STHP-2019 Mock Test

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STHP-2019 Mock Test prepared by Students of Sukkur IBA University NTHP Sukkur IBA Group

STHP-2019 Preparatory Test (Mock Test)

1) You have 2 hours only to solve test.
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7) A pdf question paper will be uploaded in this group on 5:00pm
8) There is negative marking 1/4 as per IBA's policy.
9) Answer key will be uploaded in group after 8:00pm

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STHP-2019 Mock Test prepared by Students of Sukkur IBA University NTHP Sukkur IBA Group

Part 1: English Time: 2 Hours till 7:00pm

Reading Comprehension

The Carnivorous Plant Exhibit

Welcome to the carnivorous plant exhibit at the
National Museum for Plants and Wildlife. For the
next three months, the museum will display two
popular species of carnivorous plants: the Venus
Flytrap and the Asian Pitcher Plant. Carnivorous
plants are predatory green plants that capture and
eat other animals. These plants attract, catch,
digest, and process the nutrients from insects all on
their own. They are able to do this, because the
leaves of these plants have special colors and nectar that can attract and trap
insects. On Saturdays at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm, and 3:00 pm, a carnivorous plant
expert will lecture about carnivorous plants and demonstrate this captivating
feeding process in the promenade outside of the exhibit. You won’t be able to
keep your eyes off of this extremely interesting display!

Venus Flytrap
The Venus Flytrap is probably the most familiar species of carnivorous plant. They
typically grow in the southeast part of the United States, because they prosper in
warm, moist climates. Venus Flytraps are mostly known for consuming flies, but
they will eat any insect that happens to become entangled in their trap. Because of
their brightly colored insides, insects are easily attracted to Venus Flytraps. Once it
lands, an insect will become stuck to the sticky pad. The flytrap will slowly begin
to close and finally snap shut before it consumes the insect. It may take several
days for an insect to be digested. If a Venus Flytrap is closed, you can tell it must
have recently dined.

Asian Pitcher Plant

The Asian Pitcher Plant is named for its leaves, which resemble a beautiful pitcher.
These plants typically grow near ponds. They are so attractive to insects because
their pitcher-shaped leaves are multi-colored and mimic flowers. These leaves also
produce tantalizing nectar. A curious insect will approach, take a sip, and then fall
into the long narrow shoot to its death. The shoot is lined with sticky hairs that aid
in capturing and digestion. Usually, they only consume small insects; but once in a
while a small lizard or frog may stumble into the shoot and the Asian Pitcher Plant
does not discriminate. If it fits, it feeds!

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STHP-2019 Mock Test prepared by Students of Sukkur IBA University NTHP Sukkur IBA Group

1) This passage would most likely be found in a(n)

A. science fiction story
B. gardening magazine article
C. science fair invitation
D. museum exhibit booklet
2) According to the passage, carnivorous plants are
A. known for mostly consuming flies, but will eat other insects
B. predatory green plants that capture and eat other animals
C. so attractive because of their beautifully shaped leaves
D. plants that are consumed by carnivorous animals in the wild
3) Based on information in paragraph 1, it can be understood that captivating
belongs to which word group?
A. capturing, catching, ensnaring
B. modeling, indicating, displaying
C. fascinating, enthralling, interesting
D. shocking, amazing, inspiring
4) Using the information in paragraph 2 as a guide, we can understand that the
southeastern region of the United States is
A. cold and wet
B. warm and moist
C. hot and dry
D. cool and humid
5) Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference
between how the Venus Flytrap and the Asian Pitcher Plant consume insects?
A. The Venus Flytrap only consumes flies, while the Asian Pitcher Plant
only consumes lizards and frogs.
B. The Venus Flytrap lures insects with its beautiful leaves, while the
Asian Pitcher Plant uses a sweet nectar.
C. The Venus Flytrap consumes insects in the United States, while Asia
is the home to the Asian Pitcher Plant.
D. The Venus Flytrap closes on insects, while insects fall into the Asian
Pitcher Plant.
6) According to the passage, Asian Pitcher Plants are attractive to insects because
A. their pitcher-shaped leaves are multi-colored and mimic flowers
B. they produce an enticing nectar that lures insects into its leaves
C. they have sticky pads that are comfortable for sitting upon
D. insects enjoy eating their leaves

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7) At the end of the paragraph 3, the author writes, “If it fits, it feeds!” From this,
we can conclude that the Asian Pitcher Plant
A. is very large and often will not fit near a pond
B. appears very beautiful and shapely to its prey
C. only feeds on animals that come close enough
D. will consume anything that fits inside its shoot
8) Which of the following traits apply to BOTH the Venus Flytrap and the Asian
Pitcher Plant?
I. sticky parts that cling
II. will consume any insect that it captures
III. will consume anything that fits inside it
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and III

