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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation



System operation

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Index 1660SM

1660 SM_System Operation is divided into IX sections :

Equipment configuration
Equipment navigation
• EQUICO substitution
Access Area
Basic Area
Comm/Routing menu
Local configuration

OS configuration
Ethernet configuration
IP configuration
EPS (Equipment Protection Switching)
MSP (Multiplex Section Protection)
MS-SPRing( 2 Fibers)


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Index 1660SM

Menu option description

Transmission menu
Supervision menu
Cross-connection management
Cross-Connection: Operation Sequence
Cross-Connection management

Timing Configuration
Synchronization Configuration Start-up
Synchronization View window
SETS according to ITU-T G.783

Performance monitoring
PM parameters according to G.826
Configuring PM criteria


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Index 1660SM

Alarm Surveillance
Alarm severity criteria
Profile of alarms
Alarm severity criteria display
OH Management
OH Cross Connection: general
OH Cross Connection: menu

Creating OH Cross Connection



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Section I
E ui ment Confi uration
for 1660SM


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Section I-INDEX 1660SM

Introduction and navigation

Rack view window
Sub-Rack view window: Access Area
Equipment Configuration: Operation Tree
Basic Configuration
Notes: Clearing the database
Startup with empty shelf
Insertion of a new EQUICO
oar on gurat on: enera proce ure
Removing a board
Basic Area
Configuration of STM-16
Board View window :STM-16

Port View: STM-16

Configuration of STM-4
Board View & Port View: STM-4
Configuration of STM1 Module
Configuration of STM1 Electrical Module


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Section I-INDEX 1660SM

Final configuration of the P4S1N board

Board View & Port View: STM-1 module
Configuration of P4E4N: 140Mb and 155Mbs
To Change interface 140Mbs to 155Mbs

Configuration of PDH board P3E3/T3

Access Area
Configuration of A21E1: 2Mbs Access Card
Board View A21E1: 2Mbs Access Card
ort ew : s ccess ar
Configuration of A3E3: 34Mb/s access card
Board configuredA3E3: 34Mb/s Access Card
PDH Port view A3E3: 34Mbs Access Card
Port view A3T3: 45Mb/s Access Card

Signal Degrade & EXBER

Physical media parameters: ALS


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Introduction and navigation 1660SM

Equipment view

This is icon it is present only in 2.1 release

Navigation command


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Introduction and navigation 1660SM

The NE hierarchy is organized in the following way :

[equipment view] [rack view] subrack board port TP
The navigation through different levels of the NE hierarchy is performed by double clicking on the
The first level shows the subrack level of the Equipment view
1. by double clicking on a board body, the board level of the Equipment view can be reached
2. by double clicking on a port body contained in the board,the port level of the Equipment view can be
reached the port view displays the inner TPs.
It is possible to go back to the upper level of representation by pressing the <ESC> key on the
keyboard or
go back to the previous view, by selecting the Previous from the views menu

N.B. The first level, that the application show , is the subrack level . To see the Rack level view is necessary Show
supporting equipment option from the Equipment menu .


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Rack view window 1660SM

1-Rack view window is initially opened by NE

The drawing shows the available slots, boards on
fixed position plus some other boards as an

2-Management of NE can start in this window by

usin the bar menu; or it can be done

graphically by selecting a board with the mouse

3 - Click here (anywhere) to get the

Equipment Configuration 4- Click here and select Equipment/Set to
configure the Sub-rack #.2

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Notes: Rack view window 1660SM

Rack view window shows the generic configuration of a shelf with available slots and
boards in fixed positions.

This window is initially opened by NE Login command.

By clicking with the mouse inside the upper shelf, the Subrack window is opened with the
present subrack configuration.

By clicking with the mouse inside the lower shelf, and by selecting Equipment/Set option
menu, it is possible to configure the sub-rack #2.


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Sub-Rack view window: Access Area 1660SM

1-Subrack view window is opened by double

clicking with mouse on the rack.
The drawing shows the installed units,
previously configured.
2-The red padlock on the installed boards
means that the unit is in-service and cannot be

• Select a board
•Select Transmission (in bar menu)
•Select Set out of service

3-Scroll to see the Basic Area

Double click inside a board to get the Board View


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Notes: Sub-Rack view window: Access Area 1660SM

Sub-Rack view window shows the present configuration of a shelf with the installed boards.

This window is opened by clicking with the mouse inside the generic equipment in Rack
View window.

By clicking with the mouse inside a specific board, a window is opened with the board
configuration (Board view).


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Sub-Rack view window: Basic Area 1660SM

- cro o sp ay e as c area

2-Double click on a board to display the

internal configuration


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Equipment Configuration: Operation Tree 1660SM

In Views menu :
Click on Equipment

In Subrack View :
Click on a Board drawing or on a slot

In Equipment menu :
Click on Set out of service Confirm
(if a board is present) by clicking on OK
a oar s presen

In Equipment menu:
Click on Remove
If the slot is empty (set out of Service not needed)

Confirm In Equipment menu:

by clicking on OK Click on Set

In Create/Modify Equipment : Confirm

Select a Board type by clicking on OK


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Notes: Operation Tree 1660SM

Follow this sequence to create/modify/remove a board:

Select a board or an empty slot
Put the board out of service
Remove the board (if present)
Select Set in Equipment menu
Select a Board type in Create/Modify Equipment window and click on OK

you ry o remove a oar an e sys em oesn perm

' s opera on.
a. if the OS gave the local access to the CT
b. if the OS is not present or the local access permit, check if there are something like:
1. cross-connection
2. source of synchronization

3. performance monitoring
4. loop-back
5. OH cross connection, OH TP


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Basic Configuration 1660SM

At the first start-up the

equipment is outfitted only
Note : a blue alarm can be a
warning to indicate that a module
is present, not yet configured.

These padlocks are presented on the

board not yet configured only at the
begin of the application.
If the board is configured the RED
Abnormal Condition is
padlock show it is in SERVICE
present because there are some
boards not yet configured.

If the symbol on the board is green :

• configured board works well
• board not present in the rack


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Notes: Clearing the database 1660SM

To start with the BASIC CONFIGURATION it is necessary to clear the Database of the Equipment
Controller following this procedure (not suggested in the field to clear the Database)
I-Extract the EQUICO board.
II-Move the micro-switch inside the board as indicated in the picture below.
III-Insert the EQUICO and wait until the leds on the front of the board turn on.
IV-Verify that the Database is cleared: all the slots should appear empty, except for: EQUICO, HCMatrix
(main) and CONGI-A
V-Extract the EQUICO , set the micro-switch in the original position: a warning appears in the slots where a
card is installed (except EQUICO,MATRIX, CONGI-A).


switch Move the 2.nd switch ON

OFF to blank the DataBase


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Startup with empty shelf 1660SM

2- Select Equipment menu

Note: a blue alarm can be a warning to

indicate that a module is present, not yet configure
3- Click here ( Set ) to configure the slot

1- Click with the mouse on an empty slot:

the slot is highlighted


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Insertion of a new EQUICO 1660SM

Before clearing the Database: save the configuration data with Mib Management in
Download menu. Do not operate on the Craft Terminal while the position of the micro-
switch is modified.

If you have a problem in your EQUICO and if you want extract it without losing the traffic
and Local configurations (LAPD,OS Address, NE Address …):
I- Extract the EQUICO board.
II-Move the micro-switch 2 ON (clearing database procedure) inside the board as indicated in the picture

III- Insert the EQUICO and wait until the leds on the front side of the board turn-on.
IV- Verify that the Database is cleared: all the slots should appear empty, except for: EQUICO, Matrix (main)
V- Extract the EQUICO and put the micro-switch 2 OFF and move the micro-switch 1 ON.
VI- Insert the EQUICO and wait until the lamp on the front side of the board turn-on.
VII- Login in your NE: in the Download menu select MIB Management.
VIII- Restore the MIB that you have save before
IX- Active the MIB.
X- Extract the EQUICO and set the micro-switch in the original position.


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Board Configuration: General procedure 1660SM

1-Configuration of a New board :

•Select a board
•Select Equipment → Set

Remove a board:

•Select Equipment → Set out of service

•Select Equipment → Remove

Change of board type:
•Select a board
•Select Equipment → Set out of service
•Select Equipment → Set


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Notes: Board Configuration 1660SM

Instead of clearing the whole shelf, it is possible to Set, Modify, Remove each single board.
Select Equipment menu in barmenu: the enabled options is bold.
Select Remove to get an empty slot .
To create, or to modify, a board in a slot:
Open Subrack View window, by double clicking on the Rack View window.
Select the slot to be configure, by clicking with the mouse: the board (or the slot) is highlighted;
select Equipment in bar menu:
select Set out of service (for already installed boards only): a message appears:

Answer OK : the padlock is cancelled on the selected slot.

After selecting an empty slot: Select Equipment in bar menu:
select Set : the Create/Modify equipment opens, with a list of suitable boards for the
selected slot;
select a board in the list;
click on OK : the selected board will appear in the slot, already in-service, with the padlock.


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Removing a board 1660SM

II-Set out of Service :the

padlock disappears,and this
icon appears

I-Select a board: click on with

the mouse pointer.


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation ALCATEL
Notes: Removing a board 1660SM

To remove a board from a slot:

Open Subrack View window, by double clicking on the Rack View window
Select the board to be removed, by clicking with the mouse :
Select Equipment in bar menu: the board is highlighted;
Select Set out-of-service, a message appears :
Do you really want to set the equipment out of service?
Answer Yes: the padlock is cancelled on the selected slot .
Select Equipment in bar menu :
Select Remove: a Confirm request message appears; answer Yes slot will appear empty (without padlock).

Warning for Remove function:

There are five main reasons for which Remove, Modify, Set commands are refused:
1. A PM or POM measurement is active on a TP in the board;
2. The Board contains a TP used as clock source;
3. The board contains a TP with cross-connection
4. The board contains D channels used for LAP-D
5. The board contains loopback
In all these cases Remove (or Modify or Set) request is refused
When removing the board: the commands are accepted till to Set out-of-service ; refuse appears when selecting Remove .


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation ALCATEL

Basic Area


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Configuration of STM-16 1660SM

Configuration of a STM--16
STM 16 :
•Select the board
•Select Equipment → Set
• Choose “S


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation ALCATEL
Notes: Configuration of STM-16 1660SM

The STM16 Cards can be:

N type (new)
ND type (new)

Each card has different part number.

N and ND label is used to distinguish the new Hw present on the upgraded version of the
Cristallo chip.(N release 3.0.c ND release 3.0.d)
The main feature performed by the N and ND cards is the loop-back at SDH ports.
The ND allows to realize the AU416c.


