Advances in The Treatment of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

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Advances in RRD

·Review Article·

Advances in the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal

Li Liao, Xiao-Hua Zhu
Department of Ophthalmology, the Second Xiangya Hospital, After retinal detachment occurs, nutrition to the photoreceptor
Central South University, Changsha 410011, Hunan Province, cells is impaired. Once the posterior pole is involved, the
China photoreceptor cells of the retina will undergo apoptosis and
Correspondence to: Xiao-Hua Zhu. The Second Xiangya degeneration; the pigment cells and fibroblasts will then
Hospital of Central South University, 139 Renmin Road, abnormally and ectopically proliferate, thereby resulting in
Changsha 410011, Hunan Province, China. [email protected] irreversible damage to visual function. If not treated quickly,
Received: 2018-10-20 Accepted: 2018-12-08 the rate of blindness is nearly 100%.
Significant studies undertaken to understand the risk factors
Abstract of RRD provide the basis for prevention and treatment. Since
● The pathogenesis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment Gonin proposed that retinal holes are the cause of retinal
depends on three factors, namely, retinal rupture, vitreous detachment in1929, the identification and closing of all of these
liquefaction and traction causing the retina to separate holes have been the basic principles of treatment. Decades
from the pigment epithelium, among which retinal rupture of clinical practice have proven this theory to be correct[3],
is the most important. Retinopathy is caused by a gap but according to the different positions and conditions of
between the neurosensory retina and the retinal pigment these holes, corresponding treatment options are available.
epithelium, which severely damages the visual function of Treatment involves one of two changes in retinal reposition:
the patient. Therefore, early clinical discovery, prevention a type of evolution from whole retinal detachment surgery to
and selection of an appropriate treatment are important. confinement to the retina during surgery or a type of evolution
This article reviews progress in the treatment of retinal from the eye to a change in intraocular surgery. Since the
detachment. beginning of the 21st century, the key to the treatment of RRD
● KEYWORDS: rhegmatogenous retinal detachment; treatment has been to identify and solve the cause of primary retinal
progress; sclera external-route surgery; retinal laser detachment; retinal detachment will repeat if the causes are
photocoagulation; pars plana vitrectomy left untreated. This approach is not associated with operation
DOI:10.18240/ijo.2019.04.22 extended to the whole area or outside of the area and is
unrelated to areas outside the eye or intraocular surgery. At the
Citation: Liao L, Zhu XH. Advances in the treatment of rhegmatogenous same time, retinal detachment treatment has been carried out
retinal detachment. Int J Ophthalmol 2019;12(4):660-667 under the following three assumptions: 1) one operation should
be performed to achieve retinal reduction; 2) surgery should
INTRODUCTION not cause complications that threaten later vision regaining ; 3)

R hegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is the most

common type of retinal detachment, with an incidence
of 1 in 10 000 persons per year. Blindness in the affected eye
surgery should be more cost-effective and local anesthesia are
This article reviews progress and indications in different
may result via different mechanisms without proper and timely surgeries for the treatment of RRD. The advantages and
treatment. Various surgery options are available for RRD, but disadvantages of the surgeries are discussed, which may help
individualized surgery options may be the key to cure this ophthalmologists make treatment decisions.
disease. RRD is characterized by the formation of a retinal hole Scleral Buckling Scleral buckling (SB) surgery is considered
and is a pathological process in which the retina and vitreous the best surgical treatment for RRD. It has been reported
degenerate and interact with each other. RRD is diagnosed that the postoperative anatomical reduction rate from SB
when the retinal neurosensory layer (RNL) is isolated from is as high as 97.3%[4]. There are various advantages of SB
retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and retinopathy caused surgery, such as ease of operation, reliable localization, low
by ocular lesions or systemic diseases is excluded[1]. The infection rate, and enhanced control of condensation time and
anatomical changes of RRD are shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3. condensation intensity[5]. At present, the most commonly used
Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 12, No. 4, Apr.18, 2019
Tel: 8629-82245172 8629-82210956 Email: [email protected]

Figure 1 The anatomical changes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.