9) Carnivorous plants are predatory green plants that capture and eat other
a. Aggressive b. Ferocious c. Violent d. Rapacious

10) The experts will demonstrate the captivating feeding process of

carnivorous plants.
a. Disprove b. Substantiate c. Prove d. Invalidate
11) These plants typically grow near ponds.
a. A body of water usually smaller than a lake. b. Lake c. River d. sea
12) You won’t be able to keep your eyes off of this extremely interesting
a. Avoid b. Ignore c. To stop looking at d. Ignoring
13) They typically grow in the Southeast part of the United States, because they
prosper in warm, moist climates.
a. Succeed b. Flourish c. Happy d. Fail

14) These leaves also produce tantalizing nectar.

a. Teasing b. Disturbing c. Stimulates desire d. Unattractive

15) It may take several days for an insect to be digested.

a. Consume b. Vomit c. Ingest d. Abstain
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16)A small lizard or frog may stumble into shoot and the Asian pitcher plant
does not discriminate.
a. Walk b. Falter c. Bumble d. balanced

17) The Asian Pitcher Plant is named for its leaves, which resemble a beautiful
a. Imitate b. Close c. Match d. Differ

18) A curious insect will approach, take a sip, and then fall into the long narrow
shoot to its death.
a. Bizarre b. Inquisitive c. Inquiring d. interested

Use of Prepositions

19) She hurt her arm when she fell_____ her bike.
A. Down
B. Off
C. In
D. From
20) I will see you ______ five minutes.
A. At
B. After
C. In
D. No preposition
21) Mr. Usama has been shifted _____ America _____ 2005.
A. To, Since
B. In, from
C. At, for
D. In, Since
22) The book is lying ______ the table.
A. On
B. At
C. In
D. Above

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23) All the students should abide ______ the rules of University.
A. From
B. By
C. In
D. With
24) The toy car rolled _______________ the chair.
A. over
B. upon
C. around
D. upon
25) Walk _________ the tunnel to get the other side.
A. into
B. across
C. in
D. through
26) The Prime Minister will appear ______ television tonight.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. None of the above.
27) The Computer class will start ______ 8:30_____the morning.
A. on, in
B. at, in
C. at, at
D. None of the above
28) I am going to my native city _____the summer?
A. for
B. since
C. from
D. None of the above.


29) One of the pens ________ missing.

A. is
B. are
C. both
D. none

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30) A woman with ten sons _________ in a small house.

A. live
B. lives
C. A or B
D. none
31) Thirty years ____________ a long time.
A. is
B. are
C. A or B
D. none
32) Many flowers _______ been plucked.
A. has
B. have
C. A or B
D. none
33) Man and woman _____________ different capabilities to solve a problem.
A. has
B. have
C. A or B
D. none
Identify Noun in following sentence

34) Please close the door and lock it.

A. Lock
B. Close
C. Door
D. Please
Identify Adverb in following sentences

35) I drive the car very carefully when it is raining.

A. When
B. Raining
C. Car
D. Carefully
36) We should buy this laptop because it looks well.
A. Well
B. It
C. Laptop
D. Buy

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Identify Adjectives in following sentences

37) John was brave when he met with an accident.

A. John
B. With
C. Accident
D. Brave
38) The people did not allow to cut 100 years old tree.
A. People
B. Old
C. Allow
D. Tree
Identify Tenses

39) She let her brother to use mobile.

A. Present indefinite
B. Past indefinite
C. Past Perfect
D. A or C

40) I wish! I could win the game

A. Past indefinite
B. Present perfect
C. Future tense
D. Past perfect
General English Grammar

41) I woke up ____ eight o’clock _____ in the morning.

A. at , to
B. on , at
C. in, on
D. at, in
42) Eiffel tower is one of the _________ building in the world.
A. tall
B. taller
C. tallest
D. B or C

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STHP-2019 Mock Test prepared by Students of Sukkur IBA University NTHP Sukkur IBA Group

43) Genocide: means killing of

A. small no of people
B. only two persons
C. women
D. large number of people
Pair of words

44) I want to ______ your views that’s why I came _______ to you.
a) hear, heir
b) here, hear
c) hear, here

45) There are many _________ on the ___________.

a) Flour, flower
b) Flowers, flour
c) Flowers, flours

46) Saniya ordered _______ pizzas _____ her group members.

