Department of Mechanical Enginnering

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Additive manufacturing (AM) is the “process of joining materials to make

objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer”. It is also known as rapid
manufacturing or rapid prototyping. Unlike conventional manufacturing techniques such as
machining and stamping that fabricate products by removing materials from a larger stock or
sheet metal, additive manufacturing creates the final shape by adding materials. It has the
ability to make efficient use of raw materials and produce minimum waste while reaching
satisfactory geometric accuracy.

Using additive manufacturing, a design in the form of a computerized 3D solid

model can be directly transformed to a finished product without the use of additional fixtures
and cutting tools. This opens up the possibility of producing parts with complex geometry
that are difficult to obtain using material removal processes. As such, it is unnecessary to
consider design for manufacturing and assembly (DFM/DFA) principles in product design,
which is conducive to design innovation. AM enables environmental friendly product design
as well. Unlike traditional manufacturing processes that place many constraints on product
design, the flexibility of AM allows manufacturers to optimize design for lean production,
which by its nature eliminates waste. In addition, AM’s ability to construct complex
geometries means that many previously separated parts can be consolidated into a single
object. Furthermore, the topologically optimized designs that AM is capable of realizing
could increase a product’s functionality, thus reducing the amount of energy.

3D printing is a form of additive manufacturing technology where a three

dimensional object is created by laying down successive layers of material. It is also known
as rapid prototyping; It is a mechanized method whereby 3D objects are quickly made on a
reasonably sized machine, connected to a computer containing blueprints for the object. The
3D printing concept of custom manufacturing is exciting to nearly everyone.

This project is very reliable and making use of new techniques as mentioned
above we are working on it. This technology are very useful and can be proved to be a great
support in industrial practices.


This type of process is coming under non-conventional manufacturing because

of such technique is not suitable for manufacturing huge batch of products. despite of that,
practicing such technique gives high dimensional accuracy and surface finish.

3d printing manufacturing involves various common practises which used to

perform day to day in industrial & design sectors as per follows

 Fused deposition modelling (FDM)

 Stereolithography (SLA)
 Selective laser sintering (SLS)
 Selective laser melting (SLM)
 Digital beam melting (EBM)

1) Stereolithography also known as optical fabrication or photo solidification is a form of 3D

printing technology used for creating models by layer by layer fashion using photochemical
presses by which light causes chemical monomers to link together to form polymers. Those
polymers then make up the body of 3 dimensional solid

2) Selective laser sintering (SLS) is an additive manufacturing (AM) technique that uses a laser
as the power source to sinter powdered material (typically nylon or polyamide), aiming the
laser automatically at points in space defined by a 3D model, binding the material together to
create a solid structure. It is similar to Selective Laser Melting (SLM); the two are instantiations
of the same concept but differ in technical details. Selective laser melting (SLM) uses a
comparable concept, but in SLM the material is fully melted rather than sintered, allowing
different properties (crystal structure, porosity, and so on). SLS (as well as the other mentioned
AM techniques) is a relatively new technology that so far has mainly been used for rapid
prototyping and for low-volume production of component parts. Production roles are
expanding as the commercialization of AM technology improves.


3) Selective laser melting (SLM), also known as direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) or laser
powder bed fusion (LPBF), is a rapid prototyping, 3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM)
technique designed to use a high power-density laser to melt and fuse metallic powders
together. To many SLM is considered to be a subcategory of selective laser sintering (SLS).
The SLM process has the ability to fully melt the metal material into a solid three-dimensional
part unlike SLS.


4)Electron-beam additive manufacturing, or electron-beam melting (EBM) is a type of

additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, for metal parts. The raw material (metal powder or
wire) is placed under a vacuum and fused together from heating by an electron beam. This
technique is distinct from selective laser sintering as the raw material fuses having completely

.FIG 3
4) Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is an additive manufacturing (AM) technology
commonly used for modelling, prototyping, and production applications. It is one of the
techniques used for 3D printing. FDM works on an "additive" principle by laying down
material in layers; a plastic filament or metal wire is unwound from a coil and supplies
material to produce a part. Thus, FDM is also known as a solid-based AM technology. The
technology was developed by S. Scott Crump in the late 1980s and was commercialized in
1990. The term fused deposition modelling and its abbreviation to FDM are trademarked by
Stratasys Inc. The exactly equivalent term, fused filament fabrication (FFF), was coined by
the members of the RepRap project to give a phrase that would be legally unconstrained in its
use. It is also sometimes called Plastic Jet Printing (PJP).