Figure 2 SD-OCT of the left eye demonstrates extensive serous

retinal detachments involving the macular The image is derived
from The Retinal Atlas[2].

Figure 4 A panoramic image of the fundus following reattachment

surgery with an encircling band Chorioretinal degenerative
changes, likely a result of cryotherapy for retinal breaks, can be
observed superiorly, superotemporally, and temporally. The image is
derived from The Retinal Atlas[2].

Figure 3 Ultrasound image showing retinal detachment (arrowhead)

and choroidal thickening (arrow) The image is derived from The
Retinal Atlas[2].

external scleral surgery involves a scleral ring, scleral pad and

Figure 5 Another panoramic image of RRD A: Preoperative
minimal external pressure. The diagnosis of retinal detachment
image; B: The retinal tear site was treated superotemporally with
and subsequent intervention through the application of
cryotherapy, and an encircling band was placed. The image shows
circumferential bands and buckles and minimally invasive
complete retinal reattachment with cryotherapy-induced atrophy
techniques can improve postoperative morbidity and the
at the site of the retinal tear, which is positioned on the crest of the
effectiveness of visual rehabilitation (Figure 4). The results
encircling buckle. The image is derived from The Retinal Atlas[2].
of this conventional treatment of retinal detachment justify its
application in treating the disease[6]. However, this treatment is local pressurization, drainage, and vitreous condensation, with
particularly suitable for peripheral RRD and not for posterior or without injection of fluid to seal the retinal tear (Figure 5). If
polar retinal detachment. the location of the tear is appropriate, scleral ligation can have
Scleral ligation Scleral ligation is an important method for certain preventive effects. Scleral ring ligation is often used to
the treatment of RRD. A ligation band is fixed under the four ensure the successful reduction of retinal detachment involving
rectus muscles such that the retinal hiatus is located just in multiple holes or a large area of detachment with no obvious
front of or on the scleral ridge. The band can be combined with holes. However, this procedure requires a 360° cut along the
Advances in RRD

