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Assignment No 1

Technological Advancement in
Refrigeration and Air Conditioners with
Applications and Companies in Pakistan
Group Members:


Subject: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Mechanical Engineering Department

UET Taxila

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 2

Table of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 1

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... 1

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1 Vapor-compression refrigeration ..................................................................................... 2

1.2 Vapor-absorption refrigeration ......................................................................................... 3

1.3 Adsorption refrigeration ................................................................................................... 3

2 Thermoelectric refrigeration .................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Magnetic refrigeration ...................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Thermoacoustic Refrigeration: ........................................................................................ 7

3 Introduction To Air Conditioners ............................................................................................ 8

3.1 Types of air conditioner ................................................................................................... 8

4 Evaporative cooling ................................................................................................................. 8

4.1 How does it work?............................................................................................................ 9

4.2 Will it save money? .......................................................................................................... 9

5 Mechanical Refrigeration ...................................................................................................... 10

6 REFRIGERANTS ................................................................................................................. 11

6.1 First Generation Refrigerants ......................................................................................... 11

6.2 Second Generation Refrigerants..................................................................................... 11

6.3 Third Generation Refrigerants ....................................................................................... 12

6.4 Natural Refrigerants ....................................................................................................... 12

6.5 Principles of Refrigeration ............................................................................................. 12

7 Dehumidifier .......................................................................................................................... 13

7.1 What is humidity? .......................................................................................................... 14

7.2 Why does indoor humidity matter? ................................................................................ 14

8 Applications: .......................................................................................................................... 14

8.1 Air Conditioning ............................................................................................................ 14

8.2 Commercial Refrigeration .............................................................................................. 15

8.3 Supermarkets .................................................................................................................. 16

8.4 Industrial refrigeration.................................................................................................... 17

8.5 DISTRICT COOLING .................................................................................................. 18

8.6 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION ................................................................................... 18

8.7 CHEMICAL & PETROCHEMICAL ........................................................................... 18

8.8 PHARMACEUTICAL .................................................................................................. 18

8.9 FOOD & BEVERAGES ............................................................................................... 18

8.10 DATA CENTRES ......................................................................................................... 18

8.11 OTHER INDUSTRIES ................................................................................................. 19

9 Companies ............................................................................................................................. 19

10 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 21

11 LEARNING OUTCOMES ................................................................................................ 21

12 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 22

Table of Figures

Figure 1: adsorption cycle ............................................................................................................... 4

Figure 2: Thermoelectric cooling.................................................................................................... 5
Figure 3: Magnetic refrigeration ..................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4: Air conditioner ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 5: Evaporative cooling ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6: Dehumidifier ................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 7: Air Conditioning........................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8: Commercial Refrigeration ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 9: Supermarkets ................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 10: Industrial refrigeration ................................................................................................. 18


Energy requirement for refrigeration and air conditioning applications bears a huge share of total
energy consumption around the world. Since, thermal comfort plays a very important role on the
health, working efficiency and activities of all living beings, especially, temperature and humidity.
In the excessively hot climates it is necessary to reduce the temperature and humidity whereas in
the cold climate there is a need to increase the temperature. When the temperature drops below
thermal comfort level, especially in the winter season, the heating systems are employed. In some
countries, where the atmospheric temperature is very low, natural heating like solar energy is not
sufficient, the heat pump and fuel fired systems are proven to be suitable heating devices. In hot
climates, thermal comfort achieved through the use of air conditioning systems. In this report we
learn about this advancement in refrigeration and air conditioning system, also different
applications of R&AC. We learn about different companies working in Pakistan.


When man began to preserve the food was soon discovered that this conservation depended mainly
on the room temperature, food lasts longer weather in good condition at a lower temperature. There
are other methods of preservation of foods such as drying, salting, smoking or keep animals alive
until their consumption.

