Pressure Gauges: Calibration: 2 Field of Application

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Key words: Test method, calibration, pressure gauges


Page The pressure gauges to be tested according to this method
1 SCOPE 1 are ordinary industrial gauges suitable for measuring both
1 liquid and gas pressure with no specific measuring range.
3 REFERENCES 1 Mechanical gauges are supposed to fall within the
4 DEFINITIONS 2 classifications stated in e.g. DIN 16005 or similar.
Electrical gauges are regarded as complete systems, e.g.,
6 METHOD OF TEST possessing sensing elements as well as necessary signal
6.1 Principle conditioning units and indication equipment.
6.2 Apparatus
6.3 Preparation of the measuring instrument This method does not cover blood pressure measuring
6.4 Procedure devices, sphygmomanometers, using either the indirect or the
6.5 Expression of results direct measuring method.
6.6 Calculation of total measure-
ment uncertainty
6.7 Test report 7

This NORDTEST method describes the calibration of pressure 3 REFERENCES
gauges of both mechanical and electrical types.
[1] Deutsche Norm DIN 16005 - February 1987.
Methods are included for the determination of pressure gauge
[2] OIML recommendation “Verification methods for
- linearity indicating pressure gauges, vacuum gauges and
- hysteresis pressure-vacuum gauges with an elastic sensing
element and direct indication by pointer and graduated
- repeatability
scale (ordinary instruments) -September 1987.
- uncertainty
The method covers calibrations in the range from approx. OF PRESSURE BALANCES” July 1987.
0 MPa and upwards with no specific upper limit.
[4] OIML “International vocabulary of basic and general
This method only covers static pressure calibrations. terms in metrology”.

Published by NORDTEST Tekniikantie 12 FIN-02150 ESPOO FINLAND Phone +358 9 455 4600 Fax +358 9 455 4272
ISSN 0283-7196 Proj. 633-86

4 DEFINITIONS Scale division: The distance (in pressure units) of two

successive scale marks on the gauge scale.
For the purpose of this method the following definitions shall
Estimated uncertainty of reading: The smallest pressure
Calibration: The set of operations which under specified
conditions establish the relationship, between values reading that can be read off the gauge.
indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring system or
values represented by a material measure and the Note: For mechanical gauges this value is usually equal
corresponding known values of a measurand. to 1/5 - 1/10 of a scale division.

Traceability: The property of a measurement result whereby
it can be related to appropriate standards generally national or The calibration should be performed only if the pressure
international standards through an unbroken chain of gauge - when inspected visually - is in good working order,
comparisons. i.e., the casing must not be cracked, the wiring should be
properly insulated, etc.
Measurement standard: A material measure, measuring
instrument or system intended to define, realize, conserve or The pressure gauge should be cleaned around the mounting
reproduce a unit or one more known value of a quantity, in threads and care should be taken to ensure that no dirt or
order to transmit them to other measuring instruments by foreign matter is present where it could come into contact with
comparison. the pressure medium.

Reference standard: A standard, generally of the highest Care should be taken to ensure that oxygen gauges are not in
metrological quality available at a given location from which direct connection with oil systems.
measurements made at that location are derived.
Uncertainty of measurement: An estimate of the total General introduction
uncertainty of the results of a calibration. The estimate is
This method only deals with complete measuring systems, it
obtained by multiplying the combined uncertainty with a
is not possible to perform tests on discrete parts of the
safety factor, which always must be stated.
system, i.e., the pressure sensing element alone.
Comined uncertainty: The uncertainty obtained by
6.1 Principle
combining internal and external uncertainties.
The pressure gauge to be tested is connected to a pressure
Internal uncertainty: The component of uncertainty which is generating source, which again is connected to an
caused by random errors and is evaluated from the measuring appropriate standard which must be traceable to
results using statistical methods. internationally recognised standards. The generating source
and the reference standard can be one and the same device.
External uncertainty: The uncertainty component which is As the system is pressurized a connection is established
caused by random errors and is evaluated by other means between the reading of the standard and that of the measuring
from the external factors having influence on the instrument. This connection is established at discrete points
measurement. only, the number and distribution of these are mentioned in
paragraph 6.4.1.
Linearity: The function which defines the relationship
between applied pressure (from the standard) and the
observed reading of the measuring instrument.
6.2 Apparatus
In this method, linearity is defined according to the least The standards used in this method can be one of the following
square method, which means that the line of reference for the types:
pressure gauge is calculated in such a way that the square - a pressure balance with a measuring range at least
sum of the deviations from the actual calibration curve is
equal to that of the instrument under test.
minimized. See Appendix.
- an electronic gauge with a measuring range equal to
Hysteresis: The difference in output signal observed when that of the instrument under test.
readings taken at increasing pressures are compared to - a mechanical gauge with a measuring range equal to
readings taken at decreasing pressures. that of the instrument under test.

