CIM Standard Dynamic Models Rev0 051208 DIgSILENT

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CIM for Planning - Proposed Standard Dynamic Models

1. CIM Model Name - subject to discussion
2. "Other GE models", "Other PTI modesl" - other models that can be translated to/from CIM model - may need extra attribute to distinguish

CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
genrou genrou GENROU one generator model using d/q Round rotor generator model, use for thermal generator models gentpf, gencc GENROE, GENTRA
gensal gensal GENSAL transient parameters (ElmSym) Salient pole generator model, use for hydro generator models GENSAE
gencls gencls GENCLS and saturation We highly recommend to define one standard "Classical" generator model - used only for small generators or gross equivalents
syn. generator model:
generator model defined by field and damper
circuits, parameters in d/q axes
This model can also be used for synchronous
- IEEE Guide for SynGen modeling Practices
in Stab Studies, IEEE Std 1110-1991
- Kundur, Power System Stab and Control

genind genind CIMTR1 ElmAsm IEEE standard available? Induction generator model CIMTR3
wt1g wt1g WT1G Type 1 standard wind turbine generator model
wt2g wt2g WT2G no standard but manufacturer Please provide detailed information about Type 2 standard wind turbine generator model
wt3g wt3g WT3G specific models available these models. Type 3 standard wind turbine generator model
wt4g wt4g WT4G Type 4 standard wind turbine generator model

MOTOR MODELS (negative generator in power flow)

CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
ElmSym see synchronous generator model Synchronous motor
IEEE standard available?
One model would suffice (instead of the two
motor1 motor1 CIMTR2 ElmAsm CIMTR4
genind and motor1)
Difference to motorw?


CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
esac1a esac1a ESAC1A vco_ESAC1A AC1A exac1 EXAC1
exac1a exac1a EXAC1A vco_EXAC1A Differs from AC1A -different rate feedback source
esac2a esac2a ESAC2A vco_ESAC2A AC2A
exac2 exac2 EXAC2 vco_EXAC2 Differs from IEEE AC2A -- different field current limit;
esac3a esac3a ESAC3A vco_ESAC3A AC3A exac3 EXAC3
exac3a exac3a EXAC3A vco_EXAC3A Differs from IEEE AC3A -- different field current limit
esac4a esac4a ESAC4A vco_ESAC4A AC4A exac4a EXAC4A
esac5a esac5a ESAC5A vco_ESAC5A AC5A
esac6a esac6a ESAC6A vco_ESAC6A AC6A exac6a
esac7b esac7b ESAC7B ? AC7B
esac8b esac8b ESAC8B vco_ESAC8B AC8B exac8b
esdc1a esdc1a ESDC1A vco_ESDC1A DC1A
ieeet1 ieeet1 IEEET1 vco_IEEET1 Old Type 1
ieeet1a ?? IEET1A vco_IEET1A Old Type 1 var
esdc2a esdc2a ESDC2A vco_ESDC2A DC2A exdc2, exdc2a EXDC2, EXDC2A
esdc3a esdc3a ESDC3A ? DC3A
exdc4 exdc4 IEEET4, IEEEX4 vco_IEEET4, IEEEX4 Old Type 4 If Kr = 0, should convert to IEEEX4 (IEEE DC3A).
ieet5a ?? IEET5A vco_IEET5A
esdc4b esdc4b ? DC4B Rotating DC with PID
esst1a esst1a ESST1A vco_ESST1A ST1A
exst1 exst1 EXST1 vco_EXST1 Differs from IEEE ST1A -- added Xe Ifd loading; RFB before field current limiter.
esst2a esst2a ESST2A vco_ESST2A ST2A exst2 EXST2
exst2a exst2a vco_EXST2A lead/lag block (Tc, Tb) is added to match the WECC FM
esst3a esst3a ESST3A vco_ESST3A ST3A exst3, exst3a EXST3A
esst4b esst4b ESST4B vco_ESST4B ST4B exst4b
esst5b esst5b ESST5B ? ST5B
esst6b esst6b ESST6B ? ST6B
esst7b esst7b ESST7B ? ST7B
wt2e wt2e WT2E Type 2 standard wind turbine field resistance control model
no standard but manufacturer Please provide detailed information about
wt3e wt3e WT3E Type 3 standard wind turbine converter control model
specific models available these models.
wt4e wt4e WT4E Type 4 standard wind turbine convertor control model
exbbc exbbc BBSEX1 vco_BBSEX1 Static with ABB regulator
exeli exeli EXELI vco_EXELI ELIN (VATECH) - simplified model
exeli2 exeli CELIN vco_CELIN ELIN (VATECH) - detailed model
expic1 expic1 EXPIC1 vco_EXPIC1
rexs rexs REXSYS vco_REXSYS General Purpose Rotating Excitation System Model
scrx scrx SCRX vco_SCRX intended for use where negative field current may be a problem
sexs sexs SEXS vco_SEXS Simple excitation system model

CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
pss1a pss1a PSS1A pss_PSS1A PSS1A ieeest IEEEST
pss2b pss2b PSS2B pss_PSS2A PSS2B Extra lead/lag (or rate) block added at end (up to 4 lead/lags total) pss2a PSS2B
pss3b pss3b PSS3B ? PSS3B
pss4b pss4b PSS4B ? PSS4B ABB multi-band
wsccst wsccst ST2CUT pss_ST2CUT Dual input PSS
Please provide detailed information about this
psssb psssb pss2a + transient stabilizer
Please provide detailed information about this
psssh psssh Siemens H infinity PSS
ptist1 ?? PTIST1 pss_PTIST1
ptist3 ?? PTIST3 pss_PTIST3
ieeest pss_IEEEST IEEE Stabilizing Model


CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
oel1 oel1 oel_MAXEX1 Over excitation limiter
[oel] [oel] oel_MAXEX2 OEL
[uel1] [uel1] uel_MINEX1 UEL1
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[uel2] [uel2] uel_MINEX2 UEL2


CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
comp Rcomp, Xcomp COMP drp_COMP
Please provide detailed information about this
compcc ?? COMPCC

CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
alwscc alwscc IEELAR one load model with adjustable Area load model
volt/freq dependence Please provide detailed information about
blwscc blwscc IEELBL Bus load model
these models.

