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19/05/2019 Grand Test 2 key:


1 75,000 31 SAT DAY 61 2 91 4
2 72,000 32 2014 62 1 92 1
3 2,000 33 2018 63 3 93 1
4 20,000 34 88 64 1 94 1
5 8,000 35 182 65 1 95 2
6 1,38,000 36 YM 66 3 96 2
7 9,000 37 74 67 2 97 2
8 2,000 38 405 68 2 98 1
9 12,000 39 686 69 1 99 1
10 7,200 40 JMQ 70 1 100 4
11 10,500 41 64 71 2 101 3
12 87/- 42 N 72 4 102 1
13 200/- 43 82 73 4 103 1
14 15 HOURS 44 JMQ(2nd 74 1 104 4
15 30 DAYS 45 215 75 4 105 1
16 8 DAYS 46 IHJI 76 4 106 1
17 9 DAYS 47 210 77 3 107 2
18 24 DAYS 48 63 78 2 108 3
19 12 HOURS 49 CABB 79 2 109 3
20 675 50 126 80 4 110 2
21 3¾ 51 3 81 3 111 1
22 16TH DATE 52 3 82 3 112 3
23 APRIL,JULY 53 3 83 1 113 3
24 2008&2036 54 1 84 4 114 3
25 FRIDAY 55 1 85 3 115 4
26 4,11,18,15 56 3 86 4 116 3
27 2018 57 3 87 1 117 4
28 700 58 2 88 4 118 1
29 THURSDAY 59 1 89 4 119 1
30 4,11,18,25 60 4 90 1 120 1


Part-1: https://youtu.be/vATRUf2zbe8

Part-2: https://youtu.be/rf3AOH48kc4
1) In a partnership, Bhaskar invests 1/4th of the capital for 1/4th of the time. Deepthi invests 1/5th of
the capital for 1/5th of the time and Raju invests rest of the capital for whole time. Out of a profit
of RS. 7,83,000/-, Bhaskar's share is
1) 72,000 2) 66,000 3) 48,000 4) 75,000
2) In a business, the ratio of the investments of Ashish and Avinash are 3:5. If 4% of the total profit
goes to charity and Ashish’s share is 25,290/-, what is the total profit?
3) In a business, Sneha, Lekha and Rekha are partners. Sneha invested her capital for 6 months and
took 1/6th of the profit. Lekha invested her capital for 8 months and took 1/4th of the profit. If
Rekha invests Rs. 4,200/- for 10 months, what is the capital invested by Sneha?
1) 1750 2) 2500 3) 2250 4) 2000
4) A started a business with a capital of Rs.1,00,000/-. After 3 months, B joined him with
Rs.2,00,000/-. After 6 months, C joined them with Rs.3,00,000/-. If the profit earned by them at
the end of the year is Rs. 80,000/-, find the profit of A.
5) Hari and Madhu started a business with the investments in the ratio of 2:3. If Hari had invested Rs.
10,000/- more, then the ratio of their investments would be 3:2. Find the capital invested by Hari.
1) 12,000 2) 15,000 3) 8,000 4) 18,000
6) Varma started a workshop with a capital of Rs.1,00,000/-. He invested an additional amount of Rs.
10,000/- every year. After 2 years, Sharma joined him with an investment of Rs.1,25,000/-.
Therefore, Sharma did not invest any additional amount. On completion of 4 years from the
opening of workshop they earned an amount of Rs.2,13,000. What will be Varma’s share in the
1) 1,38,000 2) 1,56,000 3) 1,88,000 4) 1,75,000
7) A started a business with Rs.3,500/-. After 5 months B joins him with some capital. After one
year, if their profits are in the ratio of 2:3, find the capital of B?
1) 9,000 2) 7,000 3) 5,000 4) 4,000
8) Rs.10,000/- is divided among A, B and C such that A gets 2/3rd of B’s share and B gets 3/5th of
C’s share. Find the share of A.
1) 5,000 2) 3,000 3) 4,000 4) 2,000
9) A started a business with Rs.50,000. After 6 months, B joins him with Rs.80,000/-. At the end of
the year, if their profit is Rs.27,000/-, find B’s profit?
1) 15,000 2) 12,000 3) 18,000 4) 13,500
7 4 6
10) A, B and C started a business with capitals in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5. At the end of the year, if their

profit is Rs.36,200/-, find C’s capital?