Repeatability: The degree of agreement between results of Note: Observe that in all circumstances the standard
successive measurements of the same measurer and carried used shall possess an accuracy which is 4 - 10
out under identical conditions, with identical methods and times better than the accuracy of the instrument
over a short period of time. under test.

The following practice is recommended: 6.3.4 When calibrating using oil system bleed the system to
eliminate any air bubbles present. The difference in height
If the measuring instrument possesses an
between the standard and the measuring instrument should
accuracy which is equal to or better than class 0,6
on these systems be kept as small as possible in order to
according to e.g. DIN 16005, the standard used
minimize fluid head corrections.
could be a pressure balance.

In the case of electronic instruments the 6.3.5 Pre-load the gauge 3 times, each time to maximum
reading and maintain maximum reading for 2 min. between
abovementioned should preferably apply.
each pre-loading cycle.
If the measuring instrument possesses an
accuracy which is in accordance with the DIN Note: During this sequence it is advisable to check on
class 1,0 or worse, it is possible to use another the possibilities of adjusting the gauge. Observe
that in many cases it is possible to adjust both the
pressure gauge as standard provided that the
transducer itself and the indicating equipment. For
above mentioned factor 4 - 10 is adhered to.
differential pressure gauges the pre-loading is
performed at a static pressure as close as
The standard used should always be operated according to
possible to the static pressure of which the gauge
the relevant instruction manual.
is used.
6.3 Preparation of the measuring instrument
For electronic gauges the following shall apply:
6.3.1 It should be observed that the measuring instrument is During the first pre-loading cycle the reading of
to be acclimatized to the temperature of the calibration site for the measuring instrument at zero and maximum
at least 6 hrs. respectively should be noted and compared to the
values obtained during the next two cycles. Also
Note: The reference temperature is 20°C, the ambient observe - during the 2 minutes at which maximum
air pressure 1,013 x 105 Pa and the relative pressure is maintained - whether a continuous
humidity less than or equal to 80 %. shift in output signal is present. If this creep-effect
is present, compare the magnitude of it with
If calibrations are performed at parameters specifications from the manufacturer - if any. If
differing from these values, the values should be the creep-effect is large, i.e., several scale
stated and necessary corrections applied. Also divisions, the calibration should be aborted.
note that some instrument manufacturers specify
23°C as reference temperature.
At the last pre-loading cycle both the zero and the
maximum value is to be adjusted according to
specifications, if desired.
6.3.2 In the case of electronic measuring instruments allow
warm-up according to specifications, before commencing Note: If any adjustments have been made these should
any work on the instrument. be stated in the calibration certificate.

Note: The calibration should not commence before 6.4 Procedure

a stable 0-point has been achieved. 6.4.1 Selection of calibration points
Select a suitable number of calibration points, the number
depending upon the classification of the instrument under
6.3.3 Connect the measuring instrument to the relevant test. For mechanical gauges and electronic gauges with a
standard observing the note in paragraph 6.2. display reading directly in pressure units it will be possible to
select the calibration points according to the instructions laid
Note: The gauge should be mounted in the correct down in DIN 16005. These will be referred to as DIN-type
position as specified by the manufacturer. If not, gauges.
the position used should be stated in the
calibration certificate.
For other types of gauges the following shall apply:
Observe that gas pressure gauges should be Select at least 9 points evenly distributed throughout the
calibrated using gas (dry air or nitrogen) as pressure range in such a way that the zero is the first
pressure transmitting medium. If this is not calibration point, and the value corresponding to maximum
possible, the gauge is to be separated from the reading is the last point. Usually the second calibration point
standard. When using a separator, the pressure is then chosen as 10 % of maximum, and the remainder is
drop across this is to be taken into account when then distributed evenly along the upper 90 % of the scale.
calculating the pressure generated by the Furthermore, the 50 % point should be chosen as a calibration
standard. point.

