TG Oral Com

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Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales

SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Fundamentals of Communication

CONTENT STANDARDS The learner will be able to understand the nature and elements of oral communication in context

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will be able to design and perform effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Defines communication

2. Explains the nature and process of communication
3. Differentiates the various models of communication
4. Distinguishes the unique feature (s) of one communication process from the other.
5. Explains why there is a breakdown of communication
6. Uses various strategies in order to avoid communication breakdown.
7. Demonstrates sensitivity to the socio-cultural dimension of communication situation

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. explain the nature and process of communication;

2. differentiate various models of communication;
3. discuss functions of communication;
4. practice verbal and Non Verbal Communication during social interactions;
5. explain why there is a breakdown of communication
6. apply strategies in overcoming
7. practice effective communication skills;
8. evaluate the effectiveness of an Oral Communication
9. practice learning and thinking skills, life skills and ICT literacy; and
TIME ALLOTMENT 1 week, 2 days (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (20 minutes) Teacher Tip

The teacher will ask his students to form groups of five. They are going to create a two-minute group presentation that reflects their understanding of
what “communication” is all about.


1. Is effective communication important? Why or why not?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (2 hours and 35 minutes) Teacher’s Tip:

1. The teacher will discuss the nature and elements of communication.

2. The teacher will ask his students to explain the different models of communication presented in different diagrams.
3. The teacher explains the functions as well as the Features of Effective Communication.
4. The teacher will present a semantic web of “communication” and the class will complete the concepts.

PRACTICE (1 hour) Teacher’s Tip

Day 1

The student will stand up. They will think of one fact that they know about communication and they will share it with the rest of the class. Once they
have share something, they can sit down and listen to other presenters in the class.

Day 2:

They will be group. They will study the Schramm Model; and answer the following questions.

1. What has Schramm added to the Shannon-Weaver Model?

2. Is the new model more comprehensive?
3. Why do you think so?
4. How is it different from or similar to the Transaction Model?
Day 3:

The teacher will divide the class into three groups. This activity follows the format of a charades game, and the objective is to guess unknown words
in the shortest time possible.

Day 4:

The teacher will randomly ask you a question. Once his turn comes, he has to stand in front and answer the teacher’s question, which may range
from life goals to personal favorites. After he answers, his teacher will give a follow-up question which he has to answer as well. Then he will assign
two members of the class to respond to his answer.


A. With the same group, they will perform a five- minute presentation of their favorite scene from an English Movie, TV Series, or Musical or Non-
musical stage play. The chosen scene should show how one or more barriers to communication lead to miscommunication. They have 20 minutes to
plan and organize.

B. With your group mates, discuss the following:

1. Was there a lack of communication or miscommunication within your group when you organized and performed your tasks? What are these?

2. Why do you think this happened?

3. Why are the barriers to communication that occurred?
4. What strategies did you use to avoid the barriers and miscommunication?

Reinforcement Activity A

Observe two of your classes other than English. Find out the nature, process, elements, and models of communication exemplified in each class.
Using a maximum of 500 words, write a report about your observation. Use the following format : font 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.

Oral Communication Activity:

Imagine that you are addressing a group of parents and teachers in an assembly on understanding your generation known as the “Millennial

1. Prepare a two-minute speech that communicates your ideas about the topic.
2. Your speech should highlight who the millennials are and how they are different from other generations.
3. Before the speech delivers, find a partner.
4. Evaluate each other’s speech deliveries using the rubrics below.
5. Write the strong and week points of the presentation in the succeeding table.

Rubrics for Evaluating Speech Presentation

CRITERIA VGE (5) GE (4) SE (3) LE (2) N (1)

1. The ideas in the presentation are organized.
2. The message is expressed clearly.
3. There are sufficient supporting ideas.
4. The choice of words is appropriate for the audience.
5. Biases are avoided.
6. Speech is free from grammatical mistakes.
7. Ideas are communicated vividly and meaningfully.
8. Nonverbal cues are appropriate.

Legend: VGE – Very Great Extent; GE – Great Extent; SE – Some Extent; LE – Little Extent; N – not at all
Scoring: VGE- 33-40; GE – 25-32; SE – 17-24; LE – 9-16; N- 8
Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Functions of Communication

CONTENT STANDARDS The learner will be able to value the functions/purposes of oral communication.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will be able to write a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and
listened to.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Discusses the functions of communication

2. Identifies the speaker’s purpose(s)
3. Watches and listens to sample oral communication activities
4. ascertains the verbal and nonverbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve his/her purpose.
5. Comprehends various kinds of oral texts
6. Identifies strategies used by each speaker to convey his / her ideas effectively
7. Evaluates the effectiveness of an oral communication activity

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. discuss the functions of communication;

2. identify the speaker’s purpose(s)
3. evaluate the effectiveness of an oral communication activity.