1) 8,000 2) 21,000 3) 7,200 4) 7,600
11) Ram, Shyam and Kamal started a business with capitals in the ratio of 3:4:7.At the end of the year,
if their profit is Rs.21,000/-, find Kamal’s profit?
1) 12,500 2) 10,500 3) 15,000 4) 10,000
12) A man and a woman undertake a piece of work for Rs.870/-. A man alone could do the work in 4
days and woman in 5 days. With the assistance of a child, they can complete the work in 2 days.
What is the share of child in that amount?
13) A, B and C undertake a piece of work for Rs.650/-. If A and B together completes 9/13th of total
work, find the share of C in that amount?
14) A tank is filled by three pipes A, B and C. If A & B together can fill the tank in 6 hours, B & C in
10 hours and C & A in 15 hours, find the time taken to fill the tank by A alone?
15) If A & B together can complete a piece of work in 12 days, B & C in 15 days and C & A in 20
days, how long will A alone takes to complete the work?
16) 10 men and 14 women can complete a piece of work in 6 days while 14 men and 24 women can
complete in 4 days. In how many days will 10 men and 3 women complete it?
17) A and B can do a piece of work in 45 and 40 days respectively. They began the work together but
A leaves after some days and B can finished the remaining work in 23 days. Find the number of
days where A and B worked together?
18) 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will 27 men complete the
same work?
1) 18 2) 20 3) 24 4) 26
19) Three pumps working 8 hours a day can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4
pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day.
1) 9 2) 10 3) 11 4) 12
20) 400 persons, working 9 hrs per day complete 1/4th of the work in 10 days. The number of
additional persons, working 8 hrs per day, required to complete the remaining work in 20 days, is:
1) 75 2) 675 3) 250 4) 225
21) A tank can be filled in 6 hours. After half of the tank was filled 3 more pipes of same capacity
was opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank?
1) 4 2) 𝟑𝟏𝟑 3)3 3/4 4) 𝟒𝟏𝟒

22) What is the date of third Friday of January 1988?

1) 20 2) 15 3) 16 4) 17
23) Which are the two months in any year, any date in one month is same as the same date of the
week in another month?
1) January, May 2) February, May 3) March, June 4) April, July
24) In which of the following pairs of years, the calendar is same?
1) 2008&2036 2) 1992&1998 3) 1993&1998 4)1994 & 2000
25) It was Sunday on Jan 1, 2006. What was the day of the week Jan 1, 2010?
1) Sunday 2) Saturday 3) Friday 4) Wednesday
26) On what dates of April, 2001 did Wednesday fall?
27) The Calendar for the year 2007 will be the same for the year:
28) Which of the following is not a leap year?
1) 700 2) 800 3) 1600 4) 2000
29) January 1, 2013 is Tuesday. What day of the week lies on October 10, 2013?
1) Thursday 2) Friday 3) Tuesday 4) Saturday
30) On what dates of November 2016, did Friday fall?
1) 1,8,15,22,29 2) 3,10,17,24 3) 5,12,19,26 4) 4,11,18,25
31) What was the day of the week on 15 August, 2020?
1) Thursday 2) Saturday 3) Friday 4) Sunday
32) The Calendar for the year 2003 will be same for the year
1) 2012 2) 2014 3) 2013 4) 2015
33) The Calendar for the year 2007 will be same for the year
1) 2014 2) 2016 3) 2017 4) 2018
34) Which of the following will come next in the series 13,23,34,46,59,73……..?
1) 79 2) 92 3) 98 4) 88
35) Which of the following will come next in the series 2,20,74,110,……..?
1) 182 2) 110 3) 120 4) 160
36) Which of the following will come next in the series KW, MV, PT, TQ …..?
1) ZN 2) YO 3) YM 4) ZM
37) Which of the following will come next in the series 3,7,16,35,……….?
1) 39 2) 80 3) 70 4) 74
38) Which of the following will come next in the series 5, 15,45,135,……..?
1) 9 2) 15 3) 405 4) 675
39) Which of the following will come next in the series 242,353,464,575,……?
1) 676 2) 686 3) 696 4) 787
40) Which of the following will come next in the series BEI, DGK, FIM, HKO,…..?
1) KMP 2) JMQ 3) JMN 4) JMP
41) Which of the following will come next in the series 9,16,25,36,49,……?
1) 57 2) 64 3) 68 4) 61
42) Which of the following will come next in the series D J P V B H ?
1) N 2) Q 3) K 4) S
43) Which of the following will come next in the series 905, 576, 329, 247,……..
1) 131 2) 82 3) 164 4) 118
44) Which of the following will come next in the series BEI, DGK, FIM, HKO, ?
1) JMP 2) KMP 3) JMQ 4) JMN
45) Which of the following will come next in the series 0, 7, 26, 63, 124,….?
1) 252 2) 216 3) 215 4) 236
46) In alphabet series, some alphabets are missing which are given in that order as one of the
alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative:H - JH - IJHHI - HH - JH -
47) 2, 6, 30, 60, 130, ? what comes in place of ?
1) 210 2) 216 3) 200 4) 160
48) 3, 15,35, ?, 99,143what comes in place of ?
1) 63 2) 69 3) 81 4) 85
49) In alphabet series, some alphabets are missing which are given in that order as one of the
alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative: AB - ABC - BCA - CA - CA
50) 2 , 6 , 14 , 30 , 62 , ? , 254

