Ebm September
Ebm September
Ebm September
Objective: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for chronic fatigue syndrome was
compared with relaxation.
Method: Sixty patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were randomly assigned to 13
sessions of either cognitive behavior therapy (graded activity and cognitive
restructuring) or relaxation. Outcome was evaluated by using measures of functional
impairment, fatigue, mood and global improvement.
Results: Randomization revealed equal number subjects into two groups. Treatment
was completed by 53 patients (26 in the CBT group and 27 in the control group).
Functional impairment and fatigue improved more in the group that received cognitive
behavior therapy. At final follow-up, 69% or the completers in the cognitive behavior
therapy group achieved good outcomes (substantial improvement in physical
functioning) compared with 19% of those in the relaxation group who completed
Conclusions: CBT was more effective than a relaxation control in the management of
patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Improvements were sustained over 6 months of
follow up.
1. 43%
2. 12%
3. 50%
4. 34%
5. 8%
Objective: To examine the associations of coffee and tea consumption with risk of
morbidity and mortality of stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) and with all-cause
Methods and Results: Coffee and tea consumption were assessed with a validated food-
frequency questionnaire, and 37514 participants were observed for 13 years for the
occurrence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A U-shaped association between
coffee and CHD was found, with the lowest hazard ration (HR [95% CI] for 2.1 to 3.0 cups
per day (0.79 [0.65 to 0.96]). Tea was inversely associated with CHD, with the lowest HR
(95% CI) for more than 6.0 cups per day (0.64 [0.46 to 0.90]). No associations between tea
or coffee and stroke were found (p=0.63 and p=0.32, respectively). Coffee slightly reduced
the risk for CHD mortality (HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.37 to 1.11) for 3.1 to 6.0 cups per day. A
U-shaped association between tea and CHD mortality was observed, with an HR of 0.55
(95% CI, 0.31 to 0.97) for 3.1 to 6.0 cups per day. Neither coffee nor tea was associated
with stroke (p=0.22 and p=0.74, respectively) and all-cause mortality (p=0.33 and p=0.43,
Diadaptasi dari De Koning Gans et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010; 30:1665-71)
Studi di atas menemukan bahwa mereka yang mengkonsumsi kopi sebanyak 3.1 sampai
6.0 cangkir per hari mengalami penurunan risiko kematian akibat CHD (HR, 0.64;
95% CI, 0.37 sd 1.11).
Seorang pasien laki-laki 65 tahun, dengan keluhan pilek, hidung tersumbat disertai
nyeri kepala. Keluhan hilang timbul sejak 1 (satu) tahun terakhir. Hasil evaluasi yang
dilakukan memastikan pasien tersebut menderita Rinosinusitis yang disebabkan
karena infeksi jamur Aspergillus Sp. Berdasarkan pilihan pengobatan yang ada, Anda
menganjurkan tindakan operatif untuk mengatasi penyakit ini yang diketahui
mempunyai tingkat penyembuhan yang lebih baik dibandingkan pilihan lainnya yaitu
pemberian anti jamur jangka panjang. Pasien dan keluarga setuju untuk menjalani
operasi, namun mereka menanyakan kemungkinan komplikasi apabila pasien
menjalani operasi, menimbang faktor-faktor seperti usia pasien yang sudah lanjut,
memiliki beberapa penyakit lainnya, dan jenis jamur yang invasif.
Berdasarkan skenario klinis di atas, apa komponen P (population, patient)?
Berikut ini yang merupakan pertanyaan mengenai kesahihan suatu uji diagnostik
1. Ketersetaraan kelompok yang sakit (disease) dan yang tidak sakit (non disease)
2. Randomisasi
3. Melakukan analisis multivariat
4. Jumlah subyek yang loss to follow up
5. Penggunaan gold standar
6. SR-MA
Background: Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common childhood illness which may be
frequent and painful. AOM may be associated with tympanic membrane perforation and
can progress to chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of long-term antibiotics (six weeks or longer) in
preventing any AOM, AOM with perforation and CSOM.
Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue3) which includes the Acute Respiratory
Infections Group’s Specialised Register, MEDLINE (January 1966 to July Week 4, 2010),
OLD MEDLINE (1950 to 1965) and EMBASE (1990 to August 2010).
Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials of long-term antibiotics versus placebo or
no treatment for preventing AOM, AOM with perforation, or CSOM.
Apakah “P” pada systematic review di atas?