Note: When calibrating differential pressure gauges it Paragraphs and are repeated for
will sometimes be useful to investigate the each successive calibration point.
0 - 10 % range, in which case the distribution of
calibration points should allow for that. When maximum pressure - i.e. the last calibration
point - is achieved this maximum value should be maintained
When calibrating absolute pressure gauges it is for 2 minutes. For DIN-type gauges, this value should be
not advisable to select calibration points lower maintained for 15 minutes.
than 10 % of maximum owing to the possibility of
creep-effects. For DIN-type gauges the pressure is lowered to the
next lower calibration point. For other types of gauges the
6.4.2 The actual calibration pressure is lowered to the 50 % point.
The calibration itself is performed in several repeated cycles
as described below. For differential pressure gauges all When the pressure has stabilized, take a reading on
calibration is done at the appropriate static pressure.
- the measuring instrument when using a pressure Adjust the gauge to zero and if using another balance as standard
pressure gauge as standard, check the zero setting on this - the standard when using a pressure gauge as standard.
too. For DIN-type gauges the steps ... are
Note: On differential gauges this is done only after repeated for each successive calibration point.
establishing the proper static pressure. Note the gauge zero (without adjustment) as a Note the gauge zero as the first calibration point. calibration point. Generate a pressure corresponding to the second For DIN-type gauges the calibration is now
calibration point. When using a pressure balance as standard, complete.
weights are placed on that in such a manner that the total
number of weights corresponds to the chosen point. Allow 2 minutes of stabilisation time and then
perform a calibration cycle according to paragraphs ...
Note: Having chosen for instance 1,5 MPa as a respectively but this time the calibrations are
calibration point, it is not necessary to generate
performed at only 0 - 50 - 100 - 50 - 0 % of maximum.
exactly 1,5 MPa. It will be sufficient to choose the
number of required masses in such a way that Repeat paragraph until 5 cycles have
1,5 MPa can be regarded as a nominal value only. been performed.
The corrections applied later will determine the
exact pressure value. Note: In order to be in accordance with other methods it
may be necessary to perform 6 cycles.
When using another pressure gauge as standard,
the pressure is adjusted in such a manner that it -
when read on the measuring instrument -
corresponds exactly to the calibration point

6.5 Expression of results After the pressure is stabilized a reading is taken on 6.5.1 Calculation of pressure generated by the standard
either Calculate the pressure for each pressure stage. When using a
- pressure balance as standard this is to be done in one of the
the measuring instrument when using a pressure
following ways depending on the type of pressure gauge
balance as standard
being calibrated
- the standard when using a pressure gauge as standard. - when calibrating single-sided gauges i.e. not differential
types, the pressure is calculated according to formula
Note: Mechanical gauges should be gently tapped
(2) in ref. [3]
before a reading is taken.
- when calibrating differential gauges the static pressure
Note: The time interval spent at each calibration point is calculated according to (2) in ref. [3]
should be kept as short as possible in order to
minimize creep-effects, but still at least three The pressure differential is calculated by substituting
times the time constant stated by the the mass term M in (2) by the increment in mass
manufacturer. necessary to produce the desired pressure differential.

Note: When using gas type pressure balances, the Note: The function is to be calculated on the basis of the
surface tension correction term in ref. [3] is to be calibration cycle using only the values from zero to
omitted. Also in this case, the height correction maximum pressure, (par The hysteresis
term is usually very small. It will then be possible to values are not to be used for calculating the gauge
omit also this term, provided that is does not linearity. Thus the function is evaluated from
contribute significantly to the total inaccuracy of approx 9 calibration points.
the gauge.
For further information see Appendix.
- When using other gauges as standards, the
values obtained from these are used with Perform a “reverse check” of equation (2) at the
current corrections as true values. calibration points obtained during the first cycle
(par i.e. input the pressure p and calculate
Note: If the calibration temperature deviates from 20 °C, the output signal ycal = f(p).
it will be necessary to apply temperature
correction terms if the corresponding error will be Calculate the difference between the calculated
greater than 1/5 of the maximum permissible output signal and the observed output signal at
error. each calibration point

6.5.2 Calculation of linearity. Error calculations For all mechanical gauges and electrical types which
can be classified in accordance with DIN 16005 the pressure qlin,i = ycal,i - yobs,i (3)
gauge error is to be determined at each pressure stage.
where qlin,i is the error of linearity at the i’th point
qlin = yobs - yref (1) ycal,i is the calculated output signal at the i’th point
yobs,i is the observed output signal at the i’th point
where qlin is the pressure gauge linearity error
yobs is the pressure gauge reading as found in
yref is the pressure as found in 6.5.1.

The values of the error are then compared - for each pressure
stage - with the maximum permissible error as found in Note: The linearity is not related to a specific pressure
DIN 16005. value e.g. the 50 % point but is simply the
maximum value observed.
Determine the maximum value of qlin,max as percent of full
scale deflection A standard deviation for the linearity is determined
as follows:
x 100 Calculate the square sum of the differences as
p max found in (3).

This is termed the gauge linearity according to DIN 16005.