51) Which of the following is correct?

a) Al-Hajjaj imposed Ziyad tax for the first time in India
b) Al Hajjaj occupied the Buddhist center Dhibal port in India.
c) Multhan is also called as city of gold
d) Battle fought between Al-Hajjaj and Raja Dahir is called as Roar war.
1) a is correct 2) b is correct 3) c is correct 4) d is correct
52) Who was the first Khalifa of Islam?
1) Hashim 2) Al-hajjaj 3) Abu Bakr 4) Khalifa Walidh – II
53) Which of the following is correct?
a) Hindus were called as ‘Jimmies’ for the first time by Turkish.
b) Turks named their military states as ‘Iktas’
c) Gun powder and paper was first introduced in India by Arabs
d) The compilation of ‘Arabian Nights’ with 1001 stories was done by Junaid Khalifa.
1) a is correct 2) b is correct 3) c is correct 4) d is correct
54) Which of the following is correct?
a) Mohammad Ghazini was the ruler of Ghazini in 996 A.D.
b) Turkish dynasty is Chandhi dynasty
c) Firdousi write the book named Shahnama
d) Al Beruni wrote the book Tahqiq-i-Hind
e) Al Beruni wrote the book Tajik-i-Hind
f) Founder of Turkish dynasty is Sabhakthajin
1) c,d,e 2) b,c,d 3) e,f,a 4) a,b,c
55) Match the following:
a) First Invasion 1) On Jouts
b) Fourth Invasion 2) Cholas on Pandyas
c) Sixth Invasion 3) Multhan
d) 17th Invasion 4) Punjab

a b c d
1. 2 3 4 1
2. 3 2 1 4
3. 1 4 2 3
4. 4 1 3 2
56) Which of the following is correct?
a) Mohammad Ghori invaded India first time in 1000 A.D
b) Mohammad ghori occupied Kannuj in his first invasion
c) The last ruler of Ghazini dynasty is Khusru Malik Shah
d) Original name of Mohammad Ghori is Shihab –ad- Din Moijuddin
e) Original name of Mohammad Ghori is Shihab –ad-Din –Shahad- Mohammad
1) a,c are correct 2) b,d are correct 3) c,d is correct 4) e is
57) Which of the following is not correct?
a) Bioelectricity was discovered by Luigi Galvani
b) Thomas Alwa Edison belongs to Italy
c) Gilbert discovered that movement of electrons causes electricity to flow.
d) Volta showed that when two different metals are placed in a liquid, electricity is created
e) Torpedo fish can produce electricity
1) a is not correct 2) c is not correct 3) b is not correct 4) c,d are not
58) Which of the following is not correct?
a) Coloumb’s inverse law tells about the forces between two charged particles
b) Kirchoff’s 1st law tells about algebraic sum of current at a junction is zero
c) Kirchoff’s 2nd law tells about loop rule
d) Example of AC current: Household purpose
e) Example of DC current: Agriculture purpose
1) d is not correct 2) e is not correct
3) d,e are not correct 4) a,b,c are not correct
59) Match the following:
a) Electrical Conductors 1) Graphite
b) Insulators 2) Mica
c) Semiconductors 3) Germanium
d) Super Conductors 4) used in MRI Scanning
a b c d

1) 1 2 3 4

2) 4 3 2 1

3) 1 3 2 4

4) 4 2 3 1

60) Which of the following is not correct?

