FunWay Scope&Sequence Level2

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To greet someone and introduce oneself.
To give and carry out commands.
To listen to a song and sing along.
To revise vocabulary related to feelings and school objects.
1 WELCOME BACK! To revise numbers 0-10 and colours.
To describe people.
To talk about families.

To introduce the rooms in the house.

To activate previous knowledge and predict ideas of a story.
To listen to a song and sing along.
2 MY HOUSE To revise family members.
To identify the location of people and objects in the house.
To describe a house.
To identify furniture.
To ask and answer where people are in the house.

REVIEW 1 & 2
To identify food items.
To make predictions about a story.
3 I’M HUNGRY! To listen for specific information.
To listen to a song and sing along.
To ask and answer about likes and dislikes.
To express likes and dislikes.

To identify places in town.

To recognise means of transport.
To listen to a story.
To understand the use of traffic lights and rules.
4 MY TOWN To describe the location of objects and people.
To ask and answer about the location of objects and people.
To count to twenty.
To suggest going to places.
To listen to a song and sing along.

REVIEW 3 & 4
To recognise vocabulary related to amusement parks.
To recognise numbers from 0 to 50.
To ask and answer about age.
5 HOW OLD ARE To identify the months of the year.
To recognise seasons.
YOU? To ask and answer about birthdays.
To identify temperature.
To ask and answer about holidays.
To listen to a song and sing along.

To identify actions performed with the body.

To talk about abilities.
To ask and answer about abilities.
6 I CAN DO IT! To recognise the senses and what can be perceived.
To read and listen to descriptions.
To listen to a song and sing along.

REVIEW 5 & 6
Greetings and farewells: Hi!; Good morning; Bye! Hi! Good morning! Bye! Protecting animals
Commands: stand up, touch your knees, sit What’s your name? My name is (Jenny). Being friendly
down, raise your hand, close your eyes, open the Touch your knees. Sharing with your
door, point at the floor How are you today? I’m (fine) today! family
Feelings: happy, sad, angry, sick, tired, fine What colour is (the notebook)? (The notebook) is
Numbers: 0-10 orange.
Colours: blue, pink, yellow, green, purple, My brother has got brown hair.
brown, orange, red, black
School objects: pencil sharpener, eraser,
schoolbag, notebook, pencil, pen, book

Places in the house: bedroom, bathroom, living Where is the pumpkin? In the (garden). Understanding and
room, kitchen, garden, garage Where is my (father)? He is in the (bedroom). respecting different
This is the (garden). types of homes
Furniture: table, door, bed, chair, desk, lamp, There is a (kitchen). There are (three bedrooms). Keeping your
sofa There isn’t (a garage). bedroom clean

Food items: cheese, bread, banana, orange, rice, I’m very hungry. Respecting others'
beans, corn, broccoli, lettuce, apple, butter, jam, Do you like (jam)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. likes and dislikes
ham, coffee, milk, fish I like (cheese). Playing fair
I don’t like (fish). Having a balanced
(Grapes) are delicious! diet

Places: market, park, club, zoo, school, home, Let’s go to (the forest). Respecting and
forest Look at the traffic lights! being kind to
Where is the boy? He’s in (the park). animals
Means of transport: car, bus, lorry Where are the animals? They are (under the tree). Warning others
Where are you? I’m (in the classroom). about dangerous
Prepositions: in, on, under situations
Numbers: 0-20 Respecting traffic

amusement park, roller coaster, bumper car What’s your name? My name is (Pedro). Staying safe while
Numbers: 0-50 How old are you? I’m (nineteen). having fun
Months of the year When is your birthday? In March. Celebrating
The seasons Her / His birthday is in (June). important dates
Temperature: cold, warm, hot It’s (cold).
Holidays: New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Is it hot in winter? No, it isn’t.
Women’s Day, Earth Day, Labour Day, Flag Is it warm in spring? Yes, it is.
Day, Independence Day, Teacher’s Day, Cultural
Diversity Day, National Heritage Day, Christmas

Actions: drink, swim, read, eat, sing, jump, What can you do? Respecting
dance, talk, walk, fly, count, hear, see, smell, I can (jump). I can’t (play tennis). different abilities
touch, taste Can you read? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Being a good
What can she / he / they do? She / He / They can (dance). listener
Puppet, puppeteer, puppet show She / He / They can’t (play football).
Can she / he / they (sing)? Yes, she / he / they can.
No, she / he / they can’t.
I can see with my eyes.

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