From August 2001 until July 2007, 310 GD patients attending the Endocrine Clinic at
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital agreed to the research project. Until
December 2010, 262 of the 310 patients (214 women and 48 men aged 38.1 ± 12.9 years)
had completed the treatment course and long enough follow-up after drug withdrawal to
determine treatment outcome. GD was diagnosed as when a patient had elevated serum
thyroxine (T4) and/or triiodothyronine (T3) and suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) levels, diffusely increased thyroidal uptake of technetium-99m or iodine-131, and
the presence of TSH-receptor antibodies and/or antimicrosomal antibodies. We excluded
patients with a history of radioiodine therapy or previous thyroid surgery. The 200 controls
(103 women and 97 men aged 51.9 ± 12.2 years) were recruited from the Health Screening
Center of the hospital. They had no clinical evidence or family history of any autoimmune
disease. Laboratory tests and physical examination found all controls to be euthyroid state
and have no obvious goiter. Informed consent was provided by all patients and controls.
This study adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Declaration of Helsinki and was
approved by the review board of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
Treatment and Follow-Up
The study group received methimazole 30 mg or propylthiouracil 300 mg daily. Dosage was
decreased to two-thirds or half of the initial dose when normal levels of T4 and T3 were
achieved, usually at 1–2 months after beginning treatment. The dose was then titrated
gradually to reach a maintenance dose of methimazole 5–10 mg or propylthiouracil 50–
100 mg daily by the third to fourth month. Low-dose block and replace therapy
(methimazole 5–10 mg together with L-thyroxine 50 μg) was used in 43 patients to
maintain euthyroid levels. Antithyroid drug treatment ranged from 1 to 3 years. Patients
who responded to treatment well and reached euthyoid state smoothly usually stopped the
medication after 12-month treatment. Patients who had big goiters and/or difficulty to
taper the dosage of drugs usually continued the medication for 24 or 36 months. After drug
therapy was stopped, patients were asked to return for follow-up studies every 3 months
during the first year and every 6 months afterwards. Relapse was defined as a recurrence
of symptoms of hyperthyroidism and laboratory data of serum T4 and/or T3 exceeding
normal range. The 262 patients were divided into three groups according to the time of
relapse. Early relapse group (n = 91) had an early relapse within 9 months after drug
therapy was ceased, those in late relapse group (n = 65) had a relapse between 10 and 36
months after drug therapy was ceased, and those in long-term remission group (n = 106)
were either still in remission after at least 3 years or relapsed after 3 years of drug
Evaluation of Patients
Clinical and laboratory evaluation included: the genotypes of CTLA-4, CD28, ICOS, and
CD40; serum levels of T4, T3 and TSH; goiter size and TSH-binding inhibitory Ig at the
beginning and end of treatment. Goiter size was determined by palpation and classified as:
grade 1, a palpable goiter not reaching the medial edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
grade 2, a palpable goiter reaching the sternocleidomastoid muscle but not exceeding the
lateral edge, and grade 3, a palpable goiter exceeding the lateral edge of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. Serum T4, T3, and TSH levels were measured by
radioimmunoassay, and TSH-receptor antibody was measured as TBII by radioreceptor
assay (TR-AB; CIS Bio International).
Information about the patients’ smoking habits was obtained by asking each patient, ‘Do
you or have you ever smoked daily?’ All who answered ‘yes’ were classified as smokers.
Smokers were defined as ex-smokers if they had refrained from smoking for more than 1
year; otherwise, they were considered current smokers. Only current smokers were defined
positive for smoking regardless of how much they smoked. 38 of the 39 smokers were male.
24 of the smokers were 40 years old or younger, and 15 were over 40 years old.
Allele frequencies were estimated by direct gene counting. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
was tested for each polymorphism by the χ2 test. Comparisons of individual clinical and
laboratory variables between early relapse, late relapse and long-term remission groups
were assessed by one-way ANOVA for the continuous data, and the χ2 test or Fisher exact
test for the categorical data. Cox proportional hazards models were performed to assess the
strength of association between the length of remission and the clinical and laboratory
variables. The Kaplan-Meier plot was used to compare patients who remained in remission
on MedCalc software. We used permutation to obtain empirical p value for each SNP as an
adjustment for multiple testing.
Bias yang tidak perlu dipertimbangkan pada penilaian jurnal di atas adalah:
1. Selection bias
2. Survival curve bias
3. Assembly bias
4. Generalizability bias
5. Susceptibility bias
Pada penilaian importance, variabel penelitian yang tidak bermakna sebagai prediktor
kejadian relaps berdasarkan jurnal tersebut adalah:
1. Jumlah alel risiko, kadar TSH-receptor antibody sesudah terapi, ukuran goiter sesudah
2. Tidak dapat ditentukan karena Tabel 4 tidak mencantumkan p value.
3. Pilihan antitiroid, durasi antitiroid, adanya oftalmopati.
4. Status merokok, ukuran goiter sesudah pengobatan, kadar TSH-receptor antibody
sesudah terapi.