a) For, four
b) Four, for
c) For, fours

47) I bought a ______ of ______ for my friend because she loves it.
a) Pair, pear
b) Pairs, pear
c) Pears, pair

48) _____ can know his life’s purpose when he ______ himself.
a) One, wons
b) Won, one
c) Ones, won
d) One, won

49) ____ am the apple of his ____.

a) Eyes, I
b) I, eyes
c) I, eye

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50) The king saw the _____ turning the battle into the hands of the enemy, putting
his _______ in a jeopardy.
a) Rain, rein
b) Rains, reign
c) Rain, reign

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Math Portion
51) If a and b are any two positive numbers then gcd(a,b) = ? If it known that
lcm(a,b) = 16 and ab = 64.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
52) What is the number of roots of the polynomial.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
53) If f (0) = 1, f (1) = 4 and f (x) = f(x - 2) + 6 for all integers x > 1, then f(71)
A. 209
B. 210
C. 211
D. 212
A. 1
B. x
C. y
D. xy
55) At present, the ratio between the ages of Arun and Deepak is 4 : 3. After 6
years, Arun's age will be 26 years. What is the age of Deepak at present?
A. 12 years
B. 15 years
C. 19 and half
D. 21 years
56) Which of the following is an irrational number?
A. 0.33333…
B. 1/2
C. 10.489
D. 0.101101110…

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57) Max goes to the gym every fourth day. Ellen’s exercise routine is to go
every third day. Today is Monday and both Max and Ellen are at the gym. What
will the day of the week be the next time they are BOTH at the gym?
A. Monday
B. Saturday
C. Friday
D. Wednesday
58) How many prime numbers are in the series 1,2,3,5,4,8,9,11,15.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
59) If two coordinates of a rectangle are present in the first quadrant, then which
one of the following coordinates is NOT to be of that rectangle?
A. (2, 8)
B. (2, -8)
C. (8, -2)
D. (-2, -8)
60) Use analytical geometry to determine to classify the quadrilateral ABCD
with vertices A(-1,0), B(3,3), C(6,-1), and D(2,-4).
A. Parallelogram
B. Square
C. Rhombus
D. Trapezium
61) If x + ax – a2 x – a3 is divided by x + a, then he remainder is ?
3 2

A. –a3
B. a3
C. 2a3
D. 0
62) Which of the following is not the factor of x 4 – 13x2 + 36
A. x+5
B. (x – 2)
C. (x + 2)
D. x+3
63) The shade area in the figure represents the set:

C. A-E
D. E-A

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STHP-2019 Mock Test prepared by Students of Sukkur IBA University NTHP Sukkur IBA Group

64) If X & Y are two sets & n (X) = 18, n (Y) = 24, n(XUY)= 40 then n(X ՈY)
= ________
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 2
65) The first, second and fourth terms of a proportion are 16, 24 and 54
respectively. Then the third term is:
A. 36
B. 28
C. 48
D. 32
66) Length and width of a field are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the width of the field is
42 m then its length is:
A. 100 m
B. 80 m
C. 50 m
D. 70 m
67) 4sin 4θ = ?
A. 8sin2θcos2θ
B. 4sin 2θcos2θ
C. 8sin4θcos4θ
D. sin4θcos4θ
68) For all θ, sin θ + sin (-θ)+ cos θ + cos (-θ)+ tan θ+ tan (-θ) = ?
A. 2sinθ
B. 2cosθ
C. 2tanθ
D. 2sinθtanθ
69) A car covers a distance of 200km in 2 hours 40 minutes, whereas a jeep
covers the same distance in 2 hours. What is the ratio of their speed?
A. 4:5
B. 4:3
C. 3:4
D. 5:4
70) In the following series a wrong number is given. Find out that number.
4, 5, 10, 18, 34, 59, 95
A. 4
B. 5
C. 34
D. 10

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71) What is the radius of the circle x2 + y2 -14x + 4y + 44 = 0?

A. 2.2
B. 3
C. 6.6
D. 9
72) What is the slope of the line parallel to the line segment with endpoints
(0, −4) and (2, 4)?
A. 4
B. 1\4
C. -1\4
D. −4

73) Assuming you are factoring over the real numbers, which of the
following is the completely factored form of x4 - 16?
A. (x2 - 4) (x2 + 4)
B. (x - 2) (x + 2) (x2 + 4)
C. (x2 - 4)2
D. (x − 2)2(x2 + 4)

74) If the sides of a cube are doubled, then its volume is

Increased by what factor?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 8
75) If f (x)=x -2x3+6x-1, then f (-2) =?

