Teaching 'Asking and Giving Information' Through Task Based Learning

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School Unit : Junior High School

Subject : English
Class/Semester : VIII/Even
Material : Asking and Giving Information
Topic : Daily Activities
Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

CC-1 Appreciating and believing the religious teachings he/she follows.
CC-2 Appreciating and believing honest attitude, discipline, responsibility, care (tolerance, mutual cooperation), politeness,
confident, in interacting to the social and natural environment effectively.
CC-3 Understanding and applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his/her curiosity about science,
technology, art, culture related to phenomena and eye-cathcing events.
CC-4 Processing, presenting, and reasoning in concrete domains (using, analyzing, synthesizing, modifying, and creating) and
abstract realm (writing, reading, computing, drawing and composing) as learned in school and other sources in the same


Basic Competence Indicator

3.7 Understanding concepts and language features of oral 3.7.1 Listing noun, verb, and adverb from the transactional text
and written transactional interaction texts that involve related to the act of asking and giving information.
the act of giving and requesting information related to 3.7.2 Applying the use of adverbia: always, often, sometimes, never,
circumstances / actions / activities / events that are usually, every, etc. into sentences related to the act of asking
carried out regularly or are general truths, in accordance and giving information
with the context of their use. (Note the element of Analyzing the rules of Simple Present Tense to asking and
Simple Present Tense). 3.7.3 giving information related to events carried out routinely or
are general truths.
4.7 Composing simple transactional interaction oral and 4.7.1 Composing simple transactional interaction text contains the
written text which involves the act of giving and asking act of asking and giving information related to events that are
for information related to the circumtances / actions / carried out routinely or are general truths.
activities / events that are carried out routinely or are
general truths, by paying attention to the social
functions, text structure and correct linguistic elements.

1. By the end of the lesson, through Task Based Learning Instruction, students (audience) will have been able to listing noun,
verb, adjective; differentiating singular noun and plural noun; making sentences; and mentioning the formulas,
characteristics and social functions of Simple Present Tense (behavior) related to the use in the transactional text
(condition) in order to asking and giving information related to events carried out routinely or are general truths (degree).
2. By the end of the lesson, through Task Based Learning Instruction, students (audience) will have been able to composing
simple dialogue (behavior) to asking and giving information related to events carried out routinely or are general truths
(condition) based on the rules of Simple Present Tense (degree).
1. Material for Regular Learning
Oral and written texts to state and inquire about events carried out routinely or are general truths.
a. Social functions
Respecting the universe, give examples of good/bad habits, etc.
b. Text structure
Mita : Sorry, I am late for coming this meeting
Hilda : No problem, what’s wrong?
Mita : I have to deliver my younger sister to her elementary school
Hilda : Bye the way, what are your daily activities before going to the school?
Mita : I usually wake up at 5 morning, then I always help my mom to prepare the breakfast menu for us, after that I
take a bath. I am ready to have breakfast at 6:30 with my family. Then, at 6:20 I usually deliver my younger
sister to her elementary school. But, the road is never so busy as today. That’s why I come late.
Hilda : You have to deliver her earlier, so that you will not be late for coming to school

c. Linguistic elements
1) Verbs in Simple Present Tense
2) Adverb: always, often, sometimes, never, usually, every...
3) Vocabulary: nouns, verbs, and adjectives related to people, animals, objects in the class, school, home, and
students’ environment
4) Handwriting
2. Material for Remedial Learning
Simple Present Tense (Asking and Giving Information)


Formula Question Word Example Finish

Could you tell me when the next train leaves?

Do you know how much that vase costs?

Do you happen to
where Tom lives?

I'd like to know what you think about the new project.

Could you tell me when the next train leaves?

Could you find out when she is going to arrive?

3. Material for Enrichment Learning

Adverb of Time
Example :
Edo and Udin go to school at 6 o’clock everyday.
Dayu always cleans her bedroom before leaving the house every morning.
The moon shines at night.

Approach : Task based approach
Method : Task-based language learning
Techniques : questions and answer, assignments, small group discussion, observation.


Media : Text, video and power point.
Tool : Paper, laptop, projector, whiteboard, and boardmarker.

