PNSDW-limit Table

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Units of Maximum level

measurement Limit PNSDW

Total coliform (metod MTFT) MPN/ 100 ml <1,1
Total coliform (metod EST) MPN/ 100 ml absent or <1
Total coliform (metod MFT) colonies/100 ml <1

MPN/ 100 ml <1,1

Thermotolerant Coliform/ E. coli (MTFT)
Thermotolerant Coliform/ E. coli (EST) MPN/ 100 ml <1

colonies/100 ml <1
Thermotolerant Coliform/ E. coli (MFT)
Herotrofic plate count CFU /ml 500
Phisycal & Chemical, acceptability aspects
Taste No abjectionable Taste
Odor No abjectionable odor
Color apparent Color Units 10
Color true Color Units 5
Turbidity NTU 5 0.01
Conductivity Not is included 22,378.00
AlKalinity mg/l as CaCO3 107.78
Ammonia mg/l 5.11
Aluminium mg/l 0.2
Chloride mg/l 250 13,213.00 corregir
Copper mg/l 1
Hardness (alKalinity) mg/l as CaCO3 300 4,566.20 corregir
Hydrogen sulfide mg/l 0.05
Iron mg/l 1 0.003
pH pH units 6,5-8,5 6.58
pH from RO / destilation pH units 5-7
Sodium mg/l 200 5,090.00 corregir
Sulfate mg/l 250 3,218.00 corregir
Total Dissolves Solids (TDS) mg/l 600
TDS from RO / destilation mg/l 10 22,378.00 corregir
Zinc mg/l 5
Inorganic Chemical parameters
Antimoni mg/l 0.02
Arsenic mg/l 0.01
Barium mg/l 0.7 0.12
Boron mg/l 2 1.30
Calcium mg/l 1,595.20
Cadmium mg/l 0.003
Chromium mg/l 0.05
Cyanide, Total mg/l 0.5
Fluoride mg/l 1.5 1.50
Lead (Pb) mg/l 0.01
Magnesium mg/l 582.90
Manganese mg/l 0.4 0.0015
Mercury mg/l 0.001
Nickel mg/l 0.07
Nitrate mg/l 50 11.07
Nitrite mg/l 3
Potassium mg/l 73.00
Silica mg/l 2.60
Selenium mg/l 0.04
Organic Chemical (Industrial pollution):
Benzene mg/l 0.01
Beno(a)pyrene mg/l 0.0007
Carbon Tetrachloride mg/l 0.004
1,2- Dichlorobenzene mg/l 1
1,4- Dichlorobenzene mg/l 0.3
1,2-Dichloroethane mg/l 0.03
1,1-Dichloroethene mg/l 0.03
1,2-Dichloroethene mg/l 0.05
Dichloromethane mg/l 0.02
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate mg/l 0.008
Edetic Acid (EDTA) mg/l 0.6
Ethylbenzene mg/l 0.3
Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) mg/l 0.2

mg/l 0.0007
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Styrene mg/l 0.02
Tetrachloroethene mg/l 0.04
Toluene mg/l 0.7
Trichloroethene mg/l 0.07
Vinyl chloride mg/l 0.0003
Xylene mg/l 0.5
Organic Chemical (Pesticides):
Aldrin and Dieldrin (combined) mg/l 0.00003
Atrazine mg/l 0.1
Carbofuran mg/l 0.007
Chlordane mg/l 0.0002
DDT mg/l 0.001
1,2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane (DBCP) mg/l 0.001