It began to look for new ways to maintain a temperature lower than room temperature. One of the
first methods was to introduce water into ceramic vessels. The evaporation that occurred inside it
kept the temperature lower than the room temperature. Ice has been used for a long time to keep
food, drink, and people down temperature. This mode of cooling has been used throughout the
world but now the ice has been changed by the mechanical cooling
It was discovered that through evaporation "Caught" the heat of the surroundings decreasing the
temperature. This can be compared to what happens when we put alcohol in your hand, you can
feel the cold that occurs when the alcohol evaporates.

Non-cyclic refrigeration
Cyclic refrigeration
Cyclic refrigeration can be classified as:

1. Vapor cycle, and

2. Gas cycle

Vapor cycle refrigeration can further be classified as:

1.1 Vapor-compression refrigeration

In a vapor compression refrigeration system, cooling is obtained as the refrigerant evaporates at

low temperatures. The input to the system is in the form of mechanical energy required to run the
compressor. Hence these systems are also called a mechanical refrigeration system For all phase
change processes, the amount of refrigeration produced is given by:

Q=m (Δhph)

Q is the refrigeration produced (heat transferred) m is the mass of the phase change substance
Δhph is the latent heat.
1.2 Vapor-absorption refrigeration

Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems (VARS) belong to the class of vapor cycles similar to
vapor compression refrigeration systems. Vapor compression refrigeration systems- the required
input to absorption systems are in the form of heat. Since absorption systems use liquids for
absorption of refrigerant, these are also sometimes called as wet absorption systems. Similar to
vapor compression refrigeration systems, vapor absorption refrigeration systems have been
commercialized and are widely used in various refrigeration and air conditioning applications.

Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems (VARS) belong to the class of vapor cycles similar to
vapor compression refrigeration systems. Vapor compression refrigeration systems- the required
input to absorption systems are in the form of heat. Since absorption systems use liquids for
absorption of refrigerant, these are also sometimes called as wet absorption systems. Similar to
vapor compression refrigeration systems, vapor absorption refrigeration systems have been
commercialized and are widely used in various refrigeration and air conditioning applications.
1.3 Adsorption refrigeration

An adsorption refrigeration system driven by a heat source is a closed sorption process . There are
two main processes inside the system: refrigeration and regeneration. The refrigerant is vapourised
in the generator (or evaporator) and adsorbed by a solid substance with a very high microscopic
porosity. In the regeneration process, the adsorbent is heated until the refrigerant desorbs and goes
back to the evaporator, which now acts as a condenser. There are several pairs of
refrigerant/absorbent such as water/zeolite, methanol/activated carbon. The system is not as widely

used as the absorption system. However, this application can be integrated with the low-
temperature solar collector or the exhaust of automobiles. The adsorption cycle is illustrated in
Fig.1 and proceeds as follows.[1]

Figure 1: adsorption cycle

The four basic processes involved in the cycle are:

(i) Heating And Pressurization

During this period, the adsorbed receives heat while being closed. The
adsorbent temperature increases, which induces a pressure increase, from the
evaporation pressure up to the condensation pressure. This period is equivalent
to the “compression” in compression cycles.
(ii) Heating, Desorption
And Condensation During this period, the adsorbed continues receiving heat
while being connected to the condenser, which now superimposes its pressure.
The adsorbent temperature continues increasing, which induces the desorption
of vapor. This desorbed vapor is liquefied in the condenser. The condensation
heat is released to the second heat sink at intermediate temperature. This period
is equivalent to the "condensation" in compression cycles.
(iii) Cooling And Depressurization
During this period, the adsorber releases heat while being closed. The adsorbent
temperature decreases, which induces the pressure decrease from the
condensation pressure down to the evaporation pressure. This period is
equivalent to the "expansion" in compression cycles.
(iv) Cooling, Adsorption, and Evaporation
During this period, the adsorber continues releasing heat while being connected
to the evaporator, which now superimposes its pressure. The adsorbent
temperature continues decreasing, which induces the adsorption of vapor. This
adsorbed vapor is vaporised in the evaporator. The evaporation heat is supplied
by the heat source at low temperature. This period is equivalent to the
"evaporation" in compression cycles.

