Mosquito Research Paper

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Mosquito is one of the dangerous insects that carries different viruses like Dengue,

Malaria, Ebola Virus, Zika Virus, Japanese Encephalitis and Chikungunya virus that people may

acquire. Dengue came from the Aedes Aegypti (female mosquito) that holds viral infection

through bites and common nocous illness that kills many lives. These Aedes Aegypti can

produce thousands of eggs per lay in stagnant water such as in drainage, gutter, trash cans, old

rubber tires, stocked water in pail, vases, bottle caps and other watery places like axils of plants

can be nests for dengue-infected mosquitos. Insects such-like Aedes Aegypti and Aedes

Albopictus can lived anywhere and it can easily spread, mosquito are uncontrollable especially

they are just a tiny insects and hardly noticeable. In fact, the Philippines has the largest number

of infected and leading country in the world because of the dengue diseases.

According to Department of Health (DOH), there is a total of 106, 630 dengue cases

reports in the Philippines from January to June 2019. The DOH also declared a national dengue

alert on July 15, due to ever-increasing incidents and it’sproliferate is expected to continue in

several regions in the country. In a hundred thousands of victims in Culicidae bites in almost half

a year, there are 456 of individual resulting in death records. Health Secretary Francisco Duque

III said that early detection is crucial in order to prevent deaths from dengue. Seek early

consultation on the first signs and symptoms of the disease is a must. But preventing mosquito is

better than curing dengue.

With the absence of imaginative and creative minds of inventors, some expertise

produced a mosquito zappersthat looks like a lamp. It’s a wide opening that enable insects to
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make contact with its grid. The zapper is highly electric voltage and it should hit the mosquitoes

in order to destroy them.

The current researcher’s aimed to improvethe mosquito zappers, they proposed and created an

Electrotrap Mosquiller. Unlike the commercially available zapper, this study has a mixture of

yeast and sugar (Sucrose) that is converted into Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that can be used to

beguile mosquitoes to be able to catch them. When the odor of the yeast on its inside has gone

they can refill it and the Electrotrap Mosquilleris rechargeable so that they can use it again to kill


This Electrotrap Mosquiller can be a great assistance for the people especially for the

students of San Juan High School to prevent the mosquito to spread in their school surroundings.

This small actions can lessen the number of infected person on the next days. It can help to

resolve the problem of the country due to the epidemic instances caused by the dengue. This is

not just for today's generation, but also for the incoming next generation. Future researchers can

also inspire to create and improve the features of the mosquito zapper to help their country to

solve problems like this.

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Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of creating an Electrotrap Mosquiller. It

is designed by attracting and killing mosquito.

Specifically it answered the following questions:

1. Is there a significant difference between the average number of mosquitoes being killed

by the Electrotrap Mosquiller in different location of the house such as:

a. Outside

b. Inside

2. Is there a significant difference between the average numbers of mosquitoes being killed

by the ElectrotrapMosquiller at a given replications;

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a. First replications

b. Second replications

c. Third replications

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses about the ElectrotrapMosquiller that is used to kill a lot of mosquitoes

on where it is effective inside and outside of the house, because this study is used in expanded

and it is operated by a remote control. The uniqueness of this research is that it has yeast on the

inside of the zapper that is converted into Carbon Dioxide (CO2) that is effective to attract the

mosquito so that they can come closer to the electric zapper to be able to destroy them.

The delimitation of this study is not harmful or toxic in the surroundings because it is

environmental friendly. In fact, when the CO2 releases its concentration, it will increase

photosynthesis that can helps plants to grow. It cannot affects the health of the people when they

inhale it due to the chemical substances are natural and safe.

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Review of Related Literature

The household device that usually used to kills mosquito in Greece is an Electric Fly-

Swatter. Its electric screen is chemical free and non-toxic racquet zapper. The contact procedures

an electric flash of light and the mosquitoes are incinerated when its screen touches the insects.

The case is presented as 15% flame burn caused by the flash of light that that produces by the

Electric Fly-Swatter. It is said to be that it can cause partial thickness burn injury. (S.Ioannidis,, 2014)

According to the journal (Renate Smallegange, et. al, 2010), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) plays

an important role in household in attracting anthropophilic and zoophilic types of mosquito.

Hence, they are usually added to the sample data. Existence of human in CO2 are the commonly

source of attracting Anopheles Gambiae. CO2 is conventionally cultivated from the commercial

industry that converted and produced from the fermenting yeast. To be able attracts the

mosquito, the mixture of yeast and sugar can be a great assistance in trapping the target insects.

In fact, with the presence of the odor and sweat of human is also an effective way to beguile

mosquito, but hygienic should also consider.

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Based on the journals (Debbie Hadley, 2019) stated that the bite of mosquitoes are not

just frustrating but also it is fatal, and can also transfer different diseases. Research shows off

that most bug zapper kill only few mosquitoes. Based from the University of Guelph of the

researchers study, there is only 4.1% of the insects that was killed in the bug zapper were female.

Likewise, the researchers from the University of the Notre Dame shows that there is a 3,312

insects that was killed, but there is only 3.3% female mosquitoes was found.

