Professional Control Surface / Firewire Audio-Midi Interface
Professional Control Surface / Firewire Audio-Midi Interface
Professional Control Surface / Firewire Audio-Midi Interface
The following marking is located on the bottom of the unit:
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert
ÿ the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure
that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the pres-
Ÿ ence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature
accompanying the appliance.
1.1 Overview
Thank you for choosing the TASCAM FW-1884. We and ten digital outputs it can accommodate various
designed the FW-1884 to be an all-in-one solution for surround modes, and its integrated free-standing mixer
your computer-based digital audio workstation system. provides the connectivity you need for your entire stu-
Its integrated design incorporates a high-resolution dio. Its fully configurable 4 x 4 MIDI routing matrix
professional multi-channel audio interface and inte- requires no external software. And it connects to your
grated zero-latency input monitor mixer, a fully inde- Windows or MacOS computer with a single
pendent 4 x 4 MIDI interface and routing matrix, and FireWire connection.
a highly programmable, ergonomically designed con- Please take some time to look through this owners
trol surface for your audio software. manual and familiarize yourself with the FW-1884’s
The FW-1884 was designed to be the nerve center of features and operation. We suggest you pay particular
your digital audio environment. Its versatile control attention to the operational notes for your software
surface features nine touch-sensitive motorized faders, application(s) of choice. You may also want to refer to
transport and multi-function controls for direct, imme- your software’s documentation in many cases, for a
diate communication between your audio software and clear understanding of how certain features are inte-
you. Its full complement of analog mic and line inputs, grated. Your experience with the FW-1884 will be
ADAT and S/PDIF inputs and outputs provides a high greatly enhanced by a good working knowledge of your
resolution, 24 bit audio front end for input and output audio software.
of your digital audio workstation. With eight analog
1.2 Features
The audio input section is fully 24-bit and can accom- The FW-1884’s control surface is intuitively designed
modate sample rates of up to 96 kHz. It is capable of to integrate with all major digital audio workstation
inputting up to 18 simultaneous channels of audio to software. Its nine touch-sensitive faders respond
your computer. It features eight analog XLR inputs instantly to your commands and update just as quickly.
with professional quality microphone preamps and Its transport controls, shuttle wheel and generous array
switchable phantom power, as well as eight line inputs of application-dedicated switches puts deep control of
with channel inserts. Digital inputs are available in your audio software at your fingertips.
ADAT lightpipe, TOSLink and S/PDIF coaxial con- The FW-1884 is supported under Windows XP and
figurations. Windows 2000, as well as MacOS 9.2.2 or later, and
The output section offers eight balanced line level ana- MacOS X.2.4 (Jaguar) or later. In addition, your com-
log outputs. Outputs 1 and 2 can be used alone to pro- puter must be fitted with an IEEE-1394 (FireWire)
vide a two-channel mix output, or up to eight outputs interface. (NOTE: Some manufacturers may use a dif-
can be used independently to configure a multi-chan- ferent nomenclature to refer to their FireWire con-
nel surround mix. ADAT lightpipe, TOSLink and S/ nections, such as Sony’s “iLink”, or simply “1394”.)
PDIF coaxial digital outputs are also featured. The FW-1884 comes with a high-quality six-pin to six-
The MIDI section features a fully independent 4 x 4 pin interface cable. We strongly suggest you use this
MIDI patchbay. Routing and configuration can be eas- cable, or one of equal quality, for optimum audio per-
ily controlled via the FW-1884’s front panel. For syn- formance. If your computer is fitted with a 4-pin inter-
chronization to external devices, word clock input and face, you will need to obtain a 4-pin to 6-pin IEEE
output is offered on 75 Ω coaxial BNC connectors. 1394 cable, available at most computer dealers.
The FW-1884 is supplied with a 2 m (6-foot) cable. If
you wish to use a longer cable, the length should not be
more than 4.5 m (15 feet) and the cable should be the
best possible quality available to avoid data loss, which
results in audio dropouts.
