Assessment of Student Learning

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College of Education


A premier educational institution of higher learning, developing globally-competitive and value-laden professionals and leaders instrumental to G - God-centeredness
community development and nation building. E - Excellence
N - Nationalism
MISSION E - Environment Friendliness
As an institution of higher learning, PnC is committed to equip individuals with knowledge, skills and values that will enable them to achieve their R - Responsibility
professional goals and provide leadership and service for national development. O - Orderliness
U - Unity
PnC Graduate Attributes S - Service to Others
1. Professional Competence
2. Communication Skills
3. Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills
4. Lifelong Learning Skills
5. Interpersonal Skills
6. Productivity
7. Social and Ethical Responsibility

College of Education Degree Program Educational Objectives

Within the five years after graduation, the graduates of BSED program shall have:
1. Productive professional committed to improve the society and uphold the standard of ethical behavior
2. Strive to be excellent in their discipline through continuous upgrading of their knowledge, skills and attitudes
3. Assume progressively supervisory, leading and influential roles in their organization and communities
4. Pursue further studies for professional growth and development

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Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 1 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English Student Outcomes

1 Possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective learning

2. Use English as a glocal language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of language and literature
3. Acquire extensive reading background in language, literature, and allied fields.
4. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication
5. Shows competence in employing innovative language and literature teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies
6. Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching
7. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve learning and teaching language and literature
8. Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research – oriented language and literature teacher

1. Course Title Geography 1( Human Geography) 3. Course Code SMM102

2. Credit units/Hours per
3 units / hours per week here. 4. Course Prerequisite Pre-requisite course code here
In this course you will be introduced to human geography, which includes (but is not limited to) the following: population distributions and dynamics;
cultural differences and identity; geographies of power and politics; natural and built human environments; food systems and agricultural geographies;
5. Course Description regional and global economic development. You will be exposed to an international comparative perspective about the world, and use the tools and
concepts of place, space, scale and landscape to learn and think about your world. Human geography as presented in this course centers on the
question of “where” as it relates to human activity.

6. Course Intended At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Learning Outcomes 1. Interpret maps and analyze geospatial data
(CILO) 2. Understand and explain the implications of associations and networks among phenomena in places
3. Recognize and interpret the relationship among patterns and processes at different scales analysis
4. Define regions and evaluate the regionalization processes

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Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 2 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd
In order to achieve the outcomes of this course, learners will go through this learning plan:

Week Topics Course Intended Learning Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks
Outcomes (ILO) (AT)

1 Discussion of PnC Mission Vision CILO 1 CILO 3 Mini-Lecture: Why rules are important to Oral evaluation and
Program Outcomes, Course Outcomes social beings essay
Course Orientation and Policies
2 Basic Concepts in Assessing Student Learning CILO 2 CILO 3 • Brainstorming Essays
Measurement, Evaluation, Assessment • Classroom Discussion presentation
• Lecture
3 Roles of Assessment in Instruction Decisions CILO 1 CILO 2 CILO 3 • Individual reporting Short quiz
Ways • Group Discussion journal
Open forum

4-5 Roles of Assessment in Introduction Decisions CILO 1 CILO 3 • Lecture group Journal
Instructional Decisions, Assessment in the Instructional Process • Discussion Long test
Think Pair and Share
Gallery Walk
Concept Mapping
6 Prelim Exam Week
7-8 Principles of High Quality Assessment CILO1 CILO 4 • Presentation and Discussion Essay and Journal
Teacher-made Tests, Learning Targets, Stating General Learning Outcomes, How to Select • Reporting
Assessment Targets, What is a Test Video Clip presentation

9 Principles of High Quality Assessment Understand the difference • Group Dynamics Portfolio essay
between a boundary and a • Classroom Discussion
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Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 3 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd
Week Topics Course Intended Learning Learning Activities (TLA) Assessment Tasks
Outcomes (ILO) (AT)

Qualities of Good Test Instruments, Practicality and Efficiency of Assessment of Student