µg/l 30
2,4- Dichlorophenoxyac etic acid (2,4-D)
Endrin mg/l 0.0006

mg/l 0.0004
1,2-Dibromoethane (Ethylene dibromide)
Glyphosate mg/l 1
Heptachlor and Heptachlor epoxide µg/l 0.03
Lindane mg/l 0.002
MCPA [4-(2methyl- 4- chlorophenoxy)acet µg/l 2
ic acid]
Pendimethalin mg/l 0.02
Pentachlorophenol (PCP) µg/l 9
Chemicals used in Treatment
Contaminant from treatment chemicals
Acrylamide mg/l 0.0005
Epichlorohydrin mg/l 0.0004
Disinfection chemicals
Chlorine dioxide residual mg/l 0,2 (minimum)
Chlorine dioxide residual mg/l 0,4 (maximum)
Chlorine residual mg/l 0,3 (minimum)
Chlorine residual mg/l 1,5 (maximum)
Iodine Not recomended long term dis.
Disinfection by-products
Bromate mg/l 0.01
Chlorate mg/l 0.7
Chlorite mg/l 0.7
Dibromoacetonitrile mg/l 0.07
Dichloroacetate mg/l 0.05
Dichloroacetonitrile mg/l 0.02
Formaldehyde mg/l 0.9
Monochloroacetate mg/l 0.02
Trichloroacetate mg/l 0.2
2,4,6- trichlorophenol mg/l 0.2
Bromoform mg/l 0.1
Bromodichloromethane mg/l 0.06
Dibromochloromethane mg/l 0.1
Chloroform mg/l 0.3
Total THM mg/l 1

Radionuclides Analysis Screening Level

Gross alpha Bq/L 0.5
Gross beta Bq/L 1
Radon Bq/L 11
Guidance Leve1 Bq/L
Gamma* (Ra-226) Bq/L 1
Gamma* (Ra-228) Bq/L 0.1
Gamma* (Sr-90, 1-131, Cs-134, Cs-137) Bq/L 10
Tritium* (H-3) Bq/L 10,000
*Gamma and Ttitium in drinkmg water are analyzed only during emergency situations such as nuclear accidents and radioactive material spills and le
Priority testing Caudal 100 m3/d 5 m3/h
1 Microbiological Caudal caudal Nº Presion
2 Arsenic gal/D m3/h Bar
3 Cadmium SWC-2540 625 0.10 51 72.5
4 Lead CPA5-LD4040 2100 0.33 16 33.5

5 Nitrate SWC5-LD4040 1750 0.28 19 39.5

6 Benzene SWC6-LD4040 1170 0.18 28 35.4

7 Color SWC4 MAX 7200 1.13 5 28

8 Turbidity SWC4B MAX 6400 1.01 5 35.7
9 Iron SWC4B LD 5800 0.91 6 28.6
10 pH SWC4 LD 6500 1.02 5 28.2
11 Manganese
12 Chloride
13 Sulfate 68.9 l/m h 2067
14 TDS

5 m3/h


5 m3/h
625 2.3625 m3/d 0.0984375 m3/h 51
2250 8.505 m3/d 0.354375 m3/h 15
2250 8.505 m3/d 0.354375 m3/h 15
2100 7.938 m3/d 0.33075 m3/h 16
2100 7.938 m3/d 0.33075 m3/h 16
1750 6.615 m3/d 0.275625 m3/h 19
1170 4.4226 m3/d 0.184275 m3/h 28
7200 27.216 m3/d 1.134 m3/h 5
6400 24.192 m3/d 1.008 m3/h 5
36000 136.08 m3/d 5.67 m3/h 1
ioactive material spills and leakages.
horas 20
TDS Espaciado Area tamaño elemen / tubo Tubos Nº elem flujo/ elem
mg/l miles cuadrados in x in m/h
94.8 26 28 2x40 6 14 84 0.060
276 34 80 4x40 6 5 30 0.167

133 34 80 4x40 6 5 30 0.167

126 34 80 4x40 6 7 42 0.119

310 28 440 8x40 5 1 5 1.000

307 28 440 8x40 6 2 12 0.417
276 34 400 8x40 6 2 12 0.417
277 34 400 8x40 6 2 12 0.417
flujo medio Rechazoalimentación permeado
m3/h m3/h m3/h
0.0246 9.29 14.29 5
0.0224 9.29 14.29 5

0.0224 9.29 14.29 5

0.016 9.29 14.29 5

0.0244 9.29 14.29 5

0.0101 9.29 14.29 5
0.0112 9.29 14.29 5
0.0112 9.29 14.29 5

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