Task 1 - Contextualization of Educational Management

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ID: 1121197076

GROUP: 551030_5





Differences between leadership, management

Leadership and management are two different things in an organization. Both are

completely necessary and equally important. But in education it is a matter of giving a lot

of weight to management, and little or no leadership. This is by no means the same in all

centers or in all educational systems. In Scandinavia, where the management teams have a

lot of decision-making power (they have been empowered), they are not only dedicated to

implementing and evaluating processes designed by others from above, but they have the

role of leading their educational organizations with a lot of autonomy, as something

completely different to manage them. In the US education system, the two figures, the

leader and the manager, are contemplated, with two different roles, with completely

different functions and objectives.

We can see the differences between a manager and a leader in the educational field in the

following scheme:


As the name implies, it refers to the taking of School management in educational establishments is a

responsibilities in a school or institutional setting. Its systematic process that is aimed at strengthening

main objective is to train people in order not only to educational institutions and their projects, in order to

achieve a common goal, but also to acquire the enrich the pedagogical, managerial, community and

necessary knowledge with which they can take care administrative processes; preserving institutional

of their personal desires, as well as their professional autonomy, in order to respond in a more appropriate

fulfillment. way, to the local, regional and global educational needs.

Educational leadership can start from the most basic School management consists of four management areas:

levels and continue throughout the formation of a  Management area,

person. That is why it covers a large number of  Area of pedagogical and academic management,

grades, regardless of the age of a person who is still  Community management area
preparing.  Administrative and financial management area.

Responsible Leadership It is based more than The importance of school management for the

anything on considering the future, to make good improvement of quality in the country lies in the

decisions in the present. It seeks to raise awareness strengthening of the education secretariats and

about the reality in which one lives, showing the educational establishments; in its administrative

importance of taking responsibilities to prevent instances and pedagogical system, to generate changes

negative situations. It is of great help especially for and provide added value in knowledge and skills

children and young people, who due to their age may development to students. In this space there are

not always be inadequate in some circumstances and experiences of Colombian educators who have had some

rarely think of tomorrow realistically. level of participation in the framework of the National

Distributed Leadership Try to teach that the Educational Forums held in recent years.

responsibility does not always have to fall on a single Quality and management in the institution

person, but on a group of people who have a

common goal or, the purpose of harmonizing things In line with these guidelines, the improvement policy

in their environment. As can be deduced from his promoted by the Ministry of National Education is based

name, he distributes power fairly, rather than having on the consolidation of a quality assurance system aimed

it fall on a single person. In this way it is easier to at giving the population more and better educational

make decisions that are beneficial to all or the opportunities; to the development of basic and citizen

majority, rather than a minority. skills; and to the consolidation of decentralization and

Transformational Leadership His intention is to institutional autonomy by strengthening the

turn a goal into something that can involve everyone, management of educational establishments and the

highlighting the spirit of teamwork and seeking to administration of the education secretariats.

benefit as many people as possible. It is able to look Educational management is made up of a set of
beyond the interest of a single person, in order to organized processes that allow an institution or an

achieve a significant change in the world. It is also education secretariat to achieve its objectives and goals.

based on the fact that transformations are necessary Appropriate management goes through moments of

for evolution, so it is in favor of innovation and the diagnosis, planning, execution, monitoring and

ideas that propose change, even if they go against the evaluation that nourish each other and lead to the

traditional. achievement of the results defined by the management

Server Leadership It tells us that a leader, beyond teams. Good management is the key so that what each

feeling superior or being in charge of a group of member of an institution does makes sense and

people, must be so because of the desire to serve and belonging within a project that belongs to everyone. In

be useful to the community. Do not forget that to be other words, it is essential to get everyone to "row to the

in charge, you must feel a real interest in helping same side" to achieve what they want, and to improve

others and not based on your own ambitions. It is permanently. Hence the importance of taking into

something that makes sense, if we take into account account the four areas of educational management.

