension is desired.
4.2 In any such case the authority as indicated in Data Sheet, may give a fair and
reasonable extension of time and reschedule the “time schedule for consultancy works”
for completion of work. Such extension or re-scheduling of “time schedule for
consultancy works” shall be communicated to the consultant by the authority in
writing, within 4 weeks of the date of receipt of such request. Non application by the
bidder for extension of time/ re-scheduling of “time schedule for consultancy works”
shall not be a bar for giving a fair and reasonable extension/re-scheduling of “time
schedule for works” by the authority and this shall be binding on the consultant.

5.0 Compensation for Delay

5.1 If the consultant fails to maintain the required progress to complete the work or
extended date of completion, he shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy
available under the law to the Government on account of such breach, pay as agreed
compensation the amount calculated @ 1.5 % per month of delay to be computed on
per day basis or as decided by the PM, BPC, CPWD, Bhopal(whose decision in
writing shall be final and binding) may decide on the amount of Bided value of the
work for every completed day/month (as applicable) that the progress remains below
that specified in the table of Time Schedule for consultancy work or that the work

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remains incomplete. This will also apply to items or group of items for which separate
period of completion is specified in the Time Schedule for consultancy work.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this
Condition shall not exceed 10% of the Agreement amount of work or of the
Agreement amount of the item or group of items of work for which a separate period
of completion is originally given. The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set-
off against any sum payable to the consultant under this or any other contract with the
*In the event of any discrepancy of clauses as above with printed version of GCC,
2019, details in printed version shall prevail.

Details Mentioned at P27-28 OF NIT.

Note: The above milestones may be revised by the PM, BPC, CPWD considering
requirement of works and hindrances, if any, in achieving the above milestones.


If the department due to the abandonment or reduction of scope of works due to any
reason whatsoever do not require the whole or any part of the works to be carried out,
the Engineer-in-charge by giving a notice may foreclose the agreement. In such
circumstances the consultant shall be paid at contract rates, full amount for works
carried out by him, the security deposit and the performance guarantee of the
consultant shall be refunded, but no payment on account of interest, loss of profit or
damages etc. shall be payable at all and the employer shall be at liberty to make full
use of all or any of the drawings, designs or other documents prepared by the


In the event, that either party is prevented, wholly or a part by any force majeure cause,
as defined hereinafter from performing or accepting performance by the other party
under the agreement, its agreed that either party shall have the right to terminate the
agreement immediately upon giving notice and full particulars of such act of force
major in writing to the other party as soon as possible after the cause relied on and in
such an event the consultant shall be entitled to the amounts due to it as on the date,
under this agreement. Force Major is herein defined as:

8.1 Any cause which is beyond the reasonable control of the consultant or department.
Natural phenomenon including but not limited to weather conditions (excluding
monsoon), fire explosion, floods, drought, earthquakes and epidemics.
8.2 Acts of any government authority, domestic or foreign, including but not limited to
war declared or undeclared, priorities, guarantees, embargoes, licensing controls or
production or distribution restrictions.
8.3 Strikes lockout and shortages.
8.4 Sabotage, riots, civil commotion, invasion and insurrection. .

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9. Settlement of Disputes & Arbitration:-

Please refer para 18 of additional conditions (Section-I), Schedule F (29-30 of NIT).

10 Bidder to indemnify Govt. against Patent Rights:-

The Bidder shall fully indemnify and keep indemnified the President of India against
any action, claim or proceeding relating to infringement or use of any patent or design
or any alleged patent or design rights and shall pay any royalties which may be payable
in respect of any article or part thereof included in the contract. In the event of any
claims made under or action brought against Government in respect of any such
matters as aforesaid, the Bidder shall be immediately notified thereof and the Bidder
shall be at liberty, at his own expense, to settle any dispute or to conduct any litigation
that may arise there from, provided that the Bidder shall not be liable to indemnify the
President of India if the infringement of the patent or design or any alleged patent or
design right is the direct result of an order passed by the Engineer-in-Charge in this

11 Levy/taxes payable by Consultant:-

(i) GST, Income tax, Building and other Construction Workers Welfare Cess or any
other tax or Cess in respect of this contract shall be payable by the consultant and
Government shall not entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect. GST shall
not be reimbursed to the consultant.

(ii) If pursuant to or under any law, notification or order any royalty, cess or the like
becomes payable by the Government of India and does not any time become
payable by the Bidder to the State Government, Local authorities in respect of
any material used by the consultant in the works, then in such a case, it shall be
lawful to the Government of India and it will have the right and be entitled to
recover the amount paid in the circumstances as aforesaid from dues of the

12. Number of documents and copy right

12.1 All the documents/drawings, designs, reports and any other details envisaged under
this agreement shall be supplied in Fifteen copies. All drawings as required for
submission to all the local bodies and other authorities shall be submitted as per the
requirement of local body. Fifteen copies of all the final drawings shall be submitted
to the Engineer-in-Charge along with a soft copy in CD/Pen drive for reproducing it
in A-3 or large size. If there is any revision in any drawing/document for any reason,
fifteen copies of drawing/document shall be re-issued along with soft copy in CD/pen
drive without any extra charges. All these drawings will become the property of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge may use these drawings in part or full in
any other work without any notice to the consultant and without any financial claim
Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

of the consultant.

12.2. Issue of detailed working drawing/Modifications: - The consultant will issue

15(Fifteen) copies of detailed working drawings.

These drawings should be on suitable duly marked good for construction and signed by
the architect for taking up the work during execution. Any discrepancy pointed out by
the Engineer-in-Charge with regard to mismatch between architectural drawings and
structural and or other drawings shall be set right by the consultant and fresh drawings
or Part of drawings shall be issued by the consultant incorporating such
correction/modifications and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

12.3 The drawings cannot be issued to any other person, firm or authority or used by the
Consultant for any other project. No copies of any drawings or documents shall be
issued to anyone except the Engineer-in-Charge and / or his authorized representative.

13. Responsibility of accuracy of project proposal

13.1 The consultant shall be responsible for accuracy of the data collected and the designs,
drawings and construction drawings prepared by him as a part of the project. He shall
indemnify the department through a performance guarantee against any action arising
out of such inaccuracies in the work, which might surface at any time at a later date of
implementation of the project.