1. Book
Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah, dan Furaidah. Bahasa Inggris ”When english Rings a Bell”. (Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan
Perbukuan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2017) on page 61-79.
2. Dictionary
Echols, J., & Shadily, H. 2010.Kamus Inggris Indonesia. (Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama).
3. Internet





Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Instruction Student’s Activity Time

Greets and invites students to Good Morning, Students. How are you today? Answer teacher’s greeting, then 1 minute
pray (CC-1; spiritual attitude) Let’s open our meeting today by reciting Basmallah. recite Basmallah together.
Invites students to check the Now, please look down under your chair, and also Check the cleanless of the class 3 minutes
classroom whether any garbage your locker. If there any garbage, you can put it into
or not. the trash can.
Checks the students’ presence Who is absent today? Answer teacher’s question. 1 minutes
Asks students about the What did you learn in the previous meeting? Answer ‘there is and there are’ and 3 minutes
previous material (literacy) give brief explanation about it.
Informs students material they After learning about ‘there is and there are’. Now, we Pay attention to the Teacher’s 2 minutes
will learn and its relationship will learn about ‘asking and giving information’. We explaination
with the previous material can use ‘there is and there are’ to asking information
(Communication) about the existance of something.
Informs students the objective After learning ‘asking and giving information’, you all Pay attention to the Teacher’s 10 minute

of the meeting, technique of the are considered to be able to asking and giving explaination and ask to the Teacher
learning and technique of the information related to the habbitual action or general what are unclear.
assessment. (Literacy) truth according to the correct grammatical and

To learning this material, we will do some discussion

and presentation, Firstly, we will discuss how to make
sentences to asking and giving information, the
language features of asking and giving information,
etc. Secondly, you will make a dioalogue about the act
of asking and giving information about habbitual
action of general truth.

To measure your understanding about this material, I

will assess you from your paperwork and also from
how your presenting your dialogue about the act of
asking and giving information about habbitual action
of general truth.

Is there any question unclear explaination about what

will we do today?


Task Based Learning

Teacher’s Activity Teacher’s Instruction Students’ Activity Time
Pre-task Asks students to pay attention to Now, please pay attention to the video and Pay attention to the video on the 10 minute
the video about habbitual actions follow what speaker says. slide.

Asks two of students to practice I need two brave students to practice the Two students come forward and
the dialogue related to the act of dialogue. Who want to be the volunteers? practice the dialogue
asking and giving information
about habbitual actions that Ok, Thank you. Please give applause for our Give applause for the two
displayed on the slide of brave volunteers. students.

Stimulates students to deliver From those examples, what topic of today Deliver their ideas
their ideas about the learning’s meeting?
topic. (critical thinking)

Gives brief explaination about So, the purpose of asking and giving
the characteristics (social information is...
function and language feature) And tense that used in the text before is...
of asking and giving The characteristics of habbitual action is the

information. using of Adverb
Task Gives students the guidance of As I told before, we will do several task. Are Respond the teacher’s question. 13 minute
tasks. (literacy) you happy to receive these interesting tasks?

Don’t worry. These asks are group tasks, so

for the first task you can work with a group
of 4, while for the second task you can work
in pair. Doing the tasks asked.

The first task, you have to take informations

‘what do smart students do everyday’ from
the book in pages 76-77. Then, write down
your findings as the form in the page 78.

The second task, you will do a little

observation. You will ask to your friend’s
daily activities.
- The first absence number ask to the
second absence number,
- the second absence number ask to
the second absence number, etc.
- Until the last absence number ask to

the first absence number.
After that, write down your your findings as
as exemplified in the page 79.

Is the instruction is clear enough?

Any question?
Planning Asks students to prepare a short Have you done? Pay attention to the teacher’s 7 minutes
oral or written report to tell the guidance and then doing the task
class what happened during their Now, you are asked to write down how did asked.
task. (creativity) your group do the first task. Write down the
differences opinion, and how do you solve
its differences.

Write down on a paper.One group one

paper. You could submite it 10 minutes

Is there any question?

Report Invites students to repoting their Now, please report your result discussion of Report report the result of their 10 minute
discussion’s result. the first task in front of class. discussion and give feedback
(communication) - Group 1 please report the anwer of each other.
number 1

- Group 2 please report the anwer of
number 2
- Group 3 please report the anwer of
number 3, etc.
Is there any different question? Or is there
any additional answer?
Analysis Highlights relevant parts from Now, notice the answer of number 3. Analyse the language of answer 5 minutes
the answer (language that the What does it means? of number 3.
students used during the report What is the adverbia used in the sentence?
phase) for the students to Could you make a sentence using this
analyse. (critical thinking) adverbia?

Practice Asks student to make dialogue Now, work in pair. Make a dialogue Students make a dialogue 5 minutes
contains the act of asking and contains the act of asking and giving contains the act of asking and
giving information about daily information about daily activity. giving information about daily
activity. (communication) activity.