2 Thermoelectric refrigeration
Thermoelectric cooling devices utilize the Peltier effect, whereby the passage of a direct electric
current through the junction of two dissimilar conducting materials causes the junction to either
cool down (absorbing heat) or warm-up (rejecting heat), depending on the direction of the current.

Figure 2: Thermoelectric cooling

Figure, shows a pair of adjacent thermoelement legs joined at one end by a conducting metal strip
forming a junction between the legs. Thus, the legs are connected in series electrically but act in
parallel thermally. This unit is referred to as a thermoelectric couple and is the basic building block
of a thermoelectric (or Peltier) cooling module. The thermoelement materials are doped
semiconductors, one n-type with a majority of negative charge carriers (electrons) and the other p-
type with a majority of positive charge carriers (holes). The majority of commercially available

thermoelectric cooling modules are assembled from n-type and p-type thermo-elements cut from
bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) based bulk materials.

2.1 Magnetic refrigeration

Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology based on the magnetocaloric effect. This technique
can be used to attain extremely low temperatures (well below 1 Kelvin), as well as the ranges used
in common refrigerators, depending on the design of the system.

It is a physical process that exploits the magnetic properties of certain solid materials to produce

The refrigerant is often a paramagnetic salt, such as cerium magnesium nitrate.

It gives cooling nearest to absolute zero than any other method hence it made liquefication of gases

Figure 3: Magnetic refrigeration

At the same time it does not emit any CFC or HCFC compounds thus it never affects our
environment specially OZONE layer.[2]

The process is similar to gas compression and expansion cycle as used in the regular refrigeration

• Steps of thermodynamic Cycle:

Adiabatic Magnetization

Isomagnetic Enthalpy Transfer

Adiabatic demagnetization

Isomagnetic Entropic Transfer

2.2 Thermoacoustic Refrigeration:

Acoustic or sound waves can be utilized to produce cooling.

The pressure variations in the acoustic wave are accompanied by temperature variations due
to compressions and expansions of the gas.

For a single medium, the average temperature at a certain location does not change. When a
second medium is present in the form of a solid wall, heat is exchanged with the wall.

An expanded gas parcel will take heat from the wall, while a compressed parcel will reject
heat to the wall. 10

As expansion and compression in an acoustic wave are inherently associated with

displacement, a net transport of heat results.

To fix the direction of heat flow, a standing wave pattern is generated in an acoustic resonator.

The reverse effect also exists: when a large enough temperature gradient is imposed to the
wall, net heat is absorbed and an acoustic wave is generated, so that heat is converted to

3 Introduction To Air Conditioners

Air conditioners are the old climatic equipment used for offering comfortable cooling conditions.
A window air conditioner is one of the traditional air conditioners became famous due to its simple
design, lower price offering better cooling conditions for individual rooms. A window air
conditioner is one of the traditional air conditioners became famous due to its simple design, lower
price offering better cooling conditions for individual rooms. Residential air conditioners are
becoming one of the common household items which provide a cool breeze during hot summer
seasons. [4]

Figure 4: Air conditioner

3.1 Types of air conditioner

The ductless split air conditioner works the same as the normal air conditioner but doesn’t have
ducts in it. The split ac and window ac are equally efficient, the only difference between these air
conditioner is split ac has 2 units and window ac has only one unit. The ducted central residential
air conditioner is installed within the roof space and has its internal unit

4 Evaporative cooling
The chill after swimming on a hot, dry day, then getting out of the water and feeling the wind
hitting your wet skin? Or simply try dipping your finger in a glass of water, then blowing air across
your finger and feeling the cool sensation as the water evaporates. That’s evaporative cooling. Try
the same thing when there is no wind or no air moving. The surrounding air is quickly saturated

with moisture, there is no evaporation and the cooling effect is gone. Evaporative cooling units
create this naturally occurring process and provide a constant flow of cool, refreshing air into a
hot, uncomfortable environment.