14. Deviation and Extra items

i. The employer shall have the right to request in writing the changes i.e. additions/
deletions or modifications in the design and drawings of any part of the work and to
request in writing any additional work in connection therewith and the consultant
shall comply with such request.
ii. If the employer deviates substantially from the original scheme which involves
extra services, extra expenses and extra labour on the part of the consultant for
making such changes and additions to the drawings, specifications or other
documents thereby rendering major part or the whole of his work infructuous, the
consultant may then be compensated for such extra services and expenses on
quantum merit basis as decided by Engineer in Charge.
iii. Nothing extra shall be payable for such changes, alterations due to consultants own
omissions and/or discrepancies including changes proposed by the consultant. Also
nothing extra shall be payable till the drawing and scheme are finally approved.
iv. The decision of the employer shall be final and binding on whether the deviations
and additions are substantial and require any compensation to be paid to the

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

v. For the minor modifications or alterations which does not affect the approved/
entire scheme of planning and design, no additional amount will be payable to the
vi. The consultant shall not make any deviation, alteration, additions to or omissions
from the work shown/ described and awarded to him except with prior approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge in writing.
vii. Nothing extra shall be payable to the consultant for change in norms of local bodies,
AICTE, Environment Ministry, RPCB, AAI, Fire department etc. During the
preparation of drawings cost will not be affected either on higher or lower side due
to such changes.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)



1. In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called “ the Government “) having offered to accept the
terms and conditions of the proposed agreement between ______________ and
_______________________________(hereinafter called “ the said Bidder(s)”) for the work
___________________________ (hereinafter called “ the said agreement}” having agreed to
production of a irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs. ___________ (Rupees _______________
only) as a security/guarantee from the bidder(s) for compliance of his obligation in accordance
with the terms and conditions in the said agreement.

We ___________________________(hereinafter referred to as “as Bank) hereby (Indicate

the name of the Bank)
undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding Rs.
_______________(Rupees ________________________ only) on demand by Government .

2. We _____________________________________ do hereby undertake to pay the

(Indicate the name of the Bank).

amount due and payable under this Guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government
stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the said bidder (s).
Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the bank under
this Guarantee .However , our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs
.__________(Rupees______________ only)

3. We the said bank undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the bidder (s) in any suit or proceeding
pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being
absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for
payment thereunder and the bidder (s) shall have no claim against us for making such

4. We _______________________ further agree that the guarantee herein contained

(Indicate the name of Bank)

shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance
of the said agreement and it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the
Government under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid, and its claims
satisfied or discharged, or till Engineer-in- charge on behalf of the Government, certifies that
the terms and conditions of the said Agreement have been fully and properly carried out be
the said bidder (s) accordingly discharges this guarantee.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

5. We _____________________________ further agree with the Government that the
(Indicate the name of Bank)

Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent, and without affecting in any manner our
obligations hereunder, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time
of performance by the said bidder (s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to
time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said bidder (s) and to forebear or
enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement & we shall not be relieved from
our liability by reasons of any such variation or extension being granted to the said bidder (s) or for any
forbearance, act of omission on that part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to
the said bidder (s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would , but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. The guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
bidder (s).

7. We _________________________________ lastly undertake not to revoke this

(Indicate the name of Bank)

guarantee except with the previous consent of the Government in writing.

8. This guarantee shall be valid upto ____________ unless extended on demand by Government.
Notwithstanding any thing mentioned above, our liability against this Guarantee is restricted to Rs.
________________________(Rs. ____

______________________________________________only) and unless a claim in writing is

lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the extended date of expiry of this
Guarantee all our liabilities under the Guarantee shall stand discharged.

Dated the _________________ day of __________ For _____________________

(Indicate the name of Bank)

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

Form of Earnest Money Deposit
Bank Guarantee Bond

WHEREAS, bidder ............................... (Name of bidder) (hereinafter called "the bidder")

has submitted his Bid dated .................. (date) for the construction of
...................................................... (name of work) (hereinafter called "the Bid"). KNOW ALL
PEOPLE by these presents that we...............................................(name of bank ) having our
registered office at ............................................................... (hereinafter call the "the Bank")
are bound unto ........................................................... (Name and division of Executive
Engineer) (hereinafter called "the Engineer-in-charge") in the sum of Rs..............................
(Rs in words ..........................................) for which payment well and truly to be made to the
said Engineer-in-Charge the Bank binds itself, his successors and assigns by these presents.
SEALED with common seal of the said Bank this ........................ day of ...................

2..... THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

(1) If after Bid opening the bidder withdraws, his Bid during the period of validity of Bid
(including extended validity of Bid) specified in the Form of Bid;

(2) If the bidder having been notified of the acceptance of his Bid by the Engineer-in-Charge:
(a) Fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the instructions
to bidder, if required;
(b) Fails or refuses to furnish the performance Guarantee, in accordance with the
provisions of Bid document and instructions to bidder,

We undertake to pay to the Engineer-in-charge either upto the above amount or part thereof upon
receipt of his first written demand, without the Engineer-in-charge having to substantiates his demand,
provided that in his demand the Engineer-in-charge will note that amount claimed by his is due to him
owing to the occurrence of one or any of the above conditions, specifying the occurred condition or
This Guarantee will remain in force upto and including the date*....... after the deadline for
submission the Bid as such deadline is stated in the instructions to bidder or as it may be extended
by the Engineer-in-charge, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any
demand in respect of this Guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

DATE ......................... SIGNATURE OF THE


WITNESS............... SEAL


*Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of six months from last date of receipt of Bid.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)



The following shall be the responsibilities of the Engineer-in-charge:
1 Provide detailed requirements of the project
2 Compile and invite Bids, award works, supervise the work under construction and
discharge all the liabilities of various firms engaged in the work.
3 Take note of the observations made by the Consultant on their site inspection and
ensure the correction of deficiencies in the work pointed out by them, if warrants.
4 Approval of drawings submitted by consultant by competent authority.