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1. Trim Pots 1-8 – These are analog level controls In MON MIX mode, these LEDs are used to show that
for the input level of the Mic (XLR) and line inputs 1 – channel’s PAN location. Rotating an encoder will cause
8. Their function is the same regardless of the control the SEL and REC LEDs to shift left/right as you move.
surface mode selected. It’s important to note that the In MIDI CTL mode these LEDs have no function.
best signal-to-noise ratios are achieved by maximizing
the level of analog inputs at the A/D converters. For the 6. Channel SEL Keys and LEDs – In COM-
mic and line inputs of the FW-1884, the trim controls PUTER Control mode, these keys select the associated
provide the means for optimizing these levels. For a channel as active in the host application. The EQ con-
complete discussion of this issue, please refer to Section trols will typically address the host application’s
section 4.3.3, “Setting Input Levels” SELected channel. In most cases, holding the REC key
and pressing one or more channel SEL keys will arm
2. Phantom Power Indicator LEDs – These the host application’s associated channels for recording.
LEDs light to indicate +48 V phantom power to the Refer to the Application Notes for your software for
XLR microphone inputs. Phantom power is switchable details.
in two groups of four channels, channels 1-4 and chan-
nels 5-8. The LEDs are unaffected by control mode In MON MIX mode, pressing a channel’s SEL key
selection. causes the REC indicators to show the selected chan-
nel’s pan position (indicator 1 is lit with pan position at
3. Signal and OL LEDs 1-8 – The signal LEDs full left, indicator 8 is lit at hard right, indicators 4 and
light to indicate the presence of an audio signal on the 5 are lit together when panned center, etc.).
corresponding analog input. The OL LEDs light to
In MIDI CTL mode, these keys send out specific con-
indicate a signal peaking at –2.5dBFS or higher by
troller commands.
default. (This level is adjustable between 0.0 dBFS and
5.0 dBFS, in 0.5 dB increments, via the FW-1884’s 7. Channel SOLO keys – In COMPUTER Con-
control panel.) This indicates an overloaded input – trol mode, these keys will solo their respective channels,
reduce the input level to that channel until this light while muting the audio on all other channels in the
goes out. These LEDs indicate signal level to the eight host application. Any number of channels can be
analog inputs regardless of the control surface mode soloed simultaneously. (Note that in COMPUTER
selected. Control mode, the operation of the SOLO function is
dictated by the host application. For more information
4. Channel Rotary Encoders – In COM- please refer to the Application notes for your DAW
PUTER Control mode, these rotary encoders affect the
software application.)
application parameter currently selected by the
Encoder keys. In most cases, the PAN and AUX 1-8 In MON MIX mode, the SOLO keys function is iden-
Encoder keys correspond to the associated Pan and Aux tical, but only affecting the FW-1884’s built-in moni-
Send parameters in the host application. Refer to the tor mixer. The SOLO mode (Pre-Fader Listen or Solo-
Application Notes for your software for details. in-Place) is selected by the PFL key. The PFL function
applies only to the monitor mix SOLOs.
In MON MIX mode, these encoders function exclu-
sively as PAN controls, and the associated PAN In MIDI CTL mode, these keys send out specific con-
encoder key is always lit. troller commands.
In MIDI CTL mode, these encoders send out continu- 8. Channel MUTE keys – In COMPUTER
ous controller commands. Control mode, these keys will mute the audio of the
selected channel. Any number of channels can be
5. Channel REC LEDs – In COMPUTER Con- muted simultaneously.
trol mode, these LEDs light or blink to indicate that
the selected channel(s) are in record-ready or record In MON MIX mode, the MUTE keys function is
status. Refer to the Application Notes for your software identical, but only affecting the monitor mix.
for details. In MIDI Control mode, these keys send out specific
controller commands.
put on a balanced stereo ¼” connector. While most modern dynamic mics are unaffected by
phantom power, some ribbon mics may suffer damage
2. Footswitch Inputs – Accommodates a stan- if phantom power is sent to them. When in doubt,
dard momentary contact-closure footswitch on ¼” avoid plugging ribbon mics into an input where phan-
connector. This input automatically detects the polar- tom power is activated.
ity of a connected footswitch upon power-up.
5. AC Power Input – Connect the supplied IEC
3. Monitor Outputs 1-8 – Eight balanced +4 power cable to this input. CAUTION – do not use
dBU line-level ouputs on ¼” TRS jacks. The outputs anything but an IEC-approved power cable.
can be used for all modes of surround and multichan-
nel mixdown as supported by most major DAW appli- Power Switch – Push-on push-off recessed power
cation software, up to eight outputs. For standard two- switch.
channel monitoring, outputs 1 and 2 are used, with the
remaining outputs available for direct outs, effects
6. Word Clock Input – Coaxial BNC connector
sends, etc. Refer to section 5.1, “Control Panel” for fur- for input of external Word Clock signal from another
ther details. device. This input is 75 Ohm terminated.