1) Tears consists of Sodium chloride (NaCl)
2) Lacrymal glands contains an enzyme called as Lysosome
3) Ratio of rods and cones is 15:1
4) Humans does not have cones
61) On which banks of the river Surat is located?
1) Yamuna 2) Tapti 3) Godavari 4) Mahanadi
62) Which of the following state has highest coastal length?
1) Gujarat 2) Kerala 3) Odisha 4) Maharashtra
63) Which is the longest river in Southern India?
1) Krishna 2) Penna 3) Godavari 4) Manjira
64) Swarnamukhi is the tributary of which river?
1) Nagavali 2) Krishna 3) Godavari 4) vedavathi
65) Jog waterfalls is in which state?
1) Karnataka 2) Odisha 3) Kerala 4) Sikkim
66) Which of these two states has a partnership with the Tunga and Bharti Multi-Purpose Project?
1) Andhra Pradesh – Madhya Pradesh 2) Odisha – Andhra Pradesh
3) Andhra Pradesh – Karnataka 4) Tamil Nadu – Andhra Pradesh
67) Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan is an example of which lake?
1) Meteorite Lake 2) Bolson 3) Blow-out 4) Graben
68) Which is the largest fresh water lake in India?
1) Pulicat 2) Wular 3) Kolleru 4) Vembanad
69) Which of the following river flows from east to west?
1) Tapti 2) Kaveri 3) Krishna 4) Mahanadi
70) Chitravathi is the tributary of which river?
1) Penna 2) Godavari 3) Krishna 4) Tungabhadra
71) Mullaperiyar Dam is the issue between which of the following two states?
1) TN– AP 2) TN – Kerala 3) TN – Karnataka 4) Kerala-Karnataka
72) On which river Tehri Hydroelectric project is located?
1) Mandakini 2) Dhaulganga 3) Alakananda 4) Bhagirathi
73) Where does Jhelum river originates?
1) Manasarovar 2) Rhotang 3) Baralacha 4) Verinag
74) Satpura ranges are between which of the following two rivers?
1) Narmada-Tapti 2) Narmada-Mahi 3) Narmada-Son 4) Godavari-Tapti
75) Which of the following is an important Salt Lake in India?
1) Pulicat 2) Lonar 3) Chilka 4) Sambhar
76) Sambhar lake is in which of the following states?
1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Madhya Pradesh3) Gujarat 4) Rajasthan
77) How much percent of India’s river basins belongs to North India?
1) 60 2) 50 3) 70 4) 80
78) On which river Hirakud project is situated?
1) Narmada 2) Mahanadi 3) Sutlej 4) Chambal
79) Which of the following river flows through rift valley?
1) Ganga 2) Narmada 3) Brahmaputra 4) Krishna
80) Which of the following river is not a tributary of Godavari?
1) Manjira 2) Pranahitha 3) Sabari 4) Musi

81) . Which of these popular tourist centers is not located on the banks of the Ganges?
1) Allahabad 2) Haridwar 3) Madurai 4) Varanasi
82) Which of the following is a tributary of the river Ganges?
1) Chenab 2) Dibang 3) Ghandak 4) Sutlej
83) In which country Brahmaputra river is called as Jamuna?
1) Bangladesh 2) Pakistan 3) Tibet 4) India
84) Find the odd one out of the following:
1) Mahanadi 2) Vytharini 3) Brahmani 4) Godavari
85) Which of the following river flows in west direction?
1) Godavari 2) Kaveri 3) Narmada 4) Krishna
86) The most widely used river in India is
1) Ganges 2) Mahanadi 3) Krishna 4) Kaveri
87) Where was the first Hydro power station established in India?
1) Shiva samudram 2) Darjeeling 3) Tanjore 4) Machkund
88) Which of the following rivers flows between Satpura and Vindhya ranges?
1) Kaveri 2) Godavari 3) Gandak 4) Narmada
89) In which form, the river flows heavily?
1) When the width and depth is low
2) When it is thinner and less depth
3) When the width and depth is high
4) When it is thinner and more depth
90) On which banks of the river Hampi is located?
1) Tungabadra 2) Godavari 3) Krishna 4) Kaveri
91) Which state is not a part of the Cauvery River Partnership?
1) Karnataka 2) Kerala 3) Tamilnadu 4) AP
92) Damodar river is called as Sorrow of Bengal for which reason?
1) Creates lot of damage due to floods
2) Makes the land more likely to dissolve
3) Creates dangerous waterfall
4) It is not a perennial river
93) Which river is called as “Rice bowl of India”?
1) Godavari 2) Krishna 3) Kaveri 4) Mahanadi
94) The Krishna River Water Treaty of 1980was held in which of the following states?
1) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka 2) Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh
3) Karnataka and Tamil Nadu 4) Karnataka and Kerala
95) Arrange the following rivers in descending order according to their lengths
1) Godavari, Mahanadi, Narmada, Tapti
2) Godavari, Narmada, Mahanadi, Tapti
3) Narmada, Godavari, Tapti, Mahanadi
4) Narmada, Tapti, Godavari, Mahanadi
96) Which of the following is not true about Indus river?
1) It originates in Adikailash – Manasarovar
2) Its full drainage area is about 4 lakhs 50,000 square miles.
3) In Persia it is known as ‘Haindhavi’ and in Tibet ‘Singhi’
4) In India, it flows 709Kms.
97) In which state Wular lake is Present?
1) Andhra Pradesh 2) Jammu & Kashmir 3) Uttar Pradesh 4) Rajasthan
98) Which river separates Deccan Plateau from Northern India?
1) Narmada 2) Krishna 3) Chambal 4) Godavari
99) On which river has the Pang Dam been constructed?
1) Beas 2) Sutlej 3) Ravi 4) Jhelum
100) Which of the following is a correct pair?
1) Sardar Sarovar – Chambal 2) Judra Sarovar – Tapti
3) Koyana – Sharavathi 4) Mysore - Godavari
101) When was the first meeting of Indian Constituent Assembly held?
1) 1948 January 26 2) 1947 August 16
2) 1946 December 9 4) 1947 November 26
102) How many members were there in the Constituent Assembly after the withdrawl of Muslim
1) 299 2) 329 3) 331 4) 359
103) How many members were there in Constitution drafting committee along with chairman?
1) 7 2) 5 3) 9 4) 3
104) Which of the following feature has been borrowed from American constitution?
1) Judiciary review 2) Fundamental Rights
3) Procedure for removal of Supreme court judges 4) All the above