1 The Consultant shall execute all works/provide consultancy services as per scope
of work and terms & conditions of this bid document.
2 The department will provide Preliminary architectural drawings to the consultant
and he shall incorporate the concept suitably in the architectural drawings as per
discussion with department and client.
3 Consultant shall propose 2 or more alternatives for specifications of various items
proposed in the design and drawings for consideration and approval of the
Engineer-in-charge and specifications approved by Engineer-in-charge shall be
final and binding on consultant for adoption and final submission of design &
4 The Consultant shall assume full responsibility for the designs and specifications
for items described in the scope of work in accordance with the relevant Indian
Standards and other established codes.
5 The Engineer-in-charges / his authorized engineers will have full access to the
details, calculations and designs for architectural, civil, electrical and mechanical
works for the purpose of scrutiny and satisfying themselves on correctness of data.
The design engineer of the Consultants shall be available to render all help for the
above scrutiny at Engineer-in-charge's office or at a place as directed by Engineer-
6 The Consultant shall advise the Engineer-in-charge regarding the work under
execution during their visits to the site and submit reports on their observation.
7 Any deviations from the approved drawings or specifications that may be observed
by the Consultant shall be given in writing by him to the Engineer-in-charge who
shall issue necessary instructions to the executing agencies.
8 No change is to be made by the Consultant in the approved drawings and
specifications at site without the prior written consent of the Engineer-in-charge.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

9 The Consultant, within fees mentioned in this agreement shall, for the scope of
work and services to be rendered thereon, engage qualified sub consultants with
prior approval of competent authority as defined in this bid document. The
remuneration for any such sub consultants appointed by the consultant for the
services under this agreement shall be borne by the Consultant at his cost.
10 Except as above, the Consultant shall not assign, sublet or transfer their interest in
the Agreement without the written consent of the Engineer-in-charge.
(C) General
1 The Consultant should preferably interact closely with reputed Institutes with
view to take relevant inputs from them for Architectural and Engineering designs.
The scope of the work mentioned in this Bid Document is broad and suggestive.
Notwithstanding the scope of the work and role of consultant mentioned
elsewhere in this Bid Document, the consultant is required to provide
consultancy services on all aspects of the work for completing comprehensive
planning and designing for Construction of new office building for Income Tax
Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. However, the
Engineer-in-charge reserves the right to exclude any of the above services from
the scope of the consultant’s work. In case of withdrawal of any services form
the scope of consultant’s work at later stage, the consultant shall be paid for the
work done by him upto the date of withdrawal of such item/item of work and
2 The consultant shall maintain constant and regular interaction with the
department, nodal authority of INCOME TAX, CPWD and proof consultants
appointed by department, for execution of his services under this contract.
3 The consultant shall provide services during execution phase also. All necessary
modification/corrections in design and drawing shall be carried out by the
consultant as and when required.
7 The Consultant shall assist the department regarding the sequence and
methodology of construction.
8 The Consultant shall coordinate with the department and attend meetings with the
department as and when required including meeting with the client and
contractors during construction phase.
9 The consultant shall also assist the department in making presentation. Necessary
inputs for presentation shall be provided by the consultant.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

Terms of Payment to Consultant
1 The Engineer-in-charge shall pay to the consultant for the services rendered by him for
the said work. The consultant shall be paid fees as per schedule of payment and the
agreement rates.
2 The employer shall, however, have the liberty to omit, postpone or not to execute any
item in the scope of work but the consultant shall not have liberty to omit, postpone or
not execute any item in the scope of work of this bid document. The consultant shall
not be entitled to any compensation or damages for such omission, postponement or
non-execution of the item or items of work, except the fees which have become
payable to him for the service actually rendered by him.
3 The consultancy fees/ rates tendered by the bidder are inclusive of fees payable by
him to any other sub-consultant and associates, engaged by him. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.
4 The fees payable to the consultant shall be toward full discharge of functions/services
defined in the agreement item, scope of work and elsewhere in this bid document.
5 No claim whatsoever against the department in respect of any proprietary right or copy
right by the consultant or any other party will be entertained. The consultant shall
indemnify the department against any such claims.
6 If the consultant fails to execute any sub-component within specified time/extended
time (as approved by Engineer-in-Charge) or the same is not to the satisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge, then the Engineer-in-Charge may get the same component
executed at the risk & cost of consultant. The whole expenditure thus incurred for
satisfactory execution of sub-component shall be recoverable from the consultant. The
decision of Engineer-in-Charge in this matter will be final & binding.
7 If Project work is terminated at any stage or scope of work reduced, for any reasons,
not owing to fault of consultant, the amount of fee payable to the consultant for the
work already done by him shall be as per payment stages defined in this bid
document, for work done by him upto that stage. Consultant shall not be paid any
other payment, loss of profit, interest etc. in such a case and decision of Engineer-in-
Charge shall be final and binding on the Consultant.
8 The components/provisions and corresponding plinth area shown above is tentative
consultant may improve & develop detail architectural drawing keeping into
consideration functional requirement, mandatory by-laws & norms, green building
norms for obtaining 5 star rating etc. in consultation with Chief Architect/SA/CPWD,
PM/BPC and client. Increase in plinth area upto + 10% (plus/minus 10%) will not
affect the total consultancy fee & will remain same for the entire work of New Income
Tax Building.
9 Plinth Area calculation for the purpose of payment:
In order to ensure the adoption of a uniform method of working out plinth areas for
payment purpose, the following rules shall be followed :

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

a. The total plinth area of a building shall be the sum total of the plinth area at every
floor including the basement, if any.
b. Internal sanitary shafts shall not be included in the plinth area in the case of a
residential building at any floor level.
c. In case of non-residential building internal shafts for sanitary installations, air-
conditioning ducts, lifts etc. shall be included in the plinth area at all floor levels.
d. The area of the mumty at terrace level shall not be included in the plinth area. If a
Barsati is provided jointly with mumty then the area of the Barsati excluding
mumty at the terrace level shall be included in the plinth area as shown below in
the hatched area.

e. Towers, turrets domes projecting above the terrace shall not be included in the
plinth area at terrace level.