5. Usia, status perkawinan, lama pemantauan.
9. SR-MA
Salah satu aspek penting pada sebuah systematic review adalah adanya penilaian
kualitas studi-studi primer yang diikutkan pada review tersebut. Pernyataan berikut
yang tepat mengenai penilaian kualitas studi pada systematic review tersebut adalah:
1. Hasil penilaian kualitas studi tidak perlu ditampilkan karena akan memperpanjang
naskah review
2. Penilaian kualitas studi dilakukan dengan menilai risiko bias
3. Studi yang kualitasnya tidak baik, tidak akan diikutkan pada review dan harus
4. Penilaian kualitas studi cukup dilakukan oleh satu orang yang berpengalaman
5. Semua studi yang berkualitas baik dapat langsung digabungkan pada meta-analisis
Objective: To examine the associations of coffee and tea consumption with risk of
morbidity and mortality of stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) and with all-cause
Methods and Results: Coffee and tea consumption were assessed with a validated food-
frequency questionnaire, and 37514 participants were observed for 13 years for the
occurrence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A U-shaped association between
coffee and CHD was found, with the lowest hazard ration (HR [95% CI] for 2.1 to 3.0 cups
per day (0.79 [0.65 to 0.96]). Tea was inversely associated with CHD, with the lowest HR
(95% CI) for more than 6.0 cups per day (0.64 [0.46 to 0.90]). No associations between tea
or coffee and stroke were found (p=0.63 and p=0.32, respectively). Coffee slightly reduced
the risk for CHD mortality (HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.37 to 1.11) for 3.1 to 6.0 cups per day. A
U-shaped association between tea and CHD mortality was observed, with an HR of 0.55
(95% CI, 0.31 to 0.97) for 3.1 to 6.0 cups per day. Neither coffee nor tea was associated
with stroke (p=0.22 and p=0.74, respectively) and all-cause mortality (p=0.33 and p=0.43,
Diadaptasi dari De Koning Gans et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010; 30:1665-71)
Berdasarkan informasi dari abstrak di atas, desain apa yang digunakan dalam
penelitian tersebut?
1. Kohort
2. Uji klinis
3. Serial kasus
4. Kasus-kontrol
5. Potong-lintang
1. Proporsi kejadian autisme pada pasangan tidak menggunakan IVF ialah 1,12
2. Proporsi kejadian autisme pada pasangan menggunakan IVF ialah 1,12
3. Dari 2.000 pasangan yang menggunakan IVF, hanya akan muncul 1 kejadian autisme
4. Kejadian autisme ditemukan pada 1,12 per 2.000 pasangan yang menggunakan IVF
5. Diperlukan 2.000 pasangan yang menggunakan IVF untuk mencegah 1 kejadian
For patients with Graves’ disease (GD), the primary goal of antithyroid drug therapy is
to temporarily restore the patient to the euthyroid state and wait for a subsequent
remission of the disease. This study sought to identify the predictive markers for the
relapse of disease.
From August 2001 until July 2007, 310 GD patients attending the Endocrine Clinic at
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital agreed to the research project. Until
December 2010, 262 of the 310 patients (214 women and 48 men aged 38.1 ± 12.9 years)
had completed the treatment course and long enough follow-up after drug withdrawal
to determine treatment outcome. GD was diagnosed as when a patient had elevated
serum thyroxine (T4) and/or triiodothyronine (T3) and suppressed thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH) levels, diffusely increased thyroidal uptake of technetium-99m or
iodine-131, and the presence of TSH-receptor antibodies and/or antimicrosomal
antibodies. We excluded patients with a history of radioiodine therapy or previous
thyroid surgery. The 200 controls (103 women and 97 men aged 51.9 ± 12.2 years) were
recruited from the Health Screening Center of the hospital. They had no clinical
evidence or family history of any autoimmune disease. Laboratory tests and physical
examination found all controls to be euthyroid state and have no obvious goiter.
Informed consent was provided by all patients and controls. This study adheres to the
guidelines set forth by the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the review
board of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
Treatment and Follow-Up
The study group received methimazole 30 mg or propylthiouracil 300 mg daily. Dosage
was decreased to two-thirds or half of the initial dose when normal levels of T4 and T3
were achieved, usually at 1–2 months after beginning treatment. The dose was then
titrated gradually to reach a maintenance dose of methimazole 5–10 mg or
propylthiouracil 50–100 mg daily by the third to fourth month. Low-dose block and
replace therapy (methimazole 5–10 mg together with L-thyroxine 50 μg) was used in 43
patients to maintain euthyroid levels. Antithyroid drug treatment ranged from 1 to 3
years. Patients who responded to treatment well and reached euthyoid state smoothly
usually stopped the medication after 12-month treatment. Patients who had big goiters
and/or difficulty to taper the dosage of drugs usually continued the medication for 24 or
36 months. After drug therapy was stopped, patients were asked to return for follow-up
studies every 3 months during the first year and every 6 months afterwards. Relapse
was defined as a recurrence of symptoms of hyperthyroidism and laboratory data of
serum T4 and/or T3 exceeding normal range. The 262 patients were divided into three
groups according to the time of relapse. Early relapse group (n = 91) had an early
relapse within 9 months after drug therapy was ceased, those in late relapse group (n =
65) had a relapse between 10 and 36 months after drug therapy was ceased, and those in
long-term remission group (n = 106) were either still in remission after at least 3 years
or relapsed after 3 years of drug withdrawal.