105) How many times has the Indian constitutional amendment been modified?
1) Once 2) Twice 3) Thrice 4) No change
106) How many major political units are there in India during Independence?
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) only once
107) Who are the two persons played an important role in merger of colonies?
1) Patel, Nehru 2) Patel, V.P. Meenan
3) Patel, Rajendra Prasad 4) Patel, K.M. Munshi
108) In which year Language Provincial states reintroduced?
1) 1947 2) 1951 3) 1956 4) 1966
109) The status of administration of Union Territories
1) Lt. Governor 2) Chief Commissioner 3) Chief Administrator 4) All the
110) Which article describes Delhi as a National Territory
1) 239A 2) 239AA 3) 239B 4) 239BB
111) Who has been awarded with Bharath Ratna before appointed as President
1) Zakir Hussain 2) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 3) V V Giri 4) S Radhakrishnan
112) How many members are nominated to Rajyasabha by President?
1) 2 2) 10 3) 12 4) None of the above
113) For which bill did President used his Pocket veto power?
1) Hindu Law 2) PEPSU bill 3) Indian Post Office Bill 4) Dowry Prohibition Bill
114) When was National Emergency due to internal disturbances declared for the first time in India?
1) 1962 2) 1965 3) 1975 4) None of the above
115) How long can the Parliament extend the term of the Lok Sabha during the National Emergency
1) 1 month 2) 3 months 3) 6 months 4) 1 year
116) Who presides over the joint sessions of Loksabha and Rajyasabha?
1) Speaker 2) Rajyasabha Chairman
3) President 4) Parliament Affairs Minister
117) What is the minimum no. of members to be present in Parliament to start the proceedings of the
1) 1/4th 2) 1/3rd 3) 1/5th 4) 1/10th
118) In which of the following organizations Comptroller and Auditor General works as an Advisor?
1) Public Accounts Committee 2) Estimate Committee
2) Public Undertaking Committee 4) All the above
119) Which of the following is related to article 324 imposed by Election Commission recently in
West Bengal?
1) Managing and privilege powers of the electoral community
2) To make new Laws
3) High Court Should not interfere with matters related to election community.
4) Power to remove Voters names in Electoral rolls.
120) Who is the winner of IPL-2019?
1) Mumbai 2) Delhi 3) Chennai 4) Bengaluru

Tributary Other Names Length Origin Purpose

in Kms
Jhelum Vitasta&Hydaspes 724 Verinag in 1) It flows northwards into Wular Lake.
Kashmir 2) It forms the India-Pakistan boundary for 170
3) Wular lake is formed due to this river
Chenab Asikini 1180 Bara Lacha 1) Biggest tributary of Indus river.
Pass in 2) Chenab joins Indus river at Multhan

Zaskar 3) The Chenab River has its source at the

meeting point of two rivers, the Chandra and
Range of
the Bhaga. In Himachal Pradesh, the river is
also called the Chandrabhaga.
Ravi Parusni 722 Kullu 1) It is also called as Airavath or Lahore River.
hills near
the Rohtang
Pass in
Beas Vipasa 460 Bias Kund, 1) Beas meets the Sutlej river at Harika in
closely Punjab.

located to 2) The only river which lies entirely within the

the Rohtang Indian territory.

pass. 3) It crosses the DhaolaDhar range.