Figure 5: Evaporative cooling

4.1 How does it work?
The heart of an evaporative cooling system is the pad where the water evaporates and the air
passing through the pads is cooled. Evaporative cooling pads, like Küül® pads, are manufactured
of fluted cellulose sheets that are glued together. This material is chemically impregnated with
special compounds to prevent rot and ensure a long service life. A special water distribution system
spreads water over the surface of the pad, ensuring a uniform supply of water to keep the entire air
contact surface thoroughly wetted. Fans create a negative pressure, causing air to be drawn through
the pads. Evaporation results from contact between air and water. A control system operates the
water pump and the fan distributes the cool air. The relative humidity is lowest in the afternoon
when the temperature is at its highest. And the lower the humidity, the better the evaporative
cooling effect. In other words, the cooling effect is best when you need it the most.

4.2 Will it save money?

Evaporative cooling is also up to 50% cheaper to install and three times cheaper to run than
refrigerated cooling. Typically, the cost for water and electricity for a 36” unit for eight hours of
operation is around $1.00. Smaller units will operate for longer periods for the same amount of
money. That’s approximately three times cheaper than traditional air conditioning.

4.3 Can it reduce heat stress?

Heat stress can occur in people, animals and even equipment. According to the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and other agencies, employees required to work in high
temperature environments should be allowed frequent breaks in a cool place to avoid symptoms
of heat stress including nausea, dizziness, cramps, confusion, unconsciousness, seizure and even
death. High temperature environments are generally referred to as those over 87˚F for light work,
over 82˚F for moderate work and over 78˚F for heavy work. According to the “Journal of Dairy
Science”, across all animal classes, the estimated national annual losses to heat stress are estimated
at $2.4 billion. In cattle, heat stress reduces fertility and milk production in cows and can cause
udder infections and even mortality during the hot summer months. Heat stress is also to blame
for a high percentage of piglet and poultry mortality. Evaporative cooling units, like Port-A-
Cool®, can lower the ambient temperature an average of 20˚F, turning a restrictive 90˚F area into
a comfortable 70˚F area.[5]

5 Mechanical Refrigeration

Mechanical refrigeration, often referred to simply as refrigeration, is a process by which heat is

removed from a location using a man-made heat-exchange system. The system of refrigeration can
be cyclic, non-cyclic, thermoelectric or magnetic depending on the application for which
refrigeration is needed.

In a data center, computer room air conditioner (CRAC) is the most common use of mechanical
refrigeration. It typically involves cyclic heat absorption using a fluid refrigerant and a compressor
system. Common air conditioners use an electric motor to operate a compressor and also drive air
flow over heat sink coils. The actual cooling principle is based on the phase change of the
refrigerant. The compressor causes pressure changes between two segments of a cooling loop
maintained at different pressures. When the refrigerant enters the low pressure cooling coil, the
refrigerant changes state into a vapor and absorbs heat. The compressor then moves the vapor into
a higher pressure condenser where the refrigerant is condensed back into a liquid, liberating its
heat into a heat exchange coil before being re-circulated back into the low pressure evaporator

In the early days of mechanical refrigeration, flammable chemicals such as ammonia were used as
refrigerant. This proved hazardous and the creation of Freon was thought to be the perfect solution
until the discovery of chlorofluorocarbons' (CFCs) harmful effects on the environment. Since then,
alternative refrigerants such as Puron have been developed for commercial use.

Refrigerants are the working medium used in refrigerating systems which evaporates by taking the
heat from the space that is to be cooled, thus producing the cooling effect. Refrigerant development
throughout the history, took place due to different reasons, such as safety, stability, durability,
economic or environmental issues, thus giving rise to new research and equipment improvement
in terms of safety and efficiency. The refrigerants can be classified into different generations

6.1 First Generation Refrigerants

Water is one of the oldest refrigerants being used for refrigeration applications down to about the
freezing of water. When water is coupled with protective solutions to prevent freezing (i.e.
propylene or ethylene glycol), it can be used well below water’s normal freezing point in
applications such as ice slurries. Water is easily available and has excellent thermodynamic and
chemical properties. Besides these advantages, there are technical challenges that result from its
high specific volume at low temperatures. These challenges include high pressure ratio across the
compressor and high compressor outlet temperatures.

