1-03-036!04!0 Inspection of Repaired Motor
1-03-036!04!0 Inspection of Repaired Motor
1-03-036!04!0 Inspection of Repaired Motor
0.1 This Inter Plant Standard has been prepared by the Standards Committee on
Rotating Electrical Machinery , IPSS 1:3 with the active participation of the
representatives of the steel plants and major consultancy organizations and
was adopted in June 2004.
1.1 This Interplant standard covers overhauling of slipring induction motors with
anti-friction and sliding bearings. This standard provides some checks and
limits of fitment for components of slipring induction motors viz. bearing,
housing, coupling, etc during dismantling and assemblying of machines
3.2 Recording of various parameters, viz, bearing clearances, stator and rotor
winding resistance & inductance, slipring dia before and after turning,
insulation resistance. of insulation of brush holder assembly insulation
resistance before & after assembly is a must.
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
4.5 Remove all dirt & dust from motor body. Motor to be cleaned externally,
preferably in a de-dusting chamber with dry compressed air.
4.6 Before removing the motor from foundation, check alignment, foundation
marking and coupling gap shaft axial clearance & record. Also check air gap
and stator rotor coil alignment in case of sliding bearing motors. Shaft and
coupling flange run out to be checked and recorded. Rotor shaft at both ends
to be tied firmly by Manila rope with stator body before lifting the motor from
the foundation.
4.7 Check the condition of slipring and the brush holder assembly, check the
carbon brushes for free movement in the brush holder. Observe any abnormal
heating mark of the pig tail. Check and record any threading, grooving on the
slip rings.
5.2 All fasteners removed to be properly marked and placed in ONE container.
5.2.1 Motors with anti-friction bearings - The bearing no. with designated clearance ,.
to be noted.
5.2.2. Motors with sliding bearing - Check bearing clearances axial play and
condition of grease & record. This is required to be done both for anti-friction
as well as sliding bearings prior to complete dismantling of the motor. Check
slipring condition. for any threading, grooving and ovality. Check security of
slipring end connection (brazing condition), rotor to slipring connecting lead
clamping, brush holder spring tension, etc. Also check air gap, stator and
rotor, core alignment, in case of sliding bearing motor. The matching marks for
TOP & BOTTOM halves of the bearing covers as well as sleeves are to be
read & accordingly markings are to be given for its locating positions. Check,
measure and record if any packing (sheams) is given between top half of
bearing cover and top of bearing bush.
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IPSS:1-03-036-04 Rotor shaft journals are to be protected by wrapping it with Wax paper. All components viz, coupling end shields, grease caps, bearing housings,
lockrings, lock-nuts, etc, to be removed carefully, identification of parts by
paint numerals to be done for both DE & NDE side.
5.3 Remove cooling system/heat exchangers provided on the top of the motor.
b) Remove both stator & rotor at a time to separate place & place it on a
pre-arranged stand. Care is to be taken to ensure that the load is
absolutely balanced. The rotor to be lifted with the crane hook while taking
precaution that the sling does not damage the overhang winding. Wooden
piece of suitable thickness to be given as packing. While threading out/in
the rotor from/into the stator it must be leveled to avoid damage inside the
c) Depending on the size of the motor, a balance beam with a ratchet hoist
may be deployed. Otherwise the job can be completed with the help of any
kind of Crane.
5.4.1 The job can be carried out by anyone of the following methods:
b) Use of two hooks of the crane (where available) & two pipes at both ends.
c) Use of traverse with sliding rollers & with screw jacking up facility. The
traverse will hold one of the rotor shaft and other end with pipe to be held
by crane hook.
d) Use of single pipe in a cantilever manner and with the help of traverse held
by both the hooks.
e) Use of single pipe in cantilever manner with manual labour to balance the
weight of the rotor at one end of the pipe.
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6.1 Stator & rotor to be cleaned thoroughly by dry compressed air in a dedusting
chamber. Where such chambers are not available, it should be done in an
open space, so that the dust does not enter into other motors. Then apply
suitable solvents to remove settled oil, dust & grime.
6.2 Check insulation resistance of the stator windings. Check overhang portion of
the windings. Check looseness of the s'lot wedges. Check for hot points (loose
connections) in end connections. Check condition of connecting leads &
terminal insulators.