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Board View window :STM-16 1660SM

Alarms present into the board


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Port View: STM-16 1660SM


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Notes: 1660SM

Port View window displays the functional blocks of the selected STM16 port.

This window is opened by double clicking on the SDH port symbol within Board View window,for a
selected card.

Functional blocks are those specified by G.783 (for S_16.1, L_16.1, L_16.2):
• SPI,

• 16xAU4, or AU4-4c or AU4-16c (supported only with ND board)

This window can be the starting point to create a cross-connection:

Select an AU4 (the block is highlighted)
Select Port in bar menu
Select :Cross-Connection, if AU4 must be unstructured
Select Terminate TP, if AU4 must be structured
... then... See Section:Cross-Connection


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Configuration of STM-4 1660SM

Configuration of a STM--44 :
•Select the board
•Select Equipment → Set
• Choose “S


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Notes: about N-type boards 1660SM

The STM4 Cards can be:

N type (new)

The two types of the cards have different part number.

N is used to distinguish the new HW present on upgraded version of the Cristallo chip (N release
The main feature performed by the N type cards is the loop-back at SDH ports.

Before Setup : It is possible to check

the type of the installed board by
selecting Remote Inventory in the
Equipment menu


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Board View & Port View: STM-4
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

ALS Automatic Laser Shut down:

•ALS Current State: Active, In Test,….
•Laser Current State:On,Off


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Notes: functional blocks
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation 1660SM

Port View window displays the functional blocks of the selected STM1 port.

This window is opened by double clicking on the SDH port symbol within Board View

Functional blocks are those specified by G.783:

• For P4S1/Optical Interface (OpS) the functional blocks are : SPI, RST, MST, MSP, AU4
• Same for P4S1/Electrical Interface (EIS): both OpS and EIS are SDH Ports

This window can also be the starting point to create a cross-connection:

• Select AU4 (the block is highlighted)
• Select Port in bar menu
• Select :Cross-Connection, if AU4 must be unstructured
• Select: Terminate TP, if AU4 must be structured
• …By selecting Transmission/ Cross Connection /Create Cross Connection menu, the Main
Cross Connection window opens ...


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Configuration of STM1 Module
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation 1660SM

P4S1 Card with 4 STM1

ports + 2 STM1 Modules
2-Select Equipment menu and Set

3- Click here to setup a P4S1 board

1- Click with the mouse on an HS empty slot


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8/12/2019 Notes: configuration of05STM1 Module
Alcatel 1660SM Operation 1660SM

The objective of this exercise is to insert 2xSTM1 modules into a P4S1 board.

In the Equipment view window: click on an HS slot and setup a P4S1 board, by using Equipment /Set option menu:
• P4S1 board appears: double click on the board in order to display the two slots on the front panel (scroll the
window to see both slots)

If the two slots in the front panel are empty: go to the next slide.

If the two slots in the front panel are not empty (when starting from an already installed P4S1 board):

• Select Equipment in the barmenu
• Click on Set out of Service option in he pulldown menu, before starting an equipment configuration
• A confirmation request message appears
• Answer YES
• The red padlock is removed from the selected (upper) port.

Follow the same procedure to remove the board in port#2 and to get an empty slot.


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8/12/2019 Configuration of STM1 Electrical Module
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation 1660SM

2- Select Equipment / Set

1- Upper slot must be

maintained highlighted

3- Select ICMI

4- Click on OK

This P4S1N Board view Window: is opened by double clicking with mouse on the P4S1N board.
The drawing shows two empty slots or the STM1 Modules in the main unit, if previously configured.


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8/12/2019 Final configuration of the P4S1N
05 Alcatel board
1660SM Operation 1660SM

Final configuration of P4S1

board, after configuring both
STM1 interfaces.
P4S1 board

Scroll with the arrow to get the

view of both STM1 modules


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8/12/2019 Notes: Insert the 2.nd STM1 Optical
05 Alcatel Module
1660SM Operation

Repeat for the upper STM1 Slot the same operations described in the previous slides for the
lower Slot:
Set STM1 Module out of the service( if it's necessary)

Select STM1 Optical Module (e.g.: IS-11(*) can be different from the upper one)
Insert STM1 Optical Module, by clicking on OK.

The final configuration of P4S1N board appears with two equipped STM1 modules plugged
into the front panel.

(*)IS-1.1=Optical Interface-Short Haul-STM1 level, Window n.1 (1310nm wavelength)

T3-41 41

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Notes: STM-105 Alcatel
module 1660SM Operation

A Port Type is described by a board rectangular view and a port identifier.

The following information is displayed within the port symbol:

Port Type (name): e.g. OpS (Optical Section)

Port alarm status

The window is opened by double clicking inside the module, within Board View (P4S1)

Double click inside the port symbol to display the functional block of the Port Sub-module,
with relevant alarms.


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Configuration of P4E4N: 140Mb and 155Mbs
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


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Notes: Configuration of P4E4N
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The P4E4N board manage 4 modules two in the basic area and the other ones in the access area
The module can be optical or electrical(ICMI), in this case it could be 140Mbs or 155Mbs.


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To Change interface 140Mbs to 155Mbs 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

140Mbs interface

155Mbs Electrical interface


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Notes: To Change interface 140Mbs to 155Mbs 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

When you insert the ICMI module in the P4E4N automatically the system insert the
140Mbs interfaces


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Configuration of PDH board P3E3/T3 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

1- Select the empty slot

2- Select Equipment / Set

3- Select P3E3/T3

4- Click on OK


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Notes: Configuration of PDH board P3E3/T3 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

To insert a P3E3T3 board

click on an HS or LS-HS type empty slot (highlighted)
Equipment → Set select the correct board

The P3E3/T3 support a 34Mbs or 45Mbs traffic, the rate depends of the Access board
corresponding with the port.
34Mbs A3E3
45Mbs A3T3


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Access Area


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Board View A21E1: 2Mbs Access Card 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

A21E1 view: is opened

This window Accessby
Card withclicking
double 21 ports.on the
A21E1 board , within the Access Area, in the
Subrack view window.
Friendly name
Identifier of the displayed object

Click on a port to open the Port View window with the

functional blocks


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

An Access Card is described in the Board View window, by displaying its physical

The following information is displayed with the port symbol:

Port Type (name): e.g. Port#0n-P (Plesiochronous)

Port alarm status


Double click inside the PDH port symbol (connector) to display the functional block of the
Port Sub-module, with relevant alarms (Port View window)


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Port View A21E1: 2Mbs Access Card 1660SM

Port View A21E1: 2Mbs Access Card
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Internal loop-back point

Port view window: allows to access the cross-connect

functions.To start creating a cross-connection, select:
• VC12
• Port etc…
Note : if you have a cross X in the VC12 means it's
already cross-connected!


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Notes: Port View: A21E1 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Port View window displays the functional blocks of From the Port view window it is possible to configure the TP
threshold for the SD and ExBER in the VC12 point:
the selected E1 port.
Highlight the VC12 TP
Functional blocks are those specified by G.783: Port → TP Configuration and the following window it
PPI (PDH Physical Interface) open

E1= only LPA for 2Mb/s unframed; LPA +PDH

Adaptation for 2Mb/s framed

This window can be the starting point to create a


Select VC12 (the block is highlighted)

Select Port in bar menu
Select the option:Cross-Connection/ Create
Cross- Connection From this Port View window it is also possible to check the
Signal Label (within V5 POH byte): select VC12, then select
... The Main Cross-Connection window opens Port /TP Configuration menu : a window appears with the
signal label.
Signal label is automatically setup at Tx , if AUTOMATIC
option is selected, otherwise EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIC is


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Configuration of A3E3: 34Mb/s access card 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

1- Window opened by
Equipment/Set menu 2- Select A3E3

3- Click on OK


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Notes: Configuration of A3E3 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The objective of this exercise is to insert an A3E3 module into the 1660SM shelf.

In the Equipment view window: double click on an empty slot in the Access Area, in an HS
type slot (the slot must correspond to the physical position of the Port Card: The slot is

Follow the same procedure described for 2Mb/s, to insert the A3E3 Access Card into the
selected slot.


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Board configuredA3E3: 34Mb/s Access Card 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Final result of A3E3 configuration


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Notes:34Mb/s Access Card configured 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

As final result: the A3E3 Access Card is inserted in the Access Area of the shelf.

The final result is obtained by clicking on OK in the Create-Modify Equipment window,

without any confirmation (warning!).

In the example: alarm is active on the front panel, as the card is missing.


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Notes: change SD and/or ExBER thresholds 1660SM 60/272
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

From the PDH Port view:

select the VC3 TP then Equipment ⌫ TP Threshold Port View window displays the functional
blocks of the selected E3 port.
configuration to change the ExBER and SD level
This window is opened by double clicking on
the PDH port symbol (connector) within Board
View window, for a selected Access Card.

Functional blocks are those specified by G.783:

• PPI,
• E3= LPA (Note: AIS and LOF are not present,
because the 34Mb/s signal is always unframed.
AIS in PDH signals can be detected if the signal is
framed only).
• VC3= LPT

This window can be the starting point to create

a cross-connection:
From this Port View window it is also possible to check the
Signal Label (C2 POH byte): Select VC3 (the block is highlighted)
1.select VC3, Select Port in bar menu
2. select Port/TP Configuration menu : a window appears with the
signal label.
Select the option:Cross-Connection/ Create
Signal label is automatically setup at Tx, if AUTOMATIC Cross- Connection
option is selected, otherwise EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIC is ... The Main Cross-Connection window opens
Signal label can be checked also by selecting a VC in
Transmission view window.


Port view A3T3: 45Mb/s Access Card 1660SM 61/272
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

• If the Access card is A3T3 (45 Mb/s):

• Select the PPI
• Then select Port/ Physical Media /
Line Length Cofiguration


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

In case of 45Mb/s interface, a further configuration is needed, compared with 34Mb/s

interface, due to the fact that a different approach is specified for DS3 in the American
In fact, in case of DS3, the central Office cable must be equalized at transmit side, by doing
the appropriate pre-setting, through the Craft Terminal, in order to maintain constant
reference level at the Distribution Frame.

The Port card P3E3/T3 is the same for 34 and 45 Mb/s.

The Access card (A3E3 or A3T3) is different for 34 Mb/s (E3) and 45 Mb/s (T3), due to this
fact the DS3 (45) interface must be equalized at transmit side by inserting the appropriate
LBON (Line Built Out Network).

Select PPI in the Port View window; then select the correct length step (two steps available)


http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation Signal Degrade & EXBER 1660SM 63/272
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The level of Signal Degrade (SD) and Excessive BER (EXBER) can be set with the CT .