The plinth area of the ground floor shall be calculated at the plinth level
excluding the plinth off-sets provided such plinth off-sets are not more than
2¼”. In cases where the building consists of–columns projecting beyond
cladding, the plinth area shall be taken upto the external face of the cladding
and shall not be included the projections of the columns.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

g In case open verandah with parapets are protected at the ground floor
projecting out of the building, the full area shall be taken upto the outerline of
the external verandah lintel and only 50% of area shall be taken for the
unprotected verandah. Open platform without parapet sand terraces at ground
floor and porches, shall not be included in the plinth area.


Plinth area of first and higher floors shall be calculated at the relevant floor
levels. Architectural bonds, cornice etc. shall not be included in the plinth
area even though they may occur at the floor level, vertical sun breakers or
box louvers projecting out also shall not be include in plinth area .See
illustrative sketch below:

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

i. In the case of projecting balconies protected to their full width by the shades
full width roof projections or by upper in the case of unprotected balconies
equivalent area to the extent of 50% of the area of the balconies shall be
included in the plinth area. See illustrative sketch given below:


i. Area of galleries i.e. upper floor of seats in an assembly hall, Auditorium,

theatres, etc. shall be fully included in the plinth area.
ii. Area of mezzanine floor i.e. an intermediate floor introduced between two
main floors, shall be included in the plinth area, if no separate provision is
made for the same.
iii. The area of aloft i.e. an intermediates lab just beneath the floor of roof
without any direct staircase leading to it and used for storage purpose shall
not be included in the plinth area.

k. Playground and External areas :

i. The Covered Ground/play area in stadia shall measured in Plinth area.

ii. Open landscaped areas and open external areas like pathways, footpath,
parking areas, underground sumps, septic tanks etc. shall not be measured
in plinth area.
iii. However, the Substation building shall be measured in plinth area as per
norms specified above.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

Payment Stages for BOQ Item No. 1 of Financial Bid

S.N Activities Time Schedule Fee Schedule

o. Period Progressive Fee Cumulative
(Week) period from payable (in Fee payable
commencem % j of (in % of
ent of lump sum lump sum
consultancy quoted quoted
services amount) amount)
1 Preparation of general arrangement 3 Week 3 Week 10% 10%
structural drawing including beam
framing plan and preliminary structural
sizes of members, reconfirmation soil
investigation report proposal of type of
foundation and obtaining approval of
competent authority.
2 Preparation and Submission of detailed 5 Week 8 Week 20% 30%
architectural drawings including
structural Design, confirming to
GRIHA, NBC norms and accessibility
norms, finishing schedules, details of
all services including MEP, IT, HVAC,
Fire Fighting, Landscaping, Security
Indicating complete scope, Obtaining
its approval from CPWD/client.
Submission of take-offsheets and
submission of drawing in desired
format to local body authority and
online registration of project on
GRIHA i/c documentation.
3 Provisional approval of local bodies & 4 Week 12 Week 10% 40%
statutory bodies and submission of
notice inviting tender. Proof checking
of structural design as per NIT
provisions and approval by competent
authority of CPWD,

4 Preparation of tender drawing i/c 2 Week 14 Week 10% 50%

architectural, structural details, services
HVAC, Electrical, Fire/ Plumbing data
service & any other as may be

5 Preparation of detailed estimate, BOQ, 2 Week 16 Week 10% 60%

Analysis of Rates, tender document,
tender drawings of all types. Technical
Specifications, List of recommended

6 During construction period, consultant As per 22 Week

has to visit site at least once in a construc
fortnight and issue working drawings tion
& any revised drawing as per direction

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

of Engineer-in-Charge. 18

(a) On 25% completion of project (cost 5% 65%


(b) On 50% completion of project (cost 5% 70%


(c) On 75% completion of project (cost 5% 75%


(d) On 100% completion of project 5% 80%

(cost wise)

7 Getting Green certification of the 1 Month 23 Month 10% 90%

building from concerned rating

8 On completion of entire construction 1 Month 24 Month 10% 100%

Consultancy works and receipt of
Completion certificate’ from the local
bodies, No Objection Certificates from
statutory local bodies before
occupation for the buildings and
submission of completion drawing of
in required no.

1. Payment of fee as per the various stages of the above Payment Schedule shall be
considered as due only when the entire work up to that stage is completed in all
respects for all the buildings, structures, landscaping, and external development,
furniture, and service connections etc. as applicable for that stage of the work. No
intermediate payment on prorate basis shall be admissible for release to the consultant.

2. For running payments the consultants shall submit necessary bill in duplicate. The
payment due to the consultant will be made within one month of submission of bills of
the corresponding stage after satisfactory performance.

3. The final payment of work will be released after submission of GST payment invoice
related to this work.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


Name of Work:- Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department (B+S+5) at
Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive integrated Consultancy work
comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of detailed estimate and draft
NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision during
execution period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.
I/We have read and examined the bid document relating to the Comprehensive integrated
Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of detailed estimate
and draft NIT, services design for (Civil & E & M Services), Interior design and obtaining 5 star
GRIHA Rating for the work.
I/We hereby offer to provide consultancy services as per terms and condition in the bid
documents in consideration of a lump sum amount quoted here inclusive of GST and all prevailing
taxes and levies. (Present applicable GST Rate 18%)

I/We confirm that the amount quoted by me/us for Serial No. 1 in this Financial Bid is by
considering Comprehensive integrated Consultancy work for INCOME TAX Building of 1.75 acres
and total proposed plinth area 12227 Sqm. If plinth area variation is within 10% then quoted fee will
not change. If variation is more than 10% then quoted fee will increase / decrease on pro-rata basis
ignoring 10% basis.

Schedule of Quantity

S. No. Description of Item / Work Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Construction of new office building

for Income Tax Department (B+S+5)
at Plot number 47, Arera Hills
Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive One Job
integrated Consultancy work
comprising architectural design,
structural design, preparation of
detailed estimate and draft NIT,
services design for (Civil and E&M
Services), Interior design and
obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for
the work.

Total = Rs.

Open Areas for parking, lawns and landscaping etc. shall be deemed to be included in the
total quoted price bid and nothing extra shall be payable on this account. Provision for future
expansion shall not be considered in the plinth area admissible for payment.