that many important personalities have come to The educational establishment is a space where the

transform the world fighting for just causes for a processes of teaching, learning and coexistence between

large number of people. different actors occur. For children and young people, it

is also a place where, in addition to learning and

Benefits of educational leadership Being a leader is developing their skills, relationships of friendship and

something that suits us all, as long as it is learned in affection are built and strengthen the construction of

the right way. The styles that focus educational their ethical, emotional, cognitive structures and their

leadership show us that it can be a very effective and forms of behavior.

special measure to train people who make great

advances in many areas. Among the advantages that It is also in the educational establishment where the
this can offer, both inside and outside the classrooms, Institutional Educational Project (PEI), the curriculum

are the following: and the curriculum are materialized, and the curricular

Raise awareness about purposes that are fair. A well- planning, the pedagogical activities, the evaluations and

educated leader will know how to stand and what he self-assessments and the relationships with different

has to do to make the surrounding environment more interlocutors of the educational community are specified

fair. You can achieve this by focusing on social and other entities.

problems that need to be changed, or improvements

that seek to benefit others. The PEI, the curriculum and the improvement plan are

• Seeks how to involve parents and guardians in the tools to guide school actions towards achieving the goals

education of their children. Today, it has been that the management team defined, in the company of

repeated that education is not something that is the other members of the educational community. These

limited to schools, but must be given in conjunction purposes, goals and actions allow an institution to have a

with what is learned at home. A father who cares that "navigation chart" that must be known by all to achieve

his children are well educated knows that this the commitment of each one, under the leadership of the

responsibility does not remain only in the rector1 and his management team.


• Approve innovations in the education system. He is

in favor of the fact that traditional methods are not

always the most effective for educating people,

especially when it is known that not everyone learns

in the same way and that they do not have the same

interests either. That is why it does not stop in the

schemes of a lifetime, always looking for innovative


• It does not neglect the values that are important.

Such as responsibility, solidarity and respect. There

may be leaders in the world who are not clear about

good morals, nor are they aware of the most basic

values. This is something that sooner or later leads to

disorder by those who are unhappy. That is why

anyone who aspires to be a leader should keep this in


• Teach about the importance of teamwork. Learning

to collaborate with others, especially if it is about

achieving the same goal, is something we all need to

understand and put into practice, leaving aside our

own interests. This is very useful above all, to

transform entire communities or achieve relevant

ventures, such as starting a business, for example.

• Helps cope better with changes. The nature of the

world is changing but we are not always able to

understand it. That is why the educational leadership

also proposes to prepare those who are in schools and

institutions, to be able to adapt better to it. Who is

not aware of it has very little chance of succeeding in

the future.
As you can see, educational leadership can be very

timely and especially when it is taught from an early

age. Nowadays, many educational centers have been

concerned with incorporating all the previous points

and adapting forms of leadership that allow their

students to become better people, with more

possibilities of achieving their goals and above all,

that they can achieve goals of profit for the day in the

morning, may they change people's lives.


 Álvarez Fernández, M. (2010). Liderazgo compartido. Buenas prácticas de dirección escolar. Gestión.

 Leithwood, K, Mascall, B & Strauss, T. (2008). Distributed leadership according to the evidence. Taylor

& Francis.

 Meister, J. & Willyerd, K. (2010). The 2020 workplace. HarperCollins.

What is educational management?

Educational management is a process aimed at strengthening the Educational Projects of

the Institutions, which helps to maintain institutional autonomy, within the framework of

public policies, and that enriches the pedagogical processes in order to respond to local

educational needs, Regional From the pedagogical, it promotes the learning of students,

teachers and the educational community as a whole, through the creation of a learning
community where educational establishments are recognized as a group of people in

continuous interaction who have the responsibility of permanent improvement of student

learning, in order to train them fully to be members of a society. All this helps to improve

their quality of life and prepare them for their life in the workplace. The educational

management consists of:

• Present a comprehensive, consistent and unified profile of decisions.

• Define institutional objectives, proposals for action and priorities in resource


• Define actions to extract future advantages; the opportunities and threats of the

environment in which it is inserted are considered, as well as the achievements and

problems of the same organization.

• Engage all institutional actors.