6.2 Second Generation Refrigerants

The second generation refrigerants were distinguished by a shift to chlorofluoro chemicals for
safety and durability. Thomas Midgley and his associates studied the property tables of elements
of periodic table. They disregarded compounds that are unstable, toxic, yielding insufficient
volatility and inert gases based on their low boiling point. In 1928, Midgley and his colleagues
made critical observations regarding flammability and toxicity of compounds containing elements
like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur, hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine and bromine. Their first
publication was on fluorochloro refrigerants and it showed how the variation of chlorination and
fluorination of hydrocarbons influences boiling point, flammability and toxicity of the refrigerants.
Thus CFC refrigerants made the second generation of refrigerants. CFC is a non-toxic, non-

flammable gas with relatively high mass. It is a good refrigerant because it can be compressed
easily to liquid and carries away lots of heat when it evaporates.

6.3 Third Generation Refrigerants

They were mostly low ozone depletion potential refrigerants. Properties of different third
generation refrigerants are listed in table III. Another new class of fluorocarbon refrigerants called
hydrofluoro-olefin (HFO) with potential for reduced GWP have been developed. Their primary
advantage, other than their low GWP, is that they can be used with existing refrigeration system
designs. This is good for the industry and their customers, but it is still a fluorinated gas. There is
growing political pressure to regulate it out of production and force the industry to develop an even
lower-impact refrigeration technology. So the search continues. Figure 2 represents GWP values
of some third generation refrigerants [Pavkovic, 2013].

6.4 Natural Refrigerants

Natural refrigerants are easily available, and long experience exists with their application dating
far into the beginning of mechanical refrigeration. Many new refrigerants have come into picture
to overcome the disadvantages of using natural refrigerants but the “circle” is now somehow closed
as we already returned to natural refrigerants, but now with new technologies and with a lot of
experience behind us. Natural refrigerants divide conveniently into hydrocarbons, ammonia and
CO2 and have been discussed here.

6.5 Principles of Refrigeration

• Liquids absorb heat when changed from liquid to gas

• Gases give off heat when changed from gas to liquid.

For an air conditioning system to operate with economy, the refrigerant must be used repeatedly.
For this reason, all air conditioners use the same cycle of compression, condensation, expansion,
and evaporation in a closed circuit. The same refrigerant is used to move the heat from one area,
to cool this area, and to expel this heat in another area.

• The refrigerant comes into the compressor as a low-pressure gas, it is compressed and then
moves out of the compressor as a high-pressure gas.

• The gas then flows to the condenser. Here the gas condenses to a liquid, and gives off its
heat to the outside air.

• The liquid then moves to the expansion valve under high pressure. This valve restricts the
flow of the fluid, and lowers its pressure as it leaves the expansion valve.

• The low-pressure liquid then moves to the evaporator, where heat from the inside air is
absorbed and changes it from a liquid to a gas.

• As a hot low-pressure gas, the refrigerant moves to the compressor where the entire cycle
is repeated.

Note that the four-part cycle is divided at the center into a high side and a low side This refers to
the pressures of the refrigerant in each side of the system

7 Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a bit like a vacuum cleaner: it sucks in air from your room at one end, takes the
moisture out of it, and then blows it back out into the room again. The moisture drips through into
a collection tank that you have to empty, from time to time. How is the moisture removed? That's
where a dehumidifier is more like an air conditioning unit (sometimes called an air-con or HVAC,
which stands for heating ventilating air conditioning unit), which, itself, works a bit like
a refrigerator! Confused by all these appliances? Let's look inside a dehumidifier and find out what
all the bits do.[6]

Figure 6: Dehumidifier

7.1 What is humidity?

Most of the time we don't give a moment's thought to the atmosphere in our homes (or outside);
why should we, it's invisible! If we think about it at all, we tend to think of it as a gas. Look up at
the sky and you see a different point of view. Clouds whizzing over your head are a sure sign that
the air contains water, either as a vapor (if it's dry) or liquid (if it's actually raining). But the same
is true inside your home. You might think the air is dry—and if you have central heating, it might
even feel that way—but there's a huge amount of moisture around you too. If you dry laundry
inside your home or do a lot of stove-top cooking without proper ventilation, the humidity levels
can be surprisingly high. Condensation on the windows (or, even worse, water dripping down the
walls—as it sometimes does in my kitchen) is a sure sign of a humidity problem.