I/We declare that we shall treat these documents and other documents connected with the
work confidential and shall not communicate the information derived there from to any person other
than a person to whom we have authorized to communicate.

Dated : _________________ Signed for and on behalf of the Bidder

(Authorized Signatory of the firm)

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)



I. Financial Analysis: - Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in balance

sheet / profit & loss account for the last five years duly certified by the Chartered
Accountant, as submitted by the applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be

Year Gross Annual turnover on Consultancy Profit /


Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work.

Signature of Chartered

Accountant with seal Signature of Applicant(s).

Note : 1. Bidder should not submit entire volume of annual balance sheet & other
financial statements.

2. Balance sheets of the bidder’s company should be duly audited by Chartered

Accountant upto March 2018.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)




S. Name ofSimilar Client / Cost of the Cost of Date of Details of Consultancy Actual date Actual date Name, Remarks
No. Work/Project Owner work/Projects consultancy commence servicesProvided : of of Contact
and location organization in Crores of work in ment of (a) Brief Description of completion completion Address,
Rupees* Lacs of consultancy Project of of Telephone
Rupees as per Construction Consultancy number,
contract (b) Scope of Consultancy – work work. Email id
Master Plan / Architectural of
/ Structural / MEP / Project In-
HVAC / Fire fighting / charge
Interior Design / Griha from
Consultancy (Tick which Client side
ever applicable) to whom
(c) Functional Use of may be
Different Buildings made for
Designed verification
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12


1. Supporting documents like Certificate from Client in support of each of the above
Similar Works/ Projects to be furnished. However, copy of award letters / work orders
etc. need not be enclosed.

2. The photographs, drawings etc. can be enclosed to supplement any salient


Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)




For Comprehensive Design Consultancy

1. Name of Consultant with Address:

2. Name of Work/Project & location.
3. Agreement no. & Name of Contracting Organization:
4. Nature of Project:
a. Type of Office
5. Construction Cost of work on Completion :
6. Brief Details of Project indicating plinth area and storey:
7. Date of Completion of Construction of work :
8. Consultancy Services Fee Paid :
9. Brief Detail of Scope of Consultancy Work Done :
10. Date of start of Consultancy work :
11. Date of completion of Consultancy work :
(i) Stipulated date of completion
(ii) Actual date of completion
12. Amount of compensation levied for delayed completion, if any
(a) Whether case of levy of compensation for delay has been decided or not Yes/No
(b) If decided, amount of compensation levied for delayed completion, if any
13. Amount of reduced rate items, if any
14. Performance Report of Consultant Work
(1) Quality of work (Consultancy Services) Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Poor
(2) Financial soundness Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Poor
(3) Technical Proficiency Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Poor
(4) Resourcefulness Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Poor
(5) General Behavior Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Poor

Dated: Signature of Client/ Competent Authority/

Executive Engineer/Authorized Signatory of Client

Note : Performance report in any other format with client signature and Seal / Letter Head giving
above details shall also be considered, provided the desired information is available.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)



1. Name & Address of the Bidder :

2. Telephone no. &Fax no.

3. Email id :

4. Legal status of the Bidder (attach copies of original document defining the legal status)
(a) An Individual*
(b) A proprietary firm*
(c) A firm in partnership*
(d) A limited company or Corporation*

5. Particulars of registration with various Government Bodies (attach attested photocopy)

Organization/Place of registration Registration No.

5. Names and titles of Directors & Officers with designation to be concerned with this work.

6. Designation of individuals authorized to act for the organization.

7. Has the Bidder or any constituent partner in case of partnership firm, Limited Company ever
been convicted in the court of law?. If so, give details.

8. In which field of Civil Engineering construction/ Architecture the Bidder has specialization
and interest?

9. Registration number and year of registration** of the Consultant or his employed

Architect(s) with Council of Architecture :

10. Name, qualification and experience details of Architect(s), in-house or employed with the
bidder :

11. Number of years of regular employment of employed Architect(s): Name of Architect &
date of joining the bidder organization.

12. Any other information considered necessary but not included above.

** Enclose the Copy of Certificate of Registration with Council of Architecture.

Signature of Bidder(s)

*Strike out which is not applicable.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

FORM – ‘E’


PROJECT (List the personnel available in organization of respondent)

S.No. Name Qualification Designation Details of Role in this Remarks

Experience project
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Signature of Respondent

(Note: After award of contract, CPWD expect all of the proposed key personnel to be
available during implementation of the contract. The CPWD will not consider
substitutions during contract implementation except under exceptional circumstances up
to a maximum of 25 percent of key personnel (considering equal weightage for each key
personnel) and that too by only equally or better qualified and experienced personnel.)

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)

FORM – ‘F’



Sl. Name of Details of Role in this Remarks

No. Discipline
Discipline project

1 2 3 4 5

Signature of Respondent

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)




Executive Engineer
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division
CPWD, Bhopal MP

I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed
through another Consultant on back to back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes
to the notice of CPWD, then I/we shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future
forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of CPWD before date of start of work,
the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Performance

Yours faithfully

(Duly authorized signatory of the Respondent)

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil……… Correction …………. Nil……… Overwriting ………… Nil………

AE (P) /EE (P)


Executive Engineer,
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division
CPWD, Bhopal MP
I/We undertake and confirm that

a. We have never been convicted by a Court of Law in the past.

b. We are not misleading or submitted false representations in the forms,

statements and attachments submitted with the bid.

c. We have not submitted more than one bid for this work.

Further that, if such a violation comes to the notice of the Department,

then I / we shall be debarred from tendering in future forever. Also, if such
a violation comes to the notice of CPWD/ Income Tax Department Bhopal
before date of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit
the entire amount of Performance Guarantee.

Yours faithfully

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

102 AE (P) /EE (P)


Executive Engineer
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division,
CPWD, Bhopal

Sub : NIT No. 03/PM/BPC /2019-20 for the work Construction of new office building for
Income Tax Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive
integrated Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of
detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M Services), Interior design,
supervision during execution period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.

Dear Sir,

It is here by declared that CPWD is committed to follow the principle of transparency,

equity and competitiveness in Public procurement.