6.2.1 Check insulation resistance of the rotor assembly. Check overhung portion of
the rotor assembly including condition of the binding. Also check the resiglass
bondage condition in the overhang portion. Check sliprings including their
connections. Check surface of the sliprings. Measure slipring diameter and
record. Check for any loose or hot connections in the rotor winding & slipring
termination. Check termination of slipring brush holder connecting leads to the
terminal box of the motor. Check the condition of brush holder arm insulation,
spring tension and thoroughly inspect the brush holder box for any crack in the
side brazing.
6.3 Check core laminations, ventilation ducts, fan/fan hub, blade profile, cracks in
rotor bars/shorting rings, looseness in lock nuts & wear out of bearing seating.
6.3.1 Test all the insulated components for IR, current balance, uniform heating of
winding, proper formation of poles etc. The voltage applied should be so
regulated that tr.e current does not exceed the rated capacity of the
component. Keep the current for atleast 15 minutes & then switch off. Touch
by hand all over the winding and core. Localised hotspots in the core indicate
shorted core and likely to cause failure of the winding. Further investigation to
be done by core flux. test method. If hotspots are too hot or too many in the t..
stator, re-stacking of the core is the only solution and should be considered
only if it is found economical. Similar tests to be carried out on wound rotor
6.4 In case of motors with sliding bearing, condition of the journal surface to be
examined for smoothness including condition of bearing.
6.5 All other accessories related to bearings are to be critically inspected for
6.7 Laminations in stator and rotor, rotor winding, end brazing condition, security
of stator and rotor core, end plate locking, check and clean for any blockage of
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7.1 Bearings
7.1.1 Anti-friction bearings - clean the bearing thoroughly with kerosene/a suitable
solvent and marking cloth and check surface conditions for pits, burns, dents,
scratches, etc. Check rollers and balls for any visible defects. Check condition of the cage.
~ If the condition of the bearing is good and bearing clearances are within
normal limits, then protect the bearing by wrapping it with Wax paper.
Bearing can be smeared with machine oil. If the bearing is found defective, replace with a new bearing after taking
precautions to avoid application of spurious bearing. Clean and check other parts of the beatings, viz, seals, grease caps,
clearance of grease cap with the shaft. Bearing housing should be removed and bearing seating surface on the
rotor shaft to be checked and measured. Remedial measures to be
taken if bearing inner race is found loose on the shaft. Similarly, inner
surface of bearing housing should be checked with reference to the
outer race of the bearing. Replace defective bearing. Use bearing puller for taking out the
bearings. Use recommended cleaning agent for removing conservative
grease from the new bearing. After measurement of bearing gap of the
new bearing, compare the observed data with respect to allowable
limits (earlier table as above). For correct fitment of bearing, measure
shaft dia at the bearing seating surface and measure internal dia of the
bearing inner race. For mounting bearing, use oil bath for heating upto
100°C or make use of induction heating process. For mounting the
bearing, use of hammer is strictly prohibited. However, if unavoidable,
copper or teflon hammer is to be used. After attaining room temperature
check fitness and grease the bearing with recommended grease grade.
Check for free rotation of the bearing and ensure that there is no pre-
loading of the bearing. Check surface polish condition of the shaft journal. Retain surface glaze
by polishing wherever necessary with coconut cordage soaked in oil or
with felt and smooth grinding paste (Molybiddnem di sulphide). Check white/babbit metal condition of the lower and upper halves of the
bushes. In case of any defects, viz, unusual wear, breakage bearing metal
on liner, choking of oil passage, etc, replace the bearing. ~ Check for ovality deformation and cracks in the oil rings. Defective rings to
be replaced. Also check the labyrinths and clean oil grooves and holes. Rotor journal radial clearance to be checked with led wire. For a shaft
diameter of 100 to 200 mm, the permissible radial runout of the shaft
journal is not to exceed 0.02 mm and that of the shaft diameter above 200
mm it is not be to be over 0.03 mm. At the shaft where labyrinths are fitted,
the run-out is not to exceed 0.05 to 0.06 mm. However, in case of a
working rotor having vibration within norm, it can be overlooked.
7.1 .1 .5 While fitting the bushes of the non-split bearings, measure shaft journal
diameter with outside micrometer and the bush internal dia with an internal a J For split bush bearings, clearances (a1, a2, a3) should be measured.