In the study of (Puneet Jain, et. al, 2016) Culicidae are known for being the most

periculous and dangerous insect worldwide that primarily caused of spreading and transmitting

of viral diseases into humans which resulting to hundreds of death every day. The preceding

copulation in their wild is a form of collective in the mosquito swamps. Thus, controlling of

mosquitoes population is urgent to make an action to lessen the illnesses brought by the


According to the Journals of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (Diego F. SilvaEmail, et. al,

2015) with the both positive and negative ways, insects has a close relationship with humans.

Mosquito are just tiny insects that uneasily noticeable, the researchers of entomology had created

a multiple method to be able to detect the exact area of the mosquitoes with the use of novel

sensor which is built from inexpensive commodity electronics. Sensors plays an important role to

control the populations of the mosquito. When the sensor detect the mosquitoes, they can now

make an action to kill them.

Review of Related Studies

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According to the research (Pi Fang Hsu, et. al, 2017) the electric mosquito racquet and

bug zappers are both effective to use for killing mosquitoes. By combining the function of both

kinds of devices, the present design are proposes a creative and innovative structure. According

to the new design of (Pi Fang Hsu, et. al, 2017), it is not only used to kills mosquito but it can

also use for bug zappers, being ready for day-and-night use and effective for both mobile and

static use. Besides of this, it can consolidate the production of the cost. To make the new feature

more functioning and effective, the inventors conduce a disintegrate design of the racquet and

handle. The handle is about 180-degree and its joint mechanism are adjustable. The mosquito

killing zapper is efficient design and can also apply to any variety of killing insects. This study is

truly advanced, innovative and practical device to kill a lot of mosquitoes with the use of highly

electric voltage.

While the study of (Yu-Nan Liu, et. al, 2017) diseases bought by insects can control

through light-driving bug and mosquito zapper. Pulse Width Modulated Light Emitting Diode

(PWM-LED) is one of the devices that is efficient to attract insect pests in off-grid areas. To

operate the LED it requires electric signal with specific PWM, it is found that no matter what the

ability of catching insects or the consumed power efficient can be enhanced thus. Likewise in the

researcher’s study there is a blue LED that can attract insects like mosquitoes.

The species of mosquitoes are few but dangerous that specialized in biting humans. These

commonly are African malaria, Vector Anopheles Gambiae and Anopheles Coluzzii, as well as

Aedes Aegypti the cosmopolitan vector of dengue, Chikungunya, and Yellow fever they easily
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find people through human odor and remarkable innate preference for mosquitoes (Carolyn S.

Mcbride, 2016)

In the studies, (Daniel AH Peach, et. al, 2019) light arrangement is one of the cues that

will caught the attention of the mosquito to be able to attract them. (Daniel AH Peach, et. al,

2019) a study that was conducted, where in the researchers performed an experiment that used an

UV-Light in a large mosquito swamps. In the relation to the current researchers study, they also

used a blue-LED that helped them to be able to catch mosquitoes.

In the study of (Sukumaran et. al, 2016) the main hint from a person breath that attracts

mosquitoes towards a receiver is Carbon Dioxide (CO2). In this study, carbon dioxide is used for

attracting during surveillance of mosquitoes that is for trapping mosquitoes from commercial

cylinders and dry ice. Different carbon sources such as glucose, simple sugar, jaggery with and

without yeast peptone dextrose using commercial baker’s yeast is effective with carbon dioxide

in this current study. And the result showed that compared to other carbon sources, yeast can

yield more biogenic carbon dioxide with simple sugar. (Sukumaran et. al, 2016)


In this study, the related literature and studies focused in the behavior of the mosquitoes,

the CO2 that the researcher used to attract mosquitoes, the physical characteristic of the

Electrotrap Mosquiller and the other features like blue LED and the electric voltage that they

need to use to be able to attract and to kill mosquitoes.

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The difference of this study to the other literatures is that the researcher aimed to improve

in terms of attracting and killing a lot of mosquitoes in a specific area and time.

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This chapter presents the research design, research procedures, test, statistical treatment

of data and research instrument.

Research Design

This study is a form of experimental research designed with the quantitative approach.

The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Electrotrap Mosquiller

in attracting and killing mosquitoes. The researcher also aimed to determine the significant

difference on the number of mosquito being killed by the Electrotrap Mosquiller during daytime

and nighttime in the inside and outside of the house.

Research Procedure

The Electrotrap Mosquiller is an improvised mosquitozapper used to kill mosquitoes.

With the use of a remote control that is operated by a specific operator thatcan regulate the up

and down of the zapper. This Electrotrap Mosquiller has four sided corner that has an opening on

the inside where they can placed the mixture of the fermented yeast and sugar on a container

which can be converted into Carbon Dioxide (CO2). CO2 can be used to attract mosquitoes to be

able to catch them.

Using the highly electric voltage of the Electrotrap Mosquiller, when the mosquito hits the

zapper they will definitely killed.