Steps of operation:
select MST or VC12 or VC3 block
select menu Port → TP Configuration

EXBER thresholds up to 10E-5

SD thresholds up to 10E-9


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The value of the SD and ExBER is particularly important if you implement a SNCP/N
protection (this feature is not available in release 2.0.a)


http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation Physical media parameters: ALS 1660SM 65/272
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
To see the ALS window you have to select the SPI block in the Port View and then
Port → Physical Media → ALS Management


TP Configuration 1660SM
8/12/2019 VC12 TP-Low Order
05 Alcatel TP
1660SM Operation


RST TP High Order TP



Note:TP Configuration 1660SM
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
TP involved:
VC-4 TTP (140Mbit/s)
VC-3 TTP (34 and 45Mbit/s PDH)
Mod VC-4 TTP (matrix Resource)
The main parameters are:
C2 signal label
J1 Path Trace (not operative)
C2 signal label
The window can display the following number,according with G.707

• 0: Unequipped
• 1: Equipped non-specific
• 2: TUG structure
• 3: Locked TU-n
• 4: Asynchronous 34/45Mbyte

• 16: Asynchronous 140Mbyte

• 19: ATM
• 20:MAN, DQDB
• 21: FDDI


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Section II
Common Routin

and other menu


Section II-INDEX 1660SM
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Comm/Routing menu

Local Configuration window

OS configuration

NTP Protocol Address

LAPD Configuration: criteria

LAPD Configuration: setting

Ethernet configuration


Reachable Address Prefixes Configuration


Section II-INDEX 1660SM
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 71/272
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
NE Time
Restart NE

Access state

Remote Inventory
Alarm Acronym


Comm/Routing menu 1660SM
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 72/272
Local Configuration :definition of the local NE addresses;
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

OS Configuration :addressing of the main and spare OSs

connected to the local NE;

NTP Server Configuration :addressing of the main and

spare NTP servers connected to the local NE;

LAPD Configuration : definition of the LAPD port

parameters for each LAPD channel on the local NE;

Ethernet Configuration : definition of configuration

parameters needed to manage a local NE which provides a
LAN Ethernet interface;

RAP Configuration : configuration of parameters necessary

to address the NE connected by Reachable Address
Prefixes in a domain different from the one of the local
NE.These information are stored in RAP table.

MESA Configuration :configuration of parameters

necessary to the address the non IS-IS NE in the same
domain as the one of local NE.These information are stored
in MESA table.


Notes: Start-up Local Configuration 1660SM
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 73/272
Local Configuration is part of network configuration for the DCN used in the TMN.
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Each NE must have an NSAP

Each NE must b e identified as L1 or L2 node in the DCN

Each port must be identified either as User or as Network in an ordered sequence.


L2 A L2 Network
G User
L1 L1 L1 P
N L1

L Network
L1 L1 L1


Local Configuration window 1660SM
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 74/272
8/12/2019 Transport
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation Selector
transport entity at the (T. Sel) defines
identified a by
the NSAP Address. The shown value must
not be modified.

Section Selector (S. Selector) defines a

section entity at the identified location by the
NSAP Address. The shown value must not be

presentation entity at the identified location
by the NSAP Address. The shown value must
not be modified

1 - Network
Network Service
Service Access
Access Point
Point (NSAP
Address identifies a location in the network

2- The AFI field is 2 characters long (2

hexadecimal digits) and, depending on the
value,and length of NSAP address which is
variable from 16 to 40 characters


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OS configuration 1660SM
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Main OS Address section

contains the same graphical object
of the Local Address Section in

box.Local Configuration dialog-

contains the same graphical object

of the Local Address Section in
the Local Configuration dialog-


Notes: OS configuration 1660SM
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 77/272
8/12/2019 The OS (Operating System) must be inserted if05you wantOperation
Alcatel 1660SM manage the NE using the SH and


NTP Protocol Address 1660SM
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 78/272
8/12/2019 Configure the Main and Spare NTP
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

(Network Protocol Synchronization

Time) Servers connected to the local NE

Enabling NTP Protocol section allows

to enable or disable the NTP Protocol.

Main NTP Server Address section

contains the same graphical object of the
Local Address Section in the Local
Configuration dialog-box.

Spare NTP Server Address section

contains the same graphical object of the
Local Address Section in the Local
Configuration dialog-box.


Notes: NTP Protocol Address 1660SM

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 79/272
8/12/2019 NTP Configuration window allows to configure the
05 Alcatel Server
1660SM Operation address for the Network Time

This Server provides for distributing timing markers needed to maintain synchronized the

real time of the NE’s for event reports, by using NTP protocol.

, an se ec ors can e xe , same as n oca on gura on.


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Notes: LAPD Configuration 1660SM

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8/12/2019 The CT communicates with remote NE’s through05 Alcatel
the1660SM Operation

DCC must be configured by establishing:

The SDH interfaces at each NE, where the D channels are terminated;

Whether the interface acts as Network (=Source) or as User (=Destination).

The Network /User sequence must follow a predetermined order in the complete network

DCC configuration also is needed for Qecc interface toward the central EML-OS.


LAPD Configuration: setting 1660SM

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8/12/2019 Interface Configuration
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

LAPD Interface
Interface field allows to define or
remove a LAPD Port on the selected

Role field indicates the role of a
defined LAPD Port (User/Network)
according the LAPD protocol.
This connection is needed to establish
connection between two NE’s: if one is
configured with User role , the other one

connected must be configured with

Network role .


Notes: setting 1660SM

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 83/272
Two types of DCC can be configured: 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation



LAPD configuration can be made in an other way.

Select MS-TTP or RS-TTP involved in the

Menu Port
Physical Media
LAPD Configuration


Ethernet configuration 1660SM

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Ethernet Configuration field allows to define or
8/12/2019 Interface Configuration remove a Local Area Network Port for the access to the
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Data Communication Network.

MAC Address section allows to display the address of the

Network Element in the Ethernet LAN; it is a read-only


OSI Section
L2 only Parameter field indicates if the port shall be used for
level 2 traffic only, thus avoiding transmitting L1 packets.

Note that the flag shall be set to No if some other nodes (NEs
or OSs) of the same area of the relevant NE are connected to
the Ethernet.

Not available in this Release


Notes: Ethernet configuration 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 AlcatelAREA 1 Operation




L2 L2 L2

No No Yes



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

NE Time


NE Time 1660SM

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The NE local
visualized timere-aligned
and/or of a selected NEOS
on the cantime
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
basis(Craft Terminal)

→ Set NE Time With OS Time

NTP Status section (read only) with the

following parameters:
NTP protocol
• It can be enabled (in the NTP Server
Configuration or disabled or empty
NTP Main and NTP Spare
• It displays the status of the Main and Spare
NTP: reachable or unreachable .



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Restart NE


Restart NE 1660SM

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The restart operation is a software reset and can be executed in normal traffic conditions.
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Click on the OK push button to perform the restart NE.

Click on the Cancel push button to abort the restart NE



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Access state


Access state (allow or inhibit NE Craft access) 1660SM

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8/12/2019 If the LAC is “granted” that means the
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

CT is allowed to manage the NE. In the

view the icon with a key symbol has a
rectangular shape.

If the LAC is ”access denied” that

means the OS manages the NE and the
The NE can be managed by the OS or by the Craft CT is not allowed to modify NE
Terminal, the Local Access Control (LAC) configuration (it can only “read”). In the
allows to select one of them. view the icon with a key symbol has a

circular shape.


Notes 1660SM

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If you manage the NE using the SH, it s impossible to take the control from the CT
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Remote Inventory


Remote Inventory 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Remote Inventory 1660SM

Select the View →→ Remote Inventory

option of the Diagnosis pull down menu. 97/272
This command displays the remote inventory previously stored in the Craft Terminal by means of the
8/12/2019 Upload remote inventory . 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The Remote inventory data appears as the following figure.

Select the View →→ Remote Inventory option of the Diagnosis pull down menu.



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Alarm Acronym


Alarm Acronym 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Loss of signal (LOS) Check line
Transmitter Signal (TF) Replace unit
Transmitter degraded (TD) Replace unit when possible (laser degrade)
Loss of frame (LOF) Check line (alignment problems due to line error)
AIS Check connected equipment
Excessive BER (EBER) Check line (excessive line BER)
Degraded Signal (DS) Check line (line signal degrade)
Loss of Pointer (LOP) Check line
Signal label Mismatch (SLM) Configuration error
Far End Received Failure (FERFor RDI) Check far-end equipment

For Traffic board: check the path. Alarm

Server Signal Failure (SSF) indicates AIS signal received on the path (signal
not available)
For synchronization: indicates a loss of signal of the selected timing source


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Alarm Acronym 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
PM_AS Performance Monitoring alarm Check line/path interested to the indication
CPE -Communication protocol Error Check MSP Protocol(architecture type,switch fail)
PTM - Path Trace Mismatch Not operative in this release
AUXP Check Far End equipment
Remote Node Transmission Error ( RNTE ) Check Far End equipment


Board Alarm Acronym 1660SM

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05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Unit missing (RUM) Insert missing unit

Unit Problem (RUP) Replace unit

Insert right unit (unit inserted into a slot set with
Unit type mismatch (RUTM)
another type of unit)
Version mismatch VM U date software version b means of download
Power P roblem (POP) Substitute the board

LAN problem (LAN) Check

unit LAN interconnection or substitute SMEC
Internal dialogue problem in the SMEC unit. It
indicates a temporary condition which will be
Card not responding (CRN) Internal
restored. If the condition persists it is due to a
communication problem
unit hardware
the RUP alarmfailure: in this case it will activate
Out Of Range Laser Output (OORLC)
High Laser Temperature (HLT)



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Section III


Section III-INDEX 1660SM

Equipment Protection Management: EPS

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Equipment Protection Management
8/12/2019 EPS: Protected MATRIXN 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Protecting MATRIX
Equipment Protection Management: Switch
EPS Protection for P63E1
EPS Protection : P63E1
ro ec on : on gur ng or
Protection : Checking EPS for P63E1
Protection : Forcing EPS for P63E1
Protection : EPS 1+N for HS Port Cards
EPS Configuration 1+N for P4ES1N
Protection : MSP configuration
Protection : Selecting the msTP for MSP


Section III-INDEX 1660SM

Protection : MSP management

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 105/272
Protection : Checking and forcing the MSP
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

MS-Spring 2Fiber
MS-SPRing management
MS-SPRing Create Schema
MS-SPRing management
- ng: r ng map con gura on
Protection State & Commands:lockout
Protection State & Commands:forced & manual
Dual contemporary "Events"
Removing/ Adding a node
MS-SPRing:WTR configuration
MS-SPRing squelching tables configuration



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation




Equipment Protection Management: EPS 1660SM

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• Click on Choose Protecting a new window
open: “ Board Selection” window
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
→ Choose the TP
• Then click on Choose Protected

Choose the TP


Equipment Protection Management 1660SM

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 108/272
EPS functional state from protected active board view
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Protection role Protection status Switch Type

functional state from protecting active board view

Protection role Protection status Switch Type


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Protecting MATRIX 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

State of EPS protection:

Standby Matrix


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Equipment Protection Management: Switch 1660SM

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 112/272
From this dialogue box the operator can
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

configure, in the current release, only the

Lockout options , by clicking on the
relevant radio button.

e anua o comman per orm e

"manual" switch, active only if the other
board is not alarmed.