TIME ALLOTMENT 1 week, (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Peña, Andrew Rey S. & Anudin, Ali G. Oral Communication. Vibal Group Inc. Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (25 minutes) Teacher Tip

The teacher will ask his students to form a group with five members and choose a song. Replace the lyrics of the song to express their emotions
toward someone or something. They Perform the song in class.


1. How do we use communication?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (1 hour) Teacher’s Tip:

1. The teacher will discuss the functions of communication via podcast.

2. The students will reflect and discuss the following:
a. Give examples of commands or questions that influence people to do something.
b. Give examples of the things you say in order to be closer to other people.
c. Give examples of polite ways of asking for something, saying what you like, or expressing your choice.

PRACTICE (30 minutes) Teacher’s Tip

Role Play:

The teacher will group his students with five members and he will ask the group leaders to pick one from the following situations:

a. As a newscaster giving the news

b. As friends hanging out
c. As customers ordering in a fast food restaurant
ENRICHMENT (60 minutes)

The teacher will ask his students to write a short speech about what they want to do in life. They will explain their desires, needs, aspirations and
goals. They will deliver the speech in front of the class.

EVALUATION ( 1 hour)

Reinforcement Activity A

The teacher will ask his students to do a Role Play showing a communication function.

Band Description

3 The performer uses many forms and expressions effectively to fully accomplish his or her intended use or
function for language.

2 The performer uses many forms and expressions effectively to fully accomplish his or her intended use or
function for language, but some forms and expressions are not evident or appropriate to the function

1 The performer can use only a few forms and expressions to accomplish his or her intended use or function
for language; many forms and expressions are not evident or appropriate to the function intended.

0 The performer is totally unable to use forms and expressions to accomplish his or her intended use or
function for language.


Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Types of Speech Context and Style

CONTENT STANDARDS The learner will be able to value the functions/purposes of oral communication.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will be able to write a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and
listened to.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Identifies various types of speech context

2. Exhibits appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech context.
3. Distinguishes types of speech style.
4. Identifies social situations in which each speech style is appropriate
5. Observes the appropriate language forms in in using a particular speech style.

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. differentiate types of speech contexts;

2. explain the importance of effective communication skills;
3. practice effective interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills;
4. identify strategies in effective interpersonal skills and intrapersonal skills;
5. exhibit appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior in a given speech context;
6. apply learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy in understanding the types of speech context and;

TIME ALLOTMENT 4 weeks, (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (30 minutes) Teacher Tip

The teacher will ask his students to work in groups of eight and read the following scenes.

Scene 1: Someone making an announcement to the public.

Scene 2: Two small groups of people discussing something separately.
Scene 3: One person talking to himself.
Scene 4: Two people speaking with each other on the phone.
Scene 5: A reporter appearing live on screen.
The students will weave the scenes together into a story. They are free to interchange the order of the scenes. They will be expected to act the scene
out in the class.


How do context and style affect our approach to communication?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (4 hours) Teacher’s Tip:

1. the teacher will ask the same group to discuss in few minutes what information can be contained in each of the following types of communication.
The students will fill in each box with the information needed.

Communication with self Communication between two persons

Communication in a small group Communication to the public

2. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on Types of Speech Context. He will ask his students to do each context for mastery.
3. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on the Types of Speech Styles.
4. The students will identify and discuss the differences among the types of speech contexts using graphic organizer below.

Type Description Examples

5. The students will ask to write in bullet points why appropriate language should be observed in using a particular speech style.
PRACTICE (4 hours) Teacher’s Tip

Group Activity 1: The teacher will pass around a box with strips of paper in it. Each strip of paper has a question. Each of the students will pick a
strip and share their answers with the group. There are no wrong answers, but they have very little time to think about their answers.

Group Activity 2: The students are going to write a short original play which employs the various speech contexts and speech styles. They are going
to present in the class.

Group Activity 3: The students will create a poster or a collage that will represent their ideas on the topic. They should employ as many colors,
symbols, and signs as they can to make their collage or poster more meaningful. They must be ready to explain their output. All members in the
group will present in class.

Group Activity 4: The students will form four to six groups. Each group will be working with another group. All groups will write a story in formal style.
This can be a simple story from a fairy tale or any book, movie, or television show. Then exchange stories with another group. Translate the story into
casual style. After few minutes, they will assign a volunteer who will share the story’s casual version.