Evaluation of Patients
Clinical and laboratory evaluation included: the genotypes of CTLA-4, CD28, ICOS,
and CD40; serum levels of T4, T3 and TSH; goiter size and TSH-binding inhibitory Ig
at the beginning and end of treatment. Goiter size was determined by palpation and
classified as: grade 1, a palpable goiter not reaching the medial edge of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle; grade 2, a palpable goiter reaching the sternocleidomastoid
muscle but not exceeding the lateral edge, and grade 3, a palpable goiter exceeding the
lateral edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Serum T4, T3, and TSH levels were
measured by radioimmunoassay, and TSH-receptor antibody was measured as TBII by
radioreceptor assay (TR-AB; CIS Bio International).
Information about the patients’ smoking habits was obtained by asking each patient,
‘Do you or have you ever smoked daily?’ All who answered ‘yes’ were classified as
smokers. Smokers were defined as ex-smokers if they had refrained from smoking for
more than 1 year; otherwise, they were considered current smokers. Only current
smokers were defined positive for smoking regardless of how much they smoked. 38 of
the 39 smokers were male. 24 of the smokers were 40 years old or younger, and 15 were
over 40 years old.
Allele frequencies were estimated by direct gene counting. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
was tested for each polymorphism by the χ2 test. Comparisons of individual clinical and
laboratory variables between early relapse, late relapse and long-term remission groups
were assessed by one-way ANOVA for the continuous data, and the χ2 test or Fisher
exact test for the categorical data. Cox proportional hazards models were performed to
assess the strength of association between the length of remission and the clinical and
laboratory variables. The Kaplan-Meier plot was used to compare patients who
remained in remission on MedCalc software. We used permutation to obtain empirical
p value for each SNP as an adjustment for multiple testing.[/b]
Penilaian yang tepat terhadap validitas jurnal sesuai yang tertera pada bagian metode
jurnal tersebut akan mempertimbangkan hal-hal berikut:
13. SR-MA
Background: Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common childhood illness which may be
frequent and painful. AOM may be associated with tympanic membrane perforation and
can progress to chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of long-term antibiotics (six weeks or longer) in
preventing any AOM, AOM with perforation and CSOM.
Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue3) which includes the Acute Respiratory
Infections Group’s Specialised Register, MEDLINE (January 1966 to July Week 4, 2010),
OLD MEDLINE (1950 to 1965) and EMBASE (1990 to August 2010).
Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials of long-term antibiotics versus placebo or
no treatment for preventing AOM, AOM with perforation, or CSOM.
Misalkan SR ini berasal dari studi yang valid dengan heterogenitas yang rendah, dan
hasil SR ini akan diterapkan pada tempat praktek Anda. Diketahui bahwa risiko
terjadinya AOM, AOM perforasi, atau CSOM pada anak yang tidak menerima terapi
antibiotik di tempat praktek Anda adalah 60%. Berapakah absolute risk reduction
kejadian AOM, AOM perforasi atau CSOM saat intervensi dalam kelompok antibiotik
dari kelompok plasebo?
1. 36,6%
2. 19,0%
3. 35,0%
4. 34.2%
5. 55,7%
Jika kita ingin mencari artikel mengenai efektivitas injeksi kortikosteroid untuk
pengobatan osteoarthritis, kombinasi kata kunci yang paling sesuai, adalah:
15. SR-MA
Informasi apa yang tidak terdapat pada forrest plot hasil dari suatu meta-analisis?
16. SR-MA
Background: Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common childhood illness which may be
frequent and painful. AOM may be associated with tympanic membrane perforation and
can progress to chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of long-term antibiotics (six weeks or longer) in
preventing any AOM, AOM with perforation and CSOM.
Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue3) which includes the Acute Respiratory
Infections Group’s Specialised Register, MEDLINE (January 1966 to July Week 4, 2010),
OLD MEDLINE (1950 to 1965) and EMBASE (1990 to August 2010).
Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials of long-term antibiotics versus placebo or
no treatment for preventing AOM, AOM with perforation, or CSOM.