In this project we will design any mechanical component by using 3D printing
technology and study the outcome parameters. Thus manufactured component should have
high surface, accuracy finish and produced n shortest possible time. this is ultimate objective
of project instead of that project have many goals as per follows,

 To Design the on the basis of mathematical formulations

 To Generate model of component using modelling software with proper
 To study cam software to convert cad model to machine codes
 Proper selection of material used for 3d printing purpose
 To study 3d printer
 To analysis product for surface finish, production time
& power consumption

First of all, we have study process of 3d printing from that we have to choose
proper technique of 3D printing. FDM is most suitable technique because of, it economic &
easily available after we will decide the material which is used in the manufacturing. Then we
decide component which would be design then we are going to decide test component and then
we will design actual component which is to be produced then developed g code by proper
orientation of components on the bed of 3D thus analysing component that product can
produced in minimum production time. Then we will dimensionally analysis the components
whether they are dimensionally correct or not there surface finish etc. then we assemble the

*What we learn
First we had studied fused deposition moulding specifically we used fused
filament fabrication (FFF) 3D printing process that uses a continuous filament of a
thermoplastic material. Filament is fed from a large coil through a moving, heated printer
extruder head, and is deposited on the growing work. The print head is moved under computer
control to define the printed shape. Usually the head moves in two dimensions to deposit one
horizontal plane, or layer, at a time; the work or the print head is then moved vertically by a
small amount to begin a new layer. The speed of the extruder head may also be controlled to
stop and start deposition and form an interrupted plane without stringing or dribbling between
sections. "Fused filament fabrication" was coined by the members of the RepRap project to
give a phrase that would be legally unconstrained in its use, given trademarks covering "fused
deposition modelling".

Fused filament printing is now the most popular process (by number of
machines) for hobbyist-grade 3D printing. Other techniques such as photo polymerisation and
powder sintering may offer better results, but they are much costlier.

1)Material Extrusion

Fused filament fabrication uses material extrusion to print items, where a

feedstock material is pushed through an extruder. In most fused filament fabrication 3D
printing machines, the feedstock material comes in the form of a filament wound onto a spool.

The 3D printer liquefier is the component predominantly used in this type of

printing. Extruders for these printers have a cold end and a hot end. The cold end pulls material
from the spool, using gear- or roller-based torque to the material and controlling the feed rate
by means of a stepper motor. The cold end pushes feedstock into the hot end. The hot end
consists of a heating chamber and a nozzle. The heating chamber hosts the liquefier, which
melts the feedstock to transform it into a thin liquid. It allows the molten material to exit from
the small nozzle to form a thin, tacky bead of plastic that will adhere to the material it is laid

on. The nozzle will usually have a diameter of between 0.3 mm and 1.0 mm. Different types
of nozzles and heating methods are used depending upon the material to be printed.


---Variants of the process

Hot extrusion of rods. In these types of 3d printing machines, the feedstock is
in form of a rod instead of a filament. Since the rod is thicker than the filament, it can be
pushed towards the hot end by means of a piston or rollers, applying a greater force and/or
velocity compared to conventional FFF.
*Cold extrusion of slurries. In these types of 3D printing machines, the
feedstock comes in form of a slurry, a paste or a clay—all of which are viscous suspension of
solid powder particles in a liquid medium, which is dried after deposition. In this case, the
material is generally pushed towards the nozzle by the action of a piston, and the nozzle is not
heated. Paste-like materials such as ceramics and chocolate can be extruded using the fused
filament process and a specialized paste extruder.
*Hot extrusion of pellets. In these types of 3d printing machines the feedstock
comes in form of pellets, i.e. small granules of thermoplastic material or mixtures of
thermoplastic binder with powder fillers. The material is pushed towards the nozzle by the
action of a piston or a rotating screw, which are contained by an extrusion barrel. In this case
the whole extrusion barrel is heated, along with the nozzle.