4. Mic Inputs 1-8 – Balanced XLR inputs at +4 Word Clock Output – Coaxial BNC connector
for output of the FW-1884’s Word Clock signal to
dBu featuring high-quality mic preamps. These inputs
are wired in parallel with their associated Line Inputs. another device.
Line Inputs 1-8 – Balanced line level (+4 dBu) ¼” 7. ADAT Lightpipe and 2-channel Input –
TRS analog inputs. These inputs are wired in parallel Fiber-optic input to accommodate eight-channel
with their associated Mic Inputs. ADAT and two-channel digital lightpipe formats.
Inserts 1-8 – Individual channel inserts. These are ADAT Lightpipe and 2-channel Output –
Fiber-optic output to accommodate eight-channel
¼” TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) jacks which allow you to
insert an external processor into the signal chain. The ADAT and two-channel digital lightpipe formats.
insert point is placed between the input (after the mic/ 8. D-In Coaxial Input – S/PDIF coaxial digital
line trim) and the analog-to-digital converter. A stan- input on RCA connector.
dard insert cable with TRS plug is required. Check
with your music retailer. D-In Coaxial Output – S/PDIF coaxial digital
output on RCA connector.
Phantom Power switches – These two
switches supply +48V phantom power to the mic
inputs, for use with condenser microphones. Phantom
power is switchable in two groups of four channels.
• INSTANT – Instantaneous
• F7 – Computer only • P DECAY – Peak Decay (default setting)
• F8 – Inputs only • P HOLD – Peak Hold
• F9 – Computer and Inputs (default setting) To display or change the current metering mode, press
Refer to section 4.3, “Monitor Mix Mode – (General the MON MIX key. The currently selected metering
Notes)”, for more details on monitor source selection. mode’s associated LED will light. Pressing the
INSTANT, P DECAY, or P HOLD key will change
the metering mode.
While in MON MIX mode, pressing the P RESET key
will reset any presently held peak display. The meter
peaks can also be cleared in COMPUTER or MIDI
CTL mode by holding SHIFT and CTRL and pressing
the P RESET key.
4.2.5 Banking
You can use the h BANK y keys to shift through the For specific information on the FW-1884’s MIDI Con-
four banks of controls. As mentioned earlier, only the trol Protocol, refer to section 5.1.3, “MIDI PRO-
channel strip controls – faders, channel MUTE, SOLO GRAMMING TAB” and the documentation supplied
and SEL keys, and channel encoders – are bankable. All on the CD-ROM.
other surface controls are unaffected by the banking
“Hidden” functions
These functions available in MIDI Control mode are SHIFT+CTRL+F8
not marked on the control surface. Reset the MIDI surface programming to default values
SHIFT+Encoder and write it to FLASH memory
Fine (not coarse) control of MIDI controller output
“Hidden” functions
These functions available in monitor mix mode are not SHIFT+GAIN Encoder
marked on the control surface. Adjust touch fader sensitivity
Display channel’s pan position on SELECT/REC Write all mixer parameters to FLASH memory (nor-
LEDs mally done at power-down)
Set channel fader to unity Reset all the mixer parameters to default values
Clear mutes Set all monitor faders to unity
Control Protocol This is where you select how the Clock Source This is where you select the digital
FW-1884’s MIDI commands are interpreted by the clock input source. It duplicates the function of the
host software application. You can choose between the CLOCK and CLOCK SRC (F7-F9) keys. Changes
FW-1884’s Native Protocol, Mackie Control emula- made on the FW-1884’s control surface are immedi-
tion protocol, or Mackie HUI emulation protocol. ately reflected in this window. For more information on
Additional protocols may be added in future driver this function, refer to section 3.6, “Clock System Con-
updates. trols”.
Control: Mute 2
Bank: 2
X Note on/off103 (decimal)
O Controller
O Toggled Controller
Channel: 12
Port 1 234
Control: Mute 2
Bank: 2
This tab is used to program the FW-1884’s control sur-
face in MIDI CTL mode. For detailed information on X Note on/off103
using this function, please refer to section 4.2, “MIDI O Controller
Control Mode – (General Notes)”. O Toggled Controller
Channel: 13
Here’s a quick scenario: Enter MIDI program- Port 1 234
ming mode … firmware sets subcode quadlet to “start
of programming” command, “0xC0000080”.