bulbar conjunctiva at the edge of the sclera, which can affect macular edema, are related to overly extensive and excessive
the microenvironment of the ocular surface, cause damage condensation. The key is to master the proper amount of
to the goblet cells and tear ducts, and reduce the production condensation needed, which can be achieved by direct operation.
of mucin and basic tear secretion[7-8]. The patient may then Scleral Electrocoagulation Scleral electrocoagulation
have an acidic burning sensation, swelling, discomfort, dry involves the application of high electric heat, or diathermy, to
eye, or eye-winking sensation after the operation. Wong et critical areas of the sclera, thereby resulting in an inflammatory
al[9] performed scleral ring ligation on 30 patients with RRD reaction, scar adhesion and closure of the retinal hiatus. The
and concluded that the treatment can indeed affect the ocular adhesion is relatively firm and has a highly reliable, curative
surface microenvironment, thereby resulting in decreased tear effect. However, if this method is performed in an area
secretion, shortened tear break-up time (BUT), and increased that cannot be directly seen by the surgeon, it may result in
positive rates of corneal fluorescein (FL) staining, all of which damage to the sclera and choroid vitreous body. Excessive
take time from which to recover. Therefore, the scope of electrocoagulation is more likely to produce extensive scleral
surgery and the degree of injury should be minimized during necrosis, scleral expansion and staphyloma, which increases
operation to avoid unnecessary complications. the difficulty of reoperation. Therefore, at present, scleral
Episcleral compression In episcleral compression, the condensation has displaced electrocoagulation and has been
general scleral location of a hole is marked, and then the widely used[16].
sclera is pressed towards the center of the eye with a pressure Retinal Laser Photocoagulation The use of lasers is an
device to determine the exact location of the hole on the important method for treating and preventing retinal detachment,
scleral surface. The ridge caused by the pressure is positioned mainly for treating peripheral retinal degeneration and closed
at the posterior margin of the hiatus, and a mattress suture retinal hiatuses, preventing retinal detachment in denatured
is used to fix the ridge in place, which effectively seals the areas and promoting retinal restoration. The light energy of a
hole. The purpose of developing external surgery for RRD is laser is absorbed by the hemoglobin or uveal pigment in the
to seal the hiatus with minimal surgical invasion, to improve retina and vascular tissues and transformed into heat energy,
repositioning rates and to reduce surgical complications[3]. resulting in tissue degeneration and coagulation. At the same
This simple external compression surgery was pioneered by time, the RPE in the area of photocoagulation is temporarily
Lincoff and Kreissig[10] and yielded good clinical results for damaged, and the passive motion of the subretinal fluids is
the treatment of RRD using segmented scleral compression accelerated, causing a decrease in uveal effusion and increased
without drainage; the treatment reduced complications such retinal adhesion, which finally close the hiatus. Research
as refractive changes, anterior ischemia, suprachoroidal has demonstrated that laser photocoagulation has the same
hemorrhage, and visual field reduction[6,11-13]. Clinical practice anatomical reduction rate as does condensation, but the extent
has shown that minimally invasive retinal surgery, including of retinal damage is lower and complications are fewer[17-18].
vitreous condensation, which does not impact discharge, optic Intraoperative denaturing of certain areas in the retina and the
circulation, scleral injection, or scleral extravasation, has the protruding edges of the hiatus can be accomplished by a laser,
merits of accurate positioning, reliability in minimal surgical unlike the extensive ligation and condensation procedures
trauma and avoidance of certain complications from traditional previously used to prevent detachment in other sites. The
scleral surgery while maintaining a high success rate. lasers used are mainly the 532 semiconductor fundus laser
Therefore, the approach is a good alternative surgical method (BVI, French), the argon laser (ZEISS, Germany) and the
for the treatment of RRD[14-15]. multiwavelength krypton laser (Qioptiq, England). Li[19]
Scleral Condensation Scleral condensation, which has the studied 89 patients with retinal holes treated by surrounding
advantages of simplicity, minimal scleral damage, external the holes with spots of photocoagulation using a 532 nm
compression and a definite curative effect, is the most commonly frequency-doubled laser. The results of the study showed
used external operation for sealing the retinal hiatus in retinal that after 6-30mo, 97 of the treated eyes (99%) were sealed,
detachment. Condensation is a safe and effective sealing and the subretinal fluid was absorbed completely after
method. However, scleral condensation can lead to cell laser photocoagulation. This finding demonstrates that
death and aseptic necrosis of tissues, which can cause local photocoagulation with a 532 nm frequency-doubled laser is
inflammatory reactions in the choroid and retina, ultimately a convenient method for treating retinal holes with less tissue
resulting in the adhesion of the RNL to the RPE and the damage and great therapeutic effect. Li[20] also researched
formation of scar tissue that seals the retinal hiatus. Many seventy-two cases (78 eyes) of retinal holes treated with a 532 nm
complications, such as iatrogenic retinal tear, choroidal frequency-doubled laser to show that photocoagulation with
ischemia, proliferative vitreous retinopathy (PVR), and this laser is effective and safe. Gao et al[21] retrospectively
Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 12, No. 4, Apr.18, 2019
Tel: 8629-82245172 8629-82210956 Email: [email protected]

analyzed the data of 210 retinal detachment patients (224 eyes)