Collar and oil pocket clearances should also be measured and recorded
(Refer Annexure-V). Bearing clearances for split bush bearings can be
between 0.1 to 0.25% of the shaft journal diameter in case of oil ring
lubricated bearings subject to a maximum of 0.45mm. Bearings having
forced oil lubrication can have bearing clearances between 0.15 to
0.35% of the shaft journal diameter subject to a maximum of 0.45 mm.
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" --,-~-.-.--------~----------~-
just fit in the end-shield and this has to be ensured. For split bushes refer
clause 8.3 later. In case of motors with separate pedestals for sleeve bearings, oil sumps
are cleaned after draining out the used oil at a frequency as decided by the
condition of the oil, but definitely NOT later than three years of service. The
oil taken out may again be re-used after reconditioning. Pedestal insulation
resistance is checked and if found low, these insulating plates and
insulated dowel pins' are taken out. Defective plates are replaced with
similar good plates and other plates are dried, varnished before re-fixing.
All defective threaded holes are reworked. Oil level indicating glasses and
reflectors are cleaned.
7.2.1 Heat exchanger tubes should be checked and cleaned with suitable industrial
cleaner. In case of water cooled heat exchanger, pressure testing with water
to be done to ensure there is no tube leakage. In case tube leakage is
observed, then the same can be plugged subjected to maximum 5% plugging
of tubes.
7.2.2 All accumulated muck, etc, found inside the tubes or in the air circuit to be
thoroughly cleaned.
7.3 Stator
7.3.1 After ensuring electrical healthiness of the stator winding and with no apparent
damage to the stator winding, thorough cleaning with suitable solvent viz CTC
or equivalent to be carried out. However, if the winding condition does not
require any solvent for cleaning, only dry compressed air may be used.
Solvent should be chemically inactive with the organic insulating material and
should have no hygroscopic properties. It is preferable to use cleaning agent
(solvent) which are not prone to fire and injurious to health of person working
with it.
7.3.2 All pores of the ventilation ducts are to be cleaned with wooden sticks and thin
nylon brushes. Precaution is to be taken so that the winding insulation inside
the slot is not affected.
7.3.3 Clean the winding with spray jet in which mixture of compressed air and with
suitable solvent as given in 7.3.1 is to be used to remove oily dirt.
7.3.4 In the case of re-wedging, it should start from the middle of the stator core
proceeding towards both ends. The grooves in the wedges should coincide
with the ventilating ducts in the core when properly fitted. While driving the
wedges, care should be taken to avoid damage to the winding insulation. The
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F sus
7.3.5 In the case of re-wedging, it should start from the middTe of the stator core
proceeding towards both ends. The grooves in the wedges should coincide
with the ventilating ducts in the core when properly fitted. While driving the
wedges, care should be taken to avoid damage to the winding insulation. The
wedges should be made tight by providing spacers of suitable thickness. Use
EPOXY REDJEL or equivalent along with suitable hardener in the prescribed
ratio (100:35) by weight and prepare the glue mix for application on the
spacers and wedges. Consume the glue mix within 4 hours after its
preparation as per Annexure-III.
7.3.6 Varnish the stator by air-drying varnish after completely drying the stator ~
winding and ensuring Absorption co-efficient >1.3 (R60/R15).
7.4.1 Clean end shields. Check for any surface cracks, dents, etc inner diametric
surface where outer race of bearing fits should be thoroughly checked for any
depression, groove, ovality, dents, cracks, etc. Rectify defects or use new end
shields. Also check end shield bearing installation, if provided. Check the end
shield bearing housing insulation (in case of HT Motors only).
7.4.2 Bearing outer race diameter and inside of the end shield to be measured and
compared. A slide fit should be achieved so that outer race of bearing just fit in
by slight tapping. However, ensure that this should not be loose fitted. ~
7.4.3 Far( blades fixing on fan hub are to be examined and any broken rivet or
welding joint loose or missing balancing weights to be reworked to ensure
proper fan condition.
7,4.4 End-shield collar which is fitting into stator body should be carefully examined
and any defect observed should be rectified.
7.5 Rotor
7.5.1 The rotor is to be checked on a lathe for trueness of the sliprings. If it is out of
centre for more than 0.1 mm, it will need machining. If the sliprings are worn
out and the balance depth of the ring is 5 mm or less, the slipring assembly is
to be replaced as a whole. This will be true for both moulded and assembled
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7.5.2 The end threads on rotor shaft for locking of coupling should be refreshed
where ever necessary.
7.5.3 The brush holders should be checked for their soundness of springs as they
loose tension over a period of prolonged use due to repeated heat cycles.