• Define the type of educational service offered. The development of the process is the

responsibility of the director (but he is not the one who performs all the tasks), he must:

1. Plan

2. Control

3. Define objectives

4. Decisions to solve problems

5. The communication

6. Staff training

7. The influence of power.

Which are the stages of management? As a head of the English department in a

school, how can you apply these stages to work with the English teachers’ staff?

Management Stages

You are made aware of the different stages that must be present in every educational

management process

Objective: To understand and analyze each of the stages of educational management.

a) Plan

b) Organize

c) Direct and Execute

d) Establish Coordinations

e) Evaluation


The Educational Administration, as a specific discipline of the organization and

Rational coordination of the E-A process, introduction to general systems theory, for the

better management and achievement of the objectives set in the educational field.

We can conceptualize systems theory as the ordered set of interrelated elements, among

which there is coherence and unity of purpose or purpose

. Systems theory is applicable to any plan or project that seeks to be scientific.

According to the above, we can affirm that the Educational Administration must fulfill a

series of steps to obtain its aspirations, among which the Planning or starting point of the

procedure stands out.

The organization

The organization is located as the second step in the administrative procedure, which is

carried out in the Teaching - Learning process. The Organization can be approached from

two perspectives, as organic and as the action of organizing, which we will call the

organization function.

The direction

The Direction function is the third stage of administrative work within the Teaching -

Learning process, the management function is inserted within the executive stage, that is,

the stage where the educational act itself is carried out. An approach to the concept of

Management tells us that: "Management is the interpersonal aspect of the administration

through which subordinates can understand and contribute effectively and efficiently to the

achievement of the objectives of the organization."

The evaluation of the teaching-learning process

The evaluation within the teaching and learning process can be seen as the completion of a

certain instructional and educational process, but, also it can be seen as the re-start of the

process, of course now with more information regarding up to where we have made
progress in achieving the initial objectives set. This leads us to deduce that the Evaluation

plays a central role in correcting errors, adding new strategies, annexing new

methodologies and knowledge that make education more precise and effective in obtaining

the proposed goals. Hence, Evaluation is a fundamental step for quality education.

The first process in pedagogical design in the English area. This process of planning

refers to the time when teachers design the curriculum of the area based on the guides,

and academic guides as well as a legal framework which governs the teaching of the

English language. Within the area this aspect is addressed from the point of view of the

basic skills basic, they are determined The topics that students should learn and the level

of complexity to each of the degrees of the institution, as well as the evolution.

In this regard, teachers will play an important role since they are the

English teachers who identified the activities that students should made for students to

communicate in the English language. It's the moment in which the teacher shares his

knowledge with the other members of the group, in order to achieve an articulated use of

resources by teachers; it is the curriculum design application.

In the aspect related to classroom management, the freedom of the teacher to “specify

the acts of teaching and learning” (MEN, 2008, p. 34) of the English language. Each

teacher knows the context in which he teaches, therefore

He knows what strategies he implements so that his students learn without being

detached of the institutional guidelines.

Finally, academic follow-up should be transversal in the process of English language

learning. This allowed the evaluation of the teaching-learning process and thus raise
reinforcement activities and leveling if necessary, establishing new strategies for those

students who have difficulties in learning processes.


Educational organizations have a central shared value system that build the strategy, the

system and its structure on solid bases supported by Your institutional philosophy.

However son the people who make it possible with their leadership, which grants power

and authority, and Genres more innovation, initiative and commitment. Ethics is not seen as

a concept but as shared value when learning and you live ethically, that is, be ethical with

principles and values that specify culture organizational.

Bibliographic references

Aguerrondo, I. (s.f.) La calidad de la educación: Ejes para su definición y evaluación.

Recuperado de:http://www.oei.es/calidad2/ aguerrondo.htm

Bernal, A., & Ibarrola, S. (2015). Liderazgo del profesor: objetivo básico de la gestión

educativa. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación. Nº. 67, pp. 55-70, ISSN: 1022- 6508,


Covey, S. (1998). Liderazgo centrado en principios. Barcelona: Paidós. Delgado, N., y

Delgado (2003).

El líder y el liderazgo: reflexiones. Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, 26(2). 2,

julio-diciembre, pp. 75-88. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. Recuperado de:

http://www. redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=179018081005

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