The Subject Notice Inviting Bid in an invitation to offer made on the condition that the
Bidder will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of Bid documents, failing
which the Bidder will stand disqualified from the Biding process and the bid of the bidder
would be summarily rejected.

This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of
the same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of
the CPWD.

Yours faithfully

Executive Engineer

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

103 AE (P) /EE (P)


Executive Engineer
AIIMS Bhopal Project Division,
CPWD, Bhopal

Sub: Submission of Bid for the work Construction of new office building for Income Tax
Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive integrated
Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of detailed
estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision
during execution period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work.

Dear Sir,

I/We acknowledge that CPWD is committed to follow the principles thereof as

enumerated in the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the Bid document.

I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Bid is an invitation to offer made on the condition
that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of Bid
documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the Biding process. I/We

I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and
spirit and further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and
distinct from the main contract, which will come into existence when Bid is finally accepted by
CPWD. I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement, which shall be
in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.

I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the Integrity
Agreement, while submitting the Bid, CPWD shall have unqualified, absolute and unfettered
right to disqualify the Bidder and reject the Bid is accordance with terms and conditions of the

Yours faithfully

(Duly authorized signatory of the Bidder)

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

104 AE (P) /EE (P)

To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorized to sign the relevant contract
on behalf of CPWD.


This Integrity Agreement is made at ............... on this of ...........20......


President of India represented through Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division,
CPWD, Bhopal.(Hereinafter referred as the ‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall unless
repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)

............................................................................................................. (Name and Address of the

Individual/firm/Company) through .......................................................................... (Hereinafter
referred to as the (Details of duly authorized signatory)

“Bidder/Consultant” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context
hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)


WHEREAS the Principal / Owner has floated the Tender(NIT No. ____________________)
(hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down organizational
procedure, contract for " Construction of new office building for Income Tax Department
(B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive integrated Consultancy work
comprising architectural design, structural design, preparation of detailed estimate and draft
NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M Services), Interior design, supervision during execution
period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the work. ".

AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws
of the land, rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its
relation with its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).
AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter
into this Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms
and conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid
documents and Contract between the parties.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the parties
hereby agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under:

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

105 AE (P) /EE (P)
Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner

1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent

corruption and to observe the following principles:

(a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his/her family

members, will in connection with the Bid, or the execution of the Contract,
demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or
immaterial benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.

(b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Bid process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity
and reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Bid
process, provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any
Bidder(s) confidential / additional information through which the Bidder(s) could
obtain an advantage in relation to the Bid process or the Contract execution.

(c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavor to exclude from the Bid process any person,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.

2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees

which is a criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of
Corruption Act, 1988 (PC Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned
or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform
the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can also initiate disciplinary actions as
per its internal laid down policies and procedures.

Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Consultant(s)

1) It is required that each Bidder/Consultant (including their respective officers,

employees and agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the
Government / Department all suspected acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or
Collusion of which it has knowledge or becomes aware, duringthe Biding process and
throughout the negotiation or award of a contract.

2) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) commits himself to take all measures necessary to prevent

corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his
participation in the Bid process and during the Contract execution:
a) The Bidder(s)/Consultant (s) will not, directly or through any other person or
firm, offer, promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in
the Bid process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material or other
benefit which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any
advantage of any kind whatsoever during the Bid process or during the execution of
the Contract.
b) The Bidder(s)/Consultant (s)will not enter with other Bidder(s)/Consultant (s) into
any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

106 AE (P) /EE (P)
particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-
submission of bids or any other actions to strict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding
c) The Bidder(s)/Consultant (s)will not commit any offence under the relevant
IPC/PC Act. Further the Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) will not use improperly, (for the
purpose of competition or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or
documents provided by the Principal/Owner as part of the business relationship,
regarding plans, technical proposals and business details, including information
contained or transmitted electronically.
d) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and
addresses of agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly
Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) of Indian Nationality shall disclose names and addresses of
foreign agents/representatives, if any. Either the Indian agent on behalf of the foreign
principal or the foreign principal directly could bid in a Bid but not both. Further, in
cases where an agent participate in a Bid on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not
be allowed to quote on behalf of another manufacturer along with the first
manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel Bid for the same item.
e) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose (with each Bid
as per proforma enclosed) any and all payments he has made, is committed to or
intends to make to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the
award of the Contract.

3) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences

outlined above or be an accessory to such offences.

4) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm
indulge in fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation oromission of facts
or submission of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in
reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or causing
damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the procurement process
to the detriment of the Government interests.

5) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use
Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action
influencing a decision through intimidation, threat, or the use of force directly or
indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall upon a person, his/ her reputation
or property to influence their participation in the Biding process).

Article 3: Consequences of Breach

1) Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law
or the Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the
Principal/Owner shall have the following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact
by the Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) and the Bidder/Consultant accepts and undertakes to
respect and uphold the Principal/Owner’s absolute right:

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

107 AE (P) /EE (P)
2) If the Bidder(s)/Consultant (s), either before award or during execution of Contract has
committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form,
such as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/Owner after giving
14 days notice to the bidder shall have powers to disqualify the
Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) from the Bid process or terminate/determine the Contract, if
already executed or exclude the Bidder/Consultant from future contract award
processes. The imposition and duration of the exclusion will be determined by the
severity of transgression and determined by the Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may
be forever or for a limited period as decided by the Principal/Owner.

3) Forfeiture of EMD/Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit: If the

Principal/Owner has disqualified the Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) from the Bid process
prior to the award of the Contract or terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued
the right to terminate/determine the Contract according to Article 3(1), the
Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights that may have accrued to the
Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion forfeit the entire amount of Earnest
Money Deposit, Performance Guarantee and Security Deposit of the

4) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder

or Consultant, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or
Consultant which constitutes corruption within the meaning of Indian Penal code
(IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, or if the Principal/Owner has substantive suspicion
in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the same to law enforcing agencies for
further investigation.

Article 4: Previous Transgression

1) The Bidder/Consultant declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5

years with any other Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach
or with Central Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public
Sector Enterprises in India that could justify his exclusion from the Bid process.
2) If the Bidder/Consultant makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be
disqualified from the Bid process or action can be taken for banning of business
dealings/ holiday listing of the Bidder/Consultant as deemed fit by the Principal/

3) If the Bidder/Consultant can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused
by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner
may, at its own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.