Sutlej Sutudri 1450 Rakshas Tal 1) Longest tributary of Indus river

or Rakas 2) It flows through 3 countries (India, Pakistan,

Lake in China)
3) It enters Himachal Pradesh through Shipkila
pass and enters Indus river at Mithankot in
1 Devaprayag The place where two holy rivers Bhagiratha and Alakananda meets.
2 RudraPrayag The place where two holy rivers Alakananda and Mandakini meets.
3 Karna Prayag The place where two holy rivers Alakananda and Pindar meets.
4 Vishnu Prayag The place where two holy rivers Alakananda and Vishnu Ganges
meets at Joshimath.
5 Prayag The place where Ganga Yamuna and Saraswathi meets. Now, it is
called as Allahabad.


River State
Periyar, Bharathpuja ( Ponnani), Kunthipuja Kerala
Ponnani: It is the longest river in Kerala.
Periyar: Kali, place where AdiShankaracharyulu was
born is on the banks of this river
Sharavathi, Netravathi, Bedti, Thadri, KalliGangalli Karnataka
Zuari, Rachol, Mahadhai ( Mandavi) Goa
Narmada, Tapti, Bitharani Maharashtra
Narmada, Tapti, Sabarmati, Mahi, Dhadhar, Shetrunji Gujarat
Sabarmati, Mahi Rajasthan

River Area covered in India (in sq.km.)
Ganga 9,52,000
Sindh 3,21,000 (Total 11,65,000)
Godavari 3,13,000
Krishna 2,59,000
Brahmaputra 2,40,000
Mahanadi 1,42,000
Narmada 99,000
Kaveri 81,155

Tributary Origin Importance

1 Yamuna Yamunotri Glacier on It is the largest tributary of Ganga. It is also associated with the
the southwestern sides River Ganga at Allahabad, along with the Saraswati River,
of the Banderpooch which is also known as Prayag. Ardh Kumbh Mela comes in
crests of the Lower every 6 years. Once in 12 years, Purna Kumbh Mela is
Himalayan Mountain celebrated. Maha Kumbh Mela occurs every 144 years.
Range in Gharwal Chambal, Betwa, kes, Kal sindh, Tons are tributaries of Yamuna
district of Uttarakhand river.

2 Ram In Gharhwal district of It meets Ganga at Kannuj.

Ganga Uttarakhand
3 Ghagra It originates for Gurla In Nepal, it is called as Karnali. It meets Ganga at Chapra in
Mandhatha Peak in Bihar
4 Gandak It originates in the It meets Ganga at Hajpur in the district of Vyshali in Bihar. In
between of Mt. Everest Nepal, it is known as Karnali and in India, Narayani.
and Dhaulagiri peaks
5 Kosi Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim The three major tributaries Sun Koshi, Arun Koshi and Tamur
boundaries Koshi meet at Triveni, from where they are called as ‘Sapta
Koshi’. It is also known as ‘Sorrow of Bihar’.
6 Chambar Janapav Hills in Madhya Largest tributary of Yamuna
7 Son Amarkantak in MP It flows in the opposite direction of Narmada and meets Ganga
at Dhanipur in Patna. Rihand, Northkoyal, Southkoyal,
Mahananda are some of the tributaries.
8 Damodar Tori in Chotanagpur It is known as ‘Sorrow of Bengal’. Its tributaries: Barkar, Konal
9 Betwa Kaimur hills in It is also known as Netravati. It flows in MP and UP. It meets
Gwaliyor district of MP Yamuna river.
10 Ken Kaimur hills in It is also known as Karnavati. It flows in MP and UP. It meets
Gwaliyor district of MP Yamuna river.


Godavari Origin Importance

1 Manjira Balghat hills in district of It flows in Medak district and meets Godavari at
Beed of Maharshtra Kondalawadi in Nizamabad district in Telangana
2 Pranahitha Satpura ranges in MP Largest tributary of Godavari. Penganga, Venganga
and Wardha are three tributaries which are formed and
enters Godavari near Chennur
3 Machkund Mudugal hills in It flows in North direction from its origin, enters
Vishakapatnam Odisha and flows in south direction. Duduma
Waterfalls are present. Machkund Hydro Electric
Scheme is an Inter State project of Government of
Andhra Pradesh and Odisha


Krishna Origin Importance

1 Tungabhadra Varaha Mountains in It is formed from two rivers namely Tunga and Bhadra. It is
Karnataka the largest tributary of Krishna river. Manthralaya
Raghavendra Swamy Temple is located across the banks of
this river.
2 Musi Anantagiri hills near It meets Krishna river near Vadapally in Nalgonda district.
Shivareddypet in
Rangareddy district.
3 Dindi Shabhadh hills in It enters Krishna river at Eleshwaram near Deverakonda in
Mahabubnagar district Nalgonda district. It is also known as Meenambaram
4 Munneru Pakala river in It enters Krishna river in Nalgonda district.
Warangal district
5 Chandrabhaga Panduranga Temple is located on the banks of this river. This
place is called as Pandaripuram.