ENRICHMENT (4 hours)

A. The student will watch the video of former US President Barrack Obama’s interview with Jack Ma and Aisa Mijeno. Visit

As they listen, they have to jot down notes regarding the styles and contexts of communication. They will compare notes with their classmates and
write a one page-reflection in a paragraph form.

B. The students will form a group. Using their facial expressions and body gestures, they will create a tableau of the following:

1. first day of class 4. class suspension

2. exams week 5. weekends
3. effects of facebook addiction

After creating tableau, they will come up with three topics which characterize the modern Filipino youth in the home, school, and community. Create a
tableau for each of your topics.

After wards they will take group pictures of their tableaux. They will show it to their classmates and they have to guess the topic.

The Group which guesses the most number of tableaux gets the highest score.

C. The students will prepare and plan for a small group discussion. They will form a group of four or five members. They will imagine that they are
officers of a school organization conducting a meeting to address a specific concern. Below are some of the suggested topics which they can

Policy on wearing school uniform Education system Internship opportunities for students
Tuition fee increase Smoking and drinking within the premises of Teacher-student relationship
the school

EVALUATION (3 hours, 25 minutes)

Reinforcement Activity A

The students will again form a group of four members. They will come up with a song, poem, reader’s theatre, or any oral performance in front of
class. They will be guided by the rubrics below.

On the day of the performance, non performing groups must identify the styles and context use.

Criteria 3 2 1 0

Number of Examples The performance showed The performance showed The performance showed The performance didn’t
many examples of the few examples of the only one or two examples show examples of the
element of communication. element of communication. of the element of element of communication.

Quality of Example All the examples almost At least some of the At least one of the All the examples barely
clearly illustrated the examples almost clearly examples almost clearly illustrated the element of
element of communication. illustrated the element of illustrated the element of communication.
communication. communication.

Presentation The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was The presentation was
smooth and clear. understandable but not difficult to follow. chaotic.

Reinforcement Activity B
The students will find any professional in their community, and they will conduct an interview on strategies in developing their interpersonal and
intrapersonal skills in the workplace. They have to record their interview.
Reinforcement Activity C
The students will hone their knowledge in identifying types of speech contexts by looking into the exercises found on the websites below.
a. http://
Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Types of Speech Act

CONTENT STANDARDS The learner will be able to value the functions/purposes of oral communication.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will be able to write a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and
listened to.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act.

SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. define speech act;

2. distinguish types of speech act;
3. recognize that communicative competence requires understanding of speech acts;
4. demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech acts;
5. apply learning and thinking skills, like skills, and ICT literacy in understanding the types of speech acts; and
TIME ALLOTMENT 2 weeks, (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

Teacher Tip

MOTIVATION (30 minutes)

The teacher will ask the students to watch the video of telephone conversation through this link.

With a partner, they will discuss the answers to the following questions.

1. What greeting is used by the customer service agent?

2. What form of personal identification is used by the agent?
3. What pre-closing signals are used by the agent?
4. What closing is used by the agent?


How does speech act affect our approach to communication?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (1 hour) Teacher’s Tip:

1. The teacher facilitates the discussion on the Types of Speech Acts. The students will work in pairs and complete the following table with
information related to Searles’s Classification of Speech Acts.

Classification of Speech Act Situation Example






PRACTICE (1 hour and 25 mins.) Teacher’s Tip

A. The students will watch another video. They are going to pay attention to details like greetings, personal identification, and pre-closing and closing
Work with partner and compare the greeting, pre-closing, and closing in Video 2 to those in Video 1. How are they similar or different?

B. The students will be grouped into five members each. They will prepare a three-to four- minute creative skit which shows at least five examples of
Searle’s speech act classifications.

CRITERIA VGE (5) GE (4) SE (3) LE (2) N (1)

1. Presentation is organized.
2. Message is expressed clearly.
3. Choice of words is appropriate for the audience.
4. Biases are avoided.
5. Ideas are communicated vividly and meaningfully.
6. Nonverbal cues are appropriate.

Legend: VGE – Very Great Extent; GE – Great Extent; SE – Some Extent; LE – Little Extent; N – not at all
Scoring: VGE- 25-30; GE – 19-24; SE – 13-18; LE – 7-12; N- 6

ENRICHMENT (30 minutes)

The student will take a look at the conversation below where the remark by a native English speaker could be misinterpreted by a native Chinese

John: “I couldn’t agree with you more.”

Chen: “Oh…” (Thinking: “He couldn’t agree with me? I thought he liked my idea!”)

The students will write an essay with no less than 500 words, discuss where the confusion originated. Use the following format: computerized, font
12, Times New Roman, spacing 1.5.