IEEE standard available?

motorw motorw CIMWBL see IndMotor One model would suffice (instead of the two Induction Motor Model
genind and motor1/motorw)
mdm1 mdm1 torque=k*speed**mexp Motor driven machine (e.g. fan, pump,…)
mdm3 mdm3 piecewise defined speed-torque characteristic Motor driven machine (e.g. fan, pump,…)
mdm5 mdm5 general speed-torque characteristic Motor driven machine (e.g. fan, pump,…)
Please provide detailed information about this
cmpld cmpld CLOAD Composite Load Model
one load model with adjustable model.
volt/freq dependence Please provide detailed information about this
cmpldw cmpldw ?? WECC Composite Load Model

CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models
ggov1 ggov1 GGOV1 pss_GGOV1 Gas turbine, combined cycle model
Please provide detailed information about this
ggov2 ggov2 GGOV2 ggov1 with added limiter
ieeeg1 ieeeg1 WSIEG1 pss_WSIEG1 yes IEEE thermal turbine-governor model
ieeeg3 ieeeg3 IEEEG3 pss_IEEEG3 yes IEEE thermal turbine-governor model with early valving
hygov hygov HYGOV pss_HYGOV yes IEEE hydro turbine-governor model
hyg3 hyg3 WSHYGP pss_WSHYGP
Please provide detailed information about this
hygov4 hygov4 ??
Please provide detailed information about this
hygovr hygovr ??
g2wscc g2wscc WSHYDD pss_WSHYDD
gast gast GAST pss_GAST
gpwscc gpwscc WSHYGP pss_WSHYGP
Please provide detailed information about this
lcfb1 lcfb1 ULCFB1
pidgov pidgov PIDGOV pss_PIDGOV
tgov1 tgov1 TGOV1 pss_TGOV1
tgov2 ?? TGOV2 pss_TGOV2
tgov3 tgov3 TGOV3 pss_TGOV3
crcmgv crcmgv CRCMGV pss_CRCMGV
ieesgo ?? IEESGO pss_IEESGO
wpidhy ?? WPIDHY pss_WPIDHY

wt1t wt1t WT1T Type 1 standard wind turbine aerodynamic model

wt2t wt2t WT2T Type 2 standard wind turbine aerodynamic model
wt3t wt3t WT3T One aerodynamic model with definable Type 3 standard wind turbine aerodynamic model
wt4t wt4t WT4T parameters and cp/lambda characteristic Type 4 standard wind turbine aerodynamic model
no standard but manufacturer
should be enough
wt1p wt1p WT1P specific models available Type 1 standard wind turbine pitch control model
Please provide detailed information about
wt2p wt2p WT2P these models. Type 2 standard wind turbine pitch control model
wt3p wt3p WT3P Type 3 standard wind turbine pitch control model
wt4p wt4p WT4P Type 4 standard wind turbine pitch control model

CIM Model Name GE PSLF PTI PSS/E* DIgSILENT DIgSILENT comments IEEE Standard Comments Other GE models Other PTI models

dcmt dcmt new one converter model/6-pulse Multi-terminal HVDC model (used only for Pacific DC Intertie) uses user-written control model
We highly recommend to define one standard
thyristor converter and DC converter model and DC componentes (line,
cdc6 cdc6 CDC6 componentes available reactors, etc.), Two-terminal DC model epcdc
HVDC system should be defined using
correct topology (including DC nodes). This
model can be used to model two-/multi-
terminal HVDC systems.
IEEE Guide on Spec of HVDC Systems Part I
and II
ANSI/IEEE Std 1030-1987

Please provide detailed information about this

lsdt2 lsdt2 LVS3BL Undervoltage relay
generic and manufacturer specific model.
models available Please provide detailed information about this
lsdt9 lsdt9 LDS3BL Underfrequency relay lsdt1
Please provide detailed information about this
scmov scmov Series capacitor MOV and bypass model
svcwsc svcwsc CSVGN5, CSVGN6 svc_CSVGN5, CSVGN6 Static Var Source model
csvgn1 vwscc CSVGN1 svc_CSVGN1 Static Var Source model
csvgn5 vwscc CSVGN5 svc_CSVGN5 Static Var Source model
csvgn6 vwscc CSVGN6 svc_CSVGN6 Static Var Source model
cstatt stcon CSTATT svc_CSTATT Static Compensator model
We highly recommend to define one standard
VSC converter model. This model can then be
VSC VSC model available used in combination with DC sources to Voltage Source Converter model
model STATCOM, SynCondenser, PV cells,
fuel cells, etc.
AC Current Source ElmIac ideal AC current source with real/imag current as inputs
AC Voltage Source ElmVac, ElmVacbi ideal AC voltage source with one resp. two connections with real/imag voltage as inputs

DC Current Source ElmDci, ElmDcibi ideal DC current source with one resp. two connections and current magintude as input
DC Voltage Source ElmDcu, ELmDcubi ideal DC voltage source with one resp. two connections and voltage magnitude as input
measured data (load demand, wind speed, etc.) can be defined as a series of values
Measurement Data ElmFile
depending on time
Clock ElmClock Pulse generator for digital models
FFT ElmFft Performs a FFT from a connected input signal
Sample&Hold ElmSamp Sample&hold function of the input signal depending on a clock signal/frequency

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