Misalkan SR ini berasal dari studi yang valid dengan heterogenitas yang rendah, dan
hasil SR ini akan diterapkan pada tempat praktek Anda. Diketahui bahwa risiko
terjadinya AOM, AOM perforasi, atau CSOM pada anak yang tidak menerima terapi
antibiotik di tempat praktek Anda adalah 60%. Untuk dapat mendapatkan
berkurangnya 1 angka kejadian AOM, AOM perforasi atau CSOM, berapakah jumlah
anak yang harus diberikan antibiotika?
1. 6
2. 3
3. 5
4. 2
5. 10
Number of Relapse Risk Alleles and Time of Recurrence after Drug Withdrawal
Of the GD patients with known times of relapse in this series, they were divided into
three subgroups according to the numbers of risk alleles they harbored: 0–1 risk alleles
(90 cases), 2 risk alleles (138 cases), and 3–5 risk alleles (19 cases). The proportion of
patients remaining in remission was calculated with Kaplan-Meier plot. We found a
significant difference among the subgroups (p = 0.0008) (fig. (fig.11).
Penilaian importance yang dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan hasil di atas adalah:
1. Median waktu remisi subyek yang memiliki 3-5 alel risiko lebih panjang
dibandingkan subyek yang memiliki 3-5 alel risiko.
2. Median waktu relaps terpendek didapatkan pada subyek yang memiliki 3-5 alel risiko.
3. Jumlah alel risiko berkorelasi dengan kejadian relaps.
4. Probabilitas perbedaan waktu remisi antara subyek berdasarkan alel yang dimiliki
semata-mata hanya karena kebetulan sebesar lebih dari 0.08%.
5. Peneliti 95% yakin bahwa jumlah subyek terbanyak adalah subyek dengan 2 alel
Pada saat menuliskan kata kunci dalam pencarian di database, di antara komponen
kata kunci P, I, C, O, sebaiknya kita menambahkan:
1. Wildcards
2. Boolean OR
3. Boolean AND
4. MeSH term
5. Truncation
19. EBCR
1. Tidak ada komponen C (comparison) pada PICO berdasarkan skenario klinik di atas
2. Pasien dengan kultur empedu negatif
3. Tubex
4. Pasien non Deman Tifoid
5. Kultur empedu
Anda bekerja di suatu unit ginekologi RSUD Banten. Seorang perempuan, 46 tahun,
baru saja mengalami pengangkatan benjolan kecil payudara yang ternyata adalah
suatu kanker (stage: pT1, p N0, M0). Saat mengetahui diagnosis tersebut, perempuan
tersebut sangat kecewa dan ingin mengetahui berapa lama harapan hidupnya tanpa
pemberian terapi tambahan. Anda tidak yakin apakah harapan hidup pasien akan
berkurang setelah berhasil menjalani operasi namun tanpa terapi tambahan. Bila
berkurang pun, Anda tidak yakin seberapa banyak.
1. Dalam suatu studi multisenter yang besar, 3600 perempuan dengan kanker payudara
dirandomisasi dalam 2 kelompok setelah operasi pengangkatan kanker. Satu kelompok
mendapatkan radioterapi, dan kelompok lain mendapatkan kemoterapi ajuvan. Survival
rates kedua kelompok dilaporkan.
2. Seorang ketua departemen yang baru saja pensiun mengumpulan seluruh kasus
perempuan dengan T1-karsinoma yang telah dioperasinya sepanjang perjalanan kariernya.
Sebuah jurnal terkenal mempublikasi pengalaman pribadinya dalam suatu edisi spesial di
hari ulang tahun ke-65 dokter tersebut. Tidak ada satu pun pasiennya yang meninggal
dengan cepat.
3. Sebuah departemen patologi dari suatu fakultas kedokteran yang terkenal membuat
daftar seluruh kasus otopsi dengan operasi pengangkatan kanker payudara pada masa
sebelumnya. Survival rate dihitung berdasarkan perbedaan waktu operasi dan waktu pasien
meninggal, dan dilaporkan untuk berbagai stadium tumor.
4. Di kota di suatu negara bagian di Jerman, seluruh departemen ginekologi
berpartisipasi dalam suatu penelitian lokal. Semua perempuan yang menjalani tindakan
operasi pengangkatan benjolan ganas payudara didaftar dan stadium tumornya dicatat.
Setiap sekali setahun, para perempuan ini dihubungi kembali untuk melihat apakah mereka
masih hidup atau tidak. Survival rate berdasarkan tingkat stadium tumor dilaporkan.
5. Di sebuah kota kecil di Inggris, semua perempuan di atas 49 tahun diwawancara
mengenai apakah mereka telah menjalani operasi pengangkatan kanker payudara. Tingkat
mortalitas dari berbagai stadium tumor dihitung untuk seluruh perempuan dengan riwayat
positif operasi pengangkatan kanker payudara.