7.2 Why does indoor humidity matter?

We're walking water bags—adult bodies are typically 60 percent water—but that doesn't mean our
homes should be like fish tanks! High humidity can cause all kinds of problems. It can make
clothing go moldy in your cupboard, it's bad for computers (it can cause rusting or short circuits
inside their cases) and optical equipment (that's why things like cameras and binoculars are sold
with water-absorbing sachets of silica gel)—and it's bad for your health too. According to a
scientific review of the health effects of humidity published in 1986 by Arundel et al, high levels
of indoor humidity can encourage a flourishing of bacteria, viruses, mites and fungi, and more
respiratory infections and sicknesses: "The majority of adverse health effects caused by relative
humidity would be minimized by maintaining indoor levels between 40 and 60%."

8 Applications:
It is divided into 4 product families. Each product family is divided into more
8.1 Air Conditioning
When we talk about Air Conditioning, we mean also air cooling or temperature control or air
humidity. The small cooling units are compact (all in one) and placed at the point to cool.

Those of medium size usually have split units (split) and are placed near the place to cool. Large
units are placed in rooms or on rooftops with pipes to the point to cool.
Air Conditioning installations are used in:
• Offices
• Stores
• Supermarkets
• Restaurants
• Hotels
• Houses
• Cars

Figure 7: Air Conditioning

8.2 Commercial Refrigeration

Talking about Commercial Refrigeration we think of small facilities such as small cameras or units
small building cooling
• The usual refrigerants are: HFC’s or HCFC’s
• The pipes are usually copper.
• Using HFC / HCFC refrigerants, it is thought that the
refrigeration is very different compared to refrigeration industrial
The cooling systems are used in:
• Bar furniture

• Catering units
• Bottle coolers
• Ice cream vending machines
• Ice cream and soft drink machines
• Bakery equipment
• Cameras
• Pharmaceutical uses (blood maintenance)
• Ice drinks machines
• Water coolers / Fountains

Figure 8: Commercial Refrigeration

8.3 Supermarkets
• Talking about Supermarkets we think of ADAP-KOOL
usually and relatively in small facilities
• The main refrigerant is: HCFC
• The pipes are usually copper.
Refrigeration Systems for Supermarkets are used in:
• Islands
• Cabins
• Cameras
• Centralized Systems
• Remote Condensing Units

Figure 9: Supermarkets

8.4 Industrial refrigeration

Speaking of Industrial Refrigeration we think of large cooling facilities
• The main refrigerant is: R717 = Ammonia, but other refrigerants can also be used
• The pipes are usually iron.
• Using R717, the cooling is very different from the commercial refrigeration

Industrial Refrigeration systems can be installed in.

• Slaughterhouses
• Cowboys
• Ice Cream Factories
• Food Handling Factories
• Warehouses
• Fast plate freezers or freezing tunnels
• Chemical plants
• Petrochemical Plants
• Brine or water coolers

Figure 10: Industrial refrigeration


The basic concept of District Cooling is to generate cooling streams with different technologies in
a central plant.
Refrigeration systems are necessary to minimize maintenance operations.
Compression cycles and absorption cycles are used to cool down the hot stream after the heat has
been dissipated in the different operations.
One of the most important parameters in this industry is temperature.
In products like fish, poultry, meat, dairies or fruits, refrigeration systems are necessary to keep
products in low temperatures and extend the recommended consumption period.
powerful air-cooling systems are usually placed in these data centres, dissipating the heat produced
and minimizing maintenance operations.

