An Improving Students' Listening Skill Through Interactive Multimedia at Xi Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang Kota
An Improving Students' Listening Skill Through Interactive Multimedia at Xi Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang Kota
An Improving Students' Listening Skill Through Interactive Multimedia at Xi Grade of SMK Negeri 1 Bangkinang Kota
Putri Asilestari
English Study Program of STKIP Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai
Leraning method inovation will influence learning media used and it is hoped to
improve learning qualities. This research was done to know the students activities
in learning critical listening by using interactive multimedia and to measure the
effetiveness of that multimedia in improving students’ listening skill. The data was
taken through test, observation, and interview. The result of the research were (1)
the students created active, creative, and effective learning process independenly
in measuring and developing each step of listening learning model. (2) Interactive
multimedia was effective learning media to improve students’ listening skill. It
could be seen from improving listening skill in limited test at experiment class was
42,98%, whereas at control class the rise was only 7,36%. For extensive test, the
improving of listening skill at experiment class was 33,88%, while control class
was only up at 2,62%. . (3) Learning media with interactive multimedia can
improve students’ listening skill than audio learning media because listening is
not only aural aspet but also visual aspect integrated with multimedia.
Keywords : Improving, Interactive multimedia, Listening skill
critical listening ability and was better whereas control class was only up
than audio media. It meant that 33,88%, while control class rose only
interactive multimedia was more 2,62%. (3) listening learning strategy
effective than audio media in performance in interactive multimedia
improving students’ listening skill. could improve students’ listening skill
so that interactive multimedia was
Conclusion useful as reference for listening
learning media implementation (4)
Students’ listening skill after learning media with interactive
using interactive multimedia was multimedia was better to improve
effective and gave meaningful students critical listening skill if it was
improvement. It coud be seen from the compared to audio learning media
gain mark of the increasing students’ since listening not only aural aspect
listening skill in experiment group was but also visual aspect Integrated in
higher than control group through multimedia.
Audio Media both in limited and
extentensive tests. Gain value (d) REFERENCES
limited test at experiment group
through Interactive Multimedia was Anderson, P. (1972). Language
24,36 was higher than gotten by Skill in Elementary Education.
control group at 3,99. From gain value New York: Macmillan Publishing
it could be seen the improvement of Co., Inc.
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listening made some possibilities such
and Classroom Practies. San
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Vol. 1 No. 2 2016 ISSN 2502-4132
E-ISSN 2597-6850