1. 41,9%
2. 36,9%
3. 89,4%
4. Tidak dapat dihitung berdasarkan informasi di atas
5. 41,25%
23. SR-MA
Background: Acute otitis media (AOM) is a common childhood illness which may be
frequent and painful. AOM may be associated with tympanic membrane perforation and
can progress to chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of long-term antibiotics (six weeks or longer) in
preventing any AOM, AOM with perforation and CSOM.
Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
(CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2010, Issue3) which includes the Acute Respiratory
Infections Group’s Specialised Register, MEDLINE (January 1966 to July Week 4, 2010),
OLD MEDLINE (1950 to 1965) and EMBASE (1990 to August 2010).
Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials of long-term antibiotics versus placebo or
no treatment for preventing AOM, AOM with perforation, or CSOM.
Pernyataan yang benar mengenai heterogeneity pada meta-analisis di atas adalah:
1. Tidak terdapat heterogeneity karena jumlah studi yang dilibatkan cukup banyak
2. Terdapat heterogeneity yang signifikan antar studi dengan jumlah subyek kecil
3. Terdapat heterogeneity yang signifikan antar seluruh studi
4. Terdapat heterogeneity karena rentang waktu studi pertama dan terakhir cukup lama
5. Tidak terdapat heterogeneity karena interval kepercayaan 95% dari pooled effect
tidak berada pada garis no effect (risk ratio 1)
24. PICO
Saat ini ketogenic diet sedang menjadi salah satu trend modalitas diet yang banyak
digunakan sebagai upaya untuk menurunkan berat badan pada penderita obesitas.
Ketogenic diet merupakan metode diet yang mengatur kandungan pola makan tinggi
lemak, protein sedang dan karbohidrat yang sangat rendah. Saat Anda praktik, pasien
menanyakan apakah melakukan ketogenic diet untuk jangka waktu yang lama aman
digunakan dibandingkan dengan tipe diet lainnya, karena dia membaca informasi di
sosial media bahwa ketogenic diet dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati di
kemudian hari.
Formulasi pertanyaan klinis yang terbaik berdasarkan skenario klinis tersebut adalah:
1. Apakah ketogenic diet dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati?
2. Pada pasien dewasa apakah ketogenic diet efektif dalam menurunkan berat badan
pasien obesitas?
3. Pada pasien dewasa apakah ketogenic diet menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati?
4. Apakah ketogenic diet jangka panjang yang dilakukan oleh pasien obesitas dewasa
menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati?
5. Pada pasien dewasa dengan obesitas apakah ketogenic diet dibandingkan dengan low
fat diet efektif dalam menurunkan berat badan?
1. 30%
2. 97%
3. 86%
4. 83%
5. 75%
Salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan spesifisitas dalam strategi pencarian adalah:
Bagian metode dalam Evidence-based case report (EBCR) memuat antara lain:
Seorang istri datang kepada Anda untuk berkonsultasi mengenai kebiasaan merokok
suaminya yang sulit dihentikan. Sang istri sangat khawatir, terlebih karena ia sedang
hamil 8 bulan anak pertama saat ini. Ia pun bertanya, apakah asap rokok tersebut
dapat berpengaruh terhadap pernapasan bayinya kelak.
Dari sebuah studi kohort prospektif, diketahui bahwa proporsi kejadian bayi dengan
mengi pada kelompok orang tua yang merokok ialah 75%, sementara proporsi
kejadian bayi dengan mengi pada kelompok orang tua yang tidak merokok ialah 40%.
Berapakah risiko relatif (RR) yang dapat diperoleh?
1. 0,9
2. 1,87
3. 1,63
4. 1,98
5. 2,9
30. SR-MA
Suatu systematic review berjudul “Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Botulinum Toxin
A Therapy in Trigeminal Neuralgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials” menggambarkan deskripsi pencarian dan pemilihan
studi sebagai berikut:
Search Strategy
Ten electronic search engines/libraries were systematically searched for relevant
publications, including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Virtual Health
Library (VHL), WHO Global Health Library (GHL), ClinicalTrials, POPLINE, System for
Information on Grey Literature in Europe (SIGLE), and the New York Academy of
Medicine (NYAM). Additionally, we conducted a manual search by reviewing the citations
within the included publications and reviewing the related references presented in
Excerpt from: Morra ME, Elgebaly A, Elmaraezy A, Khalil AM, Altibi AM, Vu TL, et al.
Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Botulinum Toxin A Therapy in Trigeminal Neuralgia: a
systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Headache Pain.
Saat ini ketogenic diet sedang menjadi salah satu trend modalitas diet yang banyak
digunakan sebagai upaya untuk menurunkan berat badan pada penderita obesitas.