Length (in Year of

S.No Name of the Railway Zone Zone Code Headquarters
Kms) Establishment
Central Railway
1 3905 CR 05 November,1951 Mumbai
(ChathrapathiShivaji Terminal)
2 East Central Railway 3628 ECR 1 December, 2002 Hajipur

3 East Coast Railway 2572 ECoR 01 April, 2003 Bhubaneswar

4 Eastern Railway 2414 ER 14 April, 1952 Kolkata

5 North Central Railway 3151 NCR 01 April, 2003 Allahabad

6 North Eastern Railway 3667 NER 14 April, 1952 Gorakhpur

7 North Western Railway 5459 NWR 01 October, 2002 Jaipur

8 Northeast Frontier Railway 3907 NFR 15 January, 1958 Guwahati

Baroda House, New
9 Northern Railway 6968 NR 14 April, 1952
10 South Central Railway 5803 SCR 02 October, 1966 Secunderabad

11 South East Central Railway 2447 SECR 01 April, 2003 Bilaspur

12 South Eastern Railway 2631 SER 1 August, 1955 Kolkata

13 South Western Railway 3177 SWR 01 April, 2003 Hubli

14 Southern Railway 5098 SR 14 April, 1951 Chennai

15 West Central Railway 2965 WCR 01 April, 2003 Jabalpur

16 Western Railway 6182 WR 05 November, 1951 Mumbai

17 Kolkata Metro Railway 120 KNR 29 December, 2010 Kolkata

Ranchi Birsamunda
Portblair Veer Savarkar
Nagpur Dr. Baba SahebAmbedkar
Lucknow Chaudhary Charan Singh
Leh KushokBakulaRimpochee
Guwahati LokpriyaGopinathBordoloi
Ahmedabad SardarVallabhai Patel
Bhopal Raj Bhoj
Patna Jay Prakash Narayan
Bhubaneshwar Biju Patnaik
Gwaliyar RajamataVijayaraje
Varnasi Lal Bahadur Shasthri
Indore Ahalyabhai Devi
Palem Indira Gandhi
Dum Dum Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Meenambakkam Annadurai
Sahara ChathrapathiShivaji


1. Ahmedabad SardarVallabhbhai Patel International Airport
2. Amritsar Sri Guru Ram Das Ji International Airport
3. Bangalore Kempegowda International Airport
4. Bhopal Raja Bhoj International Airport
5. Bhubaneswar Biju Patnaik International Airport
6. Chandigarh Chandigarh International Airport
7. Chennai Chennai International Airport
8. Cochin Cochin International Airport
9. Coimbatore Coimbatore International Airport
10. Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport
11. Goa Goa International Airport
12. Gaya Gaya International Airport
13. Guwahati LokpriyaGopinathBordoloi International Airport
14. Hyderabad Rajiv Gandhi International Airport
15. Imphal Imphal International Airport
16. Indore Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar International Airport
17. Jaipur Jaipur International Airport
18. Kannur Kannur International Airport
19. Kolkata Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport
20. Kozhikode Calicut International Airport
21. Lucknow Chaudhary Charan Singh International Airport
22. Madurai Madurai International Airport
23. Mangalore Mangalore International Airport
24. Mumbai ChhatrapatiShivaji International Airport
25. Nagpur Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar International Airport
26. Port Blair Veer Savarkar International Airport
27. Patna Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport
28. Pune Pune International Airport
29. Ranchi Birsa Munda International Airport
30. Siliguri Bagdogra International Airport
31. Srinagar Srinagar Airport
32. Trichy Tiruchirappalli International Airport
33. Trivandrum Trivandrum International Airport
34. Varanasi Lal Bahadur Shastri International Airport
35. Vijayawada Vijayawada International Airport
36. Visakhapatnam Visakhapatnam Airport

States with Highest States with Lowest States with Highest States with Lowest density of
Population Population density of Population
(% of total population in (% of total population Population (per sq.km. of area)
India) in India) (per sq.km. of area)
Uttar Pradesh – 16.49 Sikkim – 0.05 Bihar – 1102 Arunachal Pradesh – 17
Maharashtra – 9.29 Mizoram – 0.09 West Bengal – 1029 Mizoram – 52
Bihar – 8.58 Arunachal Pradesh – Kerala – 859 Sikkim – 86
West Bengal – 7.55 Goa – 0.12 Uttar Pradesh - 828 Nagaland – 119
Andhra Pradesh* – 6.99 Nagaland – 0.16 Haryana - 573 Manipur - 122
Madhya Pradesh# -6
# After Formation of Telangana * Before formation of Telangana
Union Territories with Union Territories with Sates with Lower Sates with Higher Decadal
Highest density of Lowest density of Decadal Growth Growth rate (%) (2001 –
Population Population rate (%) (2001 – 2011)
(per sq.km. of area) (per sq.km. of area) 2011)
Delhi – 11,297 Andaman & Nicobar Nagaland – (-0.5) Meghalaya – 27.8
Islands – 46
Chandigarh – 9252 Dadra & Nagar Haveli - Kerala – 4.86 Arunachal Pradesh – 25.9
Puducherry – 2,598 Goa – 8.17 Bihar – 25.0
Daman and Diu – 2,169 Andhra Pradesh – Jammu & Kashmir – 23.7
Lakshadweep – 2,013 Sikkim – 12.4 Mizoram – 22.8

