Magnetic Levitation: Emerging Technologies by Nick Presson

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Magnetic Levitation

Emerging Technologies
By Nick Presson


Magnetic levitation has been around for years, but

with advances in technology it may become a part of
everyday life. The main emphasis for magnetic levitation
is for transportation. Magnetically levitated ground
transportation, or “Maglev”, is an advanced mode of
surface high speed transportation whereby a vehicle
gliding above a guideway is suspended, guided, and
propelled by magnetic forces. Can you imagine a train
that that actually floats in air 4 to 6 inches in the air
and travels up to 300 mph. This technology can reduce
air and highway congestion, air pollution, and petroleum

Traditional Systems

The transportation system in the United States has

been much admired around the world. Our extensive
highway and air systems have facilitated business and
leisure travel and contributed to a high quality of life
for many Americans. In 1990, 429 million passengers
traveled 342 billion passenger miles on commercial
airlines. Americans traveled 2 trillion passenger miles
my car, truck, bus, and public transit, and 6.1 billion
passenger miles on Amtrak. As population have grown and
shifted, however, the traditional systems have become
stressed. Congestion on highways and at airports,
especially since September 11, not only wastes time and
fuel increases, but also constrains mobility to the
extent that economic growth and productivity are
adversely affected. Some of the current concerns are the
rising costs. Land is costly and becoming more
scarce. Adding more highway lanes and building new
airports in or near our larger cities is becoming
increasingly difficult. Environmental issues are
associated with building and operating air and highway
systems (such as air and noise pollution) have become a
major problem in expansion. The last one is increased
oil dependence. Current transportation technologies are
petroleum dependent, accounting for 64 percent of total
petroleum use. Without transportation alternatives that
reduce dependency, transportation petroleum use is
expected to remain high. Due to this, it is possible
that this situation will contribute to the U.S. trade
deficit and dependence on oil imports, possibly creating
a national security problem. Let’s look at how the
technology of magnetic levitation, or Maglev, may
decrease these current problems.

Basic Principles of Physics

Magnetism is a phenomenon that occurs when a moving

charge exerts a force on other moving charges. The
magnetic force caused by this moving charge sets up a
field which in turn exerts a moving force on other moving
charges. The magnetic field is found to be perpendicular
to the velocity of the current.

Maglev History Timeline

1900 - Robert Goddard and Emile Bachelet conceived the

concept of frictionless trains.
1930 - German scientist Hermann Kemper studied the use of
magnetic fields in conjunction with airplanes and trains

1969 - American scientists James R. Powell and Gordan T.

Danby patented the first design for magnetic levitational

1970 - Germans and Japanese start research and

development towards their versions of maglev technology

1990 - U.S. Federal Government with FRA begins to support

maglev technology and implements the National Maglev
Imitative (NMI).

1991 - Germany's government certifies operation of first

maglev train for the public

1998 - Hamburg to Berlin route will be complete

2005 - Tokyo-Osaka route scheduled to be finished

Magnetic levitation Train

Magnetic Levitation Train, also maglev
train,is a high-speed ground transportation vehicle
levitated above a track called a guideway and propelled
by magnetic fields. Magnetic levitation train technology
can be used for urban travel at relatively low speeds
(less than 100 km/h, or less than 62 mph); a short-
distance maglev shuttle operated for 11 years from 1984
to 1995 between the Birmingham, England, airport and the
city train station. However, the greatest worldwide
interest is in high-speed maglev systems. Train speeds of
552 km/h (343 mph) have been demonstrated by a full-size
maglev vehicle in Japan, while in Germany a maglev train
has run at 450 km/h (280 mph).

Types of Levitation

Two different approaches to magnetic levitation train

systems have been developed. The first is called
electromagnetic suspension. This is basically levitated
by attraction. There are conventional electromagnets
mounted at the ends of a pair of structures under the
train; the structures wrap around and under either side
of the guideway. The magnets attract up toward laminated
iron rails in the guideway and lift the train. However,
this system is inherently unstable; the distance between
the electromagnets and the guideway, which is about 10 mm
(3/8 in), must be continuously monitored and adjusted by
computer to prevent the train from hitting the guideway.