with retinal holes who underwent argon laser therapy and
compared the results with the data of 173 retinal detachment
patients (198 eyes) without retinal holes who underwent
the same therapy; the authors concluded that the effect of
prophylactic argon laser therapy in retinal detachment patients
with retinal holes, but not retinal detachment, is satisfactory.
Compared with vitreoretinal surgery and conventional SB
surgery, retinal laser photocoagulation quickly seals retinal
holes after diagnosis with RRD (Figure 6). The requirements
of the therapeutic environment and equipment for retinal laser Figure 6 A horseshoe retinal tear surrounded by a triple-row laser
photocoagulation are less restrictive, as it is a relatively simple photocoagulation Laser retinopexy decreases the risk of retinal
technique and inexpensive treatment. However, treatmmust be detachment to less than 5%. The image is derived from The Retinal Atlas[2].
followed up immediately[22].
Pneumatic Retinopexy In 1986, Hilton and Grizzard[23] first
introduced pneumatic retinopexy to treat RRD. The operation
procedure begins with cryotherapy to freeze and seal the area
around the retinal tear. Then, a gas bubble is injected through
the sclera into the vitreous cavity to press against the retinal
tear for reattachment[23-24]. This approach treats noncomplex
RRD, which is retinal detachment caused by a small retinal
hiatus at the top and back of the retina. Pneumatic retinopexy
(PR) is the least invasive form of RRD surgery and can reduce
recurrence rates and shorten recovery time[24]. However,
Figure 7 This patient underwent vitreoretinal surgery with the use
postoperatively, patients must remain in certain positions
of silicone oil as a long-term tamponade The glistening reflectance
to ensure retinal fixation, attend follow-up visits soon after
off the retinal surface is characteristic of vitrectomized eyes filled with
surgery and avoid immediate air travel[25]. PR does not relieve
silicone oil. In the center of the photograph, just superior to the optic
vitreous traction on the retina, thereby increasing the risk that
nerve, note the elevated area where silicone oil has migrated into the
the sealed hiatus may be reopened and a new hiatus could
subretinal space. The image is derived from The Retinal Atlas[2].
form, which might result in retinal detachment. PR is not
appropriate for inferior RRD. Nevertheless, the increased use such as a posterior pole retinal hiatus, vitreous hemorrhage,
of pneumatic retinopexy would achieve significant cost savings and PVR [28] . Not only does this procedure remove the
while maintaining outcomes[26]. Additionally, in the case of vitreous traction on the retina, but it also removes any opaque
recurrence after PR, SB or vitrectomy can be successfully mesenchyme, thereby optimizing conditions for examination
performed. and treatment. In addition, as with PR, SB, and laser prophylaxis,
Subretinal Drainage The drainage of subretinal fluid brings PPV is cost-effective[29]. After vitreous excision, a substitute
the RNL close to the RPE, which facilitates rapid restoration substance is injected to restore the retina. Clinical vitreous
of the retina and shortens the course of the disease. Subretinal substitutes include certain liquids and gases. Silicone oil,
drainage can locate the retinal hiatus, thereby providing perfluorocarbon solution, and other liquids have been used
space for a large scleral ridge and preventing high intraocular as substitutes[30]. The condition in which silicone oil is filled
pressure. Risks during the operation include low intraocular in the vitreous is shown in Figure 7. The gas substitutes
pressure, explosive suprachoroidal hemorrhage, accidental include air and perfluorocarbon gas, as shown in Figure 8. A
scleral perforation, massive choroid vascular hemorrhage, liquid substitute restores the content of the eye, separates any
iatrogenic rupture, and retinal incarceration. However, case membranes adhering to the retina, and flattens the detached
studies performed by Kang et al[27] suggest that subretinal retina[31]. Although air can successfully fill the vitreous cavity
aspiration and injection device provides an efficient and safe and contribute to volume reduction[31], it is readily absorbed
means of gaining access to the subretinal space. after a few days, thereby affecting its long-term ability to
Joint Vitreous Retinal Surgery In the 1970s, Machemer hold the retina in place. A procedure was developed in 1980
pioneered closed vitrectomy. Pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) is a in which perfluorinated carbon is injected into the vitreous
preferred surgical procedure for complex retinal detachment, cavity and then expanded; due to the long compression time
Advances in RRD

Table 1 More information on comparative studies of SB and PPV

First author (year) Design Main observational index SB (n) PPV (n) Effects
Oshima (2000) Retrospective, 2 centers BCVA 55 47 P<0.05
Miki (2001) Retrospective, single center Success rate, incidence of postoperative 138 87 PPV merit to SB
Schmidt (2003) Retrospective, single center Reattachment rate, complications 60 40 Different
Le Rouic (2002) Retrospective, single center BCVA, success rate 40 32 Similar
Afrashi (2004) Retrospective, single center Success rate, complications 30 22 Different
Sharma (2005)[51] Prospective, randomized, single center BCVA, reattachment rate 25 25 PPV merit to SB
Ahmadieh (2005)[52] Prospective, randomized, multicenter BCVA, reattachment rate 125 125 Different
Brazitikos (2005) Prospective, single center Proliferative vitreoretinopathy 75 75 Similar
Kobashi (2014) Prospective, randomized, multicenter BCVA, reattachment rate 133 132 Different