Ketogenic diet merupakan metode diet yang mengatur kandungan pola makan tinggi
lemak, protein sedang dan karbohidrat yang sangat rendah. Saat Anda praktik, pasien
menanyakan apakah melakukan ketogenic diet untuk jangka waktu yang lama aman
digunakan dibandingkan dengan tipe diet lainnya, karena dia membaca informasi di
sosial media bahwa ketogenic diet dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati di
kemudian hari.
Kriteria eligibilitas yang dapat disusun untuk komponen C adalah:
32. PICO
Seorang pasien, laki-laki 65 tahun, dengan keluhan pilek, hidung tersumbat disertai
nyeri kepala. Keluhan hilang timbul sejak 1 (satu) tahun terakhir. Hasil evaluasi yang
dilakukan memastikan pasien tersebut menderita Rinosinusitis yang disebabkan
karena infeksi jamur Aspergillus Sp. Berdasarkan pilihan pengobatan yang ada, Anda
menganjurkan tindakan operatif untuk mengatasi penyakit ini yang diketahui
mempunyai tingkat penyembuhan yang lebih baik dibandingkan pilihan lainnya yaitu
pemberian anti jamur jangka panjang. Pasien dan keluarga setuju untuk menjalani
operasi, namun mereka menanyakan kemungkinan komplikasi apabila pasien
menjalani operasi, menimbang faktor-faktor seperti usia pasien yang sudah lanjut,
memiliki beberapa penyakit lainnya, dan jenis jamur yang invasif.
Apakah studi desain penelitian terbaik untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut di atas?
1. Cohort
2. Cross sectional
3. RCT
4. Case series
5. Case Control
Objective: To examine the associations of coffee and tea consumption with risk of
morbidity and mortality of stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) and with all-cause
Methods and Results: Coffee and tea consumption were assessed with a validated food-
frequency questionnaire, and 37514 participants were observed for 13 years for the
occurrence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. A U-shaped association between
coffee and CHD was found, with the lowest hazard ration (HR [95% CI] for 2.1 to 3.0
cups per day (0.79 [0.65 to 0.96]). Tea was inversely associated with CHD, with the
lowest HR (95% CI) for more than 6.0 cups per day (0.64 [0.46 to 0.90]). No associations
between tea or coffee and stroke were found (p=0.63 and p=0.32, respectively). Coffee
slightly reduced the risk for CHD mortality (HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.37 to 1.11) for 3.1 to
6.0 cups per day. A U-shaped association between tea and CHD mortality was observed,
with an HR of 0.55 (95% CI, 0.31 to 0.97) for 3.1 to 6.0 cups per day. Neither coffee nor
tea was associated with stroke (p=0.22 and p=0.74, respectively) and all-cause mortality
(p=0.33 and p=0.43, respectively).
Diadaptasi dari De Koning Gans et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010; 30:1665-
1. Terapi
2. Diagnosis
3. Prognosis
4. Review sistematis
5. Etiologi
Latar belakang: Lorazepam bukal dan diazepam rektal digunakan dalam tata laksana
inisial kejang pada anak. Penelitian yang membandingkan efektivitas penggunaan
lorazepam bukal dan diazepam rektal sejauh ini belum pernah dilakukan pada anak di
Tujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas pengobatan lorazepam bukal dibandingkan
diazepam rektal dalam tata laksana inisial kejang pada anak.
Metoda: Penelitian ini adalah uji klinis acak terbuka pada anak kejang berusia 6 bulan-
6 tahun, sebelum mendapat obat antikonvulsan untuk menghentikan kejang. Subyek
penelitian menerima lorazepam bukal atau diazepam rektal berdasarkan randomisasi.
Parameter keberhasilan terapi adalah kemampuan obat untuk menghentikan kejang
tanpa efek samping yang berarti dan kecepatan obat menghentikan kejang. Efek
samping diobservasi setelah pemberian obat.
Hasil: Lorazepam bukal efektif menghentikan kejang pada 18 dari 22 pasien,
sedangkan diazepam rektal efektif menghentikan kejang pada 20 dari 22 pasien. Tidak
dijumpai efek samping akibat pemakaian lorazepam bukal maupun diazepam rektal.
Dikutip dan dimodifikasi dari: Sari Pediatri, Vol. 8, No. 4, Maret 2007: 265 – 269
Pada saat melakukan telaah kritis, untuk menilai adanya measurement bias, Anda
menilai apakah peneliti telah melakukan blinding. Dalam penelitian tersebut, pihak
yang perlu dan dalam penerapannya memungkinkan untuk dibuat tersamar (blinding)
terhadap jenis intervensi yang diberikan adalah:
35. PICO
Saat ini ketogenic diet sedang menjadi salah satu trend modalitas diet yang banyak
digunakan sebagai upaya untuk menurunkan berat badan pada penderita obesitas.