EVALUATION (30 minutes)

The student will hone their ability to recognize types of speech acts by checking the exercises found on the websites below.
Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Types of Communicative Strategy

CONTENT STANDARDS The learners will recognize that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and
communicative strategy

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations.
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Engages in a communicative situation using acceptable, polite and meaningful communicative strategies
2. Explains that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act and communicative strategy affects the form, duration, relationship,
role, message & delivery
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. distinguish various types of communicative strategies;

2. use acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategies;
3. engage in a communication situation;
4. explain the effects of a shift in communicative strategy;
5. demonstrate effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situation;
6. practice learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy.

TIME ALLOTMENT 2 weeks, (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (30 minutes) Teacher Tip

The teacher will ask his students to watch an MTV performed by various Filipino artists entitled, “Tara Na Biyahe Tayo,”.

While watching the video clip, think about what for you is a must-see in the country. After watching the video, the students will be grouped into five
members each. They will decide on the “most exciting tourist spot” in the country. They will assign a speaker who will share their decision and
reasons for this with the class.

As soon as all the groups have presented their decisions, they will vote for the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot in the Philippines.”

What are the ways we can communicate well in a discussion group or speech using strategies?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (1 hour and 25 mins.) Teacher’s Tip:

1. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on types of communicative strategy.

2. The teacher will give sets of dialogs and the students will identify the type of communicative strategy.

PRACTICE (2 hours) Teacher’s Tip

A. Imaginary Trip: The class will pretend that they are members of the Field Trip Committee. The teacher will assign to role play one of the prompts

Scene 1: While eating in the canteen, you go over the brochures of the tourist spot for the field trip. You talk about various information about the

Scene 2: You decide on the final itinerary of the field trip and discuss the details such as transportation, accommodation, meals, and itinerary.

Scene 3: You are tasked to present the final itinerary to the students’ parents during the quarterly parents’ meeting.

Scene 4: Upon arrival at your destination, you talk to the hotel concierge about your reservations. You inquire about breakfast schedules, hotel keys,
extra beddings, and room service.

Scene 5: You ask a police officer and a street vendor (on two different instances) for directions to the beach because the class is lost somewhere in

ENRICHMENT (2 hours)

A. Mini Project: The students will be grouped and form a three- minute tourism commercial about the place they already visited. They are going to
mention the things that make the tourist spot a dream destination. The said activity will help the learners practice making positive statements about a
vacation site and responding to how people see this place differently.

CRITERIA VGE (5) GE (4) SE (3) LE (2) N (1)

1. The tourism commercial is creative, effectively written, and
presented well.
2. The tourism commercial clearly explains the reasons why
tourists should visit the place.
3. The tourism commercial makes good use of visual aids or
4. The tourism commercial is presented within the allotted time.
Legend: VGE – Very Great Extent; GE – Great Extent; SE – Some Extent; LE – Little Extent; N – not at all
Scoring: VGE- 17-20; GE – 13-16; SE – 9-12; LE – 5-8; N- 4

EVALUATION (2 hours)

Reinforcement Activity A:

The students will think of a time when they had to explain one message in two different instances with varying contexts. In an essay with a minimum
of 500 words, discuss why their communicative strategies change as there are adjustments in every speech context, speech style, and speech act.
Discuss their language, duration of interaction, their relationship to the listener, their roles and responsibilities as a speaker, their message and their
delivery and how these differ in the two varying instances and contexts.


Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Principles of Speech Writing

CONTENT STANDARDS The learners will realize the rigors of crafting one's speech.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will proficiently deliver various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on audience profile; logical organization; duration; word choice and grammatical
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. identify the principles of speech writing;

2. differentiate the stage or processes in speech writing;
3. use principles of effective speech writing focusing om audience profile, logical organization, duration, word choice, and grammatical
4. plan a speech;
5. evaluate a written speech;
6. apply principles of editing to a given speech;
7. apply learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy.

TIME ALLOTMENT 2 weeks and 2 days (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (30 minutes) Teacher Tip

The teacher will ask his students to form groups of five members. They will study the scenario.

You were assigned by your principal to be your school’s events planner. Now, your task is to organize a welcome program for a
foreign visitor.
They have few minutes to discuss the steps they will take to organize the program. They will assign one representative who will share the output of
the group.

When done with the task, answer the following questions.

1. How did you plan for the program?

2. What difficulties did you encounter while planning?


How will we use our skills in writing to express our speech well before an audience?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (3 hours and 25 mins.) Teacher’s Tip:

1. The teacher will facilitate the instruction on the “The Speech Writing Process.”
2. The teacher will also discuss together with his students the components of the speech writing process. He will also ask his students to fill out a
sample audience analysis checklist as presented below.