The host software starts up the MIDI Prog tab of the An asynchronous quadlet write is sent with a value of
control panel, with everything blank/grayed-out. “0x09414DE7”.
Now press the MUTE2 key while in Bank2 on an ES When you exit MIDI programming mode the subcode
unit, and the subcode quadlet is written as quadlet is set to “0xC0010080”.
“0x09414CE7”. The host software detects the subcode change and
blanks/grays-out the MIDI Prog tab.
I hear no sound, but the output meters display signal. You have a valid audio signal appearing at the FW-1884's output buss.
Check your output connections and amplifier.
I hear no sound and the output meters dislpay no signal. Are your audio sources connected to the correct inputs on the FW-1884?
If your audio source is an analog input Is the channel trim pot adjusted correctly?
If your audio source is a condenser microphone Do you have phantom power enabled?
If your audio source is a digital input Do you have a valid digital source connected?
If your audio source is your DAW application Do you have the correct outputs selected within the host application?
If you're running Windows 2000 or Windows XP Does the FW-1884 appear as an audio device in Device Manager?
If you're running MacOS9 Does the FW-1884 appear as an audio device in your System folder?
The FW-1884 appears as an audio device in my system, but it Do you have its ASIO driver installed in the correct location? (Some DAW
doesn't show up in my DAW's list of audio outputs applications, such as Digital Performer, require the ASIO driver to be
installed within the DP directory.)
My audio has clicks and pops Do you have the correct clock source selected?
No Control Surface Response Is the FireWire LED illuminated to indicate a valid connection?
Do you have the MIDI I/O ports set to “FW-1884 Control” on MIDI input
and output?
If you are running in Native Protocol, do you have the appropriate plugin
(SONAR, Digital Performer, etc.) installed in the correct folder?
6.3 Contacting Us
In the event you experience problems with your FW- found at the back of this manual, or on the TASCAM
1884, please contact your dealer or your local TEAC/ website at
TASCAM distributor. Contact information may be
7.1 Specifications
Insert 1-8 (Unbalanced) 2ch serial digital audio signal input terminal. ADAT/Optical Input
terminal is selectable. In the case of Hi sampling, Hi-speed mode is
Connector: 1/4 inch TRS jack with tip SW x 8 (T=SEND, supported.
Connector: RCA jack x 1
Input imped- 75ohm
Send ance:
Impedance : 100 ohm Format: AES3-1992 or IEC60958
Normal level : -2 dBu Audio bit 24bit
Maximum level : +14 dBu
CODEC: AK4528 specifications Noise level (20Hz – 20kHz, TRIM max, 150 ohm)
Resolution : 24 bit
Dynamic range: 100 dB Fs=44.1kHz, A-weight, -60dB output
Group delay : 19.1 samples
Crosstalk (@ 1kHz)
Signal delay
< 1.5 ms Fs = 48.0kHz, LINE IN to STEREO OUTPUT
< 0.75 ms Fs = 96.0kHz, LINE to STEREO OUTPUT
Power requirements
Analog I/O 100V AC, 100V / 200V type
THD (Level: +4dBu)
120V AC, 60Hz
< 0.005 % 20 Hz - 20 kHz, LINE IN to INSERT SEND
230V AC, 50Hz
<0.008% 1 kHz, LINE IN to STEREO OUTPUT
240V AC, 50Hz
22.7 lbs (10.3 kg)
Phone: +81-422-52-5082
3-7-3, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo 180-8550, Japan
Phone: +1-323-726-0303
7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California 90640
Phone: +1905-890-8008 Facsimile: +1905-890-9888
5939 Wallace Street, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1Z8, Canada
Phone: +52-555-581-5500
Campesinos No. 184, Colonia Granjes Esmeralda, Delegaacion Iztapalapa CP 09810, Mexico DF
Phone: +44-1923-438880
5 Marlin House, Croxley Business Park, Watford, Hertfordshire. WD1 8TE, U.K.
Phone: +49-611-71580
Bahnstrasse 12, 65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim, Germany
Phone: +33-1-42-37-01-02
17 Rue Alexis-de-Tocqueville, CE 005 92182 Antony Cedex, France
TEAC AUSTRALIA PTY.,LTD. A.B.N. 80 005 408 462
Phone: +61-3-9672-2400 Facsimile: +61-3-9672-2249
280 William Street, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
Phone: +39-02-66010500
Via C. Cantù 11, 20092 Cinisello Balsamo, Milano, Italy