Ketogenic diet merupakan metode diet yang mengatur kandungan pola makan tinggi
lemak, protein sedang dan karbohidrat yang sangat rendah. Saat Anda praktik, pasien
menanyakan apakah melakukan ketogenic diet untuk jangka waktu yang lama aman
digunakan dibandingkan dengan tipe diet lainnya, karena dia membaca informasi di
sosial media bahwa ketogenic diet dapat menyebabkan gangguan fungsi hati di
kemudian hari.
Kategori pertanyaan klinis yang tepat berdasarkan skenario di atas adalah
1. Prevalence
2. Therapy
3. Prognosis
4. Etiology/harm
5. Diagnosis
Seorang wanita datang ke klinik anda dan meminta pendapat anda mengenai tindakan
mastektomi yang dilakukan oleh artis mancanegara, Angelina Jolie. Dia memiliki latar
belakang yang sama dengan artis tersebut dimana ibu dan beberapa kerabat dekatnya
telah wafat oleh karena kanker payudara. Dia menanyakan kepada anda apakah
operasi preventif mastektomi akan memberikan manfaat pada dirinya.
Objective: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for chronic fatigue syndrome was
compared with relaxation.
Method: Sixty patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were randomly assigned to 13
sessions of either cognitive behavior therapy (graded activity and cognitive
restructuring) or relaxation. Outcome was evaluated by using measures of functional
impairment, fatigue, mood and global improvement.
Results: Randomization revealed equal number subjects into two groups. Treatment
was completed by 53 patients (26 in the CBT group and 27 in the control group).
Functional impairment and fatigue improved more in the group that received cognitive
behavior therapy. At final follow-up, 69% or the completers in the cognitive behavior
therapy group achieved good outcomes (substantial improvement in physical
functioning) compared with 19% of those in the relaxation group who completed
Conclusions: CBT was more effective than a relaxation control in the management of
patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Improvements were sustained over 6 months of
follow up.
Jika studi di atas adalah studi pertama yang mengevaluasi efektivitas CBT pada pasien
dengan chronic fatigue syndrome, desain apakah yang mungkin digunakan oleh
penelitian sebelumnya yang level-of-evidence nya berada satu tingkat di bawahnya?
Objective: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for chronic fatigue syndrome was
compared with relaxation.
Method: Sixty patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were randomly assigned to 13
sessions of either cognitive behavior therapy (graded activity and cognitive
restructuring) or relaxation. Outcome was evaluated by using measures of functional
impairment, fatigue, mood and global improvement.
Results: Randomization revealed equal number subjects into two groups. Treatment
was completed by 53 patients (26 in the CBT group and 27 in the control group).
Functional impairment and fatigue improved more in the group that received cognitive
behavior therapy. At final follow-up, 69% or the completers in the cognitive behavior
therapy group achieved good outcomes (substantial improvement in physical
functioning) compared with 19% of those in the relaxation group who completed
Conclusions: CBT was more effective than a relaxation control in the management of
patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Improvements were sustained over 6 months of
follow up.
Berdasarkan informasi yang tercantum pada abstrak, kriteria validitas manakah yang
bisa dipastikan tidak dipenuhi oleh studi tersebut?
1. Blinding
2. Randomisasi
3. Intention to treat analysis
4. Pembanding yang independent
5. Follow-up cukup panjang
Objective: Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for chronic fatigue syndrome was
compared with relaxation.
Method: Sixty patients with chronic fatigue syndrome were randomly assigned to 13
sessions of either cognitive behavior therapy (graded activity and cognitive
restructuring) or relaxation. Outcome was evaluated by using measures of functional
impairment, fatigue, mood and global improvement.
Results: Randomization revealed equal number subjects into two groups. Treatment
was completed by 53 patients (26 in the CBT group and 27 in the control group).
Functional impairment and fatigue improved more in the group that received cognitive
behavior therapy. At final follow-up, 69% or the completers in the cognitive behavior
therapy group achieved good outcomes (substantial improvement in physical
functioning) compared with 19% of those in the relaxation group who completed
Conclusions: CBT was more effective than a relaxation control in the management of
patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Improvements were sustained over 6 months of
follow up.
40. EBCR
Anda memutuskan untuk menyusun suatu EBCR untuk mengelaborasi bukti tentang
akurasi rapid diagnostic test dalam mendiagnosis Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Jika
Anda ingin menggambarkan critical appraisal yang telah Anda lakukan dalam laporan
tersebut, di bagian manakah hal tersebut harus Anda deskripsikan?
1. Metode
2. Kesimpulan
3. Hasil
4. Skenario klinik
5. Diskusi