Districts with Highest Districts with Lowest Sates/Union Sates/Union Territories with
Population Population Territories with Lowesst Sex Ratio
(% of total population in (% of total population Highest Sex Ratio
India) in India)
Thane (Maharshtra) – Dibang Valley Kerala – 1084 Daman & Diu – 618
1,10,54,131 (Arunachal Pradesh) –
North Twenty Four Anjaw ( Arunachal Puducherry – 1038 Dadra & Nagar Haveli - 774
Parganas (West Bengal) – Pradesh) – 21,098

1 Indian Agriculture Research Institute New Delhi

2 Central Rice Research Institute Cuttack
3 Central Sugarcane Research Institute Coimbatore
4 Central Potato Research Institute Shimla
5 Central Tobacco Research Institute Rajahmundry
6 Central Forest Research Institute Dehradun
7 National Sugar Research Institute Kanpur
8 Indian Lac Research Institute Ranchi
9 National Dairy Research Institute Karnal
10 Central Fuel Research Institute Dhanbad
11 Central Leather Research Institute Chennai
12 Central Mining Research Institute Dhanbad
13 Central Drug Research Institute Lucknow
14 Indian Meteorological Observatory Pune and Delhi
15 Raman Research Centre Bangalore
16 Central Scientific Instruments Organization Chandigarh
17 National Metallurgical Laboratory Jamshedpur
18 Central Salt and Marine Chemical Research Institute Bhavnagar
19 Archaeological Survey of India, India Museum Kolkata
20 Central Jute Technological Research Institute Kolkata
21 Central Coconut Research Institute Kerala, Kasergod
22 Textile Research Institute Ahmedabad
23 All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) New Delhi
24 National Aeronautical Laboratory Bangalore
25 National Institute of Oceanography Panaji
26 National Geophysics Research Hyderabad
27 Indian Institute of Petroleum Dehradun
28 Central Building Research Institute Roorkee
29 Central Road Research Institute New Delhi
30 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai
31 High Altitude Research Laboratory Gulmarg
32 National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow
33 Central Food Technological Research Institute Mysore
34 Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute Kolkata
35 National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nagpur
36 Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute Karaikudi
37 Indian Institute of Chemical Biology Kolkata
38 Industrial Toxicology Research Centre Lucknow
39 Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute Durgapur
40 Central for Cellular and Molecular Biology Hyderabad

Sl.No Research Centre Place

1 Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL) Mumbai
2 Uranium Corporation of India Limited Jadugoda(Jharkhand)
3 Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Mumbai
4 Electronics Corporation of India Limited Hyderabad
5 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Trombay (Mumbai)
6 Radio Astronomy Centre Ootacamund
7 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Mumbai
8 Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics Kolkata
9 Centre of Earth Science’s Studies Thiruvananthapuram
10 Physical Research Laboratory Ahmedabad
11 Space Commission Bengaluru
12 Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Thiruvananthapuram
13 Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Bengaluru
14 Space Application Centre Ahmedabad
15 Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station Thumba(Kerala)
16 College of Satellite Communication Technology Ahmedabad
17 Nuclear Fuel Complex Hyderabad
18 Nuclear Power Complex Mumbai
19 Indian Scientific Satellite Project Bangalore


All India Malaria Research Institute New Delhi

National Tuberculosis Institute Bangalore
Indian Cancer Research Centre Mumbai
Indian Veterinary Research Centre Mukteshwar (H.P.), Izzatnagar (U.P.)
Institute of Ayurvedic studies and Research Jamnagar (Gujarat)
Vallabh Bhai Patel Chest Institute Delhi
Haffkine Institute Mumbai
National Institute of Communicable Diseases Delhi
School of Tropical Medicine Kolkata
Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute Chingelpet
P.G.I. Medical Education and Research Chandigarh
National Institute of Nutrition Hyderabad
National Institute of Occupational Health Ahmedabad
King Institute of Preventive Medicine Guindy (Chennai)
All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health Kolkata

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