There are 3 main components to the system that governs

the functionality of Maglev Trains:
1) A large electrical power source
2) Metal coils lining a guideway or track
3) Large guidance magnets are attached to
the underside of the

A key difference between the maglev train and a

conventional train is the structure of the
engine. Unlike trains in the past that used fossil fuels
to pull the engine across steel tracks, the magnetic
field created by the electrified coils in the guideway
track walls propel the Maglev Train.
Here is a fundamental description of how Maglev
operates. The guideway, which is a magnetized coil
running along the track, repels the large magnets on the
train's undercarriage, allowing the train to levitate
above the guideway between .39 and 3.93 inches (1 to 10
cm). Subsequently, power is supplied to the coils within
the guideway walls to create a unique system of magnetic
fields that pull and push the train along the
guideway. To change the polarity of the magnetized
coils, the electric current supplied to the coils in the
guideway walls is constantly alternated. This change in
polarity causes the magnetic field in front of the train
to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field
behind the train adds more forward thrust.

Currently, two prototypes of the Maglev Train are being

tested: one using electromagnetic suspension (EMS) and
the other using electrodynamic suspension (EDS). While
both incorporate the same fundamentals into their design,
there is one distinct difference in the two models.

Electromagnetic Suspension

In Germany, engineers are building an electromagnetic

suspension (EMS) system in which electromagnets are
attached to the train’s undercarriage and are directed up
towards the guideway, which levitates the train called
Transrapid. In this system, the bottom of the train
wraps around a steel guideway. Electromagnets that are
attached to the train's undercarriage are directed up
toward the guideway, which levitates the train about one-
third of an inch (1 cm) keeping the train levitated even
when it's not moving. Other guidance magnets embedded in
the train body keep it stable during travel. Germany has
demonstrated that the Transrapid maglev train can reach
300 mph with people on board.

Here is a picture of how the EMS train operates. The

magnets located on the side of the track elevate the
train while the bottom magnets propel it forward.
Electrodynamic Suspension

Japanese engineers are developing a competing version of

maglev trains that use an electrodynamic suspension (EDS)
system, which is based on the repelling force of magnets
and not the attracting force. The key difference between
Japanese and German maglev trains is that the Japanese
trains use super-cooled superconducting electromagnets.
These electromagnets can conduct electricity even after
the power supply has been shut off. In the EMS system,
which uses standard electromagnets, the coils only
conduct electricity when a power supply is present. By
chilling the coils at frigid temperatures, Japan's system
saves more energy.

The cylindrical unit at the top, is a tank holding

liquefied helium and nitrogen. The bottom unit is a SC
coil alternately generating N poles and S poles. At one
end of the tank is the integrally-attached on-board
refrigerator, which serves to re-liquefy the helium
gas once vaporized by regular heat absorption and
external disturbances during running.

contact, so it may be possible in the future to run

speeds in excess of 500mph. All Maglev investigated
could reach speeds of 300mph.

Guideway System

The guideway is constructed where the vehicle wraps

around aT shaped guideway of steel or concrete beams
constructed and erected to very tight tolerances, as
shown in the illustrations above. The attraction by
magnets and the propulsion stator packs on the underside
of the guideway generates lift; attraction between a
second set of vehicle magnets and the edgemounted
guideway rails provides guidance.

Linear Synchronous Motor

The linear Synchronus motor is the motor that is used by

all Maglev operations. It basically energizes discrete guideway
coils through individual inverters, thereby powering the maglev
vehicle. A computer controls each set of coils and synthesizes
a 3 phase wave form, using pulswidth modulation of a direct
supply voltage. Its advantages include a very high overall
efficiency, a significant operating capability, very flexible
vehicle control, and use of the same coils and inverters for
power transfer.

Advantages of Maglev

The main advantage for Maglev is the high capacity

in which it can hold. The maglev concepts that have been
studied so far can deliver 12,000 passengers per hour in
each direction. An equivalent air capacity would be 60
Boeing 767’s per hour in each direction at 1 minute
intervals. Weather conditions is another major advantage
of maglev. Conditions that would normally slow travel
would not be an issue because of the noncontact
propulsion and braking render make it less susceptible to
the restrictions of ice, snow, and rain.
There are further advantages that stem from the fact
that maglev is not dependent on petroleum. While
aircraft must rely exclusively on petroleum, maglev’s
electric power can be supplied from various
sources. Maglev’s low energy consumption, low
maintenance potential offer very low operating expenses.


Magnetic levitation of trains offers many advantages

for the public. With the research conducted it shows
that maglev is a cost-effective, environmentally sound,
alternative transportation system with significant public
benefits. If the U.S. wants to keep up with the newest
means of transportation, we all may be getting aboard a
maglev in the years to come.


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