Audience Analysis

Age Range

Male-Female Ratio

Educational Background

Educational Institution

Place of Residence (city, province, town)

Marital Status

Economic Status

Language Spoken

Religious Affiliations / beliefs

3. They will also discuss the purpose of writing speech, as well as, how to choose a topic for the speech.

4. The teacher will also lead his students to do the outline in writing speech as suggested below:
Specific purpose

5. The teacher will also stress out the guidelines in speech writing.

PRACTICE (2 hours) Teacher’s Tip

A. The teacher will ask his students to list down at least ten principles or characteristics of speech writing.

B. The students will also, identify and differentiate the process in speech writing in terms of description and application.

ENRICHMENT (2 hours)

A. The teacher will ask his students to group themselves and edit a speech based on the Six Power Principles for Speech Editing of Andrew Dlugan.

B. They will conduct a general audience analysis. They will be using the sheet below.
Audience Analysis

Age Range

Male-Female Ratio

Educational Background

Educational Institution

Place of Residence (city, province, town)

Marital Status

Economic Status

Language Spoken

Religious Affiliations / beliefs

EVALUATION (2 hours)

Reinforcement Activity A:

The students will prepare for their own speech using the Speech Writing Process

1. They will identify the general and specific purpose. They will use the sheet below.
General Purpose

Specific Purpose
2. They will identify the topic. They will use the sheet below.
General Purpose

Specific Purpose


3. They will narrow down the topic. They will use the sheet below.
General Purpose

Specific Purpose


Specific (Narrowed down) Topic

4. The students will prepare an outline for their speech using any of the formats discussed. They will use the format below.
General Purpose

Specific Purpose


Specific (Narrowed down) Topic

Speech Pattern


Reinforcement Activity B:

The teacher will ask his students to find one speech writer in their community and interview him/her on his/her experiences in speech writing. Then
using a minimum of 500 words, make a written report about his/her responses.

Use the following format: computerized, font 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.


Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Principles of Speech Delivery

CONTENT STANDARDS The learners will realize the rigors of crafting one's speech.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will proficiently deliver various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Uses principle of effective speech writing focusing on

a. Articulation
b. Modulation
c. Stage Presence
d. Facial Expression, Gestures and Movements
e. Rapport with the audience
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:

1. differentiate the types of speech delivery;

2. identify public speaking situations;
3. identify the characteristics of good delivery;
4. use principles of effective speech delivery focusing on articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial expression, gestures and
movements, and rapport with the audience;
5. practice speech delivery;
6. evaluate a speech; and
7. apply learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy.

TIME ALLOTMENT 2 weeks and 2 days (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (30 minutes) Teacher Tip

The teacher will ask his students to form groups of five members. They are going to read the scenario.

They will be given few minutes to prepare the speech. Everyone should have a speaking task. Make sure that their speech is clear and persuasive.


How does a speaker prepare and deliver an engaging and effective speech?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (3 hours and 25 mins.) Teacher’s Tip:

1. The class will watch the following videos of the World Champions of Public Speaking. All of the featured speakers are winners of a public speaking
competition organized by Toastmasters International.

1. Dananjaya Hettiarchchi of Sri Lanka, 2014 Champion

2. Presiyan Vasilev of USA, 2013 Champion

3. Jock Elliot of Australia, 2011 Champion

2. They will find a partner and discuss their answers to the following questions.

a. What are your observations on the delivery of the speaker? Give at least five observations.

b. Do you find the style of delivery appropriate to his / her audience?

3. Students will share their insights to the entire class.

4. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on Types of Speech according to delivery and purpose.

5. The teacher will discuss the most common challenges in different speaking environments.

6. The class will also discuss the tools for effective speech delivery.

7. The students will also list down ten habits for good delivery that a speaker needs to develop.
PRACTICE (1 hour and 30 minutes) Teacher’s Tip

A. The students will group themselves and watch any of the videos with links below, then, do the tasks that follows.

1. Why tell The Stories by Patricia Evangelista

2. Our Return on Investment by Sabsy Ongkiko (spoken in Tagalog)

Evaluate the speaker and complete the following table.

Title of Speech Viewed: Did the speaker use pauses well?

Name of Speaker: Did the speaker pronounce words correctly?

Type of Speech Delivery Used: Did the speaker avoid fillers?

Type of Speech According to Purpose Used: Did the speaker avoid distracting movements?

What is the audience and venue size? Did the speaker use appropriate facial

Did the speaker adjust to the audience size? Did the speaker dress for the occasion?

