Psalm 100
Psalm 100
Psalm 100
Let us all consider the bounty we enjoy and to Whom we owe our Thanks. I am not
sure who will read this blog entry but I know whom I give Thanks! I know that
Atheist have no one to thank and will not admit the b ounty they enjoy c omes from a
source othe r than man. I dare not try to convince d the m of their folly. But for all
who rea d this and kno w there is a God, this blog entry is for you! I will attempt to
illuminate a deep nee d in our Churche s today. Where is the Gratitude ? Where is the
shouting for joy? W here is the crying w ith happiness? W here is the Love for our
Creato r? Mayb e you do no t see a p roblem with your C hurch. M y observa tion of the
people w ithin my parish is somew hat discoura ging. I hear more c omplaints and
murmurings than rejoicing and contentment. Church seems to be a place of joy
suckers rather than joy givers ! I do not intend to feel so rry for myself or belittle the
folks within the Church, but only to point to a great need! Psalm 100 is the focus of
this devotion.
1 A psa lm. For giving thanks. Shout for jo y to the LOR D, all the ea rth.
To giving thanks is the simplest of things. Did you know that it is the Will of
God for you to always give Thanks? Every circumstance and situation should be
first handled with Thanksgiving. Trouble, heartache, illness, pain and even death can
be a time to give Thanks. It says SHOUT for JOY to the LORD. Maybe we as
Christians nee d to get a little row dy at times as we sho ut to the Lord from the
gratitude of our hearts! The Hebrew word for joy is; to split the ear s (with sound),
i.e. shout (for alarm or joy). M aking a jo yful noise to the Lord doe s not count if
only you can hear it. I am not saying that God is deaf, only that many around you
are whe n it comes to the Lord! We a s God s peop le should be the most joyful
people o n the Earth for the G reat Things He has Do ne! He has be stowe d upon us
Salvation thro ugh His So n Jesus Christ w ithout cost to you! G od has given us His
Holy Spirit to wo rk in and through us to bring about His W ill and Purpose for o ur
lives, which includes Joy. He re are a few thoughts a bout ingratitude and
complaining. 1). C onstant co mplaint is the poore st sort of pa y for all the comforts
we enjo y. -Franklin 2). Ten minutes ' praying is better than a year's murmuring.
-Spurgeon 3). Ingratitude dries up the fountain of all goodness. -Richelieu 4). A
pessimist is one who feels b ad whe n he feels good for fear he'll feel worse w hen he
feels better. -Anonymous Let us be Thankful and Joyful and not be joy suckers!
2 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.
The Hebrew word used for worship denote being in bondage. Worship or
serving the Lord is the Purpose of our existence ! If we fail to be enslaved by the
Glory of God in Christ Jesus then we fail at Worship. Jesus is the object of devotion
to C hristians! Chris t gives us the E ternal Sp irit to lead us into True Spiritual worship
of the Eternal Fathe r. John 4, te aches us this awes ome Truth! Now to addre ss the
attitude of gladness. Think for a moment about your personal worship time, not
corporate worship with other believers, but intimate worship. Soul Worship! Do you
come to God with gladness? The Hebrew word for gladness is; blithesomeness or
glee, (religious or festival):--X e xceeding(-ly), gladne ss, joy(-fulness ), mirth,
pleasure, rejoice(-ing). N otice, w hen we c ome to G od it should be festive and
pleasureful! There is a time for brokendness and sorrow in our hearts, but not when
it come to worship ! Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ! Sing w ith Glee! Triumph full
worship w ill lift your soul beyond the physical and elevate your re lationship with the
Living God!
3 Know that the LOR D is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his
people, the sheep of his pasture.
When w e do co me before H is Glorious Pre sence in w orship let us alw ays
remember the He is God. That He is Holy, Pure, Righteous and the Bestower of
Grace and Mercy! He is our Creator and He alone through His Son Jesus Christ
gives us Substance! He bought us with His own Blood, shed on the Cross, and we
are His! Jesus has given acc ess to H is Father and the Comforter for o ur
Empow erment! Revelation 4 :11 "You a re worthy, our Lord and God, to receive
glory and honor and pow er, for you created a ll things, and by your will they were
created and have their being." That is why we are here! Jesus is our Shepherd. He
leads us beside Still waters. He Restore our Souls and fills our cups! Know Him or
die is the theme o f the Bible. So, d o you know Him?
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts w ith praise ; give thanks to him
and praise his name.
Mak e no mistake , Jesus and only Jes us, has given us the Freedo m to enter the
Throne of Grace. We cannot enter the Most Holy Place without first being Washed
in His Bloo d! So whe n we ente r, come with Thanksgiving! Praye r is the topic o f this
verse and we should, as Jesus instructed us in His Model Prayer, come with praise
on our lips. His c ourt is set and His Holiness is R uling on our behalf by the
Righteous acts of His Son! Hallowed is His Name! If there was ever a pressing need
within the hearts o f men, this is it! Reverence and Praise are due H is Name! Let us
neve r come to His T hrone with grumbling s and co mplaints w ithout first giving H is
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues
through all generations.
The Lord of He aven, Lo rd of Earth is a lways G OO D! Everything He do es is
for our Good. He never acts out of Character. His Character is always Holy, Pure,
Gracious, Merciful, Just and Loving! No one is good, no not one is the theme of
Romans 3. But through H is Great Lo ve for us He s ent His only bego tten Son to
carry our sins to the Cross and shed His life s Blood to make us the Righteousness
of God the Father! He alone is G ood! He alone is Loving without strings! He alone
is faithful to all mankind! This is fo r all time, from Eternity to Eternity, witho ut e nd!
So, have you giving Him Thanks yet? Do you know Him who Created you? Praise
His Holy Name! Jeshua, Jesus, Master, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace is whom
I serve, whom do you Worship?