Teacher’s Activities Teacher’s Instruction Student’s Activity Time

Together with the students, teacher Ok, after learning this material, now we can Together with the teacher, students 10 minutes
concludes the materials. conclude that the function of asking and giving conclude the materials.
information is.....
What are the chareacteristics of asking and
giving information?
Checks students understanding by Is there any material that still unclear? Ask to the teacher about unclear
asking what difficulities they met. Please, just ask to me. material.
Asks students to make a reflection. For your reflection, please open up the book in Do a reflection.
page 85. Do it by your self.
Informs the next material, Next week we will learn about procedure text. Pay attention and answer to the
motivates and greets students Do not forget to prepare it at home, keep your teacher’s greeting.
spirit, and thank you for your nice attention.
Dont forget to throw the rubbish.

Form : Self-assessment
Aspects of attitude assessed : politeness, cooperation and desipline.
Worksheet of Self assessment
Name : .............................
Class : .............................
Give a checklist to each statement based on your condition!
1) Attitude of Politeness

Score Score
No. Statement
1 2 3 4 Obtained

When learning English, I greet the teachers and friends using

appropriate English.

I say goodbye to the teacher and students using appropriate


I give the teacher and friends a greeting using appropriate

English outside the class.

I answer the teacher and friends a greeting using appropriate

English outside the class.

5. I ask permission when going into someone else's room or using

someone else's property.

Total score
Criterria: 1 = Never, if never do as the statement says.
2 = Seldom, if often didn’t do the action according to the statement and sometimes do.
3 = Usually, if often do the action according to the statement and sometimes do not do.
4 = Always, if always do according to the statement.
2) Attitude of cooperation
Score Score
No. Statement
1 2 3 4 obtained
1. I took part in assigning group assignments
I do not put personal interests first in working on group
3. I accept differences of opinion in doing group assignments
4. I am not picky in choosing group members
I answer the question from friends who do not understand the
context / material of there is and there are.
Total Score
Criterria: 1 = Never, if never do as the statement says.
2 = Seldom, if often didn’t do the action according to the statement and sometimes do.
3 = Usually, if often do the action according to the statement and sometimes do not do.
4 = Always, if always do according to the statement.
3) Attitude of descipline

Score Score
No. Statement
1 2 3 4 obtained
1. I came on time to the school.
2. I am compliant with joint rules/rules/ schools.
3. I do/collect tasks according to the time specified.
4. I do daily pickets agreed together
5. I follow the rules of written language that are good and correct
Total Score
Criterria: 1 = Never, if never do as the statement says.
2 = Seldom, if often didn’t do the action according to the statement and sometimes do.
3 = Usually, if often do the action according to the statement and sometimes do not do.
4 = Always, if always do according to the statement.
Scoring Guid :
Sum the scores of politeness attitude, cooperation attitude, and descipline attitude to find out the total score gained.
Score = Total score gained x 100
Maximum score (12)

Form of assessment: written and oral test
Form of instrument : assignment
Lattice of assessment:

Basic Competence Material Level Number

Indicators Instructions of of
Cognitive Questions
3.7 Understanding Noun, verb Listing noun, verb, and From the dialogue, please LOTS
concepts and language and adverb adverb from the mention at least 5 words of
features of oral and written transactional text related each noun, verb, and 15
transactional interaction to the act of asking and adverb!
texts that involve the act of giving information.
giving and requesting Adverb of time Applying the use of From your findings of HOTS
information related to adverbia: always, often, collecting information about
circumstances / actions / sometimes, never, your friend’s daily activity,
activities / events that are usually, every, etc. into please make five sentences
carried out regularly or are sentences related to the contain the use of adverb of
general truths, in act of asking and giving time!
accordance with the information
context of their use. (Note
the element of Simple Sentences that Applyingg the rules of You have to take HOTS 3

Present Tense). use Simple Simple Present Tense to informations ‘what do smart
Present tense asking and giving students do everyday’ from
information related to the book in pages 76-77.
events carried out Then, write down your
routinely or are general findings as the form in the
truths. page 78.
Total 18
a. Instrument guid
1) Mention 15 vocabulary words, each correct vocabulary score = 1
2) Make five sentences contain the use of adverb of time, each correct answer, score = 2
3) Create three paragraph using simple present tense, each correct number, score = 5
b. Scoring rubric
Score = Score gained x 100
Total score (40)

1-4 scale 10 – 100 scale
3,34 – 4,00 >88 – 100 Excellent A
2,34 – 3,33 >74 – 87 Good B
1,34 – 2,33 > 60 - 73 Fair C
1,00 – 1,33 < 60 Need improvement D


Form of assessment : written test

Form of instrument : product
Lattice of assessment:
Tevhnique of
Basic Competence Material Indicator
4.7 Composing simple Asking and giving 4.7.1 Composing simple Product
transactional interaction oral and information about daily transactional interaction text
written text which involves the act activity contains the act of asking and
of giving and asking for giving information related to
information related to the events that are carried out
circumtances / actions / activities / routinely or are general truths.
events that are carried out
routinely or are general truths, by
paying attention to the social
functions, text structure and
correct linguistic elements.