Clicking on the OK push button will

initiate the switch and close the dialogue

box. The Cancel push button cancels the

operation and closes the dialogue box.


EPS Protection for P63E1 1660SM

1- Select a P63E1 and then select EPS /

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 113/272
2- Click here to open Board Selection
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation window


Notes : EPS for P63E1 1660SM

The current release of this NE fix the following protection:

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 114/272
N+1 (with N ≤ 6)"P63E1 or P63E1N " protection
8/12/2019 board of slot MAIN (protected): P63E1 or P63E1N,
05 Alcatel slots 24-27-30-33-36-39
1660SM Operation

board of slot SPARE (protecting): P63E1 or P63E1N, slot 32


EPS Protection : P63E1 1660SM

Select the protected and the protecting board.

Click OK after every selection
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Notes : Selecting P63E1 for EPS 1660SM

Protected and protecting boards are selected in the

Board selection window, opened by 116/272
clicking on Choose in the EPS Management window
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Notes : Configuring P63E1 for EPS 1660SM

The dialog box provides configuration for elements such as :

the name of the protecting element as a label
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 118/272
the board type of the protecting element as a label
8/12/2019 a list displaying the protected elements owned by the1660SM
05 Alcatel scheme

the revertive Mode flag as an option menu. The available values are revertive and non revertive -

the wait time to restore time value (steps of 30 seconds, from 60 to 600). Only for N+1 EPS

1+1 MATRIX is Not Revertive only

N+1 63 x 2 Mbit/s (P63E1 or P63E1N) protection is Revertive
N+1 3x34/45 Mbit/s (P3E3/T3) protection is Revertive
N+1 4x STM-1 ELECTRICAL port (P4ES1N) protection is Revertive


Protection : Checking EPS for P63E1 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

1- Status of the protected board

2- Status of the protecting board


Notes: Checking EPS for P63E1 1660SM

The status of EPS is displayed on the bottom of the Port View of P63E1 (protected and
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Protection : Manual switch EPS for P63E1 1660SM

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 121/272
1- Select a P63E1 and then select EPS
8/12/2019 ⌫ Switch
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

2-Manual to is the command used to

move the traffic to the protecting


Notes : Forcing EPS for P63E1 1660SM

The command available are

manual to:Protecting or Protected and Release
lockout: lockout (protecting) and Release
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Protection : EPS 1+N for HS Port Cards 1660SM

1- Configure an 2 HS (P4ES1) protected and 2 A4ES1 Access card

2- Configure 1 HS (P4ES1) protecting and and 1 HPROT

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 123/272
3 Open this window by selecting
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Port ⌫ EPS ⌫ Management


Notes: EPS for HS Port Cards 1660SM

The example shows a protection scheme for HS card in 1+2 configuration

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 124/272
First configure the Port cards and the access cards; then select EPS Management to define protecting
and protected card.
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


EPS Configuration 1+N for P4ES1N 1660SM

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

EPS 1+2 on the P4ES1n board


Notes:EPS configuration 1660SM

The current release of this NE fix the following protection:

N+1 (with N ≤ 15) "P3E3/T3 " protection
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 126/272
board of slot MAIN (protected): P3E3/T3, from slot 25 to 39
board of slot SPARE (protecting): P3E3/T3, from slot 24 to 38
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

N+1 (with N ≤ 15) "P4ES1N " protection

board of slot MAIN (protected): P4ES1N, from slot 25 to 39
board of slot SPARE (protecting): P4ES1N, from slot 24 to 38

N.B. For P3E3/T3 and P4ES1N more than one protection group N+1 revertive can be created,
depending on the equipment configuration.

The spare board position can be assigned in a flexible way .The only constraint are the following:
the access card corresponding to the protecting board must be an HPROT card
the HPROT card has to be plugged at the left side of the access card group

the main/spare boards have to be adjacent.

the protecting board has to be plugged at the left side of the protected group of boards
the protecting/protected group of ports have to be of the same type



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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

MSP Protection


Protection : MSP configuration 1660SM

Select the MSP in the port view and then Port → MSP / MSP Create
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Click here to choose the protected

port. You can choose either OpS

Click herecan
port. You to choose
choose the protecting
either OpS


Notes: MSP configuration 1660SM

The MS Linear Trail Protection can be created in every equipment where it’s possible to
implement a linear line protection APS.
Type of architectures:
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APS 1+1 Standard:
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
• the protection can be single or dual ended.

APS 1+1 Proprietary:(not used)

• no K1/K2 communication protocol are implemented thus this protection can be only single ended.

APS 1:1 Standard:(not used)

• it provides the revertive mode managed by the K1/K2 protocol and thus the protection can be single or
dual ended.
The spare interface can be used to transport low priority traffic

For every type of architecture, the reference switching criteria are SF and SD .


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Notes: Selecting the msTP for MSP 1660SM

The functional block selected for MSP is MSP in Port View window
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The TP to be chosen is an MsTTP (or an OpS or an Els )
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The two selected MsTTP s are inserted in the entry boxes of the MSP Schema Creation

Click on OK to activate the MSP configuration


Protection : MSP management 1660SM

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Alarm and status indications for MSP on the

bottom of Port View window


Notes: MSP management 1660SM

(MSP) Port Status - Active (red color) or Standby (orange color).

The active protection status is referred to a protected/protecting port (where the traffic is transported) : when a
failure is detected,
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation the protecting port is ready to save the traffic (and becomes active). The standby protection 133/272
status is referred to a protecting/protected port that is ready to save the traffic.
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(MSP) Protection Role - Protected (green color) or Protecting (ochre color).

The protection role depends on the selected port type (Protected / Protecting (MSP) Own Unit - (green color): it
is referred to the same unit indicated in the (MSP) Protection

Role (protected or protecting);

(MSP) Related Unit - (green color): it is the other unit.

(MSP) Group Status - (green color): it is the sum of the two units status.


Protection : Checking and forcing the MSP 1660SM

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Open this window by selecting Port /

MSP / MSP Commands

Alarm and status indications for MSP on

the bottom of Port View window


Protection : Checking and forcing the MSP 1660SM

The following indication are given:

NR: normal, idle condition, the traffic is on the main port
DNR : do not revert; the SF or SD have been recovered but the traffic is switched on the spare port
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PF : a protection failure has been detected on the port
RF : a release command has been failed 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

FOP : a failure of protocol has been detected

• complete: = the bridge/switch actions are completed
• pending: = the bridge/switch actions are pending The "complete" and "pending" indications precede the

AS: automatic protection switching enabled

MS: a manual local protection command has been activated
FS: a forced local protection command has been activated
LO: a lockout local protection command has been activated
(SF/SD): a signal failure or a signal degrade has been detected
(WTR): wait time to restore status
(MSP) Protocol Status - (ochre color) indicates the K1/K2 protocol dialog error.
OK or Fail status is presen



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MS-Spring 2Fiber


MS-SPRing management 1660SM

Creation of a MS-SPRing schema

1. MS-SPRing menu
2. Click on Create to start the MS-SPRing
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Notes: MS-SPRing management 1660SM

The first Main Dialog for MS-SPRing management option contains all the commands to
configure and manage the MS-SPRing.

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In the current release the NE supports the MS-SPRING protection as "Terrestrial
architecture". 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The Transoceanic application with 4-Fiber is not supported in current release. For the 2-
Fiber Terrestrial application a max. of 16 nodes are available.


Activation procedure 1660SM

Create an MS-SPRING schema with WTR, Node Identifier, Ring map and the related
Squelching Table for each node of the ring, in the desired order. WTR Ring must be the
same in all the nodes.
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

In the Main dialog for MS-SPRing management select "ACTIVATE" in each node of the
ring, in the desired order.Consider that, in this step, "Default K byte West or East" detection
by View Protection Status Parameter (under MS-SPRing label "Protocol exception"), will

occur on those Ports connected to the nodes not provisioned yet with the MS-SPRing
protection "created" (active).

Verify in the View Protection Status Parameter screen, at the end of the provisioning update,
that all the nodes of the ring are in "MS-SPRing active" and "No request" state.


Deactivation procedure 1660SM

In the Main dialog for MS-SPRing management select "DEACTIVATE" in each node of the

ring.Consider that, in this step, "Default K byte West or East" detection by View Protection
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Status Parameter (under MS-SPRing label -> "Protocol exception"), will occur on those
Ports of the activated nodes connected to the nodes just deactivated.
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

In the Main dialog for MS-SPRing management select "DELETE" in each node of the ring.


MS-SPRing Create Schema 1660SM

To choose the port the procedure is always the same:

1. Click on Choose Port
2. a TP
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation 3. Select the STM-16 board West 141/272

8/12/2019 4.Select
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operationthe STM-16 board East


Notes: MS-SPRing Create Schema 1660SM

The user can select the "MS-SPRing Application" and the "Architecture types" supported by
the Network Element.
Terrestrial MS-SPRing Application is a 2 Fiber architecture.
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Transoceanic MS_SPRING is a 4 Fiber architecture (not supported in current release )
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The "Port Selection" depends on the Architecture type: if the architecture is a 2F MS-
SPRing, the working and protection port on each side is the same and the "Protecting West
and East" fields are disabled (greyed).


MS-SPRing management 1660SM

Before to activate is necessary to define the:
1. Ring Map
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2. Wait Time to Restore
3. Squelching Table
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Note: MS-SPRing management 1660SM

From MS-SPRing management window it is possible to know the boards involved in the
protection (STM-16 port only), if the protection is active or not, what is the name of the
schema and which type of configuration is present.
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MS-SPRing: ring map configuration 1660SM

Ring position, NodeId are two parameters necessary to

identify in an unique way a node in the map
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Note: ring map configuration 1660SM

The Ring Map sets the connection sequence of the nodes within the ring . The matrix
represents up to 64 nodes for transoceanic application and up to 16 nodes for terrestrial

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Select Current NodeId (it means the NE where the operator is acting) in the box and enable (
8/12/2019 ) Change NodeId button (Id means Node Identifier).
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Select Available NodeId in the pull down list (0 to 63 for transoceanic application, 0 to 15
for terrestrial application) releasing the left mouse button or pushing the stepper arrows and
enter keys to select the NodeId value.