A. -13
B. 19
C. 32
D. 11
76) The derivative of 3x1/3 +5x+ k , (k is any constant) is:
A. 3x+5
B. x1/3 +5 +k
C. x-2/3 +5
D. x +k
77) d/dx(cotx)* d/dx(tanx) is: [* means Multiply]
A. sin-2x
B. csc x
C. sec x
D. tan2x

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78) 3x+ 5y= 10; y- 2x= 2; x-y = ?

A. 150
B. -2
C. 300
D. 50
79) 8x+9y=3; x+y=0; Find 2x-3y.
A. 10
B. 25
C. -15
D. 51
80) ʃ sin(x) dx
A. cos(x) +c
B. –csc(x) +c
C. sec(x) +c
D. –cos(x) +c
81) ʃ (3x +x-5)= ?

A. x9 /3 +x2 /2 -5x+c
B. 16x9+4x+c
C. 3x9+2x2-5x+c
D. None
82) Find value of H from given triangle if area of given Right triangle is 400.
A. 20
B. √20 2x H
C. 20√5
D. 5√20

83) Which of the following is not an identity?
A. sin2a+cos2a=1
B. sin(a)=tan(a)*cos(a)
C. 1+cot2a=csc2a
D. 1-sec2a=tan2a
84) A plane which consists of two number lines that intersect each other at
right angle is called
A. Functional plane
B. Ordinate Plane
C. Dimensional Plane
D. Cartesian Plane

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85) The equation of given graph is:

A. –x2+3
B. x2+3
C. x2-3
D. –(x2+3)

86) √−36 + √−25 + √−16 = ?

A. 15
B. -15
C. -15i
D. 15i
87) Every real number is a _______.
A. Complex Number
B. Rational Number
C. Natural Number
D. None of the above
88) log10 1000 = ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
89) Let
𝑥 + 2𝑦 = 13
𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 12
2𝑦 + 𝑧 = 11
then what is the value of x,y,z ?
A. x=3,y=4,z=5
B. x=5,y=4,z=3
C. x=4,y=4,z=3
D. x=3,y=5,z=4
90) log1/2 16 = ?
A. 4
B. 5
C. -4
D. -5
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91) Factorize −20𝑥 2 − 9𝑥 + 20

A. (−5𝑥 + 4)(4𝑥 + 5)
B. (5𝑥 + 4)(4𝑥 + 5)
C. (5𝑥 + 4)(−4𝑥 + 5)
D. None
92) Sum of the roots of quadratic equation is equal to __________.
−𝑏 −2𝑏 −𝑏 𝑏
A. B. C. D.
2𝑎 𝑎 𝑎 𝑎
93) 5√9+9√25=?
A. 60√5
B. 14√34
C. 60
D. 34
94) A class has 64 boys and 38 girls. What percentage of students are boys?
A. 60%
B. 30%
C. 38%
D. 64%
95) If Ali’s monthly salary is X dollars and he saves Y dollars. How much
do Ali consume monthly?
A. X+Y
B. X-Y
C. Y-X
1 1
96) If 𝑦 + = −2 then 𝑦 2 + 2 =?
𝑦 𝑦
A. 2
B. -2
C. 4
D. -4
97) The width of rectangle is 4 cm less than twice of its length. If the
perimeter of rectangle is 34cm, find the dimensions of rectangle
A. 7,3
B. 7,4
C. 8,3
D. 3,8
98) 5 + 54 + 51 + 1251 + 252

A. 518
B. 2515
C. 522
D. 525

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5 25 125
99) If = = , then find x, y:
𝑥 𝑦 25
A. 5,25
B. 1,25
C. 1,5
D. 25,25

100) 5% of 5√5 = ?
A. √5/4
B. 4/√5
C. 5
D. √5
Test Preparatory Team

• Subhan Mangi
o (Qualified NTHP 2016, Student BS-4 Computer Science)
• Abdul Malik
o (Qualified NTHP 2016, Student BS-4 Computer Science)
• Buxial Khan
o (Qualified NTHP 2016, Student BBA-4)
• Uzair Ahmed Soomro
o (Qualified NTHP 2016, Student BBA-4)
• Muhammad Abdullah Hanif
o (Qualified NTHP 2017, Student BS-2 Computer Science)
• Pardeep Kumar
o (Qualified NTHP 2017, Student BBA-2)
• Saima Batool
o (Qualified NTHP 2017, Student BS-2 Accounting & Finance)
• Uzma Inam
o (Qualified STHP 2017, Student B. Ed I)

After Completing the test send your answers in a MS-Word File on subhan.cs17@iba- by email.
Don’t Stress
Do Your Best
Forget the Rest

Good Luck
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