Learning, Ethics in Assessment, What are Non-tests, Test standardization

10-11 Development of Classroom Assessment Tools CILO 1 CILO 2 CILO 3 Discussion Portfolio
Planning the Test, Table of Specifications, Test Designing and Construction Video clip presentation
12 Midterm Exam Week
13 Development of Classroom Assessment Tools CILO 1 CILO 3 Reporting and Discussion Journal
Matching Test Items to Specific Learning Outcomes, Suggestions for Using and Writing Test
Items, Determining the Number of Test Items to Use
14-15 Utilization of Test CILO 2 CILO 3 Lecture Journal , essay
Uses of Test Scores, Standardized Tests, Chalk- Board Activity
Multimedia Presentation
16 Utilization of Test CILO 1 CILO 3 Chalk- Board Activity Short quiz
Department of Education Grading System (K-12 Curriculum), Authentic Assessment Multimedia Presentation
17 Final Exam Week

8. Textbook
• K to 12 program (DepEd)
• https://www. Social Studies Education
• Geography and Development: A World Regional Approach. (1995) Ed. James S. Fisher
Englewood Cliffs. N. J.: Prentice Hall, Inc.
• Luna,Telesseforo W., Renato L. Cerdena, Darelene J. Occena. Geography of Asia.
Quezon City: JMC Press, Inc

9. Suggested Readings and References

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Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 4 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd
Rubenstein, James M. The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography. 10th Edition

10. Course Assessment CILO

As evidence of attaining the above CILO, the student has to do and submit the following:

Assessment Activity Description and other details

Journal, Portfolio, Quiz, As learners go through with the
Oral presentation and subject journal will be utilized to
Long test understand learners’ capability in
identifying their strength and
weakness. Portfolio will be done as
part of their project in the finals.
Quizzes will be given to assess
learners’ comprehension of the
subject and as part of their grading.
Oral presentation through the use
of power point presentation will be
made as part of their grading. Long
test will be used to identify learners

Major Exams To know and assess the learners

learning at the end of the course
outline given Prelim, Midterm, and
Final exam will be given as part of
their learnings.

Course Title Date Effective Prepared by Reviewed by Recommended by Approved by

Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 5 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd
11. Grading System
The final grade in this course will be composed of the following items and their weights in the final grade computation
Assessment Item Grade Source Percentage

Prelim Grade Quizzes - 20%

Class participation/Attendance - 10% 30%
Seatwork/ Project - 20%
Term Examination - 50%
Midterm Grade Quizzes - 20%
Class participation/Attendance - 10% 30%
Seatwork/ Project - 20%
Term Examination - 50%
Final Grade Quizzes - 20%
Class participation/Attendance - 10% 40%
Seatwork/ Project - 20%
Term Examination - 50%
Total 100%
Passing Grade 60%
Passing: 60%

12. Course Policies Class Attendance

As per CHED policy on attendance, a student who misses a maximum of 20% of the total contact hours will be given a grade of failure due to absences.
Academic Dishonesty – is a deliberate attempt to misrepresent, fabricate or otherwise tamper with data, information, records, or any other material that is relevant to the
student’s participation in any course, laboratory, or other academic exercise or function. These may include but may not be limited to:
a. Falsification, forgery, alteration, unauthorized possession, or misuse of school official documents, records, or identification, or knowingly furnishing false
information to the university or to a university official.
b. Unauthorized accessing of electronic information of the university and securing, soliciting, and holding a copy of an examination or a portion thereof, that is
yet to be administered
c. Plagiarism or copyright infringement
Submission of Course Requirements
Course requirements must be submitted on-time.

Course Title Date Effective Prepared by Reviewed by Recommended by Approved by

Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 6 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd
13. Committee Members Members: Prof. Alex S. Sanchez

The Faculty Consultation hours schedule is available at the COED office, and at the COED bulletin board.
14. Consultation Hours
Each time this course is offered, the class is initially informed of the course outcomes listed in this document, and they are included in the syllabus. Survey will be conducted
at the end of semester for each student to rate how well the outcome was achieved. The choices provided use a 5-point Likert scale. The course instructor takes the result of
15. Assessment Plan for this Course
the survey, combined with the sample student responses to activities and term exams corresponding to the course outcomes, and reports these result to the concerned course
cluster committee.

Course Title Date Effective Prepared by Reviewed by Recommended by Approved by

Assessment of Student 2nd Semester Alex S. Sanchez, MAED, MAT Alex S. Sanchez Andreal F. Nadal Dr. Rommel DC. Mallari Page 7 of 7
Learning 1 AY 2018-2019 Cluster Head Program Head Dean, COEd

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