This will be displayed in the Available NodeId box then click on Add Node button.
Clicking on the Add Node button the selected "Ring position" will shift one step on the right
starting from "1" position and in the "NodeId" field the Available NodeId value is inserted.
In the same time the Available NodeId will be updated to a new value.


Protection State & Commands 1660SM

"Span" identifies the section

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Notes: Protection State & Commands 1660SM

The protection events can be equipment/signal failure, signal degrade or external command or a

combination of them.
The "Events" will be served if some actions ( B/S=bridges and switches ) are executed and the network
has been updated.
The "Events" will be signaled if the K1/K2 protocol communicates to the network nodes what has
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happened, without execute actions.
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

A single ring failure is completely restored but not two ring failures. When are present multiple ring
failures the automatic B/S protection will try to maintain on all the possible connections.
The K1/K2 communication protocol MS-SPRing is generated from the two nodes adjacent to
"Event " via the protection communication channels.

A node is defined tail-end when it firstly receives the "Event", the second node is defined head-
end when it receives back the protocol answer.


Protection State & Commands:lockout 1660SM

If the node is tail-end,

the lockout working ring command disable the protection MS-SPRing mechanisms,

if the node is head-end ,

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the lockout working ring serves the request node protection (protection not disable).
8/12/2019 the lockout working ring command failure and a ring failure along
05 Alcatel a different
1660SM Operation section, the ring protection is served
(protection not disable).


Notes: Protection State & Commands:lockout 1660SM

Lockout working ring is normally used only for test .

This command works in different way if the node is Trail or Head in the connection.(pay attention!)

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Protection State & Commands:lockout 1660SM

The lockout protecting span command disable the protecting direction.

If you have a lockout protecting span command and a ring failure:

the ring protection is served if this ring failure occurred along the same section;
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The ring protection is disabled if the ring failure has occurred in another ring section .


Notes: Protection State & Commands:lockout 1660SM

Lockout protecting span is normally used only for test

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Protection State & Commands:forced & manual 1660SM

The Force command executes a forced protection. The Force Ring command substitutes the working channels (AU4 1
to 8) with the opposite direction protection channels (AU4 9 to 16) between two adjacent nodes.
NOTE:The Force Span command is not operative in 2 fiber MS-SPring.
The Manual command is similar to Force command but it is at a lower priority level with respect to automatic MS-
SPRing. The general priority scale (if you give the command on the same port):
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lockout Protecting Span.
lockout Working Ring
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
force ring
automatic working ring
manual ring


Notes:forced & manual 1660SM

When a force ring command is applied a next working failure is not able to modify the forced configuration applied.

That is because force ring command has a higher priority respect to the "Automatic" working protection. In this
condition the ring can be split according the location of command and event.
Vice versa the " Manual" protection is exceeded by the "Automatic" protection. FS-R is for "Force Switching
Request", SF-R is
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Section IV


Section IV-INDEX 1660SM

Transmission menu

Supervision menu
Configuration menu
Views menu and External Points menu
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External Points menu
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Configure External Points
Diagnosis menu


Transmission menu 1660SM


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Supervision menu 1660SM

Requested : a confirmation dialogue opens:
if the OS doesn’t answer within a timeout,
the Craft Terminal assume access
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OS : the control is given back to the OS
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

List of possible managers


Notes: Supervision menu 1660SM

Supervision menu:
Access State , this menu work only on the OS level where you find "Give local access to the CT"
• this option is used to enable/disable alarm notifications toward the OS and to resynchronize alarms
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8/12/2019 Upload Remote Inventory : to upload the remote inventory
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation data from the equipment.

Set Mana er list : to o en the list of ossible mana ers e. . EML each connected mana er to the
NE is highlighted in the list. The user can set a manager clicking on the denomination. Several
manager can be enabled contemporaneously, having in charge the NE.The Manager List contains

the list of managers ( i.e. RM, SY, NPOS , EML) that work on the NE. The EML-USM
administrator (SH or Craft Terminal) should set the Manager List only to remove a manager in case
of emergency

Restart NE : to reset the EQUICO.


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Notes :Configuration menu 1660SM

Configuration menu:

Alarm severity, Set alarm severity and Set SDH alarm severity : to configure the alarm criteria (urgent, not urgent,
critical etc.) and to enable/disable alarms.
NE time: to set the NE time equal to the PC real time.
Performance: to configure performance thresholds
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Set ACD Level: To manage concurrence of access among several different managers (RM and EML). ACD Level
configures the the level of <Access Control Domain>; e.g: if Port level is selected, the ACD is specified and managed
8/12/2019 for each NE port. 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The ACD dialog–box contains the following fields:

• Current ACD level: shows the Access Control Domain level currently set.
• The New ACD level: allows to set one of two level checks. By the way, this is an operation that should be
performed only during the EML–USM installation phase. The two possible options are:
– NE level, the ACD is performed on all the NEs
– No Check, the ACD is not managed
– The default value is NE level. If it is changed, it is necessary to restart the EML–USM.
Cross-Connection Management: to display or to configure cross-connections

Loopback management: to manage loopbacks by opening Signal Loopback Management window.

Comm. and Routing: to configure NSAP, LAP-D, ethernet ,IP….
Over head: to configure OH accesses and routing in the OH Matrix, within Service Card.


Set Manger List 1660SM

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Note: Set Manager List 1660SM

Manager list: each connected manager to the NE is highlighted in the list. The user can set a

having inclicking charge the on NE.
the denomination.
The Manager Several manager
List contains thecan
listbeofenabled contemporaneously,
managers ( i.e. RM, SY,
NPOS , EML) that work on the NE. The EML-USM administrator (SH or Craft Terminal)
should set the Manager List only to remove a manager in case of emergency (i.e. the
Manager misses the NE connection).
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

You can use this menu to remove the OS (1354RM) supervision in case of Q3 isolation
e erne


Views menu and External Points menu 1660SM

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Notes: Views menu and External Points menu 1660SM

View menu:

This menu can be selected every time an operation has to start on the equipment, to perform:
Equipment Configuration
Cross-Connection Synchronization
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Previous: to go back to the previous window
Equipment: to display the Equipment view
External Points: to manage Housekeeping contacts
Transmission: to open Transmission pulldown menu (Transmission option is transferred in the main menubar)
Synchronization: to configure clock management

External Points option allows to open the External Points window and to display in the menubar the External Points
menu with two options:

– Configuration
– Display (to setup the displayed HK types)


External Points menu 1660SM

Configuration of the External points

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Notes: External Points menu 1660SM

External Points:

This menu allows to display and to configure housekeeping contacts (2 output + 6 inputs).
• Configuration option has to be selected point-by-point, after selecting a specific external point.

• Display option allows to select: inputs only, output only or both (all).
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Configure External Points 1660SM

1- Select Ext.Points /Display /Show All... , to open

the following External Points window:
2- Select an Ext. Point

3- Select Configuration
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4- This window refers to the selected External Point
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Notes:Configure External Points 1660SM

To configure an External Point:

Display the External Points, by clicking on :External Points/ Display/ Show…

Select with the mouse an external point within the External Points window.
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Click on External Points/Configuration menu
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
The External Input (output) Point Configuration window will appear, with the parameters that can

be configured:Type, User label,Output Criteria, External State.


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Diagnosis menu 1660SM

Diagnosis menu:

Alarms: to open Alarm Surveillance application

Performance Data: to configure measurement gate (15 minutes or 24 hours)
Log Browsing: to access the log file:

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
View : to open a .txt file with remote inventory data: this file can be saved and printed. It is
necessary first to create the file by using Supervision / Upload remote Inventory.
Abnormal condition List : to list the events that contributes to the abnormal condition:

• select in the list an object with abnormal condition

• click on OK
• the relevant dialog window opens ( in the example: the window indicates that the selected slot is empty)



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8/12/2019 Cross-Connection Configuration 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

for 1660SM


Section V-INDEX 1660SM

Cross-Connection: Operation Sequence

Cross-Connection management

Cross-Connection management: practical rules

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

erm nat ng : n ransm ss on ew

Terminating AU4: searching TP’s

Terminating AU4: Terminate TP

Terminating AU4: Structure Tug3
Terminating AU4: Transm. View with TU12


Section V-INDEX 1660SM

Selecting TU12 in STM16: Cross-Conn. Manag.

Selecting TU12 in STM16 : Search TP

Selecting TU12 in STM16 : VC4-AU4 CXC View
Selecting TU12 in STM16 : Choose input TP
Selecting TU12 in STM16 : Choose input TP
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

e ect ng wt n : c oose output

Selecting VC12 in P63E1:Retrieve P63E1-VC12’s

VC12-Tu12 Cross-connection setup

Final check for configured CXC’s

Select TU12 in Port View Window

Create a CXC with the selected TU12 input


Section V-INDEX 1660SM

Cross connection protected starting from not protected

Check the modified CxC

Alarms on Cross-connections

Creating an Au4-4c inside an STM16

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Creating cross connection between Au4-4c
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

arms w n e arx

Loopback management
Internal Loopback
Loopbacks Configuration
Loopback in the different view: SDH interface
Loopback in the different view:PDH interface


Cross-Connection: Operation Sequence 1660SM

EXAMPLE: In Views menu : In Transmission menu :

Click on Transmission Click on a Add TP
VC12-VC4 CxC

In Port View: In TP search window :

Click on Port Symbol Select an SDH Port in Equip. list
Click on Transmission menu Click on Search
Select Terminate TP Select an AU4 TP in TP’s list
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Retrieve Mapping table
Select a the
TUG3 Click on OK
8/12/2019 In Transmission menu click on Structure TP/TU12 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

n ransm ss on menu c c on x x g.

In Main Cross-conn .window

In Cross-Conn Mgt. Window: Select the Cross-conn. Type
Click on Create Click on Choose (input) .
From here, with alternative using
In Main Cross-Conn. Window : In Search for Cross-Conn inputs window:
Click on Choose (output) Select a TU12 and click on OK

In Search for Cross-Conn outputs window: In Main Cross-Conn. window :

Select a VC12 and click on OK Click on OK


Notes: Cross.Connection: Operation Sequence 1660SM

To create a cross-connection: start from Add TP in Transmission menu

It is necessary to Terminate and to Structure an AU4 , before executing a cross-connection involving a

Tu-n within an STM-n port ( not needed for AU4 to AU4 CxC).
After terminating and structuring an AU4 , cross-connections can be executed between Vc-n and Tu-n
(e.g. between VC12 and TU12 ).
The windows involved in creating a cross-connection are:
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Main window , to select the Transmission menu
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Cross-connection Management window, to display the cross-connections and to start Create/
Modify/Delete a cross-connection (Opened from Transmission/Cross-Conn. Mgt. menu)
Main Cross-Connection window, to define the cross-conn. type and to select input/output (opened

from Create/Modify , in Cross Conn. Mgt. window)

TP Search window, to select the Termination Points (open from Choose in Main Cross-Conn.
Note: this is one of the possible options to create cross-connections.
It is suggested to go to Appendix-I: Introduction to Cross/Connection, BEFORE GOING ON !!