Article 5: Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Consultants/Sub bidders

1) The Bidder(s)/Consultant(s) undertake(s) to demand from all sub bidders a

commitment in conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Consultant shall be
responsible for any violation(s) of the principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

108 AE (P) /EE (P)
of its Sub- bidders/sub-vendors.

2) The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders
and Consultants.

3) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders/Consultants, who do not submit, the duly
signed Pact between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Bid or violate its
provisions at any stage of the Bid process, from the Bid process.

Article 6- Duration of the Pact

1) This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for the
Bidder/Consultant 12 months after the completion of work under the contract or till the
continuation of defect liability period, whichever is more and for all other
Bidders/Consultants, till the Contract has been awarded.

2) If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to
be valid despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is
discharged/determined by the Competent Authority, CPWD.

Article 7- Other Provisions

1) This Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and jurisdiction is the Head
quarters of the Division of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the Bid.
2) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been

3) If the Bidder/Consultant is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by

all the partners or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all
partners and consortium members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a
representative duly authorized by board resolution.

4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this
Pact remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their
original intensions.

5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the
parties with regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement/Pact, any action taken by
the Owner/Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/Pact or
interpretation there of shall not be subject to arbitration.


All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights and
remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be
deemed to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For
the sake of brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence over the
Bid/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions covered under this Integrity Pact.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

109 AE (P) /EE (P)
and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:


(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)


(For and on behalf of Bidder/Bidder)


1. .............................................

(signature, name and address)

2. ...............................................

(signature, name and address)

Place: Bhopal

Dated :

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

110 AE (P) /EE (P)





Executive Engineer (AIIMS)

Bhopal Project Division
CPWD, Bhopal

Sub: Submission of bids for the work of " Construction of new office building for Income Tax
Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47, Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive
integrated Consultancy work comprising architectural design, structural design,
preparation of detailed estimate and draft NIT, services design for (Civil and E&M
Services), Interior design, supervision during execution period and obtaining 5 star
GRIHA Rating for the work. ".
1 I/We have read and examined the complete document including the instruction to
Consultants, terms of reference and general conditions of the agreement and services to
be provided for above-mentioned work.

2. I/We confirm that we are registered with the Council of Architecture of India or I shall
engage Architects registered with council of Architecture & structural Engineer and
services design expects.

3. I/we confirm that we are not debarred/blacklisted by any Government

department/organization/PSU on the last date of submission of this bid or I am debarred
or blacklisted by …… (Name of Client) for the period from …… to ……

4. I/We hereby express our interest and submit my/our bid for ‘Initial Eligibility Bid’ in
prescribed formats for undertaking the above referred work.

5. I/We agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms, conditions and provisions of the aforesaid

6. I/We confirm that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the information contained
in the specified formats and all supporting and explanatory information is truthful and

7. I/We have furnished all information and details necessary for qualification of Technical
bid – Part 1 and have no further pertinent information to supply.

I/We also authorize Executive Engineer, AIIMS, Bhopal Project Division, CPWD,

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

111 AE (P) /EE (P)
Bhopal approach individuals, employers, firms and corporation to verify our
credentials, competence and general reputation.

8. I/We submit the following certificate :

“It is certified that the information given in the enclosed eligibility bid are correct. It is
also certified that I/We shall be liable to be disqualified and/or debarred in case any
information furnished by me/us found to be incorrect”.

Date: (Signature of Bidder / Authorized

signatory of Bidder*)

Name and Address of Bidder :

Note : * Letter of Authority from Bidder should be enclosed, in case of Authorized

Signatory of Bidder.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

112 AE (P) /EE (P)


Sl. Field of Specialization/ available
No. Personnel with minimum
1 Lead/ Senior Architect/ Team Leader 1 Mandatory
requirement. Refer
(B.Arch. / M.Arch) to Note (ii) below;
2 Architect (B.Arch.) 1 10 years
3. Landscape Architect/ Consultant 1 10 years
4. Urban Designer ( M.Arch) 1 10 years
5. Interior Designer/ Consultant (B.Arch.) 1 10 years
6. Structural Engineer/ Consultant 1 10 years
(M. Tech in Structures)
Electrical and Mechanical services and
7. installations design consultant 1 10 years
Set, UPS, Internal EI, W/Sip (B.Tech in
Fire Fighting and Fire Alarm Expert/
8. Consultant (Diploma / degree in fire 1 10 years
9. HVAC/ Mechanical Engineer (B.Tech in Elect 1 10 years
/ Mechanical)
10. Public Health Engineer/ Water Supply 1 10 years
Design Consultant (B.Tech in Civil)
11. Environmental Design Engineer 1 10 years
(B.Tech in Civil)
12. Project Architect (B. Arch) or Project 1 08 years
Engineer (Civil) (B.Tech)
13. Project Engineer (E&M) (B.Tech in Elect.) 1 08 years
14 Audio & Audio- Visual System Expert/ 1 08 years
Consultant (B.Tech in Elect.)

Network and LAN Engineer/

15 Consultant (B.Tech in Computer or 1 08 years
16 Acoustics Engineer/ Consultant 1 08 years
(B.Tech in Civil)
17 GRIHA Accredited 1 03 years

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

113 AE (P) /EE (P)

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

114 AE (P) /EE (P)


This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that M/s./Sh…………...........
................................................... having marginally noted address, as a Customer of our bank
are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement up-to a limit of Rs………….

This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any of the

(Signature) For the Bank

1. Bankers Certificates should be on letter head of the Bank, addressed to tendering authority.
2. In case of Partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners as recorded with
the Bank.