Cooling systems for these industries must be thoroughly designed to avoid short and long terms
problems that can result in very high costs of maintenance and operation.[7]

9 Companies
mk engineering solutions

168-B raja center main markeet Gulbrg II Lahore., Lahore, Punjab

MyTech Engineering Company

B-278, Gulistan e jouhar block 2 Karachi, Karachi, Sindh

Cool Tech

160 Ali Block,New Garden Town , Lahore,

Return Management Software

ELECSON Engineering (Pvt) LTD

65- Mezzanine Floor, OT Tower, 73-E/1 Hali Road Gulberg III Lahore, Lahore, Punjab

Hanif Centre Online Supermart

Patyalaa Ground Market , Hall road, Lahore, Pakistan-54000, Lahore, Punjab

M.Abdullah Electronics

9-10 Raja Chaambar Queens Road Abid Market Lahore., Lahore, Punjab

Najaf Electronics

28 C, Lane No.9 Saher Commercial Area DHA Phase VII, Karachi, Karachi, Sindh

Freshdesk™ Helpdesk Tool

Farooq Electronics

Saleemi Chowk, Satyana Road, Near Sandal Bar Hotel, Faisalabad, Punjab


414, 4th floor, Empress tower, 46 Empress Road, Lahore, Punjab


C-58, Block-13, F.B.Area, Gulberg Karachi, Karachi, Sindh

Multi Solutions

Flat#01, Block Q, Alazam Square, Sharifabad F.B area block 1, karachi, Karachi, Sindh

Prime Engineering Methods

Suite# 512 & 513, Port Way Trade Center, Plot No # 189/A, S.M.C.H Society, Main Shahrah-e-
Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan., Karachi, Sindh

Worldcool Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Co.

No.3, UN Boulevard, Diplomatic Enclave No.1, G-5, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory

Al-Hawaij Engineering

Office # 301-B, 3rd Floor, Eden Tower, 83-E, Gulberg III, Lahore., Lahore, Punjab


UM 77 Zainab Tower, Model Town Link Road, Lahore, UM 77 Zainab Tower, Model Town Link
Road, Lahore, Lahore, Punjab


Plot #128, Block 13 D/2, Jamali Colony, Gulshan-e-Iqbal., Karachi, Sindh

K.K.Traders Pakistan


Al Fatah Leasing

Office # 6,7 2nd Floor Raja Chamber Queens Road Abid Market Lahore, Lahore, Punjab

Cool Mate

Shalimar Town DaroghaWala Lahore. , Lahore, Punjab

Crazy Prices

Gulberg 3 Lahore, Lahore, Punjab


The field of refrigeration and air-conditioning has undergone tremendous changes in the last
century. More and more new refrigerants having improved properties are being produced globally.
Research in this field is now directed towards producing better environment friendly refrigerants
and in replacing old refrigeration systems using halogenated refrigerants with the newer ones. We
can be sure that in the future, refrigerants will be produced which will not only match the
performance characteristics of the present day refrigerants, but also surpass them. And all this will
be done without causing any destructive effect upon the environment.

Refrigeration and cooling systems are paramount for many industries to work adequately, from
District Cooling to data centers. Industrial refrigeration in District Cooling, in particular, can result
in important economic and environmental benefits for residential or commercial real estate
projects, hotels, hospitals, universities, and offices.


• Demonstrate knowledge of the refrigeration cycle including safety procedures.

• Demonstrate knowledge of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning and refrigeration.
• Demonstrate the ability to diagnose and service residential air conditioning systems based on load
equipment selection, and balanced air duct flow.
• Demonstrate knowledge of operational procedures and principles used in servicing gas and electric
heating systems, including safety inspections and system performance.
• Demonstrate knowledge of troubleshooting and testing air conditioning components, systems, and
accessories, including the sequence of operation.


[1] https://www.slideshare.net/MasukAlam/adsorption-refrigeration-using

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNPFFBMZWfM

[3] https://www.slideshare.net/Nimalan_I/thermoacoustic-refrigeration

[4] https://www.slideshare.net/NooruleInieOsman/air-conditioning-system

[5] https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/evaporative-cooling

[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumidifier

[7] https://www.linkedin.com/company/award-refrigeration-and-air-conditioning/?originalSubdomain=pk


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