Cross-Connection management 1660SM

Optionally, define a filter before Search

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Cross-Connection Management:
this window is modified with the list of existing cross-
connections, when selecting Search .


Notes: Cross-Connection management 1660SM

There are many different procedures to create, modify, delete cross-connections.

As general approach, the Operator can start from Cross Connection Management window, opened from
Transmission menu.

To create, modify, delete a cross-connection:

Open Equipment View window, by double clicking on the Rack View window
Select Transmission in View menu
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Select Transmission in bar menu
– Select Cross-connection
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
– -
– Cross-Connection Management window opens
– Select Search with the desired filter :the list of existing cross-connections will appear.

Select a cross-connection (a line) to enable Modify

Create is enabled if the local Operator is authorized by the OS and if not-connected TP are available.

8 In the following, the Cross-connection Management is described trough four examples, corresponding to four objectives.
The first two objectives are:
8 Objective 1: to connect a 2 Mb/s port to an STM16 interface
8 Objective 2: to bypass a VC12 through two STM16 ports .


Cross-Connection management: practical rules 1660SM

Type of cross connections

“bulk”: Cross-connect Au4 to Au4 or Tu-n to Tu-n when (you don’t care about the content);
a PDH signal has to be inserted/extracted into/from an SDH signal : Cross-connect a Vc-n to
Tu-n ( or VC-4 to Au4)

Search TP :
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VC-n inside PDH Port Cards
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
AU4 inside SDH Port Cards

TU-n inside the Matrix

Max 64 ports Max 96 ports

PDH Port SDH Port
(VC-12 ) MATRIX (AU4)

Max 96 VC4 ports


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Notes:Terminating AU4 1660SM

The Objective of this procedure is: to connect a 2 Mb/s port to an STM16 interface. This is the
operation which is usually done to drop/insert a PDH signal from an SDH stream.

In this example it is assumed that the cross-connection is bidirectiona l and not protected .
Procedure is quite similar in case of monodirectional or protected cross-connection and it is carried out
in two steps:
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Configure a Tu12 held into an Au4 as cross-connection input;
Configure a VC12 as cross-connection output (or viceversa)
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

g There are 63 TU12 ’s inside an Au4 and the Au4

must be terminated (and structured) to find its
1 VC12 Tu12 ’s.
1 g Up to 64 STM1 equivalent bidirectional CXC’s
CXC can be configured
VC12 g From the physical point of view: the Operator
TU12 63 has to select an STM16 board and an A21E1
...STM-n.... Matrix ..... .......P63E1......


Terminating AU4: searching TP’s 1660SM

1- This window is opened by STEP2

ADD TP command

2- Click in sequence on in
front of:
• ne
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• SR
• S-16.1
6 The list of AU4 TP s in
to retrieve the equipment 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation STM16 board is displayed

3- Select STM16 port 7- Optionally: click here to

(e.g. S-16.1 in slot 34 ) check if TP ’s are connectable

4- Select Au4
in TP Class filter. 5-Click on Search .

8- Click on OK to open
Transmission View window


Notes: Terminating AU4: searching TP’s 1660SM

You could open the TP Search window by clicking on Add TP in Transmission View window:

The equipment tree is displayed by double clicking, in sequence order, on the small square in front of
each equipment name.( )
Select an STM16 board in the left Equipment list and then search the TP’s, optionally by using a filter,
defined by selecting Au4 value in the TP Class entry box.
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The available AU4 CTP s are displayed in the right Termination Points list, with the syntax:
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
r sr s xx por x- xx- u
Port # of Au4 corresponds to the port within the selected STM16 module (port#01 only)

Indicating the physical position of the AU4-TP.

Click on OK to navigate from TP Search toward Transmission View window.


Terminating AU4: Terminate TP 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP3

1- This window is opened by OK

3- Select Transmission
in TP Search window

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4 Select Terminate TP:
Ob ect name 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation the AU4-TP will chan es
to Terminated status

2- Select the functional

AU4 corresponding to


Notes: Terminate TP 1660SM

Transmission View window now displays the functional block of the object from where the window
was opened

See Appendix II for the list of functional object symbols

After the Au4 CTP has been selected, it must be Terminated, in order to manage the Tu12’s inside.
Terminated status is indicated by the following symbol change:

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

from to

Note: When an Au4 is terminated, it is considered as

cross-connected to the corresponding VC4

Remember!: the port#1-AU4 , when terminated, can result to be connected to any

port#<number>VC4 : the Operator doesn’t care about VC4 port number at Element Manager level,
but has to make reference to Au4 port number!


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Notes: Terminating AU4: Structure Tug3 1660SM

Initially, Au4 is only terminated, thus it is possible to expand the functional objects up to

Select a Tug3 .
Note: the objective is: to select Tu12 (k,l,m ) i.e:
Tug3# k, Tug2# l,Tu12 # m.
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8/12/2019 ug mus e erm na e an s ruc ure , o ge05 Alcatele1660SM Operations ’ns e: use ruc ure op on
inside Transmission pulldown menu.

Warning ! The first time that an Au4 is terminated, it is structured till Tug3 ( and till Tu3 ) only . It is
then necessary to Structure TP to get Tu12 .
If VC4 was previously structured till Tu12 in the NE, the EC remembers this configuration and the
VC4 is automatically structured till Tu12 when selecting Terminate TP . To eliminate Tu12 structure:
select a Tug3 and then select Disterminate TP .


Terminating AU4: Transm. View with TU12 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP5

To expand the tree up to Tu12 : click on

Tug2 object to get the next object.

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Notes: AU4 termination in the TU12 1660SM

This is the final result in Transmission View window, after terminating Au4 and structuring
a Tug3.

Click on an object, in sequence, to expand or to reduce the tree.

In the example: all the Tug3’s are structured: to eliminate TU12’s, select a Tug3 and then
Disterminate TP.
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Suggestion: in a network, the Au4 should be configured as terminated and structured at
initial activation, if VC12 have to be managed, in order to avoid traffic interruption in future
updating, when a new VC12 has to be inserted/extracted.


Selecting TU12 in STM16: Cross-Conn. Manag. 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP6

1 - Transmission View window is opened from: 2- Select Transmission

Views / Transmission

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4- Select CxC Manage
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

3- Select Cross Connection


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Selecting TU12 in STM16 : Search TP 1660SM

1 - This dialog window is opened by Cross-Connection Management option in
Transmission View window. The window is initially empty

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2 Leave Ignore to define an all pass filter
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

3-Select Search, to display existing



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Selecting TU12 in STM16 : VC4-AU4 CXC ALCATEL

View 1660SM


See here the protection state in SNCP

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

List of Cross-connections
An AU4-4c is connected to an AU4c with transparent obtained using the Search
(bulk) connection command

An AU4 is connected to VC4 to indicate that the AU4 is Click here to open: Main Cross-
structured till TUG3 . Connection window


Notes : VC4-AU4 CXC View 1660SM

If configuration activity described in this example was started with blanked Data-Base in the Equip.Controller, then the
result of Search , within CXC Management dialog window at this stage of the example will be a list with only one
single Au4-VC4 connection.
This connection means that: Au4 was terminated.
Input and output of a cross-connection are identified by an object identifier with the format:

r<rack_ #>sr<subrack_ #>sl<slot_#>/port#<port_#>-#-<TP_#>-<TP_type>

e.g.: r01sr1sl37/port#01-#05-AU4P
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ac , u rac , o , or are e eve s o p ys ca coor na es a op e o en y p ys ca oca on o a
8/12/2019 logical object. 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

A Cross-connection object is characterized by the following attributes (in flexible columns ):

Name : Trail name of the CXC
Prot.State : protection switching information with format:
<protection state><traffic indicator>(<location>:<signal state>-<switching status>,<location>:<signal state>-<switching status>:
e.g.: Auto I (P:SD-c) = Automatic switching from protecting input to Input where traffic is transported
(reason for Protection switching was Signal Degrade in Protecting input; switching was completed)
State : A(ctivated) or D(eactivated)
Direction : uni, bi,mp
Input: source TP identifier
Protecting input : TP identifier, when the CxC is protected
Output : destination TP identifier


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Notes : Main Cross Connection 1660SM

Main Cross-Connection dialog window allows creating/modifying a cross-connection.

The window is opened by Create pushbutton in CXC Management window.
It can also be opened by:
- Create CXC in Transmission pulldown menu or in Port pulldown menu;
- Modify pushbutton in CXC Management window;
- Modify CXC in Transmission pulldown menu or in Port pulldown menu.

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By clicking on Choose pushbutton, at right of Input , the Search for CXC input window opens, which
is a dialog window identical to the already described TP Search window.
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

After creating a CXC, the window shows the configured CXC, by using symbols described in the
following slides


Notes : Main Cross Connection 1660SM

Type Select the connection type:

D&C Topology

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Protected 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Not Protected


Notes : Main Cross Connection 1660SM

The shown symbols are used within Main Cross-connection window to

indicate the cross-connection type, after creation.

This is the internal CxC functional scheme applied in

the MATRIX board to implement the CxC’s:

Port#1 MATRIX VC12
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation or
AU4-AU4 VC4 (111-373)



STM1 Ports
Max 64 bid. Ports
Max 96 bid. Ports


Selecting TU12 in STM16 : Choose input TP 1660SM


5- MATRIX-23 is displayed
1 - This window is when selected on the left
opened by Choose
pushbutton within
Main CXC window

2- Click in sequence on in
8- Select a TU12
front of:
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
to retrieve the equipment tree.