ENRICHMENT (2 hours and 30 minutes)

A. The students will work in groups of four. Below is an abridged version of the inaugural speech of former president Ramon Magsaysay delivered at
the Independence Grandstand, Manila on December 30, 1953.

As a group, decide one part that each of the members will deliver in class. They could choose whether they want to deliver each part in manuscript,
extemporaneous, or as memorized. They have given few minutes to prepare.
Legend: VGE – Very Great Extent; GE – Great Extent; SE – Some Extent; LE – Little Extent; N – not at all
Scoring: VGE- 49-60; GE – 37-48; SE – 25-36; LE – 13-24; N- 12

B. The students will hone their knowledge of the principles of speech delivery by checking the links below.

EVALUATION (2 hours)

Reinforcement Activity A:

Interview a local official or a student government officer on his/her experiences in public speaking. Then, with a minimum of 500 words, make a
written report about their responses.

Follow the format: computerized, font 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
Poblacion, Masinloc, Zambales
SY 2019-2020


TOPIC / LESSON NAME Types of Speeches: Purpose and Delivery

CONTENT STANDARDS The learners will realize the rigors of crafting one's speech.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The learner will proficiently deliver various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.

LEARNING COMPETENCIES 1. Distinguishes types of speeches.

2. Uses principles of effective speech delivery in different situations.
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. identify the features of speech;
2. write topics appropriate for a manuscript speech;
3. develop and deliver an effective manuscript speech;
4. evaluate and critique a speech; and
5. apply learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy.

TIME ALLOTMENT 5 weeks and 2 days (4 hours per week)

MATERIALS Chalk, board, projector, laptop, speaker, video clips

RESOURCES Sipacio, Philippe John F. & Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context For Senior High School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Quezon City.


INTRODUCTION (5 minutes) Teacher Tip

Presentation of the Learning Objectives

MOTIVATION (2 hours and 30 minutes) Teacher Tip

A. Manuscript Speech

The teacher will ask his students to find partners and do the reading task. They will read aloud the following lines from Marianne Williamson’s A
Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles.

When done, exchange roles with your partner and do the same routine.

B. Memorized Speech

1. Individually, write on a one-fourth sheet of paper a quotation or adage that has inspired you through the years.
2. After writing an inspiring line, the students will fold the piece of paper. The teacher will pass a box around; they will drop their folded papers in the
3. Once all the sheets of paper have been collected, the teacher will pass around the box again. This time, they will pick a piece of paper.
4. They are given five minutes to memorize the inspirational quote and plan for appropriate facial expressions and gestures.
5. One by one, you will deliver the line in front of the class, without the copy and with the appropriate nonverbal cues.

C. Impromptu Speech

1. The students will think of one thing that make them happy. They write their answer on ¼ sheet of paper.
2. They will fold the paper and submit them to the teacher. The teacher will collect all the folded pieces of paper and place them in a box.
3. The teacher will call a volunteer to pick a piece of paper. He / she will then be given one minute to say something about the word or phrase on that
4. Everyone in class will be given the opportunity to speak in front.

D. Extemporaneous Speech

1. The students will be asked to group themselves into five members each. They will consider themselves as youth ambassadors who are invited to
the Malacañang Palace. Their goal is to convinced the President to act on pressing social issues in the country.

2. They will talk about a social issue in the Philippines that has to be addressed by the government as soon as possible.

3. They will imagine that they have a Power point presentation to go along with their speech.

4. Each member should take part in the presentation. You have 10 minutes to prepare.

5. Here is a sample transcript of a presentation:

E. Entertainment Speech

1. The student will find a partner.

2. They take turns sharing their scariest experiences, paranormal or not.
3. They will jot down notes while they will carefully listen to their respective partner. They have to be sure that they give their full attention to the story
4. They must clarify unclear points after their partner is done telling their stories.
5. they will share their partners scariest experience to the class within two minutes.

F. Informative Speech

1. The students will prepare three pieces of ¼ sized paper. On each sheet, they will write a topic they are deeply interested in and knowledgeable
about. It could be a hobby, a band, or a movie.

2. When they are called by their teacher, they will ask their seatmate to pick one from the three pieces of paper that they have.

3. Once a topic is chosen, they will be given one minute to introduce it to the class. They will make sure to incorporate facts and supporting
information when talking about the topic.

G. Persuasive Speech

Five famous world personalities are in a hot air balloon. The balloon is quickly losing heat, and only one safety parachute
is available to save a person.

1. With groups, the students will think of a famous personality from any field whom they think contributed much to the world. Then, think of various
reasons why their chosen personality has to receive the parachute.
2. Each group will choose a representative who will assume the persona of their chosen personality. All representatives will stand in front of the class.
3. They then have to present their arguments. Based on the arguments, the teacher will choose who will get the parachute.