A. Materials

 Recycled Sintra Board

 Recycled Plastic bottles (for the container of the mixture)

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 Measuring tool

 7 meters of copper solid wire

 Gears (long gear and circular gear)

 Yeast

 Sugar

 Glue stick

 Mighty bond

 Spray paint

 Battery

 Module of remote control

 Blue-LED

B. Methods

1. First, in generating the structure of the device, the researchers used a recycled thin sintra

board that is divided into fragments. The sizes of the divided board is 9x9 (base and top)

6x9 (sides) 7x7 (center).

2. Second, all the cut off boards were assembled in rectangular in shape for the physical

outlook of the Electrotrap Mosquiller.

3. When the base of the zapper has done, the researches painted the body of the Mosquiller

4. The researchers constructed the frames of the two gears and connect in to two dc motors

for the elevation of the upper part of the trap or the zapper.

5. After that, they peeled a 10 m long solid wire and formed it into spring-like square-shape

that will serve as the zapper.

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6. Then, they combine the mixture of yeast and sugar in a container and poured warm water.

The researchers put the containing in the opening of the Electrotrap Mosquiller.

7. Then the researchers started to observe the 3 trials of the efficiency of the Electrotrap

Mosquiller in the inside and outside of the house.

8. Lastly, the results was compared each of the trials and saw the variations of the


C. Cost Analysis


10 meters copper wire PHP 55

1 spray paint PHP 117

10 glue stick PHP 50

15 mighty bond PHP 150

10 packs yeast PHP 30

¼ kilogram sugar PHP 16

Total : PHP 418

Test Animals

The researchers applied the experiment to the mosquitoes to determine the efficiency of

the yeast and sugar in attracting mosquitoes.

Statistical Treatment of Data

An analysis of variance procedure was used to compute the average or mean of the data

at a given time. Using three treatments with the three replications was utilized on this study.
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9 inches

1 inc

6 CO2 Mixture
inc Container

Module 2

Module 1 Top View

cC Inside View
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Table 1.1. The number of mosquitoes being killed by the Electrotrap Mosquiller inside the house

in a span of 30 minutes.

Treatment 1 Total number of being killed inside the house

T1 3

T2 4

T3 3

The researchers observed that there is a significant difference between the number of mosquito

were killled in the 3 trials. The Electrotrap Mosquiller killed 3 mosquitoes in the first trial, while

on the second trial it has 4 killed mosquito and the last trial killed 3 mosquitoes.

Table 1.2. The number of mosquitoes being killed by the Electrotrap Mosquiller outside the

house in a span of 30 minutes.

Treatment Total number of being killed outside of the


T1 5

T2 10

T3 17
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The researchers observed that there is a significant difference between the number of mosquito

were killed in the 3 trials. The electrotrap killed 5 mosquitoes in the first trial, while on the

second trial has 10 killed mosquito and the last trial was killed mosquitoes.

Table 1.3. The total number of mosquitoes being killed by the Electrotrap Mosquiller in the

inside and outside of the house in corresponding 3 trials.

Treatments T1 T2 T3 Total Number of Mean

Mosquitoes Being


Outside 5 10 17 32 10.7

Inside 3 4 3 10 3.3

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The following are the conclusion drawn based on the data gathered:

1. The Electrobotic Mosquiller is efficient and it has a lot of edges in attracting and killing

mosquitoes. It has more benefits in terms of the price because the Electrotrap Mosquiller

is inexpensive and affordable. Its own feature can help people to destroy mosquitoes

because the main purpose of it is to attract mosquitoes in a natural way by using a

mixture of yeast and sugar.

2. The Electrobotic Mosquiller has the ability and the efficiency to kill mosquitoes in the

inside and the outside of the house.

3. The three trials do not have the same results in the experiments of different area of the

house. There is a significant difference between the number of mosquitoes being killed

by the Electrobotic Mosquiller.

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The following procedure was done by the researchers and it is sought to show the process of

constructing the Electrobotic Mosquiller.


 Recycled Sintra Board

 Recycled Plastic Bottle (for the container of the yeast mixture)

 Measuring tools

 7 meters of copper wire

 Gears or DC motors (long gear and circular gear)

 Yeast

 Sugar

 Glue stick

 Mighty bond

 Black spray paint

 Battery

 Module of the remote control

 Blue-LED
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First, in generating the structure of the device, the researchers used a recycled thin sintra

board that is divided into fragments. The sizes of the board is 9x9 (base and top), 6x9

(sides) and 7x7 (center). Second, all the cut of bards were assembled in square shape for

the physical outlook of the Electrobotic Mosquiller. When the base of the zapper has

done, the researchers painted the body of the zapper. The researchers constructed the

frames of the two gears and connect in to two DC motors for the elevation of the upper

part of the Electrobotic Mosquiller. Then, they combined the mixture of the yeast and

sugar in a container and poured warm water. The researchers put the container in the

opening porting of the Electrobotic Mosquiller. Then the researchers started to observe

the 3 trials of the efficiency of the eElectrobotic Mosquiller in the inside and outside of

the house. Lastly, the results was compared each of the trials and saw the variation of the

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