3- Select MATRIX

4- Select TU12
6 - Click on Search to retrieve the
in TP Class filter .
available VC12-TP ’s.
7- Optionally click Show CC State to
8- Click on OK (or double check the Connectivity of displayed
click on the TU12 TP ’s.
identifier) to confirm the
selected TU12 as CXC


Notes : Choose input TP 1660SM

Search for CXC input window is opened by clicking on Choose pushbutton (near input entry box) in Main CXC window.
The Operator has to retrieve all possible TU12’s inside the selected MATRIX board.
In the list of displayed TU12 ’s (max 64 X 63 in total), a specific TU12 has to be selected, to be connected with a 2Mb/s port.
Warning! TU12’s appear within the MATRIX only.
• The selected TU12 must correspond to the VC4 connected to AU4 (see Appendix-III)
In the example:
Select the slot#40 (Matrix card): 63 xTU12’s /port are available
Select in the port#2 of the Matrix: TUG3#1, TUG2#7, TU12#3, i.e TU12=TU12 (1,7,3) (*)
The selected TU12 is indicated by the object name: r01sr1sl23/port#02-#1-7-3-tu12
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Warning! The port# must be the same VC4 # connected to the selected Au4 (see CxC Management window)
Optionally: select Show CC State, to display the Connectivity of the displayed TP’ s:
8/12/2019 An empty rectangle ( ) will appear in front of connectable TP.
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

The rectangle has a circle inside ( ) if the TP is not connectable; this symbol appears for AU4-C and for physical TP’s .
Click on OK at left button, to confirm the choice and to re-open Main CXC window.

(*) Note: Allocation of TU12 within VC4 is identified by 3 coordinates:

(x, y, z) where
x= Tug3# (1...3)
y=Tug2# (1....7)
z=TU12# (1...3)

In the example: (x, y, z)=(1, 7, 3)


Selecting VC12 within P63E1: choose output TP 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP11

2 - Click on Choose corresponding to Output ,

to open Search for CXC Output window

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

1-When clicking on OK within

Search for CXC input window :
• This window is displayed;
• The selected TU12 is automatically
inserted into the input entry box


Selecting VC12 within P63E1: choose output TP 1660SM

Main CXC window is automatically open when clicking on OK within Search for CXC
input window.
At same time: the selected TU12 is automatically inserted into the Input entry box.

To go on with CXC configuration : the described procedure has to be repeated for Output
entry box:
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Double click on Choose corresponding to Output , to re-open TP Search window, now with the
8/12/2019 title: Search for CXC Output . 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Selecting VC12 in P63E1:Retrieve P63E1- ALCATEL

VC12’s 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP12

5- P63E1-24 is displayed
when selected on the left
1 - This window is is
opened by Choose
pushbutton within Main
CXC window

8- Select VC12 =
2- Click in sequence on in
front of: Port#01
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
to retrieve the equipment tree.

3- Select P63E1
6 - Click
6 - Click on on Search
Search to retrieve the
4- Select VC12 available VC12-TP available
to retrieve the ’s. VC12-TP ’s.
in TP Class filter. 7- Optionally click Show CC State to
check the Connectivity of displayed
TP ’s.
9- Click on OK to confirm the
selected VC12 as CXC output


Notes: Retrieve P63E1-VC12’s 1660SM

Search for CXC output window is opened by clicking on Choose pushbutton (near input
entry box) in Main CXC window.

The Operator has to retrieve all possible VC12’s inside the selected P63E1 board.

Procedure is the same described for searching Tu12-TP’s in TP Search window within the
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Note: the VC12 is searched within a P63E1 card, but its location is indicated within the
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
corresponding A21E1 card!


VC12-Tu12 Cross-connection setup 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP13

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1- When clicking on OK within
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Search for CXC output
window : This symbol is changed to indicate
• This window is displayed; a bidirectional unprotected CXC
• The selected VC12 is
automatically inserted into the
Output entry box

2- Click on OK to
activate the configured


Notes:VC12-Tu12 Cross-connection setup 1660SM

Main CXC window is automatically re-open when clicking on OK within Search for CXC output
At same time: the selected VC12 is automatically inserted into he Output entry box.
The symbol of new cross-connection will appear in the CxC Topology field

Click on OK at left bottom, to complete the configuration and to activate the built-up connection.

A confirmation message will appear with indication that operation has been correctly executed.
An error message appears if the operation cannot be executed.
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8/12/2019 The configured cross-connection is added in the list within Cross-Connection Management
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation window
and the Port view window is modified as follows:


Final check for configured CXC’s 1660SM

1.st Objective: connect a 2Mb/s port to an STM16 port STEP14

Click on Search to get the CXC list:

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

VC4 port# is automatically selected by the MATRIX:
VC4 ports are the internal Matrix ports .


Notes: Final check for configured CXC’s 1660SM

Cross-Connection Management window display the list of the following CXC’s:

Port-1/VC12 VC12 connected to TU12

AU4 connected to structured VC4

TU12(1,1,1) TU12(1,1,1)
AU4 n.5/’port-1 TU12(1,1,2)
(slot#37) TU12(1,1,2) AU4 n.5/’port-1
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8/12/2019 TU12(3,7,3) 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

VC4/port#2 of Matrix VC4/port#2 of Matrix

One terminated AU4 ’s (connected to VC4 )

TU12 (1,7,3) inside AU4/port1 connected to VC12/port-1


Select TU12 in Port View Window 1660SM

2nd Objective: pass-trough a TU12 STEP1

3- Open Transmission pulldown menu

1 - This view is the result of the operations done to terminate
AU4 of an STM16 port and to structure the Tug3#1.

2- Select a TU12 , e.g.


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Notes: Select TU12 input inside STM1-A 1660SM

The Transmission View window is opened from TP Search window.

The objective, in this second cross-connection example,is to connect two TU12 -TP ’s owing to two different

STM16 interfaces.
Input and output of the CXC to be configured are like that:
input output
TU12 of CXC TU12 of
STM16/West STM16/East

This is the usual b ass o eration in an Add-Dro e ui ment, when a VC has to be assed-throu h in a
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Network Element.
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Both AU4’s must be terminated and structured with TU12, in order to make possible a cross-connection
between two TU12-TP’s.
To terminate and to structure AU4 of port in opposite direction, follow the same procedure described in
previous slides i.e:
Start from Add TP in Transmission menu.
Select AU4P in TP Search window,
Terminate Au4 and structure Tug3 in Transmission View window
From now on, a different procedure is followed, compared with that one already described.


Create a CXC with the selected TU12 input 1660SM

2nd Objective: pass-trough a TU12 STEP2

2- Open Transmission pulldown menu
1- Maintain TU12(1,1,1) selected
3- Select CXC

4- Select Create CXC :

double click
the Main here, window
CXC to open

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Notes: Create a CXC with the selected TU12


To create a Cross-connection input:

• Within Transmission View window:

– Select a TU12 . e.g. : TU12 (1,1,1)
– Open Transmission pulldown menu
– Select Create CXC
Create CXC
– Double click on

In this way Main CXC

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation window is opened and the selected TU12 will go into the entry box of the CXC 216/272
input .
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

WARNING: 1- This is an alternative way to create a cross-connection, without

using Tp Search window;
2- The same procedure can be followed for VC-n starting from Port
view window
3- Sometime, in rel. 1.1, the order of displayed TU12 is not correct
(can be random): close and re-open the application if this creates
troubles to the Operator.


Set the selected TU12 as CXC input 1660SM

2nd Objective: pass-trough a TU12 STEP3

2- Double Click on Choose corresponding to Output ,

to open Search for CXC Output window

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1 - When double clicking on Create
8/12/2019 CXC within Transmission View 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

window :
• This window is displayed;
• The selected TU12 is
automatically inserted into the
input entry box


Notes: Set the selected TU12 as CXC input 1660SM

Main CXC window is automatically open when double clicking on Create CXC within Transmission
View window.

At same time: the selected TU12 is automatically inserted into the Input entry box.

To go on with CXC configuration: enter the second TU12 into Output entry box:

• Double click on Choose corresponding to Output , to open Search for CXC Output TP
Search window.
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Continue with the same procedure as described to 05add/drop a
Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Vc12, in the 1.st Objective.
Remember! The two AU4 ’s where the cross-connected Tu12 ’s are inserted/dropped, must be both
terminated and structured.


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Notes: Select a CXC to be protected 1660SM

To protect an existing CxC means:

to create a second Input (the protecting Input) in the existing CxC (*).

Open CXC Management window from Transmission menu.

Within CXC Management window, search the CXC’s and select the CXC to be modified in order to
become protected.
Then click on Modify : the Main CxC window opens, with the selected Input and Output in the entry
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(*) Note: it is possible to use either a Protecting input or a 05Protecting output, but the corresponding
Alcatel 1660SM Operation
configuration (2 inputs or 2 outputs) must be selected within the Main Cross Connection window.


Select the protecting CXC input 1660SM

3.rd Objective: protect an existing cross-connection STEP2

Window opened by clicking on

Modify in Cxc Manag . window

1- Select Protected CxC and select

the protected TP

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
2- Choose
Select to add . the
Modify in Cxc Manag protecting Input
Initial status of the CxC


Notes: Select the protecting CXC input 1660SM

To protect an existing CxC :

• change the CxC to Protected and choose a Protecting input. (*).

Note: it is possible to use either a Protecting input or a Protecting output, but the
corresponding configuration (2 inputs or 2 outputs) must be selected within the Main Cross
Connection window.

The window is chan ed, with 2 in uts or 2 out uts, de endin on the choice in the
Protected entry box.
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Select a TU12 as protecting input 1660SM

3.rd Objective: protect an existing cross-connection STEP3

1 - This window is
opened by Choose
pushbutton within
Main CXC window

2- Click in sequence on
in front of: 7- Select the Tu12

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8/12/2019 to retrieve the equipment 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


3 - Select MATRIX
5- Click on Search to retrieve the
4- Select TU12 available Tu12-TP ’s.
6- Optionally click Show CC State to
in TP Class filter. check
the Connectivity of displayed TP ’s .
8- Click on OK ( or double click on the Tu12 identifier) to
confirm the selected Tu12 as CXC protecting input

Notes: Select a TU12 as protecting input 1660SM

The Search for CxC Protection window is opened by clicking on Choose within Main
CxC window

Select the Matrix and search for the desired Tu12, to be used as protecting input.

Remember! The Matrix will display the Tu12 ’s of the structured Au4-Termination Points.

the desired AU4#.

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Set the selected TU12 as protecting input 1660SM

3.rd Objective: protect an existing cross-connection STEP4

Window open by clicking on

OK in Search for Cxc Protect. window

Tu12 Protecting input

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Protected cross-connection
(modified from unprotected)


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Notes: Check the modified CxC 1660SM

Check of cross-connection modification in CxC Management window

The list of the cross-connection remains the same.

The selected 2 Mb/s drop/insert cross-connection has been modified by adding a protecting input.
The implemented protection is an SNCP . Its status appears in the Prot Status column.

