Constituional Law
Constituional Law
Constituional Law
Exam Tip: To summarize, the Free Exercise Clause prohibits gov’t interference w/ religious
beliefs, but it generally does not prohibit reg of conduct. If the gov’t action regs general
conduct-including religious conduct- its valid.{i.e. banning any use of peyote is valid even
though a group’s religious beliefs require its use during its ceremonies}. Only exceptions:
rules about unemployment compensation and education of Amish children.
2. No Sect Preference: If reg has no sect preference its VALID if has secular purpose, has a
primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion (neutral primary effect) and
produces no excessive govt entanglement w/ religion.
a. Cases unconnected to Financial Aid or Education
Rule: Generally law favoring/burdening religion or specific relig. group invalid{i.e.
exempting certain religious groups from state registration requirements}; BUT law
favoring or burdening large society segment that HAPPENS to include relig. groups is OK
(i.e. A Sunday closing law).
b. Rule applied strictly when govt $ aid to relig. institutions
(1) College/hospitals: OK, if aid requires use for non relig purpose and recipient agrees.
(2) Grade & high school: Usually found to have a secular purpose but fails other parts of
the test. Look for TOO MUCH ENTANGLEMENT!
→Recipient Based Aid: gov’t may give aid $ to a defined class of persons as long as
the class is defined without reference to religion or religious criteria. Such a program
is valid even if most recipients use it to attend a religious school.
c. Religious Activities in Public Schools: Public school sponsored religious activity invalid
but accommodation of religion is OK (if school open to other groups meetings during non school
hours can’t deny meetings of religious groups bc religion will be discussed). NO bible reading,
prayer or 10 Commandments!