Note: When calculating the maximum permissible error i=l

from DIN 16005 the calibration error tolerance as

stated should be used. For all other types, i.e. electrical gauges which can
not be classified according to DIN 16005, calculate a first where n is the number of calibration points
degree polynomia on a least square basis defining the
qlin,i is the value of qlin at the i’th point

ycal = f(p) = a x p+yo (2) Q1 1/2

then slin = ( )
n(n-1) (5)
where ycal is the calculated gauge output signal

P is the applied pressure

a is the slope of the straight line
where slin is the standard deviation for the linearity.
yo is the output signal at zero pressure i.e. the
y-axis intercept. This is an internal uncertainty component.

6.5.3 Calculation of repeatibility Determine the maximum value of qhyst,max as percent of full
scale deflection
Repeatibility is not determined for DIN-type gauges.

Repeatibility is determined at 50 and 100 % of maximum, for x 100
increasing pressures. Determine the mean value of the gauge p max
readings at the two different pressure stages.
This is termed the gauge hysteresis according to the
- 1
=- Σ yij DIN 16005.
X i n x j=1

Note: For DIN-type gauges j = 1 and for other types of

gauges j equals the number of repetitive
measurements and i = 1
where n is the number of repetitive measurements.
yij is the j’th reading at the i’th point Note: For mechanical gauges it is important that the
-X is the mean value at the i’th point hysteresis should always be positive, i.e. the
reading taken at decreasing pressure is above that
if a zero drift is observed during calibration, the taken at increasing pressure. Otherwise it is not
gauge readings should for this purpose be possible to classify the gauge according to
corrected accordingly. DIN 16005.

Calculate the quantities For other types of gauges determine

n - - Σ
Q1r = Σ (y1i - X1)2 (7) Xhyst = 1/n
qhyst,i,j (11)

which is a mean value of the 50 % point hysteresis.


Q2r = Σ -
(y2i - X2)2 (8) Calculate

where y1i and y2i are the gauge readings at the first and Qh = Σ -
(qhyst,i - Xhyst)2 (12)
second point respectively.
- -
X1 and X2 are the mean values of the first and
second stages as found from (6). Then determine a standard deviation for the hysteresis

Q 1/2
A standard deviation for the repeatibility is then s hyst = ( n(n h- 1) ) (13)

Q1r + Q2r 1/2 This is an internal uncertainty component.

srep = ( )
n((n - 1) + (n - 1)) (9)

This is an internal uncertainty component.

6.5.5 Reference standard - uncertainty
6.5.4 Calculation of hysteresis Determine the maximum uncertainty of the reference
standard as
Hysteresis is determined as the difference in gauge reading
for decreasing and increasing pressures respectively.
Uref = u x pmax (14)
qhyst,i,j = yd,i,j - yi,i,j (10)
where u is an uncertainty value usually stated on a
where 3 σ- basis in the instrument certificate.
yd,i,j is the gauge reading at the i’th point at j’th
cycle for decreasing pressure. pmax is the maximum calibration pressure used

yi,i,j is the gauge reading at the i’th point at j’th Then calculate the one sigma uncertainty for the reference
cycle for increasing pressure. standard

For DIN-type gauges these values of qhyst are then compared sref = Uref/3 (15)
- for each pressure stage - with the maximum permissible
error as found in DIN 16005. This is an external uncertainty component.

6.6 Calculation of total measurement uncertainty 6.7 Test report

The total uncertainty is calculated using a safety factor of K as: After the calibration a test report shall be issued containing the
following details.
2 2 2 2 1/2 a) Name and address of the calibration laboratory
U = K x (slin + shys + srep + sref ) (16)
b) Test report identification number
c) Client name and address
d) Identification of the calibrated instrument
e) Identification and traceability of reference standards
used for calibration

Note: The safety factor K is usually chosen to be 2 - 3 f) Date of calibration

according to practice. g) Method for calibration, reference to this NORDTEST
method and deviations, if any
h) Environmental parameters
In some instances it will be necessary to consider
the uncertainty contribution arising from the i) Calibration results
reading of the instrument dial. j) Total measurement uncertainty
k) Special remarks if any, i.e. adjustment, abnormal
This contribution is usually assumed to have a positioning, etc.
square-shaped distribution. l) Date and signature.


p1 p2 pi

The least squares method

The function ycal = a x p + yo is represented graphically as a
straight line - see the illustration above.

The straight line can be calculated based on the distribution of

the actual calibration point - these are marked x.

This line is completely defined when its slope and y-axis

intercept is know.

The slope is determined as

n n n
n Σ pi yi - Σ pi Σ yi
i=1 i=1 i=1
a = n n
n Σ pi - (Σ pi)
2 2
i=1 i=1

The y-axis intercept is determined as

n n
Σ yi - a Σ pi
i=1 i=1
yo =

where n is the number of calibration points

pi is the pressure generated by the standard at
the i’th calibration point

yi is the measuring instrument reading at the

corresponding pressure pi

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