Example of Protection status (NE not connected to the fibers):

[Automatic switch to the correct Input ]
http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/05-alcatel-1660sm-operation (I:SF-p,P:SF-p) 228/272

[Input : Signal F ailure-the switching is pending ;

[Input : Signal F ailure the switching is pending ;
P rotecting Input : Signal 05F Alcatel
1660SM Operation
operation pending ]

General syntax :
<Protection state><Traffic Indicator> (<location:<signal state>-<switch
status > [ <location:<signal state>-<switch status>]
protection state:
· Forced to Input · Forced to Protecting
· Manual Switch to Input · Manual Switch to Protecting
· Auto. Switch to Input · Auto. Switch to Protecting
· Lockout
· Normal I · Normal P


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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

Note:Protection command 1660SM

Manual Switch have a priority minor than the automatic switch, you can use this command
to avoid problems with the traffic in case of failure.

Force to have a Priority major than the Automatic Switch, it is used for Maintenance

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Alarms on Cross-connections 1660SM

AU-AIS Alarm at AU4 level in a cross-connection from VC12 to AU4

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Notes: Alarms on Cross-connections 1660SM

Typical situations with a wrong cross-connection are:

• SSF at Vc-n level

• AIS detected on an external instrument.

Typical alarm when a Cross-connection is not correctly working is SSF , in Port View : this alarm is
usually caused by a wrong cross-connection or, unlikely, by HW failure. This alarm is also active if
Unequipped is received in the Signal Label from the remote Node.
SSF causes AIS on the PDH port. Note: this AIS is usually detected by an external instrument only; it is
detected in the port view only for framed 2Mb/s incoming signal .
The exam le shows the Transmission View window in case of cross-connection from VC12 to AU4
the window is opened from Port View window by selecting: Navigate to Transmission View, after
selecting a VC4;
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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

In the example:the cross-connection is not operating due to a failure alarm at AU4 server layer: this
alarm should cause also SSF at VC4 and at VC12 (in the Port view windows).
Further details on alarms can be displayed by selecting a TP an then selecting Port /Navigate to Port
View: the Matrix connections are displayed with alarms associated to the connected TP’s (see next

Warning!: to display the alarm, the correct alarm severity table must be setup for the AU4 block .
Some severity tables do not display the alarm for AU-AIS.


Creating an Au4-4c inside an STM16 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP1

2- Click here to open Port View window

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

1- Select an STM16 port


Notes: Creating an Au4-4c inside an STM16 1660SM

The target of this exercise is to create a cross-connection between two STM16 ports with a concatenated

Select an STM16 port and open the Port view window

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Concatenate 4 Au4’s inside an STM16 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP2

1- Select Port/Au4 Concatenation

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

2- Select Concatenate


Notes:Concatenate 4 Au4’s inside an STM16 1660SM

Create a concatenated Au4 within an STM16 port

Within the Port View window, select Port/ Au4 concatenation menu.

Then select Concatenate , after selecting a set of 4 adjacent Au4’s

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Opening Trans. View with Au4-4c 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP3

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8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Notes:Opening Trans. View with Au4-4c 1660SM

From Port View it is possible to navigate to Transmission view , in order to control the

STM16 structure and, optionally, to start the cross-connection.

To create the CxC input , within Main CxC window: select the Au4c, then select

Transmission / Cross Connection /Create Cross Connection.

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Creating an Au4-4c inside the 2.nd STM16 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP4

1- Select the 2.nd STM16 port

2- Click here to open Port

View window

3- Select Port/Au4
onca ena on

4- Select Concatenate
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POM SUT After Matrix

have in Rel2.0
SSF and SD


Notes: Concatenate the 2.nd Au4-4c 1660SM

Create a concatenated Au4 within the second STM16 port

Within the Port View window, select Port/ Au4 concatenation menu.
Then select Concatenate.

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Open Transmission view for the 2.nd Au4-c 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP5

By selecting Port/Navigate to Transmission View

it is possible to display the Concatenated Au4-CTP

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Notes:Open Transmis. view for the 2.nd Au4-4c 1660SM

From Port View it is possible to navigate to Transmission view , in order to control the

STM16 structure and, optionally, to start the cross-connection

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Start Cross-connection for Au4-4c 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP6

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1- Select the Concatenated AU4 2- Select:

Port / Cross Connection /Create Cross Conn.
The selected AU will directly go into the input
of Main Cross Conn. window


Notes: Start Cross-connection for Au4-4c 1660SM

After creating two Au4-4c CTP ’s, it is possible to start to setup the cross-connection.

Open Port View window and select the first AU4-4c to be connected:

Select Port /Cross Connection /Create Cross Connection

The selected Au/CTP will directly be inserted into the input within Main Cross Connection

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Select the output Au4-4c 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP7

1- Select Choose to open
Search for CxC Output window

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2- Search the Au4 ’s

inside the selected STM16 port


Notes: Select the output Au4-4c 1660SM

From Main CxC open Search for CxC output window, by selecting Choose near the
output entry box.

Search the Au4-4c inside the selected STM16 port (slot #34 in the example)

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Creating cross connection between Au4-4c 1660SM

4.th Objective: Cross-connect two concatenated Au4-4c STEP8

1- Result of OK in the TP Search window

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2- Check that the cross connection has been

implemented, in the Cross Connection Management window


Notes:Creating cross connection between Au4-4c 1660SM

Within Search for CxC output window, search for Au4-4c inside the selected STM16 port,
then select it and click on OK

The Au4-4c is introduced into the CxC output entry box.

To check if the cross connection has been implemented: open the Port View window for one

of the two STM16 ports; a cross x will appear near the AU4-4c.

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Alarms within the Matrix 1660SM

Select a Vc4 ; then select

Port/Navigate to Port

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Notes:Alarms within the Matrix 1660SM

Alarms inside the Matrix are displayed by selecting a TP in the Transmission View
window and by selecting Port menu / Navigate to To Port View: the Port View of the

Matrix is opened with the cross/connected TPs.

This window is used to see details about alarms on the cross/connected TPs.

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Loopback management 1660SM

The loopbacks can be applied:

at line (external to equipment) level;

at internal equipment level.

The loopback commands are used to separate the communication network into independent
part checking the line/equipment functionality during the network installation or maintenance

. .

Line Internal
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Signal’s generator Destination
8/12/2019 Line loop and Continue 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
i.e SDH port


Internal Line
AIS Initial Signal’s generator

Line loop and AIS


Internal Loopback 1660SM

i.e. PDH or SDH port
i.e. PDH or SDH port

Line A
R Signal’s generator

n erna oop an on nue

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i.e. PDH or SDH port
Initial AIS
05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation
Signal’s generator Destination R
Internal loop and AIS


Loopbacks Configuration 1660SM

TP involved in the loopback

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Loopbacks Configuration 1660SM

Loopbacks act on the following TPs:

STM-1/4/16/64 SDH board:

• line loopback performed on SPI TTP;

• internal loopback performed on the MS TTP;
PDH board:
• line loopback performed on
– PPI TTP for 140 Mb/s
• internal loopback performed on:
– MS TTP for STM 1 /STM 4
– P4 CTP for 140 Mb/s
– p12 TP 2Mb/s port P63E1:
– p31 TP 34Mb/s port P3E3/T3
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– p41 TP 45Mb/s port P3E3/T3
NOTE: 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation

To realize an internal loop back on a PDH port you must select Loopback →
→ Loopback
Management and choose the involved P4 CTP.


Loopback in the different view: SDH interface 1660SM


Port view Port view

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Transmission view
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation


Loopback in the different view:PDH interface 1660SM


Port view Port view and Transmission view

Transmission view
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There is no difference between the TP point
8/12/2019 with
05 Alcatel 1660SM LOOP_BACK or without


Loopbacks Management 1660SM

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Section VI OH Mana ement

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Section IX-INDEX 1660SM

OH Cross Connection: general

OH Cross Connection: menu
Creating OH Cross Connection
OH ports : Board View and Port View
OH ports : Port View and Transmission View
SERVICE board of slot 11

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OH Cross Connection: general 1660SM

The following sequence of operations has to be done in order to configure the cross-
connections for OH channels:

1.st step : Create the OH TPs on which you want to operate. The OH TP are the OH
byes used to transmit the auxiliary channels. Use Overhaed / OH TP Creation menu
option for that and find the desired OH bytes in the TP Search window, with the title:

Search OH TP to be created

2.nd step : configure the EOW, if it is used. Use Overhead /OH Phone Parameters
menu option for that.Configuration consists in enabling /disabling the EOW extension
and in defining the phone number .
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3.rd step : create the cross/connections between two OH TPs or between an OH TP and
the EOW connector.


Notes:OH Cross Connection 1660SM

An auxiliary channel can be transmitted on any of the available OH bytes, that are displayed
in the TP Search window, opened by Create /Choose commands.

After executing the cross-connection between the EOW external connector and an OH byte,
the call is setup by the following operations:
Connect the handset in the front of SERVICE;

Do the Attach, by switching on the handset: a green lamp is switched on (on bottom-left

Dial the number of the called party: 00 is for omnibus.

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OH Cross Connection: menu 1660SM

Select OH Cross Connection in

the Configuration menu

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to create a OH cross-connection you need the



Note: OH Cross Connection: menu 1660SM


OH Cross Connection menu option allows to handle the operations on the Overhead (OH)
bytes of the NE.

The possible operations are:

Overhead cross–connection,i.e.:
– – ,
– Termination of an OH byte onto an auxiliary port or vocal channel,
– Total Pass–through of the MSOH bytes for some cards,
– Definition of the Phone Parameters
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There is a TP associated to every OH byte and to every auxiliary port, so TP could be used
instead of OH bytes or auxiliary port, depending on the context.



Creating OH Cross Connection 1660SM

1- Open this window by selecting OH

Cross Connection menu option

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2 - Select Create to open Main Cross

Connection for Overhead window



Notes: Creating OH Cross Connection 1660SM

Select the Configuration pull down menu.

Select the Overhead option and then from the cascading menu the OH Cross Connection

The Cross-Connection Management for overhead dialog opens and allows to start the

configuration. This window is similar to the dialog used for the cross–connection of the TP
or pa s , t en t e same escr pt on an unct ons st app y.

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OH ports : Board View and Port View 1660SM

1- Open this window by clicking on the

Service card

2- Select a port to open Port

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View window
8/12/2019 05 Alcatel 1660SM Operation



Notes: Board View and Port View 1660SM

To check alarms and status for OH access ports: select the Service card and then open the
Port View for OH external accesses.

6 ports are displayed: the first two are 2 Mb/s aux; the remaining four are 64 kb/s G703.

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OH ports : Port View and Transmission View 1660SM

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1- Open this window by clicking on the Port

symbol within Board View window



Notes: Port View and Transmission View 1660SM

This Port View and Transmission View windows are opened by selecting one of the aux
ports from #3 to #6 ( 64 kb/s G703).

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