How do we organize, prepare and deliver various speeches?

INSTRUCTION/DELIVERY (4 hours and 25 mins.) Teacher’s Tip:

A. Manuscript Speech

1. The teacher will ask his students to watch the video of late Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, entitled, A Date with Destiny: After viewing the video, the students will answer the following questions:

1. Why did the speaker need a manuscript for her speech?

2. Do you think it would have been better if she delivered the speech on the spot? Why or why not?
3. How did she sustain the audience’s attention all throughout her speech?
4. Was her delivery successful? What makes you think so?

2. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on potential problems with manuscript method; strategies in organizing and delivering manuscript speech;
and tips in using manuscript method.
B. Memorized Speech

1. The teacher will ask his students to think of a song that they have memorized by heart. The song may have created a great impact on them and
inspired them to see life positively. They will deliver the lines in class as if they were part of speech. They must vary the volume, rate, and pitch of
their voice when delivering the excerpt.

2. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the watch Memorized Speech. The teacher will also share some
tips in memorizing a speech.

C. Impromptu Speech

1. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on the strategies in organizing an impromptu speech.

2. He will also discuss some useful tips in effective impromptu speech delivery.

D. Extemporaneous Speech

1. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on the definition of extemporaneous speech as well as the three steps in studying extemporaneous topic.

2. The teacher will group her students and ask to read the scenario.

A ship is sinking and only one lifeboat is available. There are seven (7) passengers left, but the lifeboat can only accommodate six (6).
You have to decide who among the following passengers you will save.

1. a ten-month old baby

2. a sixty- five-year-old woman (the sole relative of the baby)
3. a pregnant woman suspected to be a prostitute
4. a twelve-year- old boy with a 140-IQ
5. an athlete who advocates for LGBTQ rights
6. a doctor who may find a cure
7. the captain of the ship

The students will justify their decisions.

E. Entertainment Speech

1. The teacher will present the video on the speech of Mariana Pascal -
2. The students will work with their partners and answer the following questions. They have three minutes to discuss the answers with their partners.

a. Does the speech catch the attention of the audience?

b. Does the speech amuse or entertain the audience?
c. What parts comprise the speech?
d. What is the message of the speech?
e. What are the interesting points or ideas that support the message of the speech?
3. The chosen students will share their answers in the class.

4. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on how to make a certain speech entertaining.

F. Informative Speech

1. The teacher will facilitate the class in discussing Types of Informative Speeches.
2. The teacher will also discuss certain Organizational Patterns.

G. Persuasive Speech

1. The teacher will facilitate the discussion on Qualities of an Effective Persuasive Speech; Types of Claims in Persuasive Speech; Organizational
Patterns; and Methods of Persuasion.

PRACTICE (4 hours and 30 minutes) Teacher’s Tip

A. Manuscript Speech

1. The students will work in groups of nine and assign a number from 1-9 to each of the members. They will imagine that they are delivering an
inaugural address as the President of the Philippines. They will use the inaugural address of former President Diosdado Macapagal taken from the
official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines.

Each member of the group will deliver to the class the part corresponding to his number. They have 20 minutes to prepare.

B. Memorized Speech

1. The students will work in groups of five. They will imagine that they are the judges for the Best Acceptance Speech Award. They will watch some of
the acceptance speeches in the Oscar Awards; then, the students will choose who’s the Best. The group member with an incoming birthday closest
to the current date will share their group’s insights and justification to their decision. Here are the links:

A. Halle Berry (Oscars, 2002),

B. Charlize Theron (Oscars, 2004),
C. Sandra Bullock (Oscars, 2010),
C. Impromptu Speech

1. The student will think of at least five impromptu speech situations and list the preparations they should make to succeed.

Speech Situation Preparations






2. On a ¼ sheet of paper, write the name of one local or international personality. Fold the paper. The teacher will provide a box where the students
have to drop the folded piece of paper. Then the students will read the situation.

Your dean assigns you to represent your school in a summit. There, you meet a local or international personality. You
realized that you had the perfect opportunity to talk to that person. What would you say?

The students will pick a name from the box and address the question above in front of their classmates. The teacher will signal once the students
reached the time limit.

D. Extemporaneous Speech

The students will think of a social issue that they can discuss in a five- minute extemporaneous speech. After their teacher approves their topics, they
will prepare an outline for their speech using the format discussed. Then, they will prepare to deliver their extemporaneous speech in class.

E. Entertainment Speech

1. The teacher will ask the students to watch one of these videos below.

a. How to Pick Up

b. How to be a Gangster

With a partner, they outline the speech presented in the video using the table below.