FFF begins with a software process which processes an STL file (Stereolithography file
format), mathematically slicing and orienting the model for the build process. If required,
support structures may be generated.

The nozzle can be moved in both horizontal and vertical directions, and is mounted to a
mechanical stage, which can be moved in the xy plane.

Process: 1 – 3D Printer Extruder, 2 – deposited material (modelled part), 3 – controlled

movable table.
As the nozzle is moved over the table in a prescribed geometry, it deposits a thin bead of
extruded plastic, called a ‘‘road’’ which solidifies quickly upon contact with substrate and/or
roads deposited earlier. Solid layers are generated by following a rasterizing motion where
the roads are deposited side by side within an enveloping domain boundary.

Stepper motors or servo motors are typically employed to move the extrusion head. The
mechanism used is often an X-Y-Z rectilinear design, although other mechanical designs
such as deltabot have been employed.

Once a layer is completed, the platform is lowered in the z direction in order to start the next
layer. This process continues until the fabrication of the object is completed.

For successful bonding of the roads in the process, control of the thermal environment is
necessary. Therefore, the system is kept inside a chamber, maintained at a temperature just
below the melting point of the material being deposited.

Although as a printing technology FFF is very flexible, and it is capable of dealing with small
overhangs by the support from lower layers, FFF generally has some restrictions on the slope
of the overhang, and cannot produce unsupported stalactites.


Plastic is the most common material for 3d printing via FFF and other EAM
variants. Various polymers may be used, including acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS),
polycarbonate (PC), polylactic acid (PLA), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), PC/ABS,
polyethylene terephthalate (PETG), polyphenylsulfone (PPSU) and high impact polystyrene
(HIPS). In general, the polymer is in the form of a filament fabricated from virgin resins.
Additionally, fluoropolymers such as PTFE tubing are used in the process due to the material's
ability to withstand high temperatures. This ability is especially useful in transferring filaments.
The many different variants of EAM, i.e. of material Extrusion based Additive
Manufacturing allow to deal with many additional material types, summarised in the table
below. Several material classes can be extruded and 3d printed:
Some common materials used in FDM moulding are as follows

Material class Examples Typical applications

Thermoplastic PLA, ABS, ABSi, These materials are used for their heat resistance
polymers HDPE, PPSF, PC, properties. Ultem 9085 also exhibits fire retardancy
PETG, Ultem 9085, making it suitable for aerospace and aviation
PTFE,PEEK, applications.
recycled plastics
Polymer matrix GFRP, CFRP Structural applications

Ceramic slurries and Alumina, Zirconia, Insulation, consumers objects, dental applications
clays Kaolin

Green metal/binder Stainless steel, Tooling, fixtures, mechanical parts

mixture Titanium, Inconel

The product which will manufacture should not have subjected to any type of
load thus there is no need of material with excessive strength thus we selected material known
as ABS or acrylonitrile butadiene styrene.

Thus material ABS is most suitable material and we were selected.

We decided to use solid works software for modelling purpose and “CURA”
software for developing g codes. We had design one component in solid works and save this
file in. STL format which can be opened in “CURA” software.
Thus we develop one component and develop G code.


Selection of component
We decided some list of components which we will design some component in
modelling software which include components like knuckle joint, scotch yoke mechanism there
design is under progress the component which has less production time is consider for
production purpose.

3d printer
The printer which to be used for printing is “ultimaker 3” manufacture by Rio
3D printers, malakapur. This printer facility available in our college at IDEC cell we had apply
for IDEC cell for manual of 3D printer.

Work pending
 Study of printer used in printing process.
 Design of component and testing of machine testing.
 Production of test component.
 Produce actual component.
 Testing and analysis of components.

After successfully completing this project we can use 3D printing technology as
used in industrial practices. We can produce components as per maximum dimensional
accuracy, surface finish and within shortest time.

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