BCVA: Best corrected visual acuity; SB: Scleral buckling; PPV: Pars plana vitrectomy.

complete sealing of all retinal tears and the effective filling

of the vitreous cavity. However, retinal leakage after PPV
surgery is still common[40], thus highlighting the importance
of preoperative fundus examination. With the development
of science and technology, new machines, such as VISALIS
500 (ZEISS, Germany), Constellation (Alcon, America), and
MidLabs (AI-TEST, China), are achieving higher cutting
speeds and have more in-built facilities compared to previously
developed machines.
Figure 8 This patient underwent a pars plana vitrectomy with a
Vitreoretinal Surgery Combined with Scleral Ring
long-acting gas tamponade to repair a retinal detachment Note
Ligation A scleral ring can relieve the traction of the vitreous
the reflection created by the gas-fluid interface superiorly. This
on the retina and close the retinal hiatus. Therefore, use of a
reflection off the surface of the gas bubble creates a split image,
scleral ring was once considered a necessary surgical method.
However, it is still unknown whether a scleral ring is necessary
giving the false appearance of a double optic nerve. The image is
for RRD patients undergoing vitrectomy. It was reported that
derived from The Retinal Atlas[2].
both the SB and PPV surgical techniques yielded high success
of perfluorinated carbon [32], a high intraocular pressure is rates and low complication rates in the treatment of primary
achieved, and when the patient maintains a certain position, RRD, effectively demonstrating the effect of scleral ring
the pressure on the retina can be maximized. The application ligation in vitrectomy[41]. Macula-off status was associated with
of perfluorocarbon liquids has been well established in a lower success rate in the SB group, although lesion location
vitreoretinal surgery. The unique physical properties of these and lens status had no significant effect on success rates in
liquids make them an ideal intraoperative tool for improving either group[42]. A study by Heimann et al[43] showed that
the efficiency and safety of surgical procedures in complicated compared with PPV, SB surgery was more beneficial for the
cases[33-34]. Scheer et al[35] used a heavy silicone oil substitute in improvement of BCVA in the eye with the lens. Some studies
66 vitrectomies in patients with retinal detachment to reduce indicate that vitrectomy combined with an encircling scleral
the rate of retinal reposition and incidence of complications; buckle in patients with RRD can improve patient comfort
the authors found that many silica gels were well tolerated and grant a more stable refractive status after surgery[41].
and did not appear to promote inflammation. The reset rate of However, studies have demonstrated no significant differences
silicon oil is 30%-75%[36], and the reset rate of heavy silicon in the surgical success rates in the treatment of RRD between
oil is 45.8%-92.3%[37-39]. Gartry et al[40] reported that RRD PPV, SB and the combined procedure of vitrectomy and
without proliferative retinopathy was successfully treated buckling[44-45]. More information on comparative studies of SB
with a single surgery in 74% of complex cases, and 92% were and PPV is presented in Table 1. Table 1 shows that vitrectomy
successful after further treatment. Additionally, a stain can be and SB surgery are the most commonly used surgeries. Each
used to visualize the subretinal fluid and help reveal hidden procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages. On
retinal tears. The key features to the success of vitreous retinal the one hand, SB surgery in subretinal drainage may cause
surgery for RRD are the complete release of vitreous traction intraocular pressure fluctuations, and cingulate may cause
around the anterior retinal membrane and the retinal hole, the retinal ischemia. On the other hand, injection of gas or silicone
Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 12, No. 4, Apr.18, 2019
Tel: 8629-82245172 8629-82210956 Email: [email protected]

and effective method is still needed, and we should choose the

most suitable treatment according to the conditions faced.
Conflicts of Interest: Liao L, None; Zhu XH, None.
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Int J Ophthalmol, Vol. 12, No. 4, Apr.18, 2019
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