Instruction: Now, please work in pair. Make a dialogue contains the act of asking and giving information about daily
Rubric of assessment

Sentence writen
No. Name
Vocabulary Grammar Conformity to the situation

No. Aspect Score Description
1 Vocabulary 4 Student use more than 8 sentences with appropriate vocabulary
3 Student use more than 6 sentences with appropriate vocabulary
2 Student use more than 4 sentences with the appropriate vocabulary
1 Student use less than 4 sentences with appropriate vocabulary
2 Grammar 4 Student use more than 8 sentences with appropriate grammar
3 Student use more than 6 sentences with appropriate grammar
2 Student use more than 4 sentences with appropriate grammar
1 Student use less than 4 sentences with appropriate grammar
3 Conformity to the 4 There are more than 10 sentences that match the image selected by the
situation student
3 There are 8-10 sentences that match the image chosen by the student
2 There are 5-7 sentences that match the image chosen by the student
1 There are 3-4 sentences that match the picture selected by the student

Scoring Guid
Score = Total Score gained x 100
Maximum srore(12)

1-4 scale 10 – 100 scale
3,34 – 4,00 >88 – 100 Excellent A
2,34 – 3,33 >74 – 87 Good B
1,34 – 2,33 > 60 - 73 Fair C
1,00 – 1,33 < 60 Need improvement D

1. Remedial program
a. If the remedial students are more than or equal to 50%, the remedial will be done by re-learning.
b. If the remedial students are 20% - 49% the remedial will be done by giving group assignments.
c. If the remedial students are less than 20% the remedial will be done by giving special guidance.
2. Re-test must be taken by essay exercise where students are asked to answer 5 questions about the act of asking and giving
3. Remedial learning and retesting are conducted in additional class.


1. This activity is cunducted with identifying students' learning abilities by using observations.

2. This activity is cunducted with implementation of enrichment learning with assignment activities to add student’s score.
3. The activity of enrichment learning conducted with students who asked to answer 5 questions about adverb of time.
4. Enrichment learning and retesting are conducted in additional class.

Place, Date


Headmaster English Teacher

Name Nam


Material for Regular Learning

Worksheet 1

From pages number 76 and 77, take informations ‘what smart students do everyday’!

Worksheet 2

Please ask to your friend about his/her daily activity. Then write down the result in the table bellow!


Material for Remedial Learning

Answer the following questions! E. It is next to the hospital

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)

Complete the dialogue below (for question number 3)
Andy : What's the matter with you?
Lukman : Excuse me. _______________________ ?
Bryan : I've got stomachache
Ikhsan : Sure. It's in front of the language laboratory.
Andy : You should go to the sickbay
3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
Bryan : You are right, but where? Can you tell me where it is?
A. Can you tell me where the library is
Andy : Sure. It's next to the principal's office
B. Can you play the guitar
Bryan : Thanks?
C. Can you show me your car
D. Can you read the book for me
1. The underlined word is showing …
E. Can I borrow your book
A. Asking help
B. Asking opinion
Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 4 and 5)
C. Asking attention
A : I’d like some information about the trains.
D. Responding of certainty
B : Yes?
E. Asking Information
A : Could you tell me what time the train to Miami leaves?
B : Yes, the next train leaves at 11.00am.
2. Where is the sickbay?
A : _______________ how long it takes?
A. It is in front of principal's office
B : Let me see. It takes 28 hours.
B. It behind of principal's office
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
C. It is next to the principal's office
A. It sound nice
D. It is across of principal's office
B. Buy a new one

C. I am really happy to hear that
D. Do you know
E. You can do it

5. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Making an appointment
C. Giving information
D. Giving attention
E. Declining attention

Material for Enrichment Learning

Answer the questions bellow! Key Answer

1. …. 1945 Indonesia freedom. 1. C

a. ago b. last 2. A
3. A
c. In the d. Finally 4. B
2. My mother went to market… 5. C
a. today b. Yeteray
c. Ago d. In the
3. …., Maria got excellent point
a. Finally b. Yesterday
c. Ago c. In the
4. She always come…
a. in the b. late
c. yesterday d. ago
5. My uncle give me some books …. week.
a. yesterday b. late
c. last d. in the


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