7.5.4 Carbon brushes should be checked for their freeness inside the brush-box,
broken pig-tails, height of the brush reached to its minimum mark, broken &
burnt edges, etc. Radial clearance between the brush box and the slip ring
should be as maintained in the original machine.
7.5.5 Brush holder arms should be re-insulated and tested as per the rating of the
7.5.6 Test all the insulated components for IR, current balance, uniform heating of
winding, proper formation of poles etc. The voltage applied should be so
regulated that the current does not ·exceed the rated capacity of the
component. Keep the current for atleast 15 minutes & then switch off. Touch
by hand all over the winding and core. Localised hotspots in the core indicate
shorted core and likely to cause failure of the winding. Further investigation to
be done by core flux test method. If hotspots are too hot or too many in the
stator, re-stacking of the core is the only solution and should be considered
only if it is found economical. Similar tests to be carried out on both stator and
7.5.7 A HV test with appropriate voltage level is to be carried out after repairs
depending upon the voltage rating of the motor, in addition to PI determination
for both stator and rotor separately (This has to be decided based on the
Rating Plate of·the Motor). Refer Annexure-IV for testing method.
7.6.1 Rotor is inserted in accordance with the method explained at clause 5.4 &
5.4.1. While insertion, care must be taken to ensure that rotor parts do not
rub/damage stator winding.
7.6.2 Fixing end-shield should start from the ball bearing side end/non driving end.
Hammering should not be resorted to while fixing the end shield. However,
uniform gentle tapping or use of extended studs should be resorted to.
Wherever locating pins are provided, these should be driven in first before final
tightening of end shield bolts.
7.6.3 Ensure proper tightening of bearing housing, grease cup bolts on the .end
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
7.6.5 External fan hub should he keyed fit. Tighten the lock bolt after proper fixing of
the fan.
7.6.6 Check grease pipe and grease nipple and clean with kerosene oil.
7.6.7 Check thermometer fixing and ensure that thermometer lead does not touch
any rotating parts.
7.6.8 Fit brush holder assembly on the slipring. Mount carbon brushes inside the
brush holders. Check freeness of the carbon brush inside the brush box.
Connect pig-tails to the connecting terminals.
7.6.9 Check free rotation of rotor and observe. If free rotation is normal, send the
motor for power trial purpose to test bed.
8.1 The rotor is inserted into the stator safely with the help of traverse and crane
main/auxiliary hook. Rotor is tied firmly with stator body by manila rope at both
ends. It is then lifted & placed on foundation by crane.
8.2.1 In ca,se of split bearing; oil rings, shell, pedestal foundation bolt tightness, oil
level indicating glass, reflectors brightness and oil drain out plugs are ensured
for proper fitment.
8.2.2 For insertion of lower bush of split bearing, the rotor is lifted and positioned
just above pedestal so that the shaft journal and the lower bush are exactly
accommodated in the pedestal.
8.2.3 In case a new split bearing is used: a1, a2, a3 gaps and collar clearances are
measured and adjusted. Oil pockets are made as per Annexure-IV.
8.2.4 Bearing matching by rotating shaft twice or thrice on lower bush babbit surface
and scrapping glittering high point (spots) is carried out. 2 to 5 spots per sq.
cm area is to be achieved. Then knurling on babbit surface at 10 to 15 mm
distance from one another is done. This process of knurling is also called
making oil grooves.
8.2.5 In case of non-split bearing shells, shaft journal is coated with a thin layer of.
paint (ultramarine). The bearing shell is then rotated two or three rotations on
the shaft. Paint's spots on the babbited surface is then scraped and by this
process 2 to 5 mark per sq. cm area over an arc of 60°C -120°C is achieved.
8.2.6 Bearings are boxed up in the pedestal and labyrinths are provided with proper
gaskets. Labyrinth gaps are adjusted as per norm given in Table-2 of
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
8.2.7 Oil, as per grade recommended by the motor manufacturer, is filled in the
pedestal sump upto the mark in the indicating glass. Thermometers are then
placed in position.
8.3.1 External fan hub should be keyed fit. Tighten the lock bolt after proper fixing of
the fan.
8.3.2 Check grease pipe and grease nipple for free flow of grease in the bearings.
8.3.3 Check thermometer fixing and ensure that thermometer lead does not touch
any rotating parts.
8.3.4 Check free rotation of rotor and observe. If free rotation is normal, send the
motor for trial & test to the Test bed.
