Smiles For Ukraine 1 Lesson Plan Sample

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Smiles for Ukraine 1

Lesson Plan Sample

Lesson Plan

Teacher: Natalia Liashko Lesson #

Lesson Focus: Vocabulary Date:

Length: 35 min Age / Number of Students: 14

Timetable fit: The SS have already learnt the topic ‘Animals’ and are familiar with the
structures “It is…/ It is not…”, “This is …”

Lesson Aim: By the end of the lesson SS will be able to use the names of the food items
(bananas, apples, milk, cheese, eggs, chicken, juice) and the structure ‘I like /
I don’t like…’ orally while creating their own song “I like milk” in the context
of ‘My food’.

Outcomes: SS will have created their ‘I like…’ songs using the names of the food

Materials: ‘Smiles for Ukraine’ SB –Express Publishing, 2018 – p. 50

IWB‘Smiles for Ukraine’ – Express Publishing
Flashcards (bananas, apples, milk, cheese, eggs, chicken, juice)
Board, markers, magnets

Stage/Stage Aim Procedure Time Interaction

Introduction The T greets the SS and asks Qs about their mood and 2 min T – SS
To greet the students marks absentees (How are you today? – I’m fine, super,
OK, etc).

Lead-in The T sets up ‘Snowball’ game (SS sit/stand in a circle, 5 min S–S–S
To set up the context of one S says one word, the next S repeats the previous word T – SS
My food and add one more).
The T asks the SS about SS’ favourite food.

Presentation The T presents the words showing the flashcards in slow 5 min SS – T
To elicit the names of motion. The SS guess the words. After that the T checks T – SS
the food items understanding of the words and practises pronunciation of S
(bananas, apples, milk, the words with the SS. SS
cheese, eggs, chicken,
juice), convey the Checking Qs:
meaning and practise 1. Can you show me a banana? How do you eat it?
pronunciation of these 2. Who produces milk? Is it yellow?
words 3. Can you make juice from bananas? From apples?
4. Can you eat eggs like apples? Do you need to peel the
eggs before eating?
5. (The T shows the picture from the supermarket) Point to
6. Is chicken a bird? Can it fly?

Natalia Liashko – ELT Consultant of Express Publishing Ukraine

© Folio D
Smiles for Ukraine 1
Lesson Plan Sample
Stage/Stage Aim Procedure Time Interaction

Recognition The T demonstrates and then sets up ‘what’s missing’ game 5 min T – SS
To distinguish the in groups (The SS are divided into two groups. The group S – SS
names of the food leader hides one picture while the other SS are sitting with
(bananas, apples, their eyes closed. When the SS open the eyes, they guess
cheese, chicken, milk, what’s missing.)

Practice The T sets up the spelling task (SB ex 1 p. 50) 8 min T – SS

To practise spelling of The SS check the answers in pairs and then tell each other S
the names of the food, what they like or hate. S–S
structures ‘I like / I
don’t like’ orally

Modeling the song The T asks the SS to tick the food items they hear in the 3 min T – SS
To present the model song. S
of the song (listening The SS check the answers in pairs. S–S
for specific

Follow-up The T demonstrates her song and asks the SS to create their 7 min T – SS
To create SS own ‘I own ‘I like milk’ songs, which are similar to the model. S
like milk’ songs The SS mingle, say their songs and find the person with the S–S
same food items.

Natalia Liashko – ELT Consultant of Express Publishing Ukraine

© Folio D

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