Daily Test Elementary School 1

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Answer these questions correctly.

1. Luna : Hai Andri, how are you? 6. Renold : How many pencils do you
Andri : ......................................... have?
Budi: ……………..
a. No, thanks a. Yes, I do
b. I am fine, thanks b. I am fine
c. Yes, I do c. I have three pencils

2. How old are you Robby? 7. Saya suka apel in English is ….

a. I am nine years old a. I like apple
b. My hobby is singing b. You like apple
c. I’m fine, thanks c. I do not like apple

3. What is your hobby? 8. Saya tidak suka apel in English is ….

a. My hobby is fishing a. I like apple
b. I am six years old b. You like apple
c. Yes, I do c. I do not like apple

4. Ria : Hai, ………………………..? 9. Saya punya tiga buku in English is …

Anita : My name is Anita a. I have tri books
a. I am fine, thanks b. I have three books
b. No, I do not c. I have three book
c. What is your name

10. Saya punya pulpen in English is …

5. Ardi : Do you like banana Mia? a. I have a pen
Mia : Yes, ….. b. I have a pens
a. I am c. I like a pen
b. I do
c. I do not
Spelling Test
11. E – P – N = ……………………….

12. N – A – B – A – N – A = ………………….

13. T – O – W = …………….

14. P – P – A – L – E = …………………

15. F – S – I – H = ………………….

16. …………………………..

17. …………………………..

18. …………………………..

19. …………………………..

20. …………………………

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