8.4.1 External fan hub should be keyed fit. Tighten the lock bolt after proper fixing of
the fan. The axial and radial tolerance limits for alignments of half couplings by
Four Dial Gauge method is given in Annexure-V.
The axial tolerance is given per 100 mm of distance of dial gauge tip from
centre to shaft.
8.4.2 Air gap is then adjusted and maximum permissible variation is kept within
± 10% of average gap. Magnetic core adjustment is also done with air gap.
8.4.3 Winding covers, air baffle rings, end covers, etc, are fitted and it is ensured
that they must not foul with the rotor rotating parts. Here all clearances are
precisely adjusted as per suppliers manual guide or pre-dismantling data.
8.4.4 In motors where extra shims are provided on end-shield to align the stator &
rotor, these are re-fitted in accordance with pre-dismantling identification.
8.4.5 Insulation resistance of insulating plates, pins, bushes on motor free end
pedestal is ensured.
9.1 Preliminary Tests - Following tests are to be carried out before the motor is
run on trial.
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IPSS:1-03-036-04 The phase to phase and phase to earth insulation resistance (M-Ohms) at
the working temperature of the machine shall not be lower than the value
found from the equation:
V rated
R60 =
(10.00+0.01 P)
Where V rated = Rated voltage in Volts
P = Rated output (kVA)
K= R60
The value of K above 1.3 indicates that insulation is dry. When K is less than
1.3, the machine requires drying.
9.1.8 All the above tests are to be carried out for Rotor also.
9.2 No load running Test (only for motors with anti-friction bearings).
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
9.2.1 Before starting the test it will be necessary to short the rotor winding at slipring
with a heavy gauge conductor. If facility for running the motor with rotor
resistance exists, it should not be utilised.
c) Measure RPM
f) Check temperature rise of the motor bearing after one hour of running
at rated speed.
9.3 No load running in the case of motors with sleeve bearings shall be done after
fixing the motor on its base.
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
The leakage magnetic fields In long electric machines generate a voltage in the rotor shaft.
This induced voltage causes InduceCl currents through the bearings and bed-plates. The
resultant electroltic action causes gradual pittin9 and subsequent failure of bearings and
possible sludging of th~ lubricating oil. To eliminate shaft currents, the outboard bearing
shell is Insulated from the housing· of one outboard bearing pedestal needs to be insulated
from ground. All oil piping connections, etc, which are connected to the shaff or bearing
must also be Insulated. The shell or pedestal Insulation should be kept clean and should
not be painted with metallic or other non-insulating paints.
Insulated Bearing
I Shaft
Stalor &: Rotor
Pedestal Insulation
· #ljl
ft r Ij lIff/If
r f f l/jljlj
Fig.: Testing Bearing Pedestal Insulation
To measure the value of the pedestal insulation two readings are to be faken after
disconnecting the external earthing connection.
a. mY rading to be taken, with a jumper connecting the shaft to the pedestal.
b. mY reading tuken without jumper.
If bearing insulation is good the reading will be equal. In case of any defect the reading
of (a.) will be higher than that of (b.) .
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I'r---:---+---:----' (FREE SIDE)
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IPSS: 1-03-036-04
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For checking the magnetic centre test chalk paste is applied on the circumference of
the shaft (maximum width of the chalk paste bent is 30-40 mm width) and sharp
marker fixed in a suitable magnetic stand is positioned in such a way that a minimum
gap of 0.5-1 mm is maintained from the shaft. The motor is switched on and is
allowed to attain full speed. While motor is running at full speed. the marker is
pressed lightly against shaft and a circular mark is obtained. This is the magnetic
centre mark of the motor. Motor is switched off and is allowed to slow down upto 5-
10% of normal speed. At this position. the motor shaft end is pushed axially (with the
help of wooden rod) to the extreme positions of either side and two numbers of
circular markings are obtained. If the circular marking obtained initially (motor running
condition) is located in the middle of the end position markings (obtained during
motor switched off condition and at 5-10% of normal speed) then the magnetic centre
is perfectly O.K. If the three distinct marks are not obtained and then it indicates the
possibility of collar rubbing with bearing is there . .This needs corrective adjustment as
described below:
ii) For split type bush bearing. required adjustment is carried out by shifting of
stator axially in the required direction and after adjustment and
confirmatory test the stator is then fixed in position with the help of control
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