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

115 AE (P) /EE (P)
Receipt of Deposition of Original EMD
(Receipt No………………/date…………)
S.No. Particular Details
Construction of new office building for Income
Tax Department (B+S+5) at Plot number 47,
Arera Hills Bhopal. SH- Comprehensive
integrated Consultancy work comprising
architectural design, structural design,
1 Name of work
preparation of detailed estimate and draft NIT,
services design for (Civil and E&M Services),
Interior design, supervision during execution
period and obtaining 5 star GRIHA Rating for the

2 NIT No. 03/PM/BPC /2019-20

Amount of Earnest Money

3 Rs. 2,74,000/-
4 Last date of online submission of
**Details to be filled by EMD Receiving officer of CPWD (EE/AE(P) / AAO)
SN Particular Details

1 Name of Consultant

Form of EMD Received & its


Amount of Earnest Money Deposit

3 Rs……………..

5 Date of submission of EMD ….../…../2019

Signature of EMD Receiving
6 officer of CPWD with official
Name of EMD Receiving officer
Designation of EMD Receiving
officer of CPWD

** To be filled by EMD receiving EE/AE/AAO

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

116 AE (P) /EE (P)
INCOME TAX Plot Layout
Note: Auto CAD Copy of Plot Layout can be taken from

EE, ABPD, CPWD, Bhopal

Addition ………… . Nil………Deletion ……………. Nil………Correction …………. Nil………Overwriting ………… Nil………

117 AE (P) /EE (P)


0.14 Acre.


8 1.82 LVL. -2550 16.47
LVL. -2550 4.1
1.82 4 26.6







(SLOPE -1:10)


LVL. +600


LVL. +600







L. +

LVL. +2700

(SLOPE -1:1
0) 14.40
(SLOPE -1:1 0



75 +



BM-NO -1






16.24 1
EX 3




2- fo'ks"k fn, x, ekiksa dks NksMdj flQZ fyf[kr ekiksa dk ikyu djsaA

dks lwfpr djsaA

4 LFkkuh; fuadk; ls vuqeksnu ds fcuk bl izkstsDV dk fuekZ.k
dk;Z izkjaHk u fd;k tk; A ofj"B okLrqd dk;kZy; ,sls fdlh
Hkh fuekZ.k dk;Z ds izfr mRrjnk;h ugha gS A
Nomenclature of criterion POINTS EARNED ARE
Criteria 1. SITE SELECTION 1 1
6 6
Criteria 34: INNOVATION (BEYOND 100) 4 4


1. MD 6000 2100 - 2100
2. D1 1800 2100 - 2100
3. D2 1500 2100 - 2100
4. D3 1000 2100 - 2100
5. D4 900 2100 - 2100 for toilet
6. D5 800 2100 - 2100 for toilet
1. W 2500 1200 900 2100
2. W1 2500 1600 900 2500
3. W2 1200 1400 1100 2500
1. V 600 1000 1500 2500


WIDTH - 1700
RISER - 150
TREAD - 300


BASEMENT AREA :- 1667.37 Sq.m.

izkjafHkd uD'kk
: 1: - SA(BPL)/10669/462/46/R4
: MAY 2018

okLrqfd; lgk;d

uSUlh vfHk"ksd XokldksVh ds- lq/kk Vh.,l. foosdkuan

lgk + okLrqd mi okLrqd okLrqd ofj"B okLrqd eq[; okLrqd
R1 DATED:-08-08-2018
HILLS/2018-19 DATED 3/8 /18

DN UP WIDTH - 1700
RISER - 150 UP
TREAD - 300

WIDTH - 1700
RISER - 150
TREAD - 300



(Excluding porch & verandah area - 94 Sq.m.) ---- A
R3 DATED:-20-09-2018
THE DRAWING HAS BEEN REVISED AS PER THE COMMENTS (Excluding porch & verandah area - 94 Sq.m.) ---- B
R2 DATED:-21-08-2018
= 94 + 94 + 11805.68 + 233
R3 DATED:-20-09-2018
CG/57A/47-ARERA HILLS/2018-19
DEPT. ON 7-9-18 .

R4 DATED:-02-11-2018


WIDTH - 1700 WIDTH - 1700

RISER - 150 RISER - 150
TREAD - 300 TREAD - 300

WIDTH - 1700 WIDTH - 1700

RISER - 150 RISER - 150
TREAD - 300 TREAD - 300

WIDTH - 1700 WIDTH - 1700

RISER - 150 RISER - 150
TREAD - 300 TREAD - 300

LVL+10650 mm

WIDTH - 1700 WIDTH - 1700

RISER - 150 RISER - 150
TREAD - 300 TREAD - 300

WIDTH - 1700 WIDTH - 1700

RISER - 150 RISER - 150
TREAD - 300 TREAD - 300

WIDTH - 1700 WIDTH - 1700

RISER - 150 RISER - 150
TREAD - 300 TREAD - 300

2- fo'ks"k fn, x, ekiksa dks NksMdj flQZ fyf[kr ekiksa dk ikyu djsaA

1100 MM HIGH 1500 MM HIGH dks lwfpr djsaA

4 LFkkuh; fuadk; ls vuqeksnu ds fcuk bl izkstsDV dk fuekZ.k
dk;Z izkjaHk u fd;k tk; A ofj"B okLrqd dk;kZy; ,sls fdlh
+21450 mm
Hkh fuekZ.k dk;Z ds izfr mRrjnk;h ugha gS A



Nomenclature of criterion POINTS EARNED ARE

+17850 mm
Criteria 1. SITE SELECTION 1 1
+14250 mm
6 6

+10650 mm


Criteria 34: INNOVATION (BEYOND 100) 4 4
+7050 mm

+3450 mm

+600 mm
+00 mm
-2400 mm

lEeq[k n'kZu
LVL. -2550 mm
R1 DATED:-08-08-2018


R2 DATED:-21-08-2018
CLIENT DEPT. ON 13-8-18 .



R3 DATED:-20-09-2018
7-9-18 .





18 M

R4 DATED:-02-11-2018


izkjafHkd uD'kk




LOBBY ds-yks-fu-fo-

ENTRANCE : 1: - SA(BPL)/10677/462/55/R4

4.6 M WIDE

lEeq[k n'kZu ,oa dkV - vv'

: MAY 2018



4.6 M WIDE
LVL -2400
okLrqfd; lgk;d

dkV - vv'
SECTION - AA' uSUlh vfHk"ksd XokldksVh ds- lq/kk Vh.,l. foosdkuan
lgk + okLrqd mi okLrqd okLrqd ofj"B okLrqd eq[; okLrqd

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