Screenshot - 2019!07!22 Labor Law - Alicia M L Coseteng and Diliman Preparatory School Vs Leticia P Pere, G R No 185938, Sept (... )

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GR No. 185938 : September 6, 2017 ALICIA ML. COSETENG and DILIMAN PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Aevtioners v LETICIAP. PEREZ, Responcene EVES, JR, J: | 1972, Perez was rise by the Scnool as a weacher for elementary students. For ceveral years, che was regula stuoents witn dase advicony of tne came level. In 1994, sho wae accignee to teach Grade \ Level students. scher hanging Grace Ill Level Sometime in August 1994 several students renortes that Perez colectec payment from them for: an educationel publication encorsed by ene Scvoal. However, they oie nct raceve their copies ofthe magazine Jpscription to Saranggola mage‘ Taereafter the School crestes commitee to investigate. Perez admittes she failed to remit the subscriston payment cupgosealy ue to her Ousy schedule. but agreed to return the payment ofthe studerts instead, Months later, or in February 1935, zne School found out thac only ive of the 20, stuoents were able 9 receive 2 refuna of ener subecription payments. Upon ene Scnoals orcers, Perez returned the remaining mount on a piecemeal apis tome rect of tne seudencs The Schoo'’s investigating comminze reduced is findings to neghgence and recommended that Perez be suspended without pay for ten workin ays Perez vias embrolles in another incident at tne School A co-ieacner cuspactea that cresting occurrea on January 26, 1995, curing the Math quarterly ents procrores oy Pere examinations of Grace Vn Perez wrote lee to Cosetengand to the essistont prncipel ccimining herinvolvementin tre ineisent After cue celiberotion, the investintne committee acjucges Pere’ penavior as nigny irregular for 2 tezcner anc faund her lable far negigence incre performance of ner duties, Perez was suspencee from work. On june 14, 1995, without reporting back to work, Perez resigmee to Coseteng va facsimile. Upon her resignation, Perez receivea all amounts cue her under the Private Education Retremient Anruly, a program wherein teachers and employers contribute toa fund for the avaiment cof the teechers on thei ratirement: Nothing mare was heara from Perez, until she fled » Caryplnt fo ‘Aroiter (LA) on june 15, 1998. Inner Position Paper, Perez erguaa that che was constructively oismisseo from employment ang prayed that sne be stented separation pay in ight of ner twenty-

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