Speech number: _______________________

1. Introduction




2. Body




3. Conclusion




F. Informative Speech

1. The students will work in pairs. They will choose two out of ten topics given below. Then, they will identify the suitable type of informative speech,
as well as an appropriate patterns of organization for the speech. The students will write the purpose and thesis statement as well.


1. Helping the Community

2. Promoting Change
3. Empowering Women and Youth
4. Being a Filipino Citizen
5. Managing Disasters
6. Supporting Local Tourism
7. Understanding the Roles of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
8. Comparing a Private School and a Public School
9. Parliamentary versus Democratic Forms of Government
10. Promoting Human Rights

Type of Informative Speech:
Pattern of Organization:
Thesis Statement:

G. Persuasive Speech

1. The students will work in groups and they will think creatively and come up with their own innovation in any field, such as technology, architecture,
or fashion. They will convince the entire class that it is superior to the existing ones.

ENRICHMENT (4 hours and 30 minutes)

A. Manuscript Speech

1. In 300-500 words, the students will write a short persuasive speech about a given topic. They make sure that the write-up has introduction, body,
and conclusion. They have to be prepared to deliver their speech in class.

B. Memorized Speech

1. The students will hone their skills in delivering a memorized speech by checking the exercises found on the following websites.

Memorized Speech Exercises –

Oral Presentation Exercises -

C. Impromptu Speech

1. Photo prompts – The teacher will prepare pictures reflecting current events. Each picture may be played in a power point presentation slide.
Once it’s their students’ turn to speak, the teacher will show the picture. They have two minutes to prepare and two minutes to speak. The teacher will
signal once they have reached the time limit.

D. Extemporaneous Speech

1. The students will hone their skills in delivering an extemporaneous speech by checking the exercises found on the following websites.

Extemporaneous speaking exercise -

Fun with Extemporaneous speaking -
E. Entertainment Speech

1. Work with groups. Below are the links to the entertaining performance of GB Labrador, Eri Neeman, Victor Anastacio, and Alex Calleja.
As a group, the students will identify three qualities that these speakers have in common and three techniques that they all employed in their
speeches. They will assign a speaker who will share their insights with the class.

a. GB Labrador-
b. Eri Neeman -
c. Victor Anatacio -
d. Alex Calleja -

F. Informative Speech

1. The students will hone their skills in delivering an informative speech by checking the exercises found on the following websites.

Public Speaking Activities -

Informative Speaking Guide -

G. Persuasive Speech

1. The teacher will provide links which contain an exercise on logical fallacies. The students will choose one and follow the instructions.

Exercise on fallacies -

Identifying Logical Fallacies -
Recognizing Logical Fallacies -

EVALUATION (6 hours)

A. Manuscript Speech

1. The students will choose any of the following occasions and write a five-sentence speech that they will deliver in class.

a. Introducing a person
b. Giving a toast during wedding
c. Presenting an award
d. Accepting an award
e. Giving tribute to a person, place or event

B. Memorized Speech

1. The students will choose any of the following occasions and write a five-sentence speech that they will deliver in class.

a. Introducing a person
b. Giving a toast during wedding
c. Presenting an award
d. Accepting an award
e. Giving tribute to a person, place or event

C. Impromptu Speech

1.The students will be assigned as critique for the impromptu speech presentations of two or three of their classmates using the following sheet and

D. Extemporaneous Speech

1. Below is the link to the speech of Carl Aquino, Class 2010 Valedictorian of West Hall High School in the USA. Watch the video and in essay of not
less than 500 words, identify the problem that students face in high school and the solutions to these as shared by the speaker. Lastly, discuss
strategies and techniques which the speaker used to make his speech more attention- getting.
Carl Aquino’s Speech -

E. Entertainment Speech

1. The students will develop a five-minute entertainment speech and they will present them in the class.

F. Informative Speech

1. The students will choose a topic that would make them interested. Then, they will prepare a two- three – minute informative speech whose specific
aim is to demonstrate the process of doing something. Below are some sample topics to guide them.

a. How to design clothes

b. What to do on a first date
c. How to tone muscles
d. How to dribble a ball effectively

G. Persuasive Speech

1. The students will brainstorm on an emerging challenge, problem, or threat in their locality that can serve as a topic for their persuasive speech.
Below are some sample topics.

Waste Disposal Management Allocation of Funds Citizen Participation

Gender Discrimination Human Security Animal Abuse

Public Transportation System Child Labor Traffic

Parenting Style Informal Settlements Unemployment

2. Then the students will prepare a five-minute speech using an appropriate persuasive speaking type and organizational pattern.

3. The students will present them in the class.

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